St. Basil Blessed Theophany Scholarship Opportunity

January 2015
962 East Ave · Rochester, NY 14607
St. Basil
Blessed Theophany
Scholarship Opportunity
Fr. Catalin Mot offers some information
about St. Basil the Great
Theophany is a major feast of our
church celebrated on January 6th
Attention High School students! You
won’t want to miss this opportunity.
My dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
n the beginning I would like to wish everybody a Happy
New Year, 2015, may God bless you and grant you good
health and all the god things for salvation! ΧΡΟΝΙΑ ΠΟΛΛΑ!
At the beginning of each calendar year, on January the
1st ,we celebrate, Saint Basil The Great one of the most
important saints of our Church.
Saint Basil the Great was born in the year 329 in Caesarea
of Cappadocia, to a family renowned for their learning and
holiness. His parents’ names were Basil and Emmelia. His
mother Emmelia (commemorated July 19 and May 30) and
his grandmother Macrina (January 14) are Saints of the
Church, together with all his brothers and sisters: Macrina,
his elder sister (July 19), Gregory of Nyssa (January 10),
Peter of Sebastia (January 9), and Naucratius. Basil studied
in Constantinople under the sophist Libanius, then in
Athens, where also he formed a friendship with the young
Gregory, a fellow Cappadocian, later called “the Theologian.”
Through the good influence of his sister Macrina, he chose
to embrace the ascetical life, abandoning his worldly career.
He visited the monks in Egypt, in Palestine, in Syria, and in
Mesopotamia, and upon returning to Caesarea, he departed
to a hermitage on the Iris River in Pontus, not far from
Annesi, where his mother and his sister Macrina were already
treading the path of the ascetical life; here he also wrote his
ascetical homilies.
About the year 370, when the bishop of his country
reposed, he was elected to succeed to his throne and was
entrusted with the Church of Christ, which he tended for
eight years, living in voluntary poverty and strict asceticism,
having no other care than to defend holy Orthodoxy as a
worthy successor of the Apostles. The Emperor Valens, and
Modestus, the Eparch of the East, who were of one mind
with the Arians, tried with threats of exile and of torments
to bend the Saint to their own confession, because he was
the bastion of Orthodoxy in all Cappadocia, and preserved
it from heresy when Arianism was at its strongest. But he
set all their malice at nought, and in his willingness to give
himself up to every suffering for the sake of the Faith, showed
himself to be a martyr by volition. Modestus, amazed at
Basil’s fearlessness in his presence, said that no one had ever
so spoken to him. “Perhaps,” answered the Saint, “you have
never met a bishop before.” The Emperor Valens himself
was almost won over by Basil’s dignity and wisdom. When
Valens’ son fell gravely sick, he asked Saint Basil to pray
for him. The Saint promised that his son would be restored
if Valens agreed to have him baptized by the Orthodox;
Valens agreed, Basil prayed and the son was restored. But
afterwards the Emperor had him baptized by Arians, and
the child died soon after. Later, Valens, persuaded by his
counselors, decided to send the Saint into exile because he
would not accept the Arians into communion; but his pen
broke when he was signing the edict of banishment. He tried
a second time and a third, but the same thing happened,
so that the Emperor was filled with dread, and tore up the
document, and Basil was not banished. The truly great Basil,
spent with extreme ascetical practices and continual labors,
at the helm of the church, departed to the Lord on the 1st of
January in 379, at the age of forty-nine.
His writings are replete with wisdom and erudition, and with
these gifts he set forth the doctrines concerning the mysteries
both of the creation (see his Hexaemeron) and of the Holy
Trinity (see On the Holy Spirit). Because of the majesty and
keenness of his eloquence, he is honored as “the revealer of
heavenly things” and “the Great.”
Saint Basil is also celebrated on January 30 with Saint
Gregory the Theologian and Saint John Chrysostom.
These great Fathers and Theologians of the Church are
commemorated on this day as the “Three Hierarchs.”
With all my love in Christ, I remain prayerfully yours, His
unworthy servant,
+ Father Catalin
There is no fasting allowed from the Nativity (12/25) through January 4th.
Annunciation offices will be closed on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and New
Year’s Day. Please submit all donations for 2014 by December 28th.
