MASTER BUILDERS ASSOCIATION MALAYSIA SITE SAFETY SUPERVISOR (SSS) COURSE MBAM INTRODUCTION The construction industry is playing an important role in the successful implementation of the 10 th Malaysia Plan and the Economic Transformation Programme (ETP) with many economic entry point projects to be launched under the 12 National Key Economic Areas (NKEAS). To date approximately RM 147 billion worth of projects had been identified and it is estimated the Mass Rapid Transit Project alone will be generating more than 130,000 jobs for the construction and related industries. Thus, it is crucial to ensure a substantial knowledgeable, innovative, skilled and competent manpower supply for the safe and successful implementation of ETP. Under the Factories & Machinery (Building Operations and Works of Engineering Construction)(Safety) Regulations 1986; for any building operation and works of engineering construction projects: 1. Main Contractors are required to employ competent SSS for safety supervision within the work site 2. Sub-contractors must employ competent Contractor’s Safety Supervisor at the place of work to keep each project safe, yet be cost effective and efficient. The Department of Occupational Safety & Health (DOSH) has fully enforced the above-mentioned regulations since January 2012. In order to fulfil the requirements and at the same time to resolve the high demand and serious shortage of Site Safety & Health Supervisors (SSS) in the construction industry, with the blessing of DOSH, MBAM is taking a pro-active step in helping the Government to overcome the above issue by conducting the SSS training course specially tailored for the construction industry. This SSS Course is accredited and recognised by DOSH. PROGRAMME OBJECTIVES This industry driven programme is aimed to assist the construction industry in developing, training and to produce competent SSS. This programme is specially tailored to meet the requirement and overcome the shortage of SSS in the industry in line with the legal provision under BOWEC 1986. WHO SHOULD ATTEND 1. All individuals working in the construction industry especially those who are directly involved in the relevant job site supervisory 2. Site Foremen or Supervisor 3. Safety Supervisor DURATION OF COURSE Weekend or Full Time Classes (8-Days): Full Time Class: 8.30am to 7.00pm daily Weekend Class: Saturday – 8.30am to 7.00pm Sunday – 8.30am to 7.00pm TRAINING VENUE (KL) MBAM Training Centre 6-2(2nd Floor), Jalan 1/109E Desa Business Park 58100 Kuala Lumpur Note: For Training venue in other states, please contact MBAM Secretariat. Approved 20 CIDB CCD Points MASTER BUILDERS ASSOCIATION MALAYSIA SITE SAFETY SUPERVISOR (SSS) COURSE MBAM CERTIFICATION 1. Certificate of Attendance upon successful completion of the course. 2. Certificate of Competency from MBAM Board of Examination (BOE) upon successfully obtaining a pass in the Competency Examination. 3. The successful candidates shall be recognised and accepted for Registration with DOSH as competent SSS (subject to DOSH’s final approval) ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS (A) Minimum LCE/SRP/PMR or equivalent; with Minimum 2 years of site working experience; and Certification by employer; and Entrance test or interview if required; Or : (B) Diploma in any DOSH recognized engineering related field for those without site working experience. Or : (C) Passed SHO examination but less than 1 year of site working experience (Only require to attend the Part 6 – Occupational Safety of MBAM SSS Course) Or : (D) Having a DOSH recognised Diploma in OSH and having less than 6 months of site working experience (Only require to attend the Part 6 – Occupational Safety of MBAM SSS Course) COURSE FEE HO SHOULD ATTEND Registration Fee Non- MBAM Member Non-MBAM Member RM/Pax KL/Penang/Johor 2,150.00 2,300.00 RM/Pax Sabah & Sarawak 2,600.00 2,620.00 * The course fee is inclusive of training fee, examination fee, meals and refreshment, certificate of attendance (if qualified) and certificate of competency (if passed). All cheque should be made payable to: MBAM Training Services Sdn Bhd (Maybank : 514-114-435-808) APPLICATION FORM & ENQUIRIES For Application Form and Training Calendar 2014, please download from MBAM Official Website: Contact Persons: Ms Chai Min Fung / En Mohd Farhan / Ms Ida MASTER BUILDERS ASSOCIATION MALAYSIA (MBAM) 2-1(1st Floor), Jalan 2/109E Desa Business Park 58100 Kuala Lumpur Tel: 03-7984 8636 H/P: 017-625 3368 Fax: 03- 7982 9811 E-mail: / / MASTER BUILDERS ASSOCIATION MALAYSIA SITE SAFETY SUPERVISOR (SSS) COURSE MBAM APPLICATION FORM SSS Course KL (Full Time) - Intake ______ SSS Course KL (Weekend) - Intake ______ R SSS Course Penang - Intake ______ R SSS Course Johor - Intake ______ e SSS Course Kuantan, Pahang - Intake ______ e SSS Course KK, Sabah - Intake ______ R R g g ear SSS Course Miri, Sarawak - Intake ______ ear SSS Course Kuching, Sarawak - Intake______ R R gd gd ear ear SSS Course Bintulu, Sarawak - Intake ______ Others ______________________________ s, s, R R gd gd ear ear s, s, Personal Details/Maklumat Peribadi ( * marked column is compulsory to fill in) M M R R gd gd