volume 39, issue 24 always available online at www.uuccharlotte.org December 17, 2014 The Mission of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Charlotte is to inspire children, youth and adults to discover and articulate deeper spiritual meaning evidenced in lives of integrity, compassion and stewardship of the earth. La misión de la iglesia Unitaria Universalista de Charlotte es: inspirar a los niños, jóvenes y adultos para que descubran y articulen un significado espiritual profundo, evidente en una vida de integridad, compasión y en el manejo de los recursos de la tierra. HOLIDAY HEADQUARTERS IN THE GIVING SEASON, SOME THOUGHTS ON GIVING Celebrate Commitment! The holidays are upon us. The Unitarian Universalist Church of Charlotte has a variety of events to help you celebrate. Check out our full list of holiday events and volunteer opportunities below. Holiday Events Please join us for our annual Winter Solstice Service on Saturday, December 20 – rain or shine! (PLEASE NOTE: The gathering time is 4:45 p.m. and not 4:15 as previously announced!) UUCC will hold its popular annual winter solstice service on Saturday, December 20. The service will take place outof-doors around a roaring fire in the UUCC driveway circle, or in the event of rain, in Freeman Fellowship Hall. This engaging and celebratory gathering will offer singing, drumming, festive music as well as a Yuletide story for all ages. We ask that participants wear warm clothing and bring a chair to sit in (if the service is indoors, chairs will be supplied). Please plan to arrive at 4:45 p.m. to tie your bundle of twigs (supplied) for a fire offering during the service. The service will be immediately followed by a dessert reception. Happy Yule! Christmas Eve Services Wednesday, December 24 starting at 4:00 p.m. There will be two family/children-friendly services at 4:00 and 6:00 p.m. At 8:00 p.m. we will have a Celebratory Service with the Adult Choir and brief homily. All of the ser(Continued on page 4) As the solstice and “solstice holidays” approach, I find myself reflecting on the meaning of giving. For most UU's, our Christian heritage, societal context, and the adoption of pagan customs by our Christian brothers—think Santa Claus and Christmas trees—are leading us to think about gifts for those we love. For many the challenge is finding a gift for someone who already has everything she or he needs. As your stewardship rep, I suggest you ask, does your church have everything it needs? When I began writing this, I had just come home from hearing Minister Jay Leach’s deeply thoughtful sermon on whether we have what we have because we earned/deserve it, or because of the accidents of our births and the attendant (Continued on page 5) Ah-hA! SOCIAL JUSTICE AUCTION Scheduled for Saturday, May 2, 2015 We know UUs have a strong history rooted in social justice. And we know our congregation demonstrates its commitment to justice, equity and compassion in human relations through ongoing efforts centered on Homelessness and Affordable Housing, a focus chosen by a vote of the congregation in 2008. But did you know?...The UUCC Social Justice Team makes significant grants to Charlotte-based agencies working to address the root causes of homelessness in our community. (Continued on page 10) Page 1 FROM THE MINISTER Now that we in the northern hemisphere have arrived at the darkest time of the year—the week with the shortest days and longest nights—my thoughts turn to . . . metaphor. Stick with me: the connection may become a bit more obvious. George Lakoff is a professor of linguistics and cognitive science and is recognized as a master of metaphor study. In More Than Cool Reason Lakoff explains: “Metaphors are so commonplace we often fail to notice them.” Lakoff offers a familiar example: the metaphor “life is a journey.” We know that’s not literally true; living doesn’t really equate to “going somewhere.” But, because it helps us make and communicate meaning, we engage this metaphor frequently—“It’s time to move on.” “I feel stuck.” “She helped show me the way.” “We’re at a crossroad.” “When we look back, we can see how far we’ve come.” I began this column with a variation of that metaphor: “Now that we in the northern hemisphere have arrived at the darkest time of the year . . .” We’re so wellacquainted with the metaphor “life is a journey” that we accept the claim that we have arrived at a time of the year without needing to stop and analyze it. As Lakoff claims, we engage metaphor “unconsciously and automatically, with so little effort that we hardly notice it.” Let’s consider another commonly used metaphor, one that is also offered in a variety of ways. “I was kept in the dark.” “He was in a dark mood.” “Dark money.” “Dark horse.” “A shot in the dark.” “Dark humor.” We readily understand each of these idioms. We also understand, without giving it too much thought, that when used metaphorically “dark” almost always has a negative connotation. What may be less apparent is how equating darkness with ignorance or depression or evil or other kinds of negative experiences may function at the subconscious level as a way of making assumptions about people. Consider, for example, that among the words a common online dictionary offers as antonyms for the word “dark” are: “intelligent, joyful, vivacious, moral, good, clean, hopeful.” So, subconsciously, what