2015 Tariff Part A – CLP 2015 Tariff Package Part B – Frequently asked questions Part C – 2015 Tariff Table Part A – CLP 2015 Tariff Package 16 December 2014 CLP Announces 2015 Tariff Adjustment CLP Power Hong Kong Limited (CLP Power) today announced that the Average Total Tariff increase for 2015 will be 3.1%. Average Basic Tariff will decrease by 1.2 cents per unit of electricity to a level lower than that in 1998. Due to increased fuel costs, Fuel Cost Adjustment will increase by 4.6 cents per unit of electricity. The Average Total Tariff will be HK$1.142 per unit of electricity. The adjusted tariff will take effect on 1 January 2015. CLP Power will continue to offer the Energy Saving Rebate Scheme, which was first introduced in 2013, to assist low consumption customers and encourage energy conservation. The new package will result in 36% residential customers and 44% small business customers seeing no tariff increase for three consecutive years, or even a slight decrease. CLP Power Managing Director Mr Paul Poon explained the reasons for the tariff adjustment, “We have to face the great challenge of a significant increase in fuel costs in 2015. In support of Government’s environmental policy, from January 2015, the annual emission allowances for our power plants would be reduced significantly by 35% to 65%. To meet the new stringent emission requirements, our gas consumption volume in 2015 will need to be almost double that of 2014. This leads to a 50% increase in fuel costs in 2015, reaching almost HK$15.5 billion (Charts 1 and 2 below). Since natural gas, especially the gas supplies from the Second West-East Gas Pipeline (WEPII), is much more expensive than coal, our fuel costs for electricity generation will significantly increase and put substantial pressure on tariff.” Chart 1 Chart 2 1 CLP Power has taken a wide range of measures to optimise fuel usage including: • maximise the use of cheaper gas from Yacheng gas field • procure more low emission coal • temporary import of additional nuclear energy from Daya Bay • enhance operation performance of generation plants and emission reduction equipment These measures help reduce the usage of the more expensive gas supplies from the WEPII. In addition, CLP Power has exercised strict discipline in controlling costs and fuel expenditure and made significant efforts to maintain tariff adjustment at an acceptable level. Coupled with a notable drop in coal price, the Fuel Clause Account recorded a healthy positive balance this year. This balance can alleviate the impact of tariff adjustment for the benefit of our customers (Chart 3 below). Chart 3 “We are committed to make every effort to mitigate the impact of this tremendous challenge. In 2015, we shall continue to provide tools and public education on energy efficiency and conservation to help our customers save energy and reduce bills. We shall continue our care for the community by implementing a range of programmes to assist the underprivileged groups. One of the initiatives would be ‘Power Your Love Donation’. The programme has a dual purpose – integrating energy savings with caring for the community. Every unit of electricity saved in the campaign period in 2015, comparing to the same period in 2014, can be ‘transferred’ to pay for the electricity bills of the needy households funded by CLP shareholders,” Mr Poon concluded. 2 Details of the new tariffs will be posted on our website (www.clponline.com.hk) and published in newspapers. Our customers will also receive details in the coming few weeks. 2015 Tariff Table 2014 Tariff Change (cents per unit) Tariff Component 2015 Tariff (effective 1.1.2015) (cents per unit) Average Basic Tariff 88.4 (cents per unit) –1.2 Fuel Cost Adjustment 22.4 + 4.6 27.0 Average Total Tariff 110.8 + 3.4 114.2 (+ 3.1%) 87.2 Impact of 2015 Tariff Changes on Residential and Small Business Customers Consumption per bill * Tariff Impact Approx. % (kWh) ($ per Month) (Number of Customers) No change 36% Residential Customers 0 – 400 (760,000) 401 - 800 Up to $15 35% (740,000) >800 >$15 29% (610,000) Small Business Customers 0 – 400 No change 44% (140,000) 401 – 1,500 Up to $51 28% (90,000) >1,500 >$51 28% (90,000) * CLP Power provides bi-monthly billing for residential customers and monthly billing for small business customers. 