& SELL Serving The Pas, OCN, RM of Kelsey Wanless & Clearwater Lake Price $2.00 $1.77 plus $0.09 gst + $0.14 pst This issue New on December 11 - Good ‘til December 17, 2014 A YARD SALE in the middle of Winter? CHECK PAGE 4 PLUS Another Midnight Madness on Page 13 WE HAVE GREAT GIFT IDEAS & STOCKING STUFFERS FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY December Specials Buy 100 Tanning Minutes & Lotion Receive 100 Tanning Minutes FREE! 20% OFF All In Stock Curling Irons & Blow Dryers December 15 -24 Only 15% OFF ALL GIFT PACKS Uptown Mall 333 Edwards Ave 204-623-2007 623-4444 204 Volume Twelve, Issue Fifty This magazine was issued on December Eleventh, Two Thousand and Fourteen GOOD DEALS The Only BUY Or send e-mail to:gooddeals@mts.net Get your GOOD DEALS at:Rick’s Family Foods For Y our Gift Needs Remember Your The Pas Hospital Auxillary Gift Shop Large Selection of knitted touques, baby items, beautiful scarves & More! All proceeds go to our local hospital Page Two 24hr FREE ad line : 623-4444 or Email : gooddeals@mts.net December 11, 2014 Appliances Moving Sale, New fridge, stove, washer, dryer, freezer, plus Many Household items, starting at $5 & Up Call Chelsea or Andy ________204-623-2996 ________204-620-4537 Black & Decker bread machine $30 ________204-620-1691 Kenmore fridge, white color, full size, freezer on top, Works Great Asking $150 ________204-623-5666 Kitchen stove, almond color, Works Great $25, you pick up ________204-623-5666 Toaster oven, includes baking dish $40 ________204-623-2786 Fridge, white color, Good Condition, Xmas Special $100 takes it home ________204-620-2872 Three stoves, all white, all Work Great, Your Choice $50 each ________204-620-2872 Black & Decker bread machine, Excellent Condition $30 ________204-620-1691 Over the range hood vent microwave, white color $100 ________204-293-6718 Furniture Microfiber couch & loveseat, brown color, Good Condition $500 obo ________204-620-2988 Antique three piece sideboard, 1/4 sawn Oak & Oak veneer, bevelled mirror on hutch, hand carved feet & bracket bases, curved doors, 54”W x 26”D x 77”H Asking $700 obo ________204-623-5017 Entertainment stand Asking $50 obo aft5_____204-623-7886 D! L SO Thanks GOOD DEALS Wicker trunk, 3ft x 2ft x 2ft, Excellent Condition $45 ________204-620-1331 Espresso wood wardrobe / free standing clothes closet $65 ________204-623-4032 December 11, 2014 Furniture Kitchen Antique (late 1920’s) Mahogany dining room suite, ten piece, includes large table with extra leaf, buffet, side server, china cabinet, one captains chair & five side chairs, Beautiful Condition Asking $2700 obo ________204-623-3568 Couch & loveseat, China cabinet / hutch, light brown color Very Good Condition Asking $1200 obo Selling for $300 ________204-623-2567 ________204-620-1691 Hide-a-bed, opens to full size bed $100 ________204-624-5690 Room Dividers Room Dividers O ka China cabinet, Excellent Condition $400 obo ~Urban Barn Brosna bookcase stand, ________204-620-2988 27.5”W x 11”D x 71”H, Table with two stools Mint Condition, Asking $75 Pd $300 + tax, aft5_____204-623-7886 PRICE REDUCED Asking $100 Kitchen table, 1950’s ________204-620-5333 style Asking $50 obo aft5_____204-623-7886 Dishwashers Danby countertop electronic dishwasher, Microwave Ovens quick connect Gently Heavy Duty microwave, Used, Pd $268, stainless steel interior Selling for $100 obo Asking $60 txt_____204-271-5054 ________204-623-2786 Wicker room divider, dark brown color, Excellent Condition Metal framed room $50 obo dividers, cloth inserts, ________204-623-7862 Very Good Condition, Bedroom $25 each or pair for $50 White bunk bed from ________204-623-7862 The Brick with two twin Bedroom pillow top mattresses, Homemade quilts, ready to deliver, Queen Size $125, Asking $400 Double Size $100, txt _____204-620-9370 Twin Size $75 To Give Away: queen Call for details size box spring only ________204-623-5106 ________204-678-2233 24hr FREE ad line : 623-4444 or Email : gooddeals@mts.net Page Three CASE TOWING 204-627-0211 204-627-0211 24 Hour Roadside Assistance Short & Long Haul Affordable Rates JUST IN CASE 204-627-0211 Shark Tilt Deck Autopac Wheel Lift WeDeliver! We offer our COMPLETE MENU to be Delivered 4:00 pm til Close Every Day! Friday & Saturday 204-623-6322 After Hours Delivery 329 Fischer Avenue 9 pm til Midnight Kelsey Glass 2000 LTD. We are your Authorized Glass Replacement Agent for your Truck, Car or SUV 63-16th Street West 204-623-6646 Page Four Miscellaneous Miscellaneous YARD SALES New & used Sea Cans, Very Secure, No leaks, 20 foot, used one time $5000, 40 foot (used once) $8500 Used 40ft $4250 Call for prices on ones used more than once & delivery ________204-687-6350 Non-prescription colored contact lenses, Brilliant Blue or Sapphire Blue ONLY $20 per pair Pamala txt_____204-620-4740 Diane ________204-620-1685 Swag lamp, two tone blue, very retro $40 ________204-620-1691 Brass ornaments, 100 assorted pieces in all Asking $125 for the collection aft5_____204-623-7886 Water cooler $20 obo aft5_____204-623-7886 Christmas lights, 25 in a package, two Brand New packages $10 ________204-620-1331 Portable Hummingbird fish finder, model 100SX, everything included, Great Shape $75 ________204-620-2872 Books: Soap Making, 365 Gifts & Decorations & Debbie Travis Weekend Projects, Brand New Condition $5 each ________204-623-5985 Blue two tone lamp $40 ________204-620-1691 Standing lamp $20 ________204-620-1691 Honeywell air purifier, Excellent Condition $50 ________204-623-4032 Two sets of luggage, both sets have wheels, both in Tip Top shape, $30 per set ________204-623-4032 Two sets of wire cubes / boxes for storage, six cubes per set $25 per set ________204-623-4032 Service manual for Case 580B backhoe loader, Excellent Condition $50 ________204-623-4903 ~Soleus Air dehumifier, 45 pint, includes humidistat, Brand New in the box $175 ________204-623-7241 Square straw bales $2.75 D! per bale L O ________204-623-xxxx S ________204-623-6570 The Pas Christian Fellowship will be having a Garage Sale this Saturday, December 13, 2014, 438 Larose Avenue (in the church basement, use front door)9AM til 5PM, Lots of Good Stuff, electronics, Christmas trees, lights, ornaments, televisions, computers, vacuum cleaners, ladies earrings & More Thanks GOOD DEALS Moving Sale, New fridge, stove, washer, dryer, freezer, plus Many Household items, starting at $5 & Up Call Chelsea or Andy ________204-623-2996 ________204-620-4537 Bake Sales Dawn Johnson will be at the uptown mall riday December 12, 2014 at 10:00am with all your Christmas baking, breads, buns, cinnamon buns, pies, tarts & more!! Stop by & Check Us Out STOLEN Stolen from the back of a truck: 22-250 rifle in a camoflage case, $500 Reward for return ________204-620-1537 Find it in GOOD DEALS Firearms NOTE: You must have a Valid Possessions & Acquisition Licence (PAL) to sell or purchase any firearms in Manitoba ~300 Winchester Mag Weatherby, laminated grey stock, includes scope, Beautiful Condition $1000 ________204-624-5632 24hr FREE ad line : 623-4444 or Email : gooddeals@mts.net Decemebr 11, 2014 Snowmobiles Snowmobiles Arctic Cat 440 Prowler, liquid cooled, Good Condition Asking $1000 ________204-623-5031 Polaris 340 Lite GT, Good Condition Asking $2000 ________204-623-5031 2009 Polaris IQ snowmobile, four stroke, wide track, Only 1500 kms, Like Brand New Asking $7900 ________204-623-5516 Skidoo Elan, 250cc Good Running Condition $1500 ________204-620-1745 Arctic Cat Touring 660 snowmobile, two up seat, reverse, electric start $2900 ________204-62-1745 2004 Polaris Pro X2 600 snowmobile, Great Condition $3000 ________204-978-1104 ~2002 Skidoo Tundra, snowmobile, long track, electronic reverse, Mint Condition $4750 ________204-624-5632 Arctic Cat EXT 580 snowmobile, $2000 obo ________204-623-1861 ~Skidoo Formula 600 snowmobile, Beautiful Condition $3300 obo ________204-620-1745 ~Skidoo Skandic ! snowmobile, reverse, LDShape $1900 O Nice obo S ________204-620-1745 ~2007 Arctic Cat F8 snowmobile, elect start & reverse $3500 obo ________204-620-1745 2013 Arctic Cat F570 snowmobile, only 400 miles, Excellent Condition $6500 ________204-623-7262 Polaris Indy Lite 340 snowmobile, Good All Around Sled $2400 obo ________204-620-1745 Polaris XC600 snowmobile, Nice Sled Reduced to $2700 obo ________204-620-1745 ~Polaris Indy 550 Touring snowmobile, only 1000 miles, Beautiful Condition $2900 ________204-620-1745 Polaris Indy Trail, 488cc, Nice Condition $2200 ________204-620-1745 ~Polaris Indy 550 Touring snowmobile, only 1000 miles, ! Condition Beautiful LD $2900 O S ________204-620-1745 Yamaha Inviter snowmobile, 300cc, single cylinder, electric ! Kids Starter start,DGreat L Sled $1900 O S ________204-620-1745 Skidoo Formula Deluxe 600 snowmobile, ! start & reverse electric LD$3200 O obo S ________204-620-1745 Thanks GOOD DEALS Thanks GOOD DEALS Thanks GOOD DEALS Snowmobiles ~2006 Arctic Cat Z-570 snowmobile, Excellent Condition Asking $3200 obo _______204-623-0929 _______204-623-3933 2004 Yamaha FX Viper 700 snowmobile, Excellent Condition $3900 obo ________204-620-1745 Thanks GOOD DEALS Bought it in Helmets GOOD DEALS HJC helmet, open front, Snowmobile heated visor, used very Sleighs little Asking $170 Snowmobile sleigh ________204-624-5411 fiv efoot $100 ________204-620-1745 Snowmobile Snowmobile sleigh, Accessories plastic construction, IPortable Warn winch, Teflon runners, As New for use on snowmobiles Condition $250 ________204-620-1745 & ATVs that are stuck, Otter sled, five foot, No more heart attacks, includes hitch $125 Asking $300 ________204-623-4903 ________204-624-5411 December 11, 2014 Snowmobiles Snowmobiles 1982 Skidoo Elan, 250cc, single cylinder, light weight & Runs Great $1200 All messages will be returned on Friday ________204-623-4924 Snowmobiles, over 25 to choose from, $1500 to $3500 each ________204-620-1745 1978 Arctic Cat Jag, twin cylinder, 295CC, New track & sliders, light weight & Runs Great $800 ________204-623-4924 2002 Skidoo Tundra, long track, electronic reverse, wide skis, Excellet Condition, Great for trappers $4500 obo ________204-624-5632 2001 Polaris XC SP 800 snowmobile, blue in color, liquid cooled, 1 3/ 4” paddle track, 1500km on New motor, Runs Great, Excellent Shape $3000 obo ________204-623-1341 Pop Can Tabs ~2003 Arctic Cat F570, Only 400 miles, Excellent Condition $6500 ________204-623-7262 1995 Polaris 600 XLT Touring snowmobile, Excellent Shape, Trail Ready, Some options available, was $3500, Price Reduced to $2500 ________204-624-5072 2005 Skidoo MXZ 380F The Shrine Club of The snowmobile, reverse, Pas is collecting Drink geared, quick Tabs from pop & beer acceleration for a light cans for a local project. sled, bar risers, decent Drop Box available at track, always used the Wescana Inn vendor, synthetic oil, hand Opasquia School or guards, spare belt, Shear Essentials. The Runs Amazing, Never Shriners are also an issue with the collecting pop cans, engine, (only 80 hours plesae remove tabs first on engine) Starts first & place in separate bag pull $2000 obo Thank You for Call or text Your Support!! ________204-271-0420 24hr FREE ad line : 623-4444 or Email : gooddeals@mts.net Snowblowers Yard Machine snowblower, 123cc, four cycle, four temp, 21 inch EZ Chute, used a few times last winter Asking $350 ________204-623-2285 Honda powered snowblower, 9HP, 26 inch cut, Runs Great $650 obo ________204-620-1745 Heavy Duty Snowblower, five foot wide, three point hitch tractor mount, Works Great Asking $500 ________204-623-2572 TAAVI’s at The LaVerendrye Motel Sun, 8 am til 2 pm Mon to Fri 7 am til 3 pm Closed Saturdays Page Five Ice Shacks Double wide snowmobile trailer, New 3/4 inch treated decking, $1100 ________204-620-1745 Trailer, 24ft x 8ft 6inch, tandem