Page1 HAGLEY CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER DECEMBER 2014 As we are now approaching the end of what has been a very busy term I would like to begin this newsletter by sincerely thanking both parents and staff of the school for their excellent support of the school so far during this academic year. On Tuesday 2nd December we welcomed Mgr. Tim Menezes into school to celebrate Mass with Year 7 to mark the beginning of Advent and bless our crib. He was very impressed with the wonderful celebration. On the evening of Saturday 22nd November, Mass was celebrated at Our Lady and All Saints to mark the Feast of Christ The King, the focus being on the youth members of the church. Mgr. Pat McKinney has written to thank the school for our wonderful contribution. Many of you will recently have enjoyed the wonderful Winter Concert which was held on Thursday 27th November which was very well received. In addition to this, last week there were two wonderful dance shows. I am confident that all of you who were able to see the production had a wonderful evening. Finally, the last major celebration our annual Christmas Concert and Christmas Fayre; takes place on Wednesday 17th December at school at 7:00 pm I would like to extend a warm invitation to you all. Further details can be found later in the newsletter. At our final assemblies in school for this term, I am once again proposing to have a collection for a Christmas appeal; this year, once again, we would like to support the Stourbridge Food Bank to help the hungry and homeless of our local community. Further information can be found later in the newsletter. CONTENTS Page 1 and 2 Headteacher’s letter to parents Page 3 ,4, 5 RE Department News Page 6 Attendance/Absence Page 7 , 8, 9, 10, 11 PE Department News Page 12 RSPB stamp plea, Project Trust Page 13 Rotary Young Chef Competition Page 14 Severe weather arrangements Page2 Letter from Headteacher (continued) During January our Year 12 and Year 13 pupils will be sitting their sixth form mid year assessments. Year 12 start w/c 12th January 2015 and Year 13 w/c 19th January 2015. Can you please ensure your child bring the necessary equipment and arrive at the venue on time. No equipment will be loaned to students. Please telephone the school if your child is going to be late. Sixth form dress code must be adhered to, jeans, shorts and trainers are not acceptable. Lanyards are to be worn and placed on the exam desk. To avoid any accusations of unfair practice there is a strict ban on mobile phones in examination venues. I ask that parents remind their children to either leave their phone at home or hand it in to reception for safe keeping before they enter an examination room. Also in January , on Friday 9th the first of our ski trips departs, returning on Sunday 18th January. Over the first weekend a group of Year 7 students will be off to Alton castle on retreat. It is inevitable at this time of year that we experience some adverse weather conditions. We will endeavour to keep the school open in all events except when there is a risk to the health and safety of pupils and staff. If the school does have to close, due to adverse weather conditions, information will be posted on the school website, WCC website and text message sent out to all parents. If you have changed your mobile telephone number please advise the school accordingly. school buses will leave at 3.05 pm and the trains to Kidderminster and to Stourbridge depart at 15.03pm. School reopens following the Christmas break on Monday 5th January 2015. During the Winter months we are offering an extended breakfast service so students can purchase hot drinks and food before school starts. As we begin a new term in January I ask for parental support in ensuring that pupils come to school appropriately dressed in full school uniform as outlined in the pupil organisers. Should parents need to buy their children new items of uniform please consult the school uniform code prior to making a purchase to ensure that appropriate purchases are made. I would particularly like to highlight the requirement for outdoor coats which should be a plain navy blue or black coat/anorak of sensible design with no colour deviation. We look forward with eager anticipation to the challenges of the New Year and we wish every family a peaceful Christmas and a very happy New Year. As I mentioned in the last newsletter to parents, on Thursday 18th December, the final day of term, we will close at 3.00pm. The reason for this is to ensure that, on one of the days of the year with Mr T J Hammond Headteacher Wishing you all a very healthy and happy Christmas Page3 RE Department Family Mass Thank you to all families who supported the year 7 Family Mass .It was wonderful to see so many parents being introduced to each other through our new pupils! The Briars The 21-23rd of November saw year 8 students head to The Briars retreat centre in the Diocese of Nottingham. The weekend gave students the opportunity to reflect upon their faith and spend time