C.U. SHAH MEDICAL COLLEGE DUDHREJ ROAD, SURENDRANAGAR – 363001, GUJARAT 02752 – 304000 – 004, Fax: 02752-256006 , www.cushahmedicalcollege.org Email: cushahmedical@gmail.com, mail @ cushahmedicalcollege.org CUSMCET- 2015 ALL INDIA P.G. ENTRANCE TEST – 2015 PROSPECTUS (For ADMISSION TO M.D. / M.S. /DIPLOMA COURSES) {Affiliated to SAURASHTRA UNIVERSITY, RAJKOT} CUSMCET CUSMCET- 2015 (ALL ALL INDIA P.G. ENTRANCE TEST – 2015) 20 PROSPECTUS ABOUT THE INSTITUTION : C. U. Shah Medical College, Surendranagar Surendranagar,, in the sprawling, beautiful campus of C.U. Shah Arogyadham, was established in the year 2000 and is a prime institution recognized by Medical Council of India and Government of India in 2005 (for 100 seats/annum in MBBS). Started as a small TB Hospital before 30 years, has developed in to a full fledged institution w with more than 500 beds with all modern amenities like State of art ICUs, CT scan, MRI, digital X-ray, X Colour dopplers, TMT, facilities for endoscopic surgeries, on line suction and oxygen and many more. The P. G. Programmes in the Institution started with Pharmacology y in 2006 and has expanded to 58 seats in various subjects in the current year. All concerned P G Institutes are fully equipped and staffed. More P. G. Programmes and increase in seats in existing programmes are in the offing. THE MANAGEMENT: The Institution is run and managed by SAURASHTRA MEDICAL ME CENTRE, a charitable trust of more than 30 years standing with dedicated moto of enhan enhancing cing the educational and health care status of the backward district of Surendranagar. Page 2 Other institutions run un by the trust includes: C.U. SHAH PHYSIOTHERAPY COLLEGE C.U. SHAH INSTITUTE TE OF AUDIOLOGY & SPEECH THERAPY C.U. SHAH SCOOL OF PARAMEDICAL SCIENCES (In process) C.U. SHAH SCHOOL OF NU NURSING SING (Logistical & clinical support) And many more ventures are in the pipe line. THE POST-GRADUATE GRADUATE MEDICAL EDUCATION PROGRAMME: As per the directive of Hon. Apex Court of India and Medical Council of India, 50% of the seats may be filled in by Government (by Saurashtra University) and 50% by the management. The courses run by the Institution as above are affiliated to SAURASHTRA UNIVERSITY, KALAVAD ROAD, RAJKOT. The Post-graduate graduate institutes run under the aegis of C.U. Shah Medical College, Surendra Surendranagar has Post-graduate graduate programmes programme as under for the academic year 2015 -16 in management quota: quota (The The fees & seats are provisional provisional, subject to finalization ization of fees by Fee Committee for the years 2015 to 2018. The students admitted in 2015 will have to pay the revised fees) fees COURSE SEATS ADHOC ANNUAL TUITION FEES Recognition/ permission status (MCI/GOI) (lakhs) RADIODIAGNOSIS - M.D. 3 16.00 Recognized from 2012 (2 permitted 2014) DERMATOLOGY – M.D. 1 12.00 Recognized zed from 2013 ANAESTHESIA – M.D. 1 11.00 Recognized zed from 2013 GENERAL MEDICINE - M.D. 4 10.00 Recognized from 2012 (2 permitted 2014) ORTHOPEDICS - M.S. 1 10.00 Recognized from 2012 OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY M.D. 1 10.00 PEDIATRICS – M.D. 1 10.00 GENERAL SURGERY - M.S. 2 10.00 PATHOLOGY – M.D. 2 7.00 PSYCHIATRY – M.D. 1 5.00 PHARMACOLOGY – M.D. 1 1.00 COMMUNITY MEDICINE - M.D. 1 1.00 Recognized from 2012 MICROBIOLOGY – M.D. 1 1.00 Recognized from 2010 0 ANATOMY – M.D. 1 1.00 Permitted- 2014 DMRD - RADIODIAGNOSIS 1 8.00 Recognized 2014 DCH - PEDIATRICS 1 7.00 Recognized from 2013 3 DGO – OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY 1 5.50 DO- OPHTHALMOLOGY 1 5.00 Recognized from 2013 3 DORTHO - ORTHOPEDICS 1 5.00 Recognized from 2013 3 DA - ANESTHESIA 1 5.00 Recognized from 2013 3 DCP - PATHOLOGY 2 3.00 Recognized from 2013 3 Recognized from 2013 3 Permitted 2011- Recommended for recognition by MCI 2014 Permitted 2010- Recommended for recognition by MCI 2014 Recognized from 2010 (1 permitted 2014) Permitted 2011- Recommended for recognition by MCI 2014 Recognized from 2009 09 Page 3 Permitted 2011- Recognition in process CUSMCET CUSMCET- 2015 (ALL ALL INDIA P.G. ENTRANCE TEST – 2015) 20 PROCEDURE FOR ADMISSION TO P.G. COURSES PROCEDURE FOR APPLICATION APPLICATION FORM: will Prescribed application pplication form for CUSMCET CUSMCET-2014 and prospectus be available during office hours at the institution from 15 December 2014 at the cost of Rs 2500/- per form. The forms can also be downloaded from the website of the Institution viz: www.cushahmedicalcollege.org cushahmedicalcollege.org