axle, 3/4 inch plywood deck, includes tie downs & loading ramps, Great for snowmobiles or quads $4000 _______204-734--2662 Ice shack, pulls behind a snowmobile or quad, Asking $125 ________204-623-5797 Ice fishing shack, 6ft x 8ft, two holes, fully insulated, includes pipes & stove, Ready to Use $750 ________204-624-5578 Ice shack, four hole, 6.5ft x 9.5ft, tubular steel frame, insulated, cast iron stove, wall cupboard & shelves, under bench storage, built in gas light, all sheeted inside with fresh paint, New runners with Teflon, pintle hitch tow bar, Not used since total rebuild D! in 2010, L SOAsking $1250 obo ________204-623-2211 Motorcycles Receive 3 Cents per Litre Back ATV’s Trailers 2003 Suzuki RM250 motorcycle, two stroke, Tons of money invested Asking $3000 Can be seen at XTR Convenience ________204-623-2541 Ride It in GOOD DEALS Thanks GOOD DEALS Enclosed Trailers Triton enclosed trailer, 7ft x 16ft, all aluminum, Excellent Condition $7000 obo ________204-624-5632 Wood Stoves Newmark Classic 1 woodstove, Excellent Condiition, Asking $400 obo Call Rhonda ________204-623-3557 ________204-620-7195 ARGO’s 2004 ARGO, six wheels, includes tracks, skid plates, winch, alternator kit, custom made roof, windshield plus matching ARGO trailer $6500 ________204-620-1745 Page Six ATV Trailers Double axle trailer for behind ATVs, all aluminum, As New Condition $1600 ________204-620-1745 GOOD DEALS Advertising All Your Stuff! 24hr FREE ad line : 623-4444 or Email : gooddeals@mts.net Yamaha Raptor quad, shaft drive, electric start, Excellent Condition, Great Xmas present for the kids, Asking $2400 ________204-623-4872 ________204-623-0992 1993 Yamaha Grizzley Quad, includes winch & plow, Very Good Condition $3000 ________204-623-0951 2007 Arctic Cat quad, includes snowplow $3900 obo ________204-620-1745 2007 Arctic Cat 400 quad, Lots of Accessories, Minty Condition $3500 ________204-620-1745 ~2008 Arctic Cat 366 quad, Purchased Brand New in 2012, Hardly Used, Very Good Condition, regular oil changes, includes winch Asking $3500 Call Craig ________204-620-7615 2006 Arctic Cat DVX 400 quad, five speed manual with reverse, New rear tires & Pro Armor nerf bars, Lots of Fun, Excellent Condition $3300 obo Call or text ________204-620-5300 Polaris Sportsman 700 quad, includes snow plow, Ready for Work $3500 obo ________204-620-1745 ~2013 Honda Rincon 680 quad, Like Brand New Condition $8800 ________204-624-5632 December 11, 2014 Wanted Looking For Wanted Do Not Send books you do not want to the recycling, they will be destroyed there, We should try to save one copy of everything published, for the future, for our local university, Call Walter ________204-623-3584 Looking for a room for a full time worker, part time student, No pets, No kids ________204-620-3801 Wanted: dolls & teddy bears, I will be dressing them & giving to the needy for Christmas ________204-623-2595 ~Looking for unwanted boat motors, running or not ________204-620-2988 Needed: early (1930’s +) school spelling / English textbooks, required by students in Alberta who are writting a doctors thesis on early education of children, Call Walter ________204-623-3584 Looking to trade western pocket books ________204-624-5486 Looking for a little tykes picnic table, txt ________204-620-7106 Wanted to purchase an Xbox 360 ________204-678-2344 Looking for a winter jacket, black color, womens Sz 2XXL, for a reasonable price Call Prim ________204-623-7054 Wanted: a used Xbox 360, willing to pay $100 ________306-754-7775 Looking for a washing machine in Good Condition for a reasonable price ________431-229-3337 Wanted: a couple cords of wood, cut to 16 inches, willing to pay price & delivery to Wanless ________204-682-7471 Wanted: a practical local farm that milks nanny goats ________204-623-5030 Needed: a person to type letters from dictation, Name your price ________204-623-3584 Looking for Hutterite chickens for the holiday season? Call Spud ________204-623-0749 Looking for an eight inch gas powered ice auger Call after 8pm ________204-620-0931 Wanted: ladies figure skates, Sz 6, in Good Condition ________204-623-4384 Looking for a set of seasonal tires, Sz P215/45R17, for a reasonable price ________204-620-1831 Wanted: a room or apartment for rent, for January 2015 txt_____204-620-4121 Two seniors looking to rent a one bedroom or batchlar suite in town, will even consider just a room ASAP txt_____204-620-4121 GIRL GUIDES OF CANADA Asking 4 the public HELP 2 Keep our landfills FREE of PLASTIC BAGS Please drop them off at the Information Center CALL GOOD DEALS TO FIND ANYTHING December 11, 2014 4 Winds Therapy Hypnosis Releasing Patterns 1. Stress & Tension 2. Pain Management 3. Fears & Phobias 4. Preparations for surgeries 5. Emotional Problems 6. Sleeping Difficulties 7. Addictions 8. Motivation 9. School Blockages 204-623-6017 Appointments Available from 11AM to 8PM Our W elding Operations Welding are CWB Certified! Ph. 204-623-5958 Fax 204-623-4965 Located at Mile 3 #10 Highway North Looking For Wanted Looking For Wanted: a trailer, suitable for a side by side ATV, prefer 2500lb capacity Call Don ________204-623-3598 The Pas Homeless Shelter is looking for donations, can be dropped off from 2pm til 5pm or other times can be arranged, Call 11am til 2:30pm, Monday to Friday ________204-627-7516 Looking for yarns suitable to make into socks, mitts, touques, etc ________204-357-2054 ________204-620-1668 Wanted: a truck mounted snow plow / blade suitable for a half ton Call Chris ________204-623-4381 Needed & Wanted: encyclopedias of any kinds, Do Not throw them out, Call Walter ________204-623-3584 Thanks for the 40 Readers Digests left with Lee from Billy (from out of town), this ads to the substancial holdings of this publication, some going back to the 1930’s, Keep sending them in, we’ll save every copy, Call Walter ________204-623-3584 Looking for