Term 4 Holidays Vacation Care booklet

vacation care
Nailsworth Primary School
Ph.: 8344 9700
Fax: 8269 5330
Mon 15th Dec
DEC-JAN Holiday Program
Monday 15th December 2014—
Friday 23rd January 2015
Tues 16th dec
Wed 17th dec Thurs 18th dec
Odeon Star
Come to see what NOSHC
made by you!
gets up to in the kitchen.. Leave your jewellery sat
Start off our
Don’t forget your
Be prepared to get sticky. home—you won’t need
Christmas festivities by
Candy Bar slip
it on our jumping castle building your very own
today—please wear
Messy afternoon
Christmas bear—stuff
it, name it, dress it!
clothing & shoes.
Shaving cream
don't forget a change of clothes!!
Mon 22nd dec
Tues 23rd dec
Prepping for the
New Year…
Festive fun to be had by Bring along a small plate
all —baking, making and of your favourite food
everything in between! (no nuts please) for a
shared morning tea.
Wed 24th dec Thurs 25th dec
We wish you a
NOSHC will be closed from
24th Dec—12th Jan 2015.
Plaster Fun We hope you enjoy your
House : paint a last
minute Christmas gift
Staying at centre
Spending money
Fri 19th dec
Summer time
Today were embracing
al things summer:
Ice cream,
The great outdoors
And sand castle building
Cool off with science
Fri 26th dec
We wish you a
And a
vacation care
Nailsworth Primary School
ph: 8344 9700
fax: 8269 5330
Mon 12th jan
Film your own video clip
with our talented music
Lights, Camera, Action!
Karaoke Laser lights
Afternoon crafts
Rock friends
Sand Art
Mon 19th jan
Hama Beads
Staying at centre
Spending money
Monday 15th December 2014—
Friday 23rd January 2015
Tues 13th jan Wed 14th jan Thurs 15th jan
Unleash your
hidden star,
strike a pose and
say cheese in our
photo booth!
Tues 20th jan
Face Painting Team Trampoline
Loom bands
DEC-JAN Holiday Program
We’re venturing into
Norwood for some big
tramp fun :
Please, no loose
clothing, strappy
sandals or jewellery to
be worn today
Aquatic Centre
Cool off in the newly
renovated Adelaide
Aquatic Centre—make
sure you bring any
floatation devices.
No toys please.
Road Work ahead! Laser
Join forces as we create our own MAZE 2.0
city out of cardboard… Bring New and improved laser
along some designs maze—enter at your own
Wheels afternoon
Wed 21st jan Thurs 22nd jan
Never fear… the
superheroes are
Come dressed a your
favourite super hero,
ready to save the world
Fun & games
Super crafts!
Fri 16th jan
ACPA Dance
A 2 hour session designed
to boost your acting
career— Be apart of it!!
** Play to be
scheduled in late
pm for parents
to watch **
Kids in the kitchen
Garden fun
Fri 23rd jan
Aussie, Aussie,
Get into the Australia
Day spirit with a good
old BBQ, and a little
‘Straylia fun
vacation care
ph: 8344 9700
fax: 8269 5330
Nailsworth Primary
Information Sheets
Please take the time to read the following information.. If you have any questions or concerns please speak to a staff
A late fee of $5.00 per 5 minutes will apply after
All Vacation Care Accounts need to be finalised by the end of each Vacation Care Programme.
Accounts can be paid at the OSHC Centre. We accept cash, Credit Card or Cheques for payment of accounts. Accounts
can be made by EFTPOS at the finance office or at OSHC.
The fee for Vacation Care is Full Day $45.00
This fee includes Morning and Afternoon Snack and any activities or excursions that we participate in.
Child Care benefit does apply for vacation care; please speak to a staff member if you are not sure what Child Care
Benefit is.
A $5.00 per day/per student booking fee is required for each day of care needed.
A $20.00 per day/per student booking fee is required for children that attend this service in Vacation Care but are
not part of the Nailsworth Primary School community. Balance of any outstanding debt must be paid within 7 days.
Families will be reimbursed if the ’out of pocket’ cost is lower than $20.00 per day at the end of each Vacation Care
Bookings will not be accepted without the payment of booking fees or without the booking form being returned. Both
types of booking fee will be taken off of your outstanding fee balance. If you are using a credit card for payment please
remember to contact Mary or Leith with the necessary code.
In the case of your child not attending on a booked day the booking fee will not be refunded and your child will be
marked as absent and you will be required to pay unless notification of cancellation was received by 6.00pm on
the previous day.
So that excursions run smoothly we ask that your child/ren arrive by 9am so that we are able to organise the children
appropriately and leave the centre on time.
