DUCKS nurturing for life Welcome to Dulwich College Kindergarten Shanghai 2012-2013 nurturing for life Dulwich College Kindergarten Shanghai Philosophy and Objectives We are all good at something We always try our very best We work and play together We have friends from many countries We share and we care We learn so we can help others We grow and change together We try new things Contents Welcome from the College Headmaster Welcome from the Head of DUCKS DUCKS Staffing DUCKS Format of the Day College Calendar Uniform What Should Children Bring to School Lunchtime and Snacks Start and End of the Day Communication School Events, Performances and Assemblies Curriculum Assessments and Reporting Co-Curricular Activities (CCAs) Pastoral Care Partnering with Parents Community Service Health and Safety Early Years Toileting Policy 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 16 19 20 22 25 27 28 30 Welcome from the College Headmaster Welcome to Dulwich College Shanghai. Whether you are reading this as a prospective family, an existing one, or you have joined our College community this year, I do hope that you will find the contents of this Welcome Booklet helpful to you. It contains a wealth of information about our daily school life and will cover many of the questions you may have about your child’s educational journey with us here at Dulwich College Shanghai. I believe that our College is a unique school. Our students are cheerful, balanced, at ease with themselves and each other – yet excited and enthused by the challenges before them. The College succeeds in combining academic excellence with a wealth of co-curricular opportunities, all underpinned by a deep commitment to the individual needs and enthusiasm of each student. As Headmaster, I believe passionately in the importance of the individual. Every student at Dulwich College Shanghai is valued in their own right, and encouraged to develop his/her talents to the full in a community where there are no stereotypes and where every achievement, however small, is celebrated. Our College values are a more specific embodiment of our Philosophy and Objectives and allow us to define our aims in terms of student experience and development. Our students develop a well-rounded appreciation for the Academics and the Arts and they learn to understand and use technology to fulfil their potential. They learn to become inquiring and independent learners who are willing to take risks and use critical thinking as they embrace the concepts of lifelong learning. Through their time at the College, our students learn to express themselves confidently and appropriately through a variety of media and languages, and become principle-centred members of society. They learn how to show respect and to accept responsibility for others and for their environment. They are encouraged to be generous and caring, show humility, challenge social injustice and inequity, and value and respect diversity. Our students are shown that people can make a difference. They learn to inspire, influence, and collaborate with others and learn how to manage conflict. They also learn to become socially aware individuals and to show empathy to individuals, groups and society. They develop self-awareness and learn how to understand their own emotions while recognizing their impact on others. Through our values, our students develop a clear sense of identity and self-esteem. They are shown how to control their emotions and impulses and taught how to adapt to changing circumstances. They become resilient and are shown how to be physically healthy. We aim that our students will become effective goal-setters and have a clear sense of their future. By instilling these values in our students, we also aim to develop well-rounded young people who strive for excellence in all that they do and we make sure that they are well-equipped for future success. Finally, while we enjoy excellent facilities in a prime location of one of the most exciting cities of the world, it is the people in our community who make our College a special place. Our staff embodies a wide range of experience and a wealth of enthusiasm. Our parents are tremendously supportive and contribute a huge amount of time and energy to College events. Our students throughout the College are a real delight to teach, and they have a genuine appetite for learning. Together, we welcome you to Dulwich College Shanghai for the academic year 2012-2013. Mr. Paul Friend Headmaster 3 Welcome from the Head of DUCKS On behalf of the children and staff, we welcome you to DUCKS through this booklet. DUCKS (Dulwich College Kindergarten Shanghai) is a purpose-built Kindergarten, set in its own grounds. It caters to children aged two to seven years. There are two morning and one afternoon Toddler classes, six Nursery classes, six Reception classes, six Year 1 classes, and five Year 2 classes. We refer to Toddler, Nursery and Reception classes as the Early Years. The classrooms are light and airy, and well-resourced in order to meet the needs of the curriculum. Our curriculum is broadly based on the English Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum and the English National Curriculum. However, we ensure that it reflects the needs, culture, and history of our school’s international community, and, of course, of our host country, China. Depending upon their age, the children have specialist lessons each week for PE, Music, ICT and Library. Mandarin is taught every day. If you have any further questions after reading this booklet, please do not hesitate to contact me. Mrs. Joanne Woodward Head of DUCKS 4 DUCKS Staffing DUCKS Leadership Team Head of DUCKS: Mrs. Joanne Woodward Email : Telephone: 021 5899 9910 ext 608 Deputy Head of DUCKS: Mrs. Sally Gillespie Email: Telephone: 021 5899 9910 ext 606 Year Group Class Teacher Learning Assistant Room Toddler am Mrs. Therese Hill (UK) Ms. Tracy He (PRC) Todddler Villa (Toddler Year Group Leader) Toddler am Mrs. Toni Faulkner (AUS) Ms. Jeanne Yang (PRC) Toddler Villa Toddler pm Mrs. Therese Hill (UK) Ms. Jenny Zhang (PRC) Toddler Villa (Toddler Year Group Leader) Nursery Penguins Mrs. Niki Johnson (USA) Ms. Hannah Zhang (PRC) 1014 Nursery Pelicans Mr. Kevin Kane (UK) Ms Helen Peng (PRC) 1012 Nursery Parrots Ms. Carol Hutchinson (UK) Ms. Even Chen (PRC) 1009 Nursery Peacocks Ms. Susan Myers (AUS) Ms. Lucienne Li (PRC) 1010 Nursery Puffins Mrs. Debbie Kukathas (AUS) Ms. Linda Lin (PRC) 1005 (Nursery Year Group Leader) Nursery Potoos Ms. Sue Stinson (AUS) Ms. Emily Gu (PRC) 1004 Reception Barn Owls Ms. Gabrielle Adams (UK) Ms. Fiona Chen (PRC) 1031 Reception Toucans Ms. Sarah Barrow (UK) Ms. Nina Ni (PRC) 1036 Reception Flamingos Ms. Helen Bewley (UK) Ms. Cindy Wang (PRC) 1037 (Reception Year Group Leader) Reception Robins Mrs. Clare Chalkley (UK) Ms. Yuki Gong (PRC) 1038 Reception Kookaburras Mr. Paul Faulkner (AUS) Ms. Polly Lu (PRC) 1028 Reception Swans Mrs. Anna Pyper (UK) Ms. Angela Gu (PRC) 1035 Year 1C Mrs. Kerry McCallum (UK) Ms. Vivian He (PRC) 2035 Year 1N Ms. Amanda Nicholls (UK) Ms. Pei Hua Wang (PRC) 2029 Year 1T Ms. Leah Tan (UK) Ms. Scarlett Xi (PRC) 2027 Year 1R Mr. Greg Rendall (AUS) Ms. Veronica Yu (PRC) 2033 Year 1M Ms. Sarah McDougall (AUS) Ms. Dolly Yang (PRC) 2039 (Year 1 Group Leader) Year 1G Ms. Anne Gray (UK) Ms. Ying Shen (PRC) 2028 Year 2E Ms. Heather Ellis (UK) Ms. Mandy Yu (PRC) 3001 (Year 2 Group Leader) Year 2B Mr. Neil Bowker (UK) Ms. Amy Shen (PRC) 3008 Year 2P Ms. Lindel Limpisvasti (AUS) Ms. Snowy Zhu (PRC) 3006 Year 2L Mrs. Sarah Lowes (UK) Ms. Chloe Lu (PRC) 3010 Year 2H Mr. Thomas Hughes (UK) Ms. Kelly Rong (PRC) 3004 PE Mr. Tim Wilson (USA), Mrs. Andrea Pearce (ISR ) and Mr. Scoff Tan (PRC) ICT Ms. Yvonne Huang (PRC) Music Mrs. Rodica Hategan (ROM) Library Mrs. Helen Bradley (UK) and Ms. Cookie Xu (PRC) EAL Mrs. Sue Robinson (UK) Individual Needs Ms. Lucy Koniarska (UK) and Ms. Catherine Horsey (UK) Primary Mandarin Teachers Ms. Virginia Zhang (PRC) Ms. Alin Yu (PRC) Ms. Huang Xiaoyan (PRC) Ms. Freya Zhang (PRC) Ms. Natalie Jiang (PRC) Ms. Spring Xing (PRC) Ms. Judy Zhang (PRC) 5 DUCKS Administrative Staff Name Area of Responsibility Room Number in DUCKS Extension Number Ms. Salina Xiang Secretary to Head of DUCKS 2001 601 Ms. Reithy Zhang DUCKS Receptionist Foyer 610 Ms. Jessie Zhang School Nurse Nurse’s Office 616 Whole School Contacts Name Area of Responsibility Email Extension Number Mr. Bryan Hunt Mr. Mark Pearce Mr. Jon Byron Mr. Graham Lyons Ms. Stella Shi Ms. Irene Hu Ms. Karen Strickland Director of Business Administration Head of Individual Needs Director of IT Director of Sport Bussing Student and Security Cards Head of Internal Communication and Parent Relations 252 516 115 503 602 222 221 School Life