1 9 31 THE CAMBRIAN 5 -20 1 84 Thursday, December 18, 2014 An edition of THE TRIBUNE ThisWeek Stormin’ in: Rain nearly a match for all of last year ———————————— MICHAEL BROADHURST has been honored by the California Association of Resource Conservation Districts. Page 12. INSIDE THIS WEEK Agenda Arts & Events Classified ads Crossword Dates & Data Letters Obituaries Sheriff’s Log Weather 14 15, 17 26-29 30 11, 13 8 6 5 13 75¢ CCSD Meeting ————————— Outdoor watering revisited Board will discuss easing restrictions at today’s gathering BOBBY BENJAMIN returns to Cambria to reunite with SHERI ODENWALD for one concert, Monday in San Simeon. Page 15. BINH TRIEU is Coast Union’s football MVP, and SAGE RADECKI is the volleyball team’s most valuable player. Page 16. Vol. 84, No. 8 By Kathe Tanner The Cambrian PHOTOS BY THERESA DESMOND, ABOVE, AND BRUCE HOWARD, BELOW No one injured at Mac and Mary McDonald’s home when a tree fell on their car on Fern Drive, leaving just a small dent, above. Below, Santa Rosa Creek empties into the sea for the first time this season. Relief, but no end to drought By Kathe Tanner The Cambrian es, it’s been a rainy December Y so far, but no, the drought’s not over yet, according to scientists, water purveyors and others who track that sort of thing. Verdantly green hillsides and meadows, big surf and vivid rainbows, sunrises and sunsets have set the dramatic stage for a series of storms that marched across the Central Coast, bringing rain, wind and cool temperatures. More than two dozen calls for tree-related emergencies were handled by Cambria Fire Department See STORM, Page 4 When directors of Cambria’s services district meet today, they’re scheduled to hold a public hearing about whether to allow customers to use some of their allocated amounts of water outdoors. The meeting will start at 12:30 p.m. today (Thursday, Dec. 14), at the Veterans Memorial Building, 1000 Main St. Applying Cambria Community Ser vices District water from the tap or hose to irrigate landscaping and for other outdoor uses has been banned since earlier this year, when the Board of Directors approved drought-triggered restrictions on how much water each customer would be allocated and how that water could be used. Since then, many Cambrians have been hauling buckets of water outdoors from showers and sinks, trying to keep plantings alive. Despite recent rains, the See CCSD, Page 4 '9F"-%E> % A700 /)5? "%F! 5F:B &:#)@,E &>E?%9F%@? $ F>">)6> % A<0 /)5? 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B7@44<)E December 18-24, 2014 TOP STORIES THE CAMBRIAN 3 Emergency team Cambria man identified as crash victim of volunteers gets ready just in time SINGLE-VEHICLE ACCIDENT: Walter Glaser, 84, drove off road, hit a tree stump The CHP identified the man killed after reportedly driving of f the road and into a tree stump Monday morning in Cambria. Walter William Glaser, 84, a longtime resident of Cambria, died in a singlevehicle crash on Or ville Place just south of Orville Avenue. Glaser, who taught art at Cal Poly Pomona and was instrumental in Cambria’s successful drive to get a new library downtown, also worked hard to help the community buy what is now the Fiscalini Ranch Preserve. He and his wife, Ann, were active in the Friends of the Cambria Librar y group. About 10:05 a.m., Glaser was driving south in a 2003 Toyota Sienna on Or ville Place south of Orville Avenue at an unknown rate of speed when the vehicle drifted onto a dirt shoulder and struck a tree stump, according to the CHP. Glaser was not wearing a seat belt and suffered major blunt-force trauma to the head and torso, according to the CHP. He was taken in an ambulance to Sierra Vista Regional Medical Center, where he was pronounced dead. The CHP investigation is ongoing, but officials suspect alcohol impairment was a contributing factor in the crash. — Cambrian staff WISE OWL ABRUPTLY CLOSES ITS DOORS FOR GOOD Center Street business was part wine bar, part concert venue and part bookstore By Kathe Tanner The Cambrian Loyal customers of the Wise Owl in Cambria are in mourning. The notation at the top of the “about” section on Wise Owl’s Facebook page says it all, in red: “Permanently closed.” The eclectic venue in a historic building at 2164 Center St. (behind Robin’s restaurant) was part tiny bookstore crossed with a wine, espresso and noshing bar, which had evolved primarily into a cozy performance venue for everyone from poets and authors to well-known local singer Jill Knight. A planned Dec. 30 show