Guest Card December Birthdays For Our Guests What to Expect During Worship Dereonia Tatum .......... 12/2 Bob Bean ..................... 12/4 Name (s) ___________________________________________________ Date:____________ Address ________________________________________________________ Apt _________ City _____________________________________ State _________ Zip _________________ Phone ____________________________ Email _____________________________________ Guest Of _____________________________________________________________________ Timothy Anderson ....... 12/5 Andre Perkins .............. 12/5 Pat Glaspell ............... 12/12 D.J. Caldwell .............. 12/15 Nathaniel Davenport 12/15 Xenia Johnson ........... 12/17 Virginia Costen .......... 12/20 Ellen Pope ................. 12/23 Tressa Tucker ............ 12/25 Bonnie Stevens ......... 12/27 Tim Henry .................. 12/30 PANTRY NEEDS CANNED FRUIT, CRACKERS, JELLY, PEANUT BUTTER, PANCAKE MIX SCHEDULE OF SERVICES Sunday Bible Classes ................. 9:30 a.m. Sunday A.M. Worship .............. 10:30 a.m. Sunday P.M. Small Group .........6:00 p.m. Wednesday Evening ...................7:00 p.m. Singing: We sing a cappella (without instruments). The songs are listed in the bulletin and lyrics are projected on our screen. We also have booklets with music notation available as well. We encourage you to join in, but do not feel obligated; you can just sit and listen. Lord's Supper: Communion is a part of our worship each week. In this simple memorial we remember Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross and we also emphasize the central place of the cross in our faith. Offering: The work at Denbigh is supported totally by the free-will offerings of our members. Our guests are not expected to make a donation. Denbigh Church of Christ Living As God’s Family Under the Cross Loving, Serving, Praising, Proclaiming Order of Worship December 21, 2014 Theme: Joy to the World 1018-Joy to the World (1,3,4) Welcome Preaching: The sermon will be about 20-25 minutes long and centered in Scripture. If our study raises questions, please feel free to ask the minister or one of the elders. After the sermon an invitation will be offered for those with a prayer request or desire for baptism. At this time, we will stand and sing a song. Please don’t feel uncomfortable; you will not be singled out in any way. 995-It Came Upon a Midnight Clear (1,4) Children’s Church: At some point during each morning assembly (usually before the sermon) children ages 2-5 will be dismissed to a class for a special lesson. An attended nursery is also provided. Usually at this time, we will take a few minutes to stand and greet each other. Prayer of Praise 1012-Go Tell it on the Mountain Reading: Luke 2:1-14 1028- O Holy Night 1017- Away in a Manger 1001-Hark the Herald Angels Sing 1002-Angels We Have Heard 1003-Silent Night Communion (Welcome to Our World) Teen Young Adult Married Single Over 35 Moved from ____________________ Have a minister or elder contact me Need info on becoming a member CHURCH OFFICE 205 DENBIGH BLVD. NEWPORT NEWS, VA 23608 (757) 877-4322 Email: Website: ELDERS BOB BEAN ........................ 757-886-1015 ART EDLOW ...................... 757-329-8881 DAVID STEVENS ................ 757-969-1300 JOE TATUM ....................... 757-870-0443 MINISTERS CHARLES “TUCK” TUCKER .. 757-234-3298 ROGER BROWN ................. 757-898-0155 Expected of You: Participate in any way in which you are comfortable. We do ask you to fill out a Guest Card (at left). We are honored that you chose to visit with us today. We hope that you will stay around for a few minutes after our services so that we can become better acquainted. We also hope that you will come to see us as we see ourselves, a group of people who love Jesus and are doing our best to serve Him. Please come back and worship with us at each and every opportunity that you have. The Preacher Who Stole Christmas Giving (997-O Come All Ye Faithful) Sermon: Guest Speaker, David Stevens 1018 Joy to the World (1,2) Shepherd’s Prayer Dismissal There was a news story of several members of the same church who had their homes robbed on Christmas Eve… by their preacher. They were cleaned out of Christmas presents, and police arrested the preacher inside one house. She claimed she just happened to see someone sneak into the church’s member’s house and followed them in through a window. Yeah, sounds reasonable. The