YWCA Canberra School Holiday Program St Benedicts 5th– 30th January 2015 Parent/Guardians please keep page one of this pack for reference and ensure you do not send back it with your enrolment. Location: Contact: Hours of Operation: Hall, Tallara Parkway Narrabundah 6295 3280 8:00am – 6:00pm Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays) This service is available for children between 5 and 12 years old attending Primary School. Welcome to YWCA Canberra School Holiday Program. The aim of the School Holiday Program is to offer children a variety of fun, exciting and enjoyable experiences and activities. The structure of the program is similar each day and allows the flexibility to accommodate the children’s needs and interests. The School Holiday Program endeavours to develop the children’s independence, self-help skills and selfesteem. These aims are achieved by allowing the children to make choices and contribute to the activities offered at the program. Fees and bookings: Fee is $70.00 per day, bookings and payments are required in advance. This fee covers morning and afternoon tea, excursions and all in-house activities. Please note our preferred payment method is Ezi-debit or BPay. Enrolment forms: All enrolment forms need to be forwarded directly to Child Care Accounts. All families are required to re-enrol for a position at the school holiday program each holiday’s. Please note positions are offered on a first in basis. Forms are due in to Child Care Accounts by Friday 19th December, 2014. If you submit a form after this time you may not be guaranteed a place at the program. Arrival and departure: It is a legal requirement that children are signed in and out by a family member or authorised guardian. The attendance sheets are important, as they do not only indicate attendance at the program, but are used in the case of any emergency procedures, such as fire drills and compliance with reporting to the Department of Education Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR). If your child is booked into the program and is not attending, please notify staff on the above contact number. The program closes at 6:00pm a late fee is incurred for children collected after this time. The fee is $20.00 for every 15 minutes or part there of, this will be added to the next fortnight’s account (this fee will not apply in the case of any emergency that may arise). Food: Please supply lunch and a drink each day your child attends. Morning and Afternoon tea is provided and water is available for the children at all times. Please be aware that due to allergies the school holiday program is a NUT FREE ZONE. Please indicate on the enrolment form if your child/ren has any specific dietary requirements. Hats and clothing: YWCA Canberra’s Child Care Programs are SunSmart services. Children and staff are required to wear hats and apply sunscreen every day during the months of August through to the end of May. Children are encouraged to wear comfortable clothing that protects the body from the sun in warmer weather, and a jumper, jacket and hat during colder weather, please include suitable shoes allowing safe play. Medication: If there is any medication that needs to be administered at the program, please complete the medication form that is available on request. Family communication: Feedback and input from parents is encouraged and appreciated. Families are invited to share any skills and areas of interest with the program, please contact staff regarding any suggestions or feedback you may have. Families are welcome at the program at all times. Child Care Accounts Office Hours and Contact Information Hours: 0900 – 1700 Phone: 6175 9922 Fax: 6175 9992 Street Address: Postal Address: Email: childcareaccounts@ywca-canberra.org.au Level 5 CPA Building YWCA Canberra Website: www.ywca-canberra.org.au 161 London Circuit GPO Box 767 CANBERRA ACT 2601 CANBERRA ACT 2601 1|Page Forms are due in to Child Care Accounts by Friday 19th December 2014 th St Benedicts 5 - 30th January 2015 Confidential Details, Child 1 Child Given Name(s): Date of birth: Surname: Gender: Country of birth: Male Female Year at School (e.g. year 1): Each child has their own Customer Reference Number (CRN). For more information contact DHS on 13 61 50. Child CRN: Indigenous origin (please tick relevant box): Aboriginal No Does your child speak a language other than English at home? Torres Strait Islander Yes if yes, please specify: Yes if yes, please provide a copy. Court orders Are there any court orders, parenting orders or parenting plans in relation to the child or