Westmont Park District Senior Newsletter (630) 969-8080 Hello Autumn! In just another month we will see bursts of fall colors as the leaves change and a new season arrives. Yes, we’ll feel the crisp air and notice shorter days , but be assured that we see this new season as a time to renew our sense of adventure, September, October, November, December 2014 discover new places or opportunities and embrace our friendships. Remember, we are never too old to set another goal. Step out and try our new Ageless Grace class , take a walk on the wild side at the arboretum or stop by for a classic movie.. Our schedule is full with trips and classes. Register early so that you get the programs that interest you most! Also, you will see lots of holiday activities listed as this year is the 20th anniversary of Westmont’s Holly Days Festival, and it’s going to be fun! As always, I invite you to stop by with your comments and suggestions. May your goals be attainable and your holidays be cheerful! ~ Alice As the last of the warm winds of summer winds down, I look to my favorite time of yearyear- autumn. It’s the Midwestern in me that loves the colors of this season. It means Take a look inside for… getting out and using every last second of time before we have to hibernate! But before that, there’s a whole new array of activities between these pages. Just prioritize what you love to do, then add on something you’ve never tried before. Let out the Gold Pyramid House pg. 31 adventurer in you! If you happen to know someone who may not be familiar with us, please share a newsletter with them, for our greatest referral is YOU! By far, it’s the people who participate here that are the absolute best.. This welcoming, warm bunch who come out week after week, month after month, deserve all the credit on making their mark for who we are today. Whether its movies, chorus, day trips, bingo, classes or cards, it’s for them that we will always strive to keep our standards high and our programs successfulsuccessful- for they are the very backbone of this Park District and we are Fireside Christmas pg. 36 Shipshewana pg. 29 grateful. As we enter the holiday season, may you be blessed with good health, good friends, and good times! Love & Hugs Linda Legacy Girls pg. 33 Our Center Page 2 Young at Heart Location The Senior Center is located at 55 E. Richmond St. (the old Westmont Library). You can enter either on Richmond St. or Linden St. There are 6 stairs to the lower level and 10 stairs to the upper level. There is an elevator when you enter on Linden St. Activities Lower Level: Lounge with new, big screen TV, DVD player, blood pressure machine, tables for cards and games, food service area. Upper Level: All senior services: Rules of the Road, AARP Driver Safety, chorus, art and exercise classes, tax assistance (February-April only). Times Phone Numbers Our Center is open from 8:30 am - 4:30 pm, Monday - Friday. (630) 969-8080 ext. 104 for Alice ext. 106 for Linda Senior Activities information, appointments for services and general information. If no one is there to answer the phone, you’ll be switched to voicemail. We will get back to you as soon as possible, but you must leave your phone number! Senior Line Nutrition Line (630) 620-0804 ext. 318 To make reservations for lunch delivery. Library Come take a look through our library. Take, read, return any books at your leisure. No fees, no cards! We have a third bookcase now, plus we are using shelves in the lounge area. At this time, we are not accepting books because of space limitations. We also have some videos and CDs. Closings Our Senior Center is closed on September 1, November 27, 28, December 24, 25, 31, 2014 & January 1, 2015. Page 3 Young at Heart Trip Info. Registration Registration for trips will remain at the Community Center, 75 E. Richmond St. The registration office phone number is (630) 963-5252. Registration office hours: Monday & Friday: Tuesday-Thursday: Saturday: 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. 8:30 a.m.-7:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Trips Trips will leave from the Community Center, 75 E. Richmond St. Please arrive 15 minutes early. We depart on time. Casino Trips Casino packages are subject to change at any time without notice. This is at the discretion of each individual casino, and is beyond our control. Parking Parking for DAY TRIPS only: the east side of the Community Center. Parking for OVERNIGHT TRIPS only: between Senior Center & Community Center. Pink tag must be placed in the window of your vehicle. During school hours, traveling south on Linden Ave. is prohibited. Please do not go around the barricade to park in front of the Senior Center. Go around the building or you may be ticketed. Trip Schedule We try to make return times as best we can. Please plan accordingly as these times are approximate. Don’t forget to STOP when you see this officer! He will let you know what trips and events require you to register early to prevent cancellation. General Info. Program Fees Refunds Waiver Policy Newsletter Renew Now for 2015 Website Page 4 Young at Heart We are sponsored by the Westmont Park District; therefore, Westmont residents are contributing part of their tax dollars to the Park District. This is the reason residents have priority in program registration. Everyone, regardless of residence, is welcome at our programs; however, there is an extra charge for non-residents. We will make every attempt to refund money whenever possible. Trips that require pre-payment will be non-refundable unless a replacement for your space can be found, either by you or by us. The actual refund will not be processed until after the date of the trip. If the Park District cancels the trip, you will always be refunded. When you register for any Park District event, class or trip, you are asked to sign a waiver. Basically, what you are doing when you sign the waiver is releasing all claims for injuries which might possibly be sustained while participating in a Park District program. What it means for you is that unless you sign the waiver, attendance at the program will be denied. Our newsletter, “Young at Heart”, is published 3 times a year. Forms are available at the registration desk or at the Senior Center. Residents are asked to pay a $6/year fee. The non-resident rate is $9/year. All subscriptions run from January - December. Please remember that the fee is to help with mailing costs. You are welcome to pick up the newsletter at The Community Center, 75 E. Richmond St., free of charge. Your 2015 Renewal form is attached. Our newsletter is also on line at www.westmontparks.org It’s Time to Renew! WESTMONT’S “YOUNG AT HEART” SENIOR NEWSLETTER (Jan. – Dec., three newsletters per year) RESIDENT AND NON-RESIDENT Please fill out form and return with fee to the Westmont Park District by December 1st to have the newsletter mailed to your home for 2015. Can be returned to: Community Center 75 E. Richmond St. Westmont, IL 60559 Senior Center 55 E. Richmond St. Westmont, IL 60559 $6 Resident $9 NonNon-Resident Remember, you can always pick up the newsletter free of charge! The renewal fee is to cover the cost of mailing. You can also view the newsletter on line at www.westmontparks.org then “click” on seniors. Today’s Date:___________________________________ Name:__________________________________________ Address:________________________________________ ________________________________________ Phone:__________________________________________ E-mail: _________________________________________ Check#____________ Cash________ Credit