DUCKS Format of the Day 8.15am 8.30am 10.00am – 10.30am 10.30am – 11.00am Year 1 and Year 2 lessons begin Morning Toddler, Nursery and Reception lessons begin Nursery and Year 2 playtime Reception and Year 1 playtime 11.30am 12.30pm End of school day – Morning Toddler Afternoon Toddler lessons begin 11.30am – 12.00pm 12.00pm – 12.30pm 12.30pm – 1.00pm Nursery lunch Reception and Year 2 lunch Year 1 lunch 12.00pm – 12:30pm 12.30pm – 1.00pm 1.00pm – 1.30pm Nursery playtime Reception playtime Year 1 and 2 playtime 3.00pm End of school day for all children 6 2012-2013 College Calendar Month Aug 2012 Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan 2013 Feb Mar Apr May June M T 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 1 8 15 22 29 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 2 9 16 23 30 W 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 3 10 17 24 31 5 12 19 26 3 10 17 24 31 6 13 20 27 4 11 18 25 2012-2013 School Calendar TH 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27 4 11 18 25 F 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28 5 12 19 26 7 14 21 28 5 12 19 26 1 8 15 22 29 6 13 20 27 2 9 16 23 30 7 14 21 28 7 14 21 28 1 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 30 3 10 17 24 31 4 11 18 25 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28 1 8 15 22 Notes 22nd: New Student Orientation Day 23rd: First Day of School - Term 1 30th: Mid-Autumn Festival 1st-5th: October Mid-Term Holiday 8th-9th: College Closed 11th-12th: Staff INSET - No Students 17th Dec-4th Jan: Winter Holidays 7th: First Day of Term 2 8th-15th: Chinese New Year Holidays (CNY Day - 10th Feb ) 1st-5th: Spring Break (Tomb Sweeping Day - 4th Aprli) 8th: First Day of Term 3 1st: May Day Holiday 12th: Dragon Boat Festival, College Closed 20th: Last day of the Academic Year 21st: Staff Only 7 Uniform All children at DUCKS, except those in Toddler classes, wear a simple uniform, which is available from the school Uniform Shop near the main College Reception. All items of uniform need to be clearly labelled with your child’s full name and class. This helps us to return lost items. We ask that you adhere to the uniform guidelines contained in this booklet. The date for changing from summer to winter uniform and vice versa will be announced in the DUCKS newsletter. Toddler Toddler children wear their own clothes but they need a school hat, clearly labelled with their name and class. Nursery to Year 2 Summer Uniform Boys Red short-sleeved polo shirt Navy shorts Black shoes Girls Blue check summer dress White socks Black shoes Nursery to Year 2 Winter Uniform Boys Navy long trousers Red long-sleeved polo shirt Navy sweater with school crest Navy socks Black shoes Girls Navy pinafore Red long-sleeved polo shirt Navy sweater/cardigan with crest Navy tights or socks Black shoes Nursery to Year 2 PE Kit Children wear summer and winter PE uniform with trainers. Children may wish to bring a light waterproof coat and wellington boots to school on rainy days. Optional: Red fleece with school crest, overcoat with school crest, both of which can be worn outdoors. The Dulwich College hoodie is for outdoor use only. 8 Year 1 and Year 2 children should buy the House PE kit. Howard (red) Anand (purple) Shackleton (green) Wing (blue) What Should Children Bring to School? Toddler only: • • • At least one change of clothes to be kept at DUCKS A packet of nappies (if needed) Plenty of underpants/knickers if they are being toilet trained. All children • DUCKS school hat and bookbag. These may be purchased at the Uniform Shop in the main campus. We have a ‘no hat no play’ policy in DUCKS on sunny days. • Mosquito repellent - Parents should apply mosquito repellent before their child comes to school. • Sunscreen - To protect their skin, we would also suggest that you apply sunscreen to your child each day before they come to school. • Children in Reception need a DUCKS blue backpack. Children in Year 1 and Year 2 need a red DCS backpack. • Jewellery should not be worn and any hair ribbons should be navy blue. • Children in Year 1 and Year 2 need to bring a morning snack. • Children in Nursery and Reception who are not having school lunch need to bring a morning snack. • A labelled water bottle. 9 Lunchtimes and Snacks Children can choose a two-course lunch, which is served by the College caterers, or they may bring a packed lunch from home. This social occasion takes place in the school dining room with staff and children eating together. Good table manners are encouraged. A member of DUCKS staff serves on the College Nutrition Committee. We do not offer a heating service for home lunch. However, hot home lunches can be dropped off at the DUCKS Guard Room prior to lunchtime. Children in Year 1 and Year 2 place their home lunch bags in their class box next to the dining hall on arrival at DUCKS each morning. Soup is not allowed at DUCKS. It is important that your child has a healthy snack each day. We do not allow sweets, chocolate or sugary items as snacks. It is our aim to promote positive and healthy eating habits. With this in mind, we suggest the following items which are suitable for snack: cheese, sliced fruit, raisins, crackers, sandwiches, and yogurt. In addition, it is important that your child brings a water bottle to school each day, clearly labelled with their name and class. NB - DUCKS is a nut-free environment. No nut products are served and any food allergies or special dietary requirements will be taken into account. All snacks brought from home must be nut-free. It is the responsibility of parents to inform the class teacher of any allergies their child may have. Catering Dulwich College uses an outside catering company to provide child and staff lunches and snacks. There is a College-wide Nutrition Committee that consists of staff and student representatives from DUCKS, the Junior School and the Senior School as well as parent representatives from all three schools. The Nutrition Committee offers staff, students and parents a chance to feedback directly to the Manager of the catering company any concerns, suggestions or criticisms that they have. Payment System To facilitate payments and avoid students carrying cash, all students will be issued with a multi-use smart card. The smart cards can be loaded up and the cost of catering, photocopying and printing services will be deducted using a swipe system. These cards will also serve as security cards. The smart card can be reloaded at any time from 8.00am to 4.00pm in the Senior School Canteen, Monday to Friday. At DUCKS, student cards are kept by the class teacher. 10 Start and End of the Day Drop-off and Pick-Up Procedures Children can arrive at DUCKS from 8.00am onwards. Children in Year 1 and Year 2 go straight to their classroom and remain there with the teacher. Children in Year 1 and Year 2 begin their school day at 8.15am with registration. Lessons begin at 8.30am. Children must be in school by 8.15am so as to ensure they do not miss registration and the beginning of the first lesson. Children in Nursery and Reception can arrive at DUCKS from 8.00am onwards. They go to their classroom to drop off their bags, and then return to the front playground to play. A member of staff will be on duty in the playground from 8.00am onwards. At 8.30am a bell is rung, the children line up and are taken into class by their teacher in order to begin their day. Morning Toddler children should arrive at 8.30am and go straight to their classroom. If they arrive earlier, they may play on the front playground supervised by their parent or guardian. Teachers in Morning Toddler and Nursery offer a “soft start” and welcome parents to accompany their child into the classroom until 9.00am. This provides worthwhile opportunities for you to share news and events that are important to your child. With this information, teachers are able to ensure that the activities they provide enhance and support the individual interests of each child. Afternoon Toddler children should arrive at 12.30pm and go straight to their classroom. Afternoon Toddler operates a 30 minute “soft start” programme as described above. It is important that all children are on time for their lessons as it can disrupt their learning and that of their classmates. Collection of Children Your child should be collected at the designated time. If you are unable to collect your child yourself, please make sure that the staff are aware of alternative arrangements. Parents or carers must wear their security badge at all times. Under no circumstances will a child be allowed to depart from the premises, unless he or she is with a person who is either known to the staff or able to provide proof that they are authorised to collect that child by