Training Day ~ the Alexandria & Arlington Districts healthy・fresh・sustainable January 10, 2015 at Floris UMC 13600 Frying Pan Rd., Herndon Harvesting Best Practices from Local Talent 한국어로 제공되는 웍샵은 6 페이지와 10 페이지에 있습니다. The United Methodist Church in Northern Virginia Come and experience a full day of ministry training, growth ideas, and spiritual nourishment - all from locally-grown sources! Front page graphic created by Katie Webster of Burke UMC, Alexandria District 2 Our keynote speakers offer local ideas for increasing fruitfulness among clergy and laity alike: Rev. Dr. Lovett Weems & Rev. Tom Berlin! Lovett and Tom will provide perspective on “Bearing Fruit Where You Are,” based on their book Bearing Fruit, which discusses tools needed to assess the fruit your ministry bears in the lives of the congregations, communities, and the world. Local Resources—Fresh & Nourishing Following the 60-minute keynote, Lovett and Tom are available in workshops as follows: Session 1: Tom Berlin discuss the concepts of leadership from High Yield in a 90-minute workshop (see page 5) Session 1: Lovett Weems will lead the workshop based on the book, Overflow: Increase Worship Attendance and Bear More Fruit, (90 minutes, see page 6), and Session 2: A Q&A with both Lovett and Tom (60 minutes) with regard to the keynote and their books, see page 9. About the Keynotes: Recommended Reading: Tom Berlin is the Senior Pastor of Floris United Methodist Church in Herndon, Virginia (Arlington District). He is the author of several studies and books, including three with copresenter Lovett Weems. Lovett H. Weems Jr. is Distinguished Professor of Church Leadership and Director of the Lewis Center for Church Leadership at Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington, D.C. He is the author of several books, including three with co-presenter Tom Berlin. He co-edits the online newsletter Leading Ideas, which is available at CEU reading selctions Reading any of the above titles will count towards the .5 CEU (see page 12). While Bearing Fruit’s concepts will be presented in the keynote, each of the other books will be presented in workshops facilitated by one of the authors (see information at the top of this page). 3 PLAN NOW TO JOIN US ON JANUARY 10! Grasp that ‘low hanging fruit’—register early! To plan your day, choose two workshops, which will be split by an optional lunchtime session. The keynote is an hour-long plenary session for all, and it begins at 9:00 AM in the Floris sanctuary. 90 or 120 minutes? Some workshops are a full two hours, while others are 90 minutes. When reviewing the workshop descriptions, the time allotted to this workshop will appear in parenthesis following the description and presenter bio. Wondering which workshops you should choose? Workshops offered can build on church life experience or offer ways in which to grow in personal faith. Categories have been created to help you figure out what might appeal to you. A few words about these categories listed below... Please note: you can attend any workshop that you find appealing, regardless of faith journey or church leadership role! The only attendance restriction on workshops is one placed by logistics (classroom size). RY MINIST ONS IATI ABBREV THIS N USED I RE BROCHU AF Adult Faith Formation LL CC Church Council/Ministry Chairs MO Mission and Outreach CE Christian Educators/Sunday School Superintendents MU Music Ministry NL Nominations and Leadership Development CL Clergy OA Older Adults Ministry CM Children’s Ministries OL Workshops in Korean or Spanish CO College Ministries SG Small Group Ministries/Leaders CP Church Staff/Program Staff SP Staff/Pastor-Parish Relations Committee CW Communications/Welcoming ST Stewardship DS Discipleship/Spiritual Formation TR Trustees EW Evangelism/Welcoming VLR Visioning/Long-Range Planning FM Family Ministries WO Worship FT Finance/Treasurers YA Young Adults/Young Adults Ministries GT Green Teams/Creation Care YO Youth Lay leaders The above abbreviations are intended as guidelines only. 4 SESSION ONE OPTIONS - BEGIN AT 10:15 AM GBCS: More Than You Think Research on aging overwhelmingly demonstrates various health Rev. Dr. Susan Henry-Crowe A Journey of Purpose Martha Stokes benefits of spirituality and religious participation. How are we as a church placing intentional priority on the spiritual needs of this ever-growing group? Explore gateways to spiritual growth and practical ideas for those in the second half of life (50+). Martha Stokes is the Director of Church and Community Relations for Virginia United Methodist Homes. (90 minutes) AF, DS, OA Bullying: It Happens Everywhere! Jan Harrod This workshop will view excerpts from the Emmy-award winning documentary film BULLY, and the strategies found in its companion publication, Bully: An Action Plan for Teachers, Parents, and Communities to Combat the Bullying Crisis. Learn ways to empower your congregation to combat the bullying epidemic in America. Jan Harrod holds a Professional Certification in Youth Ministry and has served in church youth programs of all sizes. Jan has been involved with the Bi-District UMC Youth Ministry since 2004. (90 minutes) CM, CP, FM, YO The General Board is defined by its five areas of ministry: (1) Public Witness and Advocacy (2) Administration (3) Ministry