- St Anthony of Padua Roman Catholic Church

“Who are you? Are you the Christ? I am not!’
Those questions were not only asked of Jesus; they were asked of others too, one of
whom was John called the Baptizer, or John the Baptist. He answered clearly who he was not.
I am not the Christ. I am not the prophet. I am not Elijah. After all the “I am not’s” comes the
statement. “I am the voice. I am the voice of one crying out, of one crying out in the
wilderness—make straight the way of the Lord.”
The voice. There is a show on television called The Voice. It is about individuals vying
for prizes based on what they can do with their voices. It gets our attention. We listen to these
voices. We want to hear what they say, what they sing, how they perform. We wait to be
thrilled, to be knocked off our chairs, to be stunned into silence by what we hear. And many
times we are. But notice. We come prepared, poised, and attentive to what is going on. And
often we are rewarded for being that prepared, that poised, that attentive.
Would that we would come to our gathering for Mass with the same preparation, the
same conviction that we were going to hear something that perhaps could change our lives, or
move us to tears or open us to God’s grace. The voice of the Lord speaks to us in every
celebration of the Eucharist whether we realize it or not. Sometimes it is in something that is
said or preached or spoken. Sometimes it is in something sung. Other times it is an inner
hearing, we observe something or someone—tears perhaps, or deep prayer or wonder at a
baby’s laugh. The Voice. Dare to believe that you will hear, at every celebration of Eucharist,
the Voice of the Lord. If you believe that, it will change your lives. Do you believe that? The
question of the week.
the parish. Please contact the rectory at 215-646-4742 for
registration information.
If you are now solely using a cell
phone, have changed your phone number or address please let
the rectory know so that we may update our records. We would
also like to update our parish database with e-mail addresses.
Please send an email to apursell@saintanthonyparish.org to
have your email address included.
There is Adoration all day on Monday beginning at 9:00 AM in
the Mary Chapel. The Chapel is open weekdays at 9:00 AM for
visits to the Blessed Sacrament.
Baptisms will be on the 1st
and 3rd Sunday of the month at 1:00PM in the Church.
Pre-Jordan Classes will be the 2nd Sunday of the Month at
1:00PM in the Holy Child Cry Room. Our next class will be
held on December 14, 2014. Please call the rectory to register
for the Pre-Jordan Class and to schedule Baptism date.
St. Anthony of Padua: A tithing parish
As we draw deeper into the holy season of Advent, we are
reminded to begin to focus our attention on the underlying truth of
Christmas—God’s Word of Love took on our flesh in the person of
Jesus of Nazareth. He is generosity and selflessness. These are
characteristics which we are invited to emulate each day. Be
generous; give of your resources of time and talent and treasure.
Support your parish and other charities.
Capital Cmp
YTD Actual
(23 week)
Attendance 985
Beginning December 15, 2014
6:30 AM Charles McDaid
8:15 AM M/M A.J. Florig
7:30 PM Bill Jones
Kathleen McDaid
Bob & Pat Florig
The David Jones Family
6:30 AM James J. Black
8:15 AM Agata Laguda
Anna & Christine Black
Frank & Mary Pileggi
6:30 AM Paula Passafaro
8:15 AM Thomas & McCabe
The Gorman Family
Pat & Phil Thomas
6:30 AM Jennie Girondo
8:15 AM Victoria Amento
Pete & Alice
6:30 AM Helen, Joseph &
Robert Lesko
8:15 AM Lisa Kane
Joanne Lesko
Mother & Family
8:15 AM Alexander, Helen &
Andrew DelPopolo
The Montella Family
We extend our deepest sympathy to the families of Stephen
Gary, Constance Dehl, Anthony “Reds” Bruno. Please
remember them and their families in your prayers.
Bible Study with Monsignor McHenry will meet Sunday’s at 7:30PM in
the Friendship Hall Meeting Room on: December 14;
January 4 & 25; February 8 & 22; March 8 & 22;
April 12 & 26; May 17 & 31; June 7 & 21
Prayers are requested for the sick, all of our shut-ins, for the sick in hospitals, institutions.