featuring Karen Tyler was canceled. Eileen Nunes had been the shop’s sole owner in recent months, although she began the enterprise in August 2013 with the help of a couple of other women. Wise Owl’s mad mix of attractions may have been CAMBRIAN PHOTOS BY STEVE PROVOST A pedestrian passes the now-vacant Wise Owl building early Tuesday afternoon. A ‘CLOSED’ sign is affixed to the shutters and a notice is visible in the window. par t of its undoing, as some visitors and residents were puzzled about the shop’s real purpose. The shop’s mission statement explained that “The Wise Owl is a gathering place of art and soul. Come celebrate life with us and discover more of ‘whooo you are.’ ” See CLOSED, Page 5 CERT members put their newly learned skills to work right away as the storm moves in By Kathe Tanner The Cambrian Dec. 3 was the first official training session for Cambria Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) members learning to provide support and answer phones at the Cambria Fire Station during emergency situations that require activation of an incident command center. A week later, some members put those new skills to the test. One of the protocols covered in the session was how to answer call-ins to the Fire Department during emergencies when CERT members are mobilized to help. Situations in which that could happen include the frequent instances local volunteers have wryly dubbed “pines in the lines.” CER T members are called upon when firstresponder emergency services are overwhelmed in response to such crises as ear thquakes, wildfires or other natural disasters. Many CERT members also help in search-and-rescue or fire operations and assist emergency and lawenforcement crews in other situations. Others use their skills to help themselves, their families and their neighbors in emergencies. Stif f winds often push some of Cambria’s shallowrooted Monterey pines and other trees down onto utility HOW TO HELP Sign up by Jan. 3, then train in a series of four classes that month to become a member of Cambria’s Community Emergency Response Team. Call 927-6240 for details. lines — a “pines in the lines” situation that can disrupt service and create hazards. Some trees also land on homes, vehicles and even people. As CER T Coordinator Craig Uf ferheide wrote about the training session in an email to The Cambrian, “You couldn’t have set this up better if you’d had a script.” The season’s first big rain had just ended, and “winds were spinning up for the next round.” More than two dozen Cambria CER T members had gathered in the station’s training room, which Denis de Clercq had set up as it would be during an emergency. He fought fires for decades for the Cambria department and the state firefighting depar tment now known as Cal Fire, and has ser ved as emergency dispatcher for many previous North Coast emergencies and incidents. The volunteers saw firsthand how invaluable their involvement could be. About a week later, some of those CER T members See CERT, Next Page 4 TOP STORIES THE CAMBRIAN Storm The Hometown Newspaper of the scenic North Coast of San Luis Obispo County at Cambria, CA. Published weekly by The Tribune, 2442 Main St., Cambria, California 93428. Subscription price: $39 per year in SLO County, $52 per year elsewhere in USA, in advance. Single copy price: 75¢. Advertising rates available upon request. Entered as 2nd class mail matter in Cambria, CA Post Office under Act of Congress, March 3, 1879. A legal publication adjudicated Sept. 26, 1932, San Luis Obispo Superior Court File No. 10462. U.S. Postal Service identification No. 086-420. Copyright 2014, The Tribune. No part of this publication may be reproduced or reprinted without permission of the publisher. An award-winning member of the California Newspaper Publishers Association and The National Newspaper Association A McClatchy Newspaper Publisher Bruce Ray 781-7825, bray@thetribunenews.com Circulation Didn’t get your paper? Want to subscribe? Call (800) 288-4128 Advertising Advertising Office Classified Advertising Real Estate Display Ads Retail Display Ads Obituaries Fax 927-8652 781-7811 927-5631 927-5631 781-7834 927-4708 Send advertising copy to: cambrianads@thetribunenews.com Brittany Hensley, Sales Manager 781-7836, bhensley@thetribunenews.com Ad deadlines* Castles & Cottages: Space — Noon Thursday Castles & Cottages: Copy — 10 a.m. Friday Legal Notice: 10 a.m. Friday Cambrian Display-Space: Noon Thursday Cambrian Display-Copy: 10 a.m. Friday Obituaries: Monday noon Classified