Card_________ Services Home Delivered Meals Legal Service Rules of the Road Page 5 Young at Heart DuPage Senior Citizens Council offers senior citizens living in DuPage County a home delivered hot meal Monday through Friday. DSCC volunteers will deliver a nutritious vegetarian, pureed, diabetic or regular hot meal to any qualifying senior. DuPage Senior Citizens Council also offers its clients other services such as minor home repairs, spring and fall yard clean up, and well being checks. Please call the main office at 630-620-0804 ext. 1 for more information on how to apply for home delivered meals. Please note that we no longer offer dine-in service at Westmont Senior Center. Community dining services are offered at Peace Memorial in Downers Grove, York Township Senior Center in Lombard and Glendale Heights. If you wish to volunteer to deliver meals for this program, please call the main office at 630-620-0804 ext. 113. Prairie State Legal Service provides legal assistance to seniors in our area. Please note, you must be 60 years or over and a DuPage County resident to be eligible. Wills or cases seen previously by an attorney are not accepted. You must make your own appointment by calling (630) 690-2130. An attorney from Prairie State will meet with you at their Wheaton office. They no longer meet at the Westmont Park District, however, other locations can be arranged if you are not able to get to Wheaton. Do you need to renew your driver’s license soon? This review class will refresh your knowledge of Illinois driving laws, traffic signs and practical driving skills. You will be provided a practice workbook with information and practice exam questions. A representative from the Secretary of State’s office will teach this FREE refresher course! Please call 630-969-8080 x104 to put your name on the list. Monday, September 15, 10:00 a.m. - 12 N Senior Center, Richmond Room Services AARP SMART DRIVER Program Page 6 Young at Heart The AARP SMART DRIVER Program is committed to helping Americans 50 and older sustain mobility as they age. Trained volunteers instruct the AARP Smart Driver Program. The course enables drivers to refresh their driving skills and understand how to adjust to age-related challenges. The course is presented in an eight-hour classroom format, over two days. You must attend both days. During the course, participants learn about current rules of the road and how to operate their vehicles more safely in today's increasingly challenging driving environment. Topics include: Maintaining proper following distance, Methods of changing lanes and turning at intersections, Effects of medications on driving, Minimizing the effect of dangerous blind spots, Properly using safety belts, air bags, and anti-lock brakes. All course materials, including participant workbooks, are provided. Participants who complete the course receive a certificate that may entitle them to a reduction in their auto insurance premiums. You must pre-register by calling 630-969-8080 x104. We must have at least 8 people to run the class. Make checks payable to AARP. (Credit cards are not accepted.) Dates: Time: Fee: Location: Tuesday & Wednesday, September 16 & 17 9:00a.m. - 1:00 p.m. $20for AARP Members $25for Non-AARP Members Westmont Community Center, Room 1 (Building next door to Senior Center.) Please call 1-888-227-7669 or log onto www.aarp.org/drive for additional information regarding other class dates and locations in our area. Senior Health Insurance Program (S.H.I.P.) The Illinois Department of Insurance has trained volunteers to provide assistance to aid you in filing Medicare claims and answer your questions regarding health insurance. For further assistance you may call 800-548-9034, 800-942-9412 or log onto DOI.SHIP@illinois.gov Services Page 7 Young at Heart FILE OF LIFE The File of Life is a FREE program, designed to help your Fire Department Paramedics obtain your necessary medical history and emergency contact information in an emergency... it could help save your life. Your Kit Contains: Refrigerator magnet file and a wallet/purse file. The refrigerator magnet File of Life holder: The card, which is kept in a red plastic pocket labeled FILE OF LIFE, lists the patient's name, emergency medical contacts, other vital information, medications, dosages, allergies, recent surgeries, religion, doctor's name and a health care proxy. The entire pocket is held with a magnet to the outside of the refrigerator. The pocket/purse/wallet file: In addition to the FILE OF LIFE for the refrigerator, you also get a compact version for you to carry in your wallet or purse. A card containing the same medical information is enclosed in the RED plastic case that you keep with you. This personal wallet size version is a very valuable source of information to emergency medical personnel responding to your possible critical, life-threatening situations. Having instant access to medical facts and information can make the difference when every second counts. Your updated medical information will help paramedics and the hospital make sure that you get the best care possible. So, fill out a “File of Life” form today! We have these available at the Senior Center. A $1 donation for the kit is appreciated. DOWNERS GROVE TOWNSHIP SENIOR SERVICES & S.A.L.T. (Seniors and Law Enforcement together) S.A.L.T. is a consortium of the law enforcement agencies and community groups who work together to educate older persons about safety and crime prevention. You can learn more about the Guardian program, Neighborhood Watch program, Home Inspections for seniors and Community Care programs by contacting these organizations: Downers Gove Township & SALT 630-719-6670 Du Page Senior Citizens Services 630-407-6500 Page 8 Young at Heart Services PEDICURES and FOOT CARE Come let yourself be pampered! Expert foot care and pedicure techniques will be provided to you by nail specialist Mary Forde. Mary has been practicing her craft for over 19 years and will be available every first & third Thursday of the month between 8:30 a.m. & 3:00 p.m. Appointments are scheduled on the half hour and services will be provided by appointment only. The fee is $17 per appointment (appointments are approx. 1/2 hour, depending on your needs). Thursday, Thursday, Thursday, Thursday, September 4 October 2 November 6 December 4 Thursday, September 18 Thursday, October 16 Thursday, November 20 Thursday, December 18 Please call Alice at (630) 969-8080 ext. 104 to make an appointment. IMPORTANT POLICY—PLEASE READ You must sign in and pay upstairs at the desk. For your convenience, we can now accept checks payable to the Westmont Park District, cash, or credit card payments. Mary will still schedule your next appointment. Don’t forget to STOP when you see this officer! He will let you know what trips and events require you to register early to prevent cancellation. This does not mean you cannot register after that date, it just means the trip will be cancelled if the minimum is not met by the date noted! Have you used our FREE LIBRARY, yet? Come take a look through our library in the lower level lounge. Take, read, return any books or CDs at your leisure. No fees, no cards! We have three bookcases filled with mysteries, classics, and a variety of fiction and non fiction. Plus we have a shelf full of video tapes and CDs. At this time, we are not accepting books because of space limitations. We do not accept magazines or encyclopedias. Don’t forget to join our Tales & Tastes Book Review Club! Services Dial-A-Ride Page 9 Young at Heart Residents of Downers Grove Township who