The Sunday School will be continuing their toy/supply drive through January
17th. Please see the December bulletin for details.
Sunday School will hold classes on Sunday, January 4 .
Brody Matthew Brown, son of Matthew
John Brown & Chrisavge Brown
was baptized on November 30, 2014
Vasiliki Theodorou, daughter of Michael
Theodorou & Dorothea Theodorou
was baptized on December 14, 2014
Mary Kostarellis
was interred on November 28, 2014
To see an always-up-to-date calendar, visit
Saturday, January 3, at 5:30pm at Webster Ice Arena
All Annunciation Youth are invited to join us on a trip to the Webster Ice Arena on January 3rd for an evening of ice skating!
Cost for the afternoon TBA.
Monday, December 29 at 6:00 pm
We need 6-8 volunteers for our monthly trip to the Open Door Mission. This is a wonderful opportunity to serve our
neighbors in the city of Rochester. Learn more at There is a
sign-up sheet on the blue bulletin board in the church. Students will earn 2 hours of community service for participating.
Sundays, January 4 and January 11 immediately following the Divine Liturgy
Our church’s dance ministry program will be holding open registrations for kids of all ages on the first two Sundays of 2015.
Please make every effort to register your kids for this wonderful program of our church. Dance practices will begin on January
18th and will continue through the Greek Festival.
Sunday, January 11 immediately following the Divine Liturgy
Please join us for the annual cutting of the Vasilopita at Annunciation. All proceeds from the luncheon will go to St. Basil’s
Academy in Garrison, NY. This is a wonderful community event, and all are invited.
Friday, January 16 to Saturday, January 17
All teenagers (grades 6-12) are invited to join us in a trip to Buffalo for the annual Lasertron Lock-In and Retreat. We
will depart from Annunciation at 6:00 pm on Friday, and we will return in the morning on Saturday. This is a wonderful
opportunity to get your teens involved in the Upstate NY Youth program, and no prior involvement is requrired. Please
contact Youth Director Niko Tzetzis at with any questions.
Saturday, January 17 at 1:30 pm
Please join us for a HOPE/JOY event. All youth up through 5th grade are invited to participate in this fellowship/
educational program that immediately follows Greek School at Annunciation. Snacks will be provided.
Saturday, February 7, start time TBA
Please save the date for a community dance on February 7th. This will be a dance open to the whole community. We hope
you’ll join us for this pre-Lenten party!
Divine Liturgy for St. Basil the Great
Divine Liturgy for Theophany
Divine Liturgy for St. John the Baptist
Divine Liturgy for St. Anthony the Great
Divine Liturgy for The Three Hierarchs
Vespers 5:00 pm
Mary Kostarellis (40 Days)
Orthros 9:00 am
Divine Liturgy 10:00 am
Dimitrios Manou (6 Months)
Alice LaGrou (1 Year)
Sunday School begins after Communion
Sunday School ends at 12:00 pm
We Welcome Our Newest Members!
We welcome our new members to our Annunciation
Family. As a community, we would like to rejoice with
you in times of joy, and sympathize with you in times
of sorrow. We would like to be your center of worship
and we hope you will find it nourishing and enriching,
both spiritually and emotionally.
Victoria DiPietro
Ben & Karina Onderdonk
Nicholas Harisis
Constantine Kostarellis
2014 Stewardship Statements & Reminders
The 2014 Stewardship statements and reminders to submit your pledged have been mailed. Kindly send the
balance of your Stewardship and/or your Stewardship Pledge in full to the Church Office by Tuesday,
December 30, 2014.
Community Christmas Card
We thank all our parishioners who have contributed towards our Community Christmas Card.