Eddie Windhaus
Andrew DiDio
Rita Hames
Frank DiGiovonni
Lois Scogna
Mary Frances Rafter
Fred Hankinson
John Green
Mary Jo Winz
Maureen Dealy
Catherine Chapman
Linda Lesser
Thomas Crane
Dennis Delaney
David LaRocque
Mrs. James Coyle
Sr. Joan Frances St. Clair
Anna Jannamon
Jean Forte
Kathy Ford
Helen Fogerty
Jean McCreavy Slevin
Brian Guglielmo
John Hildebrand
Antonietta Talese
Theresa Reale
Bill Matthews
Cele Gennaro
Carmen Finore III
Susan Sowinski
C.J. Gerhart
James Gentilcore
Kathy Muscarella
Ruth Reitman
Lance Bohlen
Terry Herron
Doris Bessler
Jack Devine
Baby Elsa Davey
Josephine Sinclair
Newton Worthington
Grace Mergiotti
Rev. Steven Clark
Lou Miller
Roberta Sacramento
Laurie Trimbur
Nancy Zambelli
Joseph M. Mastroni
Margie Donahue
Laura Mollenhauer
Peggy Vikingstad
Joe & Ronnie Norpel
Aimee Hazleton
Beth Bresnan
Brian Butler
John Sweeney
Mary Provost
Horace Howarth
Mark Green
Richard Jaworski
Dolly Phipps
Baby Julian Petty
Bill Wolfe
Susan Gaffney Fissell
Patricia Breen
Baby Lorelei Fisk
Kathy Luskin
Peter Vigna
Anna Maria Caruso
James Russell
Catherine LeBlanc
Edgar LeBlanc
Pastor Linda Hatcher
Barbara Cassidy
Mary McDonald
Joe McCreavy
Carmen Finore
Dot Cardy
Karen Marcolina
Sarah Bolger
Jasmine Welsh McDonald
Dan Green
John Conway
Roberta Bernice
Brenda Oshman
Parishioners would you please read through the above names and contact the rectory if any name should be removed. Thank You!
Office Requests
Anyone wishing to make arrangements for a Baptism or anyone
who needs to obtain a Letter of Eligibility to act as a sponsor at
Baptism or Confirmation, is kindly asked to call the rectory
between 9:00 and 4:00 Monday to Friday.
Canonical Requirements for being a Sponsor include being 16
years old, having received Confirmation yourself, being in a valid
sacramental marriage (if married) and presently practicing the faith
both by living the gospel and participating regularly in the
The Letter of Eligibility also states that the person is a participating
member of that particular parish.
The reason for these
requirements is that the role of the Sponsor is that of being a
mentor for the person Baptized or Confirmed. One’s own faith
practice and spiritual walk with the Lord are the key elements in
fulfilling this role.
E-giving! St. Anthony Parish now offers the convenience of
“E-giving”. E or Electronic Giving allows your contributions to
our parish to be made automatically from your checking
account or credit card. There are a number of ways to sign
up: online at www.saintanthonyparish.org click on
Parish Life then on Stewardship, or
pick up a Parish Giving form in the Narthex.
We appreciate those who support St. Anthony of Padua Church by
advertising in our bulletin. Patronize their businesses and let them
know you saw their ad. This week we thank
We welcome into the Parish Community of Saint Anthony:
Gus Francis Heljenek child of Kimberly and Brian
Willa Rhyan Warczachowski child of Valerie and Michael
The flowers on the altar this weekend are in
memory of Marie O’Neill
Requested by
Anna May and Jerry Artz
A flower’s beauty is a gift from God.
The Sanctuary Lamp in the Main Church
will burn the week of
December 15 ~ 21, 2014
In Loving Memory of Alice Firman
Requested by the Family
Sacred Heart of Jesus Prayer Group
Meets every Wednesday in the Mary Chapel at 7:00pm for the
Rosary. 7:30 to 9:00pm - Praise, Prayer. All are welcome!
ROSARY Pray with us, Monday through Saturday before the
8:15 AM Mass. Every First Saturday there are special
devotions to our Blessed Mother.
Grupo de Oración en Espanol Te invitamos a participar cada
Viernes a las 7:00pm en la Capilla de la Virgen. Para mas
información, por favor llamar Rebeca al 215-435-9311. Todo
están bienvenidos.
Spanish Prayer Group We invite you to join us to pray every
Friday at 7:00pm in Our Lady’s Chapel. For more information,
please call Rebeca at 215-435-9311. All are welcome.
La Arquidiócesis de Filadelfia Misa televisada en español
Todos los domingos a las 6:00 a.m. En Univisión 65
Sirviendo a todos los ancianos, enfermos y personas
confinadas a su hogares de nuestra comunidad.
La Misa televisada es un servicio bajo el auspicio de
Univisión 65, la Oficina para Católicos Hispanos y la
generosidad de los voluntarios, miembros de nuestra
comunidad y sus patrocinadores.
Para más información: 215-667-2820
Please return all books with binders up, and remove all tissues,
trash or bulletins you might have brought into church with you!
