De Montfort University Leicester HR Excellence in Research Award: Strategy for Researcher Support & Development, 2015-18 Action Plan, December 2014 1. Preamble In the accompanying 4-Year Report, De Montfort University (DMU) described its key achievements under the HR Excellence Award revised Action Plan for 2012-14. Section 3 of the Report provided updates on that Plan, to show that the main objectives have either been met, or will have been met by early 2015. Hence whilst many of the underpinning actions described therein will continue [e.g. the activities of the Researcher Development Action Group (RDAG) in providing for regular monitoring and review of DMU’s support for its PGR and research staff] we can move on with confidence, to provide a set of new objectives that build upon strong foundations. Below we provide a new Action Plan for the period 2015-18, with a focus on the first 2 years. This Plan is also available on the DMU website at: 2. Major initiatives planned for 2015-18 The University is proposing 2 major new initiatives in the period 2015-18, designed to add greater depth and breadth to its support for early career researchers (ECR). These are: The creation of an Early Career Researchers’ Network (ECRN) at DMU to provide a framework for support, networking, and collaborations. More specifically, it will seek to provide opportunities and a supportive space for ECRs across the University to meet up and share their experiences. The ECRN will offer: ECR Sessions [Concordat Principles 2-6] – a programme of workshops and socials designed to offer mutual support and realistic (‘real-world’) advice to researchers at the beginning of their careers. There will also be an opportunity to meet others informally and share the ‘highs and lows’ of getting started in academia. The Sessions will also look at careers beyond academia, to ensure that researchers are fully cognizant of the choices available to them. Email Updates [Concordat Principles 2-4] – regular bulletins on research funding news, training opportunities, etc. ECRN Web Pages [Concordat Principles 1-6] – with a range of information on funding and training aimed at supporting and developing ECRs at the University. ECRN Career-Builder [Concordat Principles 1, 3 and 4] – extending DMU’s existing Conference Grants scheme (for PGR only) by providing basic support for travel and subsistence, e.g. in connection with leadership development activities. ECR Ambassador [Concordat Principles 2-4, 6] (supported by RBI) – a part-time secondment opportunity for a member of DMU’s academic staff, funded by RBI, designed to raise the profile of ECRs at DMU and explore what they need on a practical, day-to-day level. Social Media (such as Twitter) initiatives [Concordat Principles 2-5], alongside the (non-virtual) formal and informal networking events noted above. 1|P a g e The establishment of a Leicestershire Researcher Training Partnership (LE-RTP) designed to facilitate the mutual ‘opening up’ of career development/skills training courses for early career researchers across DMU, Leicester and Loughborough universities (NB. all 3 institutions are located in, or within a 12-mile/19-km radius of the city of Leicester, with good transportation links between them). The LE-RTP’s activities will include: the running of joint workshops, seminars and other events for ECR; removing duplication of effort, by noting which ‘core’ courses for ECR are common to all 3 universities, and agreeing to offer these as joint activities in 1 location only (the location will likely rotate between the 3 institutions but the course content and trainer will be the same); agreeing where the gaps are in current provision and seeking to eliminate these, where possible using in-house trainers; and scoping the potential to use the combined research strength of Leicestershire’s 3 universities to bid for external funding for researcher development, along lines similar to those of the White Rose University Consortium established in 1997 by Leeds, Sheffield and York – see [Concordat Principles 2-7]. 3. Timescales, ownership and success measures We envisage that the ECRN will be relatively straightforward to establish, and should be up and running by the end of 2015. The LE-RTP initiative is more ambitious in scope, and is therefore designed to be fully operational by the end of 2016. In the table below, we describe how we expect each initiative to progress over the period 2015-18, but provide deadlines for 2015 and 2016 only. Action Owner(s) Success measures Deadline(s) ACTION 1: Formal launch of DMU Early Career Researchers’ Network (ECRN) [Mechanism: launch event with attendant publicity on web and across the DMU campus, scheduled for early June]. RDAG* plus Drs Rebecca Hames (Research Councils and Charities Officer, RBI) and Lucy Gregson-Green (P&D Officer, RBI). High level of awareness and good attendance from ECR at launch. Target: 20% response rate from PGR and research staff, equating to c.150 attendees at the Network launch. 