building and deepening friendships. A big thank you goes to Mr Farley for running this trip and to Miss Smith & Mrs Elliot for their generous support of this retreat. CAFOD Harvest Hunger Lunch Tuesday 4th November saw Hagley Catholic High School join with Catholics across the country to support CAFOD’s annual Harvest Fast. As a school many staff and students gave up their usual lunchtime meal and instead purchased soup and a bread roll in an act of solidarity with the poor. The generous support of this event raised over £100 for CAFOD. Harvington Hall This term year 7 students took part in a trip to Harvington Hall. Here they were able to learn about the life and work of St. Nicholas Owen, our school’s patron. Students gained an insight into his craftsmanship and were able to try out his priest hides for themselves. Thanks goes to Harvington Hall for their continued support. Poland Trip Final balance payments are to be paid using Payments4school or brought to Mr McArdle (or posted in the box outside the RE office) no later than Monday 12th January 2015. If you are unsure of your outstanding balance please email: Important Dates Christmas Celebration 17 December 2014 Alton Castle (Y7) 9 - 11 January 2015 CAFOD Romero Mass 24 March 2015 Rome Trip (10 & 11) 27-30 March 2015 Page4 Advent Appeal 2014 During Advent 2012 and 2013 Hagley supported a local Food bank with donations of toiletries for the homelessness packs given out over the Christmas period. These appeals have been very successful, with over one thousand items being donated each year. This Advent we wish to continue our support of our local communities, and will once again collect for the homeless. This year we will be collecting: Year 7 – Toothpaste Year 8 – Shampoo Year 9 – Deodorant Year 10 – Shower Gel Year 11 – Baby Wipes Sixth Form – Shave Foam/Gel Any donations should be handed in to form tutors, who will collect items and arrange storage. All donations are very gratefully received. Christmas Carol All families are warmly invited to attend our Christmas Carol Service on Wednesday 17 th December at 6.45pm (for 7pm start). This service held in the school Hall is our formal celebration of the liturgical season of Christmas. This is an opportunity to come and sing along you your favourite Christmas Carols before heading to the Christmas Fayre in the gym…. Christmas Fayre Following the Christmas Carol Service on Wednesday 17th December we shall once again beholding the Christ- mas Fayre in aid of the Lourdes pilgrimage. The Fayre is a great opportunity to get into the Christmas spirit as well as supporting this worthwhile cause. Among this the stalls this year are: Mulled Wine, Tea, coffee and Hot Chocolate Confectionary stall (including gifts Bottle Stall Chocolate Tombola Jewellery & Gifts Pamper Hamper Tombola 50/50 Raffle Accessories Stall Page5 A BIG thank you to all those who have made donations to the Christmas Fayre – Your generosity is very much appreciated. Could you help this year’s Lourdes Pilgrims to raise vital funds by donating to the Fayre? Toiletries Do you have unopened bottles or tubs of lotions and potions that aren’t to your taste? Or toiletry gift sets you will never use? If so, please donate them to the Lourdes Pilgrimage fund. In preparation for our Christmas Fayre we will be lovingly repackaging donations into prizes and hampers for the Toiletries Tombola. This stall is very popular and helps us to raise much needed funds… Gifts … Or perhaps items for our gift stall. No matter the size or type of gift we would be keen to see it rehomed, and every year people are delighted to pick up a bargain Christmas present! 200 Club The 200 Club is now up and running with fantastic cash prices each month! To get involved you simply need to subscribe to a number and keep your fingers crossed. Once a month 2 numbers are drawn; the first wins £100 and the second drawn wins £50. Some numbers are still available. Subscription costs £3 per month by standing order or a one off payment of £36. To get your number contact Mr McArdle at or complete the forms available on the school website and send into school FAO Mr McArdle. All monies raised goes to support the Lourdes Pilgrimage Fund. Page6 Attendance Absences from School: As a school we regard regular attendance at school as critical to a student’s progress. In order that we can be sure of the whereabouts and safety of all our students we would like to remind parents/carers that if your son or daughter is unable to attend school for any reason: Please telephone on the FIRST day of absence before 9.30am (01562 883193) or email our Pastoral Administrator, and Sixth form absence to Please advise us of the reason for absence and how long you expect your son or daughter to absent for. If the absence extends beyond two days please ring in again to keep us informed. On the first day back to school please send in a letter or complete the absence explanation slip inside the student organiser to confirm the reason for the absence and hand into the form tutor. As a school we