Friday, December 19…..........................................4:00-5:00 PM
…………..………………...6:30-7:30 PM
Saturday, December 20…......................................3:00-5:00 PM
Monday, December 22………………………...…4:00-5:00 PM
…………………………....6:30-7:30 PM
Tuesday, December 23…….……………………..4:00-5:00 PM
………………………...….7:30-8:30 PM
Wednesday, December 24………………………..1:00-3:00 PM
Christmas Eve
Vigil Mass/Families…………..……………………...4:00 PM
Christmas Carols…………..…………………….…...7:45 PM
Vigil Mass ………..………...……………………..…8:30 PM
Christmas Morning
………………………………...8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, 12:00 PM
Wednesday December 31
Vigil Mass………………...………………………….5:15 PM
Thursday, January 1...
………………………………...8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, 12:00 PM
Blessing with a relic of St. Padre Pio Monday, December 15, 2014
Conference by Fr. Pio Mandato FMHJ: “An Introduction to the Life
of St. Padre Pio” 7:00pm Miraculous Medal Novena Prayers
7:30pm Mass in St. Anthony of Padua Sanctuary. Open to all.
Those making the pilgrimage to Italy in March are especially invited
to attend. Call Barbara Daly at 215-646-4742 with questions.
St. Anthony’s Preschool and Child Care
For more information or to schedule a tour,
contact Christy Cincotta at 215.646.6150.
Children’s Faith Formation
For calendars and downloadable forms visit the
CFF Home Page by clicking on the CFF icon at
www.saintanthonyparish.org or
call Roberta Ortwein at the CFF Office
(215.646.6150 x 2) for further information
St. Anthony "Moms and Tots" Group is a group where moms with
children from birth to 5 years old have a chance to meet, network and
share ideas while the kids enjoy an interactive play and learning
opportunity. The group will meet every Monday from 3:00 to 4:30pm
in the Friendship Hall Meeting Room. There is no cost for this
meeting. For more information on this casual and friendly group,
please contact Lindsay at lgmacgeorge@yahoo.com
CFF Notes:
My name is Patrick Fennell. I am a parishioner of Saint
Anthony's, and former CFF student. I currently attend Saint
Joseph's University and volunteer weekly at Our Brother's
Place, one of the largest homeless shelters in Philadelphia.
With winter quickly approaching, the men at Our Brother's
Place are in need of adequate clothing to keep them warm. So,
if you could find it in your hearts to donate to this cause, any of
the following items would be greatly appreciated.
- Used Winter clothing - Winter hats - Gloves - Socks
There will be a box located in the narthex where you can drop
off your donations until Sunday, December 21st.
Thank you and God Bless,
Patrick Fennell
Thanks to the overwhelming generosity of CFF families,
hundreds of gifts have been distributed to Ambler Head
Start, Our Brothers Place and Catholic Social Services in
time for Gift Giving Programs via the Giving Tree. May God
shower each participant with Christmas blessings.
OLM School News
A shared ministry of St. Alphonsus,
St. Anthony, and St. Catherine Parishes
29 Conwell Drive, Maple Glen, PA 19002
Mr. John C. McGrath, M.Ed,, Principal
Ms. Debbie Cauterucci, Director of Advancement
Mrs. Kathleen Giacomelli, Business Manager
December 16, 2014
2:00 pm and 6:30 pm
Parents & Community Welcome
Parish Center
New & Re-Registration Enrollment is OPEN
The end of our first re-registration incentive phase ended on
11/26/2014. We are at 88% already!
The following incentives apply to both New & ReRegistration families.
Enroll by Christmas, re-registration discounted fee: $150 per
Register after 12/25, re-registration fee: $200 per family.
16, 17 CFF celebrates Christmas-Grade 3 classes invite
families to join us at 5:15/7:15 in the Church for The
Story of the First Christmas along with Christmas
Carols. Dismissal will be from the church.
23, 24 NO CFF-Merry Christmas
Congratulations to the following Archbishop Wood High
School students who demonstrated academic excellence.
First Honors: David Patrick Bateman ’15
Advent Candle Light Evening of Reflection for Young Adults!!!
Friday, December 19, 2014 – 6:30 PM – 9:30 PM
Theme: In Search of God Matthew’s Gospel 2: 1-12 (Magi Story).