wearing the security badge provided. Young children become anxious if you are not there to collect them. To avoid unnecessary upsets, it is important that you arrive on time. If you are delayed, please telephone us so that we can let the class teacher know. If you need to collect your child during the school day, please let the class teacher know in advance. On collection, the class teacher will give you a permission slip to present to the guards to allow your child to leave the campus. Bussing Those of you whose children travel on the school bus will receive a copy of the Bus Regulations, but may we emphasise the following: • It is imperative that children are waiting when the bus arrives to collect them. If the bus has to wait, this lengthens what is, for many, an already long journey. • Seat belts must be fastened immediately and not undone until the bus arrives at its destination. • Food is not to be eaten on the buses. • Children should be collected promptly on their return as all are keen to get home after a long day. Please be kind enough to talk to your child about being polite to the bus monitor and driver. Would you also remind them that seemingly harmless ‘playing’ and teasing on the bus can be extremely upsetting for some children and can become a form of bullying if continued. Bad language is strictly forbidden. If children continuously misbehave, you will receive a warning that they may have to be removed from the bus, for their own safety as well as that of the other children. All bussing arrangements should be made through the Operations Department via Student Services located in the Senior School building. 11 Other Forms of Transport It is important that our parents are aware of the regulations regarding bicycles in Shanghai. From the College perspective, our priority is to ensure that our children are kept safe and, to this end, we would like to encourage you all to insist that your children wear safety helmets whenever they ride their bicycles. We are all aware of how dangerous roads in Shanghai can be, and we regularly receive reports of accidents, many involving fatalities of cyclists. We have actually discussed the idea of making helmets compulsory for all children electing to cycle to school but the reality is that we have no jurisdiction over how parents elect to transport their children to school. We would all be very grateful of your support in this regard. We will be expecting our staff to act as role models by wearing helmets whilst they are cycling, and I would encourage our parents to do the same. DUCKS Traffic It is very busy outside DUCKS during drop-off and pick-up times. On the advice of JinQiao traffic police, we operate a drop off/pick up routine. Cars need to drive along Ming Yue Lu, then turn right into Huang Yang Lu, and right onto the new road at the top of Lan An Lu. Then, they exit the new road and come down Lan An Lu in order to be on the correct side to drop off children at the gate of DUCKS. Cars can drive up Lan An Lu to drop off on the opposite side of the road to DUCKS and then join the new road, but this will entail parents and children crossing the busy street to get to DUCKS, which we would not advise. We are not allowed to U-turn in front of DUCKS on Lan An Lu. Our guards are stationed outside the gates to DUCKS in order to assist with drop-off/pick-up. There is a coned-off section of approximately the length of four cars, directly in front of the gates to DUCKS for drop-off/ pick-up. The remainder of the road in front of DUCKS is available for parking. However, double parking is not allowed as it will hinder the flow of traffic. The road opposite DUCKS is a No-Parking Zone. Below is a map detailing the DUCKS traffic arrangement, which we ask you to share with your driver. No Parking Allowed 12 Communication Parents receive this Welcome Booklet prior to the beginning of the term. It outlines the routines of the class and information on staffing, lunches, etc. Each term, a Curriculum Overview is sent home, explaining what the children will be learning in Years 1 and 2 and the principles children will be working towards in Early Years. In September, we hold year level curriculum evenings for all parents to introduce the staff and discuss classroom routines. Each class in DUCKS has a Weebly and you will be sent login details by your class teacher. Please check each week for information on the curriculum covered during the week and any other notices. Homelink books provide daily communication between parents and teachers. Teachers use them to communicate about homework, attendance, behaviour, activities children are enjoying or any other matters relating to class performance. Staff check the homelink book daily. You should expect a comment from your class teacher in the book each week. Newsletter/College Magazine The College produces a weekly newsletter every Friday during term-time. Parents are emailed a link to the newsletter which can be downloaded from the College website in PDF format. The weekly newsletter, along with past newsletters, are also available via the website. The newsletter contains key dates for the forthcoming week along with a link to the calendar. It also features a round-up of music, sport, community, and general news. DUCKS, the Junior and Senior Schools, each has its own section within the newsletter. The College magazine is produced three times per year and published at the end of each term. It contains whole College news, stories, photos and more in-depth features from each of the three schools. A hardcopy magazine is sent home with students at the end of each term. Extra copies are available in the main College Reception area and is also available to download via the College website in PDF format. Website The College has its own website where information, including the calendar, is accessible. The website has information relating to whole College activities and descriptions of the individual schools: DUCKS, the Junior School and the Senior School. There is also a media section where regular news items are posted. SMS System The College has an SMS system in place for event reminders and to communicate with parents in the event of an issue or crisis whereby rapid communication is of the utmost importance. For example, if an important announcement regarding an unexpected closure of the College takes place, we send an SMS message notification to the mobile phone number that parents have provided advising them to review the website for further details. Please let your child’s class teacher know of any changes in contact details so that we can ensure you receive messages from the College. 13 School Events, Performances and Assemblies Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 have weekly assemblies focusing on aspects of personal, social, health, and citizenship education (PSHCE), as well as discussing celebrations. In addition the children take part in assemblies to recognise their good work. In Reception the children are given certificates from the Magic Book. In Years 1 and 2, the children receive certificates relating to the DUCKS Philosophy and Objectives. Speech Day At the end of the academic year DUCKS holds a Speech Day for all of the children. At the Speech Day each child is presented with a certificate to reflect their progress during the academic year. This is a formal occasion to which parents are invited. Productions Children in DUCKS take part in at least one production each year. Children in Toddler, Nursery and Reception take part in an end of year performance. Children in Year 1 and 2 take part in a Christmas production and an end-of-year concert which reflects their development in music. Musical Performances Children in Year 2 can elect to be part of the Mulan Choir. They rehearse weekly and take part in performances as decided by the Head of DUCKS Music. Once a year, we hold a DUCKS Soirée when children who play an instrument can perform. Children audition for the soirée with the Head of DUCKS Music. Special Events Over the course of the year, the children in DUCKS participate in the following celebrations and activities: United Nations Day*, Chinese New Year, Christmas celebrations, Book Week and Sports Days. Parents are warmly invited to all of these events. As an international school we greatly value parents coming into class to share their special celebrations from their home culture. If you are willing to come in and share please speak with your child’s class teacher. *As the children have an international dress-up day on UN Day in term 1, it would be useful if you could bring a national costume from your home country during the summer holidays. Birthdays You are very welcome to bring a cake to school when it is your child’s birthday. A simple homemade cake is usually preferred by the children. Please check with your child’s class teacher to arrange the best possible time in the day for you to bring in the cake. Please also check with your child’s teacher that there are no children in the class with any food allergies. DUCKS has a strict no-nuts policy. 