Please note the following additions/corrections to this year’s card:
Gloria & Alexandra Kokorotsis - Case
Photo Directory Business & Family Ads
The directory is in the final stages of completion and will contain several pages of advertisements to cover the
cost of providing a free copy for all our parishioners. There are options for:
Business card size $100
1/4 page at $200
1/2 page at $400
Full page at $800
If you would like to support the directory with either a Business Ad, Family Ad or Memorial Ad please contact
Presvytera Felicia at 752-7432 or Julie Eveleigh at 747-4728. Deadline for submitting ads and personal
listing information is January 9th, 2015. Your personal listing information may dropped off, mailed to
the church office or e-mailed to Sylvia at
House Blessings
On January 6 we celebrate Epiphany, a Great Feast within the Orthodox Church. This is the season of the
blessing of the Holy Waters when the parish priest, through this very rich custom, brings the Blessed Holy Water
to the faithful in their homes and businesses that they may receive the Great Blessing of Our Lord for the New
Year. It is a beautiful custom to bring the Blessed Holy Water of Epiphany to you the parishioners and at the
same time to meet your families. Please call the call or e-mail Sylvia ( at the church
office to set up an appointment.
Deck the Halls with boughs of Holly….
and with abundant wreaths, Nativity Scene, toy soldiers, angels, lit garlands, and a beautiful Christmas tree
decorated with hundreds of lights and ornaments and we have a community center that has been transformed
into a Christmas wonderland! A very special “Thank You” goes out to Tom Mihalitsas who has once again outdone himself with the Christmas decorations. Tom, your labor of love is evident in every detail!
The 2015 Parish Council Oath of Office
office to set up an appointment.
Deck the Halls with boughs of Holly….
and with abundant wreaths, Nativity Scene, toy soldiers, angels, lit garlands, and a beautiful Christmas tree
decorated with hundreds of lights and ornaments and we have a community center that has been transformed
into a Christmas wonderland! A very special “Thank You” goes out to Tom Mihalitsas who has once again outdone himself with the Christmas decorations. Tom, your labor of love is evident in every detail!
The 2015 Parish Council Oath of Office
will be administered on Sunday, January 4, 2015 to the Parish Council following the Divine Liturgy.
by Sunday School Co-Director Rhonda Stamatis
am pleased to announce the Annunciation Parish Council
has approved a Sunday School College Scholarship
program. The scholarship will be awarded through the
Senior Division of the St. John Chrysostom Oratorical
Festival which is run through the ministry of Sunday School.
A year ago at an annual presentation to the Parish Council
on the status of Sunday School the members of the board
expressed a desire to create a program that would support
the youth of our parish. As I began to contemplate what
this program would be it became clear that first it should
encourage and cultivate spiritual growth and understanding
of the Orthodox Faith and second give them support as they
strive to achieve their goals in life . What better way to do
this than have the scholarship tied to participation in the
Oratorical Festival and have a dollar award that is to be used
towards the skyrocketing expenses of college.
Continued on Next Page
The Flower City Chapter # 67, Order of AHEPA, and the AHEPA Rochester Foundation have announced the 2014
scholarship winners.
Receiving the Dean Zutes Memorial Scholarships each for $1,500 are awarded to: Ms. Erika Bauer, Ms. Jessika Irene
Bauer, Ms. Alexandra Case, and Mr. Nikolaos Viron
Receiving the Papapanu-Dedetsinas Memorial Scholarship, for $500 is awarded to Ms. Dina Loverde.
Receiving the Panagiota E. Tonias Scholarship for $500 is Ms. Mariana Eleni Manou.
The AHEPA 67 scholarships each for $500 are awarded to Ms. Brianne Evevsky, Ms. Efrosyni Kostakis, and Mr.
Gregory Matos,
The Order of AHEPA and the AHEPA Rochester Foundation congratulates all the scholarship winners,
and wishes them success in achieving their goals. Award presentations will take place on Sunday, January
11, 2015 2:00 pm at a reception to be held at the AHEPA 67 Apartments, 100 AHEPA Circle, Webster,
NY 14580
Since 1992, the Order of AHEPA has proudly awarded $130,250 in scholarships to local recipients.
The AHEPA scholarship program for 2015 is open to all high school graduates and undergraduate college students from
Holy Spirit Church and Annunciation Church. New applications will be available January 2015 and must be submitted to
the AHEPA Rochester Foundation by June 30, 2015. Those wishing to apply for a scholarship application should contact
any member of AHEPA, Anargyros Caloyeras, Nikolas Tzimas, or Dennis Kiriazides.