are 65 years or older, or are disabled, may travel anywhere within the township (north to 39th St., west to Woodward Ave., south to the Sag Canal, east to County Line Rd.), to Good Samaritan Hospital and to the Suburban Hospital, Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Riders must have an RTA Special User Card. An application for an RTA Special User Card is available at the Downers Grove Township Office, 4340 Prince St. in Downers Grove. A photo will be taken at the Township office for a fee of $3. Rides may be reserved up to 2 days in advance or 7 days in advance for medical appointments. Fare is $5.00 for each ONE WAY trip. You must have exact change as the driver will not make change. Passengers must register in advance from Downers Grove Township. Call (630) 719-6685. To reserve a ride, call 1(800) 713-7445 between 7:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. If you are riding to and from the Park District Senior Center, the fare is $5.00 each way. Registration Information Register for programs: In person, online, mail or fax In Person Choose the program(s) you wish to register for and fill out the registration form completely, making sure you indicate proper code numbers. Sign the Release/Hold Harmless and Emergency Treatment Form. Online Our safe and secure system is ready to use. From our website click the register online button, and create an account. You are now ready to start registering for classes. Simply browse to the program you would like, select and checkout. You will receive an electronic receipt after submitting your secure credit card payment. Mail Enclose your check, money order (payable to the Westmont Park District) or Visa/Mastercard, Discover, American Express number with signature along with the registration form and mail to: Westmont Park District, 75 E. Richmond Street, Westmont, IL 60559-1894. Fax Fax your completed registration form and credit card payment to: (630) 963-5259. Registration Page 10 Young at Heart Dates to Remember: August 26 Resident registration will be processed Beginning August 29 Non-resident registration will be processed Registration Procedures: Fill out the registration form that you can find at the end of each newsletter. ♦ Name, address, phone number and emergency contact information ♦ Code number & name of trip/program ♦ You do not need to fill out the age column unless you are registering for a gambling trip. For gambling trips, please list your birth date and your card number. ♦ Sign the bottom waiver portion. This is required for participation. You may either mail in or drop off your registration form as soon as you receive it. The office will date your form on the day it arrives. You may register 1 guest, either resident or non-resident. Registration must be mailed in or dropped off at the Westmont Park District Community Center. Senior Activity Registration Westmont Park District Community Center 75 E. Richmond St., Westmont, IL 60559 Do not mail directly to Alice or Linda; this only delays the process. Registration is also available on line at www.westmontparks.org. Registration is accepted by phone with a major credit card. Special Interest Page 11 Young at Heart BOWLING LEAGUE Bowling league begins in September! Join in on the fun and strike up some new friendships. Whether you are new to the game or you’ve bowled before, you’ll find good company, a fun atmosphere and a little bit of friendly competition. We have over 70 bowlers of all ability levels who would like you to join! No experience necessary! Our kick-off coffee was held August 8th, but don’t worry that you missed it. We still have plenty of openings! We bowl Thursday afternoons from 1:00-3:00pm at Suburbanite Bowl on Ogden Ave. in Westmont from September to May. Call 630-969-8080 for additional information. Dates to Remember: Register now until September 4 for 2014-2015 Season September 4 - Bowling begins Congratulations to our Bowling League Champions Paula Taylor, Joe Flaherty, John Wilhelm, Delores Chervanek GOLF LEAGUE The Senior Golf League officially concludes September 30, 2014. Twin Lakes Golf Club will offer our league members complimentary golf days on October 6 & 7. Enjoy a free round of golf! Thank you Twin Lakes! Come celebrate a great 2014 golf season at our annual banquet on Friday, October 10th at Ashton Place in Willowbrook. The banquet will include a meal, cash bar, awards presentation, and music. Invitations will be sent out in late September. Once you receive the invitation, please RSVP. September 29, 30 October 6 & 7 October 10 March 2015 Golf Course 630-852-7167 Dates to Remember Last Days of 2014 season Free Golf Days End of Season Banquet Season Tee-off Coffee! Alice, Senior Coordinator 630-969-8080 x104 Special Interest Page 12 Young at Heart BREEZY BRIDGE Here is a fun and easy way to learn and play bridge. Meet sociable players looking for an afternoon of friendly card playing! If you’ve never played before, we will introduce you to the basics. All ability levels welcome. We are all about having a good time! A voluntary $2 per person would be appreciated to defray the cost of dessert, coffee, and bridge supplies. Date: Time: Location: Tuesdays, September 2 - December 30 1:00-3:30 p.m. Sociable playing Senior Lounge, lower level Please call ahead if you are a new player, 630-969-8080 x104. We have a new website! www.westmontparks.org PINOCHLE Share some cards and laughs with good friends and good company right here at the Senior Center. Join us on Wednesdays at 12:15 PM for an afternoon thrill of trick-taking and quick dealings. All levels of players are welcome, from the experienced Pinochler to the beginner who wonders where the number cards have gone. Bring a friend or neighbor to come on out and enjoy one of the oldest past times! FREE! Date: Time: Location: Wednesdays, September 3 - December 17 12:15 - 3:00 p.m. Senior Lounge, lower level No Pinochle on Nov. 26, Dec. 24, Dec. 31, 2014 Page 13 Young at Heart Special Interest JOYFUL VOICES Come and join the Joyful Voices Chorus! Our group has over 50 voices and for the 2014 season, we have added a band -- three saxes, trumpet, trombone, keyboard, bass, piano and drums. We have special 3 part vocal arrangements and perform at local senior retirement establishments - usually between 15 and 18 shows per season. We are always looking for more voices (especially men) and also more instrumentation. So, if you can sing or play an instrument, please join us on Tuesdays at 1:00 PM. Come and be part of something that is growing and is FUN and SPECIAL. Our current schedule has us on the road from June through September. We will be back in the Senior Center October 14. For more details, please call 630-969-8080. TALES and TASTES For the mind and body; a review club of books and dining. Join our discussion group as we satisfy our curiosity about a current best seller. Led by one of the members, the details from the book will give you a brief insight of the author, the storyline and as to whether you might enjoy reading it in its entirety for yourself. Share your love of reading and connect with others who have the same passion. Immediately following, Dave Reigle (our own Restaurant Guru) will review his latest dining discoveries. Hear about locations, prices, new openings, closings, food served, desserts, drinks and how many stars (forks) are given. Then, twice a year, the group will choose one of the restaurants to visit and enjoy. This combination brings together your enthusiasm for reading, fun, and food. Snacks and coffee will be provided at each session. Register with Linda (first