BARKING HAVERING AND DISTRICT BADMINTON LEAGUE CONSTITUTION & RULES CONSTITUTION 1. Name That the name of the League shall be the BARKING HAVERING & DISTRICT BADMINTON LEAGUE. 2.Objects That the objects of the League shall be the arrangement of inter-club matches, the holding of tournaments and the promotion and furtherance of badminton generally in Barking Havering and surrounding districts. 3.Membership That membership of the League shall, at the discretion of the Executive Committee, be open to all clubs of which the object, or one of the objects,is badminton. The Executive Committee shall have power to expel or suspend any club, or any of its members, for any infringement or attempted infringement of the Laws of Badminton or of the Constitution or Rules of the League (see Paragraph 11 below). 4.Government That the government of the League shall be vested in an Executive Committee which shall comprise: (i) President (ii) Vice-President (iii) Chairperson (iv) Honorary Secretary (v) Honorary Treasurer (vi) Honorary Match Secretary (vii) Honorary Inter-League Secretary (viii) Honorary Social Secretary (ix) Honorary Assistant Match Secretary (x) Six other members The President and Vice-President shall not have voting power. (a) The President may preside at the opening of all General Meetings and perform any ceremonial duties. The Chairperson shall occupy the chair for the business of such General Meetings. (b) The Vice-President shall be vested with the power of the President in the absence of the President. (c) The Chairperson shall occupy the chair for the business of all General and Executive Committee meetings. In his/her absence the meeting shall be empowered to elect its own Chairperson for such meeting. (d) The Honorary Secretary shall conduct the affairs of the League in all departments in so far as such affairs are outside the scope of the other Officers. He/She shall minute the proceedings of all General and Executive Committee meetings. (e) The Honorary Treasurer shall deal with the whole of the finances of the League. He/She shall collect all monies and make all disbursements and only such receipts and payments as are made or authorised by him/her shall be recognised. He/She shall cause to be kept a record of all accounts and shall produce a Statement of Receipts and Payments and Balance Sheet showing the result of the financial activities of the League for each year ending at the thirty-first day of May, which Accounts shall be audited by an Auditor appointed by the Executive Committee and approved by the previous Annual General Meeting. (f) The Honorary Match Secretary assisted by the Honorary Assistant Match Secretary, shall be responsible for the supervision of all inter-club matches as laid down by the fixture list and shall receive and tabulate results and furnish every registered club with a copy of such results. He/She shall be empowered to deal with all queries and points of contention arising from inter club matches and to make recommendations thereon to the Executive Committee on any queries and points raised. (g) The Honorary Inter-League Secretary shall be responsible for the running of the Inter-League and League representative matches. He/She shall also act as the liaison officer between the Executive Committee and the Selection Sub-Committee of which he/she shall be Chairperson. (h) The Honorary Social Secretary shall be responsible for the organisation and administration of all social functions authorised by the Executive Committee. (i) The Executive Committee shall retire annually with the exception of the Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer who shall be elected biannually on alternate years to ensure continuity of business. All retiring officers shall be eligible for re-election. (j) Except in the case of retiring officers, nominations for all officers, duly proposed and seconded, shall be sent in writing to the Honorary Secretary before the thirty-first day of March each year. Nominations for the six other members of the Executive Committee shall be received at the Annual General Meeting. (k) The Executive Committee shall meet as often as it deems necessary. (l) Every Officer and Member of the Committee shall be entitled to be indemnified out of the funds of the League against all cost,losses,expenses,and liabilities incurred by him/her in the proper execution and discharge of his/her duties. 5.Selection That at each Annual General Meeting there shall be elected a Selection Sub-Committee comprising three members. The Sub Committee shall be empowered with the selection of teams to represent the League in matches. The Selection Sub-Committee shall be responsible to the Executive Committee via the Honorary Inter League Secretary in all matters save the actual selection and constitution of League teams. The Selection Sub-Committee shall nominate one of its members to remain on the committee in the ensuing year to ensure continuity. 6.Registration Fees That the annual registration fees for club members and club teams shall be fixed by the Annual General Meeting in each year payable on or before the date that shall be indicated on the registration form. Any club whose annual registration fees remain in arrears after that date shall be liable to expulsion from the League. Any club who want to register an additional player/players will be given 4 weeks to pay the registration fee. If not the games that were played by the player/players will be forfeited. 