14 Photographs Photographs or films of students may appear in College material, brochures, websites, advertisements, or press releases. Parents/guardians who would not like their child to appear in any or all of these must notify the College in writing at the time of application. 1. We may use a child’s full name (first name and last name) and photo in the following publications: • Weekly Newsletter • College Magazine • Displays and Notices • FoD Bulletin. 2. We may use a child’s photo without their name in the following publications which we consider as external marketing and promotional material: • College Website • Print Media • College Advertisements • College Prospectuses/Leaflets/Brochures • Exhibition Banners for School Events • Promotional DVD about the College. Images that might cause embarrassment or distress will not be used nor will images be associated with material on issues that are sensitive. Yearbook The College produces an annual Yearbook at the end of every school year as a keepsake for the students and staff. It is an optional purchase through the Dulwich College Shop at the main College Reception. 15 Curriculum The curriculum in the Early Years is based on the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum (EYFS) which provides a framework for the education of children from birth to 5 years old. The Prime Areas covered are: • Personal, Social and Emotional Development • Communication and Language • Physical Development. The Special Areas covered are: • Literacy • Mathematics • Understanding the World • Experience Arts and Design. Under these two areas of learning, staff guide and facilitate a range of exciting and stimulating curricular activities that enable each child to achieve the goals and objectives appropriate to his or her individual stage of development. The Curriculum in Years 1 and 2 is based on the National Curriculum for England and aims to ensure that young people become successful learners, confident individuals, and responsible citizens. The structure of the curriculum has been designed to provide breadth and balance whilst maintaining focus on Literacy and Numeracy. There is a strong emphasis on children’s personal development, including the development of learning and thinking skills and personal, social and emotional skills. All areas of learning are delivered to the children through the teaching of one or two topics per school term, with the exception of Numeracy and elements of Literacy which are taught as discrete subjects. ‘Playing with Sounds’ is our daily phonics programme. By following the National Curriculum for England and Wales and selecting the best elements it has to offer, we ensure the smooth transition between each phase of your child’s education. Children participating in the EAL programme may be withdrawn from their classroom for lessons; in some cases, this will occur during Mandarin time. Tips For Supporting Your Child During the academic year, we run a series of workshops aimed at helping parents to understand the curriculum and how they can help their child at home. Parents of children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 will be asked to help their child with their reading each night and in learning their phonics. Specialist Teaching in DUCKS Mandarin Every child in DUCKS has daily Mandarin lessons with qualified Mandarin teachers. Early Years Mandarin The Early Years Mandarin Programme is designed for children from Toddler to Reception. Our children explore Mandarin everyday. The Toddler, Nursery and Reception children have a 30-minute lesson integrated into their daily activities. The aim of the Mandarin Programme is to give children an early advantage, a foundation they can build on for the rest of their lives, and to get children interested in the Chinese language at an age when it can make a real difference. Training the children in speaking ability is given priority through various interesting and dramatic teaching activities such as hands-on activities, nursery rhymes and songs, stories, and a large variety of games, which are in line with children’s cognitive development. Children not only learn Mandarin but are also being immersed in the richness of the Chinese culture through our featured Chinese workshops and activities. Some traditional festivals like Chinese New Year, the Mid-Autumn Festival, and the Lantern Festival, etc. are introduced to our children. 16 Year 1 and Year 2 Mandarin In Year 1 and Year 2, the children have a 30-minute Mandarin lesson every day. Our courses have the following aims: • To enhance children’s knowledge and understanding of Chinese culture • To provide the children with the opportunities to extend their learning of Mandarin and to help them progress from their current skill level to their potential level in four areas: listening; speaking; reading (character recognition), and writing. Our Mandarin Programme offers Mandarin as a Foreign Language (MFL) and Mandarin as a Native Language (MNL). The MFL course is designed for Year 1 and Year 2 students with alittle or no background of Mandarin. It aims at helping them learn oral communication skills in Chinese, aquiring some basic knowledge about the structure of Chinese characters through writing, and about some basic components of the Chinese culture. The MNL course is designed for Year 1 and Year 2 children who have mastered the basic oral communication skills to learn to read Chinese by using Pinyin, and be able to recognise and use vocabulary under different circumstances. Mandarin in Years 1 and 2 is taught by a team of six Primary Mandarin Teachers who teach from Year 1 to Year 6. Music Specialist music lessons at DUCKS incorporate concepts and pedagogy from the English National Curriculum, and Kodaly and Orff Music Education. All children in DUCKS attend singing-based music lessons with their class, use a range of percussion instruments and incorporate movement activities to encourage sensitivity to beat and rhythm. From Nursery onwards, children are taught foundational music reading and writing skills. In Year 2, children learn the recorder as a tool for learning theoretical, practical and ensemble skills. All children attend a group-singing session once a week, which develops a range of repertoire, teaches material for end-of-term productions, and develops group music-making skills. In Year 2, students are offered the opportunity to be involved in an elective choir, the Mulan Choir, which rehearses during CCA time for various performances throughout the year. All children in DUCKS are involved in at least two major performances each year, which showcase the practical performing arts skills that are taught each week. They are integrated into the activities in the classroom throughout DUCKS, and taught as a specialist lesson from Reception onwards. The DUCKS Music room is well-equipped with a modern digital Yamaha piano, a class set of tuned and un-tuned percussion instruments, and an interactive whiteboard along with many audio, visual and print teaching resources. Library Children in DUCKS are introduced to the Library from as early as Toddler. Our main aim within the Library is to give the children the chance to establish a love for books from a very early age. Early Years children visit the Library twice a week with their class, and Years 1 and 2 visit once a week. Each child has the opportunity to borrow two books at a time. During the class Library sessions, the children are given the opportunity to change their library books as well as take part in book related activities. Regular reading sessions are also held with mixed age classes sharing reading or the librarian reading to the children. The Library activities include a library skills programme. This programme is aimed at all year groups with information appropriate to the age and level of understanding of the children. The programme covers a library induction, looking at how books are put together, authors and illustrators, fiction and non-fiction, classification, and a basic approach to finding information. Other activities include weekly themes taken from books, authors and festivals. 