time only) at (630) 969-8080 Ext 106. We begin promptly at 12 Noon in the Richmond Room. Call for restaurant review location. ~Tuesday, September 16 The Biography of Coco Chanel ~Tuesday, October 14 The Snow Falcon ~Wednesday, November 19 Stone Leopard ~Wednesday, December 10 Restaurant Review Coco Chanel Stuart Harrison Colin Forbes TBA Special Interest Page 14 Young at Heart WATERCOLOR & MIXED MEDIA Watercolor, acrylic, oils – individualized painting instruction, in your choice of media, emphasizes composition, color value and technique. If you have never painted before, this class will introduce you to the basics. Advanced artists will have the opportunity to gain visual and creative practice in drawing and painting that will enhance their artistic endeavors. Take a break from your busy schedule and inspire your creativity while making new friends. This class is for students of all skill levels. Mary George, Instructor. Please bring your own supplies. No class November 27. Session I Thursdays, August 28 - October 16 Session II Thursdays, October 23 - December 18 Code # 205521-B Time: Place: Fee: Min/Max: Code # 205521-A 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Linden Room, upstairs $80 per 8 week session 8/20 AARP TAX AIDE VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Do you like working with numbers? Perhaps you enjoy working with people or have a knack for technology? Come join our great tax assistance team! AARP Tax-Aide is the nation’s largest, free volunteer run tax counseling and preparation service. Nearly 32,000 volunteers help make a difference in our local communities by assisting taxpayers, especially those over age 60. These tax aides help individuals file their tax returns between February and April at various locations such as the Westmont Park District. You can be a greeter or a tax-aide counselor. There are a variety of opportunities for volunteering with this program. Individuals who might like to volunteer as certified tax counselors are invited to attend training classes the second week in January. Please contact Phoebe Bickhaus, coordinator of the South Du Page District of AARP Tax-Aide, at 630-357-7355 or phoebebick@aol.com if you are interested. More information is also available by logging onto www.aarp.org/taxaide. Special Interest Page 15 Young at Heart MEDICARE 101: MEDICARE MADE EASY Do you have unanswered questions about Medicare? Now is your chance to get the answers! Learn how to navigate Medicare by understanding Original Medicare A & B as well as the difference between Medicare Advantage programs versus Medicare Supplements. Explore how Medicare Part D plans work. Maribeth Fencl is certified by Medicare and is a licensed insurance broker who partners with multiple carriers like BCBS, Humana, AARP, Equitable, Heartland and Combined Insurance. She has experience enrolling people in a variety of Medicare health plans. Her presentation will provide you knowledge and peace of mind in choosing the right Medicare health plan. You can benefit from benefit today’s program if: 1) you will soon be eligible for Medicare; 2) you are already on Medicare, but losing your group retiree benefits; 3) you serve as a caregiver to a Medicare beneficiary; or 4) you would like to learn more about all parts of Medicare. Did you know: • There is a difference between Medicare Advantage (MAPD) plans and Medicare Supplements. • There is no difference in Medicare Supplement Insurance products, except the monthly premium. • There are election periods for enrollment which are designated by Medicare. Don’t let Health insurance intimidate you! Register today for this FREE program. Seating is limited. Date: Time: Location: Fee: Call: Thursday, September 18 1:00 p.m. Senior Center, Linden Room Free Please call the Senior Center to reserve a seat. 630-969-8080 Page 16 Young at Heart Regular Activities MONDAY AT THE MOVIES Sept 8* Sept 15 Sept 22 Sept 29 How Green Was My Valley Walter Pidgeon Philomena Judy Dench Winter’s Tale Colin Farrell The Butler Forest Whitaker G PG13 PG13 PG13 Oct 6 * Oct 13 Oct 20 Oct 27 The Birds Men in Black Ghost Ghostbusters G PG13 PG13 PG Nov 17 Nov 24 Monuments Men George Clooney Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner? Audrey Hepburn Christmas in July Dick Powell Call Me Mrs. Miracle Doris Roberts The Christmas Card Ed Asner Heaven is for Real Connor Corum Dec 1 * Dec 8 Dec15 Dec 22 Tippi Hendren Tommy Lee Jones Patrick Swayze Dan Aykroyd PG13 PG13 G G G G *denotes classic movie & may be substituted based on availability* Showtime is 12:15 p.m. at the Senior Center. Drop in and watch a great movie, enjoy a refreshing drink and some delicious snacks. All movies are FREE! BIRTHDAY BINGO Join us for our monthly Bingo and bring a friend! Bingo is usually held on one Thursday of each month, starting at 12:30 p.m. Those people who are celebrating their birthdays in that month will have their horoscopes read and will receive a $3 gift certificate from the Westmont Park District that is good toward any regular program (good for 1 year). There will be 1 hour of Bingo! Please bring useable ‘white elephants’ from your home to contribute to our prize table. Bingo Dates: Thursday, Thursday, Thursday, Wednesday, Sept.25 Oct. 30 Nov. 13 Dec. 17 Healthy & Active Adults Page 17 Young at Heart PICKLE BALL Pickle Ball is here! Join this really fun game. No experience necessary! We’ll even get you started with a free visit! Invented in 1965 and named after a family dog, this game is a little like badminton, a little like tennis and a little like ping pong. The rules are short and simple and the racquets and balls are light weight. Played on a badminton sized court with the net low, only 34 inches high, the first team to score 11 points wins. Please bring your own paddles and balls, if you have them. We have a limited amount to share. Our Westmont Park District Community Center gymnasium is set up with 3 Pickle Ball courts, and soon we plan to have an outdoor tennis court striped for Pickle Ball. Pickle Ball meets Monday and Wednesday afternoons. Choose to play one or both days! Don’t miss out on being part of the fastest growing sport for active adults. M 9/8-10/27 W 9/3-10/22 2:00PM-4:00PM 2:00PM-4:00PM $24 $24 205524-A 205524-B M 11/3-12/22 W 10/29-12/17 2:00PM-4:00PM 2:00PM-4:00PM $24 $24 205524-C 205524-D NO SESSIONS ON: Sept. 1, Dec. 24, Dec. 31 FREE DAYS: 2:30-4:30PM Fridays, 9/12, 9/26, 10/10, 10/24, 11/14, 12/5 & Monday 12/29 SPECIAL: Register for two sessions and receive a $4 discount! PASSPORT TO FITNESS Any Senior age 62 or older can visit the Westmont Park District Fitness Club using our Passport to Fitness. This card can be purchased at the Community Center and will enable you to use all of the equipment at the Fitness Club Mondays - Fridays, 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. This 12-visit card is $26/residents and $38/non-residents. It’s an economical way to reach your fitness goals; you’ll look better, feel better and have more energy! The Fitness Club is located at 424 Plaza Drive, Westmont. 