Accreditation Procedures 10.4.1 GAC Schedule of Accreditation Issue No: 1/ Issue Date: 17/12/2014 ACCREDITED PRODUCT CERTIFICATION ISO/IEC 17065:2012 Accreditation Manager: B.H No. APC 0003 Product Certification Body Accreditation No. APC 0003 is accredited by the GCC Accreditation Center (GAC) in accordance with the recognized International Standard ISO/IEC 17065:2012, “Conformity assessment -- Requirements for bodies certifying products, processes and services” Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd Issue No: 1 2/F, Garment Center, 576 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Issue Date: 17/12/2014 Contact: Wallace Ho Compliance & Quality Assurance Manager Telephone: (852) 2173 8181 Facsimile: (852) 2370 2837 Email: Web address: 1TU U1T U Locations where certification activities covered by the above Accreditation Standard are undertaken U 1- Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd- 2/F, 576 Garment Center, Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. For the following scope: U Version: Date: Approved by: 1 01 August 2013 Saud Rashed Alaskar Page 1 of 4 Accreditation Procedures GAC 10.4.1 Schedule of Accreditation Issue No: 1/ Issue Date: 17/12/2014 ACCREDITED PRODUCT CERTIFICATION ISO/IEC 17065:2012 Accreditation Manager: B.H No. APC 0003 Scope: 40. Certification 40.02. Product Certification 40.02.01. Product Certification U 50. GSO Toys Directive 50.01. Toys • • 50.01.02. Type Approval 50.01.03. Shipment Inspection Scope details are as follows: U TEST CATEGORY 0B 1B ITEMS, MATERIALS OR PRODUCTS SPECIFIC TESTS OR PROPERTIES MEASURED 2B 3B 4B 5B Warnings Toys - TOYS and CHILDREN’S PRODUCTS Date: Approved by: 1 01 August 2013 Saud Rashed Alaskar 7B GCC Technical Regulation on Children Toys (BD-131704-01), Issue No. 2, (Date: 08.05.2013) - Article (11) Cl. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 - Annex III Part A and Part B GCC Technical Regulation on Children Toys (BD-131704-01), Issue No. 2, (Date: 08.05.2013) - Article (10) Cl. 2 and 3 - Essential Safety requirements - Test procedure for compliance testing: - Flammability GSO EN 71-2:2011 / EN71-2 :2011 + A1:2014 Excluding flammable gas Flammability tests : Toys Version: Warnings SPECIFICATION, STANDARD METHOD OR TECHNIQUE USED 6B Page 2 of 4 Accreditation Procedures 10.4.1 GAC Schedule of Accreditation Issue No: 1/ Issue Date: 17/12/2014 ACCREDITED PRODUCT CERTIFICATION ISO/IEC 17065:2012 Accreditation Manager: B.H No. APC 0003 TEST CATEGORY 0B 1B ITEMS, MATERIALS OR PRODUCTS SPECIFIC TESTS OR PROPERTIES MEASURED 2B 3B 4B 5B SPECIFICATION, STANDARD METHOD OR TECHNIQUE USED 6B 7B GCC Technical Regulation on Children Toys (BD-131704-01), Issue No. 2, (Date: 08.05.2013) - Article (10) Cl. 2 and 3 - Essential Safety requirements - Annex II Part I Cl. 1 to 11, and Part V - Test procedure for compliance testing: - Physical and mechanical properties GSO EN 71-1:2013 / EN 71-1:2011 + A3:2014 - Hygiene Excluding inflatable aquatic ride on toys with a maximum dimension larger than 1.2 m. Physical and mechanical tests : Toys TOYS and CHILDREN’S PRODUCTS Physical and mechanical tests : Activity toys TOYS and CHILDREN’S PRODUCTS Version: Date: Approved by: 1 01 August 2013 Saud Rashed Alaskar Electric toys GCC Technical Regulation on Children Toys (BD-131704-01), Issue No. 2, (Date: 08.05.2013) - Article (10) Cl. 2 and 3 - Essential Safety requirements - Annex II Part I Cl.11 - Physical and mechanical - Test procedure for compliance testing: properties GSO EN 71-8:2011 / EN 71-8:2011 GCC Technical Regulation on Children Toys Electrical tests : (BD-131704-01), Issue No. 2, (Date: 08.05.2013) - Article (10) Cl. 2 and 3 - Essential Safety requirements - Test procedure for compliance testing: - Electrical properties GSO IEC 62115:2007/IEC 62115:2003 + A1:2004 + A2:2010 Excluding 16.1component test to other standards Page 3 of 4 Accreditation Procedures 10.4.1 GAC Schedule of Accreditation Issue No: 1/ Issue Date: 17/12/2014 ACCREDITED PRODUCT CERTIFICATION ISO/IEC 17065:2012 Accreditation Manager: B.H No. APC 0003 TEST CATEGORY 0B 1B ITEMS, MATERIALS OR PRODUCTS SPECIFIC TESTS OR PROPERTIES MEASURED 2B 3B SPECIFICATION, STANDARD METHOD OR TECHNIQUE USED 4B 6B 5B 7B GCC Technical Regulation on Children Toys (BD-131704-01), Issue No. 2, (Date: 08.05.2013) Chemical tests : TOYS and CHILDREN’S PRODUCTS Toys - Essential Safety requirements - Chemical properties (Migration of certain elements) - Article (10) Cl. 2 and 3 Annex II Part III Cl. 11 and Appendix (4) Test procedure for compliance testing: GSO EN 71-3:2011 / EN 71-3:2013 + A1:2014 GSO EN 71-4:2011 / EN 71-4:2013 GSO EN 71-5:2011 / EN 71-5:2013 GSO EN 71-7:2011 / EN 71-7:2014 GSO EN 71-9:2011 / EN 71-9:2005 + A1:2007 GSO EN71-10:2011 / EN 71-10:2005 GSO EN71-11:2011 / EN 71-11:2005 EN 71-12:2013 EN 14372:2004 * The accreditation to the GSO Technical requirement on toys doesn’t mean that the organization is Notified by GAC in the member countries for the technical regulation, GSO is the “Notification Authority” in the member countries responsible for granting Notified Body Status. END Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd, is recorded as issuing GAC accredited certificates to organizations in the countries listed below. This list is current at the time of issue of this schedule. United Arab Emirates Bahrain Saudi Arabia Oman Qatar Kuwait Yemen Version: Date: Approved by: 1 01 August 2013 Saud Rashed Alaskar Page 4 of 4
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