might that suggest about darker people? Jacqui James is a retired Unitarian Universalist religious educator and staff member of our Unitarian Universalist Association. She wrote on this topic several years ago, a piece that begins: Page 2 Blackmail, blacklist, black mark, Black Monday, black mood, black-hearted. Black plague, black mass, black marker. Good guys wear white, bad guys wear black. We fear black cats, and the Dark Continent. But it’s okay to tell a white lie, lily-white hands are coveted, it’s great to be pure as the driven snow. In keeping with George Lakoff’s claims, James emphasizes: “We shape language and are shaped by it.” Making the connection completely explicit, she asserts: “Ascribing negative and positive values to black and white enhances the institutionalization of this culture’s racism.” I don’t think Jacqui James is claiming that using “dark” or “black” as a metaphor for negative or evil makes one a racist. I do think she is trying to call attention to the way this language functions subconsciously, “with so little effort that we hardly notice it.” In this darkest time of the year, we find our nation embroiled in upheaval. Cries of “no justice, no peace” and “black lives matter” and “I can’t breathe” are sounding in our streets here in Charlotte and around the country. The attention given to the killing of unarmed black men has forced more of us to admit what some of us have known all along: justice—in policing, in the courts, in the criminal “justice” system—is not blind. Justice still sees black and white, dark and light and, too often, makes assumptions in keeping with problematic metaphors. Am I suggesting that a metaphor caused a white, 6’4″, armed, trained police officer sitting in an SUV to perceive an unarmed black teenager as, in his words, a “demon?” Of course not. My suggestion in this season is this: our inherently unjust, inequitable system can only change if all of us—black and white and all others too—examine the ways we not only participate in the system as it is but help keep current ways of thinking and acting in place. We must be willing to scrutinize our own lives carefully, not settling for the assumption that there aren’t really any changes we need to make. Language is subtle and . . . powerful. As Heidegger put it, “Language is the house of Being. In its home [humankind] dwells.” When we risk bringing what is subconscious to the conscious level, when we examine ways of speaking that “are so commonplace we often fail to notice them,” we may find that, as Jacqui James puts it: The words black and dark don’t need to be destroyed or ignored, only balanced and reclaimed in their wholeness. The words white and light don’t need to be destroyed or ignored, only balanced and reclaimed in their wholeness. Imagine a world that had only light—or dark. We need both. Dark and light. Light and dark. Peace, Jay I am not a metaphor or symbol. This you hear is not the wind in the trees, Nor a cat being maimed in the street. I am being maimed in the street. It is I who weep, laugh, feel pain or joy. Calvin C. Hernton from “The Distant Drum” SUNDAYS AT THE UUCC Sunday Morning Volunteer Opportunities Now Hear This! Your Sound Booth Crew is in a recruiting mode. We need two or three technologically-unafraid individuals to join the monthly rotation for Sunday morning sound booth duty. We will train you. Please be prepared to commit to take a spot at the controls one service per month. Contact doug@uuccharlotte.org if interested. Am I Getting Warmer Yet? Got a hankering to control the thermostat in the Sanctuary? Or be Jay’s right-hand gal or guy if other facility-related issues arise? Live out those fantasies by volunteering for Sunday morning Building & Grounds duty. The time commitment is just one service per month! Easy peezy! Contact doug@uuccharlotte.org if interested. TEAM SPOTLIGHT Meet the UUCC Communications Team The UUCC Communications Team’s charge is to serve the congregation by developing and carrying out strategies and tasks that help fulfill our mission and ends statements using a variety of communications media. You surely have seen our work, but you may not know who was responsible for many of the brochures, flyers, posters and other media that communicate our messages both internally and to the community at large. In February, your UUCC Communications Team plans to launch a new church website, the product of many months of work by the Team, other dedicated volunteers and staff members, and the web developer hired to create an updated digital portal to so much of our important information and essential online functions. Some of you have contributed photos of church events and activities for the website, and we plan to use some of them in the final design. We are still accepting photos. When you are ready to upload, please send an email to uuphotos@icloud.com. We will respond with information on how to access the Dropshots website we use to collect submissions. In addition to projects such as the website that serve the whole congregation, the team assists other teams, groups and gatherings and the UUCC staff on an as-needed basis. For example, we are helping develop materials for the upcoming stewardship campaign that kicks off in February, and we will soon be helping the Social Justice Team publicize their May 2 auction. Please contact Doug Swaim or me if you have