a blower type bingo machine in Good Condition ________204-939-1030 ________204-970-0015 ~Wanted: aluminum boats, 12 to 16 foot, Any Condition Considered ________204-620-2988 Looking for four Dodge rims, sixteen inch with a five bolt pattern Call or text ________204-939-4206 24hr FREE ad line : 623-4444 or Email : gooddeals@mts.net Page Seven Homes For Sale Acreage For Sale: 96 Hrabowich Road, Ralls Island, 1523 sq/ft three bedroom home, situated on 8.65 acres, large living room with propane fireplace, Ushaped kitchen with island & lots of cupboards, Large dining room, four piece main bathroom, separate utility room, master bedroom has two piece ensuite, large his & hers closets with mirror doors, Lots of storage & closet space in home, electric heat with Low power bills, triple pane PVC windows, front & rear treated decks, three storage sheds, Great Recreational Area, snowmobiling, fishing, hunting, etc, Quick Possession Possible, Asking $230,000 Also available, adjoining 45.34 acres of land on separate title, will consider selling both as package deal Call for appointment to view ________204-623-3568 Homes For Sale Townhouse for Sale: 652 sq/ft, two levels, three bedrooms, 1.5 baths, large laundry room, plenty of storage, attached on one side, access to back yard on other side, fenced back yard with deck, includes fridge, stove, washer & dryer, Full bath, New tub with surround in 2014, Great Starter Home or potential Income Property, Move In Ready, Serious Inquires Only $110,000 Email: gutters @mailme.com ________204-627-7726 *914 Constant Avenue 1030 sq/ft, three bedrooms, hardwood floors on main level, complete basement with bedroom, bath, rumpus room & storage, electric furnace, New PVC windows & doors, Swan Valley cabinets in kitchen, central AC, security system, water filtration system, Home For Rent includes all appliances *For Rent: partly & window coverings furnished house, plus Kingsman wood batchelar style, suitable stove, concrete patio & for one person, Newly sidewalk, detached Redone, close to garage with private schools & walking entrance, Very Well distance of UCN, Grub Maintained home in quiet area $259,000 Box & Paskwayak Price Negotiable Convenience Store, Call for appt to view Non-smoking & No pets allowed $800 per month ________204-623-2576 plus water & hydro, CALL successful candidate will provide references & employment TO SELL confirmation For more information ANYTHING ________204-623-5106 Homes For Sale LOOK! 3/1 bedroom home on full lot with wired / heated shed, over 1200 sq/ft of living space on main floor, all large rooms, upstairs just under 700 sq/ft, French doors to master bedroom, two additional closets, $147,900, Accepting Reasonable Offers, Immediate Possession Available, Text for Appointment to view txt_____204-620-5648 Business Space for Rent Homes For Sale Cute Starter Home: 122 Patrick Avenue, 830 sq/ft, two bedroom, one bath, includes fridge & stove, 14ft x 20ft shed on cement base, Low annual taxes, More pictures on Facebook, Now Asking $100,000 Call Louise to view ________204-627-9142 or Call Sonny ________204-620-1704 Business Space for Rent: Approx 850 sq/ft, Land For Sale Fully Renovated, private bathroom, 45.34 acres, located security controlled 11kms East of The Pas, building, All inclusive on Hrabowich Road, rent $900 plus GST per Ralls Island, month, Available Dec 1, Asking $60,000 2014, Contact Gail at ________204-623-3568 Northwind Plaza ________204-620-1331 Foods Rooms For Rent Rooms for Rent in rooming house, suitable for student or single persons, shared facilities but you have your own room, $500 per month includes hydro, heat & water, Available Immediately, short term rentals OK ________204-978-0578 Advertising Deadline for Submissions is ALWAYS Monday at Noon Red & White Potatoes 75lbs (34.09kg) $20 50lbs (22.73kg) $15 20lbs (9.09kg) $7 Call Petes Potatoes 1km West of town ________204-623-3925 Perogies $3.50 per dozen, Cabbage Rolls $4.50 per dozen ________204-623-7812 ________204-623-7297 Perogies, cheese & potato, $3 per dozen, will be Ready around ! 6th, PreDecember LDorder Now O S ________204-623-5831 Thanks GOOD DEALS GOOD DEALS Page Eight 24hr FREE ad line : 623-4444 or Email : gooddeals@mts.net December 11, 2014 Automobile Accessories Automobiles Automobiles Automobiles Dodge Ram 2500 winter front, used only one winter, Paid $200, First $100 takes it 2012 Jeep Cherokee ~PRICE REDUCED 2009 Suzuki SX4, ________204-620-1562 Laredo, AWD, 4X4, 2007 Jeep Grand AWD, five speed, air Eight bolt on log bunks power windows, heated conditioning, cruise, tilt, Cherokee Limited, 3.0L for a Hi Boy trailer mirrors, navigation Mercedes diesel heated seats, keyless $250 each system, back up engine, leather, sunroof, entry & start, 75K ________204-623-4903 camera, 17 inch DVD, power windows, highway kms, One Mopar front mud flaps, aluminum wheels, seats & locks, adjustOwner, includes extra winter tires & spare New in package able pedals, heated set of winter tires on rims with all season $75 for the set seats, trailer hitch, rims, Safetied, Drives tires, Command Start, ________204-623-4903 factory 2 way command Like New, Great in blue tooth & satellite start, Quadra drive Mopar rear mud flaps, Winter $10,000 Firm accessories Asking 4WD system & many New in package ________204-734-8134 $41,000 more options, New $70 for the set ________204-623-7895 ~2008 Chrysler Town & tires, all fluids & fuel ________204-623-4903 2010 Ford Ranger, two Country van, bigger 4L filter just changed, plus wheel drive, standard engine, Every Possible Tonneau hard cover, Weather Tech floor transmission, Only 40K, Option, All leather black color, will lock mats, Fresh Safety Immaculate Condition, heated seats, all the for security, fits 2005 Asking $16,500 Fresh Safety $9200 way around, three DVD ________204-623-4884 Chevrolet truck, Call after 6pm or leave players, wireless