access to the child? No Health Does your child have any allergies, intolerances or dietary restriction, e.g. foods, medicine, grass, sunscreen etc.? No Yes if yes, please provide details: Does your child have any medical conditions? e.g. asthma, diabetes, epilepsy etc. No Yes if yes, please provide details: Does your child have a medical action plan? No Yes if yes, please provide a copy. Has your child been diagnosed as at risk of anaphylaxis? No Yes if yes, please attach anaphylaxis medical plan. No Yes if yes, please provide details & medical plan: Does your child take any regular medication? e.g. Ventolin, etc. Has your child been diagnosed or undergoing assessment for any No Yes if yes, please provide details: areas which may help us in providing an inclusive environment? e.g. ADHD, Autism, Asperger’s, behaviour etc. Does your child have a need for additional assistance in any of the following areas? Learning needs Communication needs Mobility needs Interpersonal needs Other needs Confidential Details, Child 2 Child Given Name(s): Date of birth: Surname: Gender: Country of birth: Male Female Year at School (e.g. year 1): Each child has their own Customer Reference Number (CRN). For more information contact DHS on 13 61 50. Child CRN: Indigenous origin (please tick relevant box): Aboriginal No Does your child speak a language other than English at home? Torres Strait Islander Yes if yes, please specify: Yes if yes, please provide a copy. Court orders Are there any court orders, parenting orders or parenting plans in relation to the child or access to the child? No Health Does your child have any allergies, intolerances or dietary restriction, e.g. foods, medicine, grass, sunscreen etc.? Does your child have any medical conditions? e.g. asthma, diabetes, epilepsy etc. No Yes if yes, please provide details: No Yes if yes, please provide details: Does your child have a medical action plan? No Yes if yes, please provide a copy. Has your child been diagnosed as at risk of anaphylaxis? No Yes if yes, please attach anaphylaxis medical plan. No Yes if yes, please provide details & medical plan: Does your child take any regular medication? e.g. Ventolin, etc. Has your child been diagnosed or undergoing assessment for any No Yes if yes, please provide details: areas which may help us in providing an inclusive environment? e.g. ADHD, Autism, Aspergers, behaviour etc. Does your child have a need for additional assistance in any of the following areas? Learning needs Communication needs Mobility needs Interpersonal needs Other needs 2|Page Booking Information (please tick which session your child/ren will be attending the St Benedict’s program) Week One 5th – 9th Jan Week Two 12th – 16th Jan Week Three 19th – 23rd Jan Week Four 26th – 30th Jan Monday 5 Tuesday 6 Wednesday 7 Thursday 8 Friday 9 Thursday 15 Friday 16 * Monday 12 Tuesday 13 Wednesday 14 * Monday 19 Tuesday 20 Wednesday 21 Thursday 22 Friday 23 * Monday 26 Tuesday 27 Wednesday 28 P/H Thursday 29 Friday 30 * * Excursion/incursion activity organised * CCB/CCR Registered Parent/Guardian 1 Details Relationship to the child(ren) Mother Father Other Please specify Are you the parent/guardian registered to claim Childcare benefit (CCB) and/or Childcare Rebate through the Department of Human Services? Surname: First name: Date of birth: State: Working Looking for work Studying/training Employment: Postcode: Disability or disabled carer Occupation: Email: Home Phone: Mobile: Parent/Guardian 2 Details Relationship to the Child(ren) Work Phone: Mother Father Other Surname: Please Specify First name: Date of birth: CRN Mobile: Address Work status: No CRN Address: Work status: Yes State: Working Looking for work Studying/training Employment: Postcode: Disability or disabled carer Occupation: Accounts: Name of person responsible for payment of account: I would like to receive my account by: Email Mail Accounts are emailed/mailed fortnightly. Email address for accounts: Disability Status: Does your child/ren have a Diagnosed Disability? Yes No Description of disability ___________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Will your child require additional support? Yes No Please provide a copy of your healthcare card and support plan 3|Page Family Information: YWCA Canberra is committed to ensuring our services are accessible and engage diverse groups from within our community and as such, we invite you to share details of you and your child’s background with us. Please tick the box if your child/ren is from a culturally and linguistically diverse background ☐ Are there any cultural or religious occasions your family observes? ____________________________________________ Is There anything else you would like to tell us about your child?