headline was, “The Preacher Who Stole Christmas.” There was once a strong tradition in Churches of Christ of celebrating Christmas as a time of remembering the coming of Jesus. No one thought Jesus was born on December 25, but Christmas was a way to focus attention on the fact of His coming. But then preachers started banging away at that tradition as being too pagan, too Catholic, too Baptist, too denominational. Preachers made this such an issue that Christmas all but vanished from our religious tribe. So maybe there was a preacher who stole Christmas! Tom Olbricht has said, “The love of Christmas celebration corresponds with one’s Christology.” If you believe that the incarnation, the fact that “God became flesh and dwelt among us.” is the beginning point for talking about the nature of Christ, then the idea of Christmas is very important. It speaks of Jesus’ vulnerability, His weakness, His humanity. Olbricht suggests that the reason why some preachers didn’t have any interest in Christmas was because they had no interest in seeing Christ as a child. The youngest Jesus with whom they could identify was the Lukan Jesus at twelve in the temple. Already he was arguing with the religious leaders and coming out the winner. Their Christ was a combatant, virile, logic splitting adult. He was constantly arguing with all comers and topping them every time. Their Christ was never as exposed, as vulnerable, as cuddly, as creating oohs and ahs on all sides as the babe in the manger in Bethlehem. He never drew people to him through love or through his peaceful countenance. Their Christ won adherents through powerful logic and polemic. So better already for them that they thought Christmas was pagan from square one! The power of the Christmas story is that in Christ, God did become flesh. He did make himself human and therefore vulnerable. Without this fact, we never get to the message of the cross. Sure, Jesus did become the Master Teacher to put his opponents to flight. He did become the Messiah of the cross. He did become the resurrected Christ. And He has become the allsovereign King who reigns forever and before whom every knee will bow. But that story does not take flight without the manger. And therefore Christmas really does become very important in our view of the world. I’m sorry that we had a preacher who stole Christmas and that it was gone when I was a kid. And I’m glad that we have gotten it back! — HTTP://DENBIGH.ORG/CATEGORY/TUCKS-BLOG/ Holiday Schedule PORT FRANK LOGAN CENTER FRONT ROGER JOHNSON Help Wanted Hayward Glaspell is looking for a few good men, or women, to give him some assistance. He has singlehandedly kept our facilities from returning to the dust for many years. Now he is asking for a few helping hands to change air filters and light bulbs throughout the building as needed. Also needed is someone willing to clean and maintain the baptistry area. Please see Hayward or Bob Bean today if you can help in either of these areas. RIGHT FRONT TORA ANDERSON RIGHT REAR KENYATTA DAILEY GREETER/USHER JOHNNY BRADLEY COMPUTER Jacob Peterson’s brother Earl (stroke) Charlie Tucker (dialysis) is doing much better Helen Johnson’s brother (stroke) Helen Johnson’s sister Emma Sneed and Julia Denton’s parents (aging issues) Lynn Tucker’s cousin, Linda Starke (aggressive kidney and lymph node cancer) Jeff Denton (effects of long-term cancer treatments) Norma Johnson and Nathaniel Davenport (shut-in) RACHEL BEAN NURSERY ESTHER STEVENS OLIVIA SWEATT Crystal Houston and their families’ struggles ELDER’S BLESSING Travelers over the holiday season BOB BEAN CHILDRENS CHURCH SARAH GOODEYON SEAN GOODEYON MARY JOY STEVENS OUTSIDE SIGN BRENDA RICHARDS For December COMMUNION PREP: STEVENS CLEAN: J.COLSON BREAD: BEAN OTHER CONCERNS: Our church finances Tamara Phelps working and going to college Crystal Sweatt at language school in California Ukraine and continuing unrest in that country Expectant mother Ryan Schneider (March) Our mission works in India, Uganda, France, Ukraine and Zambia Pray for God’s strength and wisdom for our elders Tom Byrd upcoming wedding October 2015 Please contact the church office, 877-4322, with updates Upcoming Events Our Daily Bible Reading from Power for Today Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 2 Timothy 4: 5-8 Hebrews 8: 7-13 Hebrews 11: 32-34 James 1: 19-27 2 Samuel 24: 1-25 James 2: 14-22 James 4: 13-17 December 24,31 No Bible Classes December 28 No Sunday a.m. Bible Classes; Worship @ 10:30 December 31 New Year’s Eve Party 8 p.m.