communications needs, whether you have a specific project in mind or you just need advice on getting your message out. Barry Ahrendt, Chair Communications Team Loyd Dillon Melissa Schropp Margie Storch Paul Turner Jim Van Fleet Denise Weldon Doug Swaim, Staff Page 3 (“Holiday Headquarters” continued from page 1) vices will focus in a celebratory way on the Christmas Story. They will each conclude with candle-lighting and singing. Receptions will be held between the services at 5:00 and 7:00 p.m. Christmas Day Dinner Thursday, December 25 from 3:00-5:00 p.m. What could possibly be better than sharing Christmas dinner with your fellow UUs? Join us for the third annual UUCC Christmas Dinner! Sign up to bring your specialty, whether it's your amazing green bean casserole or your decadent cheesecake. Appetizers and conversation will start at 3:00 p.m., and dinner will commence promptly at 4:00 p.m. We'll celebrate with good cheer, good friends and good food. Questions? Need help getting there? Email Lisa Hagen at lishagen@gmail.com. Ho-ho-hope to see you there! Begin Your New Year with a Healthy Start Outdoor Adventure Group’s January Hike Thursday, January 1 As some from our group did last year, and for those who might be interested in starting off the New Year with a healthy activity, our adventure group will once again be heading to nearby Crowders Mountain State Park in Gastonia on Thursday, January 1, 2015. We will meet at 11:30 a.m. in the UUCC Parking Lot and plan on arriving back by 4:00 p.m. Please dress appropriately and bring water, snacks and lunch. Holiday Scheduling Office Closings and Voices Schedule Office Closings: UUCC Offices will be closed on Thursdays, December 25 and January 1 in observation of the Christmas and New Year holidays respectively. Voices Schedule: Voices is now on its extended schedule for the holidays and will resume its biweekly schedule on January 25, 2015. Page 4 Volunteer Opportunities Contribute JOY to These Events We have two memorable rituals in December –the Winter Solstice Service for the Whole Congregation beginning near sunset Saturday, December 20 and the traditional Christmas Eve services. For the Winter Solstice Service, we need volunteers to make ginger cookies. We’ll even provide a simple recipe for 4 dozen cookies. Please email martha@uuccharlotte.org if your family would like to make these cookies and bring them to church before the service. For Christmas Eve, we will be hosting two receptions and would love to have an array of cookies— all shapes and colors. Your SWEET donations will ensure that this is a JOYFUL event for all! Please sign up in Freeman Hall or send an email to martha@uuccharlotte.org. Christmas Day Dinner is being held in Freeman Hall. If you would like to join us for a potluck dinner with all of the traditional fixings, please sign up for a course at the Adult Programming Table. Lisa Hagen and her family are organizing if you would like to volunteer in additional ways: lishagen@gmail.com. Room In the Inn Where will you be sleeping tonight? Room in the Inn, an interfaith program sponsored by the Urban Ministry Center, provides a warm bed and three meals each day from December through March for folks who would otherwise be out in the cold. UUCC has participated in this very worthy project for many years. We provide shelter for nine adults each Sunday night. We need your help! If you are not already on the list and would like to consider being one of the approximately 20 volunteers who make this shelter happen each week by setting up, driving, cooking, hosting, and/or cleaning, please email Rocky Hendrick at rockyhendrick@mindspring.com or go to www.signupgenius.com and pick a date. (“In the Giving Season” continued from page 1) advantages our families have given us. This got me to thinking about my own good fortune and the benefits of privilege I enjoy. I was born white, to middle-class parents—both scientists and highly educated—I am highly educated, I have a good job, and I was born a Unitarian! The statement "to whom much is given, much is expected..." comes to mind. I first became conscious of this quote as something Bill Gates attributed to his father. I decided to find its origin (via Google of course) and discovered it is one of many paraphrases of Luke 12:48: Everyone to whom much was given, of him much will be required, and from him to whom they entrusted much, they will demand the more. We—most of us—have been given a great deal. So, yes, much is expected. And giving to our church is giving to real need and carries real benefits. Without our commitment and generosity to our church, it would not exist. But does our church have everything that it needs? Do you know there are very few churches our size with only one minister? As we are again looking to hire that second minister we probably should have had ten years ago, this year would be a good one to increase our stewardship commitment. Giving generously repays itself with the good it does for our church, and it empowers us to be a liberal religious voice in our larger community. This year we will continue the stewardship campaign theme of “Celebrate Commitment!” Everyone will receive a "commitment" mailing in January. We will kick off the campaign on February 8 with "Commitment Sunday" when we will invite you to step forward and put your pledge card in a basket. This will be followed with