630-789-2673. Healthy & Active Adults Page 18 Young at Heart PICKLE BALL CLINIC Are you looking to improve your Pickle Ball game? Do you need some pointers to enhance your skills? Is it time to progress to the next level or think about entering a tournament? Then you need to register for our new Pickle Ball Clinic! Jim Wright will instruct today’s clinic. Jim has won the National Men's Doubles Championships for his age group twice and plays on the top courts at The Villages in Florida. He is a gifted and fun instructor, having coached high school tennis for decades. Participants will see demonstrations, take part in practice drills and learn more about: • Dinks • Lobs • Third shots • Return of serve • Position on the courts • Best strategies All participants will receive a free instructional DVD "Pickle Ball Clinics" produced by our instructor and the famous "Coach Mo." Please bring your own paddles. Also, please note that this is not an introductory class. Basic knowledge of the game is necessary for a successful experience. Register today for this clinic so that you can be a better player! Date: Time: Location: Fee: Code: Saturday, September 20 12:30-3:30 p.m. Westmont Community Center Gymnasium $22 includes instruction and DVD 205524-E We have a new website! www.westmontparks.org Healthy & Active Adults Page 19 Young at Heart Ageless Grace® is a fun, creative, playful exercise program practiced to vibrant music while seated in a chair. This innovative program is composed of 21 simple tools for lifelong comfort and ease™. We lubricate our joints, strengthen our muscles, exercise our brains, and improve our flexibility, handeye coordination, breath, balance and tickle our funny bones! We practice barefoot (your choice) to improve the flexibility and strength in our feet. Come and experience movement as you did when you were a kid and feel younger with every workout. It’s never too late to start. Great class for men & women! Session I Dates: Time: Fee: Min/Max: Code: Location: Wednesdays, September 17 - October 22 11:00-11:45 a.m. R/NR $36 8/20 205520-A ABD, Linden Room Session II Dates: Time: Fee: Min/Max: Code: Location: Wednesdays, October 29 - December 10 11:00-11:45 a.m. R/NR $36 8/20 This is now a Silver Sneakers Program 205520-B ABD, Linden Room Ageless Grace is an Anti-Aging fitness program for body and BRAIN based on the Science of Neuroplasticity. Each of the 21 simple “tools” work the core organs and systems of the body, activate the five areas of the brain and address a primary factor that causes physical aging and /or cognitive decline. Because the tools are performed in a chair, participants experience increased stability and range of motion while the upbeat, lively music creates an environment of fun and playfulness. This is now a Silver Sneakers Flex program. Healthy & Active Adults ZUMBA GOLD It’s the hottest trend and we’ve got it. Zesty Latin music and a fun atmosphere makes this dance-fitness class extremely popular. You can improve your muscle endurance, strength, flexibility, balance, and agility while dancing to vibrant music! Zumba Gold is especially designed for active older adults as well as the de-conditioned participant. Don’t miss this new friendly and fun class! Instructor: Taisha Selby Summer Session III Date: Tue. Aug. 19 - Sept. 23 (6 weeks) Time: 9:30-10:30a.m. Fee: R /NR $36 Min/Max: 8/20 Code: 105523-C Location: ADB, Linden Room Fall Session I Date: Tue. Sept. 30 - Nov. 4 (6 weeks) Time: 9:30-10:30 a.m. Fee: R /NR $36 Min/Max: 8/20 Code: 205523-A Location: ADB, Linden Room Fall Session II Date: Tue. Nov. 18 - Dec. 23 (6 weeks) Time: 9:30-10:30 a.m. Fee: R /NR $36 Min/Max: 8/20 Code: 205523-B Location: ADB, Linden Room Page 20 Young at Heart The wisdom of age: Don’t stop walking! ************ Happiness walks on busy feet! WALK & TALK CLUB You don’t have to go fast. You just have to go! Come walk indoors with us this fall. Avoid the uncomfortable weather outside, the busy streets, the uneven sidewalks and the bicyclists. Our Westmont Park District Community Center gym is a great place to walk. You’ll be building endurance, getting in shape and enjoying the company of other walking enthusiasts! All you need is a good pair of shoes and comfortable clothing. Join us each weekday morning and get energized!! A CD player will be available if you’d like to bring music to help you get moving. No registration required. Dates: Sept. 2 - Dec. 30 (No class 9/1,11/27, 11/28, 12/24,12/25 12/31/2014 and 1/1/2015) Days: Monday through Friday Time: 8:00-9:00 a.m. Fee: Free! Location: WCC Gym Healthy & Active Adults Page 21 Young at TAI CHI - Chuan & Chi Gung Are you looking to improve your overall health? Now is the time to consider Tai Chi! Today, this ancient tradition is practiced as a graceful form of exercise. It focusses on finding balance of body and mind. Often described as meditation in motion, Tai Chi promotes serenity through gentle, flowing movements. The practice of Tai Chi Chuan manifests a calming harmonizing effect on the body as it directly affects the respiratory, circulatory, and lymphatic systems through its diaphragmatic breathing. It has many health benefits including reducing stress, improving balance, gaining flexibility, boosting your circulatory and respiratory systems, and increasing mental acuity. Tai chi is low impact and puts minimal stress on muscles and joints, making it generally safe for all ages and fitness levels. Take the first step to improving your health today with a free class! This class meets continually one or two days each week; you decide! Classes will be offered on a monthly basis. Instructor: Patrick Baio Day: Time: Location: Min/Max: Fee: Code: September October November December Tuesday OR Thursday 12:30 - 1:30pm WCC Dance Studio 8/20 $28 one day per week $56 two days per week 205519-A 205519-B 205519-C 205519-D (Sept. 2-30) (Oct. 2-30) (Nov. 4-25) No class 11/27 (Dec. 2-30) No class 12/25 Special Events Page 22 Special Events Page 23 Young at Heart Bring the whole family and experience bales of fun at the Gregg House Museum.. Most activities are FREE! ~make a scarecrow (nominal fee) ~meet a bee keeper ~see an awesome animal show ~learn about chickens and cows ~pan for gold or minerals (nominal fee) ~enjoy family fun music with Tim Wilsey ~create some cool crafts, make rope ~play some fun games ~Treat yourself to some home-made goodies at the bake sale ~pumpkin decorating (sponsored by Westmont Chamber of Commerce) ~take a hayride For an $8 fee per family, The Garden Club of Downers Grove will help you make a great scarecrow for your yard. Fee includes pillow case for the head, straw, wire, a wood stand, hay and some materials. Please bring clothes (pants, shirt) and any unique items you’d like to use to decorate your scarecrow. Items should be environmentally friendly (no perishable goods) and weather resistant. We have some extra clothes on hand to share. Event will be held rain or shine! Admission is FREE! Page 24 Young at Heart Special Events Curtis—Gregg Fashion Plate Circus Exhibit Now through October 5 Ever dream of running off to join the circus? Well, if you grew up in Westmont in the 30’s, you wouldn’t have far to run. That’s because the Curtis-Gregg Fashion Plate Circus called Westmont home. The Curtis-Gregg Circus wasn’t just any circus—it was billed as the greatest motorized show in the world. Opening in Westmont on April 28, 1934, Dennie Curtis and Clifford “Fearless” Gregg’s circus was ultra-modern, with new acts that cost them a fortune. Curtis was known for his Black Horse Troupe while his wife Edna was known for her somersaulting dogs. Gregg was the dare-devil known for being the first human cannon ball. You could see the circus for a quarter. Unfortunately, the circus did not do well during the depression and folded after only five weeks. Come see artifacts, photos and hear about the circus barn that still stands today! Exhibit is open during regular museum hours, Wednesdays and Sundays from 1-3PM and is free. Gregg House Museum, 115 S. Linden Ave. Westmont—Behind the Senior Center. 