or www.cusmc.org The forms complete in all respects accompanied by cash / DD of Rs 7500/- (Payable to C.U. Shah Medical College at Surendranagar) toward processing & entrance test fee (Rs 10000/- for downloaded forms)) should be submitted personally to the Office of the Institution Page 4 on or before 5:00 PM on 31st January 2015. Applications submitted after the last date will not be considered ffor CUSMCET-201 2015. The application should be accompanied by supporting & requisite documents . The application should be filled in by the candidate, candidate carefully. The eligibility is as prescri prescribed bed by Medical Council of India and Saurashtra University. The filled in forms should have attachments as under: 1. Degree certificate/ Pa Passing certificate of MBBS 2. Mark sheets of I, II, III III-1 & III-2 MBBS 3. Attempt certificates 4. GMC/MCI MC/MCI registration certificate (to be submitted within 1 month) 5. School leaving certificate / Birth certificate 6. Recent, passport size colour photographs ( 5 Nos.) CUSMCET-2015 : THE ENTRANCE TEST The entrance test would be conducted at C.U. Shah Medical College premises,, under observation of Saurashtra University representative/s, on a date which will be announced in the website and Notice Board of the Institution Institution. DETAILS OF CUSMCET-201 2015: ( DATE TO BE ANNOUNCED ) VENUE:: C.U. SHAH MEDICAL COLLEGE, SURENDRANAGAR TIME: 2 HOURS : 11:00 AM TO 1:00 PM TOTAL No. OF QUESTIONS: 200 AS UNDER: ANATOMY: 10, PHYSIOLOGY : 10, BIOCHEMISTRY: 10 PATHOLOGY: 15, MICROBIOLOGY: 10, FORENSIC MEDICINE: 10 PHARMACOLOGY: 15, ENT: 10, OPHTHALMOLOGY: 10 10, PAEDIATRICS: 10, P& SM: 20, OBG: 20, MEDICINE & ALLIED: 25, SURGERY & ALLIED: 25 2 MARKS FOR EACH CORRECT ANSWER, MINUS 0.5 MARKS FOR EACH WRONG ANSWER TOTAL MERIT MARKS: 400 Page The merit listing will be based solely on entrance test marks of 400. One has to score a minimum of 50% in the entrance test to be eligible for admission to any of the P.G. degree or diploma courses. In case of tie at the same marks, following method methods will be adopted : 1. Those scoring higher percentage of marks in III MBBS Part-2 2 will be given higher position. 2. Further Tie will be resolved by giving higher position to the candidate who scored higher percentage of marks in Final MBBSMBBS Part-1 3. Further Tie will be resolved by giving higher position to the candidate with higher igher percentage of marks in Second MBBS 5 CUSMCET-2015 : THE MERIT LIST 4. Further Tie will be resolved by giving higher position to the candidate with higher percentage of marks in First MBBS The merit lists are likely to be displayed on the notice board of the institution and on the website within 48 hours of the test, in concurrence with the Saurashtra University Observer Observer/s Page The date of counseling will be announced on the notice otice board of the Institution nstitution and on the website. The candidate or his his/her /her authorized representative should be present at the counseling on the stipulated date with original documents and other relevant certificates. The admissions will be offered on merit merit-cum-choice choice order. The candidates are not permitted to change their primary choice of 3 subjects expressed in their application. The candidates would be called on merit order and offered seat as per availability of choice. c The candidates who have been provisionally admitted will have to submit the original documents and token fee of Rs 1 lakh on the same day. The balance of fees along with any remaining requisite documents will have to be submitted within 7 days of receiving eceiving the provisional admission order. Where applicable, provisional eligibility certificate from Saurashtra University and/or equivalence certificate, if applicable, should be obtained and submitted. The candidate will have to report for regular classe classes/training s/training in the concerned department as announced.. If any of the above conditions are violated, his/her his provisional admission may be treated as cancelled as the admission process is incomplete and the token fees paid will be forfeited and the seat offered to next candidate in the waiting list as per merit. The seats remaining vacant after the counseling including those seats reclaimed due to incomplete admission process, will be filled in from the waiting list prepared during the couns counseling eling process. The counseling process will be completed on or before 30th of April 2015 and if a