______________________________________________ Does you child have any interests/hobbies?______________________________________________________________ Authorised Emergency Contacts (must be over 18 years old) Authorised Emergency Contact is a person who the parent/guardian has given permission to collect the child from an education and care service, should the parent/guardians be unavailable, in the event of an incident, injury, trauma, illness, emergency, etc. – At least one authorised Emergency Contact must be provided. Contact 1 Surname: First name: Relationship to child: Gender: Mobile phone: Male Female Home phone: Address: Suburb: State: Postcode: Work phone: Contact 2 Surname: First name: Relationship to child: Mobile phone: Gender: Male Female Home phone: Address: Suburb: State: Postcode: Work phone: I give my permission for the above contacts to collect my child/ren from care should the parent/guardians listed not be available to collect my child/ren from care. Parent Signature: Date: Medical Information: I hereby authorise the following medication to be administered to my child/ren (tick the box and initial to consent): Ventolin in the event of an asthma attack or if my child appears to have difficulty breathing. Initial ________ The program will endeavour to contact you prior to administering medication and ask you to arrange collection of your child as per the health policy. Should my child/ren require urgent medical attention, I give permission for Yes No staff/doctor/ambulance officer to administer such treatment as shall be considered appropriate, at my expense, subject to any specific restrictions listed here:_________________________ Initial ________ Yes No In the case of emergency, I agree for my child/ren to be transported to hospital by ambulance at my expense. Initial ________ Yes No I have read the exclusions guidelines table in the information booklet and agree to abide by it. Initial ________ Name of doctor: Address of doctor: Suburb: State: Phone number: Medicare number: Parent signature: Postcode: Date: 4|Page Parent/Guardian Authorisations and Conditions of care I/We _______________________________________ and _______________________________________ (Insert parent/guardian names) agree to the following terms and conditions: 1. I am willing for my child/ren to participate in all activities offered at the School Holiday Program. Yes No 2. I agree it is my responsibility to familiarise myself with the program and to advise the staff in writing if I do not wish my child/ren to participate in a particular activity. Yes No 3. I give permission for staff to photograph my child/ren for the purpose of program displays and a means of recording activities. Yes No 4. I give permission for my child/ren to be photographed for YWCA Canberra publications and website. Yes No 5. Pay all fees and charges before your child attends the program. I/we understand that YWCA Canberra is entitled to the recovery of outstanding fees plus additional costs incurred to a collection agency for recovery action. 6. Indemnify any person associated with the education and care service in relation to any claim for damages as a result of an accident, injury or trauma to my child/ren unless it is the direct result of negligence on the behalf of YWCA Canberra. 7. I/we understand that a late fee of $20.00 per child for every 15 minutes or part thereof will be charged for children picked up after 1800. 8. I/we understand we will be charged for the days we book, in the event we do not notify Child Care Accounts or the program. 9. In line with YWCA Canberra’s mission and values (available at www.ywca-canberra.org.au). I/we agree to respect and show courtesy in all dealings with staff, and families and children within the education and care service. I/we acknowledge any forms of discriminatory or threatening behaviours are not acceptable. 