Good Shape ________204-627-0684 message headphones & More, 2006 Dodge Dakota, Asking $400 obo ________204-627-9194 150K, Safetied four wheel drive, New ________204-627-7009 2010 Ford Fusion, 170K, $15,000 obo tires, Very Clean, Safetied $4000 ________204-623-1844 ________204-620-1745 Excellent Mechanical Call or text ________204-620-2290 Shape, Safetied ________204-620-2689 2007 Chevy suburban, 5.3L, fully loaded, seats Asking $10,700 obo seven passengers, ________204-623-4884 DVD player, Xm radio, ________204-627-0684 navigation system, *2006 Ford Focus, saftied, power windows & door locks, cruise control, asking $ 10,500, call ~2010 Chrysler 300, ________204-978-0613 air conditioning, CD, 3.5L, leather interior, New tires, Safetied ~2007 Ford STX 4X4, sunroof, chrome trim & Asking $4800 obo 5.4L, runs rough, wheels, A/C, power ________204-623-4884 windows & locks, 82K, Selling AS IS $1800 2006 Chevrolet Safetied, still has power Call or text Uplander, Safetied train warranty ________204-271-1610 $5500 Asking $14,000 ________204-978-0613 Complementary ________204-623-4884 Medicine & ________204-627-0684 We Will Advertise Your Group Event or Meeting For Free Call our Hot Line at 204-623-4444 or E-mail us, gooddeals @mts.net (by Sunday Night) & your event can be advertised in GOOD DEALS Alternative Therapy’s, Hypnosis & Time Line Therapy’s 2009 Toyota Rav4, four wheel drive, 92,400 kms, Excellent Condition Asking $14,700 Call or text ________204-281-1924 2009 Jeep compass north edition, 4x4, power windows, seat warmers, comes with all season tires, $8000 obo Call for more info ________204-623-5756 December 11, 2014 for a healthier life, Creative & Problem Solving skills for a beneficial life & quality living. Helps to release pain, trauma’s of past & present & adds adaptability & creativity on many levels of the minds & brains,,, Enjoy & Enrich your Life! Call Vicki __________204-623-6017 2005 Ford Focus ZX4, 126K, Great Condition, Fresh Safety Asking $3500 ________204-623-7630 2004 Ford F-150 FX4, Loaded, includes snow blade, Safetied, Ready to Go, Selling as a package only $10,000 ________204-623-6274 Automobiles Automobiles 2004 Chevrolet 1996 Mercury Grand Marquis, selling for Silverado 2500, 4X4, parts, No safety four door, short box, Asking $400 New tires, front end, transmission, front hubs ________204-623-1018 1992 GMC Sierra step & battery, will Safety side, short box, 4X4, Asking $8500 obo Brand New GM 350 ________204-623-5952 ________204-620-1903 Crate motor installed, No safety $2000 Firm Call or text ________204-271-1610 1990 Dodge Ram 50, standard transmission, Selling AS IS, No safety 2003 Hyundai Tiburon, $700 Call Roy manual transmission, ________204-623-2161 black color, black leather interior, sunroof, subwoofer & amplifier, iPod compatible, includes set of studded winter tires & rims 1981 Ford Bronco, full (2013), 168K, Well size, high/low 4X4, Maintained, Safetied Mickey Thompson Baja Asking $6000 obo Mtz 35” tires, Dayna ________204-620-1715 front & rear differentials, ________204-623-7927 removable cap for 2003 Ford Mustang, summer time, Pioneer Only 60K, Asking $4000 full sound system, obo, Moving Must Sell 190K, Fresh Safety Call Chelsea or Andy ________204-623-2996 Asking $3500 obo ________204-620-4537 Call____204-623-1882 txt_____204-620-3379 1987 Dodge half ton, V8, automatic, runs 2000 Chrysler Intrepid, great, pretty good tires, power seats, locks, needs transmission, windows & mirrors, air Selling AS IS, No safety conditioning, key fob for $500 Open to remote access to doors Reasonable Offers & trunk, low mileage, ________204-734-3570 one family owned, strictly non-smoking, Excellent Shape $4000 Firm ________204-623-6839 1999 Ford Windstar minivan, blue color, seven passenger, new 1985 Bombardier Litis, four cylinder tires, selling AS IS, Volkswagon engine, needs very 4X4 with select locking little for safety, rear diff, 24 volt system can be heard running with New batteries, two Xmas Special $500 New alternators, hub txt_____204-299-2418 winch, pintle hitch, ROLL WITH IT needs speedo cable for With safety $6000 ________204-620-7212 GOOD DEALS 24hr FREE ad line : 623-4444 or Email : gooddeals@mts.net Page Nine Winter Wear B & C Power Products 86 Larose Avenue 204-623-5791 Doggie Pets Kitty Cat Pets Puppies Available to Six kittens to Give Good Homes, will be Away to Good Homes nice dogs ________204-620-0266 ________204-978-0578 Adult cats to Give Puppies to Give Away Away, two male, three to Good Homes, part female, would make German Shepherd, part good farm cats Rottweiller, Ready to Go ________204-623-7782 ________204-620-0266 The Pas Handi-Van Inc Dispatch 204-620-2584 Office 204-623-2036 Christmas Stuff Christmas tree with lights $20 ________204-620-1691 Lighted Angels $60 each, call ________204-623-1984 Box of Christmas decorations $20 ________204-620-1691 Christmas wreaths & flower arrangements, call for complete listing & designs, prices from $20 to $30 each ________204-472-3968 Page Ten Fish Pets Guppies, $5 each ________204-978-1104 Fire Wood Firewood, 8 foot lengths, $140 , bucked up to your specified size $150, bucked & split $180, will deliver to The Pas for extra cost ________204-620-1005 Firewood, will cut to any length, $125 per cord, Chimney sweeping services also available ________204-620-0960 Truck load of Spruce firewood $140 Call or text ______204-978-0153 Horse Accessories ~Metal horse stalls, can accomodate 3-4 horses Asking $300 ________204-623-3568 Horse Food Horse Hay, small square bales $3.75 each, Large round bales $35 each ________204-627-0297 Square D! straw bales L$2.75 O per bale S ________204-623-4944 Thanks GOOD DEALS Sold it in GOOD DEALS PETE’S PRO TACKLE The LARGEST Fishing Tackle Retailer in the North 109 2nd St. W 204-623-4774 JOB OPPORTUNITY Job Opportunity: Tri Family Health is looking for a part time staff member, Retail Experience