7.Meetings That before the thirty-first day of May each year an Annual General Meeting shall be called for the purpose of passing the Accounts, election of Officers and Committee, alteration to the Constitution and Rules and such like annual business. To this and any other General Meeting all registered clubs shall be entitled to attend. (a) At least ten day’s notice to registered club secretaries shall be given by the Honorary Secretary of the Annual General Meeting and the agenda of the business to be transacted shall accompany such notice. (b) At any General Meeting eight people present in person shall form a quorum. (c) Motions for the Annual General Meeting shall be submitted in writing to the Honorary League Secretary by the thirty first day of March each year. Any alterations to the Constitution and Rules must be passed by a two-thirds majority of voting members present at an Annual General Meeting and this shall be by a show of hands unless a ballot is demanded by a majority of those present. Each registered member shall be entitled to one vote on each resolution or item of business on the agenda. 8. Extra Ordinary General Meeting That an Extra-ordinary General Meeting may be convened by a majority of the Executive Committee or by 25% registered membership. The Honorary Secretary shall thereupon summon such Extraordinary General Meeting by giving 10 day’s notice to secretaries of all registered clubs of such meeting setting out an Agenda. Only such business as is set out on the agenda shall be discussed. Any resolution can only be carried by a majority of two-thirds of those present in person and twenty five people present shall form a quorum. Only registered members shall be entitled to vote and this shall be by a show of hands unless a ballot is demanded by a majority of those present. Each registered member shall be entitled to one vote on each resolution or item of business on the agenda shall be discussed. Any resolution can only be carried by a majority of two-thirds of those present in person and twenty five people present shall form a quorum. Only registered members shall be entitled to vote and this shall be by a show of hands unless a ballot is demanded by a majority of those present. Each registered member shall be entitled to one vote on each resolution or item of business on the agenda. 9.Honours Awards That any registered member is eligible for an Honours Award who: (i) represents the League in full first-team representative matches on not less than six occasions; (ii) who has given distinguished and loyal service to the League. The award shall entitle the recipient to wear the League’s Honours Badge. 10.Insurance That the League shall secure adequate Public Liability Insurance to cover all League business and events, but excluding inter-club matches, business and events which responsibility lies with the individual clubs.(Rules. Paragraph B refers). 11.Expulsion / Suspension (i) The League shall have the power (subject to compliance with the provisions of Paragraph (ii) hereof): (a) to expel any club from membership of the League; (b) to suspend any club or person from participating in any competitive organised by the League and to remove such suspension; (c) to fine or impose such other penalties on a club or person as it shall deem appropriate for any infringement by such club or person of the Laws of Badminton or of the Constitution and/or Rules of the League or for any action which would bring the game of badminton into disrepute. Failure to pay any fine within 28 days of imposition thereof may lead to the expulsion or banning of the club or person concerned. (ii) Before taking any action under 11 (i) the Honorary Secretary or other duly authorised officer of the League shall notify the club, through its secretary or other authorised officer, or person against whom allegations of misconduct have been made of the facts alleged which gave rise to such accusation. Such notice in writing shall give to the club or person accused the right to make written representations to the Executive Committee within 28 days of the date of the notice and to appear in person before a meeting of the Executive Committee to answer such allegations such meeting to take place not earlier than 28 days from the date of the notice. A club appearing before the Executive Committee shall be represented by not more than 4 members of the club, at least one of whom shall be an official of the club. Should the club or person specified in the notice not make written representation with the said period of 28 days or not appear by club representation or in person before the Executive Committee on the date stated in the notice, the Executive Committee shall have the power to make a decision in absentia. A club or person shall only be found guilty of any offence should a two-thirds majority of the members of the Executive Committee three present so find and their decision shall be final and binding. (iii)Nothing in Paragraph 11 (i) or 11 (ii) hereof shall: (a) apply to the deprivation of registration of clubs and members of the clubs for non-payment of registration fees in accordance with the provision of Paragraph 6 of this Constitution; (b) derogate from the right of the Honorary Match Secretary and Executive Committee to decide disputes in inter-club matches under the provisions of Paragraph 4 (f) of this Constitution and the above Paragraph 11 shall not apply to such dispute. 