A Division Of Corporate Catalogue Working with Suppliers to Construction, Fit-out and Rail 9001 14001 18001 50001 Accredited FS 37588 EMS 516110 OHS 575806 ENMS 575804 Cert No.300383/0451 Association of Interior Specialists Membership No. 0224 CONTACT INFORMATION Eurotec Group LTD - head office Mayfair industrial area, Maldon road, Latchingdon, Essex, CM3 6LF T + 44(0)1621 744740 F+ 44(0)1621 742207 E sales@eurotec-group.co.uk W www.eurotec-group.co.uk KEY CONTACTS: Account Managers James Acres Sales Consultant +44(0)1621 744740 +44(0)777 210 7345 jamesa@eurotec-group.co.uk Tony Burrows Managing Director +44(0)1621 744740 +44(0)7780 830 832 Tony@eurotec-group.co.uk Michelle Coote Customer Care Supervisor +44(0)1621 744740 michelle@eurotec-group.co.uk Chris Carter Technical Support and H&S Manager +44(0)1621 744740 +44(0)7773 322 884 Michelle@eurotec-group.co.uk Graphics Pearl Read +44(0)1621 744740 pearl@eurotec-group.co.uk 9001 14001 18001 50001 Accredited FS 37588 EMS 516110 OHS 575806 ENMS 575804 Cert No.300383/0451 Association of Interior Specialists Membership No. 0224 Corporate signs c/w logo Information signs 600mmx450mm & 300mmx200mm Other sizes available Please sign in at desk Canteen 001 002 Welfare Area Meeting Room 003 004 Site Entrance Site Office at rear of building 006 005 9001 14001 18001 50001 Accredited FS 37588 EMS 516110 OHS 575806 ENMS 575804 Cert No.300383/0451 Association of Interior Specialists Membership No. 0224 Corporate signs c/w logo Information signs 600mmx450mm & 300mmx200mm Other sizes available Site Office located on level 1 Site Toilets located on level 1 The number on this sign can be substituted to what you require eg: 5 etc The number on this sign can be substituted to what you require eg: 5 etc 007 008 Canteen located on level 1 Site Entrance located on level 1 The number on this sign can be substituted to what you require eg: 5 etc The number on this sign can be substituted to what you require eg: 5 etc 010 009 We wish to apologise for any inconvenience caused during these works. Site Toilets 012 011 9001 14001 18001 50001 Accredited FS 37588 EMS 516110 OHS 575806 ENMS 575804 Cert No.300383/0451 Association of Interior Specialists Membership No. 0224 Corporate signs c/w logo Information signs 600mmx450mm & 300mmx200mm Other sizes available Site Personnel Site Office 014 013 Site Office The arrow on this sign can be substituted to what you require eg: left or right The arrow on this sign can be substituted to what you require eg: left or right 015 016 Site Entrance Site Toilets The arrow on this sign can be substituted to what you require eg: left or right The arrow on this sign can be substituted to what you require eg: left or right 017 018 9001 14001 18001 50001 Accredited FS 37588 EMS 516110 OHS 575806 ENMS 575804 Cert No.300383/0451 Association of Interior Specialists Membership No. 0224 Corporate signs c/w logo Information & Health and safety signs 600mmx450mm & 300mmx200mm Other sizes available Pedestrians Visitors The arrow on this sign can be substituted to what you require eg: left or right The arrow on this sign can be substituted to what you require eg: left or right 019 020 Site Name: Site Manager: Mob No: Site No: Emergency Exit 021 022 Fire assembly point First aid 024 023 9001 14001 18001 50001 Accredited FS 37588 EMS 516110 OHS 575806 ENMS 575804 Cert No.300383/0451 Association of Interior Specialists Membership No. 0224 Corporate signs c/w logo Health and safety signs 600mmx450mm & 300mmx200mm Other sizes available All rubbish to be placed in skips or bins provided & not left on site ! Safety helmets and safety footwear must be worn 026 025 Safety footwear must be worn All drivers & visitors must report to the site office ! 