a set of "bookend" parties—the first on February 14, and the second four weeks later, March 14. The February party will be Valentine's Day themed (it will be Valentine's Day after all!), and the March party will be St. Patrick's Day themed (it's close, and there's something about the color green!). This will close the self-service portion of our campaign and begin the period when your Stewardship Team will start actively reaching out to those members who have not committed. While we are being generous to our families and loved ones this holiday season, let's also consider being generous to our religious community. it’s funny it’s so you can’t even walk out in the streets anymore some maniac might shoot you in cold blood. what kind of world is this? I don’t know. Michael Goode from “April 4, 1968” COMMUNITY BUILDING Tables for Eight Tables for Eight is a wonderful, fun way to get to know members in an informal setting. Dinners take place on fourth Saturdays of the month: January 24, February 28, March 28 and April 25. We’re making a slight change for this next round—the participants will share the responsibility for the meal so that the host is more able to enjoy the evening along with the guests. Sign-ups will continue in Freeman Hall through December or by contacting Althea Clark (altheaclark@verizon.net). Please know that anyone over 18 can participate—singles, couples, visitors, friends, and members. Open Mind Book Club Monday, January 5 at 7:30 p.m. in the Conference Room The Open Mind Book Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, January 5 in the Conference Room. We will be discussing The Signature of All Things by Elizabeth Gilbert. Please RSVP to Gwynne Movius at (704) 366-9409 if you plan to attend. The night is beautiful, So the faces of my people. Langston Hughes from “My People” Lincoln Baxter Stewardship Team Page 5 ADULT RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Exploring Humanism Thursday, January 1 at 7:00 p.m. in the Bernstein Room Dick Kistler, a retired electrical engineer and very well read member of the UUCC, will be presenting on Waking Up: A Guide to Spirituality Without Religion by Sam Harris. Sam Harris's new book is a guide to meditation as a rational spiritual practice informed by neuroscience and psychology. From multiple New York Times best-selling author, neuroscientist, and "new atheist" Sam Harris, Waking Up is for the 30 percent of Americans who follow no religion, but who suspect that Jesus, Buddha, Lao Tzu, Rumi, and the other saints and sages of history could not have all been epileptics, schizophrenics, or frauds. Throughout the book, Harris argues that there are important truths to be found in the experiences of such contemplatives—and, therefore, that there is more to understanding reality than science and secular culture generally allow. Waking Up is part seeker's memoir and part exploration of the scientific underpinnings of spirituality. TED for the Soul (evening) Tuesday, January 6 at 7:00 p.m. in the Bernstein Room What if we embraced our imperfections and vulnerability and engaged in our lives from a place of authenticity? This TED Talk speaker suggests that what makes us vulnerable is also what makes us beautiful and worthy. Join us in the Bernstein Room on Tuesday, January 6 at 7:00 p.m. to watch the talk and discuss how we might apply this message to our own lives. “I came as a shadow I stand now a light; The depth of my darkness Transfigures your night.” Lewis Alexander in “Nocture Varial” Page 6 Writing Your Spiritual Journey Facilitated by Kathleen Moloney-Tarr and Carol Hartley If you have heard about this course, then you probably know that it has become one of the most popular, life-changing courses at the UUCC. Last February, after seven years of procrastination, I finally committed myself to this experience. I am so grateful for the time I have been able to devote to writing and sharing with this special, intentional group of members. And now I can’t imagine my life at the UUCC without each one of them. You do not have to be an expert writer to join—only an authentic seeker. --UUCC member and participant If you are curious about your spiritual path and the stories of other’s experiences, then join us to explore the holiness of the ordinary in our lives. This shared experience offers space to see and make sense of your life experience through discussion, writing exercises, drawing and reading with the intent to produce a short spiritual autobiography. Perhaps you seek continuity between your inner world and the outer world, between your past self and who you are now, or between what you claim to believe and how you live. Perhaps you sense a power beyond you that influences and gives greater meaning to your life. Perhaps your life is shifting in focus and intention. It is with curiosity and an eye to the sacred in each life that we write our stories. We’ll gather for six sessions that include warm-up prompts, individual writing, revising and readings. We’ll write three preliminary pieces and create a spiritual roadmap in preparation for writing a draft of our spiritual autobiography. Course is limited to 12 members, Thursdays, January 8March 5, 7:00-9:00 p.m. Sign-up closes at the end of December. To Sign-up email martha@uuccharlotte.org or at the Adult Programming Table in Freeman Hall. Podcasts of Jay’s Sunday Sermons Available on