2014 IEEE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON ROBOTICS AND MANUFACTURING AUTOMATION 15-16 DECEMBER 2014, KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. Organizers IEEE Robotics and Automation Society, Malaysia Chapter, (IEEE RAS Malaysia). International Advisory Committee Abdul Rahman Omar, UiTM, Malaysia. Ahmed Jaffar, UiTM, Malaysia. Serge N. Demidenko, RMIT, Vietnam, Muhammad Azmi Ayub, UiTM, Malaysia. Bijan Shirinzadeh, Monash University, Australia. C.Muthamizhchelvan, SRM University, India. G. SenGupta, Massey University, New Zealand, M.Gopal, SRM University, India. Emilia I. Barakova, , Netherland. Irini Giannopulu, UPMC, France. Ryad Chellali, IIT Genova, Italy. A.Rajadurai, Anna University, India. Chao Chen, Monash University, Australia. Shamsudin H.M.Amin, UTM, Malaysia. JongSuk Choi, KIST, South Korea. Aidel Ali Al-Jumail, Univ. of Sydney, Australia. Jeong-Su Lee, Korea National Rehabilitation Research Institute, South Korea. Won-Kyung Song, Korea National Rehabilitation Research Institute, South Korea. Masahiro Ohka, Nagoya Univ. Japan. Genci Capi , Univ. of Toyama, Japan. Yong-Tae Do, Daegu Univ. South Korea. V.Ganapathy, SRM University, India. Soumitro Banerjee, IISER,Kolkata, India. Tamas Haidegger, Hungary. Edson Prestes, UFRGS,Brazil. Paulo .J.S. Gonçalves, Portugal. Organizing Committee General Chairs Hanafiah Yussof Secretary MD. Raisuddin Khan Finance Chair Irraivan Elamvazuthi Prog. & Publication Chairs Veeraragavan Yogeswaran Alpha Agape Darwin Gouwanda Technical Chairs M.K.A Ahamed Khan Tan Chee Pin Rini Akmeliawati Amudha Kadhirvelu Asan Gani Abdul Muthalif Local Organizing Chairs Hanafiah Yussof Ishkandar Baharin S.Veeraragavan S. Madhaven Tan Keng Chuan Welcome to 2014 IEEE International Symposium on Robotics and Manufacturing Automation (ROMA2014). IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Malaysia Chapter, Malaysia organizes the event ROMA2014. This event is intended to provide technical forum and discussion related to Robotics, Automation and Manufacturing. The symposium is aimed to bring researchers, academicians, scientists, students, engineers and practitioners together to participate and present their latest research finding, developments and applications related to the various aspects of Robotics, Automation and Manufacturing. ROMA2014 will feature interactive Technical Sessions, Special Sessions, Invited Sessions, Competition and Exhibition. The Invited Session includes keynote addresses by eminent scientists as well as presentation by delegates from industries. Papers in ROMA2014 proceedings will be archived in IEEE Xplore. Extended version of selected best papers will be considered for publication in selected journals (journals list will be announced soon). Potential Authors are invited to submit full papers describing original research work in areas including, but not limited to, Robotics : Evolutionary Robotics, Humanoid Robotics, Entertainment Robotics, Rehabilitation Robotics, Medical Robotics, Search & Rescue Robotics, Biological Inspired Robotics, Micro/Nano Robotics, Underwater Robotics, Service Robotics, Industrial Robotics, Mobile Robotics, Space Robotics, Control and Intelligent Systems, Education Robotics Manufacturing : Flexible Manufacturing Systems, CIM and Micro-Machining, Industrial Networking and Automation, Modeling, Simulation and Architectures, MEMS/NEMS, System & Information Processing, Ergonomics Systems and Analysis. Automation : Haptic Interaction, Haptic Device, Tele-operation, Robot Grasping & Manipulation, Exoskeleton/Wearable Robotics, Robot Energy Management, UAV & Mobile Platform, Navigation and Perception, Mechatronics system design. Sensors : Sensors and Sensors Fusion, Sensor Data Processing, Distributed Computing in Sensor System, Imaging, Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition and Applications, Vision, recognition and reconstruction,Smart Sensor System in Robotics, Brain Machine Interface, Actuators, Artificial Intelligent, Virtual Reality, Mechatronics Systems, Automation Systems, Optical Sensors, Human-Robot Interaction, Intelligent Systems & Algorithm, Machine Learning, Advanced Computation. Biomechanics : Assistive Robotics & Instrumentations, Mechatronics in Prosthetics, Artificial Human Exoskeletons, Sensing system for Medical &Rehabilitation, Neural-Machine Interface &Control and Bio mechatronics, Energy : Energy and Environments such as Energy Management and control system, Energy distribution, storage and recovery, Alternative and green energy, Waste Management, water networking and Technology, sensors Technologies, intelligence micro-grids. Paper submission : Potential authors are invited to submit their original, unpublished works to ROMA2014. Please avoid submission of papers that are already published or under consideration for publication elsewhere. Quick link to online paper submission : EDAS (Log-in to your EDAS account or create new one. General guidelines : All papers must conform to standard IEEE format and must be submitted as Ms. Word file or PDF file format between 4 to 6 pages including text, figures, tables and references. Please note that the standard total maximum pages of each paper are 6. If you still not be able to access the file, please inform us at ieee.ras.roma@gmail.comThe official language is English (Please make sure proof-reading of English language is conducted. Key Dates Call for Papers Submission of Full Paper Paper Acceptance Camera-ready submission Early-bird payment dateline Registration and payment dateline Conference August 18, 2014 September 30, 2014 October 30, 2014 November 15, 2014 November 15, 2014 November 30, 2014 December 15-16, 2014 Contact Hanafiah Yussof, ieee.ras.roma@gmail.com, hurobs@gmail.com, Phone:+603-55436455. http://www.ieee-ras.com/roma2014.php Malaysia Chapter
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