All excursions are considered as part of the programme, to ensure maximum safety of children, all staff members attend
the excursions; therefore no one will be at the centre when there are excursions.
** IMPORTANT ** Please fill out the attached Candy Bar order form if your child would like treats at the
Cinema. This form MUST be returned to OSHC BEFORE the date of the excursion, at the latest on the morning
of. Correct money must also be supplied. If this is not organised before we leave the centre your child/ren will
not be able to purchase anything while we’re there.
vacation care
Nailsworth Primary
ph: 8344 9700
fax: 8269 5330
Food: Morning and afternoon snacks are provided. Children must provide their own lunch. Access to the microwave
will not be permitted to heat food.
Collecting Children:
All children must be signed in and out by the authorised person for legal and safety reasons.
Children are to wear appropriate clothing and footwear at all times. It is important that parents/guardians pre-read the
Vac Care program so that their child/ren can participate in activities accordingly.
Broad brimmed hats and Legionnaire hats will be worn for all outside activities with the exception of June, July and
August of each year.
Children are to wear closed toe shoes for excursions and tops that cover the children’s shoulders. Children that do not
wear this will not be able to participate in the set activities for safety reasons.
Please supply your child’s medication with a signed letter from your doctor with written instructions and the
completion of an appropriate consent form. Please remember to sign the centres medication log when picking up your
Children may bring bikes (Helmets are Essential). There is a range of activities available at the centre including
computers, sports equipment, outdoor and indoor play equipment.
We have a large amount of lost property items at all times, please check the boxes regularly for items that belong to
your child.
If your child brings an electronic game (e.g Nintendo DS) please ensure that their name is clearly on the console and all
games. Children are responsible for looking after their own game.
Please make sure that you sign the excursion column as well as the sign in column on the sign in sheet on the days we
go on excursions.
Priority of Access:
The Australian Government funds childcare with a major purpose of meeting the childcare needs of Australian families.
However, the demand for childcare sometimes exceeds supply in some locations.
The Australian Government has determined guidelines for allocating places in these circumstances. They set out the
following three levels of priority, which childcare services must follow when filling vacant places:
A child at risk of serious abuse or neglect
A child of a single parent who satisfies, or of both parents who both satisfy, the work / training / study test under
section 14 of the Family Assistance Act.
Any other child.
Out of School Hours Care
ph: 8344 9700
fax: 8269 5330
Nailsworth Primary School
Please use the booking sheet below to book in for specific days and to give permission for your child to attend excursions.
Please enclose a $5.00 per day / per student booking fee for each day care is required for children that attend this school. A
$20.00 deposit per child / per day is required for children that do not attend Nailsworth Primary School. This booking fee will
be taken off of your fees. Bookings will not be accepted unless the deposit is paid. This payment can be made at the finance office
at school or at the OSHC centre. In the case of your child not attending on the day the booking fee will not be refunded unless
notification of cancellation was received by 6.00pm on the previous day.
Booking Form
Please return with booking fee to either the OSHC centre or the Finance office at School.
Family Name _____________________________ Children’s Names: __________________________________
Phone Number: ___________________________ Mobile Phone Number: _____________________________
Number of
Excursions / Activities
(Please see attached program)
Mon 15th Dec
Kitchen Antics & messy
Tues 16th Dec
Jumping Castle
Wed 17th Dec
Thurs 18th Dec
Odeon Cinemas
Friday 19th Dec
Summertime happiness
Mon 22nd Dec
Christmas Treats
Tues 23rd Dec
New Year…
Permission to attend
(Please Sign)
Wed 24th Dec
Thurs 25th Dec
24th Dec ‘14—12th Jan ‘15
Fri 26th Dec
Mon 12th Jan
Superstar Monday
Tues 13th Jan
Picture Perfect
Deposit Paid
Out of School Hours Care
ph: 8344 9700
fax: 8269 5330
Nailsworth Primary School
Booking Form
Please return with booking fee to either the OSHC centre or the Finance office at School.
Family Name _____________________________ Children’s Names: _________________________________
Phone Number: ___________________________ Mobile Phone Number: _____________________________
In the boxes below please indicate the number of children attending each day and ensure the permission to attend column
is signed. Please include payment with this form.
Number of
Excursions / Activities
(Please see attached program)
Wed 14th Jan
Adelaide Aquatic Centre
Thurs 15th Jan
Road work & wheels
Fri 16th Jan
Laser Maze & Cooking
Mon 19th Jan
Face painting & pinball
Tues 20th Jan
Team trampoline
Wed 21st Jan
Thurs 22nd Jan
ACPA dance academy
Friday 23rd Jan
Aussie, Aussie, Aussie!
Permission to attend
(Please Sign)
Deposit Paid