630-960-3392 Christmas of Yesteryear at Gregg House Museum Decorate the tree…make the plum pudding…fill the crackers with sweets…create some magic this holiday season at the Gregg House Museum. Come experience the elegant and charming traditions of a Victorian Christmas. Kids can create a special craft to take home. There will be some special lights outside the Gregg House, too! The merriment begins November 29th. Don’t miss this FREE family event. Saturday, November 29 Saturdays, December 6, 13, 20 3:003:00-7:00PM 5:005:00-8:00PM Special Events Page 25 Young at Heart The Garden Club of Downers Grove presents… A Festive Touch November 24, 2014 Sip & Shop 10:30 A.M. ~~Raffle prizes, hand crafted gift items, fresh & dried florals, baked goods Lunch 12N / Guest Speaker & Presentation 1:00 P.M. Fee: $30 Reservations required. Location: The Carlisle, 435 E. Butterfield Rd. Lombard Contact Rolle at (630) 852-3912 This annual fundraiser supports activities at the Gregg House Museum Garden. Calling All Crafters! Holly Days Gift Bazaar Vendors We are searching for talented crafters/small business owners who would like to participate in our annual craft show! Vendors will get an area approximately 8x5 feet, one 8’ table and 2 chairs, advertising both locally and throughout surrounding suburbs, access to electricity, complimentary coffee and a discount coupon toward a delicious hot breakfast made by the Westmont Lions Club. Please call early to reserve your space by leaving your name, address, phone number, and specific selling items. A registration form will be sent to you promptly. Please contact Linda at 630-969-8080 Ext 106. DATE: TIME: FEE: CODE: PLACE: Sunday, November 23 9:00 A.M. - 3:00 P.M. $45/$50 203360-A Westmont Community Center Gym Calling All Shoppers! Holly Days Gift Bazaar All your Christmas gifts can be purchased under one roof at our annual Holly Days Gift Bazaar! There is something for everyone. From beautiful handmade items, one of kind ornaments, to home-based businesses, you’re sure to find it here. Twin Lakes Preschool moms will be selling their delicious bakery at affordable prices. Plus, you may get a chance to “spin the wheel” for the hourly cash drawing. Mark your calendars today! DATE: TIME: PLACE: Free Admission Sunday, November 23 9:00 A.M. - 3:00 P.M. Westmont Community Center Gym Special Events Page 26 Young at Heart HOLLY DAYS Holly Days Opening Ceremonies Saturday, November 29! Downtown Westmont 12:00N-4:00PM 3:00-7:00PM 4:00PM 5:00PM 6:00PM 6:00-8:30PM Small Business Saturday, shops will be open with special holiday activities for all ages! A Victorian Christmas at Gregg House Museum Reindeer & Roasted Chestnuts at Westmont Centre Parade Begins Tree Lighting Ceremony Visit Santa at Westmont Centre Westmont Winter Wonderland Saturday, December 13 You won’t want to miss your chance to experience the Westmont Winter Wonderland! You’ll be able to visit Santa and his elves in Santa’s Workshop, learn about dog sledding and meet some real husky dogs, board the Trackless Train for a ride around the park (nominal fee), and learn about Winter Outdoor Fun with the outdoor experts from REI, Recreational Equipment Incorporated. New this year, you can experience the Sport of Curling. Bundle up as most activities will be outdoors! We will also have a bonfire, hot chocolate and s’mores packs for purchase. Please note: The Huskies are friendly, but we appreciate you leaving your own family pets at home! Time: 5:00 - 8:00 PM Admin. Building (Senior Center) A Grinch Whobilation 55 E. Richmond Street Saturday, December 20 The Grinch returns to Westmont! He will be taking over Santa’s Workshop again and turning it into his dark, dingy cave. Visit him in his cave…if you dare! We’ll be playing Grinch Games in Whoville like the Snowball Toss, Grinch Gift Towers, the Grinch Slither and making Grinch crafts and treats. Play games inside, then bundle up and take a ride around the neighborhood to enjoy the holiday lights on the Long Eared Mules Wagon. Time: 5:00-8:00 PM Admin. Building (Senior Center) 55 E. Richmond Street Additional Trip Information Page 27 Young at Heart RECEIPTS Are Important Be sure to verify all the information that is contained on the receipt and contact us immediately with any changes or discrepancies. Important Information Regarding PHYSICAL ACTIVITY on our Trips At the end of the description of the trip, you will find either “light, moderate or heavy” physical activity plus some information on whether or not stairs are involved. What we are trying to convey to you is the amount of walking on the particular trip, including stairs so you can more accurately judge for yourself if this is the appropriate outing for you. All of our trips are older, adult-oriented...we do not offer any triathlons! However, everyone has varying degrees of operational physical skills. For example, a theatre trip would be ‘light’ physical activity whereas a baseball game would be ‘heavy.’ If you ever need more information regarding physical activity on a trip, please call Alice at (630) 969-8080 ext. 104. On the same subject of physical activity, please ALWAYS let us know beforehand if you will be needing 1-on-1 attention, and we will provide for more than 1 escort. If you do not let us know before, we may not be able to provide you with the appropriate attention, since not all of our trips are escorted by two persons. Important PARKING Information If you have handicapped license plates or the handicapped card in your car, and you are going to park in one of our lots for a trip 4 hours or more, please use a space as close as possible to the building but kindly leave the handicapped spots open. We ask this out of consideration for others who may need the spot just for a short time. We appreciate it! When attending a day trip, please use the parking lot on the east side of The Community Center. This is the building from which the bus departs at 75 E. Richmond St. Trips Page 28 Young at Heart The most beautiful track in America…the Arlington Park Race Track. Cheer for your favorite thoroughbred, try your luck with a wager, or just enjoy strolling around the grounds at Arlington Park. You can even visit the paddock area to watch the horses prepare for the race. Our admission tickets are good for general seating, so you can choose to sit anywhere in the grandstands, or at the picnic tables or benches around the track. Lunch is on your own at the food court. There are plenty of great menu choices ranging from sandwiches to salads and plenty of indoor seating. Bring your friends, place your bets, and remember that when you travel with our group you are always a winner! Register for this program NOW! Date: Time: Fee: Thursday, August 21 11:00 a.m. - 5:15 p.m. R $46 NR $49 Min/Max: Code: Rating: 20/24 105550-N Moderate physical activity ISLE OF CAPRI This is one of the most fun casinos! Located in Bettendorf, Iowa the scenery on the way is beautiful and it’s a great way to spend the day. This classic boat boasts of several floors with elevators and has the latest slot action for your gaming pleasure. We’ll have a rest stop there and back. Here, you’ll have an included full buffet lunch and $5 in credit. Come, join us! Please give birth date at time of registration. Date: Time: Fee: Min/Max: Code: Rating: Tuesday, August 26 8:30 a.m. - 7:30 p.m. R $36 NR $39 25/54 105550-P Light physical activity TRIPS ARLINGTON RACE TRACK Trips Page 29 Young at Heart SHIPSHEWANA & QUILT GARDENS Date: Time: Fee: Tuesday, September 9 7:00 a.m. – 7:30 p.m. R $84 NR $84 Min/Max: Code: Rating: 25/54 205550-A Moderate physical activity COOK MUSEUM & PATTERSON GLASSWORKS It’s going