Exposition within Evening Prayer – with a conference; Scripture
Reflection & Quiet Prayer before the Blessed Sacrament; Candle light
procession around St. Joseph’s Chapel (weather permitting) stopping
at Nativity Scene in St. Joseph Courtyard, Benediction in St. Joseph
Chapel. Wine, cheese, vegetable mix and dips; Dismiss at your
leisure. Malvern Retreat House, 315 S. Warren Avenue, Malvern, PA,
19355. (610) 644-0400 mail@malvernretreat.com
Saint Matthew and Archbishop Kennedy High Schools
Friday, January 30, 2015, 7:30-11:00PM
The best way to get someone on the invite list is to send an email to
No email? Dan Sheedy 610-296-4828, Marty Eckert 484-744-1667
See the bulletin boards for further info.
Philadelphia to Host VIII World Meeting of Families
September 22-27, 2015
Philadelphia will welcome the 8th World Meeting of Families, which is
expected to draw a global audience. Since its inception by St. John
Paul II in 1994, the World Meeting of Families has sought to
strengthen the sacred bonds of families across the globe. For more
information, visit http://www.WorldMeeting 2015.org/
OLM 3rd. Annual Run for Mercy - March 14, 2015
OLM North Hills Country Club Golf Outing
April 28, 2015
Anyone wishing to advertise on the back pages of our bulletin
should contact Bon Venture Church Bulletin Publishers. Call
the local office 609-296-0421 or toll free 800-364-0684 ext. 78.
prayers and support of the mothers and babies in our Spiritual
Adoption Program, next weekend will be our monthly
collection of quarters for baby Ashley and her mother. Thank
you for your generosity which helps sustain the mothers and
babies in our area’s crisis pregnancy centers and homes.
PREGNANCY HOTLINE: 610-626-4006 Twenty-four hours/
seven days per week hotline for individuals seeking assistance
with a pregnancy. Offers assistance to explore pro-life option,
supportive counseling and linkage with needed resources.
THURSDAY, January 22, 2015
Plan now to join our Philadelphia contingent
in the March for Life in Washington D.C. A
bus for St. Anthony and St. Alphonsus
parishioners will depart after the 6:30 AM
Mass on Thursday, January 22 at St. Alphonsus and return
approximately at 9:00 PM. The cost is $30.00 per person,
which includes Metro Pass in DC and dinner on the return
trip bring your own brown bag lunch.. Space is limited this
year, please call as soon as possible to reserve a seat on the
bus. For information or to register for the bus, please
contact the rectory at 215-646-4742.
Pre- Cana Workshop
March 27-28, 2015
St. Anthony’s Friendship Hall
St. Anthony & St. Rose parishes are offering a
Marriage Preparation Workshop satisfying all
Archdiocesan requirements on Friday March 27 (7-9:30 pm)
and Saturday March 28 (8:30 am, concluding with 5:15 mass).
If you are aware of a family member or friend planning a
wedding, please let them know of this session. The cost is
$100.00 per couple. For more information and to register,
please call Helen or Mary at St. Rose of Lima Parish at (215)
699 - 4617. Don’t wait …
Discovering Christ is a 7-week (one
night a week) experience that
invites adults to come together in a
welcoming environment to explore
what relevance Jesus Christ has for
their lives today
See the parish website and click on
Parish Life or Faith Formation Programs
for more information. Registration
January 11 in the Narthex or online.
Coming January 2015 !
Parish Christmas Tree—envelopes are available in church for your special inten ons. Your inten ons will be hung on the tree and your dona on will be used to help a person or families in need this Christmas. Inten on envelopes may be placed in the collec on basket or dropped off at the rectory. PASTORAL PLANNING - FAQ
What happens to the churches when parishes are united in
a merger?
One church is designated as the “Parish Church.” Most Sunday
Masses, Sacraments of Initiation (Baptisms, First Holy
Communions, Confirmations), and the Easter Triduum (Holy
Thursday, Good Friday, and the Easter Vigil) are to be
celebrated only in the parish church. Any other church will
normally remain open as a “Worship Site Church.” Weddings,
funerals and special devotions will usually continue to be
celebrated in the worship site church. If clergy staffing permits
and if the pastor, in consultation with the pastoral council, finds
it pastorally helpful, Sunday Mass can also be celebrated in the
worship site church.
For more information check the Archdiocesan Pastoral
Planning web page at http://archphila.org/conversion/
Pilgrimage to Southern Italy & Rome
March 9-19, 2015 With optional Pre-tour to Sicily March 5-10
Please join s as we travel to sites in southern Italy including:
Maida, the Shrine of St. Padre Pio, Capri, Pompeii, Amalfi and
Rome. Pre-tour will include Palermo, Siracusa, & Taormina.
Please see the web site for details or call Spring House Travel.
