January/February 2015 Published: December 22, 2014 Next Deadline: January 21, 2015 DEQ EVENTS January 13, 2015 Water Quality Management Advisory Council Sponsored by: DEQ Topic(s): Election of Officers. Rulemaking includes: Chapter 4 Rules of Practice and Procedure, Chapter 606 Oklahoma Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (OPDES) Standards, Chapter 627 Water Reuse, Chapter 631 Public Water Supply Operation, Chapter 650 Underground Injection Control, Chapter 656 Water Pollution Control Facility Construction Standards 2:00 p.m. st to 4:00 p.m. Location: DEQ, 1 Floor Multi-Purpose Room, 707 N. Robinson, Oklahoma City, OK Contact: Mark Hildebrand 405/702-8100 mark.hildebrand@deq.ok.gov February 10, 2015 Oklahoma Hazardous Materials Emergency Response Commission Sponsored by: DEQ Topic(s): Ongoing discussion of response to chemical emergencies. 1:30 p.m. Location: th DEQ, 5 Floor Library, 707 N. Robinson, Oklahoma City, OK Contact: Jami Murphy 405/702-1011 jami.murphy@deq.ok.gov February 20, 2015 Environmental Quality Board Meeting Sponsored by: DEQ Topic(s): Rulemaking includes: Chapter 4 Rules of Practice and Procedure, Chapter 606 January 14, 2015 Oklahoma Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (OPDES) Air Quality Advisory Council Standards, Chapter 627 Water Reuse, Chapter 631 Public Sponsored by: DEQ Topic(s): *Meeting has been Water Supply Operation, Chapter 650 Underground Injection cancelled. * The next regular meeting is scheduled for June Control, Chapter 656 Water Pollution Control Facility 10, 2015 in Tulsa, OK Contact: Cheryl Bradley 405/702- Construction Standards, Chapter 410 Radiation Management, Chapter 515 Management of Solid Waste – Used Tires – 4218 cheryl.bradley@deq.ok.gov Emergency Rulemaking, Chapter 515 Management of Solid January 15, 2015 Waste – Permanent Rulemaking 9:30 a.m. Location: st Solid Waste Management Advisory Council DEQ, 1 Floor, Multi-Purpose Room, 707 N. Robinson, Sponsored by: DEQ Topic(s): Rule Title: Title 252. Oklahoma City, OK Contact: Martha Penisten 405/702Department of Environmental Quality, Chapter 515. 7100 marthapenisten@deq.ok.gov Management of Solid Waste Rule Cite: OAC 252:51515-4 and OAC 252:515-1-8(J) Brief Description: The OTHER EVENTS Department is proposing a requirement to require gas monitoring probes be constructed with a sampling port. Rule January 7, 2015 Cite: OAC 252:515-3-5 Brief Description: The Department is Meets every Wednesday through February 25, 2015 proposing to allow DEQ to specify timelines within permits for Downtown Recyclers Toastmasters the construction and operation of new disposal facilities. Sponsored by: DEQ Topic(s) This is where leaders are Rule Cite: OAC 252:515-21-32, 515-21-71, and 515-21-92 made. Chartered in 2000 by employees wanting to develop Brief Description: In response to an unattainable requirement, communication and leadership skills to promote environmental the Department is proposing to remove a requirement that programs, the Downtown Recyclers Toastmasters Club is 50% of priority cleanup list tires come from illegal dumps. Rule open to the public and to DEQ employees. Guests are Cite: OAC 252:515-21-51 Brief Description: The Department welcome at no cost and may participate if they wish; the cost is proposing to remove the requirement that Used Tire of membership is $42.00 per six-month renewal period. The Manifests have to be four parts and carbonless. Rule Cite: club meets every Wednesday except state holidays. 