3 Supplementary information can be downloaded from the following links: • PowerPoint Presentation CLP Power submitted to Legislative Council Panel on Economic Development Meeting on 16 December 2014 • Fact Sheet on 2015 CLP Energy Saving Initiative “Power Your Love Donation” - End - 4 Part B – Frequently asked questions 1. What is the tariff adjustment for 2015? Please explain the details. • • With effect from 1 January 2015, the Average Total Tariff will increase by 3.1%. Average Basic Tariff will decrease by 1.2 cents per unit of electricity to a level lower than that of 1998, while the Fuel Cost Adjustment will increase by 4.6 cents per unit of electricity. The Average Total Tariff will be HK$1.142 per unit of electricity. The increase in the Fuel Cost Adjustment is due to the significant increase in fuel costs. To meet the new stringent emission requirements in support of Government’s environmental policy, our gas consumption volume in 2015 will need to be almost double that of 2014. This will lead to a 50% increase in fuel costs in 2015, reaching almost HK$15.5 billion, and put substantial pressure on tariff. 2014 Tariff Change (cents per unit) 88.4 (cents per unit) –1.2 2015 Tariff (effective 1.1.2015) (cents per unit) 87.2 22.4 + 4.6 27.0 110.8 + 3.4 114.2 (+ 3.1%) Tariff Component Average Basic Tariff Fuel Cost Adjustment Average Total Tariff • CLP will continue to offer the Energy Saving Rebate Scheme, which was first introduced in 2013, to assist low consumption customers and encourage energy conservation. The new package will result in 36% residential customers and 44% small business customers seeing no tariff increase for three consecutive years, or even a slight decrease. Impact of 2015 Tariff Changes on Residential and Small Business Customers Consumption per bill * Tariff Impact Approx. % ($ per Month) (Number of Customers) No change 36% (kWh) Residential Customers 0 – 400 (760,000) 401 - 800 Up to $15 35% (740,000) >800 >$15 29% (610,000) 1 Small Business Customers 0 – 400 No change 44% (140,000) 401 – 1,500 Up to $51 28% (90,000) >1,500 >$51 28% (90,000) * CLP provides bi-monthly billing for residential customers and monthly billing for small business customers 2. What measures has CLP taken to lessen the impact of the tariff increase? • CLP understands that customers are concerned about the tariff adjustment. We have exercised strict discipline in controlling costs and fuel expenditure. A wide range of measures have been taken to help reduce the use of the more expensive gas supplies from the Second West-East Gas Pipeline, including: o maximise the use of cheaper gas from Yacheng gas field o procure more low emission coal o temporary import of additional nuclear energy from Daya Bay o enhance operation performance of generation plants and emission reduction equipment • • Coupled with a notable drop in coal price, the Fuel Clause Account recorded a healthy positive balance in 2014. This balance can alleviate the impact of tariff adjustment for the benefit of our customers. • We have been providing our customers with a variety of measures and valueadded services to help them enjoy savings on energy and cost. 3. What measures has CLP taken to help the general public save energy? • CLP provides tools and public education on energy efficiency and conservation to help customers save energy and reduce bills. We launched the Home Energy Report pilot programme for our 2.1 million residential customers in November 2014. Customers can access our website at any time to get their Home Energy Report, making energy saving easy by encouraging customers to change their habits and reduce electricity use. We also set up the Eco Building Fund with about HK$70 million for the period from 2014 to 2018, which provides subsidies to residential building owners to carry out energy efficiency improvement works for their buildings. • • • 2 4. What measures has CLP taken to help the people in need? • CLP is committed to making every effort to mitigate the impact of the tariff adjustment. We will continue to provide the Energy Saving Rebate Scheme in 2015 to assist low consumption customers and encourage energy conservation. The new package will result in 36% residential customers and 44% small business customers seeing no tariff increase for three