“. . . be doers of the word . . .” (James 1:22) globally engaged, spiritually formative, missionally alive 2014 Was A Year of Many Blessings for BTSR g Recognizing the need to prepare women and men for leadership in specialized ministries within their faith communities, we created a new, fully accredited two-year professional degree, a Master in Christian Ministry. g Applications for admission to BTSR continue to increase, and in September we enrolled more students than in any of the previous three years. g The Association of Theological Schools, our accrediting body, granted us a seven-year reaccreditation. Class of 2017 g In October, we began A Year with the Saint John’s Bible, bringing over 1,500 visitors to campus and taking the volumes to 750 more viewers in their churches and schools. This program, running through June 2015, provides us with a rare opportunity to reach out to and serve our community and region in a way that has ignited the spiritual imagination of people engaged in many faith journeys. While achieving these successes is significant, our mission at BTSR goes beyond human measure and focuses on building the Kingdom of God. That has been our purpose since 1991 when we first began to help women and men grow into their calling. Today, six hundred ninety-nine BTSR graduates serve in places and ministries around the world as pastors, chaplains, missionaries, counselors, professors, and community leaders. They do so because for nearly twenty-three years, your support has enabled BTSR to help our students discern their calling according to the words that have been planted in their hearts. What are these words . . . these seeds that have been sown? “. . . accept the word planted in you . . .” (James 1:21) JOCELYN BLOUNT (‘15) - MISSION IMMERSION - SOUTH AFRICA Compassion “Feed my sheep.” (John 21:17) Whether serving in Zimbabwe or Kenya, Romania or the United States, BTSR graduates are engaged in a variety of ministries, which include working in hospitals, providing care in disaster relief zones, serving in prisons, and teaching in orphanages. Your support enables us to extend our reach, serving as human instruments of God’s compassion at work around the world. TINA SCHILLING (‘14) - MISSION IMMERSION - INDIA Debbie Carter (‘08) counsels patients as a VCU Health Systems Chaplain in the Department of Patient Counseling, Richmond, VA I learned to lead Unity “love your neighbor . . . .” (Mark 12:31) Through mission opportunities in communities across town or around the world, BTSR students and graduates not only create unity among people of different cultures and faiths, but they also nurture in others a willingness to hear the word of God. Your support enables us to engage in educational and outreach experiences that allow us to serve as ministers of reconciliation. BTSR HOSTS LATINO NETWORK TRAINING - NOVEMBER 2014 Habacuc Diaz Lopez (‘01 & ‘09) builds unity and common purpose as the coordinator for Semillas de Mostaza in Culpeper, VA Teaching I learned to serve “. . . make disciples of all nations.” (Matthew 28:19) People of all ages, races, and cultures often need shepherding as they follow the path of their faith journey. BTSR is committed to its mission of educating and training women and men to serve as knowledgeable, compassionate servant leaders, always prepared to help share the word of God. Your support enables us to educate ministry leaders to serve where most needed, here at home and around the world. JEFF WALTON (‘12) - MISSION IMMERSION - KENYA Emile Sam-Peal (‘00) serves as the principal and superintendent of the Lott Carey Mission School in Monrovia, Liberia Service “. . . servant of all.” (Mark 9:35) Serving others in the name of Christ is how we remain present in the world. At BTSR, we embrace our responsibility to serve our community. We provide innovative programs and educational opportunities for our students, the laity and continuing education for clergy, while growing as a vibrant and relevant resource for our greater community. Your support of our mission and programs helps our faculty, staff, students and graduates live by Christ’s example of servant leadership. CALEB OLADIPO, JOSH BEELER (‘13), CAMMIE FURBER (‘16), TINA SCHILLING (‘14), ALBERT KWABI (‘13) - MISSION IMMERSION - INDIA Tanya Parks (‘17), along with her family, serve as CBF missionaries with the Roma people in Slovakia Giving a gift to BTSR provides us with the resources we need to create a meaningful and practical educational experience for our students, while cultivating compassion, building unity, enabling teaching, and encouraging service. Please support the seminary’s annual giving campaign by making a year-end contribution online or by mailing your gift to BTSR in the enclosed envelope. Your generosity helps us prepare ministry leaders for the twenty-first century, reaching people and communities both here at home and around the world. Thank you for your prayers and support! Gratefully and joyously yours, CALEB FOUST (‘13) - MISSION IMMERSION - KENYA Ron Ron Crawford, President, BTSR Our Mission is to provide advanced theological education and training for effective leadership in the