12:00 OAC 252:515-41 Brief Description: The Department is p.m. – 12:55 p.m. Location: DEQ, 2nd Floor Training Room, proposing to amend the rule by removing a reference to an 707 N. Robinson, Oklahoma City, OK Contact: J. Paul invalid citation and clarifying closure cost estimate procedures. Davis 405/702-5132 or 405/401-7624 st 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Location: DEQ, 1 Floor Multi- j.paul.davis@deq.ok.gov Purpose Room, 707 N. Robinson, Oklahoma City, OK Contact: Mike Stickney 405/702-5184 mike.stickney@deq.ok.gov Board and Council agendas often differ from this early calendar description. Please call the contact person a week prior to meetings listed for more definite information. If you have any entries for the Calendar of Events, please email to calendarofevents@deq.ok.gov 2 January 12-13, 2015 February 18, 2015 2015 (OGWA) Oklahoma Ground Water Association Annual Conference/Tradeshow Sponsored by: OGWA Topic(s): Ronald B. Peterson, NGWA’s 2015 McEllhiney Lecturer, will be our guest speaker this year! Peterson’s lecture, “Drilling Fluids: A Common Sense Approach” will provide you with basics for the proper planning, implementation, and follow-through of a welldesigned drilling program with the goal of providing the best seal possible during the final well construction. To attend the show please go to http://www.okgroundwater.org CEU’s are available!7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Location: Embassy Suites, 2501 Conference Dr., Norman, OK 73069 Contact: Deanna Atkinson, Oklahoma Environmental Services at 405/605-1720 ext. 7000 Air & Waste Management Association Sponsored by: AWMA Topic(s): Ms. Sherryl Love with OG&E will make a presentation on utility pole repurposing and coal ash disposal. The meeting is free and open to the public. 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Brown Bag lunch. Lunch/social at st 11:30, talk will start at 12 Noon Location: DEQ, 1 Floor Multi-Purpose Room, 707 N. Robinson, Oklahoma City, OK Contact: Saba Tahmassebi at 405/702-5100 January 21, 2015 Air & Waste Management Association/DEQ Green Team Joint Meeting Sponsored by: AWMA & DEQ Topic(s): Dr. Chad Penn, Associate Professor of soil and environmental chemistry at Oklahoma State University, will make a presentation entitled “The Fate of Drilling Wastes in Oklahoma.” The meeting is free and open to the public. DEQ Professional Engineers will receive one hour of PDH upon request11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Brown Bag lunch. Lunch/social at 11:30, talk will st start at 12 Noon Location: DEQ, 1 Floor Multi-Purpose Room, 707 N. Robinson, Oklahoma City, OK Contact: Saba Tahmassebi at 405/702-5100 or Sara Ivey at 405/7027122 January 22, 2015 OKC Emissions Inventory Workshop 2015 Sponsored by: DEQ Topic(s): The 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. workshop will focus on the basics of emissions inventories, how to calculate your annual emissions, and submitting your data using Redbud, ODEQ’s secure webbased reporting application. 9:00 a.m. –12:00 p.m. Location: National Weather Center, 120 David L. Boren Blvd., Norman, OK 73072 Contact: Cody Lathrop at 405-7024212 or Michelle Horn at 405-702-4176 cody.lathrop@deq.ok.gov or michelle.horn@deq.ok.gov January 28, 2015 Waste Exclusion Plan Training Sponsored by: DEQ Topic(s): Waste Exclusion Plan Training. For registration and payment information please contact Ken Purdy (SWANA) at 918-456-0116 or okswana@sbcglobal.net 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. st Location: DEQ, 1 Floor Multi-Purpose Room, 707 N. Robinson, Oklahoma City, OK Contact: John Gowan 405/702-5293john.gowan@deq.ok.gov February 3, 2015 Tulsa Emissions Inventory Workshop 2015 Sponsored by: DEQ Topic(s): The 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. workshop will focus on the basics of emissions inventories, how to calculate your annual emissions, and submitting your data using Redbud, ODEQ’s secure webbased reporting application. 9:00 a.m. –12:00 p.m. Location: Tulsa Technology Career Services Center, 3420 S. Memorial Drive, Tulsa, OK 74145 Contact: Cody Lathrop at 405-702-4212 or Michelle Horn at 405-702-4176 cody.lathrop@deq.ok.gov or michelle.horn@deq.ok.gov Board and Council agendas often differ from this early calendar description. Please call the contact person a week prior to meetings listed for more definite information. If you have any entries for the Calendar of Events, please email to calendarofevents@deq.ok.gov
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