F F e ear ar s, s, Name*: M M g.d Other Name: .dg Nama: Nama Lain: F F ar ar C C s, s, M M . . NRIC Date of Birth*: Place of Birth: d d *: h h F F C No.C K/P: Tarikh Lahir: Tempat Lahir: s, s, a a M M .h .h iF Gender*: Nationality*:iF Marital Status*: C C a a M M E .E . Jantina: Warganegara: Taraf Perkahwinan: h h i ix F F x C C a Correspondence Address*: a Permanent Address*: E E . . e e h h ix Surat Menyurat: ix Alamat Tetap: Alamat C C c c a a E E e e h h iu iu x x c c a a ti ti E E e e u u ic ix v v x Postcode*: Postcode*: c ti ti E E e e u v v Telu (O) : Handphone*: x x O O c c ti ti e e e e Green Card Expiry Date*: ff ff u u CIDB Email*: v v O O c c ie ie ti ti ff ff u u Academic Qualifications/Maklumat Akademi* c c v v O O iti i ti Name e of Secondary School/College/University e Year Attended Qualification Obtained ff ff c c v v r r Nama Sekolah Menengah/Kolej/University Tahun Pengambilan Kelayakan Yang Diperolehi O O ie ie M M e e ff ff c c r r as O O as ie ie M M ff ff te te c c r r as as ie riM rM e te te c c B B r r as as rM rM e e ui ui te te B B r r as as ld ld r rui Kelayakan Professional (Jika Ada) Professional and Other Qualifications (If Any) / Lain-lain ui M M te er B of the Awarding Body Name ld as rsui Nama er te Badan Penganugerahan B A ld sui r ss er A B ld o s ss ui er ci A o ld sat ss ci er A io o at s ss Specialisation Pengkhususan te er B ld as rsui er te B A ld srui ss er A B ld o sss ui er ci A o ld sat ss ci er A io o at sss Qualification Obtained Kelayakan Yang Diperolehi MASTER BUILDERS ASSOCIATION MALAYSIA SITE SAFETY SUPERVISOR (SSS) COURSE MBAM Employment and Experience / Pengalaman Bekerja* Current Employer: Majikan Sekarang: Name of Company *: Address*: Date of Employment*: Nama dan Alamat Syarikat: Position*: Tarikh Mula Berkhidmat: Jawatan: Previous Employment: Name of Company: Date of Employment: Nama Syarikat Majikan : Tarikh Berkhidmat: Position: Majikan Terdahulu: Jawatan: Name of Company: Date of Employment: Nama Syarikat Majikan: Tarikh Berkhidmat: Position: Jawatan: My present employer is a member of MBAM*: Majikan Sekarang Saya Adalah Ahli MBAM: YES NO Payment / Bayaran* All cheque should be made payable to: MBAM Training Services Sdn Bhd Acc. No.: Maybank - 514-114-435-808 Cheque / bank draft* No. : Cek / Deraf Bank Amount: Jumlah: Declaration and Signature/ Pengakuan I declare that the information provided by me in this application form is true and correct. I acknowledge that MBAM reserves the right to vary or reserves any decision regarding admission or enrolment made regarding the basis of incorrect or incomplete information. I am aware that the issuance and approval of DOSH Yellow Book is subject to the discretion of DOSH. Saya mengesahkan bahawa semua maklumat dalam borang ini adalah sahih dan benar. Saya bersetuju bahawa MBAM berhak untuk mengubah keputusan berkenaan kemasukan sekiranya maklumat yang saya berikan adalah tidak benar atau tidak lengkap. Saya sedar bahawa pengeluaran dan kelulusan JKKP Buku Kuning adalah tertakluk kepada budi bicara JKKP. _____________________________________ Signature of Applicant/Tandatangan Pemohon _______________________________ Date / Tarikh Kindly return this application form to: MASTER BUILDERS ASSOCIATION MALAYSIA (MBAM) Secretariat 2-1, Jalan 2/109E, Desa Business Park, 58100 Kuala Lumpur Tel: 03-7984 8636 H/P: 017-625 3368 Fax: 03-7982 9811 Email: / / Contact Persons: Ms Chai Min Fung / En Mohd Farhan / Ms Ida MASTER BUILDERS ASSOCIATION MALAYSIA SITE SAFETY SUPERVISOR (SSS) COURSE MBAM CHECKLIST FOR EMPLOYER / APPLICANT Confirmation Letter from Current Employer Surat Pengesahan dari Majikan Sekarang Application Form Signed Borang Permohonan telah Ditandatangani One (1) Copy of Certified IC Satu (1) Salinan Kad Pengenalan yang telah Disahkan One Copy of Certified CIDB Green Card Satu (1) Salinan Kad Hijau CIDB yang telah Disahkan Certified True Copy of Certificate/Diploma/Related Salinan Sijil/Diploma/berkaitan yang telah Disahkan Cheque No. _____________________ Amount: RM ______________________ COMPANY LETTER HEAD To: MBAM Secretariat st 2-1(1 Floor), Jalan 2/109E Desa Business Park 58100 Kuala Lumpur Date: Dear Sir/Madam, Re: Confirmation of Employment for SSS Course Refer to the above, as required, we wish to confirm on the following; Company information: Tick (√) Contractor Civil & Structural Mechanical & Electrical Architectural Interior Decoration Landscape Oil & Gas Other(s): __________________ Tick (√) Consultant Safety Consultant Project Management Consultant Oil & Gas Other(s): _______________________ Current employment of SSS Applicant: Name: IC: Position: Date Employed: Current Salary: CIDB Green Card Expiry Date: Current Location of Job Site: Contact Handphone No: Should you need further information, please contact the following person: Name: Position: Office Contact No. Handphone No: Fax No: E-mail: I hereby confirm that the payment of the course will be paid by Company / Participant. (Please select) Thank you. Yours faithfully, ……………………………. Name Position (Managing Director/ HR Manager) …………………………………………… Company Stamp /Cop Syarikat
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