s a s sc n o i t c e n n o c Christmas 2014 upcoming ST COLUMBA ANGLICAN SCHOOL · 3 IONA AVENUE PORT MACQUARIE NSW 2444 02 6581 4188 · www.scas.nsw.edu.au · www.fb.com/scasinfo events Friday 23rd January • First day back for K, 7, 11 and 12 From the Principal Monday 26th January On Wednesday morning the Year 12 cohort descended on the school for their HSC breakfast. The atmosphere was bright, a little loud ... view full article on page 2 • Australia Day Public Holiday Tuesday 27th January • First day back for 1-6 and 8-10 HSC Results for the Class of 2014 The School Council, Principal, staff and students extend their heartfelt congratulations to the Higher School Certificate class of 2014.... view full article on page 3 Tuesday 3rd February • Stage 5 Information Evening Wednesday 4th February • CIRCA Workshop Primary School Kindergarten students performed the annual Kindy Nativity Play in the Iona Centre last week to a very appreciative audience ..... view full article on page 5 Monday 9th February • HRIS Open Boys & Girls Basketball Trial • University Roadshow • Primary School HRIS Basketball Trial Secondary School Tuesday 10th February The Year 7 to 9 and Year 10 to 12 Secondary School Awards Evenings were spectacular once again.... view full article on page 10 • HRIS Open Tennis Thursday 12th February • AICES Open Girls Tennis Trial Friday 13th February Performing Arts The Annual Nine Lessons and Carols service was held in the School Chapel in December. Once again it was a moving and beautiful service..... view full article on page 13 • AICES Open Boys Tennis Trial • OnStage/Callback Excursion departs Saturday 14th February • OnStage/Callback Excursion returns Christmas Message A Christmas message from The Right Rev. Dr Sarah Macneil, Bishop of the Diocese of Grafton ..... view full article on page 14 St Columba Anglican School - SCAS Connections Page 1 From the Principal A Good Year? Mr Terry Muldoon Principal principal@scas.nsw.edu.au • Parents pen letters to teachers that brim with gratitude for effort, encouragement and never giving up on their child • Parents in tears because their child has achieved so much after such a struggle • Students leave the school in tears because their families are moving and they fear they will not find a school like “theirs” • Handmade cards that have taken hours of work that recognise the bond between a teacher and a student • An avalanche of talented and experienced teachers applying for every position we advertise • Ex-students sending teachers stories of bright and shining lives they believe have been enhanced by their experience at SCAS • And the other thousands of “small” moments that make SCAS something special On Wednesday morning the Year 12 cohort descended on the school for their HSC breakfast. The atmosphere was bright, a little loud, apprehensive, relieved and celebratory. Soon will come the ATAR results and then the university offers, flights to gap-year destinations, part-time work, all accompanied by the dawning realisation that a new phase of life has begun. It is quiet on campus now. Instead of over a thousand students, there are only the Vacation Care children and a number of Support staff in attendance. I have eschewed my tie and jacket in deference to the humidity and the change of “business” at the school. It is amazing how “invisible” I can become to students in public places without the suit and tie! And yes, • You sit at the Glasshouse or in the Iona Centre and feel amazed that I am surrounded by such talent, enthusiasm and skill • Students achieve great results Soon the office will close for the year and SCAS will become even quieter, but this is only a brief moment before the real life of the school returns in the new year. And will SCAS have another good year in 2015? Put simply, yes, because that is what we do! Those who do recognise me often ask at this time, “Have you had a good year?” In general, they are referring to the school. My answer is, in short, “Yes”. Is it the uplifting performance at Presentation events that form my answer? Is it the even better 2014 Higher School Certificate results that make me so positive about the year? How do I come to this decision? I’ll put it simply. You know you have had a good year when: • Students cheer unreservedly for their friends who receive awards, even when they know that this will not be their time on stage “Passion is the energy that keeps us going, that keeps us filled with meaning, happiness, excitement and anticipation. Passion is a powerful force that makes experiencing work and life to the fullest extent possible. Ultimately, passion is the driving force behind success and happiness that allows us all to live better lives.” St Columba Anglican School - SCAS Connections Page 2 Whole School HSC Results for the Class of 2014 Mr Allan Guihot Head of Secondary School hoss@scas.nsw.edu.au The School Council, Principal, staff and students of St Columba Anglican School wish to extend their heartfelt congratulations to the Higher School Certificate class of 2014 on achieving some outstanding Higher School Certificate results. The class of 2014, our 8th Higher School Certificate candidature, have reinforced the proud academic tradition of the School, building on the meritorious achievements of those who came before them. This year’s cohort achieved excellent results across a range of Higher School Certificate subjects with some 52% of results overall in the top two Bands. 