10. I/we acknowledge that my child/ren attending the program must be signed in and out by a parent/guardian/authorised contact on arrival and departure to the program, 11. I/we are aware YWCA Canberra Policy and Procedure Manual and YWCA Canberra Children’s Service Manual is available at the program for me to access at any time. 12. The information I/we have provided on this form is correct, and I/we understand it is out responsibility to update details should they change. Parent Guardian 1 signature: Date: Parent Guardian 2 signature: Date: Child Care Accounts Office Hours and Contact Information Hours: 0900 – 1700 Phone: 6175 9922 Fax: 6175 9992 Street Address: Postal Address: Email: childcareaccounts@ywca-canberra.org.au Level 5 CPA Building YWCA Canberra Website: www.ywca-canberra.org.au 161 London Circuit GPO Box 767 CANBERRA ACT 2601 CANBERRA ACT 2601 Forms are due in to Child Care Accounts by Friday 19th December 2014 5|Page Permission Form for excursions (cost is included in the daily fee) Date: Wednesday 7th January 2015 I give permission for my child/ren to attend the following excursion: To: Hoyts Belconnen, Movie: Big Hero 6 Transport: Deane’s Transport Departure: Please be at the program by 9.00AM, (departure will be confirmed once movie times are released) Return: approximately -2pm Signed: Date: Date: Thursday the 15th January 2015 I give permission for my child/ren _____________________________to travel by bus to Turner Holiday Program to attend Miss Kadinsky Art Performance Signed: Date: Date: Friday the 16th January 2015 I give permission for my child/ren _____________________________to watch a PG Movie at the centre PG Movie: How to train your dragon 1 and 2 Signed: Date: Date: Friday 23rd January 2015 I give permission for my child/ren to attend the following excursion: To: John Knight Memorial Park, Australia Day BBQ. Please bring – Hat and water bottle, a BBQ sausage sizzle will be provided Signed: Date: Date Wednesday 28th January 2015 I give permission for my child/ren to attend the following excursion: Dickson Pool (Please be at the program by 9.00am) Level of swimmer Strong Medium Don’t forget your swimmers, hat, lunch, drink bottle, towel and a change of clothes Poor Photography permission I give permission for my child/ren to be photographed during Holiday Care for the purpose of program displays and a means of recording activities. Yes No I give permission some photos may be used within the YWCA for newsletters, promotional materials and on the YWCA website. Yes No Signature _______________________________________________ Date ______________________ 6|Page YWCA Canberra School Holiday Program January 5 – January 30, 2015 Majura, St. Benedict’s, Kingsford Smith, Turner* *Turner 6-23 January ONLY Monday 5 January Peculiar People Crazy Photo booths, Hats, and Face Paint! Today the children will design their own photo booths, create crazy hats, and make homemade face paint that they can use later in the afternoon. We suggest you wear some old clothes as we intend to get messy! Monday 12 January Horrible Histories! Join us today as we delve into our horrible history! From Rotten Romans, to Groovy Greeks! From Vicious Vikings to Perilous Pirates and everything in between! Afternoon: Electronics Tuesday 6 January Crazy Chemistry Class Wednesday 7 January EXCURSION: HOYTS BELCONNEN Fizzle! Bang! Today the children will get the chance to become crazy chemists. We will watch as colours explode and baking soda fizzles. At the end of the day the children will go home as graduates of the first Crazy Chemistry Class! Dress Up as your favourite movie character so we can attend our excursion in style! Please be at the program by 9am! Tuesday 13 January Make your Dreams come True! What do you want to be when you grow up? An Astronaut? A Doctor? A Magician? Let’s Make Your Dreams Come True for a Day! AFTERNOON INCURSION: MISS KADINSKY ART PERFORMANCE Kingsford Smith Thursday 8 January Wet n Wild Bonanza! Are you prepared for the most wet and wild event ever to take place in the history of the School Holidays? Bring your swimming costumes, towels, and hats and prepare to spend a day out in the sun. Don’t forget a change of clothes! Please don’t bring any ‘water guns’. Don’t forget your hat, lunch and drink bottles. Afternoon: Electronics Wednesday 14 January Move to the Music! Thursday 15 January Alternative Art! Today will be filled with music! We will be playing all of our favourite musical games and don’t forget to bring your dancing shoes for our dancing competition and Disco!!! From melting crayons to exploding paint to blow painting monsters!!! Today we will be making the most unusual art! Don’t be afraid to get messy! INCURSION: MISS KADINSKY ART PERFORMANCE AM: Turner and St Benedict’s Afternoon: Disco St Benedict’s travelling to Turner PM: Majura Friday 9 January Cars, Planes, & Automobiles So you think your paper plane can fly? Today the children will use recycled materials to create paper planes, cars, and trucks. We will also answer the question: can this fly and stay intact? Children can bring their ‘wheels’ along today! (bikes, scooters, roller blades etc.) Don’t