Polymath 793 Set by Gozo ACROSS 1Most powerful of the Twelve Tribes of Israel (5) 4Shady garden recess or a term in euchre (5) 7Julien, hero of Stendhal’s Le Rouge et le Noir (5) 10The first of the Ealing Comedies, released in 1948 (8,2,7) 11Forename of the Brazilian F1 driver killed in the San Marino Grand Prix in 1994 (6) 12Treated cotton fabric with caustic soda to increase strength and dye absorption (10) 14German novelist who won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1972 (8,4) 15Second largest island in Shetland (4) 18In the US, a minim (4,4) 19Customs officer who waited the arrival of ships according to the ebb and flow (8) 21Belgian town, the site of the first British battle on the Continent in the first world war (4) 22New town, headquarters of the Open University (6,6) 24Edinburghshire; now a unitary authority (10) 25Brazilian city, west of Sao Paulo (6) 28Royal official appointed to oversee masques and court entertainments (6,2,3,6) 29Citizens of the German Democratic Republic before reunification (5) 30In Japanese cookery, a clear stock flavoured with kelp (5) 31In Scotland and northern England, fuel (5) DOWN 1Biblical seaport of Palestine or an eastern suburb of Edinburgh (5) 2Long-running Radio 4 programme; its signature tune is “By the Sleepy Lagoon” (6,6,5) 3The fountain of the Muses on Mount Helicon (10) 4Composer whose keyboard pieces were published in My Ladye Nevells Booke (4) 5Market town and racecourse on the River Wharfe (8) 6Scamps (12) 7In music, always; in the same manner throughout (6) 8Turner’s 1844 painting of a Great Western Railway locomotive (4,5,3,5) 9Clive, former West Indian cricket captain (5) 13Breed of cat originating in Angus in 1961 (8,4) 14Dull, routine (2-3) 16Seashore golf-course (5) 17Pedro Ximenes’ wine! (5-3-2) 20Submerged island now believed to have been the Minoan civiliization on Strongyle in the Mediterranean (8) 23Greek god of the north wind (6) 24Voodoo goddess (5) 26Valentine’s twin-brother in an old French romance (5) 27Standard monetary unit of Ghana (4) The first correct entry drawn on Tuesday December 30 wins a copy of Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable. Entries, using the form below, should be addressed to Polymath No 793, Weekend FT, One Southwark Bridge, London SE1 9HL. The solution will be published on January 3 and the winner's name on January 10. Much loved for its wit and wisdom since 1870, Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable is a blend of language, culture, myth and legend. Edited by Susie Dent, this new edition contains an intriguing supplement of Brewer's Gems: facts, fables and curiosities from Brewer collections of the past. www.chambers.co.uk/brewers.php Jotter pad Solution Polymath 791 & + ( 0 1 , 7 = ( 6 7 ; ( ( 2 3 / 5 ( ) 0 $ ( , * ( 5 * $ 1 ' , 3 3 2 5 * / ( 7 ( 6 3 $ 7 + 6 , 8 0 5 2 2 7 0 ( 5 5 2 $ 5 . , 1 * 2 $ 6 < 2 1 7 $ / % 1 5 , ( $ 1 7 2 6 + $ / ' , 1 ( ( 1 6 , 5 5 2 , ' ) 8 = 7 0 $ 1 7 ( $ $ $ 5 ' 5 1 , 6 ( 7 , & . / ( 5 ( 3 $ / , / 2 / $ . 6 6 , 1 ( 1 ) , % 2 ( 5 $ ' 7 6 2 8 1 5 ( 0 ( + ( 1 6 5 + 0 % ( 5 , ( / $ 5 ' ' + , 5 ( 1 5 7 7 ( + $ % ( 5 6 * % , $ 7 ( 5 6 1 ' , 7 ( 2 6 1 ( 6 Name............................................................................................................... Address............................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................
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