consecutive years, or even a slight decrease. We also show our care for the community through a range of programmes to assist the underprivileged groups: o Community Care Subsidy Programme in 2013 o Subsidy Programme for Energy Efficient Electrical Appliances in 2014 In 2015, we will roll out “Power Your Love Donation Campaign”. The programme, funded by CLP shareholders, has a dual purpose — integrating energy savings with caring for the community. Every unit of electricity saved in the campaign period in 2015, compared to the same period in 2014, can be “transferred” to pay for the electricity bills of needy households. Apart from helping people save energy, we also care for the community. Following the same idea of “Hotmeal Canteen”, we will launch the “Hotmeal Canteen in 14 Districts – Elderly Friday” programme, in which meal coupons will be delivered to eligible single and couple elders every Friday in 14 districts in our service area. We believe that these initiatives will help those needy households in a direct and practical way. • • • • • 5. How does CLP’s tariff management compare to that of other utilities worldwide? • Even with the adjustment in 2015, CLP’s tariff still remains very competitive when compared to those charged in other major metropolitan cities such as Singapore, London, Sydney and New York. As Hong Kong’s largest energy supplier, we are conscious of the need to keep the 2015 adjustment at an acceptable level while ensuring a reliable, safe and environmentally responsible supply of electricity to our customers. • 3 Part C – 2015 Tariff Table ELECTRICITY TARIFF (Effective for Consumption on and after 1st January, 2015) RESIDENTIAL TARIFF 1. The Residential Tariff applies to residential customers where electricity is used solely for residential purposes. 2. This Tariff is based on bimonthly meter-readings. (a) The Night Water Heating Rate is only applicable to customers currently charged under this Rate. 3. This Tariff will be the aggregate of the following items: (b) The charges for the bimonthly consumption under this Rate will be the aggregate of the following items: (a) Energy Charge Total Bimonthly Consumption Block Rate (Cents/Unit) 80.5 93.9 109.7 140.5 163.4 173.8 175.0 Each of the first 400 units Each of the next 600 units Each of the next 800 units Each of the next 800 units Each of the next 800 units Each of the next 800 units Each unit over 4200 (b) (c) (i) Energy Charge The energy charge is 54.1 cents per unit. (ii) Fuel Cost Adjustment The fuel cost adjustment is 27.0 cents per unit. The amount by which the actual cost of fuel is less or more than $700 per 44 gigajoules shall be credited or debited to the Fuel Clause Recovery Account. A fuel cost adjustment will, if appropriate, only be made following review of the cost of fuel and the balance of the Fuel Clause Recovery Account. (iii) Energy Saving Rebate The rebate is only applicable to a bill with total bimonthly consumption of 400 units or less. The rebate will be calculated at the following rate: Total Bimonthly Consumption Range The amount by which the actual cost of fuel is less or more than $700 per 44 gigajoules shall be credited or debited to the Fuel Clause Recovery Account. A fuel cost adjustment will, if appropriate, only be made following review of the cost of fuel and the balance of the Fuel Clause Recovery Account. 1-200 units 201-300 units 301-400 units Rebate Rate (Cents/Unit) 17.2 cents per unit on total consumption 16.2 cents per unit on total consumption 15.2 cents per unit on total consumption Energy Saving Rebate The rebate is only applicable to a bill with total bimonthly consumption of 400 units or less. The rebate will be calculated at the following rate: 6. Minimum charge per bill: $36.00 7. This Tariff, the Supply Rules and other conditions are subject to revision from time to time. Total Bimonthly Consumption Range 8. Payment of any bill received later than the due date may be subject to a late payment charge of 5% of the original amount due. 9. Customers' energy charge and energy saving rebate shall be adjusted in the following circumstance on a pro-rata basis. Rebate Rate (Cents/Unit) 17.2 cents per unit on total consumption 16.2 cents per unit on total consumption 15.2 cents per unit on total consumption Concessionary Tariff for the Elderly (a) Night Water Heating Rate Fuel Cost Adjustment The fuel cost adjustment is 27.0 cents per unit. 1-200 units 201-300 units 301-400 units 4. 