various ministries of the church for those women and men who are called and committed to Christian ministry. Bap8st -‐ CBF Bap8st -‐ SBC Bap8st -‐ BGAV Bap8st -‐ ABC Bap8st -‐ NBC Presbyterian United Methodist Episcopal Non-‐denomina8onal Disciples of Christ Bap8st -‐ Alliance Unitarian/Universalist Roman Catholic Reformed Zion Union Apostolic Pentecostal Orthodox Evangelical Lutheran Church Church of God Distinctively Baptist in heritage, Baptist Theological Seminary at Richmond has an ecumenical commitment, a global perspective, and active participation in the world-wide Christian mission. From the beginning BTSR has been a diverse institution: the graph shows our graduates’ primary denominational self identification. Chris8an Methodist Episcopal Established in 1991, BTSR is accredited by the Association of Theological Schools; is a member of CBF and BGAV; the Richmond Theological Consortium (including Union Presbyterian Seminary, Samuel DeWitt Proctor School of Theology at VUU, and BTSR); a member-partner of the Latino Network, VBMB; and is a registered 501(c)3 charitable institution. “How very good and pleasant it is when kindred live together in unity!” (Psalm 133:1) Bap8st -‐ PNBC Bap8st -‐ Japan BC Bap8st -‐ Independent Bap8st -‐ Free Will Assemblies of God 0.0% 5.0% 10.0% 15.0% 20.0% 25.0% 30.0% 35.0% 40.0% 45.0% 50.0% transformative The BTSR experience is . . . Whether a young student fresh from college, a second career adventurer, a life-long learner, new pastor, laity or seasoned clergy, our students come from all walks of life and hail from twenty different countries and thirty-nine states to attend BTSR. * BTSR students learn to study the Bible in its original languages, to interpret the Bible as it was written to specific people at specific points in history, and effectively apply its timeless truths in various contemporary ministry contexts. * BTSR students experience the transformative nature of the gospel in their own lives within the structure of thoughtful curriculum and pedagogy, and missional work in the field. Robbie Jones (‘17) * BTSR professors bring scholarship and expertise in their fields while modeling the kind of shepherding that will shape our students’ future ministries. DEGREES & CERTIFICATES Master of Divinity Doctor of Ministry Master of Theological Studies Master in Christian Ministry Dual Degree Programs with VCU in Social Work and Patient Counseling Graduate Certificate in Theological Studies PROGRAMS Justice & Peacebuilding Concentration with Eastern Mennonite University Internships in Supervised Ministry Mission Immersion Experience Center for Congregational Leadership Community Engagement Program Chris Hillman (‘15) YOUR DOLLARS AT WORK REVENUES Your gifts directly support student aid and tuition assistance, need-based scholarships, library books and services, and pressing operational and equipment needs. UNRESTRICTED INVESTMENT EARNINGS 6% AUXILIARY ENTERPRISES 14% PRIVATE GIFTS & GRANTS 39% TUITION & FEES 28% DENOMINATIONAL GIFTS 13% Ron Crawford President, BTSR Please give a gift today. T hankY ou EXPENSES AUXILIARY ENTERPRISES 7% FUNDRAISING 9% ACADEMIC PROGRAMS PHYSICAL PLANT 9% STUDENT SERVICES & LIBRARY RESOURCES 34% DEBT SERVICE 10% STUDENT AID & SCHOLARSHIPS INSTITUTIONAL SERVICES 22% 9% Bert Browning, Chair BTSR Board of Trustees BOARD of TRUSTEES Joe Boykin Kent Brown Bert Browning | Chair Debra Bryant Bob Calloway Valerie Carter Hunter Cook Ron Crawford | President Virginia Darnell Brian Davis Habacuc Diaz Lopez Bob Fowler Harriet Harral | Vice Chair Virgil Hazelett Joe Lewis Jackie Baugh Moore Kathryn Norman Susan Rucker Jim Somerville Kelly Stuart | Secretary Elmer West | Honorary Baptist Theological Seminary at Richmond Leadership CAMPUS 804.355.8135 | 8040 Villa Park Drive | Suite 250 | Richmond VA 23228 | www.btsr.edu ELECTED FACULTY Dan Bagby | Theodore F. Adams Professor Emeritus of Pastoral Care Mark Biddle | Russell T. Cherry Professor of Old Testament Ron Crawford | President | Professor of Pastoral Ministry Tim Gilbert | Dean | Director, Doctor of Ministry Program Tom Graves | President Emeritus and Professor of Philosophy of Religion Tracy Hartman | Daniel O. Aleshire Professor of Homiletics and Practical Theology | Director, Supervised Ministry Beth Newman | Eula Mae and John Baugh Professor of Theology and Ethics | Director, Master of Theological Studies Caleb Oladipo | Duke K. McCall Professor of Christian Mission and World Christianity | Director, MIE Program Scott Spencer | Professor of New Testament and Biblical Interpretation ADMINISTRATIVE LEADERS Ron Crawford | President | Professor of Pastoral Ministry | 804.204.1201 | rcrawford@btsr.edu Melissa Fallen | Director of Admissions and Recruitment | 804.204.1208 | 888-345-BTSR | mfallen@btsr.edu Tim Gilbert | Dean | Director, Doctor of Ministry Program | 804.204.1221 | tgilbert@btsr.edu Jim Peak | Director of Business Affairs & Facilities | 804.204.1230 | jpeak@btsr.edu Kimberly Tetlow | Vice President for Institutional Advancement | 804.204.1211 | ktetlow@btsr.edu Preparing ministry leaders for the twenty-first century . . .
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