17 ICT ICT is part of the curriculum from Nursery onwards. The Reception children have a 30-minute lesson each week. They are encouraged to use computers to do lots of activities, such as playing games, listening to stories online, drawing pictures, using the keyboard, taking photos, etc. Children in Year 1 and Year 2 have one hour for ICT every week. During these sessions, they develop their keyboard skills on Word, drawing skills on Paint, and other knowledge according to the National Curriculum. They also have the opportunity to use the computer to do some activities in other curriculum areas. In addition, there are Apple laptops in every classroom and interactive whiteboards in most of the classrooms, and they are used to enhance the teaching and learning across the curriculum. PE The PE lessons at DUCKS are based on the Early Years Foundation Stage and the National Curriculum for England and Wales in Year 1 and Year 2. The timetable is divided into Games, Gymnastics, Dance, and Athletics. For the Early Years children, we have basic movement goals: develop a sense of direction, foot–eye coordination, hand-eye coordination, balance, body and space awareness and move with control. The aim for the children in Year 1 and Year 2 is the improvement of physical fitness: strength, flexibility, endurance, agility, coordination, balance and rhythm. The children will handle a range of materials (for example, bean bags, rings, hoops, soft balls, etc), they will play with each other and in a team, and move and explore. Individual Needs The Individual Needs programme in DUCKS consists of both Learning Support and English as an Additional Language . The Individual Needs faculty supports the needs of children, staff, and the wider College community. It aims to facilitate and enhance potential, and support a positive learning environment that ultimately leads to DCS students maximising their potential. Whether it be through direct instruction, supporting class teachers, guidance for families or professional development, the Individual Needs faculty is dedicated to meeting the diverse needs of our cohort to ensure success and a life long enjoyment of learning. Learning Support: DUCKS offers individual programmes for children with mild diagnosed Specific Learning Difficulties and provision for children who may require learning support at some point during their academic studies. All provision is aimed at an individual child’s specific learning needs and is cross-curricular wherever possible. Support is often through individual or small-group withdrawal systems, but is also carried out through supporting teachers by creating effective learning strategies to remove barriers to learning in mainstream classes. College Guidance Counsellor The College Guidance Counsellor (CGC) is available to children, parents and staff to provide support and advice as needed. The CGC also works in conjunction with the Individual Needs faculty to provide support and instruction to children who might benefit from the guidance aspect of the role. The CGC also works with class teachers in DUCKS and supports the development of the PSHCE programme throughout the College. English as an Additional Language (EAL): DUCKS offers support for non-native speakers of English, who need to develop their understanding and use of English in order to access and respond to their curriculum studies. This support may take place in the classroom or within small groups withdrawn from the classroom. In both cases, students will be supported by an EAL specialist. Withdrawal from Mandarin is sometimes necessary and means that the child is still with their normal classes for core subjects. Moreover, it alleviates the need for the child to master another additional language. A student will be deemed to be no longer in need of overt EAL support when he or she is performing at or close to expected curriculum standards, as measured by testing, and in the opinion of both the class and EAL teacher. 18 Assessments and Reporting Assessment At Dulwich College Shanghai, we believe that Assessment for Learning (AFL) or formative assessment is the key to effective teaching and learning. It provides an environment in which intercultural understanding can flourish and learners can become inspired. Formative assessment supports on-going learning. We believe that assessment of learning or summative assessment is also important. Summative assessment is concerned with summarising assessments at particular points in time and supports a range of further purposes, including tracking pupil progress, reporting, evaluating, planning, and target-setting. Assessment Techniques DUCKS children have a wide range of abilities and learning styles and our approaches to assessment reflect this. These may include: • Observational assessment, where the class teacher or specialist teacher observes a child’s response to learning activities and unstructured situations • Dynamic assessment, which looks at the child’s responses in the context of learning a task • Questioning, which enables the teacher to make a judgement about the child’s degree of understanding • Criterion-referenced assessment, which measures a child’s attainment against a list of skills or pieces of knowledge • Formal assessment, where the child is asked to complete tests or set tasks which indicate his or her knowledge or approach to learning • Marking and review of written work • Mind maps, before and after topics • Tests set by the class teacher. National Curriculum Levels At DUCKS, in Years 1 and 2, the formal learning objectives that are taught correspond to National Curriculum levels. Student attainment and progress are recorded directly through these National Curriculum levels, and reports to parents correspond directly to these levels. Standardised Testing DUCKS recognises the value that external data brings to us through standardised testing. Our students are assessed as follows: • Reception, Years 1 and 2 - PM benchmark reading tests • Years 1 and 2 - NFER Progress in English, NFER Progress in Maths • Year 2 - National Curriculum Tests. Overview of Reporting to Parents Term Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 • • • • • • • • • • 19 Curriculum evening Termly overview Parents’ consultation evening End of term report Termly overview Open days Parents’ consultation evening Termly overview Open days End of term report Termly Overview You will receive a termly curriculum overview at the beginning of each term. This is a summary of the major learning objectives to be taught that term relevant to your year group. Parents’ Consultations Evenings These take place in Terms 1 and 2, and are a chance to discuss how your child is progressing, both academically and socially. Open Days In Terms 2 and 3, you will be invited by your class teacher to come into class to see the work that your child has been doing. In Early Years, this will be a chance to stay and play with your child. In Years 1 and 2, your child will show you their books. End of Term Reports You will receive a written report at the end of Terms 1 and 3. This will explain the progress your child has made against National Curriculum levels and their next learning steps. Co-Curricular Activities (CCAs) Children in Year 1 and Year 2 take part in co-curricular activities on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2.00pm to 3.00pm. A choices form is sent home at the beginning of each term. At the beginning and end of term, CCA time is used for PSHE lessons and performance rehearsals. Once a child has chosen and been accepted for a CCA, they remain with the CCA for the whole term. Children in Year 2 can chose to join the Mulan Choir. This is a year-long commitment and replaces one CCA time. 20 Field Trips Children in DUCKS, from Nursery upwards, take part in day trips at least once per year. These trips are linked to their curriculum theme. In the past, these have included trips to the seaside, maritime museum, and the fire station. 