5. Customers aged 60 or above who live either alone or with other similarly qualified elderly, and who are relying on or entitled to Comprehensive Social Security Assistance, are eligible. (b) The approved applicant will be offered half-price for the first 400 units of electricity consumed in two months plus an exemption of the minimum charge per bill. (c) Energy Charge, Fuel Cost Adjustment and Energy Saving Rebate under Residential Tariff continue to apply. Note: In this rate table, - "Unit" shall mean one kilowatt-hour (kWh) of electricity - "Bimonthly" shall mean the period of approximately two months between a meter-reading (including estimations) and the next one. If the period between two successive meter-readings is outside the 55-65 days range, an adjustment to the block size under paragraph 3 (a) and 3 (c) of the respective applicable energy charge tariff rate and energy saving rebate tariff rate will be made, as follows: Applicable block units = Normal block units x N / 60 N = Number of days between two successive meter-readings ELECTRICITY TARIFF (Effective for Consumption on and after 1st January, 2015) NON-RESIDENTIAL TARIFF 1. The Non-Residential Tariff applies where the consumption is not solely for residential purpose. 2. This Tariff is based on monthly meter-readings. 3. This Tariff will be the aggregate of the following items: (a) Applicable block units = Normal block units x N / 30 N = Number of days between two successive meter-readings Rate (Cents/Unit) 97.0 96.2 Each of the first 5,000 units Each unit over 5,000 Fuel Cost Adjustment The fuel cost adjustment is 27.0 cents per unit. The amount by which the actual cost of fuel is less or more than $700 per 44 gigajoules shall be credited or debited to the Fuel Clause Recovery Account. A fuel cost adjustment will, if appropriate, only be made following review of the cost of fuel and the balance of the Fuel Clause Recovery Account. (c) Energy Saving Rebate The rebate is only applicable to a bill with total monthly consumption of 400 units or less. The rebate will be calculated at the following rate: Total Monthly Consumption Range 1-200 units 201-300 units 301-400 units Customers' energy charge and energy saving rebate shall be adjusted in the following circumstance on a pro-rata basis. If the period between two successive meter-readings is outside the 25-35 days range, an adjustment to the block size under paragraph 3 (a) and 3 (c) of the respective applicable energy charge tariff rate and energy saving rebate tariff rate will be made, as follows: Energy Charge Total Monthly Consumption Block (b) 7. Rebate Rate (Cents/Unit) 17.2 cents per unit on total consumption 16.2 cents per unit on total consumption 15.2 cents per unit on total consumption 4. Minimum charge per bill: $36.00 5. This Tariff, the Supply Rules and other conditions are subject to revision from time to time. 6. Payment of any bill received later than the due date will be subject to a late payment charge of 5% of the original amount due. Note: In this rate table, - "Unit" shall mean one kilowatt-hour (kWh) of electricity - "Monthly" shall mean the period of approximately one month between a meter-reading (including estimations) and the next one. ELECTRICITY TARIFF (Effective for Consumption on and after 1st January, 2015) BULK TARIFF 1. Customers whose present or expected monthly consumption is not less than 20,000 units may apply to the Company in writing for supply under Bulk Tariff. 2. This Tariff is based on monthly meter-readings. 3. This Tariff will be the aggregate of the following items: (a) $68.4 $65.4 Off-Peak Period Each off-peak kVA up to the on-peak billing demand Each off-peak kVA in excess of the on-peak billing demand $0.0 $26.8 Energy Charge Total Monthly Consumption Block Rate (Cents/Unit) On-Peak Period Each of the first 200,000 units Each unit over 200,000 Off-Peak Period Each unit (c) High Load Factor Rider (a) The High Load Factor Rider (HLFR) is available to Bulk Tariff customers whose average monthly total consumption per kVA of average monthly "Maximum Billing Demand" in the preceding 12 months is higher than 500 units per kVA (b) HLFR provides lower charges for energy consumption over 500 units per kVA of "Maximum Billing Demand" in the month (c) The reduction in the energy charges to the customers will be calculated at the following rate: Demand Charge Based on the monthly maximum demand in kilovoltamperes (kVA): On-Peak Period Each of the first 650 kVA Each kVA above 650 (Minimum on-peak billing demand: 100 kVA) (b) 4. 