– 2015 January 1, 2015 Happy New Year! Information to Share The new year is just around the corner and that means a blank slate with a chance to try new things. There are sheets posted on the hallway bulletin board so you can do just that. We are looking for folks willing to help with Communion Prep and Clean-up, Nursery Volunteers, Children’s Church, change the sign outside, and other tasks. Here’s your chance to try something new. LONNIE COLSON Sammy Richards (continued health concerns) ___________________________________________ More Opportunities to Serve CENTER REAR Brenda Richards (continued health concerns) Member (s) Present ________________________________ Date:__________ LEFT REAR Yolanda Bowens, friend of Virginia Costen (cancer) ___________________________________________ OFFERING ............................ $3255 PETER STEVENS ________________________________________________________________ COFFEE HOUSE ....................... 114 LEFT FRONT Linda Shoun (broken arm) ___________________________________________ SUNDAY A.M. W ORSHIP ............ 167 DAVID STEVENS Corliss Edge’s friend, Glenda Knight (cancer) Please Pray: _____________________________________________________ BIBLE CLASS............................ 91 TABLE TALK Bruce Gaynon (several health issues) ___________________________________________ FOR THE RECORD PRAYER TROY BOWSER Pat Glaspell (recovering from back surgery) ________________________________________________________________ … will resume on Tuesday, January 6 at 9:30 a.m. Come on out and join in the fellowship and wonderful Bible-based discussion. The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren is the topic of our discussion and facilitators will vary weekly. Our annual New Years Eve party will be held right here at the building on December 31 beginning at 8:00 p.m. Bring some finger foods and drinks to share and be ready to join in some fun and games until near midnight. We’ll have a short devotional to help us reflect on “out with the old and in with the new” and where the past years’ walk with God has led us. What better way to start off the new year than with your brothers and sisters and focusing on God! TONY BRIGGS Mark West’s father (dementia) ___________________________________________ Ladies Class … Ring in the New Year READING: ________________________________________________________________ The teen group has been busy every Saturday and some weekday afternoons raking leaves to raise money for their Winterfest trip. They are looking forward to Winterfest and your support is greatly appreciated. Winterfest youth rally is being held February 20-22, 2015 in Gatlinburg, TN. This gathering of 12 thousand teens and sponsors is a highlight for our teens spiritual “recharging”. Contact Roger Brown to schedule a Saturday. Thank you for allowing our teens to work in your yard. Will King is going to be offering a free photography class, “Let There Be Light” beginning Saturday, January 3. The class will go from 9-11 a.m. every Saturday during the month of January and will cover various topics of photography and relate them to our walk with God. This class is open to everyone who has an interest in photography. Bring your camera and invite a friend. HEALTH CONCERNS:. Next Week (Dec. 28) _____________________________________________________ Leaf Raking for Winterfest Please make note of the schedule changes for Bible classes during the holiday season. There will be no Wednesday night classes on December 24 or December 31 (but come out for the New Year’s Eve celebration) and there will be no Sunday morning Bible class on December 28. There will still be worship service at 10:30 a.m. Enjoy the holidays, spend some relaxing time with family and friends and get rejuvenated for the new year! New Photography Class Prayer Concerns _____________________________________________ Put this in the bulletin? If a few of our members are looking a little tired this morning, it’s probably because they spent last night or this morning (or both!) helping out at the PORT homeless shelter. With the cold nights upon us, it is a wonderful blessing for the homeless to have somewhere warm to sleep and receive a good meal. Thanks to all of you for all the ways you help to support this ministry. Our next time to help is 1/15/15. Serving Member Card News and Notes of Interest
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