21 Pastoral Care The class teacher is responsible for the pastoral care of your child. If you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to talk to your class teacher. DUCKS Behaviour and Discipline Policy It is a primary aim of our school that every member of the school community feels valued and respected, and that each person is treated fairly and well. We are a caring community, whose values are built on mutual trust and respect for all. The school behaviour policy is therefore designed to support this in a positive way. It aims to promote an environment where everyone feels happy, safe and secure. The school has a number of school rules, but the primary aim of the behaviour policy is not a system to enforce rules. It is a means of promoting good relationships, so that people can work together with the common purpose of helping everyone to learn. This policy supports the school community in aiming to allow everyone to work together in an effective and considerate way. The school expects every member of the school community to behave in a considerate way towards others. We treat all children fairly and apply this behaviour policy in a consistent way. This policy aims to help children to grow in a safe and secure environment, and to become positive, responsible and increasingly independent members of the school community. The school rewards good behaviour, as it believes that this will develop an ethos of kindness and co-operation. This policy is designed to promote good behaviour, rather than merely deter anti-social behaviour. We praise and reward children for good behaviour in a variety of ways: • Teachers congratulate children. • Teachers give children reward stickers to stick on their work or take home. • We distribute stickers to children either for consistent good work or behaviour, or to acknowledge outstanding effort or acts of kindness in school, and each week we nominate children from each class in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 to show ‘good work’ - each of whom receives a merit certificate in the school good work assembly. In Reception, these children are recorded in the Magic Book. In Year 1 and Year 2, these certificates are linked to the school’s Philosophy and Objectives statements. Children in Year 1 and Year 2, are also awarded House points for good work/behaviour/manners. All staff across DUCKS are able to award House points. The school acknowledges all the efforts and achievements of children, both in and out of school. The school employs a number of sanctions to enforce the school rules, and to ensure a safe and positive learning environment. We employ each sanction appropriately to each individual situation. We expect children to listen carefully to instructions in lessons. If they do not do so, we ask them either to move to a place nearer the teacher, or to sit on their own. We expect children to try their best in all activities. If they do not do so, we may ask them to redo a task. If a child is disruptive in class, the teacher will discuss this behaviour with him or her and ask them to stop. If a child misbehaves repeatedly, we give the child time out from the rest of the class until she/he calms down, and is in a position to work sensibly again with others. After such occasions, the class teacher will discuss the reasons for the time-out with the child. A child may visit the Head or Deputy Head of DUCKS to discuss this behaviour. The safety of the children is paramount in all situations. If a child’s behaviour endangers the safety of others, the class teacher will stop the activity and may need to prevent the child from taking part for the rest of that session. In some instances in DUCKS, after consultation with the class teacher, the Head of DUCKS, and the child’s parents, an individual behaviour chart may be put in place to assist the child. If a child physically hurts another child through play or on purpose while in the playground, that child will be asked to sit out for an age-appropriate amount of time to reflect on their actions. 22 There are clear guidelines for instances of biting. • If a child bites for the first time, he/she will be told to stop and he/she will be made aware by the class teacher that this behaviour is unacceptable and a note will be sent home via home link book. • If a child bites for the second time, the child will be treated as above, and the child’s parents will be informed by telephone and reminded of the policy. • If the child bites for a third time, the child’s parents will be asked to remove the child from school until such time as the child has stopped biting. The class teacher discusses the school rules with each class. In addition to the school rules, each class also has its own classroom code, which is agreed upon by the children and displayed on the wall of the classroom. In this way, every child in the school knows the standard of behaviour that we expect in our school. If there are incidents of anti-social behaviour, the class teacher discusses these with the whole class during ‘circle time’. The school does not tolerate bullying of any kind. If we discover that an act of bullying or intimidation has taken place, we act immediately to stop any further occurrences of such behaviour. While it is very difficult to eradicate bullying, we do everything in our power to ensure that all children attend school free from fear. If a child threatens, hurts, or bullies another child, the class teacher records the incident and the child is disciplined. If a child repeatedly acts in a way that disrupts or upsets others, the school contacts the child’s parents and seeks an appointment in order to discuss the situation, with a view to improving the behaviour of the child. The Role of the Class Teacher It is the responsibility of the class teacher to ensure that the school rules are enforced in his/her class, and that their class behaves in a responsible manner during lesson time. The class teachers in our school have high expectations of the children in terms of behaviour, and they strive to ensure that all children work to the best of their ability. The class teacher treats each child fairly and enforces the classroom code consistently. The teacher treats all children in his/her class with respect and understanding. If a child misbehaves repeatedly in class, the class teacher keeps a record of all such incidents. In the first instance, the class teacher deals with the incidents himse/herself in the normal manner. However, if misbehaviour continues, the class teacher seeks help and advice from the Head or Deputy Head of DUCKS. The class teacher liaises with external agencies, as necessary, to support and guide the progress of each child. This will only take place once parental consent has been given. The class teacher reports to parents about the progress of each child in his/her class, in line with the whole-school policy. The class teacher may also contact a parent if there are concerns about the behaviour or welfare of a child. The Role of the Head of DUCKS It is the responsibility of the Head of DUCKS to implement the school behaviour policy consistently throughout the school. It is also the responsibility of the Head of DUCKS to ensure the health, safety and welfare of all children in the school. The Head of DUCKS supports the staff by implementing the policy, by setting the standards of behaviour, and by supporting staff in the implementation of the policy. All reported serious incidents of misbehaviour are placed on a child’s file in the office of the Head of DUCKS. The Headmaster of Dulwich College Shanghai has the responsibility for giving fixed-term suspensions to individual children for serious acts of misbehaviour. For repeated or very serious acts of anti-social behaviour, the Headmaster may permanently exclude a child. 23 The Role of Parents The school works collaboratively with parents, so children receive consistent messages about how to behave at home and at school. We explain the school rules in the parent handbook, and we expect parents to read these and support them. We expect parents to support their child’s learning, and to co-operate with the school. We try to build a supportive dialogue between the home and the school, and we inform parents immediately if we have concerns about their child’s welfare or behaviour. If the school has to use reasonable sanctions to punish a child, parents should support the actions of the school. If parents have any concern about the way that their child has been treated, they should initially contact the class teacher. If the concern remains, they should contact the Head of DUCKS. If these discussions cannot resolve the problem, a formal grievance process can be implemented through the Director of Community Relations. Monitoring The Head of DUCKS monitors the effectiveness of DUCKS Behaviour and Discipline policy on a regular basis. She also reports to the Headmaster on the effectiveness of the policy and, if necessary, makes recommendations for further improvements. Houses, House Points and Rewards Children in Years 1 and 2 are part of the College House system. When they enter Year 1, they will be assigned a House: • Anand (purple) • Howard (red) • Shackleton (green) • Wing (blue) Siblings are placed in the same House. They take part in activities as organised by the DUCKS House Coordinator. They receive House points from members of staff at DUCKS and these are totalled each half term. Lost and Found Lost and Found is located at the receptionist’s desk in the DUCKS foyer. 