UUCC Website If you have missed a recent Sunday service or you would like would like to hear a podcast of just Jay’s Sunday sermons, please visit our website at http://www.uuccharlotte.org/all_podcasts.asp. Sermons are also available on iTunes, our RSS feed and via our Facebook page. 2nd Sunday Topic Discussion Sunday, January 11 at 10:30 a.m. in the Bernstein Room This is an opportunity to meet with the Minister to share your thoughts, ask questions, and hear others’ views relative to the sermon topic for that day. Begins promptly at 10:30 a.m. in the Bernstein Room. January Topic: Pluralism A New Look at Unitarian-Universalist History Lincoln Baxter, 5th Generation UU, will lead the discussion on a six-part documentary new film series, Long Strange Trip, which provides an engaging oral and pictorial history of Unitarian and Universalist thought from the beginning of the Christian era to what we know today as Unitarian Universalism. This course will present our rich (and largely suppressed history) and give participants the opportunity to relate this history to contemporary Unitarian Universalism and connect our individual journeys to this history, Unitarian Universalism in general, and the UUCC in particular. We will gather on Thursdays, January 15-February 19, 7:00 -8:30 p.m. in the Bernstein room. To sign-up for WAIT LIST only: email martha@uuccharlotte.org or visit the Adult Programming Table in Freeman Hall. Spirit In Practice Begins January 20 Spirit in Practice was created to help Unitarian Universalists develop regular disciplines, or practices, of the spirit— practices that help them connect with the sacred ground of their being, however they understand it. Drawing on a model developed by the Zen Mountain Monastery in Mount Tremper, New York, for the training of its students, Spirit in Practice focuses on eight spheres of holistic and wholehearted spiritual practices. These eight spheres are: Personal spiritual practices Communal worship practices Spiritual partnerships Mind practices Body practices Soul practices Life practices Justice practices These sessions will be led by different facilitators who have special interests in the Practice, including Kathleen Moloney-Tarr, Martha Kniseley, Jay Leach, Janet Frederick, Carol Hartley, Marsha Kelly, Bernice Mar, and Kelly Greene. To register for this course, please visit the Adult Programming Table in Freeman Hall or email martha@uuccharlotte.org. Space is limited to 15. MEMORIAL ENDOWMENT TRUST You Might Already Be a Chalice Society Member and Not Know It! That’s what happened to me. Years ago I designated a bequest to the UUCC in my will, but I did not know that by doing so I had (qualified to) become a Chalice Society member. The specifics of that bequest remain private, but I am glad to acknowledge more publicly that I have made a legacy commitment to the UUCC. And, I would like to encourage you to do so also. Why would you do this? As you’ve read from other Chalice Society members, it simply feels good to know you’ll help sustain this vital spiritual community beyond your lifetime. I believe that most of us appreciate the generosity and commitment of those who came before us, those who established and helped to ensure the financial viability of the UUCC. I find comfort in knowing I’ve joined those elders by making a legacy commitment that will benefit unknown others in the future. To be honest, we have a rather small (13 %) percentage of Chalice Society members in our UUCC midst. I don’t believe it is because we don’t care about whether the UUCC continues to thrive for decades to come. I suspect the low Chalice Society membership may be, in part, attributable to the human inclination to avoid thinking about life beyond our own. I also believe that some of us are ill-informed, like I was, about the purpose and membership requirements of the Society. It’s truly not a difficult thing to do. You do need a will— and if you haven’t taken care of that, well, you should. And in your will you need to designate a bequest to the UUCC. While there are several different financial ways to make a legacy commitment to the UUCC, some less and some a bit more complicated, a bequest to the UUCC is your admission into the Chalice Society. I am completely out of my league with all the financial wizards on the Memorial Endowment Trust board that I have recently joined. I’m only one step beyond keeping money under my mattress. And even I have joined the Chalice Society. If I can join, so can you! And if you need further financial advice about how to accomplish this, the MET board financial wizards—Dana Hershey, Gwynne Movius, Richard Pratt and Cathlean Utzig—as well as Doug Swaim, our Interim Director of Administration, will be more than glad to help you. Laurie Reed, Trustee Memorial Endowment Trust Page 7 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH (CYRE) From the Director . . . … about fifteen minutes into the pageant, Mary (aged 4 1/2) and one of the angels of the lord got into an altercation over the drape of Mary's veil while the heavenly (and human) choirs sang. The angel was determined to continue the beauty makeover, and Mary kept swatting at her until the second angel of the lord, who thought Mary's hair need work, got involved - must have been an archangel - she was pretty bossy. Before I could intervene in graceful way, Mary stood up, lower lip in a