to be a beautiful day at the Cook Mansion! We will take a guided tour of the Ansel B. Cook home located in the heart of Libertyville. Cook was known for laying the first flagstones in the city of Chicago and for building the water tower. After the Great Chicago Fire, he became a successful contractor. This 1878 treasure is one of the most complete Victorian museums in Lake County. After our tour, we’ll stop for a delightful lunch and shopping at the Country Inn Restaurant. Our afternoon will inspire your creative side as we visit the Patterson Glassworks. Master craftsmen will demonstrate the unique art form of glass blowing. Enjoy the many glassworks on display at their gallery. Date: Time: Fee: Wednesday, September 17 9:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. R $74 NR $77 Min/Max: 18/20 Code: 205550-B Rating: Moderate physical activity TRIPS Step off the beaten path and enjoy a leisurely day in the beautiful Amish countryside. Our day begins at Shipshewana where you will have time to browse and shop at the Midwest’s largest flea market. You’ll find hundreds of vendors selling everything from fruit and vegetables to handcrafted furniture. Take time for lunch on your own at one of the many eateries on the grounds. Next, we will tour some of the most beautiful, blooming gardens that look just like quilt patterns. Our step-on guide will take us on a special adventure along Indiana’s back roads. We will hear who created these gardens with over 90,000 blooms, and see painted murals which showcase Amish traditions. Along the way we will stop at Yoder’s Popcorn shop, Dutch Country Market and Katie’s Homemade Noodles. Before leaving Amish Country, we will enjoy a home-cooked meal of chicken or ham served with fresh baked rolls, tossed salad, mashed potatoes, vegetable of the day, beverage and fresh baked pie at the Essenhaus Restaurant. Trips Page 30 Young at Heart FOUR WINDS CASINO Date: Time: Fee: Min/Max: Code: Rating: Tuesday, September 23 9:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. R $39 NR $41 25/54 205550-C Light physical activity AMERICAN PICKERS & MISSISSIPPI RIVER DISTILLERY Today we will follow the AMERICAN PICKERS van route to the rolling hills of Le Claire, Iowa. We will be visiting the home base of the American Pickers show where you can see the killer pieces and quirky collectibles picked by one of the show’s stars Mike Wolfe. Enjoy seeing these one of a kind forgotten treasures acquired from coast to coast! Who knows, he may even be there! Then it’s on to the prohibition era for an hour tour of the Mississippi River Distilling Company. See in person the handcrafted artistry used in small batch spirits from grain to glass. In the Grand Tasting Room raise your glass with free samples of premier vodka, gin and whiskeys to toast a great day. Lunch will be at Sneaky Pete’s located in this quaint town. We will enjoy tasty sandwiches along with a salad bar, beverages and a dessert. Please select; pork chop, chicken, Cod, or open-faced beef sandwich. Let’s salute a new adventure along the Mississippi River! NE W Date: Time: Fee: Min/Max: Code: Rating: Friday, September 26 8:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. R $81 NR $84 25/54 205550-E Moderate physical activity ! TRIPS This popular casino holds all the “Wow” factors of Las Vegas. It is a premium Midwest player’s palace that boasts over 3,000 slots ranging in all denominations. Exciting table games await you such as Blackjack, Pai Gow, Three Card Poker, and Roulette. You will also be treated to one of the best buffets anywhere! Shopping at one of their several boutiques, rounds out a wonderful day. Your package will include: $15 in slot play, $10 toward food and 5 hours of floor time. Will today be YOUR lucky day? Please give birth date at time of registration. Trips Page 31 Young at Heart COLE PORTER’S GREATEST HITS Date: Time: Fee: Min/Max: Code: Rating: Wednesday, October 1 10:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. R $69 NR $72 18/20 205550-D Light physical activity GOLD PYRAMID HOUSE You’ve been asking for this one! We are returning to the Gold Pyramid House in Wadsworth, IL. Power, Gold, Mystery, Exotic, and Impressive are all words that describe this private home. Secrets of the past are revealed as we take a special guided tour and learn more about this six story pyramid shaped home that is lavishly furnished to reflect the elegant, wealthy Egyptian Pharaohs. You’ll see a spectacular gold chariot, tour the great tomb of King Tut, and hear about the power of the pyramid. The outside of the home is also spectacular with a moat and statue of King Ramses. Here’s the best part—lunch will be served in the house! Our buffet will include bone-in Amish chicken, or smoked pulled pork shoulder with fresh salad and vegetables plus cheesecake for dessert. After lunch, you will have time to visit their unique gift shop. But wait, that’s not all! Before heading home we’ll make a stop at the Button Room. This unusual collection of buttons is more than just a museum. It is the story of two women who saved and preserved history in a very different way. Register immediately for this trip as it will be a sell-out! It has been our most requested trip of all time. Please register early! Date: Time: Fee: Wednesday, October 8 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. R $84 NR $87 Min/Max: Code: Rating: 30/50 205550-G Moderate physical activity TRIPS Cole Porter was a rare talent who penned music and lyrics...for such Broadway hits as Anything Goes, Kiss Me, Kate, Silk Stockings and CanCan, plus countless movie musicals. Join us for a sophisticated concert of great music performed amidst the architectural and acoustical beauty of Nichols Concert Hall in downtown Evanston. Savor such song gems as: I Get a Kick Out of You, Let's Do It, Night and Day, I Love Paris! Lunch is on your own at one of the local restaurants before the show. Trips Page 32 Young at Heart HO CHUNK CASINO Date: Time: Fee: Friday, October 10 7:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. R $46 NR $49 Min/Max: Code: Rating: HOFBRAUHAUS 25/54 205550-H Light physical activity NE W ! Join us for an Oktoberfest celebration as Munich comes to Rosemont! This afternoon we’ll find some genuine Gemütlichkeit (the German word for hospitality, warmth, and a cheerful mood!) We start with a guided tour of the Donald E. Stephens Museum of Hummels, which boasts the world’s largest public collection of Hummel figurines outside the Goebel Hummel Factory in Germany. Later, enjoy some free time at the new indoor Fashion Outlet mall. Opened in 2012, it features outlets from Guess, Calvin Klein, Nike, and Bloomingdale’s. Marvel at the modern art displayed throughout the ultra-modern building. Tonight we visit the newest entertainment center in the Chicago area and dine at the famous Hofbrauhaus Restaurant. The Hofbrauhaus is the first and only German micro-brewery, beer hall and restaurant in the Chicago area! As you enter, you’ll feel as though you are at the original Hofbrauhaus in Munich. Here, you’ll feast on a fabulous Bavarian dinner served by Dirndl-wearing waitresses while enjoying live entertainment in an authentic and unforgettable setting! Hofbrauhaus also features a fantastic store, which carries authentic Bavarian collectibles including mugs, steins, and apparel. Date: Time: Fee: Wednesday, October 15 2:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. R $88 NR $91 Min/Max: Code: Rating: 20/24 205550-F Moderate physical activity TRIPS We’ll be looking at the beautiful fall scenery as we leisurely make our way