required, Must Work Well with public, be Trustworthy, Self-Motivated, Hard Working & Mature, Please apply with resume, in person to Tri Family Health 229 Fischer Avenue ____________no-fone Full Time Receptionist position at The Pas Dental Clinic, must have strong customer service skills & familiarity with Microsoft Office applications like Excel & Word, Full Training provided, drop off resume with wage expectations to 303 Fischer Avenue or Email to: dentris2012 @yahoo.ca ______no-fone Job Opportunity: Waiter or Waitress, Also a part time cook Apply in Person with resume to Taavi’s Grill, 1326 Gordon Avenue _____________no-fone Full & Part Time position at The Pas Dental clinic for after hours support staff, Duties include clerical, cleaning, stocking, etc, ideal candidate will show a strong work ethic & ability to work independently, Hours: 5pm til 11pm, drop off resume with wage expectations to 303 Fischer Avenue or Email to: dentris2012 @yahoo.ca _________no-fone Job Opportunity: small engine technician, Must be able to work unsupervised & have own tools, Drop off resume in person to Dr Guys Small Engine Clinic, Call for directions ____204-623-3006 Job Opportunity: Michael’s Corner Store has immediate opening for Full Time Cashier, successful applicant will be customer service oriented & a team player, previous experience an asset, Apply with resume in person to 702 Gordon Avenue, Email: jmholdin @mymts.net fax__204-623-5753 Job Opportunity: Waitress Required, Monday to Friday, 8:30am til 4:30pm, Bring in resume to Fat Boys Restaurant, Ask for Darryl or Sharmaine ________204-623-6322 FILLED 24hr FREE ad line : 623-4444 or Email : gooddeals@mts.net December 11, 2014 Tires & Wheels Tires & Wheels Four used tires with usable tread, Sz 225/ 55R17, selling all four for $60 ________204-623-7076 Tires, good for spares, Sz 265/65R18 Asking $20 each ________204-623-2786 Four 22 inch steel rims, 10 bolt hub pilot $50 each ________204-623-4903 Four Good Year Silent Armour tires, LT265/ 70R17, mounted on Dodge rims $1000 ________204-623-4903 Four 20 inch stock chrome Dodge Sport rims, five bolt, Like New Condition $700 obo Call or text ________204-226-4951 Brand New set of Hankook Dynapro M/T studded winter tires, Sz 35 x 12.50 x 17 inch, just want my money back on them, $1600 (no taxes) ________204-623-5516 Four Bridgestone Dueler H/L Alenza, Sz P265/70R16, 50% tread left $200 takes them ________204-687-0872 Goodyear Silent Armor tires, Sz LT26570R17, mounted on Dodge Rims $1000 for the set of four ________204-623-4903 Galvanized Tanks Four BF Goodrich winter Galvanized fuel or water tires, Sz 225/70R16, tank, 500 gallon, with Like New Condition baffles, on metal skids Asking $550 obo $1000 ________204-623-4872 txt_____204-620-4884 ________204-623-0992 Cooper Discoverer M+S Art tires, Sz LT265/70R17, Canvas oil paintings, 2/3 tread left, Great $300 each Shape $400 Firm or the pair for $500 ________204-620-7798 txt_____204-620-4884 Four Yokohama Ice Oil paintings, call for Guard winter tires, complete listing, prices Sz 215/60R15, Low from $140 to $160 each Miles $200 ________204-472-3968 ________204-623-7220 Four 22 inch steel rims, 10 bolt hub pilot $50 each ________204-623-4903 Two Goodyear tires, Sz 205/65R15, Brand New $100 each ________204-624-5072 Four Arctic Claw winter studded tires, Sz 195.65R15, three are mounted GM rims $200 ________204-623-4903 Studded winter tires, Sz 205/65R15, Reduced D! Price of $70 L SOfor the set of four ________204-623-5241 Thanks GOOD DEALS December 11, 2014 Tools House Accessories Furnaces & Heaters Furnaces & Heaters Miscellaneous hand Blue two tone lamp $40 & power tools, Starting ________204-620-1691 at $30 & up, Call for Standing lamp $20 complete listing ________204-620-1691 ________204-623-7241 Living room drapes, Fix it in powder blue color, big, GOOD DEALS long & wide $40 NOTICE ________204-620-1691 ~Do you have ceramic Water softener kit, $100 pieces that you _______204-623-2786 have not finished but Interior doors, one 32 would like to? inch, one 24 inch, both Come & Join Us on with frames $25 each Wednesday nights, ________204-978-1104 Call Marilyn for more info Temporary electrical ________204-623-2468 service for New home / cottage build, 200 Amp weatherproof panel (FP), meter socket, GFI plugs, some breakers, conduit, grounding cable & PW 6X6 post included $500 obo Call after 7pm ________204-620-8935 Two New bathroom sinks, white color $20 each ________204-293-6718 ! of insulation ThreeDbags L SO $50 ________204-623-2786 Thanks GOOD DEALS Lincoln oil furnace with Berkett burner, Like New Asking $1000 Call Rick ________204-472-3589 Amateur Radio Siegler propane wall furnace, heats 1500 sq/ ft home, cottage, etc, Excellent Shape, maintained by Stittco, Priced to sell at $500 ________204-978-0044 Amateur Radio: Are you interested in getting your ham radio license? Would you like to talk around the world without using telephone lines? Email: ve4mrt@gmail.com Call or text Marty ________204-734-8310 CALL GOOD DEALS TO SELL ANYTHING Business Opportunities Do you want to be your own boss? Great Opportunity! Taxi The Empyre 250 outdoor Business For Sale, wood boiler $2500 obo Licensed Under Call after 5pm ‘City Cabs’ ________204-623-6712 Asking $20,000 obo Innertherm oil furnace, Serious Inquires Only Works Great Selling ________204-623-7886 for $400 Call Chris ________204-623-4381 ________204-620-9740 24hr FREE ad line : 623-4444 or Email : gooddeals@mts.net Page Eleven Shoes Mukluks Sketchers shoes, Sz 12 $25 txt_____204-620-2244 Two pairs of nursing shoes, Sz 8 & 9 $25 each ________204-623-5760 Mukluks with rabbit fur, ladies Sz 8 $180 ________204-623-2727 Coats & Jackets Canada Goose down filled coat, red shell, Sz L, fits like a small, Never Worn, Pd $500 Asking $325 ________204-620-2643 Authentic Choko Design ladies Sz M POWDER jacket, $300 obo ________204-620-4437 