great pout, grabbed baby Jesus by the heel, slung him over her shoulder and marched off the chancel and out of the Sanctuary. Ah yes, it’s that time of the year. So many stories about THE story. … The service ended abruptly when Joseph became quite belligerent with the innkeeper, insisted that his pregnant wife needed a bed to sleep. In and then dragged Mary and the donkey into the inn, collapsing the entire set. Living in the U.S., it’s almost impossible to not know the Christmas Nativity story. We hear it interpreted in song, film and book. The story is filled with messages about acceptance, faith, hardship, sharing, wonder, and love. I personally like to think of it as a work of art. And like all works of art, it is open to interpretation. Which means you may not see what I see, and I may not see what you see. But there lies its beauty, its depth and its mystery. For this is a story representative of spiritual truths and timeless values, and of a man who tried to teach the world how to truly live. Many Unitarian Universalists love the retelling of the nativity story for the tradition it represents in their lives. Others are uncomfortable with it. For the latter, I challenge you to ignore the ideas and interpretations that cause discomfort and to embrace those that you find valuable and spiritually rich. Every year, we tell the story here during our Christmas Eve family services, now offered at 4:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. And we don’t just tell it, we act it out—or rather our children do. These are no-rehearsal performances, with roles for interested children of all ages. I will be recruiting actors immediately before each service so be sure to arrive in the Sanctuary in time for your child to volunteer. This service Page 8 is a magical ritual in many of our member’s lives. Please join us. In the last issue of Voices, I reminded parents about the Holiday Care Baskets being prepared for selected members of our congregation. I shared that the Elementary and Preschool classes were focusing their December 7 class time on this project, discussing community and then creating cards and ornaments to place in the baskets. I want to end my column today acknowledging that for many people, the weeks between Thanksgiving and New Years can be the most difficult time of the year. For you, I wish peace and acceptance and the knowledge that you are not alone. And for the others here, I urge you to reflect on these wondering questions: “I wonder what you do that makes you feel like an important part of our church.” “I wonder if everyone feels joyful in the holiday season.” “I wonder how you feel when you do something especially nice for someone else.” I hope all of you join us on Christmas Eve as we come together in celebration as a congregational family. (Note: There is also a more reflective service at 8:00 p.m.) Yours in Faithful Partnership, Kathleen Carpenter, Director of Religious Education for Children and Youth Mark Your Calendars Saturday, December 20: Solstice service (see details on page 1). Sunday, December 21: Regular classes held. Wednesday, December 24: Family-friendly Christmas Eve services at 4:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. Sunday, December 28: Special CYRE Programming – regular classes not held. Sunday, January 4: Sign Ups for Luna Rising and for February Friends Begin Friday-Saturday, January 9-10: 10th-12th Our Whole Lives (OWL) class retreat Saturday, January 10: 8th-9th Our Whole Lives (OWL) class retreat Sunday, January 11: Operation Sandwich 1:15 p.m.; 5th6th Our Whole Lives (OWL) Parent/Child Orientation Luna Rising 2015 – It’s Time to Celebrate! It’s Time to Sign Up for our February Friends Program Saturday, January 31 Non-Parents and Folks with Grown Children Especially Welcome! I live with my husband and two of my four sons, so it was just wonderful to be with a group of women all day! I appreciated the great variety of topics, the passion of the presenters and the spirit of all concerned. I loved getting to spend the day with my daughter, watching her take on new experiences with such joy. Luna Rising is a wonderful space to gather with other women to build trust and form deeper connection with our feminine selves and one another. My two daughters wake up on the morning of Luna Rising at the crack of dawn, so excited and ready to go. It’s their favorite day of the year! Are you a newcomer to UUCC or are you looking to make a new friend—from another generation? Join our February Friends Adventure, and you will be treated to some intrigue, multigenerational mixing, fab food, fun and community outreach! This year marks the sixth year for Luna Rising and we are celebrating by naming it “The Year of the Mother”, recognizing the importance of all stages of life and life experience. Registration for the day-long celebration is open. You can sign up with Kathleen Carpenter (in the RE office or by mail) or at the table in Freeman Hall after services on January 4, 11, 18, and 25. There is a suggested donation of $30/Adult and $10/Under 14, with a maximum family donation of $45. Scholarships are available by contacting Kathleen Carpenter at kathleen@uuccharlotte.org. This event is a wonderful multigenerational celebration, with many workshops and both the opening and closing ceremonies open to all ages. Part of the mission of the annual event is to help young girls learn about their personal power in a safe, empowering setting. Expect a warm, friendly environment, charged with female energy and plenty of opportunities for spiritual exploration. 