30 June 2015. ACTION 2: ECR Sessions programme established in the form of bi-monthly events, to create a stronger sense of ‘belonging’ (community) at DMU [Mechanism: events programme to be launched in June 2015, with publicity campaign]. Drs Rebecca Hames (Research Councils and Charities Officer, RBI) and Elizabeth Lunt (P&D Officer, RBI); and Kerry Mason (T&D Officer, Graduate School). High and sustained levels of participation in Sessions programme. Target: 25% participation (i.e. 1 in 4 ECRs will attend at least 1 Sessions event during the year) by 31 December 2015. Aim to increase participation to 30% by 31 July 2016. 31 Dec 2015 (first review); 31 July 2016 (second review). ACTION 3: Email Updates, ECRN Web Pages, Social Media, to distribute and share information across the ECR community at DMU [Mechanism: create content for web pages, emails and social media ‘tweets’]. RDAG members with central co-ordination by the RBI (web editor will be based in the RBI). i) Improved levels of ECR participation in T&D programmes, ADR and mentoring schemes. Greater awareness of external funding opportunities. Greater awareness of career opportunities outside i) Annual reviews, by 31 Dec each year. First review in Dec 2015. 2|P a g e ii) Annual ACTION 4 : Introduce ECRN Career-Builder and ECR Ambassador scheme, to encourage take-up of leadership development activities [Mechanisms: extend existing scheme for PGR (Conference Grants fund) to include research staff. Supplement with additional funds from RBI budget, c. £10,000 p.a. (subject to budgetary bid being approved in June 2015). Ambassador: bid for funds for parttime member of staff to be seconded on 0.4 FTE basis from 1 August 2015]. Dr Elizabeth Lunt, RBI; Mark Nicoll (Head of Organisational Development, POD). ACTION 5: Establish and run a Leicestershire Universities’ Researcher Training Partnership (LE-RTP) [Mechanisms: complete ECR mapping exercise with representatives from the University of Leicester and Loughborough University; agree core provision; agree which activities will be ‘shared’ events/courses; identify gaps in provision and fill these by appropriate means; agree mechanisms for ongoing operation and funding of all activities badged as ‘LE-RTP’ events; consider opportunities to bid for regionally-based Doctoral Training Partnerships or similar]. DMU: Dr Ray Kent (Director of RBI); Dr Elizabeth Lunt, RBI; Mark Nicoll (POD). Leicester: Drs Meera Warrier (Research Development Coordinator) and Naomi Irvine (RS Development Officer). Loughborough: Dr Kathryn North (Researcher Development Manager). A secondment opportunity will be offered on a parttime (0.4 FTE) basis to a member of academic staff – to be recruited. of academia. Increased number of visits to careers adviser in SAAS. ii) Improved employment statistics for doctoral graduates in both academic and commercial sectors, as evidenced by data from CRAC/Vitae PGR destination surveys. reviews, following release of first destination reports. If take-up of grants is low, RBI will launch additional publicity. Evaluate take-up after first 12 months and adjust budgetary bid for 2015/16 as appropriate. If take-up is limited, consider alternative mechanisms to aid career planning. 31 December 2015 (CareerBuilder) with further review (Ambassador and CareerBuilder) at 31 July 2016. ECR Ambassador to have regular (monthly) meetings with Dr Elizabeth Lunt, to monitor activities and progress. Mapping exercise completed by 1 May 2015. Mapping: by 1 May 2015. Joint provision agreed and LE-RTP publicity available at all 3 universities in time for formal launch of the LE-RTP’s first set of courses in October 2015. LE-RTP-badged activities run for first time in Autumn 2015. Where appropriate, further harmonisation of provision to occur by 31 July 2016. Bid to establish regional training programme modelled on ‘White Rose’. Additional courses in place by 31 July 2016. Joint bid submitted to RCUK by 31 December 2015. * Membership of RDAG: Faculty Heads of Research Students (x 4); Professor John Young (Graduate School); Mark Nicoll (POD); Dr Rebecca Hames (RBI); Dr Elizabeth Lunt (RBI); and Ann Baughan (SAAS). 3|P a g e
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