International Journal of Modern Applied Physics, 2013, 2(1): 1-14 International Journal of Modern Applied Physics ISSN: 2168-1139 Florida, USA Journal homepage: Article Using Melt-spinning Technique with Calcium Addition on the Ternary Pb-Sb-Sn Alloys for Storage Battery Grids Mustafa Kamal, Abu-Bakr El-Bediwi and Mohammed .S. Jomaan* Metal Physics Lab. Physics Department, Faculty of Science –Mansoura University, Egypt. *on leave, student, Ministry of Higher Education, Yemen. * Author to whom correspondence should be addressed; Emails (in the order of the name list): , , Article history: Received 5 December 2012, Received in revised form 26 December 2012, Accepted 27 December 2012, Published 2 January 2013. Abstract: The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of alloying and rapid solidification processing in direct structural control in lead base batteries. A detailed investigation on rapid solidification of liquid lead base alloys for high performance storage battery applications was made in order to search for suitable lead grid alloys for lead acid batteries as melt-spun ribbons. This paper provides a comprehensive review of the physical metallurgy and mechanical properties of the melt-spun ordered alloy based on (Pb-12%Sb8%Sn, Pb-14%Sb-6%Sn) and (Pb-11.5%Sb-7.5%Sn-1%Ca, Pb-13.5%Sb-5.5%Sn-1%Ca) for storage battery applications. The results indicate that the composition of alloys plays an important role on grid batteries performance. It was found that Pb-11.5%Sb-7.5%Sn-1%Ca is a good candidate for making the grids of ribbon grid lead-acid batteries. Keywords: Rapid solidification, Lead battery grids, Resistivity, Elastic Moduli, Internal Friction, Thermal Diffusivity, X-Ray diffraction, Pb-Sb-Sn alloys. 1. Introduction Lead-antimony alloys have been widely used as the grid metal for lead acid batteries for many years [1]. The alloys used in lead-acid battery systems have varied remarkably over the years with wide-ranging experimentation with new composition [2]. In general, the rationale for the usage of common alloying elements (Sb, Sn, Ca) was determined empirically. Antimony is alloyed with lead in Copyright © 2013 by Modern Scientific Press Company, Florida, USA Int. J. Modern App. Physics. 2013, 2(1): 1-14 2 amounts typically ranging from 4 to 10 wt.% of Sn in battery alloys with the Pb-Sb eutectic point at 11.1 wt.% [2,3]. The primary purpose of Sb additions is to produce strength in terms of solid solution strength in the Pb-rich phase, as well as to be used for final coating to the grids of lead acid batteries in electrodeposition process because it promotes the initial corrosion process during plate formation and gives rise to a highly adhesive oxide layer [4]. The high-antimony alloys offer excellent fluidity, uniform grain structure, high initial and aged mechanical properties for ease in processing, and uniform (although relatively high) corrosion rates [11]. The disadvantage of the binary lead antimony alloys is when they are corrode; antimony is released during the corrosion process and, during recharge, is transferred to the negative plate where it causes unacceptable loss of water, particularly in high heat environments [5]. Pb-Sb binary alloys are used widely in the chemical industry. They are commonly modified by adding small amount of other alloying elements, most often Sn. Tin is generally considered to add a favorable solid solution strengthening effect, and perhaps to play some favorable electrochemical role [6]. The grid can be encapsulated by a corrosion resistant pure Pb–Sn outer layer, which prevents the grid from being dissolved in the battery electrolyte throughout the battery life [4]. These alloys, however, have lower cast-ability and a reduced ability to age-hardening. The addition of small amount of tin improves the fluidity and cast-ability. The limits of the solubility of antimony and tin at 20 0C are not known very well. For tin , the following value have been reported: 1.9wt.