2015 workshops titles include: Drumming with the Goddess; The Power of your Birth Story; Finding Balance with Reiki; Gentle Yoga; Memory Boxes; the Adult MotherDaughter Relationship; Creating Sacred Space and Altars; Prayer Beads; Knit a Square and Get Health Benefits!; Mindfulness and the Art of Self Compassion... and many more! More details can be obtained by stopping by the table after either the four January services or by contacting Kathleen at kathleen@uuccharlotte.org. This annual program secretly pairs children ages four years to fourth grade with youth sixth grade and older OR adults. All teens must be active in our CYRE Program and all adults must be UUCC members and approved by Kathleen, our Director of RE for Children and Youth. Beginning Sunday, January 4, you can sign up on the CYRE page UUCC’s website or complete a hardcopy of the registration form, available at the table in Freeman Hall or on the table in the CYRE wing. All program participants must plan to attend “The Big Reveal” Party & Potluck on February 28 from 5:00-7:00 p.m. in Freeman Hall. More details will be provided in the next issue of Voices and in CYRE E-blasts. Please contact CYRE staff with any questions. Put my black father on the penny put his smile at me on the dime put my mother on the dollar . . . Vanessa Howard from “Monument in Black” UU Kids Living Out Their Values Let us hear about YOUR kids! Has your child demonstrated his or her commitment to our values through personal achievement/leadership? If so, send a few lines to Kathleen@uuccharlotte.org. Page 9 SOCIAL JUSTICE NEWS CONTINUED (“Ah-hA Auction” continued from page 1) And did you know?...The funds for these grants come exclusively from monies raised at the UUCC Auction! This year’s Social Justice Auction will be a fun opportunity for both fundraising and friendraising as we unite to devote our time, energy and resources to this important work. So much goes into the planning and implementation of a successful auction. Please consider volunteering for an organizing committee and/or making a donation. Contact Craig Miller (craigmmiller@hotmail.com) or Trish Hevey (trishhevey@yahoo.com), auction co-chairs, for more information or to get involved in our Affordable housing and homelessness Auction – Ah-hA! Habitat for Humanity Book Drive Please don’t forget to continue to bring in your donations for the book drive. Please keep in mind that not only are books acceptable donations, but DVDs, VHS tapes, and CDs are as well. The bin for donations can be found in Freeman Hall just inside the doors to the left. If you would like to sign up to transport the books for any week, contact Grace Clements grace.clements@providenceday.org. Thanks to Our Amazing Food Bank Volunteers Several of our Youth helped out with a special food drive for Second Harvest Food Bank at Stonecrest shopping center on November 22. Great job Haley Hickman, Sean McCaffery, Lance Visco, Olivia Jones and Morgan Dunn. Amanda Dunn helped as an adult volunteer. For each hour worked our UUCC Food Bank received a credit of $4 towards our monthly invoice, enabling us to get 450 pounds of food for our food bank recipients. Sean wrote “It was great for me! Olivia and I stood in front of Harris Teeter for a couple hours and raised a lot of money.” Many thanks to all our Food Bank Volunteers! A special thanks goes to Kathleen Carpenter for organizing this event. Remember to bring your cans of healthy food to the Freeman Hall. Fill our food barrels to help the 29 families we serve each month. Your donations are greatly appreciated. Page 10 Green Sanctuary Interest Group Meeting Sunday, January 11, 1:00 p.m. Join a group of like-minded environmentally focused UUCC members who are interested in the UUA Green Sanctuary Accreditation program. This democratically approved program is a multi-year effort that involves introspection and action both at an individual and congregational level that is focused on the 7th UU principle of respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are part. Please join a spirited group of individuals interested to learn what this program might bring to the UUCC! For more information please contact jonathan.harding@gmail.com. Some view our sable race with scornful eye, “Their color is a diabolic dye.” Phyllis Wheatley Peters (1753? – 1784) from “On Being Brought from Africa to America” OPEN DOOR SCHOOL (ODS) ODS Second Annual Clothing Swap Consignment sales are one way to save money on children's clothes, but wouldn’t you rather swap those gently used outgrown items for a larger size or an older child's clothes to accommodate a younger sibling? Well, now you can! Our Swap Sale will be held on Saturday, January 24 from 11:30 - 2:30 p.m. in Freeman Hall. Please consider participating or donating clothing for this wonderful cause. Proceeds go towards ODS fundraising and remaining clothes will be donated to Second Chance Boutique by Turning Point. Their mission is to end domestic violence in our community. The cost to participate in the swap is $5 and sizes from newborn to six years will receive credits to swap. You can drop items off the day of the swap from 10:3011:30 a.m. or any time before then at