have a duty to record all absences as authorised or unauthorised, if we do not receive an explanation for your son/daughter’s absence the Attendance Officer will make contact with you. Lateness: It is a legal requirement that all students register with their Form Tutors twice a day, at 9.00am and 12.55pm.The school day starts at 9:00am and parents and carers have a duty to ensure their son or daughter arrives at school on time. If your son or daughter is going to be late for school parents and carers should provide them with a note of explanation or telephone the school as soon as possible. Students are expected to arrive on time for Tutor time and for all lessons. However, if they are unavoidably late they must report directly to the Reception and sign the late book. Lateness will be followed up and if there is not a genuine reason for their lateness then they will be expected to make up the time they have missed and will receive a detention for persistent lateness. LOST MINUTES = LOST LEARNING Dentist, Doctor or Hospital Appointments: Wherever possible please make appointments outside of school hours. Please send in a letter or make a note in your child’s organiser outlining the details of the appointment and sign it. Please address this notification for the attention of the Pastoral Administrator/Attendance Officer. If your son or daughter is going to arrive late to school for example due to doctors, dental or hospital appointment please also telephone the school office to keep us informed. Once they arrive at school they must report to reception and sign in the late book. This is important to ensure that we know when a child is on or off the school site. Education Investigation Officers periodically challenge school-age young people who are out of school during the day. If students need to leave school at any time for an appointment they must sign out of school at reception. We would prefer that students are collected in person by an adult and signed out of school however if you are unable to do this we would request written confirmation that your son/daughter may leave school on their own to attend an appointment with details of how they will travel home and times. We would also appreciate a phone call confirming that son/daughter has arrived safely. Page7 WINTER SCHOOL GAMES 2014 On Wednesday 12 November we hosted the Winter Sports Day. All pupils from Year 7-10 represented their Houses across a range of sporting activities. Dodgeball, Benchball, Basketball, Netball, Football and Indoor Curling were the sports on offer and well done to all pupils for their commitment and effort during the day. Please see the results below: Anselm 3rd Bede 1st Chad 5th Gregory 2nd Kenelm 4th Wulstan 6th Overall 52 58 44 53 46 41 Year 7 13 20 12 12 16 11 Year 8 18 12 11 17 11 15 Year 9 10 17 11 9 8 8 Year 10 11 9 10 15 11 7 Well done to Bede House!! The next whole school sports event is the Spring School Games which will be held on Wednesday 18 March 2015. PE Department Page8 PE EXTRA-CURRICULAR TIMETABLES – October 2014 – February 2015 The extra-curricular clubs will run until Feb 2015. Between now and then a HUGE improvement can be made. It's not too late to join one of the clubs. Please ensure you bring the appropriate kit for the activity in which you are participating and a packed lunch (if it's a lunchtime club). Please come along, it will be nice to see some new faces around the department! Many thanks, PE Department. LUNCHTIME ACTIVITIES - BOYS MONDAY YEAR 7 YEAR 8 YEAR 9 YEAR 10 YEAR 11 Table Tennis Club (Gym-HJ) Table Tennis Club (Gym-HJ) Table Tennis Club (Gym-HJ) Table Tennis Club (Gym-HJ) Table Tennis Club (Gym-HJ) Basketball Training (Sports Hall-MBE/ SRI) Basketball Training (Sports Hall-MBE/SRI) TUESDAY WEDNESDAY Dodgeball Club (Gym – MBE/SRI) Dodgeball Club (Gym – MBE/SRI) Dodgeball Club (Gym – MBE/ SRI) THURSDAY Badminton Club (Sports Hall-SRI) Badminton Club (Sports Hall-SRI) Badminton Club (Sports HallSRI) Basketball Training (Gym-LC) FRIDAY Basketball Training (Gym-LC) AFTER SCHOOL ACTIVITIES - BOYS YEAR 7 YEAR 8 YEAR 9 MONDAY Trampolining Club (VR/HW) Trampolining Club (VR/HW) Trampolining Club (VR/HW) TUESDAY Volleyball Club (Sports Hall–SRI) Volleyball Club (Sports Hall–SRI) Volleyball Club (Sports Hall–SRI) WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY Basketball Basketball Matches Matches Badminton Club (Sports Hall-SRI) YEAR 10 YEAR 11 Volleyball Club (Sports Hall–SRI) Volleyball Club (Sports Hall–SRI) Basketball Basketball Matches Matches Trampolining Club (LC) Trampolining Club (LC) Badminton Club (Sports Hall-SRI) Badminton Club (Sports Hall-SRI) Page9 PE EXTRA-CURRICULAR TIMETABLES – October 2014 – February 2015 LUNCHTIME ACTIVITIES - GIRLS MONDAY YEAR 7 YEAR 8 YEAR 9 YEAR 10 YEAR 11 Table Tennis Club Table Tennis Club Table Tennis Club Basketball Training Basketball Training (Gym-HJ) (Gym-HJ) (Gym-HJ) (Sports Hall-WB) (Sports Hall-WB) Table Tennis Club (Gym-HJ) Table Tennis Club (Gym-HJ) TUESDAY Netball Club Netball Club Netball Club Netball Club (Courts-VRA/ER) (Courts-VRA/ER) (Courts-VRA/ER) (Courts-VRA/ER) Basketball Training Basketball Training (Sports Hall-WB) (Sports Hall-WB) Danish Longball Danish Longball Badminton Club Badminton Club Badminton Club (Gym-VRA) (Gym-VRA) (Sports Hall-SRI) (Sports Hall-SRI) (Sports Hall-SRI) WEDNESDAY THURSDAY Danish Longball (Gym-VRA) FRIDAY Netball Training Football Training Football Training Football Training Football Training (Sports Hall-VRA) (Field-ER/RDR) (Field-ER/RDR) (Field-ER/RDR) (Field-ER/RDR) AFTER SCHOOL ACTIVITIES - GIRLS MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY YEAR 7 YEAR 8 YEAR 9 YEAR 10 YEAR 11 Trampolining Club Trampolining Club Trampolining Club Basketball Basketball (Gym-VR/HW) (Gym-VR/HW) (Gym-VR/HW) Matches Matches Volleyball Club Volleyball Club Volleyball Club Volleyball Club Volleyball Club (Sports Hall–SRI) (Sports Hall–SRI) (Sports Hall–SRI) (Sports Hall–SRI) (Sports Hall–SRI) Football Matches Football Matches Basketball Basketball Trampolining Club Trampolining Club Matches Matches (Gym-LC) (Gym-LC) Badminton Club Badminton Club (Sports Hall-SRI) Badminton Club (Sports Hall-SRI) FRIDAY Football Matches (Sports Hall-SRI) Football Matches Page10 Year 8 Boys Match Report The best match that Hagley RC year 8 played was against Earls in the semifinal of the cup, because it was a very tough game. The team played very well, we passed the ball around successfully and had lots of chances on goal. The player who I thought played very well was Wilfie because he started playing as a striker then we had to play him in defense which was his first time but he stepped up to the job. At the end of the match it was a clear win with as it was 4-2 to us. The players that scored were: Tom, Harry and Jake with 2 goals. The plan for next season is to win all of the games, win the cup and try not to concede as many goals. By Zach Kourouyianni Year 8 Girls Netball! So far this year the Year 8 netball team has been succeeding in most of their matches. We have won all our matches except one, which was against Holy Trinity. (However in our second match we played against them; we managed to learn from our mistakes and win 18:12!) The team have played well and kept possession in matches. To improve we need to not rush with the ball and keep getting into space to receive passes. The player of the match has been won the most by Georgie Mills and the person who has fallen over the most is most definitely Ellen Doyle. However, she bounces straight back up and carries on! Overall we have improved since the start of Year 7 and are thankful for the extra matches that have helped us gain experience. By Emma Sherwood Year 9 boys reports I do two main sports activities e.g. Football and rugby. I love them both! Football The school football team are top of the league and are also in the semi- finals for the cup. We have a very good team but I think that’s down to the fact that the players that turn up every week to play for Hagley Catholic High school. I am surprised at how many players turn up on a Wednesday lunch time come and have a kick about! It’s great because if a player in the team can’t make it we have plenty of other options. But if I had to single someone out I think it would have to be Jake Parry! Mostly because he has scored 8 goals in three games but he always try’s even though the defender is twice the height of him! The Rugby We’re not doing so well but we are playing against teams a year older than us! However, it is next year that we have our sights fixed on. I think the main players are myself, Mike McCahill, Alex Williamson Josh McEvilly and Tom Smith. As a team we are strong and we pass the ball quickly. Mike and I have the most tries but I think I am in the lead…..just! I love both of these sports but I thank the teachers for the support that we get. Because if it was not for them we would not be able to do the activities we do. By Harry Simpson Page11 Year 9 Netball The Year 9 netball team have had an excellent season so far, building upon their success of year 7 and year 8. A fantastic run of wins, bar one, culminated in a resounding victory against Holy Trinity School with a 31-4 triumph to the Hagley Catholic High School girls. All members of the squad are to be congratulated for their hard work, commitment, team spirit and good humour. Several have been awarded player of the match-Niamh Kinsella, Grace Doyle, Izzy Deery and Niamh Lomax. Always committed and ready to do their best for Hagley Catholic High School, the squad of Alannah Martin, Niamh Kinsella, Izzy Deery, Megan McVeigh, Tayler Bannister, Kiera O’Meara Patel, Aimee Mckie, Grace Doyle, Gaby Homer, Rebecca Mcaleenan and Niamh Lomax are to be congratulated on their achievements. We are ready to do our very best at the Pre-Season tournament on Saturday 29th November during which we will represent Dudley. We all record thanks to Miss Radio, the other staff in the P.E department and each other. By Niamh Lomax Year 10 Football Team Our football season is on course to be a winning one. So far we’ve gone