Sewing Machines Kid Stuff Kid Stuff Two high chairs, one pink folding, one green that converts to toddler table & chair $40 each ________204-623-3230 Two playpens, both Like New Condition $50 each ________204-623-3230 Lil Tykes kitchen center, includes play food & dishes $30 ________204-623-3230 Christening gown, Sz 4, dry cleaned & Ready to Go Asking $20 ________204-623-5985 Kamik boots, childs Sz 10, New $25 ________204-623-5760 Two down filled girls vests from Childrens Place, Sz 10-12 $15 each ________204-623-5760 Diaper box & garbage bag full of clothes for a girl, 4yrs & down, might be a snowsuit in there too, Free for pick up, $10 delivered Call or text ________204-620-5071 Wedding Dresses Boots Blowfish flats, Never Worn, Pd $45 Asking $25 obo ________204-620-7182 Waterproof winter boots, Quilting foot for sewing Fur Coats come to below the knee, machine $25 womens Sz 8W & 10W, ________204-620-1324 Mink coat, black color, Brand New in the boxes Two antique Singer Sz 16, worn less than $25 per pair sewing machines, both 10 times, purchased ________204-623-5985 in cabinets, one from The Bay for $4500, Grey suede heel boots, electric, one with foot selling for $2000 ladies Sz 7 $60 pedal, Both Works ________204-627-0689 txt_____204-620-2244 Excellent, $250 each Winter Wear Call Chelsea or Andy Heavy Duty quilted ________204-623-2996 riding / hunting outfit ________204-620-4537 Mens Sz L, Hardly Used, Very Good Condition $40 ________204-620-1745 Scarves Wedding Supplies Black suede heel boots, Sewing machine, three Wedding dress, purchased at The Rock Garden for $1287, Selling for $900 ________204-329-2265 Page Twelve Cardboard chapel ladies Sz 8 $60 drawer wooden cabinet, for receiving cards txt_____204-620-2244 includes accessories & at your wedding Sorel boots, white, instruction book, $5 womens Sz 7, still in Excellent Condition ________204-620-1331 the box $70 $150 Call or text All In Stock Wedding txt_____204-620-2244 ________204-620-1331 items, regular prices Infinity scarves Black Sorel boats $1 to $100 50% OFF Sew it in $25 each Sz 8/9 $20 Call for complete list txt_____204-620-5241 ________204-623-7297 ________204-620-1691 GOOD DEALS 24hr FREE ad line : 623-4444 or Email : gooddeals@mts.net Mukluks, Sz 10, beading on toe, brown fur, Good Condition $100 obo ________204-623-7862 Mukluks, Sz 6, purchased New two years ago, worn maybe ten times, Excellent Condition, Pd $400, Asking $140 ________204-620-2544 New ‘Manitoba Mukluks’ ladies Sz 7, Pd $260, Asking $175 Firm ________204-623-6042 Mukluks, black fur, Sz 5, white fur, Sz 6 $30 per pair ________204-623-2051 December 11, 2014 Electronics & Related Items Electronics & Related Items Electronics & Related Items Exercise Equipment Shaw Direct cable box, includes remote control $30 ________204-620-1324 Memorex television, 14 inch screen $25 Call Barb ________204-623-7145 iPad covers, Brand New Asking $10 each ________204-623-5985 To Give Away: Panasonic television, 20 inch, must pick up ________204-623-7145 Toshiba fax machine, includes manual Asking $100 ________204-620-1324 Huawei M570 prepaid cellular device, Brand New, Never Used $40 ________204-620-4437 Fax machine, includes New toner Free if you pick up ________204-620-1331 Combination television / VCR combo, 25 inch screen, includes remote, Good Shape, $50 takes it ________204-620-2872 Television, 14 inch screen Asking $45 ________204-623-2786 Catch More Fish & Return to the Same Spot! New Magellan eXplorist 610 hand held GPS / camera, Pd $400 Asking $200, & Cabela’s Advanced Viewing System underwater camera, Mint Shape Asking $100 ________204-623-5678 cell_____204-627-0282 Fast Track exercise machine $25 ________204-620-1691 Complete PA System, includes Mackie 16 channel mixer, Yamaha power amplifier, EQ, cables, two each: 412 PA cabinets with New Eminence 12” speakers, New Eminence crossover & New Eminence tweeters, Sounds Great $2399 Pick up in Swan River Email: glennst @mymts.net ________no-fone December 11, 2014 Sports Equipment Fooseball table $70 ________204-623-5146 ~Karate Gii’s, Sz 2 & 4, $20 each ________204-623-5760 Work Boots Harley Davidson work boots, Sz 8, lightly worn, Asking $50 ________204-623-5241 Business Opportunity Business Opportunity: The only dry cleaning business in The Pas & Flin Flon area, Clean Rite Cleaners is available for purchase, 2800 sq/ft building & land plus dry cleaning machine, commercial washer & dryer, steam presses, air compressor & high pressure steam boiler, will consider selling equipment & building separate, Email: shnidy@mymts.net or Call Shawn ________204-623-0548 RC Helicoptors Musical Instruments RC helicopter, Jin Xing Upright piano, apartment Da 350, 3.5 channel sized, recently tuned, metal structure, Everything works well includes camera, 7.4 Asking $500 volt 1500 Ah battery & ________204-623-3572 extra parts, 65cm X Games 12cm X 13cm, New Condition, Pd $300, Fooseball table, Good Yours for $230 Shape $70 ________204-623-2184 ________204-623-5146 24hr FREE ad line : 623-4444 or Email : gooddeals@mts.net Page Thirteen L & M Sporting Goods 226 Fischer Avenue 204-623-3000 Fax: 204-623-4686 Hunting, Fishing & Clothing Dr Guy’s Small Engine Clinic All Types of 204-623-3006 Accessories Dr Guy’s for Small Engine All Makes of Clinic Quads & ATVs Located 2 Miles South in the Industrial Park Duncan’s Repair Ltd. www.DuncansRepair.ca 204-623-6379 Authorized Dealer for Premium Quality Goodyear Hydraulic Hose & Fittings Large Selection plus We Can Manufacture Hoses for Any of your Hydraulic Needs! We also carry a Large Selection of Truck Parts Call Now for Available Storage Units - 12ft x 26ft with 9ft Door Snow Removal Services Services Offered Services Offered Snow Shovelling Services, will shovel walkways, driveways, decks & roofs, References Available, Call Lyle for rates ________204-978-0621 ________204-623-6261 Antler