the ODS office. If you have any questions, please contact Diana Zeni at dianazeni@yahoo.com. CONGREGATIONAL CARE NEWS If you know about a need in our congregation—an illness or injury, a hospitalization or surgery, a death—what can you do? Please inform a member of our professional staff. VISITOR’S CORNER “Getting to Know Us” Sunday, January 4 Every 1st Sunday after each service, visitors are invited to an informal Q&A with a long-standing UU Church of Charlotte member. Grab a cup of coffee from Freeman Hall and meet downstairs in the Bernstein Room immediately following either 1st or 2nd service. Hear about another person’s journey to finding her/his spiritual home here at the UUCC. “Meet the Minister” The night whose sable breast relieves the stark, White stars is no less lovely being dark . . . Countee Cullen from “From the Dark Tower” Sunday, December 21 You’ve seen him behind the pulpit…now here’s an opportunity for visitors to get to know Jay Leach on a more personal level. Stop by the Conference Room for an informal chat on the 3rd Sunday of each month at 10:30 a.m. Audio Copies of Past Sunday Services Available at Visitor Table COORDINATING TEAM MINUTES Each month the Coordinating Team creates a report for our Board of Trustees. This report is comprised of vignettes created by professional staff that reflect our progress toward the achievement of our congregation’s Ends. A hard copy of the entire report is posted on the office area bulletin board. A full copy of this report is available on our website via the electronic copy of Voices. Stop by our bookstore in Freeman Hall after Sunday services to request a copy or contact Bill Cooke at (704) 3642107 (cost $5). Visitors can also check out audio copies of past services at the visitors table on Sunday after services. ONGOING GROUP MEETINGS Newcomers and drop-ins are welcome! For more information about these groups please visit www.uuccharlotte.org and select “Programs/ Get Involved.” Meeting Location/ Room Time Contact All Things Considered Schweitzer Ron Maccaroni maccaronir@gmail.com Exploring Humanism Healing Threads: A Prayer Shawl Ministry Jabberwocks Bernstein Home of Joy Bruce Conference 7:00 p.m. 1st Wednesday (January 7) 7:00 p.m. 1st Thursday (January 1) 7:00 p.m. 2nd Monday (January 12) Steve Bivens wsbivens@aol.com Kathleen Moloney-Tarr (704) 661-5409 10:00 a.m. 3rd Friday (December 18) Doris Thomas Browder Lotus Path Schweitzer 8:00 a.m. Sundays Mystics and Metaphysics Sunday Morning Meditation Schweitzer Schweitzer 7:00 p.m. 3rd Tuesday (January 20) 8:30 a.m. Sundays Richard Kushmaul rkushmaul@carolina.rr.com Carol Smith smithcarolc@gmail.com Debbie George (704) 763-2193 Straight Spouse Support Group “T.E.D for the Soul” (Day) Offsite Bernstein “T.E.D for the Soul” (Evening) Bernstein 7:00 p.m. 1st Tuesday (January 6) 12:00 p.m. 3rd Monday (December 15) 7:00 p.m. 1st Tuesday (January 6) Women’s Circle Schweitzer 7:00 p.m. 2nd Tuesday (January 13) Young Adult Group (YAG) Schweitzer 12:45 p.m. 3rd Sunday (December 21) Sage Brook (704) 366-7983 Melissa Mummert mummertville@yahoo.com Susan Cox scox44@earthlink.net Trish Hevey trishhevey@yahoo.com Sandy Vermillion slv13@carolina.rr.com Please RSVP to Sandy to attend. Lincoln Baxter III Page 11 lincolnbaxter@gmail.com Periodical Non-Profit Organization Postage Paid Charlotte, NC Volume 39, Issue 24 USPS 346-850 Published biweekly by the Unitarian Universalist Church of Charlotte 234 N Sharon Amity Rd Charlotte NC 28211-3004 Postmaster: Please send address corrections to above. The deadline for the next is: Sunday, January 4, 2015 for the next issue which will be published on Wednesday, January 7, 2015. Please include your name and phone number on your submissions in case there are questions. The Voices editor reserves the right to edit all submissions to the newsletter for brevity, grammar, clarity and consistency as space will allow. The preferred submission is by email to: uucc@uuccharlotte.org Address Label Church Office hours: Monday – Friday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Phone: (704) 366-8623 / Fax: (704) 366-8812 E-mail: uucc@uuccharlotte.org; Website: http://www.uuccharlotte.org Staff Member Professional Responsibilities Kathleen Carpenter Director of Religious Education for Children & Youth kathleen@uuccharlotte.org ext. 225 Children and Youth Religious Education Denominational Connections Donna Fisher Children’s Choir Director donnfish@bellsouth.net Kelly Greene Membership Coordinator kelly@uuccharlotte.org John Herrick Director of Music john@uuccharlotte.org ext. 230 Alesia Hutto Office Administrator alesia@uuccharlotte.org ext. 221 Martha Kniseley Adult Programming Coordinator martha@uuccharlotte.org ext. 229 Jay Leach Senior Minister jay@uuccharlotte.org ext. 223 Belinda Parry Administrative Assistant belinda@uuccharlotte.org ext. 224 Page 12 Doug Swaim Interim Director of Administration doug@uuccharlotte.org ext. 222 Children’s Choir New Members Visitors Music Worship Team Administrative Support Communications Adult Religious Education and Spiritual Development Community Building Congregational Care Chief of Staff Coordinating Team Social Justice Team Worship Team Part Time Administrative/CYRE Support Building & Grounds Coordinating Team Memorial Endowment Trust Stewardship Communications Finance Open Door School
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