12. Amendment to Constitution and/or Rules That no amendment of the Constitution and/or Rules shall be made except by a majority of two-thirds present at a General Meeting. Any registered member or officer proposing such amendment of any part of the Constitution or the Rules shall give notice to the Honorary Secretary by the thirty-first day of March in any year or thirty days before the convening of an Extra-ordinary General Meeting. Particulars of such amendment(s) together with the names of the proposer and the seconder shall be included in the notice convening such meeting. 13. Dissolution (a) That the League may be dissolved by a two-thirds majority vote of those present and entitled to vote at any General Meeting at which notice of the intention to propose a resolution for the dissolution shall have been circulated with the notice concerning the meeting. Upon dissolution the assets of the League should be realised and liabilities discharged. Any deficiency shall be made good rateably by the member clubs or any surplus shall be handed over to any other way decided by the meeting. RULES A. The League That competitions in the form of inter-club matches shall be arranged and the League shall provide, where possible for Mixed, Men’s Ladies Doubles and Ladies and Mixed Pairs, herein after called Sections. All games in such matches shall be governed by the Rules of the Badminton Association of England. B. Conditions of Entry That entry of the League shall be available to any club playing at a suitable venue. It is the responsibility of each club entering the League to secure adequate Public Liability Insurance to cover all League matches participated in and no match shall be played without such cover. Notification of desire of entry shall be sent to the Honorary Secretary not later than the first of July in each year. Each registered club shall be permitted to enter one or more teams for any or all of the Sections at the discretion of the Executive Committee. A team in the Mixed Section shall consist of three pairs, each pair comprising one lady and one man. A team in the Men’s Section shall consist of three pairs, each pair comprising of two men. A team in the Ladies Section shall consist of three pairs, comprising of two ladies. In these Sections each pair shall play the three pairs of the opposing team, making nine games to complete a match. Games shall be the best of three games to 21 points, changing ends at 11 points if it goes to a third game, using the rally point system. A team winning a match by six games to three or better shall be awarded three match points. A team winning a match by five games to four games shall be awarded two match points. A team losing a match by four games to five games shall be awarded one match point. A team losing a match by three games to six games or more shall not be awarded any match points. In the Ladies and Mixed Pairs Sections a team shall consist of one pair, in the former Section comprising two ladies, and in the later Section comprising one lady and one man. Each pair shall play pairs from opposing clubs on American Tournament lines at a series of meetings throughout the season. Games shall be the best of three games to 21 points, changing ends at 11 points if it goes to a third game, using the rally point system. One match point shall be awarded for every game won. No match points will be awarded for games lost. C. Divisions That the Sections shall be numbered each into Divisions in order of secinority, 1,2,3,etc, and the number of clubs competing in each Division shall be at the discretion of the Executive Committee. No club shall be allowed more than two teams competing in the same Division in any section. D Qualification of Players That no player shall play in any match unless he/she has been registered with the League and no player shall play in any one Section for more than one club. Only one registration fee is required for the player in more than one Section. E Nomination for Teams (a) Mixed, Men’s and Ladies Teams – when more than one team is entered by a club in one Section, these shall be known as I,II III, etc, and a minimum of six players shall be nominated to the League before the commencement of the season in respect of all teams with the exception of the most junior team. Nominated players for the first team are not eligible to play for any other team during that season. Nominated players for the second team are not eligible for the third team, and so on. Nominated players other than the first team playing more than twice for a more senior team shall then be deemed a nominated player for that team for the remainder of the season. Any other registered players playing more than twice for a team other than the most junior (if more than one team is entered in the same Section) shall be deemed a nominated player for that team for the remainder of the season. (b) Ladies and Mixed Pairs – when more than one pair is entered by a club in one Section, these shall be known as A,B,C, etc, pairs and a minimum of two players