Anargyros Caloyeras
Scholarship Chairman
The Oratorical Festival is a nationwide Archdiocese
competition. As stated in the official manual “The purpose
of the St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival is to give
teenagers an opportunity to learn, write, and speak about
their Orthodox Faith, Church and Heritage”. For the past four
yeas we have been preparing our Sunday School students in
class starting in January for the Oratorical Festival. Teachers
support them in picking out topics and framing a general
essay. Paul Vieron, who has worked very closely with the
Oratorical Festival in other parishes, makes a presentation to
students so they understand what comprises an essay that is
needed to advance through the competition.
Sunday School Scholarship. In January we will have a
presentation for parents of children of all ages on the
scholarship. Please look for the announcement of the date
and time of this meeting through the Sunday School email
and announcements in the bulletin. If you are not registered
or are not receiving emails from Sunday School and would
like to please contact me at
If you would like more information about the festival
you can go to St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival 2014
to find the official manual.
- Rhonda Stamatis
Students who attend Sunday School regularly,
beginning in Kindergarten, will build the foundation of
knowledge and understanding of their Orthodox Faith that
they will need to integrate into their essays. We hope that
you as parents will support your children in their spiritual
growth and maturity by bringing them to Sunday School on
a regular basis and encourage them to participate in the St.
John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival.
Below are the official rules of the Annunciation
This scholarship was established to promote students’ participation in the Annunciation Sunday School program and in the
St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival (SJCOF) in order to encourage and strengthen their knowledge of their Orthodox
Scholarships will be awarded to any students who meet all eligibility requirements and who advance from the District level
(round 2) to the Metropolis level. Scholarships will be awarded based on the age of the participant advancing in the following
• $2,000 for students who are in 12th grade
• $1,000 for students who are in 11th grade
• $500 for students who are in 10th grade
In addition, any student who advances to the National Oratorical Festival will be given an additional $1,000 in scholarship
money for their laudable achievement.
Students who advance to the Metropolis and/or National level and who meet the criteria below will have travel costs (fuel
costs OR airfare and lodging) for two parents and the participant covered and arranged by Annunciation Greek Orthodox
• Student’s families must be members in good standing at Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church. Students must be
registered in the Annunciation Sunday School Program, and students must regularly attend Sunday School classes.
• Students must participate in the senior division (grades 10-12) of the speech portion of the St. John Chrysostom
Oratorical Festival. No scholarships will be awarded to participants of the essay or poetry contests, though participation
in those programs is encouraged.
• Student will receive the scholarship money only if ALL of the following conditions are met that (1) the student must
win the District Level of the SJCOF AND (2) the student continues on in the competition to each subsequent level of
the competition as they win. Students will NOT receive the scholarship money if they refuse or are otherwise unable to
advance to the next stages of the competition.
• Student must adhere to all of the rules and regulations of the St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival as outlined by the
Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America (
by Youth Director Niko Tzetzis
If you can believe it, it’s been over a year now since my
first day here at Annunciation. It was just a year ago that
Ivey and I started regularly commuting from Boston out
to Rochester to start to interact with the families in this
community. It was just over a year ago that almost everyone
here was still a stranger to us.
We will have eight cornerstone programs represented:
In that last year, Ivey finished up her degree at Hellenic
College, and the two of us packed up our home in Boston and
moved out here to Rochester. Since the beginning of June, I
have been here at the church serving as the full-time Director
of Youth and Young Adult Ministries.
Our fellowship and service organizations, HOPE & JOY
for our youngest ones ages Pre-K through 5th grade and
GOYA for our teenagers in grades 6th through 12th, provide
opportunities for all of our kids to get together outside of
Sunday mornings. We also will be offering a new fellowship
and service ministry called REAL for adults ages 18-35.
So what have I done in that time?
My mission at Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church is to
assist the community to guide our young people to Christ
through the creation and nurturing of sustainable youth
programs. The key word in that mission is sustainable.
Sustainable youth programs require a network of dedicated
volunteers. They require a stable source of funding. They
require families that are committed to teaching their children
about their faith and heritage. They require cooperation and
communication between the different organizations in order
to foster mutual growth.
This is why, starting in January of 2015, I will be meeting
regularly with the leaders of the different youth programs
in our church. Together, we will discuss the successes and
challenges that we encounter, and together we will grow the
entirety of the Youth Ministry program at Annunciation.