% [7] ; 2-3 wt.% [8] : 1.3wt.% [9,10]. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the precipitated phase in ternary Pb-Sb-Sn alloys. Lead–calcium alloys have replaced lead antimony alloys in a number of applications, in particular, storage battery grids and casting applications. They represent a classical precipitation – hardening binary system, with the maximum solubility of Ca in Pb being 0.10wt. % at the peritectic temperature of 328 0C and diminishing to 0.01wt.% at room temperature [12]. Storage battery alloys usually contain less than 0.08 wt.% of Ca, in order to minimize corrosion phenomena due to the grain refining effect of Ca [13]. We added to the ternary alloy 1wt.% of Ca to reduce the gassing batteries [11]. 2. Scope of This Study The present work is attended to explore the effect of rapid solidification from melt and addition of 1 wt.% of Ca on ternary Pb-Sb-Sn alloys for storage battery application through chemical composition and structural control. Presently used alloys and several new systems are examined from the standpoint of useful composition ranges, strengthening mechanisms, structure, electrical, and mechanical behavior of two systems (Pb-12%Sb-8%Sn, Pb-14%Sb-6%Sn) and (Pb-11.5%Sb-7.5%Sn1%Ca, Pb-13.5%Sb-5.5%Sn-1%Ca) (numbers are in weight percent) melt-spun ribbons as grid of lead/acid battery in the industry. Copyright © 2013 by Modern Scientific Press Company, Florida, USA Int. J. Modern App. Physics. 2013, 2(1): 1-14 3 3. Material and Methods The materials used in the present work are Pb, Sb, and Sn fragments. The starting purity was better than 99.99%. The two systems (Pb-12%Sb-8%Sn, Pb-14%Sb-6%Sn), (Pb-11.5%Sb-7.5%Sn1%Ca, Pb-13.5%Sb-5.5%Sn-1%Ca) and (Pb-11%Sb-7%Sn-1%Ca-1%Al, Pb-13%Sb-5%Sn-1%Ca1%Al) melt-spun alloys (composition are all in weight percent) were produce by single copper roller (200mm in melt diameter) spinning technique[14]. The process parameters such as the ejection temperature, and the linear speed of the wheel were fixed at (550-750k) and 30.4ms-1 respectively. The resulting melt spun alloys had long ribbon forms of about 50µm thick and about 0.4cm in width. Estimated cooling rates were 105 ks-1. The structure of these melt-spun alloys was examined by the xray diffraction (XRD) technique (DX-30), using cu kα radiation (λ=1.5406A0) with Ni-filter. Electrical resistivity values and the temperature dependence of resistivity values were calculated using double – bridge circuit with heating rate 5k min-1. The detail of the double bridge method was as described in reference [15]. The values of dynamic young's modulus E, and the internal friction Q-1 were calculated using the dynamic resonance from the following relationship [1, 2]: E 38.32 L4 f 2 t2 ………………. (1) f Q 1 0.5773 f …………………. (2) where ρ is the density of the sample test, L is the length of the vibrated of the melt-spun ribbon, f is the resonance frequency of the sample and t is the sample's thickness. In particular, shear modulus, G and bulk modulus, B may be estimated from the young's modulus, E and Poisson's ratio, σ: B E 3 (1 2 ) …………………………. (3) G E 2 (1 ) ………………………….(4) For Pb-Sb-Sn alloys, Poisson's ratio was calculated from equation (5). The thermal diffusivity can be measured from f, at which the peak damping occurs, the thermal diffusivity D, can be obtained directly from the frequency relation: Poisson's ratio (E/2G)-1 .................... (5) Copyright © 2013 by Modern Scientific Press Company, Florida, USA Int. J. Modern App. Physics. 