14% of SCAS students appeared in the Distinguished Achievers List, a result which would place SCAS in the top 100 schools in the state. Two students, Casuarina O’Brien and Olivia Peck were placed in the HSC All Rounders List, achieving Band 6 results in 10 units or more. Some subject results of note include: 62% of the Geography students achieving Band 6 results; 50% of the Software Design and Development students achieving Band 6 results; 50% of Music 1 students achieving Band 6 results and 45% of English Extension 2 students receiving Band 6 results. On an individual basis, congratulations go to Melwin Nelapati and Joshua Vardanega, who appear in the Top Achievers List, placing them in the top 10 students in the State for Chemistry and Software Design and Development respectively. The School Assessment Dux for 2014 was Melwin Nelapati. Melwin received Band 6 results across 4 subject areas including both the Chemistry and Physics courses. Our warm congratulations and best wishes go to Melwin as he heads off to University to study medicine in 2015. The recipient of the 2014 SCAS Award (recognising excellence in a range of academic, leadership, sporting and cultural pursuits), Olivia Peck, also enjoyed academic success, achieving Band 6 results in six subjects and being placed in the 2014 HSC All Rounders List. Olivia is taking a GAP year in England in 2015. This year a number of our students have been nominated for excellence in HSC subjects: SCAS received 5 nominations for HSC Dance 'Callback', with Madeleine Hawkins and Roxanne Montgomery being asked to perform at next year’s showcase; Lucy Lancaster and Jack Begbie were nominated for HSC ‘DesignTech’; Casuarina O’Brien was nominated for HSC Drama ‘On Stage’ and Olivia Peck for the Young Writer’s Showcase for her HSC English Extension 2 Major Work. We congratulate these students on their outstanding achievement. A large number of the class of 2014 will matriculate to university studies in 2015/16. Some 20% of our students have already received offers of early acceptance into the University of New England, Charles Sturt University, Southern Cross University or the University of Canberra. Overall candidates received Band 6 results across eighteen different subject areas in 2014 –Ancient History, Biology, Business Studies, Chemistry, Drama, Advanced English, English Extension 1, English Extension 2, Geography, Legal Studies, Mathematics General, Mathematics, Modern History, History Extension, Music 1, Physics, Software Design and Development and Studies of Religion. We congratulate the class of 2014 and wish them well for what lies ahead of them. St Columba Anglican School - SCAS Connections Page 3 Whole School Updates to the Parent Lounge Mrs Julie Cooper Manager, Support Services j.cooper@scas.nsw.edu.au You may have noticed that the Parent Lounge has been updated this week. The new look Lounge still has all the great features of the old version, plus a few new ones, and is also easier to navigate. On the right hand side of the Lounge are a few extra features. The red box with the exclamation mark icon is for Parent Alerts. This feature can be used by teaching and administration staff if we need to let you know important information from time to time. There will be a number in the box if we have added an alert for you. To log out of the Lounge, click on the circular icon to the right of your name. There have also been additions to the “Student Details” drop down menu. Parents can access their student’s academic reports, attendance, medical details and timetables from this menu, as well as having access to teachers’ email addresses for your student. Access to notes and publications is still available on the “School Links” drop down menu. Here you can access fee information, archived newsletters, Secondary School assessment schedules and handbooks, sports notes and information and copies of School publications. You can also notify the school of your student’s absence by clicking on the link on the homepage. If you would like more information on the Parent Lounge, or need assistance in accessing the Lounge, please do not hesitate to contact me either by telephone or email. Parents and caregivers are also very welcome to come in and see our reception staff to have a demonstration on how the Lounge works. We will be updating our Parent Lounge User Guide in the near future to take in all the changes. St Columba Anglican School - SCAS Connections Page 4 Primary School Kindergarten Nativity Play St Columba Anglican School - SCAS Connections Page 5 Primary School Santa’s Elves in 1G St Columba Anglican School - SCAS Connections Page 6 Primary School Christmas Biscuits by 4GB During the last week of school 4GB followed a procedure to make Christmas biscuits. The students had a lot of fun and enjoyed eating the results of their hard work. St Columba Anglican School - SCAS Connections Page 7 Primary School Sankt Nikolaus Visit Mrs Ann-Kathrin Kiehn Primary German Teacher a.kiehn@scas.nsw.edu.au These boots are made for walking....no hang on, they were made lovingly by our Kindy cohort for NIKOLAUS’ visit! On the 6th of December, Germans leave their boots outside their door to be filled with small gifts during the night by ‘Sankt Nikolaus.’ He is a Christmas figure inspired by the true historical figure of Nikolaos, Bishop of Myra, who was known for his generosity of secretly handing out presents to needy children. Our Kindy children loved learning about some of the different Christmas traditions in Germany. They also loved arriving to find their shoes filled with goodies! Frohe Weihnachten und ein glückliches Neues Jahr wünschen alle Deutsch Kinder und Frau Kiehn. St Columba Anglican School - SCAS Connections Page 8 Primary School 2014 SCAS Summer Mathletics Challenge for Years 1-5 Mrs Jaana Gray Stage 1 Co-ordinator j.gray@scas.nsw.edu.au The Primary School is running a SCAS Mathletics Summer Challenge over the school holiday period. Mathletics is available for all current students in Years 1 to 5 to use over the holidays, so please encourage your child to continue their learning. St Columba Anglican School - SCAS Connections Page 9 Secondary School Year 7 to 9 Secondary Awards Evening St Columba Anglican School - SCAS Connections Page 10 Secondary School Year 10 to 12 Secondary Awards Evening St Columba Anglican School - SCAS Connections Page 11 Secondary School Year 10 Celebration Evening Mrs Cheryl Dimmock