candidate who has completed the requisites of admission process requests for cancellation of his/her admission before 30-4-2015,, the fees will be paid back red reducing ucing only Rs 5000/towards processing charges. But, if a candidate cancels his/her admission after 30-4-201 2015,, the total fees paid by him will be forfeited and if he/she abandons the course after 31 31-5-2015,, he/she is bound to pay the full tuition fees of the course as the seat has been wasted. wasted 6 CUSMCET-2015 : THE COUNSELING: The original documents will be returned to the student only after he/she fulfils the commitment of payment of fees. The vacant seats, if any any, after 30-4-2015 including seats that may be returned by Saurashtra Uni University versity after its final counseling, may be filled in by 31--5-2015. No admissions ions will be given after 31-5-2015. Those admitted to any of the P.G. courses, will have to fill in a notarized undertaking to the effect that: 1. He/she will pursue and complete the course. If he/she abandons the course before completion, and the seat goes waste, he/she will pay up the total fees of the course and original documents will be retained by the Institution till fees due are paid. 2. He/she will be paid stipend as resolved by the management. 3. In case of extension of term due to any reason, he/she will pay an amount of Rs 50000/ 50000/- (Rs 30000/- for diploma students) per semester towards utlization of infrastructure of the Institution during the extended period and extended period/s will be nonnon stipendary if the student does not continue as senior resident in case of degree students students. 4. He/she willl submit semester semester-wise wise advance, multi-city multi at par cheques of stipulated dates from reputed banks, in lieu of the tuition fees payable. 5. He/she will have to fulfill the minimum criteria prescribed by the University and Medical Council of India to be eligible to appear in the final examination. He/ she will also have to clear all dues payable to the Institutio Institution failing which he/she may not be permitted to appear in the examination. 6. He/she will abide by the rules of di discipline. RAGGING OF ANY TYPE IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED AND WILL BE CONSIDERED AS A PUNISHABLE OFFENCE LEADING TO SEVERE PUNISHMENT INCLUDING RUSTI RUSTICATION AND EVEN CHA HARGES OF Page The management & Institution reserves the right to add, modify or delete any of the above conditions and the decision of the authorities will be final in case of any dispute. 7 CRIMINAL CASE. Draft of UNDERTAKING TO BE GIVEN BY P.G. STUDENT PROVISIONALLY ADMITTED TO DEGREE COURSES FOR THE ACADEMIC YEAR - 2015-16 (To be notarized on a Non-judicial stamp paper of Rs. 100/-) From: ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ Date: To, The Dean, C. U. Shah Medical College, Surendranagar Dear Sir, I have taken provisional admission in MD/MS course in __________________________ for the year 2015-16 at your college vide letter No. __________________ dated ___/ /2015. The adhoc tuition fee for the course is Rs. ______________ per semester. I am given full understanding about the provisional nature of admission and the fees payable will be as decided by the Fee Committee and after full understanding I am giving undertaking as under: 1. I understand that according to the Fee Committee appointed by Government of Gujarat, Institution has to make sure of recovery of fees, as per schedule and incase the student leaves the course without completion. Hence, I know and accept that I have to submit post dated multicity, at par cheques from reputed banks. The details of the cheques as per schedule given here below, for the balance amount of tuition fees payable from time to time for the next five semesters are given below: Second Semester 01-11-2015 Third Semester 01-05-2016 Fourth Semester 01-11-2016 Fifth Semester 01-05-2017 Sixth Semester 01-11-2017 Cheque No., Name of the bank, branch, place Amount RS. 8 DATED Page SEMESTER 1. I do understand and agree that I am ready and undertake to pay the difference of fees when the fee structure is revised by the institution (as permitted by Fee Committee). 2. I undertake to pay the total amount of fee for all semesters, less the amount already paid towards tuition fees, in case I abandon the course in any way in the middle of the course and I understand and accept that in such event, my original documents deposited with the Institution will not be returned to me till the above condition of payment of total fees is fulfilled. 