2013, 2(1): 1-14 D 4 2 t2 f .......................................... (6) Hardness measurements were carried out using the Vickers micro-hardness tester. Fifteen measurements were taken for each melt-spun ribbon using a load of 10 grams of force for 5 seconds. 4. Results and Discussions 4.1 Structural Analysis Figure 1 shows the X-ray diffraction patterns for (Pb-12%Sb-8%Sn, Pb-14%Sb-6%Sn) and (Pb-11.5%Sb-7.5%Sn-1%Ca, Pb-13.5%Sb-5.5%Sn-1%Ca), melt-spun alloys. The patterns show the existence of five types of phases: f.c.c., structure of α-Pb solid solution, γ-Sb phase, β-Sn phase, SbSn phase, SnSb phase. (a) Copyright © 2013 by Modern Scientific Press Company, Florida, USA Int. J. Modern App. Physics. 2013, 2(1): 1-14 5 (b) (c) Copyright © 2013 by Modern Scientific Press Company, Florida, USA Int. J. Modern App. Physics. 2013, 2(1): 1-14 6 (d) Fig. 1. X-ray diffraction patterns of melt-spun alloys (a, b, c and d) The lattice parameters were determined from each peak and an average value was calculated. The value of lattice spacing for α-Pb phase in the two systems increases continuously with increasing antimony content as show in table 1. The particle size of Pb was calculated using Debye-Scherrer formula in reference [16]. Particle size was decreased due to increasing Sb content and decreasing Sn content as show in table 1. The measured density for two systems rapidly solidified decreasing with adding calcium and work melt-spinning for these alloys. Copyright © 2013 by Modern Scientific Press Company, Florida, USA Int. J. Modern App. Physics. 2013, 2(1): 1-14 7 Table 1. Calculated particle sizes from d-spacing (tables a, b, c and d corresponding to a, b, c, and d of X-ray patterns in Fig. 1) d-spacing (A0) 3.06558 2.92175 2.85745 2.79454 2.4758 2.17716 2.06617 2.01787 1.75193 1.6622 1.53694 1.4858 1.46006 1.44395 1.4286 1.37682 1.30474 1.29545 1.25138 1.20601 1.13589 1.10678 1.09783 1.04199 1.03362 1.02867 particle size (A0) 320.8704613 321.9687207 419.2073488 299.9928901 424.7819196 269.7512011 155.3984118 272.9816301 321.1137129 253.1585282 194.4291482 295.1067832 264.0999458 341.0259799 0.039949079 152.2409455 277.6920782 358.8047439 160.1348387 437.3570233 457.9571368 351.6012158 472.4109346 374.9863462 378.7329637 104.0473922 (a) Pb80-Sb12-Sn8 Copyright © 2013 by Modern Scientific Press Company, Florida, USA Int. J. Modern App. Physics. 2013, 2(1): 1-14 8 d-spacing (A0) 3.08638 2.85667 2.479 2.16775 1.75216 1.54326 1.49417 1.42973 1.29048 1.25555 1.2391 1.13699 1.10827 1.04707 1.04721 1.01124 1.00748 particle size (A0) 347.3390047 220.6525365 353.8758385 359.85482 236.5980972 194.1623711 336.6195094 399.3610486 838.7882242 182.6654896 368.3217981 457.5801744 624.38619 444.2573127 816.7402625 392.997436 570.6215655 (b) Pb80-Sb14-Sn6 d-spacing (A0) 3.07982 2.85737 2.47366 2.19067 2.16527 1.77206 1.75138 1.53988 1.49404 1.42966 1.37195 1.253 1.23817 1.13711 1.10693 particle size (A0) 463.3152024 381.0641548 326.8367126 359.3137084 359.9144918 320.2461416 408.6535242 333.1033413 589.2087268 599.3073518 243.9978496 182.8911975 515.8586039 784.2600989 460.9105289 (c) Pb80-Sb11.5-Sn7.5-Ca 1 Copyright © 2013 by Modern Scientific Press Company, Florida, USA Int. J. Modern App. Physics. 2013, 2(1): 1-14 d-spacing (A0) 3.08955 2.85827 2.47459 2.20096 2.17009 1.75156 1.54743 1.49375 1.42974 1.37331 1.3079 1.29705 1.25876 1.23913 1.21079 1.13638 1.10667 9 particle size (A0) 260.5140097 279.4659635 223.5930936 215.4826862 392.5377549 264.409237 193.9888401 294.5312485 281.9154858 271.0152061 312.29337 418.2225512 159.5649632 468.6896919 163.5813018 392.4856862 288.133899 (d) Pb80-Sb13.5-Sn5.5-Ca 1 Using the following equation [12], n V 1.6602 A , where n is the number of atoms per unit cell, A is the atomic weight, is the 0 measured density in g/cm3 and V is the volume of the unit cell in A 3. The number of the atoms per unit cell was calculated to be 3.88 which must be 4 for Pb–I. Therefore, some of the atoms may be missing from a certain fraction of those lattice sites, which they would be expected to occupy as table 2. From the above results it can be seen that the solid solubility of Sb in Pb has been increased from maximum of 9 wt.