WRIT OF FIERI FACIAS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF CHATHAM COUNTY, GEORGIA CASENUMBER,___________~-----JUDGMENTDATE,_______________ Plaintiff(s) Plaintiffs Attorney·Name, Address & Telephone Number VS. Name: ____________________________________ Address:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Defendant(s) To all and singular the sheriffs of the State and their lawful deputies: Area Code &Telephone: _______________________ Fi. Fa. In Hands of: ___________________________ In the above styled case, and on the judgment date set out the plaintiff(s) named above recovered against the defendant(s) named above, judgment in the following sums: PREPARED BY ATTORNEY Principal Interest Interest - Other Attorney's Fees Court costs $0.00 Total NOTE: ___________________________ $_------------ $_------------ $_------------ $_------------- Issued Pursuant to O.C.G.A. 9-12-132 CANCELLA TION The within and foregoing Fl. Fa. having been paid in full the Clerk of Superior Court is hereby directed to cancel it of record this day of , 20__' $--------------- Signature: _________________________________ With future interest upon said principal amount from the date of judgment at the legal rate. Title: ____________________ Therefore, YOU ARE COMMANDED, that of the goods and chattels, lands and tenements of said defendant(s) and ESPECIALLY/ONLY of the following described property, to wit: YOU cause to be made the several sums set out in the foregoing recital of the judgment in this case and have the said several sums of money before the Superior Court of this County at the next term of court, with this Writ to render to said plaintifT(s) the principal, interest, attorney fees and costs aforesaid. Witness the Honorable _______________________________________________ Judge of Said Court, this-the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ day of ____________________• 20___. Daniel W. Massey, CLERK By: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~~-~~---------Deputy Clerk. Entered on General Execution Docket ___________, at this day Page SC.5 REV. 04 A dlngent searcb was made and no property of the defendanl{sj _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ has ooen tOtln,j -,- ..--.•..-.--------------~--~-------------in tNs County, on wh,ch 10 levy thia Fi.ra - .-~.-,---.-------- Deputy Sheriff STATE OF GEORGIA, COUNTY OF CHATHAM STATE OF GEORGIA. COUNTY OF CHATHAM I have this day executed the within FL Fa,by levying upon and 5('!izing ~he follOWing described property of defenciant(s:l. to Wit: I n.'1ve thiS day ex:ecuted the within FLFB. by levying upon and seizing the following described property of de~endant(s). to wit: Lcyiec at Le~ed Georgi;!. this '__.__~.~_ day of _ _ _.20____ at ________________'____' Geo:rgia. this day of ,70_ __ Deputy SherIff THE PRQ?ERTY DESCRIBED IN LEVY WAS KNOCKED THE PROPERTY ::::>ESeRIBED IN LEVY WAS KNOCKED DO\".IN TO DOWN TO Shc-ritt's Service Sheriffs CnmmisSlon Sheriff's Deed S!1erfff's Levy Adv<:lrU,'.ling FAr:: lotdl Nel Proceeds Sheriff S $. _________________ S S S s ____________ $ Sheriff's Service Sheriff s CommiSSion Sheriffs Deed Sheriff's Levy $,---------------- Advertismg Fee $---------------- $_--------------- Total $----------~ .. N9t Proc~eds Shenff $
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