Year 10 Patron c.dimmock@scas.nsw.edu.au The Year 10s looked spectacular as they arrived recently to celebrate their transition from Year 10 into their senior years of schooling. The evening was filled with conversation, music and a chorus of Year 10s singing to songs that I believe their parents and I had listened to growing up. I could not have been more proud of this wonderful group of students as I stood back and observed how they had grown into beautiful young adults. A huge thank you to all who helped to make the night happen, particularly the fantastic Year 9 girls who worked hard to make the night special for the Year 10s. I would also like to take this opportunity to wish all Year 10 families a safe, restful and happy holiday and I look forward to meeting with all of you at sometime again throughout 2015. St Columba Anglican School - SCAS Connections Page 12 Performing Arts Annual Nine Lessons and Carols Service Mrs Marie Van Gend Senior Choir Leader m.vangend@scas.nsw.edu.au The annual Nine Lessons and Carols service in the School Chapel took place on 2nd December. This event features the Senior Choir and Ensembles, and is based on the traditional Christmas Service at Johns College Cambridge. The evening featured beautiful music, carols and readings from both biblical and secular sources. St Columba Anglican School - SCAS Connections Page 13 Christmas Message A Christmas Message from The Right Rev. Dr Sarah Macneil Bishop of the Diocese of Grafton The Psalm set for the first Sunday after Christmas, 28 December, is Psalm 148. This wonderful, joyous psalm, comes at the end of the Psalter among a series of psalms, often called the “Hallelujah Hymns”, which praise God for numerous gracious acts. Here, in Psalm 148, the psalmist exhorts the whole of creation to praise God. As we contemplate the mystery of Christmas, the wonder of God’s birth as one of us, we can do nothing better. Language stretches almost to breaking point under the strain of expressing something so mysterious, so powerful, so extraordinary. God’s love for us, God’s presence with us, is awe-inspiring and prompts a response from us. Usually I talk about this response in terms of being the body of Christ in the world, of trying to live as he lived, of being compassionate agents of healing, peace and love. But sometimes, just sometimes, we are called simply to worship and this time of Christmas celebration, is one of those. We remember the shepherds who were so surprised by the angel that they left their sheep, so astounded that they forgot their primary responsibility. We remember the magi, who after journeying far, found the end of their journey in an unexpectedly humble setting, in the form of a small, vulnerable child. Now, millennia later, we too come to the manger and worship this child, the Word incarnate, who was, who is and who shall be for evermore. And as we do so, we will worship across the generations with all who have gone before us and those who will come after us. Alleluia! May you all enjoy a happy, holy, praise-filled Christmas. +Sarah St Columba Anglican School - SCAS Connections Page 14 Community Accounts Reminder All families should have by now received their final statement for 2014 via email. The remaining balance owing on your school account should have by now been paid in full. If you have a regular direct debit/agreed payment arrangement with the School, please ensure that amounts are sufficient to clear the total amount due by the end of 2014. Please also ensure that you allow for any additional charges which may have been added to your account during the year, for example elective sport. Please note that it is the fee payer’s responsibility to contact the School to increase these amounts when it is necessary. You can do this either by phoning the School during business hours, or emailing the Accounts team on accounts@scas.nsw.edu.au. Please note that late payment fees will not apply to families who are on an agreed payment arrangement, including direct debits. If you have any questions regarding your account, please do not hesitate to contact Louise Johnson in the Accounts team. Class allocations for 2015 Due to changes to the Privacy Act, the School will no longer be posting class lists on the School website. Advices regarding which class your child will be placed in 2015 will be available in your Parent Lounge sometime in the week beginning 19th January 2015, once the process of class allocation is finalised. Enrolments for 2015 and beyond The Enrolments Office at St Columba Anglican School wishes to advise that very limited places remain for entry in 2015, and few places remain for Kindergarten and Year 7 in 2016. Families with siblings or friends who may have students for entry into those year levels are asked to download application paperwork from the school website at their earliest convenience to avoid disappointment. Students enrolled in SCAS in Year 6 are allocated a place in Year 7, and do not need to complete enrolment forms. C2C Uniform Shop For parents needing to purchase new uniforms for 2015, the Coast2Coast Uniform Shop will close for the Christmas/New Year break on Friday 19th December 2014, and reopen on Monday 5th January 2015. Second hand uniform items are available from The Hope Shop. More details regarding the school uniform are available on the School website. Christmas Hamper Drive After the generous donations made by the SCAS community to our Christmas Hamper drive, we were able to fill 15 large laundry baskets to share with local families needing some support this festive season. The hampers were loaded into cars last week to be delivered to their deserving recipients. Special thanks to SCAS teacher Mrs Natalie Littler for her efforts in coordinating the drive, and parent Mrs Wendy Jansson for her help in packing and wrapping the hampers. St Columba Anglican School - SCAS Connections Page 15
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