of Resourcing Congregational Life, (4) United Nations Ministry, (5) Communications. Come and hear the latest from the new General Secretary! Susan Henry-Crowe is the General Secretary of the General Board of Church and Society. (90 minutes) CL, GT, MO High Yield: Seven Disciplines of a Fruitful Leader Rev. Tom Berlin Whether by training or intuition, fruitful leaders develop a set of practices that serve them well and bear much fruit. Come and hear about fruitful leaders and the implementation of their practices, which are as unique as the leaders themselves. Tom Berlin is the Senior Pastor of Floris UMC in Herndon. (90 minutes) CC, CE, CL, CP, LL Lay Leadership 2.0: Is there an ‘app’ for that? Church Council: An Effective Traditional Approach Gene Cross and John Meeuwissen Rev. Dr. Susan Garrett Come and find the answers to the following questions: How does a church organize for effectiveness? What are the advantages of the Church Council structure? How does a church move to the Church Council structure? What makes an effective meeting? Why is “simple” better? How can a church live into a meeting/administrative structure that works in its local context? How should churches deal with common meeting problems? Susan Garrett is the former Director of Connectional Ministries for the Virginia Conference, as well as a former District Superintendent and pastor. (120 minutes) CC, CL, NL, VLR E-Newsletter: Building Community, Engaging Neighbors Just what is this position called a ’lay leader?’ Who and where are the laity leading? All good questions. Join us to address district and conference initiatives dealing with lay leadership. We’ll discuss what might and might not work in your local church. We’ll share insights as we “make disciples for Jesus” in the NOVA missionary field. We’ll focus on what our district superintendents are expecting of the laity. Led by Gene Cross, Arlington District Lay Leader, and John Meeuwissen, Alexandria District Lay Leader. (90 minutes) CL, LL Ministries with Families Carrie Schwab & Katie Webster Martin Davis More than just a tool for spreading church event news, a properly-constructed e-newsletter can discover volunteers, improve fundraising, and teach you about the language that best connects with your community. Go beyond the e-newsletter itself to the data it provides, and learn how it can become a vital tool for developing your community and delivering pastoral care. Learn how to manage its production and integrate it into your overall church outreach. Martin Davis a former director at the Alban Institute, and currently runs Sacred Language Communications, a firm committed to visioning, creating, and supporting organizations’ outreach. He is a regular contributor to and (90 minutes) CP, CW, EW A workshop focused on Christian Education, coming alongside families, and providing activities, conversations, and tools that help families in the process of spiritual development. Carrie Schwab is the Director of Children’s Ministries at St. Matthew’s UMC in Annandale, and Katie Webster is the Director of Christian Education at Burke UMC. (90 minutes) CE, CM, CP, FM More Than Two Candles and a Cross Rev. Celeste Heath We live in a visual world! Does your worship space capture the eye and move the Spirit? Learn to think beyond an altar with 2 candles and a cross: create a space that visually connects to the worship theme in a meaningful way. Celeste Heath is the pastor at Mount Vernon UMC in Alexandria. (90 minutes) CL, WO More session one workshops 5 SESSION ONE OPTIONS - BEGIN AT 10:15 AM Neighborhood Tutoring Programs Social Principles and Poverty from a Biblical Perspective (in Korean Language) Rev. Michelle Kim Duane Miller This is a perfect program for church outreach and discipleship ministries. Come and learn about providing free, on-site academic tutoring to elementary through high school aged student who live in economically depressed neighborhoods. Duane Miller (USAF, Ret.) has more than 25 years’ experience as an educator at all levels. He is an Adjunct Professor of Mathematics at NVCC. (90 minutes) CE, CM 감리교의 사회원칙과 빈곤 웍크샵 감리교의 창시자 웨슬리 목사님의 설교, 돈의 사용법 (The Use of Money)에 나타난 성경적인 재물론은 “벌 수 있는 모든 것을 벌어라. 저축할 수 있는 모든 것을 저축하라. 그리고 줄 수 있는 모든 것을 다 주어라” 였습니다. 웨슬리 목사님은 복음이 사회 정의로 실천 되지 않는다면 그것은 진정한 복음이 아닐 정도로 기독 교인들의 삶은 구제와 사회정의 실현에 적극적으로 나 서야 한다고 강조했습니다. 이번 웍크샵을 통해서 감리 교회의 장정에 나타난 사회원칙을 돌아보고 특별히 빈 곤에 관한 주제를 살펴볼 것입니다. No More ‘Volunteers:’ Reclaiming Christian Servanthood Rev. Marc Brown A paradigm shift is being required of the church as people are invited to define meaning in their lives through their faith. This workshop explores ways churches can shift from making people volunteers to making people disciples of Jesus Christ as they claim their identity as Christian servants. Marc Brown is the Director of Connectional Ministries for the Virginia Conference. (90 minutes) CC, CL, NL Spiritual Formation for Adults in the 21st Century Rev. Jennifer Coffey No, We Ain’t Got a Barrel of Money… Rev. David Rash This workshop will help the Finance and Stewardship Ministries discover the strength they may not even know they have, and to exploit that for the Kingdom of God. David Rash is a retired UM minister who now consults with local churches in Stewardship matter. (90 minutes) FT, ST Overflow! Putting into place