% Sb to 14 wt.%. The solubility increase indicates that about 14 wt.% of Sb can be retained in the Pb rich fcc phase by melt-spinning. Increasing Sb content causes the formation of intermetallic compound phase (SbSn). The calculate lattice parameters of SnSb phase the c/a equals 0.95. This value is very close to 1; it means this phase tend to be f.c.c phase. So spinning technique decreases the density of the metal. Copyright © 2013 by Modern Scientific Press Company, Florida, USA Int. J. Modern App. Physics. 2013, 2(1): 1-14 10 Table 2. Lattice parameters System a (Å) Pb-12%Sb-8%Sn Pb-14%Sb-6%Sn Pb-11.5%Sb-7.5%Sn-1%Ca Pb-13.5%Sb-5.5%Sn-1%Ca 4.949 4.956 4.950 4.953 Cell Volume (Å3) 121.213 121.728 121.346 121.545 n 3.88 3.67 3 2.9 4.2. Electrical Properties Electrical properties of rapidly solidified alloys depend sensitively on the structure state of material as well as on composition of the alloys. So, the temperature dependence of electrical resistivity might be a useful tool for studying the process of any phase transformation of the material. It is found in this study that the electrical resistivity of the studied melt-spun alloys increase with the rise of temperature as indicated in figure 2 for (Pb-12%Sb-8%Sn, Pb-14%Sb-6%Sn) and (Pb11.5%Sb-7.5%Sn-1%Ca, Pb-13.5%Sb-5.5%Sn-1%Ca) systems alloys. 400 Pb-12b-8n Pb-14b-6n Pb-11.5b-7.5n-1a Pb-13.5b-5.5n-1a 350 Resistivity( 300 250 200 150 100 50 280 300 320 340 360 380 400 420 440 460 Temperature(K) Fig. 2. The resistivity of two systems alloys In the ternary system we noted that the resistivity of Pb-14%Sb-6%Sn alloy is lower than that of Pb-12%Sb-8%Sn alloy. This may be resulting from increase number of atoms in the first alloy which increases the charge carriers in this alloy. Quaternary system resistivity is lower than ternary Copyright © 2013 by Modern Scientific Press Company, Florida, USA Int. J. Modern App. Physics. 2013, 2(1): 1-14 11 system because of the disruption of the orderly atomic arrangement is removed during the solidification of these alloys. So a net increase in the conductivity occurs, and the resistivity decreases with the increasing of antimony content in all these alloys may be resulting from high bonding among antimony and tin atoms which create appropriate channels for moving of charge carriers. 4.3. Thermal Diffusivity Thermal diffusivity, Dth is transport coefficient which is related to microscopic transport of heat. This value is directly associated with the change of temperature of material. It is noted from table 3 that the thermal diffusivity of the melt-spun ribbons used in this work is a non-linear increase or decrease of thermal diffusivities with or without calcium contend observed in all cases. The thermal diffusivity of first system is higher than that of other systems. So the thermal diffusivity in this case is a function of Ca addition or the composition. Table 3. Thermal diffusivity Dth x 10-8 Alloy m2/sec Pb-12%Sb-8%Sn 37.121 Pb-14%Sb-6%Sn 7.0602 Pb-11.5%Sb-7.5%Sn-1%Ca 8.4972 Pb-13.5%Sb-5.5%Sn-1%Ca 1.6785 4.4. Elastic Constants Young’s modulus is one of the important characteristics that reflect strongly the interaction and the bonding nature among constituent atoms [17]. The elastic constants of the metallic alloys which were fundamental physical properties especially for the mechanical properties such as strength, plastic deformation and fracture were reported previously using single crystals [18]. Poisson’s ratio, defined as the lateral contraction