027 028 ! This is a hard hat area All deliveries to be via rear of building 030 029 9001 14001 18001 50001 Accredited FS 37588 EMS 516110 OHS 575806 ENMS 575804 Cert No.300383/0451 Association of Interior Specialists Membership No. 0224 Corporate signs c/w logo Health and safety signs 600mmx450mm & 300mmx200mm Other sizes available Hi-Visibility clothing and safety footwear must be worn 031 Ear defenders must be worn 032 ! Danger All visitors must report to site office ! Keep outout Keep 034 033 Beware Danger This scaffolding is alarmed Building Site 035 036 9001 14001 18001 50001 Accredited FS 37588 EMS 516110 OHS 575806 ENMS 575804 Cert No.300383/0451 Association of Interior Specialists Membership No. 0224 Corporate signs c/w logo Health and safety signs 600mmx450mm & 300mmx200mm Other sizes available Beware Danger Trip hazard Construction work in progress 037 038 Warning Beware Floor incomplete Open floor voids Mind gaps in floor 040 039 Danger Danger Electrical hazard Demolition work in progress 041 042 9001 14001 18001 50001 Accredited FS 37588 EMS 516110 OHS 575806 ENMS 575804 Cert No.300383/0451 Association of Interior Specialists Membership No. 0224 Corporate signs c/w logo Health and safety signs 600mmx450mm & 300mmx200mm Other sizes available Caution Danger Site entrance Live wires 044 043 Danger Danger 400 Volts 240 Volts 046 045 Caution Danger Asbestos removal 047 Out of order 048 9001 14001 18001 50001 Accredited FS 37588 EMS 516110 OHS 575806 ENMS 575804 Cert No.300383/0451 Association of Interior Specialists Membership No. 0224 Corporate signs c/w logo Health and safety signs 600mmx450mm & 300mmx200mm Other sizes available No access 049 Contractors parking only 050 Do not lean material against No smoking walls, it damages on site them No unauthorised entry 052 051 No smoking Do not lean Do not lean material against walls, it damages them No smoking 053 material against It isitagainst the walls, damages lawthem to smoke in these premises 054 9001 14001 18001 50001 Accredited FS 37588 EMS 516110 OHS 575806 ENMS 575804 Cert No.300383/0451 Association of Interior Specialists Membership No. 0224 Corporate signs c/w logo Health and safety signs 600mmx450mm & 300mmx200mm Other sizes available COMPLETED AREA No entry to working area before reporting to site office No smoking, food or drink allowed 055 056 No entry 057 No unauthorised persons beyond this point 058 No entry Fire point Site compound 060 059 9001 14001 18001 50001 Accredited FS 37588 EMS 516110 OHS 575806 ENMS 575804 Cert No.300383/0451 Association of Interior Specialists Membership No. 0224 Corporate signs c/w logo Safety Notice Board 1700x1200mm Health, Safety & Environmental Notice Board First Aid Contacts Site Contacts Quality Policy Health & Safety Policy Environmental Policy Programme Site Rules F10 F10 Reverse Core Values Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 Poster “What you should know” Fire Point Locations www.paragonmanagement.co.uk Additional Info/Plan Insurance T: 020 3008 7625 061 Comes complete with pockets and Health and Safety law poster. 9001 14001 18001 50001 Accredited FS 37588 EMS 516110 OHS 575806 ENMS 575804 Cert No.300383/0451 Association of Interior Specialists Membership No. 0224 Corporate signs c/w logo Think safety sign 1000mmx1500mm THINK SAFETY No unauthorised entry Safety helmets, safety footwear and high visibility clothing must be worn at all times on this site ! ! You must be safety inducted to start work on this site Wear respiratory, eye, ear and hand protection where appropriate All visitors and delivery drivers must report to the site office 062 9001 14001 18001 50001 Accredited FS 37588 EMS 516110 OHS 575806 ENMS 575804 Cert No.300383/0451 Association of Interior Specialists Membership No. 0224 Corporate signs c/w logo Waste signs 400x600mm Available in various materials Branded waste signage (400x600mm) Available as follows: Rigid PVC Skip sign - c/w lip for hooking over skips/bins Rigid PVC - plain or Self adhesive vinyl. Wood only 080R Rigid PVC c/w Lip 087R Rigid PVC 080S S/A/V Cardboard only 084R Rigid PVC c/w Lip 091R Rigid PVC 084S S/A/V 9001 14001 18001 50001 FS 37588 EMS 516110 OHS 575806 ENMS 575804 Inert waste only Non - hazardous Brick Concrete 081R Rigid PVC c/w Lip 088R Rigid PVC 081S S/A/V Plasterboard only 085R Rigid PVC c/w Lip 092R Rigid PVC 085S S/A/V Association of Interior Specialists Hazardous waste only 082R Rigid PVC c/w Lip 089R Rigid PVC 082S S/A/V Mixed waste 083R Rigid PVC c/w Lip 090R Rigid PVC 083S S/A/V Metal waste only 086R Rigid PVC c/w Lip 093R Rigid PVC 086S S/A/V Eurotec Group Ltd Mayfair Industrial Area, Maldon Road, Latchingdon, Essex CM3 6LF T+ 44(0)1621 744740 - F+ 44(0)1621 742207 E sales@eurotec-group.co.uk W www.eurotec-group.co.uk
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