Mounts, fastest turn around in Manitoba for your trophy racks, Call Jim ________204-623-2211 Will remove old carpet & linoleum, Call Dave for appointment ________204-620-7113 Two Handy Dandy Dudes available for Snow Removal, roof tops, driveways, walkways, sidewalks & more, We have snowblowers Ready to Go, Reasonable Rates Text Shane ________204-620-3874 Text Brent ________204-620-2012 Willing to shovel snow, including roofs Call or text ________204-620-5820 Call____204-623-4291 Electric furnace repair by Journeyman Electrician Call Don ________204-623-6856 ________204-623-0368 2014 Dump trailer for rent, 7ft x 10ft, 7000lb capacity, $90 per day, damage deposit required depending on use ________204-978-1104 ~Chimney sweeping services, Call after 8pm & weekends ________204-620-0960 Bobcat available for clearing driveways, parking lots & More. Call for estimate ________204-620-5554 Available to shovel roof tops, walkways & sidewalks, Call for estimate ________204-620-5554 House Cleaning for Rocky Lake & Area, Affordable Rates, Reliable, Great References Call Jill ________204-679-4312 SecuredCompound available for outdoor storage, great for campers, boats or vehicles, $30 per month ________204-620-1691 Very Experienced Seamstress available to hem your pants with sewing machine, $7 per pair, can also do other alterations ________204-623-2595 Bulk Water Delivery Flood your rink or fill your hot tub Right to your door ________204-623-5542 Experience Furniture Mover, Licenced & Insured ________204-620-2686 Plumbing Services Carpentry Services Experienced Carpenter available for drywall & taping, insulation, painting & More, Free Estimates, Call Emile ________204-620-7598 *Carpenter Looking for Work, 25 Years Experience includes framing, decks, painting, drywall, basic plumbing & electrical, Reasonable Rates ________204-623-4377 ________204-620-2095 Available for carpentry work & painting Call or text ________204-620-5820 Call____204-623-4291 *Need a Plumber? I have experience in replacing hot water tanks, bath & kitchen faucets, toilets & Roto Rooter service ________204-623-4377 ________204-620-2095 Need a plumber that will get the job done? Reasonable Rates, Call Walter ________204-623-2217 Need a plumber? Call Anytime ________204-623-1256 Please Note: Good Deals advertises individuals offering services in Good Faith. We suggest that before you have anyone do any work for you, insist on a written quote to ensure there are no surprises Page Fourteen 24hr FREE ad line : 623-4444 or Email : gooddeals@mts.net December 11, 2014 Both Sides of the Advice with Wanda & RicardO Dear Wanda & Ricardo, The closer Christmas gets, the more depressed I become. I want to be happy like everyone else but can’t seem to find the joy in anything. I get like this every year, it’s not that I don’t like the holidays but is something wrong with me? Sad And Lonely Wanda: It may not really have anything to do with Christmas. You may have seasonal affective disorder (SAD). Winter depressions are the most common manifestations of it. Try going outside and getting a good hour or so of sunlight every day and see if that makes a difference. Speak to your doctor if this doesn’t help. Wanda Ricardo: Keep in mind that Christmas has become quite commercialized and we’re all bombarded with commercials and television shows about how happy and joyful everyone else is. I think you’re just more sensitive to it than most. I would further suspect that you aren’t that much into religion. We seem to forget that Christmas is about the birth of baby Jesus and not about getting a new iPad... There’s only a couple more weeks until the advertising changes to Boxing Day ads, so try a little positive self-talk. It’s time to change your perspective. We Buy & Sell Appliances - Beds Sofa Sets - Table & Chair Sets 111 - 2nd Street 204-623-7882 PITRE TIRE & AUTO Ricardo Good Deals Publishing does not necessarily endorse this column and is not responsible for the accuracy or reliability of any opinion, advice or statements contained within. If you would like to have Wanda & Ricardo give you some advice: E-mail your question to: gooddeals@mts.net Advice will only be given through this column. There will be no personalized email replies. Where Can I Get Good Deals? The Dollar Store with More! Spencers’ Variety Store Super Thrifty Michael’s Corner Store Funky Threadz The Wescana Inn Northern Lites Dollar Store Fas Gas Big E Mart OCN Shell The Grub Box Snakland Shopper’s Drug Mart Extra Foods Gas Bar UCN Bookstore Paskwayak Convenience Store Pete’s Pro Tackle Kelsey Trail Esso Wally’s Place at Clearwater Lake Rick’s Family Foods in Cranberry Portage We Ste General Store in Wanless Missinippi Air Office in Pukatawagan Super 8 Motel 1436 Gordon Avenue 204-623-7461 JANE’S CRAFTS & HOBBIES er athsins e L a ade occ m nd s/M All Sizes Ha ipper Sl Great Selection 212 Edwards Avenue 623-1620 *GOOD DEALS will publish your classified ads absolutely FREE ( for the sale of personal possessions only ) FREE classified ads will run for two issues only. If your items do not sell within this time frame, please call us back and repeat your ad for the next two issues. All ads in GOOD DEALS are published in good faith without verification. GOOD DEALS reserves the right to revise, refuse or censor any ad, for any reason,at its sole discretion. GOOD DEALS does not guarantee to post every ad. The contents of this publication are covered by copyright and are intended for the sole use of the public. GOOD DEALS, its principals, employees and agents, accept no responsibility for errors or omissions contained in the periodical nor for any loss or damage which advertisers or readers may suffer by relying thereon. Another Fine Product from GOOD DEALS PUBLISHING December 11, 2014 24hr FREE ad line : 623-4444 or Email : gooddeals@mts.net Page Fifteen
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