68.8 67.2 61.1 Fuel Cost Adjustment The fuel cost adjustment is 27.0 cents per unit. The amount by which the actual cost of fuel is less or more than $700 per 44 gigajoules shall be credited or debited to the Fuel Clause Recovery Account. A fuel cost adjustment will, if appropriate, only be made following review of the cost of fuel and the balance of the Fuel Clause Recovery Account. Each of the 501st unit to 600th unit per kVA of "Maximum Billing Demand" Each unit over 600 units per kVA of "Maximum Billing Demand" 5.2 cents 10.5 cents 5. This Tariff, the Supply Rules and other conditions are subject to revision from time to time. 6. Payment of any bill received later than the due date will be subject to a late payment charge of 5% of the original amount due. 7. A customer's application for supply under this Tariff may be refused if, within 12 months prior to such application, he/she has ceased to be supplied under this Tariff at his/her own request. 8. Customers' energy and demand charges shall be adjusted in the following circumstances on a pro-rata basis. - Energy Charge If the period between two successive meter-readings is outside the 25-35 days range, an adjustment to the block size under paragraph 3 (b) of the respective applicable energy charge tariff rate will be made, as follows: Applicable block units = Normal block units x N / 30 N = Number of days between two successive meter-readings - Demand Charge For any billing period less than 22 days at the beginning or end of supply, the demand charge will be calculated on a pro-rata daily basis, as follows: Billed demand charge = Unadjusted demand charge x P / 30 P = Number of days in the period billed at the beginning or end of supply Note: In this rate table, - "Unit" shall mean one kilowatt-hour (kWh) of electricity - "Monthly" shall mean the period of approximately one month between a meter-reading (including estimations) and the next one. - "Maximum Billing Demand" is the higher of on-peak billing demand and off-peak billing demand for the month. - "Off-peak Period" is the daily period between 2100 hours and 0900 hours and all day Sundays and Public Holidays (i.e. General Holidays as defined in Holidays Ordinance). - "On-peak Period" comprises all other hours. ELECTRICITY TARIFF (Effective for Consumption on and after 1st January, 2015) LARGE POWER TARIFF 1. Customers whose present or expected demand is not less than 3,000 kVA may apply to the Company in writing for supply under Large Power Tariff. 4. Riders Available to Large Power Tariff Customers in Hong Kong 4.1 2. 3. High Voltage Super Demand Rider This Tariff is based on monthly meter-readings. (a) The High Voltage Super Demand Rider (HVSDR) is available to Large Power Tariff customers who meet the following requirements: (i) the on-peak demand or off-peak demand, whichever is higher, is not less than 35,000 kVA; and (ii) supplied at 33kV and above and/or through a dedicated supply from CLP 132kV primary substation. If for any billing month, a Large Power Tariff customer fails to meet the requirements for HVSDR, he/she will be charged in accordance with the Large Power Tariff without HVSDR. (b) The charges under the HVSDR will be the aggregate of the following items: This Tariff will be the aggregate of the following items: (a) Demand Charge Based on the monthly maximum demand in kilovoltamperes (kVA): On-Peak Period Each of the first 5,000 kVA $120.3 Each kVA over 5,000 $115.3 (Minimum on-peak billing demand: 50% of the highest on-peak billing demand under Large Power Tariff during the "Summer Months" of the immediately preceding 12 months.) Off-Peak Period Each off-peak kVA up to the on-peak billing demand Each off-peak kVA in excess of the on-peak billing demand (i) On-Peak Period Each of the first 5,000 kVA $111.1 Each kVA over 5,000 $105.9 (Minimum on-peak billing demand: 50% of the highest on-peak billing demand under Large Power Tariff during the "Summer Months" of the immediately preceding 12 months.) $0.0 $33.9 Billing Demand Shortfall There is no charge if on-peak billing demand or off-peak billing demand is not less than 3,000 kVA. The Shortfall will be based on the difference between 3,000 kVA and the higher of on-peak billing demand and off-peak billing demand. Each kVA short of 3,000 kVA $120.3 (b) Energy Charge Total Monthly Consumption Block (c) Off-Peak Period Each off-peak kVA up to the on-peak billing demand Each off-peak kVA in excess of the on-peak billing demand (ii) Rate (Cents/Unit) On-Peak Period Each of the first 200 units per kVA of on-peak billing demand Each unit in excess of above Off-Peak Period Each unit On-Peak Period Each of the first 200 units per kVA of on-peak billing demand Each unit in excess of above Off-Peak Period Each unit 49.7 41.9 The amount by which the actual cost of fuel is less or more than $700 per 44 gigajoules shall be credited or debited to the Fuel Clause Recovery Account. A fuel cost adjustment will, if appropriate, only be made following review of the cost of fuel and the balance of the Fuel Clause Recovery Account. Note: In this rate table, - "Unit" shall mean one kilowatt-hour (kWh) of electricity - "Monthly" shall mean the period of approximately one month between a meter-reading (including estimations) and the next one. - "Summer Months" are the billing months of May through October. - "Maximum Billing Demand" is the higher of on-peak billing demand and off-peak billing demand for the month. - "Off-peak Period" is the daily period between 2100 hours and 0900 hours and all day Sundays and Public Holidays (i.e. General Holidays as defined in Holidays Ordinance). - "On-peak Period" comprises all other hours. (iii) $0.0 $31.8 Energy Charge Total Monthly Consumption Block 51.7 Fuel Cost Adjustment The fuel cost adjustment is 27.0 cents per unit. Demand Charge Based on the monthly maximum demand in kilovoltamperes (kVA): Rate (Cents/Unit) 49.6 47.5 39.8 Fuel Cost Adjustment The fuel cost adjustment is 27.0 cents per unit. The amount by which the actual cost of fuel is less or more than $700 per 44 gigajoules shall be credited or debited to the Fuel Clause Recovery Account. A fuel cost adjustment will, if appropriate, only be made following review of the cost of fuel and the balance of the Fuel Clause Recovery Account. Continued ......... ELECTRICITY TARIFF (Effective for Consumption on and after 1st January, 2015) LARGE POWER TARIFF (Continued) 4.2 High Load Factor Rider (a) The High Load Factor Rider (HLFR) is available to Large Power Tariff customers whose average monthly total consumption per kVA of average monthly "Maximum Billing Demand" in the preceding 12 months is higher than 500 units per kVA (b) HLFR provides lower charges for energy consumption over 500 units per kVA of "Maximum Billing Demand" in the month (c) The reduction in the energy charges to the customers will be calculated at the following rate: Each of the 501st unit to 600th unit per kVA of "Maximum Billing Demand" Each unit over 600 units per kVA of "Maximum Billing Demand" 5.2 cents 10.5 cents 5. This Tariff, the Supply Rules and other conditions applicable are subject to revision from time to time. 6. Payment of any bill received later than the due date will be subject to a late payment charge of 5% of the original amount due. 7. A customer's application for supply under this Tariff may be refused if, within 12 months prior to such application, he/she has ceased to be supplied under this Tariff at his/her own request. 8. Customers' energy and demand charges shall be adjusted in the following circumstances on a pro-rata basis. - Energy Charge If the period between two successive meter-readings is outside the 25-35 days range, an adjustment to the block size under paragraphs 3 (b) and 4.1 (b) (ii) of the respective applicable energy charge tariff rate will be made, as follows: Applicable block units = Normal block units x N / 30 N = Number of days between two successive meter-readings - Demand Charge For any billing period less than 22 days at the beginning or end of supply, the demand charge will be calculated on a pro-rata daily basis, as follows: Billed demand charge = Unadjusted demand charge x P / 30 P = Number of days in the period billed at the beginning or end of