STEEPLE AND PEOPLE First Congregational Church of Plymouth 10 Park Street Plymouth, CT 06782 860-283-5389 fax 860-283-2342 December,2014 The Camino de Santiago Story “When I came to the spring today, I said, ‘Lord, God of my master Abraham, if you will, please grant success to the journey on which I have come. Genesis 24:42 As most of you are aware, I have just returned from sabbatical. I am planning to do a series tying the Camino de Santiago into Advent. I don’t know if everyone will be at every service, so I want to use this article to talk a little bit about the journey. First, the Camino is a historical pilgrimage that has been th going on since the 9 century. Millions of “pilgrims” have preceded us throughout the centuries. The same route has been walked through all that time. The numbers are easy. To the best of our calculations, it was 490 miles as the crow flies. All totaled, we completed 1 million, five hundred thousand steps, for a total, according to a pedometer, of 692 miles, which averages out to about 16 miles per day. We passed through 4 major cities and climbed 2 mountain ranges. My high school Spanish managed to get us through the language barrier, and we met and got to know about a hundred people of all nationalities. Some of them we walked with for a few hours, some for as long as several weeks. We spent 44 days on the trail, and took only one rest day. We saw the running of the bulls in 2 separate towns, and encountered 4 festivals (they seemed to follow us around). In general, about 1,000 folks a day start from St. Jean Pied de Port in France on any given day, and only about 11 percent make it to Santiago. My brother had been planning this for some time. I was looking for something meaningful to do for sabbatical, and this seemed like a natural fit. We had been planning and practice hiking for months. We tried to get ready for all of the difficulties that we thought we might encounter. We both read about the journey, and took the advice of those who had gone before us. The preparation was key to us finishing the walk. In looking at the scripture above, this was the prayer that we both prayed each and every day. We prayed that we would make it through the day without injury, and that we would embrace God’s will for the day. Instead of beginning the day with expectations, we began with a prayer to be open to the day, to be listening for God’s still small voice, and to be ready to hear it from any source. We heard it in the voices of the others on the Camino, in the wind as it blew over the meseta, and in the silence along the way. One thing that I bring back is that God is always speaking. It is up to each and every one of us to calm our lives and to listen. The phrase used is “to turn down the volume of life”. God was with us in Spain. There was no parting of the seas or voice out of the clouds. However, God did grant success to our journey. When we took the time and had the desire to hear, God was speaking. God quieted our hearts and helped us look at life as we would a day on the Camino. He showed us to put some expectations aside and to encounter the day as it unfolds. Tomorrow will take care of itself, it is the here and now of which we must be concerned. God is with us yesterday, today and tomorrow, and we need to have the confidence that He has, is, and will get us through. Be aware that I am not saying not to plan for the future. But I am saying that whatever the challengeexpected or unexpected-God will see us through. This article could go on and on, but I will stop here. I will look forward to seeing you in church, where I will be happy to share more “Thoughts from the Camino”. Blessings for your Advent and Christmas!! On the Road, Bill Plymouth Congregational Church Mission Statement CHRIST WORKS THROUGH US AS WE WALK WITH HIM · Grow in faith and share our faith in God with the world around us. · Actively reach out and welcome all persons. · Provide opportunities for service, outreach and improvement in our community as well as in the global community. · Strengthen our congregation through fellowship and care for our children and neighbors as Jesus Christ would see fit. D.J.Chasse 12/5 Holly Orr Mazzarella 12/5 Julie Orr Labutis 12/5 Terry Goodwin 12/14 Carol Yarrison 12/16 Becky Melancon McElwee 12/17 Ray Dupont 12/19 Bob Leroux 12/24 Peter Brown 12/25 Kathy Yale 12/26 Audrey Klimanowski 12/29 Christina Corvello 12/30 Join the Youth Group for Some Holiday Spirit Mary patterson Ralph Davino Judy Giguerre Diana, Anne Crisenti Janine, Frank Monsay Family of Gloria Sugg The people of Ferguson, Missouri Chuck Duncan Shawn Pat O'Connell Maureen Sandy mcCann Steven Court Charley & Gary Krieg Dan Austin & Austin family Chris Colasanto & family Wayne & Janet Waldron Larry & Delores Kratzer Paul Pescarmona The Delaney family Diana Hewitt All of our veterans away from home The Youth group would like to invite any Church Members that would like to join them for a Carol Sing at th Cook Willow on Sunday the 7 at 2 o’clock. They will be meeting at the church to carpool at 1:45. Come join us. Youth group will be ringing the bell for Salvation Army th at Adams on Sat. the 6 from 10AM to 1PM. Come by