intentional discipleship practices and opportunities for adults is essential to growing disciples and to growing a faith community. This workshop will explore best practices for helping adults grow in their faith by connecting with God and others in meaningful ways in the 21st century. It will explore how to create and revitalize discipleship processes, small group life, Christian Education, Sunday school, retreats and more. Rev. Jennifer Coffey is the Associate Pastor and Minister of Spiritual Formation at Centreville UMC. 90 minutes) MV, TR, WO Rev. Dr. Lovett Weems This workshop will discuss the research-based insights, tactical ideas, and practices that lead to increased attendance, as per the book, Overflow. Come and learn the importance of paying attention to factors critical to worship growth, and demonstrate new approaches to worship planning. Lovett Weems is distinguished professor of church leadership and director of The Lewis Center for Church Leadership at Wesley Theological Seminary. (90 minutes) CL, EW, VLR, WO Rethink Welcome Staff/Pastor Parish Relations Overview Rev, Cathy Abbott, Rev. Jeff Mickle, and Kevin Bruny Overview of the responsibilities and characteristics of S/PPRC, a model for discussion prior to completing the appointment preference form, info about the VA Conference Annual Evaluation of clergy and staff by the S/PPRC. Jeff Mickle and Cathy Abbott are the Alexandria and Arlington District Superintendents, respectively, and Kevin Bruny is a member of Reveille UMC, former SPRC chair, and is currently chair of the new Bishop's Foundation. He is also head of Human Resources for Chesterfield County, Virginia. (120 minutes) SP, CL, LL Neill Caldwell Discover ways to do engaging ministries that connect with people beyond the walls of the church building. Continuing our denomination’s promise of “Open hearts, Open minds, Open doors,” Rethink Welcome challenges participants to identify ways of extending their church’s open hearts into the community, and offers ways to make visitors feel welcome once they have arrived at your church. Neill Caldwell is the Virginia Conference’s Associate Director of Communications for Print Media and Editor of the Virginia Advocate. (120 minutes) CW, EW, MO Trustees: The Basics Nuts and bolts for those new to the Board of Trustees, This session will discuss duties and authority of trustees: powers and limitations, handling of bequests, investments, sale, transfer, lease or mortgage of local church property, insurance, incorporation, safety and security, and other related issues. There will also be a question and answer session. Ray Brill is the pastor of Wesley UMC in Vienna. (90 minutes) TR, CL, NL ION REGISTRAT S DEADLINE I DEC.18! Rev. Ray Brill 6 SESSION ONE OPTIONS - BEGIN AT 10:15 AM Who is My Neighbor? Six Ways to Reach Them Rev. Mark Ogren YOUTH Summit - for Youth in grades 8-12! Full Day’s Program, 9 AM - 3:30 PM! See below. Enjoy a hands-on demonstration of the Virginia Conference demographic resource, MissionInsite. Discover information based on the 2010 census, and 5-year predictions for such items as: population, households, families, ages, income, and ethnicity in addition to mosaic lifestyle portraits. Mark Ogren is the Director of Congregational Excellence for the Virginia Conference. (90 minutes) CC, CL, CP, VLR See page 15 for mail‐in registra on or register on‐ line at United Methodist Volunteers in Mission (UMVIM) Leader Training - 10 AM-4 PM! See below UMVIM LEADER TRAINING United Methodist Volunteers in Mission (UMVIM) is the short-term mission arm of the United Methodist Church. UMVIM volunteers are lay and clergy, young and old, with differing abilities, vocations, and stations in life. Through the United Methodist Church all come to offer their skills and talents for Christian service at home and abroad. UMVIM’s matches persons with opportunities so that everyone may participate in mission. After all, mission is not only for those who live in the field full-time. God calls all Christians “to bring good news to the oppressed [and] to bind up the brokenhearted” (Isaiah 61:1). No matter who you are, no matter the level of your resources, no matter how big or small your church, God is calling you to mission. This day long (10 AM-4 PM) leader training will be hosted by David Redding (Floris UMC) and Paula Renfro (St. Thomas UMC), UMVIM team leaders and trainers. h p://‐items/bdtd‐2015/ Bring your youth to BDTD! Full day session and lunch for just $15! “Youth Leading Youth Summit: Serve God, Loving Others” This day-long session in two parts will provide a foundation for youth (grades 8-12) to continue to learn about God through loving others: God is calling you to do something right now. God’s call isn’t about what you do for a living; it’s about what’s next. God calls every Christian to be a minister, and to use your gifts and talents now, where you are. In the morning session, you will experience some ways of figuring out what God has in store for you. At lunch you will have a chance to put your calling to work, and in the afternoon, you can explore some very practical ways to serve God and to love others. This Summit is open to YOUTH ONLY (see above) and attendance includes both sessions. This Summit, which includes lunch, is offered at a reduced registration fee ($15 – same registration deadline and process; financial assistance available). Facilitators include Dwayne Stinson, Youth Ministry consultant and PhD candidate (Bible: Old Testament) at Union Presbyterian Seminary in Richmond, and Alison Malloy, Chairperson of the VA UMC Youth Council. See page 8 for lunchtime workshops and roundtables! 