AppledoreNews 19th December 2014 Appledore School Newsletter IN THIS WEEK’S ISSUE: CHRISTMAS! End of Term and it’s Christmas! It has been a very busy week with the Christmas dinner, numerous Christmas carol services and performances, our Christmas Fayre and of course saying goodbye to Mrs Morris who has worked at the school for over twenty years! Thanks for everything you have done Mrs Morris and enjoy your retirement. The Christmas Fayre was a huge success and I understand, including money from the tea towels, over £1000 was raised! A big thank you to all of the PTFA for their hard work and to you all for digging deep into your pockets to support the school. You will have noticed a few letters have made their way to you, but if they haven’t, please ask reception for a copy. One asks for your opinions on desired characteristics of Appledore School pupils. Please could we have your opinions either by email to or post the completed the letter through our letterbox before 5th January 2015. The second is the Home School Agreement that we require all parents to compete. Please return this before the end of January 2015. It has a been a long and tiring term, so please ensure that the children get to school so ensure that in January children are on time to start lessons at 9am in Y1-6. The bell is rung at 8.50pm and the classrooms are open from this time, so please make sure they arrive by 8.50am at the latest. FSU open their doors at 9am. The class with the highest attendance this term, beating the second place class by 0.1%, is Seahunter with 97.3%! That is a fantastic effort, particularly with all the sickness bugs that have been going around this term, and their prize is a tea and cakes with the governors. Thank you to all staff and children who have worked so very hard over a long term and to all of you supporting the school. From all of the staff, we wish you a very happy Christmas and we look forward to welcoming you back next year on Tuesday 6th January. Best wishes Jeremy Cooper NON PUPIL DAYS TH Monday 5 January 2015 th Monday 13 April 2015 Thursday 23 July 2015 DANCE CLUB There are still a few places left at the after school dance club. For Ks1 it th starts on Thursday 8 January (first week back) mostly musical dance.ks2 th will be on Friday’s starting on the 9 January. Both run from 3.30- 4.30pm and there is a charge of £1 per session. Please confirm if your child would like to attend before the end of term. Names and age to Belinda on reception please. The dance teacher has a Face book page Louisa’s Entertainment North Devon- and she is running a th th winter workshop on 29 and 30 December if you would like to try it out. AROUND THE CLASSES Turtles & Dolphins (FSU) On Monday we had a campfire in the Jungle, Louise helped us toast marshmallows and we drank hot chocolate. We would like to thank Louise for the morning as we had great fun! GOVERNOR MEETINGS Copies of the minutes for all meetings are available to parents upon request. Please ask Annemarie in the school office or email Governor meeting are open for you to attend as an observer. Forthcoming dates are as follows: Resources Committee: 6th January 6pm, 3rd March 6.30pm 28th April 6.30pm & 16th June 6.30pm Teaching & Learning Committee: 20th January 5pm, 3rd March 5pm 28th April 5pm & 16th June 5pm Full Governing Body: 3rd February 6pm, 24th March 6pm 19th May 6pm & 14th July 6pm Sea Lions (Year 1) We enjoyed our carol service in the Baptist Church and sharing it with parents. The Sealions sang the song they had made up with brilliant ukulele playing . We have been busy making Christmas decorations for the children to take home and star biscuits. I would just like to say a big Thank you for all the support you give your children and for all the parents support over the years. Lundy Puffins (Year 2) It was lovely to see so many of you at our Christmas service at the Baptist church on Wednesday. We have had a busy week writing the Nativity story and reviewing our Maths targets. I'd like to take this opportunity to wish you all a Happy Christmas and look forward to welcoming you back in January! APPLEDORE PIRATES nd Torchlight procession Monday 22 December 7.00pm. Meet at the bottom of Pitt Hill. We will light your lantern when you arrive. 1 Seahunter (Year 3) The last week of term for Sea Hunter has been a busy one with lots of work to finish off. The rehearsals for the Carol Service was clearly time well spent as they sang so confidently and enthusiastically during the Carol Concert on Thursday. On Tuesday morning , the weather was kind, and they were able to spend most of the morning outside creating imaginative art work out of natural resources, amazing reindeer decorations, willow decorations and of course enjoying hot chocolate around the fire circle. Beechcroft (Year 5) HMS Echo (Year 4) This week, HMS Echo have been REALLY busy! On Monday we found out about Hadrian’s Wall and made catapults to fore over it. On Tuesday, we scared many people in school with our appearances! We were dressed as either Roman legionaries or Celtic warriors and acted out a battle on the playground (battlefield). It was a tense few minutes as the Romans tried desperately to use their tactics to outwit the Celts. The Celts used their ferocious faces and spears to terrify their opponents. A great time was had by all. On Wednesday, we all ventured out to the jungle for Christmas outdoor party. We made glittery willow stars, Christmas themed bird feeders and reindeer that could stand up from what we could find (twigs, leaves etc.). After lunch, we made fake snow from which we built miniature snowmen before having a snowball fight! Finally, we gathered round the fire for hot chocolate and cream. We also toasted marshmallows and sang Christmas songs before finishing off with a candy cane hunt. It was a very messy but brilliant day! On Thursday, we were nervous when we stood up to start the carol service with ‘Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas’ but we were proud to have done such a good job after all the long practices. Happy Christmas to all from HMS Echo! This week In year 5 we have learnt how to read and write decimal numbers as fractions and we also rounded decimals to the nearest whole number. In literacy we wrote poems inspired by Carol Ann Duffy's Bethlehem poem and made them into books. We made Christmas cards for friends and family. On the last day we got to bring in toys of any kind and watch a movie in the afternoon. We've had a great week. Neah and Caitlin. Next term Mrs McMorine will resume teaching Yr5. Conqueror (Year 6) This week we have been using the new laptops and after much rehearsing we sung our carols in the church. Lots of us had words to say and Finn played his cornet so well. We learnt new French with Mrs Constable and were coached tag rugby by a coach from Bideford Rugby Club. Thank you Mrs McMorine for teaching us for the last two weeks and we look forward to Mrs Mitchell teaching us when we get back. 2 THIS WEEK WE WOULD LIKE TO SAY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO: Oliver, Lucy, Hallie and Holly ATTENDANCE NEWS CONGRATULATIONS TO Beechcroft With 98.5% WHICH WAS THE HIGHEST ATTENDANCE FOR W/C 19 /12/14 The overall winners for Autumn 2014 Seahunter with 97.4% 3
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