and say hi and help them make a difference. th On Friday, Dec. 12 , from 6pm to 9pm, the Youth group is hosting their third annual “Parent’s Night Out”. Parents can bring their children to the Stoughton building to sign in at 6 pm. The children will be enjoying pizza and refreshments before rehearsing for the Christmas Pageant. Then we will be playing games until 9pm. Great opportunity for Christmas Shopping or maybe a quiet dinner out! Carol Ferland and Gayle Konitski will be the hostesses for our December Holiday Breakfast. Please join us on th Saturday, December 13 at 8:30 a.m. for a wonderful meal and time of fellowship. We will celebrate the accomplishments of the current year and make a preliminary plan for 2015. You are also welcome to bring a friend with you, whether she attends our church or not! Please sign up in Fellowship Hall by December th 7 so that Carol & Gayle know how much food to prepare. Women of Faith Conference Twenty women from the Plymouth area attended the Women of Faith conference in early November at the XL Center in Hartford. Those in attendance enjoyed the speakers and their messages of God’s work in their lives and the lives of others. We also had many opportunities for singing and worship. 2015 will be the last year of the Women of Faith Conference in its current form. It will take place on November 13 & 14 at the XL Center. If you would like to attend the event next year, please connect with Robyn Hawley at 860-283-2122. She can get reduced price tickets. ‘ Tis the season of Giving and it is a good time to give back. There are a lot of ways to do this. Next time you leave a store, don’t walk by the kettle. Drop something in. It doesn’t matter how much, everything helps. In town there is a kettle at Adams that is only manned if there are volunteers to do it. The Plymouth Food pantry always needs food or volunteers to help out. Check out their website for more info. Our youth group will be collecting food at Adams the month before Easter. Please stop by and say “Hi”. Donate to Toys for Tots. The Polish Club sponsors a golf tournament for Toys for Tots. Check it out. Next time someone asks you to donate for a Walk for The Cure or Foodshare go ahead. Help stuff a cruiser with toys for Christmas. Donate to the Red Cross online. There are plenty of opportunities to make a difference; Not just for December, but for the whole year. When you give back to your community or donate to a charity, you will find it gives you a great feeling inside that really warms your soul. Tis the Season for Giving! Please Do. Blessings, Ray Dupont P.S. Think about increasing your weekly Donation to the Church by 5% or making a onetime gift. Every Church Member received a Stewardship envelope. Please think about how you can help and return the envelope this year. It could help make a difference and ‘Tis The Season! Bible Quiz ‘Tis the Season Happy Holidays to all. It is the time of the year that we have plenty to be thankful for. The lights on the houses, the songs on the radio and the presents under the trees put a twinkle in your smile and a holiday skip to your walk. I would like to ask you to remember that there are some people less fortunate and that they don’t get to enjoy the holidays quite the same due to different circumstances; whether it is lack of employment or financial constraints that keep them from having a happy holiday. What’s the name of the angel who told Mary she would give birth to God’s Son? A. Gabriel B. Raphael C. Michael D. Jonathan Answer on Kid’s Page Answer to Bible Quiz: A (See Luke 1:26ff.) Honoring Our 50 Yr Members On November 23, we had a special worship service recognizing our 50 year members of either our church or any Christian church. Those celebrating as 50+ yr members of the First Congregational Church of Plymouth are: Date 1946 1948 1949 1950 1950 1952 1955 1954 1957 1957 1958 1958 1962 1963 1963 1964 1964 Member # Years in 2014 Caroline (Blake) Sanford 68 Jeannette (Benedict) Brown 66 Margaret (Snell) Minor 65 Lois (Mitchell) (Karr) Hamel 64 Marilyn C. Mattoon 64 Tina (Curtis) Sculerati 62 Marjorie (Fowler) Maisto 59 Lorraine (Minor) Babb 58 Ruth (Fowler) Litwin 57 Kathleen (Booth) Yale 57 Thomas Suckley 56 Susan (Cook) (Armstrong) Macdonald 56 Peter Fortin 52 Helen (Brown) Tomasello 51 Bonnie (Norton) Mackiewicz 51 Eleanor (Latulipe) Barberet 50 Frances (Bennett) Maxwell 50 Those celebrating as 50+ yr members of any Christian Church are: Arthur H. Carlstrom Karen (Brothwell) Dayton Carolyn (Blair) Ferland Suzanne (Olson) Hanson Rev William Hawley Patricia (Ferry/Brazee) Kopcha Larry & Delores (Krieg) Kratzer Bob and Bonnie (MacGregor) Leroux Lois (Carlson) Martin Carol (Minor) Orr Faye (Cozbey) Orvetti Judith (Tyburski) Purney Donald and Janice (Lyons) Rogers June (Kirkham) Sanford June (Johnson) Sutter Carol (Gorham) Yarrison George & June Cowles Emery and Karen Austin Helen Tomasello, Bonnie Mackiewicz, Eleanor Barberet and Frances Maxwell are our newest 50 year members of our church. If there are any other who should be included as 50 year members of any Christian church, please contact me at the number below to ensure our listing is updated accordingly. Let us keep