7 LUNCHTIME OPTIONS MINI WORKSHOPS/ROUNDTABLES OR LUNCH AND FELLOWSHIP (WORKSHOPS AND ROUNDTABLES BEGIN AT 12:15 PM) The following Mini Workshops or Roundtables will be available during lunch. Lunches will be distributed on both levels of the Floris facility, which will enable you to pick up lunch and report to a lunchtime opportunity that will begin at 12:15 PM. Please note that these workshops are completely optional; if you prefer to relax and enjoy lunch and fellowship, that option is still available in the fellowship hall and in the other public areas of Floris. Generation “Like” Youth Marketing with Martin Davis You are what you “like.” What happens when youth click the “like” button in Social Media? Join us for a look at how corporations’ use of social media manipulates our teens. Martin Davis runs Sacred Language Communication in Fredericksburg. Implementing a Health and Wellness Ministry at Your Church with Tom Pruski Learn the importance of an organized whole person health ministry via the programs and tools that Wesley Seminary’s Heal the Sick program has developed. Tom Pruski, RN, MAPS is the director of the Wesley Theological Seminary’s Heal the Sick program. Haiti Mission Opportunities with Military Ministry Outreach with Kenn Speicher Interested in serving in Haiti? Hear Keith Sadler & Bill Shugarts opportunities for area churches with Kenn Speicher of Mount Olivet UMC, who has been onsite working with education and community development with the Thomas Food Project in Haiti. Healthy Food Initiatives/ Gardening with Julie Knight Learn about the goals and objectives that Fairfax County has in place for increasing the accessibility and affordability of healthy foods. Julie Knight is co chair of the “Partnership for a Healthier Fairfax” initiative in Fairfax County. Human Trafficking in NOVA?!? Elaina Carrillo and Liz Hoefer An overview of human trafficking, followed by a more in-depth discussion of what is going on locally, and how your church can respond. Elaina Carrillo and Liz Hoeffer work with this ministry at Annandale UMC. Imagine No Malaria with Maria Maxwell United Methodists are committed to bringing an end to the suffering and death caused by malaria. See how your church can be part of this important initiative, with Maria Maxwell, the Virginia Field Coordinator for the Imagine No Malaria Campaign. Interested in reaching out to the active and veteran populations? Come and hear about an important ministry for this group in our area. Keith Sadler and Bill Shugarts are co-chairs of the coalition of 10 churches known as the Northern Virginia Military Ministry Outreach (NVMMO). Prison Ministry Overview with Frank Svenson and Bill Iwig Come and learn the what/where/ when/why/how of prison ministry with Frank Svenson, Chairperson of Annandale UMC’s Kairos Advisory Council, and Bill Iwig, Kairos volunteer. School Partnerships with Aria Kirkland-Harris Spiritual Toolbox Practices with Janet Salbert Our prayer life thrives on simplicity and encouragement, and this workshop will offer a balance of practices and resources for deepening your spiritual life and leadership. Janet Salbert is Associate Pastor at Grace UMC. Turn on Your Cell Phone and Let’s Worship! with Melissa Dunlap It’s already in the hands of all of our congregation members (and the young adults we’re trying to get to join us), so we might as well welcome cell phones in worship. Get a few quick and easy (and appropriate!) ideas how to integrate cell phone usage in worship. Bring ideas you’d like to share. Melissa Dunlap is the Bi-District Coordinator for Church Development. Wesley Class Models RT with Janie Mitchell & friends In Wesley’s day, the class model accounted for the spread of Methodism. Come and learn more about the class model and how small groups can kick start growth in your church. Janie Mitchell is a member of Del Ray UMC. Hear the best practices for partnering Young Adults RT with Alex with local schools for food/school Woody supplies/tutoring/literacy. Aria A time of sharing resources about Kirkland-Harris is Regional Director of creating a vibrant young adult ministry The Expectations Project, a network of in your church. Alex Woody attends faith-motivated advocates working to Wesley Seminary and serves on the ensure all public school children receive Young Adults Council for the Virginia a high quality education. Conference. Lunch me workshops run from 12:15‐1:15 PM. Lunches will be distributed at key loca ons throughout Floris beginning at 11:45 AM. 8 SESSION TWO OPTIONS - BEGIN AT 1:30 PM Answers to Keynote Questions Rev. Tom Berlin and Rev. Dr. Lovett Weems, with Rev. Dr. Sarah Calvert of the Discipline, cuts the time you spend in meetings, and greatly streamlines the organizational structure of your church. The best part is that the structure can be customized to meet the specific needs of your church. Pastors, church staff and laity who are not afraid of change will find this workshop particularly interesting. John