Revised: 12/17/14
Our educational programs, our open Sunday School and
our modestly priced, tuition based Greek School form our
backbone. They teach our children about our Lord and God
and Savior Jesus Christ, and they teach them about their
heritage and history.
Panhellenic Dance Ministry is a program that teaches
traditional Greek dances to the youth at Annunciation in
preparation for our annual Greek Festival.
All of our youth, regardless of their participation in any of
the above programs, are invited to participate in Upstate
NY Regional Ministry including all year-round retreats
and St. Timothy Camp.
Last, but absolutely not least, are our Altar Boys. The men
of our church learn to serve God in his Altar with the blessing
of our priest, Fr. Catalin and the help of Paul Vieron.
None of our programs conflict with one another. No one is
prohibited from being a part of any of these organizations.
Get your children involved in
Annunciation Youth Ministry today!
2014 PC Exec Committee
Jim Stathopoulos, Amiel Mokhiber.
Kathy Markaakis, Eric Vangellow
Dorothea Sanchez,
Toula Destounis
Fr. Catalin Mot
Youth Director
Niko Tzetzis
Sunday School
Rhonda Stamatis
Beverly Hageman
Greek School
Altar Boys
REAL Young Adult Ministry
Dimitri Katsetos
Paul Vieron
Niko Tzetzis
PanHellenic Dance Ministry
Lynn & Andrew Tempest
Adult Volunteers Needed
Maria Dembeyiotis
Upstate NY
Regional Ministry
Note: Sub-organizations have been omitted for the sake of clarity. If there are any questions, contact Niko Tzetzis
Vasilopeta (St. Basil Bread) Brunch
Sunday, January 11, 2015, following Liturgy
Sponsored by
Proceeds to benefit
Saint Basil Academy
Donations accepted
(checks payable to Philoptochos)
Please save the date!
On February 1st immediately following Sunday School we
will have an Altar Boy Orientation and Meeting. If your
son has never been in the Altar before, this is a great
opportunity for him to start.
Also, in the evening, all Altar Boys are invited to Niko
& Ivey’s house to watch the Super Bowl. Please, for
planning purposes, register online for this event at
All of us at the Senior’s Club express our best
Wishes for a Healthy, Peaceful, and Prosperous
New Year 2015 to all the Annunciation families.
We will have an Apokreatiko dance at
Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church on
Saturday, February 7th in the evening.
Demetra Korovessis – Senior’s president
The entire community is invited!
Our GOYA is in need of 1-2 volunteers age 21+ to assist our teenagers in running a successful program. Please see
the volunteer job description below:
GOYA Coordinator(s)
The GOYA Coordinator(s) is responsible for being the primary liaison between the GOYA and the Youth Committee
of directors. The GOYA Coordinator will:
Attend bi-weekly GOYA meetings on the first and third Sunday of each month
Provide an adult perspective in the GOYA decision-making process
Inform the Annunciation Youth Director of any conflicts that arise
Attend monthly Youth Committee meetings on the second Monday of the month from 6:00pm to 7:00pm
Attend GOYA trips and out-of-area retreats (when able)
The GOYA Coordinator(s) must:
• Be 21+ years of age
• Enjoy working with kids
• Be a responsible adult and good role model
If you are interested in being a GOYA Coordinator, please contact youth director Niko Tzetzis at (315) 263-6318 or
by email at
Greek Orthodox Church
of the Annunciation
962 East Avenue
Rochester, NY14607
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Rochester, N.Y.
Permit No 900
Rev. Fr. Catalin Mot
Maria Aslani-Breit
Amiel Mokhiber Jr.
Philip Broikos
Dorothea Sanchez
Rev. Fr. Jerry Tasikas
Dr. Stamatia Destounis
Nicolaos Tzetzis
Helen Eisenberg
Julie Eveleigh
Tasos Kolokouris
Dr. Kathryn Markakis
Chris Theodorou
Eric Vangellow
Van Zissis
Emeritus Priest
Youth Director
Sylvia Bauer
Parish Administrator
Voice: (585) 244-3377
Fax: (585) 244-3388
Greek Fest on the Web:
Submit your Good News today at