per unit breadth divided by the longitudinal extension per unit length in simple tension, is reported to provide more information about the character of the bonding forces than any other elastic coefficients [19, 20]. Poisson’s ratio (ν) is related to Young’s modulus (E), shear modulus (G) and bulk modulus by equations (3) and (4). The dynamic Young’s modulus (E) was calculated according to equation (1). Fig. 3 shows the resonance curves for two systems of melt spun alloys. Table 4 shows Young’s modulus, shear modulus, bulk modulus and Poisson’s ratio for two systems of melt-spun alloys. Addition of 1 wt% of Ca on the ternary alloy shows great increase in the Copyright © 2013 by Modern Scientific Press Company, Florida, USA Int. J. Modern App. Physics. 2013, 2(1): 1-14 12 internal friction while a slightly decrease in the thermal diffusivity has been measured as shown in tables 3 and 4. The unit-cell volume of phase (Pb-phase) is indicated in table 2. Table 4. Elastic properties of alloys System Pb-12%Sb-8%Sn Pb-14%Sb-6%Sn Pb-11.5%Sb-7.5%Sn-1%Ca Pb-13.5%Sb-5.5%Sn-1%Ca Young's modulus E G Pa 5.91 9.22 8.49 5.90 Shear modulus G G Pa Bulk modulus B G Pa Poisson's ratio 2.20 3.44 3.16 2.20 6.20 9.66 8.90 6.18 0.340 0.340 0.343 0.340 12 Pb80-sb12-sn8 Pb80-sb14-sn6 10 Pb80-sb11.5-sn7.5-ca1 Pb80-sb13.5-sn5.5-ca1 Amplitude(cm) 8 6 4 2 0 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 Frequency(HZ) Fig. 3. The resonance carve of alloys It can be seen that the unit-cell volume of phase (Pb-phase) in these Pb-12%Sb-8%Sn and Pb11.5%Sb-7.5%Sn-1%Ca alloys is expanded with the addition of Ca content. This means that the increased unit-cell volume with Ca content normally leads to decrease elastic modulus of the studied alloy in this study. But, it was found that Ca atoms may serve as filled among atoms in the lattice. Therefore a small amount of calcium is added to melt in this study to improve the resistivity. Hence, it is reported to increase the elastic modulus of the Pb-Sb-Sn melt-spun alloys with the addition of 1 wt% of Ca. Copyright © 2013 by Modern Scientific Press Company, Florida, USA Int. J. Modern App. Physics. 2013, 2(1): 1-14 13 4.5. Hardness Measurement The average hardness values indicated table 5, Hv increases slightly with the addition of the calcium, indicating that the bonding of the calcium atoms as filled among atoms is much stronger than bonding force between antimony and tin which work together to withstand any deformation. Table 5. The hardness of used alloys System in Wt. % pb80-sb12-sn8 pb80-sb14-sn6 Pb-11.5%Sb-7.5%Sn-1%Ca Pb-13.5%Sb-5.5%Sn-1%Ca Hardness Hv Mpa 141.691787 145.123768 191.700653 185.817257 5. Conclusion Based on observations described in the present paper, the following conclusions may be formulated. (a) The patterns shows the existence of five types of phases: f.c.c., structure of α-Pb solid solution, γ-Sb phase, β-Sn phase, SbSn phase, SnSb phase. The calculated lattice parameters of SnSb phase the c/a equals 0.95 (very close to 1), which means this phase tend to be f.c.c phase. Meltspinning technique decreases the density of the metal. (b) In terms of the electrical properties, the ternary alloy is better than quaternary because the increasing impurities work as scattering centers resist motion of the charge carriers. (c) In terms of mechanical properties, the addition of calcium to the Pb-Sb-Sn ternary alloy causes the increase of the hardness. (d) Intermetallic compound which gives good mechanical properties was present because the meltspinning technique is capable to stop the alloy in the same state of its solid solution. Therefore, it is concluded that the melt-spinning technique is successfully used in fabrication grids of lead acid battery. 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