Speight is the pastor of Christ UMC in Fairfax Station. (90 minutes) CC, CL, CP, DS, LL, VLR Join the keynotes for a Q&A. Tweet your questions ahead of time using #BDTD2015, hand us a note, or come in and raise your hand and do it the old-fashioned way. (90 minutes) ALL Art: God’s Blessing in a Box of Crayons Dr. Janie Mitchell EVC, COLTS, and More! Mickie Stalcup This roundtable is a great resource for those working in church administration, whether staff or volunteers. Join Mickie and several other church administrators to discuss reporting changes and all things EVC, COLTS. Mickie Stalcup is the Administrative Assistant at Galilee UMC in Sterling. (90 minutes) CL, CP, SP Come for the fun - or the freedom - or the unexpected “aha!” Experience the Spirit that stirs the imagination as we play/pray to open ourselves to something deep within our souls. Explore ways and resources to bring image and Word together in our spiritual lives, whether we are young or older, at church or at the art gallery. Del Ray UMC member Janie Mitchell is a teacher of the spiritual disciplines and a retreat leader. (90 minutes) AF, CE, CL, DS Healthy Leadership That Repels Conflict Rev. Melissa Dunlap Let’s face it, the idea of peaceful, loving, and kind relationships in the church is just that: an idea. In reality, our behavior is far from perfect and we make mistakes in our conversations and actions. Healthy leadership is developed over time but this workshop can be a great introduction to how to look at our relationships, understand how our behavior can lead to healthier interactions and learn some techniques for getting out of messes more quickly. Learn the one question that will save you time and decrease drama. Clergy who are not familiar with Bowen Family Systems should consider attending. Melissa Dunlap is the BiDistrict Coordinator for Church Development. (90 minutes) CC, CL, CP, NL, SP Are Stewardship Campaigns the Best We Have? Rev. David Rash Review several options, including some new, and also look at creating a climate of faithful and generous stewardship that may make such campaigns unnecessary. David Rash is a retired United Methodist Church pastor who provides stewardship resources to the Virginia Conference. (90 minutes) CL, FT, ST Christian Hospitality in a Multi-Cultural Setting Rev. Eduardo Carrillo “Open Hearts. Open Minds. Open Doors” is a well-known phrase in which almost everyone identifies. But are we really opening our hearts and our minds and our doors to the many cultures and other language speakers that live in our area? To be aware of Northern Virginia is to realize a large percentage of our communities do not have English as a first language - or don’t know English at all. Come, share, and learn to develop multicultural awareness of God’s diverse kingdom and how to be welcoming to those who have traveled across borders, language barriers, and even our church doors. This workshop will offer best practices for extending God’s radical hospitality beyond cultures. Eduardo Carrillo, an Associate Pastor at Annandale UMC, was born in Mexico and completed his higher education in the U.S., where he experienced both hospitable and hostile environments in different faith communities. (90 minutes) How Come Nobody Told Me? Getting the Word Out! Linda Rhodes CW, EW, MO, SG, VLR, WO Cell phones, tablets, live streaming video cameras...what does all of this technology do to help us make disciples in worship? Is there room for technology AND a worshipping congregation in one sanctuary? Find out how one church merges technology and worship. Barbara Miner is an associate pastor at Floris UMC. (90 minutes) CL, CW, WO How often has a member of your congregation complained that (s)he didn’t know what was going on? Just putting a notice in your newsletter or printing it in the bulletin does not insure that everyone in your congregation will get the message. What else should you do? What else can you do? Linda Rhodes is the Director of Communications at the Virginia Conference. (90 minutes) CW, CP Intersecting Technology & Worship Rev. Barbara Miner Church Council Models for 2015 and Beyond Rev. John Speight Are you serving on your church’s Administrative Council or Council on Ministries? Does it seem like you are always going to a meeting? Unfortunately, the reality is you probably spend more time in meetings than you spend in actual ministry. There is a better way to organize your church that meets the requirements On‐line registra on p: select all workshops from this booklet first! 