undefeated with wins against Edgecliff, Ridgewood, Leasowes and a derby day victory over Haybridge, winning 6-1. One part of our game which has been particularly good has been our goal scoring, we have scored 21 goals in 4 games. One of our aims for the future is to stop conceding goals and keep more clean sheets. During the season we have tried out different formations and players have played in a variety of different positions. Also we have reached the cup final, which will be played after half term. By Jack Concannon and Phil Sadler. Year 10 Girls Netball Personally I think that our Year 10 Netball team is playing very well. We have won all our matches and played well together as team including during training. We aim to continue to do well. The person who has won player of the match the most is Emma Murray. I feel that we played our best during the away game at Ridgewood; I think this was because we worked well as a team and during the last quarter one of our players got injured but we still carried on. Next term we aim to continue to do best and win as many matches as we can! By Lucy Clift Year 11 Netball Report This term I think year 11 netball have been playing extremely well. We have won all of our matches by a lot. We recently had a tournament between all of the Worcestershire schools and Hagley were able to attend and walk out with 3rd place. We train on Thursdays in a positive environment because all of the girls get along with each other and our Miss Roden is always encouraging and always pushing us to do our best and to improve. We aim to continue to do well in our matches as well as training. By Ashwani Elliott Page12 RSPB With Christmas rapidly approaching and the increase in mail; we would like to ask that you save all your used postage stamps and deposit in the box in reception; if a small margin could remain around the edge of the stamp. These stamps will then be forwarded onto the RSBP Project Trust Project Trust, an educational charity, has sent a certificate of completion for student Kieran Duffy for a voluntary work placement for Hope for Youth, in Uganda. Congratulations to Kieran, who left Year 13 in Summer 2013 and took his Gap Year in Africa, then extended his stay. He is now studying for a degree in International Business at Nottingham Trent University and has just completed his first Semester. Public Health England Free NHS Needle free flu vaccinations for school children in Years 7 and 8 in Coventry, Herefordshire, Warwickshire and Worcestershire. All Year 7 and Year 8 school children are being offered needle free flu vaccinations at most GP practices and many pharmacies across Coventry, Herefordshire, Warwickshire and Worcestershire. Please see the website for further information or contact your GP or nearest pharmacist. Page13 The Rotary Club of Stourbridge Rotary Young Chef Competition 2014 On Wednesday 3rd December Grace Reeves and Lucy Edwards from Year 9 took part in the Rotary Young Chef Competition held at Pedmore Technology College, cooking against students from Redhill School, Oldswinford Hospital School and Pedmore Technology College. Grace made a starter of Teriyaki salmon with roasted red pepper, sesame rice noodles, nam pia and caper. The main course was Berkswell cheese, herb and pepper stuffed steak, fondant potatoes with sugar snap peas followed by a dessert of Canadian maple syrup, hazelnut, pecan tarte tatan with Crème Anglais. Lucy made a ricotta frittata con piccolo installation di pomodoro (fried ricotta with small tomato salad soaked in olive oil), a main course of costolette di maiale (pork chops with a stuffed pocket of sage, pancetta, apricots and prosciutto with pan fried potatoes. The dessert of iced berries with limoncello white chocolate sauce. Both girls cooked wonderful meals and congratulations goes to Lucy Edwards who won the completion. Lucy now goes through to the district finals which will take place in February. Page14 Severe Weather Arrangements As we enter the winter months it is timely to remind you of the severe weather arrangements. Details about closure will be published on the school website but it our plan to keep the school open whenever possible using an adapted day as shown below: All students should travel as normal and when they arrive in school go directly to their form rooms and not wait outside in the cold. We do expect students to wear normal school uniform but we would encourage them to wear sensible footwear appropriate for the weather even if not part of the uniform code. To assist with the return journey we do plan to change the school day so that we can finish at 2:55pm (14:55). During the extreme weather the structure of the day will be: 9:00 to 9:10 Registration 9.10 to 10:25 Lesson 1 10:25 to 10:40 Shortened break 10:40 to 11:55 Lesson 2 11:55 to 12:25 Shortened lunch break 12:25 to 12:30 Registration 12:30 to 1:45 Lesson 3 1:45 to 2:55 Lesson 4 This will allow the students to catch the 15:03 services to Kidderminster and Stourbridge.
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