shall be nominated to the League before the commencement of the season in respect of all pairs with the exception of the most junior pair. Nominated players for the ‘A’ pair are not eligible to play for any other pair during that season. Nominated players for the ‘B’ team are not eligible for the ‘C’ team, and so on. Nominated players other than for the ‘A’pair playing more than twice for a more senior pair shall then be deemed a nominated player of that pair for the remainder of the season. Any other registered players playing more than twice for a pair other than the most junior (if more than one pair is entered in the same Section) shall be deemed a player of that pair for the remainder of the season. F. Fixtures League matches will be arranged by the Honorary Match Secretary or the Honorary Assistant Match Secretary and a fixture list shall be sent to each participating club before the commencement of each season. All matches must be played as set out in the fixture list. When matches are not played according to the fixture list, the Honorary Match Secretaries must be notified within 48 hours. The date of a re-arranged fixture must be notified to the Honorary Match Secretary within 24 hours prior to the new date of the fixture. Where clubs cannot agree, the matter shall be dealt with by the Executive Committee. Where clubs have a minimum of two pairs available the match must be played, the three games not played to be conceded to the opponents. In the event of a match being abandoned, a report must be sent to the Honorary Match Secretary at once giving the reason why the match was abandoned. The Executive Committee will then decide on action to be taken. In the case of Ladies and Mixed Pairs Sections matches, all meetings must be held as set out in the fixture list and all games at each meeting must be played as set out in the notification sent out to the host club by the Honorary Match Secretary. Any club that fails to turn up for a fixture without informing the other club 48 hours prior to the fixture points will be deducted. If a match has not begun within 20 minutes of the appointed time, the offending team shall forfeit the first game and subsequently one game for every further 20 minutes of delay. In the event of a player getting injured a single break of no more than 20 minutes may be taken if time permits. G. Transfers Players can be transferred between clubs provided seven clear days notice is given to the Honorary Secretary. Such transfers shall stand for the minimum period of three months and may not be made later than the 31st January in any season. H. Shuttles & Light Refreshments Shall be provided by the home club. All Mixed Division 1, Men’s Divisions1, Ladies Division 1, and Ladies Pairs Division 1 matches shall be played with feathered shuttles. I. Scorers Shall be provided by both or all clubs. Team captains will liaise with their opposite numbers in interclub matches to mutually agree a method of resolving any disputes arising from doubtful interpretation of the rules by any player. J. Results That match cards shall be completed by the home clubs, duly signed by a member of all teams participating and returned to the Honorary Match Secretary or other nominated officer of the League within 48 hours of the completion of the match or meeting. K. Promotion That the top team in a Division shall be promoted to the Division above, subject to Rule C above. L. Relegation That the bottom team in a Division shall be relegated to the Division below except that where a vacancy occurs in a Division or it is desirable to change the numerical groupings of the League Divisions, the Executive Committee may, at their discretion, reinstate the relegated team to its previous Division. M. Final Order of Placings in League Tables That where teams are level on match points won their position will be decided by games won or points average if necessary. Where there has been an infringement of the Rules, the match shall be awarded against the offending team, by three match points to nil and nine games to nil, except that in the case of Pairs Sections, the match shall be awarded against the offending pairs by one match point to nil and one game point to nil for every game to be played at a meeting. N. Team Placings That when a club enters a team or teams knowing that their standard of play will be weaker than in the previous season, it can request that such a team or teams be placed in a lower Division. Such a request must be sent to the Honorary Secretary, in writing, at the time of entering teams. Any vacancy created in any Division shall be filled at the discretion of the Executive Committee. O. Tournaments That the rules governing all League tournaments and competitions shall be laid down by the Executive Committee according to the rules on tournaments of the Badminton Association of England. P. Binding Decisions That the decision of the Executive Committee upon any part of the Constitution and Rules or on the construction of all or any of them shall be binding upon the registered clubs and registered players and the decision of the Executive Committee on any point not covered by the Constitution or the Rules shall be deemed final and binding upon the registered clubs and registered players.
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