J. Ve.er December, 2014 Follow us on Twitter PRINCIPAL Kelly Thornton NEWSLETTER @TreelineES Tweets will include dbits on what is happening at Treeline. Dates to Remember in ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL Lisa Murphy 239.768.5208 FAX 239.768.5415 A WORD FROM THE PRINCIPAL December: Dear Treeline Families: 12/5 Story Time 9:30 AM 12/5 Santa Picture Day 12/19 Hurricane Makeup Day No School 12/22—01/02/15 Winter Break No School December is such a busy month at an elementary school! We have so many things to do before we have our winter vaca on. I encourage each of you to keep an eye on our webpage, Twi.er account and this newsle.er so that you don’t miss a thing! I want to take a moment to thank all of you for the tremendous response to our collec on for soldiers that we completed in early November. I was overwhelmed with the amount of items donated! We also completely sold out of School Checks and were able to make a profit of over $2,000 that will go toward all the extras we need for students. I appreciate the parent involvement here at Treeline. Whether you come in to volunteer, assist the teacher from home, send in Box Tops for Educa on, have lunch with your child, check that their homework is complete, your children see that you value educa on. There is no be.er gi you can give them during this season of giving. Happy Holidays, Kelly Thornton SCHOOL COUNSELOR’S CORNER The Annual School Public Accountability (SPAR) report with data about Treeline Elementary School is available for your review in our front office. PLEASE REMEMBER to send in your Box Tops! The School Board of Lee County, Florida Cathleen O'Daniel Morgan, District 3, Chairman Steven K. Teuber, District 4, Vice Chairman Mary Fischer, District 1 Jeanne S. Dozier, District 2 Pamela H. LaRiviere , District 5 Nancy J. Graham, Ed.D Superintendent Ah, it’s that wonderful me of year again when the ads for holiday gi buying begin to appear on TV and all of a sudden our children want/need/must have things they didn’t even know existed before they saw the ad! This year I encourage you as parents to stress the idea of GIVING rather than receiving this holiday season. There is a beau ful book in our Media Center at Treeline that illustrates the idea of giving so beau fully. It is called “The Giving Tree” and I would encourage you to read this book with your children. I decided to share some ideas on how you can stress with your children the importance of giving to others this season: ∗ ∗ Adopt a family less fortunate and give them gi s for the holidays. ∗ ∗ Have your child pick a book and a toy of theirs and take it to a pediatric wing of a local hospital. ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ Invite a needy family to have dinner with you. Find an organiza on that supports children around the world and donate money or possessions. This could also serve as a good geography lesson with your children. Your child could also write le.ers to these children. Organize a party where your children and other children in your neighborhood make gi s to give to less fortunate children in your community. Visit a nursing home or assisted living facility and sing songs or read to their residents. Plant a tree and help children understand the importance of caring for our environment. Volunteer me at an animal shelter. Have your child assist an elderly person with chores around their home. These are but a few examples of ways you could emphasize giving—you and your children could think of many more. Enjoy every precious moment with your children this holiday season as we know they are grown way too quickly. Happy Holidays Treeline family! Connie Rogers School Counselor I am always available to assist students and parents with any academic, social-emotional, behavioral or personal issues. Please feel free to contact me at 768-5208. THANK YOU to everyone who contributed to the Military Drive in October. Treeline collected over 1,200 items, filling 24 boxes, that are being sent to our Army troops in Saudi Arabia. That is amazing! Book Ba le Team A+en,on 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students interested in trying out for the Book Ba+le team! All fi5een of the Sunshine State Reader books must be read and tested on by January 23, 2015 in order to qualify for the next level of try-outs. If you’ve read all fi5een books and passed the AR test with a score of 80% or higher, you will be able to sit for the final round of qualifica,ons which includes a test with ques,ons from all fi5een SSR books. We will be using the results from this test to choose six members and one alternate to make up our Treeline Book Ba+le team. This team will compete in May at the 2015 Book Ba+le compe,,on. Keep on reading! STAR STUDENTS Weekly, we will recognize “ Star Students” from each class for being responsible, respectful, and safe. The students are congratulated, get a certificate, and a group photo is taken to hang in the front office and put on our school web page. October 6th Jennifer Alcala Ar’tasia Bussey Camryn Clark Robert Coleman Ethan Dorador Lauren Dumas Emily Freire Ashley Gaspard Kandyss Innarelli Christopher Jamieson Holly Kenny Hangu Nguyen Aidan Schendel Kamber Smith Tyler Van Hoose Sheena Vil Pierce Warren Grayson Yelvington October 13th October 20th Ashley Baltazar Alexis Dice Ashley Duarte Karina Gonzalez Jade Grant Ja’Nell Gray Landyn Higginbotham Valeria Mar nez Johnny Mendiola Demetrie Morgan Jash Patel Daniel Silas Ethan Stephen Nevaeh Tamas Iris Villanueva Dayvontay Watson Cody Wengler Kevin Zheng Urshia Asif Gauryama Blanchard Ar’Tasia Bussey Keylh Castaneda Tyrennasia Clark Samantha Cueva Myah Durlacher Sandro Garcia Vanessa GonzalezCastro Angel Hernandez Ja’neria Hood Melvin McKay Lauricka Oriental Ashley Or z Angelica Reyes Jordan Simon Tahir Stephens Hanson Tang Lexi Tedesco Grace Tragakiss Da’Shawn Watson A’Dreona Zigler
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