9 SESSION TWO OPTIONS - BEGIN AT 1:30 PM Leadership Essentials: Best Practices Social Media Strategies: Wedding Virtual to Reality Martin Davis Martha Stokes Christian leadership requires entering into a partnership with God. We become God’s agents in the world, guiding and directing the people of God as we work together to complete the mission Christ gave the church: to make disciples. This workshop, geared toward those in lay leadership roles, will focus on leading spiritually, leading people, leading meetings, and leading change. Martha Stokes is the Director of Church and Community Relations for Virginia United Methodist Homes. (120 minutes) CC, CL, CP, LL, NL, VLR Ministry That Matters in the New Millennium Dwayne Stinson Youth ministry’s main goal never changes: creating an atmosphere that allows youth to develop their relationship with Christ and to live out that relationship in lifelong discipleship. The context does change, and given youth’s rapidly changing culture, youth ministry must draw on the right tools to help youth grow in their relationship with God. Join us for practical tools that will adapt to your particular ministry setting and engage in ministry with students in their current culture. Dwayne Stinson is a Youth Ministry consultant and PhD candidate (Bible: Old Testament) at Union Presbyterian Seminary in Richmond (120 minutes) CE, CL, YO First it was Facebook. Then Twitter. Then along came Pinterest and Kik and media platforms are coming at us at a break-neck pace. How do we manage all of this? What is it we're trying to communicate, and what tools are most effective for reaching our goals? In this workshop, learn to set an overall communications strategy, then select the online tools most appropriate to your real-life outreach. Martin Davis runs Sacred Language Communications, a firm committed to visioning, creating, and supporting organizations’ outreach. He also writes regularly about technology and church issues for and (90 minutes) EW, MO, SG SPRC and Beyond: Future Staff Visioning Kevin Bruny A workshop for ongoing and experienced SPRC members. This workshop will address a variety of personnel issues, policies and situations that go beyond the basics and include visioning for future staffing at growing churches. Kevin Bruny is a member of Reveille UMC, former SPRC chair, and is currently chair of the new Bishop's Foundation. He is also the head of Human Resources for Chesterfield County, Virginia. (120 minutes) CL, LL, SP Stewardship: Nurturing a Generous Spirit in Building Missional Disciples - Missional Churches Vital Congregations Rev. Stephen Clark Rev. Glenn Rowley and Darlene Runaldue Shifting the focus on finances in the local church requires a What does God ask of us that is really transformational as we serve as disciples of Jesus Christ and engage in mission inside and outside the church doors? Glenn Rowley is the Director of Mission and Global Justice in the Virginia Conference. Darlene Runaldue is the Director of Program and Adult Ministries at Grace UMC (90 minutes) CL, MO deliberate effort and creates a new synergy. The strategic goal is to engage the church members in mission and ministry with renewed generosity. Vision opens the door; planning equips the donor! Stephen Clark is the President of the Virginia Conference United Methodist Foundation. (90 minutes) CL, FT, ST Reimagining Effective Preschool Ministry: 10 Things I've Learned Along the Way Rev. Abi Foerster Turn Around Churches When partnerships between the church and its preschool ministry are strong, there are many benefits to the families served, the faith community itself, and all the various stakeholders who interface between the two. Hear a few of the lessons learned along the way about reimagining effective preschool ministry that is healthy, fresh, and sustainable. Abi Foerster is the Associate Pastor for Children and Connecting New People at St. Stephen's UMC. (90 minutes) CE, CL, CM, FM, VLR Rev. Marc Brown How do churches turn around to growth from decline or plateau? This workshop focuses on information and insights about ways that churches can turn their focus from questions of survival to questions of purpose and mission. Marc Brown is the Director of Connectional Ministries for the Virginia Conference. (90 minutes) CC, CL, EW, LL, NL, VLR Wesleyan Spirituality Rev. Hyun Ho Lee 감리교회의 설립자인 존 웨슬리의 영성의 특징을 살펴보 고 오늘날 감리교인들의 영적 정체성을 되짚어보는 강좌 입니다. 먼저 웨슬리의 영적 여정과 각 시기별 영성 형성 을 정리할 것입니다. 후에 웨슬리 영성의 고유한 특징들과 그 특징들이 오늘날 교회와 그리스도인들에게, 특별히 감 리교인들에게 주는 영향과 메시지를 정리할 것입니다. 10 FULL DAY WORKSHOPS: UMVIM & YOUTH! UMVIM LEADER TRAINING United Methodist Volunteers in Mission (UMVIM) is the short-term mission arm of the United Methodist Church. UMVIM volunteers are lay and clergy, young and old, with differing abilities, vocations, and stations in life. Through the United Methodist Church all come to offer their skills and talents for Christian service at home and abroad. UMVIM’s matches persons with opportunities so that everyone may participate in mission. After all, mission is not only for those who live in the field full-time. God calls all Christians “to bring good news to the oppressed [and] to bind up the brokenhearted” (Isaiah 61:1). No matter who you are, no matter the level of your resources, no matter how big or small your church, God is calling you to mission. This day long (10 AM-4 PM) leader training will be hosted by David Redding (Floris UMC) and Paula Renfro (St. Thomas UMC), UMVIM team leaders and trainers. Bring your youth to BDTD! Full day session and lunch for just $15! “Youth Leading Youth Summit: Serve God, Loving Others” This day-long session in two parts will provide a foundation for youth (grades 8-12) to continue to learn about God through loving others: God is calling you to do something right now. God’s call isn’t about what you do for a living; it’s about what’s next. God calls every Christian to be a minister, and to use your gifts and talents now, where you are. In the morning session, you will experience some ways of figuring out what God has in store for you. At lunch