to Baraboo, Wisconsin to try our luck at this well established casino. There are plenty of ways to win with over 2,000 machines featuring the newest and hottest technology in addition to all your old favorites such as Moon Money, China Dream and Buffalo. If tables are your game, there’s live Poker, Roulette, and Texas Hold ‘em to name a few. Your package includes a generous package of $35 in downloadable credit and 10% off food. We’ll be making a breakfast stop (on your own) playing games and even catching a movie as we enjoy this delightful day! When was the last time you went to Ho-Chunk? Please give birth date at time of registration. Trips Page 33 Young at Heart The beauty of fall is sometimes in our own neighborhood. So take a short trip with us to the Arboretum and step into an oasis of magnificent trees and beautiful landscapes. Our day will begin when a guide steps on our very own bus for a one hour narrated tour of the grounds. Following the tour, enjoy a gourmet box lunch in the Gingko Room with a spectacular view of Meadow Lake and the Scarecrow Trail. After lunch you will have time to stroll the grounds and connect with nature or visit the Arboretum store with over 2,000 nature inspired gift items ranging from books and jewelry to home décor and art. Before returning home, we will stop at the Sterling Morton Library to see a brand new exhibit called Plant Hunters. This exhibit features antiques and photos from expeditions of the early 1800’s. Rain or shine, this will be a beautiful day! Bring your camera and a friend! Date: Time: Fee: Min/ Max: Code: Rating: Wednesday, October 29 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. R $62/NR $65 20/24 205550-J Moderate physical activity LEGACY GIRLS The vocal trio, The Legacy Girls will entertain you with three-part harmonies, costumes and synchronized dances that are true to the Andrews Sisters style. Enjoy a great musical revue that pays tribute to the music of the World War II era. The Legacy Girls are dedicated to keeping the spirit and style of music of the past alive! Before the show, enjoy a great lunch at the beautiful Starved Rock Lodge. Date: Time: Fee: Monday, November 10 9:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. R $75 NR $78 Min/Max: Code: Rating: 20/24 205550-K Light physical activity TRIPS MORTON ARBORETUM & LUNCH AT THE GINKGO ROOM Trips Page 34 Young at Heart BLUE CHIP CASINO Date: Time: Fee: Min/ Max: Code: Rating: • • • Tuesday, November 18 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. R $36 NR $39 30/54 205550-R Light Physical Activity Did you fill in the code # including the letter at the end? Did you sign the bottom of the registration form? Did you provide us with an emergency phone number other than your cell phone or home phone numbers? AMERICAN HOLIDAY SPIRIT It’s time to bring in the holiday spirit with a selfguided tour through The Jacob Henry Mansion that will be fully dressed and decorated for the holidays. Following lunch in the newly renovated gathering room, we will enjoy a Gospel concert by Mr. Nick Willet in our Old Central Church. Blending powerful ballads that explain God’s gift to us as in “If that isn’t Love,” to the very exciting, up-temp standards like “Swing Down Sweet Chariot” with holiday classics like “Silent Night” and “Silver Bells” and “The Christmas Song.” Today’s lunch menu is smoked turkey, mashed potatoes, garden salad, steamed vegetable of the day, dessert, and coffee or tea. Don’t miss this celebration of the true meaning of Christmas. Date: Time: Fee: Thursday, November 20 10:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. R $75 NR $78 Min/Max: Code: Rating: 20/24 205550-L Light physical activity TRIPS It’s a short trip to this wonderful casino. Located on the southern shores of Lake Michigan and in the heart of the Indiana Dunes, it’s easy to navigate this one level casino. It boasts over 1,500 slot machines, and denominations from .01 cent on up, wide aisles, 40 table games, and the hottest slots out there; it’s no wonder it’s a favorite! Here you’ll receive a hearty lunch buffet in addition to downloadable credit with the required points. Please give your birth date or Blue Chip Card # when registering. Trips Page 35 Young at Heart ILLUMINATIONS TROLLEY TOUR ! When dusk arrives, we will see the holiday glow of the fully decorated exquisite homes of central Naperville. Gaze upon beautiful twinkling lights, winter wonderland sights, Santa and festive decorations that will surely put you in the holiday spirit. We weren't able to borrow Santa’s sleigh, but we got the next best form of transportation—a heated Trolley! The sights we will see have taken homeowners many weeks and months of preparation hanging hundreds of light strands for your pleasure. Don’t forget to bring your camera! Before the one hour narrated tour, we will enjoy soup and sandwiches at the Italian Restaurant Bella Familia. Dress for the weather. Date: Time: Fee: Min/ Max: Code: Rating: Tuesday, December 2 2:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. R $61 NR $64 22/27 205550-N Light Physical Activity Join our email list! Please call Alice or Linda at (630) 969-8080 to add your name to our email list; you can receive park district news & updates! HOLLYWOOD CASINO It’s a short trip over to Aurora to have some slot fun before the new year rings in! This is our annual visit to a local casino along with a shorter day. This non-smoking casino has plenty of slots and tables for your enjoyment. Lunch will be on your own. Choose between a great little deli called “Take Two” for you to catch a quick bite, or enjoy all you can eat at the Grand Buffet. You will have three hours of gaming time. Give yourself the gift of winning the big one! Please bring I.D. Date: Time: Fee: Wednesday, December 3 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. R $29 NR $32 Min/Max: Code: Rating: 25/54 205550-P Light physical activity TRIPS NE W Trips Page 36 Young at Heart FIRESIDE CHRISTMAS Date: Time: Fee: Min/Max: Code: Rating: Thursday, December 11 8:00 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. R $109 NR $112 20/30 105550-M Light physical activity REMINDER: When you receive your receipt, PLEASE DOUBLE CHECK the trip times with those listed in the trips section of the newsletter. We strive for accuracy, however occasionally mistakes are made. Please follow the times printed in the Young At Heart newsletter. Always call if you have a question. Thank you. TRIPS The Fireside Christmas show is simply one of the best revues you’ll ever see. Filled with beautiful new costumes and settings, glorious singing and breath-taking dancing, this performance will capture the heart and essence of the season. You’ll enjoy both traditional and original songs and dances that bring out the true Christmas spirit in all of us. What never changes is our faithfulness to the traditions and memories of this most joyous of seasons. Before the show, prepare yourself for a special holiday menu of gulf shrimp and New England sea scallops folded into a white wine cream sauce, topped with garlic butter toasted croutons, freshly baked breads from the Fireside ovens, chicken Monterey; skinless breast of chicken, dipped in buttermilk and egg, lightly breaded with Panko crumbs, sautéed to a golden brown, topped with parmesan, spinach, artichoke and Jarlsberg Swiss cheese and placed on a bed of Madeira wine sauce served with escalloped tomatoes, zucchini squash and a potato croquette enriched with Canadian bacon. There will also be a trilogy of holiday delights.
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