forget to bring your helmets & protective gear! Friday 16 January Appreciate a Dragon Day! Who is your favourite dragon? Eragon? Toothless? Maybe even Norbert the Norwegian Ridgeback! Today is ‘Appreciate a Dragon Day’ so we will be learning all about our favourite dragons! Movie: How to Train your Dragon 1 or 2 Rated “PG” Activities always available: Hama Beads, Colouring-ins, Lego, Mobilo, Blocks, Construction, Outside Play, Board Games, Card Games, Books, Drawing materials, Activity Stencil Sheets (dot-to-dot etc.), Mask Making, Scooters, Dress-ups, Peg Boards, Dramatic Play, Blank Paper, Writing Materials, Marble Maze, Beading. Activities on throughout the school holiday program: Children and educators will collaboratively make daily programs at the centre with the activities and experiences in which they choose to do on that day. This will include all spontaneous experiences, in which we observe the children doing throughout the day, as well as activities such as art and craft that the children ask for and that the educators plan for. Not all activities need to be based around the daily theme. Spontaneous Activities and Children’s Choices Note to Families: To avoid disappointment, please only bring your child’s electronic devices to the centre on the days in which ‘electronics day’ is indicated on the program. 7|Page YWCA Canberra School Holiday Program January 5 – January 30, 2015 Majura, St. Benedict’s, Kingsford Smith, Turner* *Turner 6-23 January ONLY Monday 19 January Wheels Day Bring in your bikes, scooters and skateboards for a day on the track. Don’t forget your helmet and other safety gear! Tuesday 20 January Penguins in Summer! Its Penguin Appreciation Day so come on in and try your hand at making your own fury flightless friend! Afternoon: Penguin themed Movie Monday 26 January P U B L I C H O L I D A Y TURNER DOES NOT OPERATE THIS WEEK! Tuesday 27 January Ready, Steady, Cook! National Chocolate Cake Day! Put your chef hats on and get ready to cook up a storm! With a little help from the ‘Wombat stew cookbook’ we will be making a Tasmanian Devil Food Cake. Wednesday 21 January Sports Around The World! Thursday 22 January Y Factor! Talent Quest Are you a comedian? Singer, Dancer? Maybe you’re an artist. Today’s the day to show us what you’ve got. Impress the judges and we’ll see if you have the ‘Y-Factor’. Today we will be trying out our hands at sports from all across the world. Will you become a master at soccer, bowling, juggling, racquetball or volleyball? Wednesday 28 January EXCURSION: DICKSON POOL SLIP, SLOP, SLAP! It’s hot and we’re ready to cool off! Don’t forget your swimmers, hat, lunch, drink bottle, towel & a change of clothes!! Please be at the program by 9AM! PLEASE ADVISE ON ENROLMENT WHAT LEVEL OF SWIMMER YOUR CHILD IS! Friday 23 January EXCURSION: Australia Day BBQ John Knight Memorial Park To celebrate Australia day we will be heading out to the park to have a fun day outside celebrating our great country! Don’t forget your hat, and water bottle! Sausage Sizzle Lunch Provided Thursday 29 January Puzzles Galore! Are you ready to test your brain? Today is International Puzzle day, so let’s get our thinking caps on to create and solve a variety of puzzles, jigsaws, riddles, and more! Afternoon: Electronics Friday 30 January YWCA Carnival! Help us transform our School Holiday Program into Sideshow Alley! With lots of fun activities, it will be like a day at the Carnival! Hot Chips Lunch to Conclude our January School Holiday Program! PM: Electronics Activities always available: Hama Beads, Colouring-ins, Lego, Mobilo, Blocks, Construction, Outside Play, Board Games, Card Games, Books, Drawing materials, Activity Stencil Sheets (dot-to-dot etc.), Mask Making, Scooters, Dress-ups, Peg Boards, Dramatic Play, Blank Paper, Writing Materials, Marble Maze, Beading. Activities on throughout the school holiday program: Children and educators will collaboratively make daily programs at the centre with the activities and experiences in which they choose to do on that day. This will include all spontaneous experiences, in which we observe the children doing throughout the day, as well as activities such as art and craft that the children ask for and that the educators plan for. Not all activities need to be based around the daily theme. Spontaneous Activities and Children’s Choices Note to Families: To avoid disappointment, please only bring your child’s electronic devices to the centre on the days in which ‘electronics day’ is indicated on the program. 8|Page
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