A Special Evening of Prayer For: Addictions & Our Loved Ones:
Addictions touch many people's lives. We all know someone who is
affected by addiction of some kind whether alcohol, drugs,
pornography, eating, spending or something else. On Thursday,
December 18, you are invited to gather in the St. Norbert Oratory
from 7-8 pm to pray for family members and loved ones suffering from
addictions. This evening will focus on prayer with general intentions,
not specific requests. Please join us to pray. Prayer evenings held the
third Thursday of the month. Contact: Mark Christmyer at
mchristmyer@stnorbert.org or 610.644.1655 ext. 131, Gethsemani
Ministry for Addictions, St. Norbert Parish, Paoli, PA 19301.
Check out our new Parish Webpage at
Read Monsignor McHenry’s Homilies, find
information about Faith Formation
Programs, and links to other catholic
websites. Click on Parish Life for Mass
Schedules, Ministries Schedules, the
Parish Calendar, Meeting Dates,
Stewardship. Music Ministry, Funeral
Planning and much more.
Companions on the Journey
December 14, 2014
Dear Friends,
I went to confession last week. I usually go to
confession once a month. There are times when I am sure
that I should go more frequently, when I bite some
unsuspecting person’s head off because they got me on a
bad day or when in my stubbornness I resisted what I
could easily have granted.
As I grow older I give a little more attention to
“what I have failed to do.” I have a lot of “good
intentions” that don’t quite make it into reality. And often
those things not done could be the difference maker for a
person. Sometimes there is more sin in what we haven’t
done than in what we have.
If there were one sacrament that Catholics would
gladly do away with I think it is Reconciliation because
we don’t like it. We have to face dimensions of ourselves
we would rather ignore or deny. We have to learn
humility and ask for forgiveness when we would much
rather present ourselves as together and “sin free” before
the world. And then there are those sins which we don’t
really think are sins or should be sins. We do a kind of
rewrite over the commandments. We bring to bear a
whole trove of justifying reasons for what we have done
or want to do.
The Lord says that not one word of the law will
be done away with until all is made new. Meaning: No
rewrites. What Jesus taught is still the truth, now, always
and forever. There is no ‘evolving’ truth. Truth is one.
Truth is the same as it always was. Truth is of God. Truth
is God. Jesus himself says as much “I am the Way, the
Truth and the Life.” The sacrament of reconciliation is
given to us so that we can admit the error of our ways,
accept forgiveness from the Living God and start out
anew to begin to live his Truth, not to supplant his truth
with something of our own making.
This coming week we will offer confessions
Friday afternoon and evening, Saturday afternoon,
Monday afternoon and evening, Tuesday afternoon and
evening and Christmas Eve afternoon. It is our hope that
one of those times will work with your schedule. It is a
tried and true way of preparing to celebrate Christmas in
as worthy a manner as possible. Father Lyons and Father
Smits join me in hopes of seeing you on one of those
days. You know, even though you confess your sins to the
priest the one whose voice you hear is the Lord, the one
whose forgiveness you receive is the Lord’s, the presence
you feel within you is the Lord’s. We are only the
instrument. Let him come to you and wash you clean and
set you free.
Monsignor McHenry
December 20-21, 2014
As of the printing date the following are
scheduled for Eucharistic service. Please allow for some
switching to occur.
Father Smits
5:15 PM
Eucharistic Min.
Father Smits, Deacon Cuff
G. Peffall, M. & R. LaGreca
L. Mangol
G. Allan
M. Granahan
L. Gullo, S. & H. Kenney
C. Finore, C. Wachter
7:15 AM
Eucharistic Min.
Monsignor McHenry
L. DellaDonna, M. Buckwalter,
B. Bercich
H. Walshe-Mahmoudian
C. McCook, K. Antonacio,
N. Herron
E. Oshman, B. Hornberger,
J. Mullineaux
9:15 AM
Eucharistic Min.
Father Lyons, Deacon Jones
M. & D. Daly, J. Campanale
M. Hill
M. McDevitt
E. Groody
L. & S. Orehek, L. Delaney
L. Orehek, C. Oberholzer, E. Alldred
11:15 AM
Eucharistic Min.
Father Lyons, Deacon Gentilcore
M. Blake, P. Crane
M. Daly
S. Mullin
E. Groody
E. Wagner, N. Ryan, A. Harris
G. & W. Wagner, M. Kiley
Deacon Jones
FREE Nationwide Ministry to Traveling Catholics. If you are
traveling in the United States and cannot locate a nearby church to
attend Mass or go to confession – CALL 1-410-676-6000 or visit
the website: www.Masstimes.org This service provides free information on the location of a nearby church and times of Masses and
confessions on weekends, weekdays and holy days as well as the
languages of the services and availability of wheelchair access and
sign language.