you will have a chance to put your calling to work, and in the afternoon, you can explore some very practical ways to serve God and to love others. This Summit is open to YOUTH ONLY (see above) and attendance includes both sessions. This Summit, which includes lunch, is offered at a reduced registration fee ($15 – same registration deadline and process; financial assistance available). Facilitators include Dwayne Stinson, Youth Ministry consultant and PhD candidate (Bible: Old Testament) at Union Presbyterian Seminary in Richmond, and Alison Malloy, Chairperson of the VA UMC Youth Council. See page 15 for mail‐in registra on or register on‐line at h p://‐items/bdtd‐2015/ Top Ways to Make the Most of Bi-District Training Day! Know Why You’re Going - perhaps you’re new to a Dress for Comfort - and the Weather - Dress casually leadership position, or interested in a certain spiritual growth discipline. Make a note of questions you’d like answered, etc. Make a commitment to glean something from every workshop. ON THE DAY OF THE EVENT: Come Prepared to Take Notes - bring a notebook or a tablet, and a pen. You’ll most likely get handouts for some sessions, but perhaps not all. and in layers. Wear walking shoes. Look at ALL of the Materials in Your Registration Packet - Care has been taken to anticipate basic needs and frequently asked questions. Review all information, and if you still have questions, please ask the district staff and other volunteers who are at the event to serve you. Don’t Forget to Network! - Bi-District Training Day is a Share the Knowledge - Make notes of information you’d like to take back to your church, and make an opportunity to share them with those who were unable to attend. 11 wonderful chance to get to know other United Methodists in the Northern Virginia area who share your interests and passions. Let’s face it—won’t we all be at a church conference on a Saturday in January? Please Read These Helpful Tips for Pain-Free Registration! REGISTRATION PACKETS WILL BE AVAILABLE AT 8:15 AM ON THE DAY OF THE EVENT, IN THE LOBBY OF FLORIS UMC. YOU WILL BE GIVEN ONLY YOUR OWN PACKET. Register as soon as you can! Workshop availability is on a first-come, first-served basis, and seating is limited. Register on-line with your credit card (MC/VISA) at - or - mail your payment and completed registration form (page 13 of this brochure) to the bi-district office. Packets include: your name tag workshop titles and classroom assignments Completed registrations through Dec. 18 cost $30; the at-the-door cost is $60. facility map On-line registrants, please note: If you have registered on-line in years past, follow the link to registration at and simply type in your email address. Your personal information from last year will be prefilled for you. If you’ve changed emails since last year’s event, enter your old email, and click “edit profile” to update your email address. If you are prompted for a password, just enter your last name. Please note: Registrations are not considered complete until all course selections have been made, and your payment is received. Refund Policy: Written requests for refunds that are received on or before December 30th will be processed minus a $10 administrative fee. Registrations can be transferred to another church member or friend; however, class changes may not be possible. Contact the bi-district office for details. Childcare Available if Registration Completed by Dec. 18 Yes, Childcare is offered for infants through age 10. Reserve a spot for your FREE childcare. Pay $10/family at the time of registration, which will be refunded to you when you drop off your child(ren). Childcare will be handled in Floris’ childcare center, on the lower level of Floris UMC. Please bring a snack, drink, and a lunch for each child. Childcare will be open from 8:30AM to 3:45 PM on Bi -District Training Day. The deadline to register for childcare is December 18th. Please DO NOT bring children to workshops! Lunch Provided with All Registrations Food – We will provide morning refreshments and lunch. The bagged lunch consists of a sandwich, chips, cookie, fruit, and bottled water is provided. Those with special dietary needs may wish to consider bringing their own lunch/beverage. Lunches will be distributed at marked points throughout the facility. Lunch seating is in the Fellowship Hall and all public gathering space. NOTE: Those attending mini-workshops or roundtables may eat in an assigned classroom. See your registration packet on the day of the event for these details. Continuing Education Unit (.5): Requests for CEU credit must be made with your registration by December 18th. For 2015, choose an option based on your registration. At the end of the event, you will need to complete and sign an event evaluation and turn that in to receive your CEU. Evaluations will be included in your registration packet. Upon receipt of the signed evaluation, your CEU certificate will be distributed at the registration table at the close of the event. .5 CEU Options (choose an option, you will need this info at registration): Register and attend the plenary keynote, and two 2-hour workshops Register and attend the plenary keynote, two 90-minute workshops, and a mini workshop Register and attend the plenary keynote, two 90-minute