supply Note: In this rate table, - "Unit" shall mean one kilowatt-hour (kWh) of electricity - "Monthly" shall mean the period of approximately one month between a meter-reading (including estimations) and the next one. - "Summer Months" are the billing months of May through October. - "Maximum Billing Demand" is the higher of on-peak billing demand and off-peak billing demand for the month. - "Off-peak Period" is the daily period between 2100 hours and 0900 hours and all day Sundays and Public Holidays (i.e. General Holidays as defined in Holidays Ordinance). - "On-peak Period" comprises all other hours. ELECTRICITY TARIFF (Effective for Consumption on and after 1st January, 2015) ICE-STORAGE AIR-CONDITIONING TARIFF 1. Customers who have installed ice-storage air-conditioning systems in their premises are eligible. 2. This Tariff is based on monthly meter-readings. 3. This Tariff will be the aggregate of the following items: (a) The High Load Factor Rider (HLFR) is available to Ice-Storage Air-conditioning Tariff customers whose average monthly total consumption per kVA of average monthly "Maximum Billing Demand" in the preceding 12 months is higher than 500 units per kVA Demand Charge Based on the monthly maximum demand in kilovoltamperes (kVA): (b) HLFR provides lower charges for energy consumption over 500 units per kVA of "Maximum Billing Demand" in the month On-Peak Period Each of the first 650 kVA Each kVA above 650 (Minimum on-peak billing demand: 100 kVA) (c) The reduction in the energy charges to the customers will be calculated at the following rate: $68.4 $65.4 Each of the 501st unit to 600th unit per kVA of "Maximum Billing Demand" Each unit over 600 units per kVA of "Maximum Billing Demand" 5.2 cents 10.5 cents $0.0 $26.8 5. This Tariff, the Supply Rules and other conditions are subject to revision from time to time. 6. Payment of any bill received later than the due date will be subject to a late payment charge of 5% of the original amount due. 7. A customer's application for supply under this Tariff may be refused if, within 12 months prior to such application, he/she has ceased to be supplied under this Tariff at his/her own request. 68.8 67.2 8 The minimum on-peak billing demand may be waived at the discretion of the Company. 61.1 9. Customers' energy and demand charges shall be adjusted in the following circumstance on a pro-rata basis. Energy Charge Total Monthly Consumption Block Rate (Cents/Unit) On-Peak Period Each of the first 200,000 units Each unit over 200,000 Off-Peak Period Each unit (c) High Load Factor Rider (a) Off-Peak Period Each off-peak kVA up to the on-peak billing demand Each off-peak kVA in excess of the on-peak billing demand (b) 4. Fuel Cost Adjustment The fuel cost adjustment is 27.0 cents per unit. The amount by which the actual cost of fuel is less or more than $700 per 44 gigajoules shall be credited or debited to the Fuel Clause Recovery Account. A fuel cost adjustment will, if appropriate, only be made following review of the cost of fuel and the balance of the Fuel Clause Recovery Account. - Energy Charge If the period between two successive meter-readings is outside the 25-35 days range, an adjustment to the block size under paragraph 3 (b) of the respective applicable energy charge tariff rate will be made, as follows: Applicable block units = Normal block units x N / 30 N = Number of days between two successive meter-readings - Demand Charge For any billing period less than 22 days at the beginning or end of supply, the demand charge will be calculated on a pro-rata daily basis, as follows: Billed demand charge = Unadjusted demand charge x P / 30 P = Number of days in the period billed at the beginning or end of supply Note: In this rate table, - "Unit" shall mean one kilowatt-hour (kWh) of electricity - "Monthly" shall mean the period of approximately one month between a meter-reading (including estimations) and the next one. - "Maximum Billing Demand" is the higher of on-peak billing demand and off-peak billing demand for the month. - "Off-peak Period" is the daily period between 2100 hours and 0900 hours and all day Sundays and Public Holidays (i.e. General Holidays as defined in Holidays Ordinance). - "On-peak Period" comprises all other hours.
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