Nitrogen advice in Flanders Joris De Nies Research station for Vegetables St-Pol-de-Léon, Le 10 décembre 2014 Congrès « Chou-fleur : Les enjeux de la production européenne » Problems with nitrogen Strict legislation on nitrogen General – Ca 767 measuring points on surface water for water quality (max NO3 50 mg/L) – Ca 2100 measuring points on groundwater for water quality Specific for horticulture – Measurements of nitrogen in soil (oct-nov)max 85-90 kgN-NO3/ha – Horticulture 2013: Obligated “advisory system” for vegetables « Chou-fleur : Les enjeux de la production européenne » Principle KNS-system Origine: Germany, Pfalz Kultur-begleitenden Nmin-Sollwert system Main principle Based on target values for nitrogen and the N-content in the soil, according to rooting depth – – – – Soil samples at planting Long growing period (after 5-8 weeks additional samples) Avoiding unpredicted climate conditions (eg rain) Incorporate mineralisation by measuring more frequently (soil mineralisation, crop residues, green manure) – Preventing leaching out « Chou-fleur : Les enjeux de la production européenne » KNS in cauliflower weeks after plant N-uptake cumulative N-uptake Latent N Rooting depth Target value N(0-30) Target value N(0-60) TV with min. (0-30) TV with min. (0-60) 1 1 1 120 30 195 167 Cauliflower 2 3 4 4 8 20 5 12 33 120 120 120 30 30 30 194 190 182 166 162 5 42 75 120 30 6 64 139 80 30 7 57 196 80 60 8 32 228 80 60 9 12 240 80 60 287 245 181 124 92 252 210 146 89 57 154 Target value (TV) 1 N-application (kg N/ha) = TV 1 - N-application (kg N/ha) = TV 2 Nmin content layer 0-60cm Nmin content layer 0-30cm Includes mineralisation, N from crop residues, climate « Chou-fleur : Les enjeux de la production européenne » KNS in cauliflower TV =167 kg N/ha 60 kg N/ha in 0-30 cm layer = N-advice 107 kg N/ha TV =252 kg N/ha Normal situation: 150 kg N/ha in 0-60 cm layer = N-advice 102 kg N/ha High mineralisation: 200 kg N/ha in 0-60 cm layer = N-advice 52 kg N/ha « Chou-fleur : Les enjeux de la production européenne » KNS in early cauliflower weeks after plant N-uptake cumulative N-uptake Latent N Rooting depth Target value N(0-30) Target value N(0-60) TV with min. (0-60) 1 0 0 120 30 Early Cauliflower 2 3 4 5 5 10 15 25 5 15 30 55 120 120 120 120 30 30 30 30 6 45 100 80 30 7 45 145 80 30 8 40 185 80 30 9 10 195 80 60 10 5 200 80 60 280 252 280 252 225 197 180 152 135 107 95 67 85 57 275 247 Advice for whole period 265 237 250 222 Control N in soil Mineralisation: standaard 0,8 kgN/ha/day But lower in spring (soil temperature low) « Chou-fleur : Les enjeux de la production européenne » Principle KNS-system Experience and trials with KNS in vegetables since ’90 at station Adaptations for specific cultures (eg early cauliflower), yield, growing period Farmers confident with KNS, could take samples themselves to analyse by station: quick en cheap 2013: Sampling and advice obligated; samples must be taken by lab: more expensive 2014: Agreement between experimental stations to use adapted KNS-system for N-advice « Chou-fleur : Les enjeux de la production européenne » KNS-system on pilot farms Project to compare KNS with fertilisation strategy farmer 15 fields in Flanders (2006-2009) Comparison Part of the field: – Fertilisation according to KNS – Goal: Minimum amount of leachable N No yield/quality losses Other part by farmer – Usual fertilisation strategy Farmer KNS « Chou-fleur : Les enjeux de la production européenne » KNS-system on pilot farms 70% 45% 30% 20% « Chou-fleur : Les enjeux de la production européenne » KNS N-advice in cauliflower Summary of N advices for cauliflower in 2013 (304 parcels) adviced dose N 0 kgN/ha 1-50 kgN/ha 51-100 kgN/ha 101-150 kgN/ha 151-200 kgN/ha 201-225 kgN/ha >225 kgN/ha % 44,7 12,2 12,5 13,2 10,9 4,3 2,3 soil sampling before planting > 2weeks before planting < 2weeks 0-3weeks 4-7weeks 7-9weeks 10-11weeks >11weeks « Chou-fleur : Les enjeux de la production européenne » % 3,6 40,5 10,9 20,1 14,5 1,0 9,5 KNS N-advice in cauliflower « Chou-fleur : Les enjeux de la production européenne » Difficulties with KNS Mineralisation from soil How many ?? kg N/ha/day Differences between fields History in use from organic matter Monitoring experiment on 15 blanco fields on farms, measurements in soil april-october, 4 Years Range between 0,5 - 1,5 kg N/ha/day → regular soil sampling = getting idea of mineralisation « Chou-fleur : Les enjeux de la production européenne » Soil mineralisation Nitrogen (kgN/ha) Release of nitrogen, sandyloam soil 2% C by layers of 30cm « Chou-fleur : Les enjeux de la production européenne » Evolution of mineralisation 2008-2011 « Chou-fleur : Les enjeux de la production européenne » Difficulties with KNS Cauliflower residues in last culture Low nitrate residue at harvest High nitrate residue in oct-nov No green manures possible Solutions? Undersown of Italian ryegrass/rye? – Sowing 4 weeks after planting Incorporating residues after winter? « Chou-fleur : Les enjeux de la production européenne » Difficulties with KNS Autumn 2013 Spring 2014 Uptake 60-90 kgN/ha by ryegrass Best recovery after entering field Further experiments necessary « Chou-fleur : Les enjeux de la production européenne » Conclusions KNS system Important advice system for cauliflower, vegetables in Flanders Best combination between high production/quality and low nitrate residue No guaranty for threshold value nitrate residue (85 kgN-NO3/ha) Correct estimation of mineralisation How to manage crop residues in autumn. Undersown? « Chou-fleur : Les enjeux de la production européenne » Thank you for your attention! Questions? Joris De Nies Proefstation voor de Groenteteelt « Chou-fleur : Les enjeux de la production européenne »
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