24 Partnering with Parents We believe that parents play a crucial part in supporting good behaviour in school. We welcome and value their support in setting high expectations. We believe that the following expectations will help parents in their efforts to best support their child’s development in DUCKS. Safe Surroundings Be safe and considerate to others when dropping off/picking up your child outside DUCKS. Share lifts when possible. Do not obstruct the entrance/exit by stopping in zoned areas or abuse any other parking restrictions around the College. Failure to observe these restrictions may lead to a serious accident. Pastoral Environment • Ensure that your child understands the standards of behaviour expected of him/her. • Always report to us any concerns about your child’s well-being and work cooperatively with the class teacher to resolve matters satisfactorily. • Encourage excellent attendance and punctuality. Please do not organise family holidays during term time. • Provide a suitable ‘distraction-free’ environment for homework to be completed on time. • Ensure that home routines support school life by ensuring that your children adopt appropriate sleep habits/ patterns. • Ensure that your children engage in age-appropriate activities in the evenings and at weekends. Academic Environment • Observe progress as detailed in your child’s Report and let the class teacher know of any concerns or suggestions you may have. • Make yourself aware of the meaning of our assessment criteria and curriculum requirements and ask the class teacher to explain if needed. • Show a particular interest in your child’s development by asking about what they have been learning at school. Our Parent Charter is available on the College website. FoD Friends of Dulwich (FoD) is an organisation devoted to the many active parents in the Dulwich College Shanghai community. There are three main areas within the FoD structure which allow parents and community members to participate in a variety of areas. They include clubs, committees, and class representatives. FoD Clubs provide a venue for parents to participate and socialise in a fun and casual forum. Committees are for parents who are interested in getting involved in areas outside their child’s classroom parent group. Class Representatives facilitate the interaction between the class teacher and the parents of children in the same class. FoD is managed by a Steering Committee which interacts closely with the school to guide the activities of the organisation. They also organise regular events to bring the school community together in the form of coffee mornings, talks, markets, and social gatherings. 25 Parent Advisory Council Our Parent Advisory Council is made up of appointed parent representatives from each of the three schools. The PAC representatives meet termly with the Headmaster, the Director of Community Relations and the Head of Internal Communications and Parent Relations to provide advice, information and support. Committee membership and minutes are published via the DCS website. During the development and preparation of College policies we are committed to gathering parental opinion and advice. The Parent Advisory Council shall be the body through which this is carried out. Parental Involvement We welcome the involvement of parents in DUCKS. Parents may wish, for example, to come in and share a special celebration from their home culture, help with an art activity, read with or to the children, or even do some cooking. Parents should contact their class teacher, Head of DUCKS, or Deputy Head of DUCKS, if they wish to help in class. 26 Community Service Heart to Heart Shanghai In line with our philosophy and objective statement “we care and we share”, we support the Heart to Heart Shanghai organisation at DUCKS. Heart to Heart Shanghai is a Shanghai based non-profit community outreach organisation composed of expatriate volunteers who donate their time and money to entertain and give support to children who are undergoing heart surgery at the Shanghai Chest Hospital. Funds are raised through donation and the selling of Heart to Heart bears. Each bear has the name of a child who has been helped by Heart to Heart. In DUCKS, we raise money for Heart to Heart through many different events including readathons, walkathons, and the Winter Fair. We also hold regular collections of clothing for the organisation to take to the villages and we have funded libraries in village schools. We also have Heart to Heart bears for sale. Mrs. Christine Cullen, the founder of Heart to Heart Shanghai, is a regular visitor at the school and attends most Heart to Heart events. We have a Heart to Heart club which involves children in Year 1 and Year 2 learning about the organisation, and they also plan and advertise fund raising activities. There is a DUCKS Heart to Heart committee that comprises of teachers and parents and meets regularly. If you wish to join the committee, please contact our DUCKS Charity Coordinator, Mr. Tom Hughes, at The aim of this link with Heart to Heart Shanghai is to instill in the children a sense of community and a desire to help others. If you would like to learn more about Heart to Heart Shanghai, you can visit their website at www.heart2heartshanghai. net. 27 Health and Safety First Aid and Medical Care We have a full time nurse in DUCKS. She is situated on the ground floor next to the staffroom. If children become unwell whilst at DUCKS, they will be taken to the nurse. If she feels it is necessary, she will contact you and ask for them to be picked up as soon as possible. If she cannot contact you, she will telephone your emergency contacts and ask them to come and collect your child. It is, therefore, essential that your emergency contacts are aware of their responsibilities. Please do not bring your child to DUCKS if he or she is unwell. Staying at home will help to speed up the recovery and also reduces the risk of infection for the other children. NB: Staff will only be allowed to administer Tylenol if we have a signed consent form. We adhere to the following exclusion periods: Exclusion Period Chickenpox Conjunctivitis Diarrhoea & Vomiting Fever Hand, food and mouth Measles Mumps Ringworm Rubella Usually 6 days from appearance of the last spot Children may return to school once treatment has begun 48 hours symptom-free. Child must be eating normally again 24 hours after temperature has returned to normal 24 hours symptom-free from sore throat, fever. No draining from sores/blisters 5 days minimum from onset of rash 5 days after swelling has appeared Until commencement of treatment 7 days after onset of rash If we have a case of head lice, we will inform all parents at DUCKS and ask that you check your child’s hair to prevent further spreading. The nurse is happy to check your child’s head on request. We require a certificate from the doctor stating the child is symptom-free and able to return to school for any infectious diseases. Security Everyone, except for students in uniform, coming on to the College grounds is required to wear an official security card. These cards have photos of each individual printed on them and are issued to new families as part of the admissions process. Visitors without security cards may need to provide photo identification (such as a driver’s licence, passport, or a Chinese residency document) to the guards to gain entrance. The photo identification documents will be kept securely by the guards for the duration of the visit and returned when the visitor leaves the site. For any questions regarding security cards, please contact Absence Policy If your child is absent from school due to illness, please contact your child’s class teacher via email, or telephone the DUCKS Receptionist on 58999910 ext 610, or absence answer machine service on 33821805 before 9.00am. If you know in advance that your child will be away from school, please let your child’s class teacher know. Fire Drill Policy The Fire Drill policy at DUCKS is displayed on all of the classroom walls. In the event of a fire alarm, children are escorted from their classrooms or play areas with their teachers and classroom assistants to the central assembly point at the front of DUCKS where registers are taken. 