the following 50 + year members who have passed forever in our hearts. They have contributed so much to our church: Dat e 193 5 194 0 194 0 195 1 Member Betty (Hakanson) Clark Vera (Hall/Lumpkin) Axelby Eldah (Shanley) Johnson Henry Arthur Strever As a fifty year member, you made and kept a commitment to your faith for many, MANY years. You are an example to your family, your church and to your community of living a Christian life and being committed to our Lord and savior, Jesus Christ. We would like to congratulate you on this accomplishment and being a part of this note-worthy group. Sincerely Yours, ________________ John A. Williams Co-Chair-Board of Deacons 860-283-5682 TERRYVILLE HIGH SCHOOL MARCHING BAND . . . and the marching beat goes on …. Our own Bradley Kozikowski, Alyssa Orr & Jessica Dupont, along with 70+ members of the Terryville High School Marching Band participated in the annual Band Day at the University of Massachusetts on Saturday, October 18th. The UMASS band (400+ members stong) hosted 70 high school bands from around New England and New York State . 3,500+ high schoolers, representing 70 high school bands, joined with the UMASS Band – on the field at Gillette Stadium in Foxboro, MA – to entertain the crowd at half time of the football game between the UMASS Minutemen and the visiting Eastern Ohio Eagles. As Sophia (of The Golden Girls) used to say: “Picture it …;” 3,900+ musicians covering the football field, entertaining an appreciative crowd and receiving a much-deserved standing ovation from the fans. Following the game, the UMASS Band performed its traditional and famous post-game show and the high-schoolers enjoyed being part of the large crowd in the stands to witness to this special production . Plymouth Congregational Church Christmas Poinsettias 2014 Minimal donation this year is $10.00 per plant. Please complete this form and return it with checks payable to: Jonalyn Williams 105 Lake Plymouth Blvd Plymouth, CT 06782 860-283-5682 Orders and payment must be received by December 15th. Ordered by ______RED (number/check) ______PINK (number/check) Amount of Donation _________________for _______ # of plants ______WHITE (number/check) In honor of ___________________________________________________________ In memory of __________________________________________________________ In celebration of Christmas ______________________________________________ Please pick up all plants on December 21st following the morning service. Hands and Hearts In Harmony (WORKING TOGETHER FOR THE GOOD OF OUR CHURCH FAMILY in 2014) Pastor: Rev. Bill Hawley Administrative Assistant: Helen B. Tomasello Minister of Music: Marilyn C. Mattoon Superintendent of Sunday School: Kylie Ouellet Reminder-Helen Tomasello is Interim Pastor during Pastor Bill ‘s Sabbatical Sunday Worship: 10 a.m. in the Sanctuary Sunday School: Followed by Coffee Hour in the Fellowship Room 10 a.m. in the Sanctuary and then moving to classrooms until 11:30 a.m. Other Information you may find helpful: Church Office: phone: 860-283-5389 fax: 860-283-2342 Thrift Shop: phone: 860-283-2853 Hours: 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. - Wednesday thru Saturday Church Council meets monthly Chair: Ray Dupont Deacons meet monthly on the first Thursday at 7 p.m. Chair: Joel Schrager Board of Trustees meets monthly on the first Tuesday at 7 p.m. Chair: Ed Flaherty Religious Education Committee meets monthly on first Sunday Chair: Angela Dorsey Book of Remembrance Committee Chair: Carol Ferland Chairman of Ushers: Peter Fortin If you wish to Usher, please sign up on list posted in the Fellowship Room Fellowship Committee Chair: Dan Stevenson If you wish to host a coffee hour, please sign up on list posted in the Fellowship Room Flower Committee Chair: Jona Williams (860-283-5682) If you wish to give flowers, please contact Jona Youth Group Coordinator: Tracy Dupont (860-283-0553) Please call for information and meeting times Treasurer: Bob Leroux Clerk: Emery Austin Historian: Chris Perkins Steeple & People – published monthly e-mail articles to Judy Russo – Stephen Ministers: Lorraine Babb, Helen Tomasello, Chris Lytle, Joel Schrager ***To reserve use of the Sanctuary and/or the Fellowship Room, please call the church office Steeple & People First Congregational Church of Plymouth P.O. Box 293 10 Park Street Plymouth, CT 06782 Return Service Requested Place mailing label here Non Profit US Postage Paid Bulk Permit No. Thomaston, CT 06787 December, 2014 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY 1 2 Stephen Ministers 6:15 Trustees 7:00 8 9 10 God n’Grub Concerned Members Meeting 7pmfellowship hall Potluck 6pm Discussion 7pm 16 17 God ‘nGrub 15 3 THURSDAY 4 FRIDAY 5 Deacons 7:00 11 18 12 19 SATURDAY 6 7 Worship 10am Men’s Breakfast 7am Adams Bell Ring 10-1:00 Terryville Xmas Walk 3pm 13 14 Worshipm10am Women’s Breakfast 8:30 Kid’s Xmas Pageant Thomaston Xmas Walk 6pm 20 21 Worship 10am Potluck 6pm Bible Study 7pm 22 23 24 Christmas Eve Service in the Sanctuary 10:30pm 29 30 31 SUNDAY Council 11:30 25 26 Bill & Robyn on vacation 27 28 Worship 10am Ellen Willert in the Pulpit
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