3. I understand and accept that I will be paid stipend of Rs.28000/- p.m. in First Year, Rs.28700/p.m. in Second Year & Rs.29400/- p.m. in Third Year. 4. In case of extension of semester due to any reason, I undertake to pay Rs 50000/- per semester towards utilization of infrastructure of the Institution. I know and accept that the extended period will be non-stipendary, if I do not continue as fourth year resident. 6. I agree and undertake to follow the rules and regulations of the College, Saurashtra University, State Government, Medical Council of India and the Central Government. 7. I seriously undertake that I will not involve myself in any type of ragging activities as I am given to understand that ragging is a cognizable offence and I am liable to be rusticated and criminal proceedings may be initiated against me if I am found violating the laws regarding ragging laws as per the ruling of the Hon. Supreme Court of India. Date: Signature of the student Place: I have gone through and understood the matter given in the above undertaking given by _________________________ who is my _____________________ and I undertake to abide by and to co-operate in all related matters. Place Signature of Parent/ guardian Name: 9 Notarized Page Date Draft of UNDERTAKING TO BE GIVEN BY P.G. STUDENT PROVISIONALLY ADMITTED TO DIPLOMA COURSES FOR THE ACADEMIC YEAR - 2015-16 (To be notarized on a Non-judicial stamp paper of Rs. 100/-) From: ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ Date: To, The Dean, C. U. Shah Medical College, Surendranagar Dear Sir, I have taken provisional admission in DIPLOMA course in __________________________ for the year 2015-16 at your college vide letter No. __________________ dated ___/ /2015. The adhoc tuition fee for the course is Rs. ______________ per semester. I am given full understanding about the provisional nature of admission and the fees payable will be as decided by the Fee Committee and after full understanding I am giving undertaking as under: 2. I understand that according to the Fee Committee appointed by Government of Gujarat, Institution has to make sure of recovery of fees, as per schedule and incase the student leaves the course without completion. Hence, I know and accept that I have to submit post dated multicity, at par cheques from reputed banks. The details of the cheques as per schedule given here below, for the balance amount of tuition fees payable from time to time for the next three semesters are given below: SEMESTER DATED Second Semester 01-11-2015 Third Semester 01-05-2016 Fourth Semester 01-11-2016 Cheque No., Name of the bank, branch, place Amount RS. Page the fee structure is revised by the institution (as permitted by Fee Committee). 10 1. I do understand and agree that I am ready and undertake to pay the difference of fees when 2. I undertake to pay the total amount of fee for all semesters, less the amount already paid towards tuition fees, in case I abandon the course in any way in the middle of the course and I understand and accept that in such event, my original documents deposited with the Institution will not be returned to me till the above condition of payment of total fees is fulfilled. 3. I understand and accept that I will be paid stipend of Rs. 22400/- p.m. in First Year and Rs. 22960/- p.m. in the Second Year. 4. In case of extension of semester due to any reason, I undertake to pay Rs 30000/- per semester towards utilization of infrastructure of the Institution. I know and accept that the extended period will be non-stipendary. 5. I agree and undertake to follow the rules and regulations of the College, Saurashtra University, State Government, Medical Council of India and the Central Government. 6. I seriously undertake that I will not involve myself in any type of ragging activities as I am given to understand that ragging is a cognizable offence and I am liable to be rusticated and criminal proceedings may be initiated against me if I am found violating the laws regarding ragging laws as per the ruling of the Hon. Supreme Court of India. Date: Signature of the student Place: I have gone through and understood the matter given in the above undertaking given by _________________________ who is my _____________________ and I undertake to abide by and to co-operate in all related matters. Place Signature of Parent/ guardian Name: 11 Notarized Page Date
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