28 Closure of School Procedures On some occasions, it is necessary to close or cancel school. The following procedures will be followed whenever it is necessary to cancel or close school due to inclement weather, fire, important Government events, etc. The health and safety of students shall be the primary consideration in all decisions or actions taken at times of inclement weather or other emergencies. Prior to the school day • In the case of important Government events (such as the APEC convention), the College is usually given prior warning via the Education Commission. Recent rule changes now mean that all International Schools are governed by the same rules as local schools and as such need to follow the same guidelines • The Headmaster will ensure that all parents and staff are notified via the College Phone Tree and SMS text message. A message will be left on the College Answer phone and a message will be placed on the College website Procedures for closing school while in session If an emergency necessitates the closure of the College during school hours, the subsequent guidelines will be followed: • The Headmaster will ensure that all parents and staff are notified via the College Phone Tree, SMS text message, and the College website. • At all times when the College buildings must be evacuated, all students and staff shall exit the buildings in an orderly fashion as rehearsed. Students shall be kept at the designated meeting place or other suitable location until parents can arrange to pick them up. • Senior School Students who walk or bike to school will be dismissed within 30 minutes of the time that school closure is announced, as long as it is safe to do so. This will only be done after ensuring that all parents have been notified. The Headmaster will inform teachers when students may be released. Junior School and DUCKS students must be collected from the classroom by a parent or nominated guardian as soon as possible after the phone call. • The Headmaster will determine whether school buses are able to run. If deemed safe, students will be dismissed to their buses. All other students will remain at school under teacher supervision until a parent or nominated guardian arrives to take them home. Delayed Closing of School If conditions exist that make it unsafe for students to travel home on foot (severe weather, civil disturbances, etc.) students will remain at school under teacher supervision. When travel on foot has been deemed safe, the school will be closed and the students sent home following the procedures listed above. Parental Decisions Although the College will take every precaution to ensure the safety of all students during an emergency, there may be times when parents would prefer to collect their children earlier. If they choose to do this, parents must inform the relevant school secretary to ensure that all students are accounted for. During a typhoon, it may be unsafe to travel. As such, parents are encouraged to wait until the severe conditions abate before coming to the College. 29 Early Years Toileting Policy Aims and Objectives Toilet training is a significant milestone in a child’s life and is vital to their independence and participation in school. We recognise it is a mutual task, requiring cooperation, agreement and understanding between the child and their caregivers. This includes their parents and ayis at home, and teachers and ayis at school. We believe the best toilettraining techniques emphasise consistency and positive reinforcement and thus seek to work supportively in partnership. Children are able to control their bladder and bowels when they are physically ready, and when they want to be dry and clean. Many children can control their bowel before their bladder. By the age of two, some children will be dry during the day. By the age of three, nine out of ten children will be dry most days. By the age of four, most children should be reliably dry. For the purpose of this policy, we regard a toilet-trained child as one being in control of their bowel and bladder, being aware of when they need the toilet, thus resulting in minimal accidents. It also includes wiping themselves (or identifying that they need help). If children start Nursery or Reception and are not toilet trained as identified below, they will be asked to remain at home until they are sufficiently toilet trained or an appropriate plan is in place in consultation with the class teacher and Deputy/Head of DUCKS. Toddler Most children will begin in the Toddlers class wearing nappies. Teachers, ayis, and parents/carers will communicate regularly and work cooperatively to start the toilet training process, aiming to maintain consistent approaches and messages to the child. Once the toilet training process begins, parents and teachers will work together and discuss the use of pull ups and underwear during this stage. Teachers and ayis will: • Encourage children to identify when they need to use the toilet and ask to go • Take the children to the toilet at regular intervals during the day to encourage independence and the development of bladder and bowel control • Support the children in learning how to wipe their own bottoms and ask for help when necessary. Nursery Children attending Nursery must be ‘toilet-trained’. Children are not able to attend school until they are toilet-trained unless there is a medical diagnosis that complicates the training (accompanied by a doctors’ note and action plan). Our goal is to have every child use the toilet independently and exit the bathroom clean. Please note, children in Nursery are not permitted to wear diapers/nappies/pull-ups during the school day and must wear underwear. Children must be able to: • Identify that they need to use the toilet and go independently • • Tell an adult when they need to use the toilet so that the adult is aware that the child is in the bathroom Attempt to wipe their own bottom and be able to ask for help to wipe if necessary • Identify when they are wet/soiled and ask for help • Children do not need to be dry through the night but should be able to rest at quiet time without wetting or soiling him or herself • Attempt to wash their own hands using soap and water Reception Unless there is a medical diagnosis (accompanied by a doctors note and action plan), children attending Reception must be “toilet trained”. Children are not able to attend school until they are toilet trained as indentified below. Please note, children in Reception are not permitted to wear diapers/nappies/pull-ups during the school day and must wear underwear. 30 Children must be able to: • Identify when they need to go to the toilet and go independently • Go to the toilet when prompted by an adult • Wipe own bottom • Wash own hands • Identify when they are wet/soiled and ask for help • Have rare accidents. Roles and Responsibilities The role of the parents • Toddler parents need to provide nappies/pull-ups and spare sets of clothing, which will remain at DUCKS. • Nursery and Reception parents need to provide a spare set of clothing, which will remain at DUCKS. • Parents must inform teachers about the status of their child’s toileting before their child begins in the class. • If there is a medical complication to the toilet training, parents should inform the class teacher and provide any relevant plans and doctor’s notes. • Parent should begin the toilet training process before the beginning of the school year in which the child will start nursery and acknowledge that if a child is not toilet trained when they begin Nursery or Reception, they will be required to stay home until this is completed. • Participate in meetings with teachers. The role of the teachers Introduce the toilets – explain where they are in the classroom, outside and around the school. • • Remind children how to use the toilets (eg. pull down pants/tights completely or hold up dress, wipe properly, flush, etc) as needed. • Regularly encourage children to use the toilet during the day. • Ensure that children have opportunities to use the toilet before and after specialist lessons and break times. • Teach, monitor and encourage hand washing and good hygiene practices. • Provide advice and support for parents experiencing difficulty in the toilet training process. The role of the classroom ayis Ensure the bathrooms are clean - floors dry, sinks clean, paper not on the floor. • • Ensure the toilets are flushed and seats are clean and left down. • Ensure soap, toilet paper and hand drying paper dispensers are appropriately resourced. • Toddler – Support the teachers when needed in the toileting process. • • Nursery – assist with bottom wiping and changing clothes as needed, encourage good hygiene, encourage use of urinals for boys who stand to urinate. Reception – help change children as needed, encourage good hygiene, talk children through wiping process if necessary, encourage use of urinals for boys. The role of the admissions department • Explain the policy to parents during tours • Ensure that parents are fully aware of the policy prior to accepting a place Monitoring and review This policy was written by a committee of teachers from across DUCKS and some parents, and then shared with all staff. All staff had the opportunity to contribute to this policy. We need to review this school toileting policy regularly so that we can take account of new initiatives, the needs of our children, or changes to the physical environment of the school. 31 32 33 34 35
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