workshops, and read one of the Berlin/Weems books (pg 3) Register and attend the plenary keynote, one 90-minute workshop, one 2-hour workshop, and read one of the Berlin/Weems books (* UMVIM has its own .5 CEU award; above does not apply for that) The on-site Cokesbury bookstore will be open from 8:30 AM-3:45 PM 12 DIRECTIONS TO FLORIS UMC in Herndon, Virginia FLORIS UMC Floris United Methodist Church 13600 Frying Pan Road, Herndon, VA 20171 -PLEASE FORM CARPOOLS FROM YOUR CHURCH IF POSSIBLEFrom the East and South/Southeast Take I-495 West to I-66 West to Route 50 West, to 28 North, to Frying Pan Road exit or I-95 South to I-495 West/I-66 West/Route 50 West to 28 North, to Frying Pan Road exit. From the West and Southwest Take I-66 East to 28 North, to Frying Pan Road exit. From the Northwest Take Route 7 East to 28 South to Frying Pan Road exit. SATELLITE PARKING: Available at Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church (2516 Squirrel Hill Rd) with shuttle transportation to Floris UMC. Mt. Pleasant is a 2-minute bus ride or a 5-minute walk to Floris. Directions to Mt. Pleasant: Go past Floris UMC on Frying Pan Road. First left at Centreville Road. First Left at McNair Farms Road. Third Left at Squirrel Hill Road. THERE WILL BE PLENTY OF SIGNAGE AND PARKING ATTENDANTS TO HELP YOU FIND YOUR WAY, BEGINNING AT 8:15 AM ON JAN. 10 13 REGISTER On-Line with your VISA/MC at -ORcomplete and mail in the form on page 15 with your check. A FEW TIPS FOR AN EASY ON-LINE REGISTRATION PROCESS: Read the workshop descriptions in this book and make your decisions. Workshop descriptions do not appear during the registration process. Choose one workshop for each session. You will be alerted if the workshop you have chosen is already filled, so please have a second choice in mind. If you have registered on-line in years past, follow the link to registration at and simply type in your email address. Your personal information from last year will be pre-filled for you. If you’ve changed emails since last year’s event, enter your old email, and click “edit profile” to update your email address or any other information. If you are prompted for a password, use your last name. If you need assistance, contact Sharon at, 703-820-7200. Build on January’s training with another great opportunity on April 18, 2015, 9:00 AM-3:30 PM: How to Connect with Your Neighbors: Stepping Up Your Effectiveness 14 15 Bi‐District Training Day Child Care (infant through age 10) $10 A deposit is required at registration, to be refunded in full on 1/10/15 (see page 12 for details). List names of children: $30 Full day registration (2 workshops plus one lunchtime option), workshop handouts, and lunch: Workshop 1 (10:15 AM) Choice: ____________________________________ Workshop 1 Alternate Choice: _______________________________ Lunch (choose option, below): 11:45 AM Lunch/casual conversation OR 12:15 PM Lunch and mini workshop or roundtable (enter choice here): ___________________________ Workshop 2 (1:30 PM) Choice: _________________________________________ Workshop 2 Alternate Choice: ____________________________________ Total Due (checks payable to “UM Joint Account” Payment must accompany this form: $30 Full day registration and lunch. Please note an additional fee of $25 payable to the VA Conference will be due on the day of this event to cover the necessary handbook and background check. $15 Due with registra on Mail to: Bi-District Training Day, c/o UMC in Northern Virginia, 5001 Echols Avenue, Alexandria, VA 22311 UMVIM Training (includes keynote ) Youth Summit (grades 8‐12 ONLY) Full day registration, workshop handouts, and lunch Event Type Descrip on of program Miscellaneous Info: Vegetarian lunch (we regret we can’t accommodate other dietary restrictions; see pg ___) | .5 CEU requested (see pg __ ) I would like to register for: Grade in school if a ending the youth summit: Telephone: Email (for electronic confirma on): Church : Street Address:/City/State/Zip Your Name: For Mail-In Registration: Form Must Be Postmarked by 12/18/14 Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage Paid Woodbridge, VA Permit 150 The United Methodist Church in Northern Virginia Bi-District Training Day 5001 Echols Ave. Alexandria, VA 22311 Address Service Requested REGISTER NOW FOR Bi-District Training Day! Agenda for Sat., Jan. 10, 2015 8:15 AM - 8:30AM Pick up your registration packet at main entrance/on-site registration 8:30 AM - 9:00 AM Opening remarks and brief orientation 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM Plenary Session Keynote 10:00 AM - 10:15 AM Break 10:15 AM Session 1 (90-minute workshops end at 11:45 AM, 2-hour workshops end at 12:15 PM) LUNCH OPTIONS - choose casual conversation or mini-workshop/roundtables (see page 8 for details!): 11:45 AM - 1:15 PM Fellowship hall and other public areas available for lunch/casual conversation 12:15 PM - 1:15 PM Lunch and mini-workshop or roundtable - in designated classrooms 1:30 PM Session 2 (90-minute workshops end at 3:00 PM, 2-hour workshops end at 3:30 PM) 3:00 PM-3:45 PM CEU distribution at information desk (See page 12 for details for applying for the CEU.) The Cokesbury bookstore will be open from 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM 16
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