Liner Ads: Tuesday noon From Page 1 and other emergency services and utility crews, who often worked in drenching downpours and winds of 40 mph or more. One house on upper Huntington Road was hit by two trees. In emails sent Dec. 12, Jerry Gruber, general manager of the Cambria Community Ser vices District, lauded the work of his staff CCSD From Page 1 community and most of the rest of the state are still considered to be in the midst of a serious drought. If the board approves the proposed change, each customer’s allocation would remain the same, according to General Manager Jerry Gruber. Because of that limitation, staff doesn’t expect to see customers use more water. “We will closely monitor consumption and any trends that might indicate something dif ferent,” he said in a Dec. 15 email interview, and directors will be updated regularly on the in keeping the community ready and safe. “A special thank-you to the fire department for activating district operations center, bringing in additional staff, volunteers and the CERT folks,” Gruber wrote. “The water depar tment maintained full reservoirs by running generators during the power outage. The wastewater depar tment manned the plant all night and everything seemed to function properly.” Despite the much- heralded December storms that produced rainfall of nearly 7.5 inches at the wastewater-treatment plant on Park Hill by Dec. 15 (with more expected), the moisture still hasn’t fully saturated the ground. Local landscaper Michael Rice said that, in removing a tree stump on Dec. 14, he and his crew discovered that “after we dug down about 8 inches, the ground was still bone dry.” Santa Rosa Creek farmer Michael Broadhurst situation. The proposed change would allow the use of district water on landscaping but would continue the bans on using district water to wash vehicles, boats, trailers, sidewalks, driveways, streets, walkways, parking lots, windows, buildings, porches, patios and all other hard-surfaced areas by direct hosing or pressure washers using potable water. Other restrictions also would remain in place. The meeting also includes a proclamation celebrating the 20th anniversar y of the Nor th Coast Ocean Rescue Team. Among other items on the meeting’s agenda are: a short update on status of emergency water supply project (still in the “commissioning stages,” according to Gruber); a presentation on mandated project to evaluate and update wastewater-treatment plant; elect officers; set a monthly salar y range of $7,977 to $9,696 for recently combined administrative officer/district clerk position. Video rebroadcast will be available on Charter Cable Channel 21, likely at 6 p.m. Friday, 9 a.m. Saturday, 6 p.m. Monday and 9 a.m. Thursday. The video also can be accessed on the Web, probably by sometime Friday, Dec. 19, at http://bit.ly/ slospanccsd. )+#*$%+ - % ! ' , + $ ( :=?;?#8; ) & " $ ) & News deadlines* Letters to the editor: Friday, noon Press releases/calendars: Thursday, noon *HOLIDAY DEADLINES: Any time a holiday occurs that necessitates closure of the office, all deadlines are moved back one working day. A story about genetically modified crops that appeared on the front page of The Cambrian on Dec. 4 listed Humboldt and Marin as counties that ban GMO crops. Mendocino, Santa Cruz and Trinity counties also have GMO crop restrictions. News Steve Provost, Managing Editor 927-8895, sprovost@thetribunenews.com Kathe Tanner, Reporter 927-4140, ktanner@thetribunenews.com For the Record ————————— +9=7;8%1; +1#!2?27<98 3?=47"?; 3186=!1$* )?"?%/?= 0'89 .('' "! 1#! ,('' "! 5?>=?;9%?#8; 3?=4?! -?8&??# 3?=47"?; %!%5 1.#2 (*-&&*/ '.3+-#. 0 4$5,""") It is The Cambrian’s policy to correct errors of fact and clarify misleading statements. If you see an error, contact the newspaper by phone 927-8895 or email cambrian@thetribune news.com. December 18-24, 2014 agreed. Even though the 2014-15 rain season’s total already “is about up to the total rain we had (all of) last season,” he said, “the ground still isn’t saturated. But it’s wonderful that the creeks have broken through to the ocean. It’s been a long time.” In the first set of storms (Dec. 10-14) in the two creek watersheds that provide drinking water to Cambrians, some areas accumulated as much as a dozen inches of rainfall. Subse- CERT From Previous Page were called out to put their recently learned skills to work. “A six-person CERT team was called in right as the high-wind part of the storm passed through, around 9 p.m.” Thursday, Dec. 11, Uf ferheide recalled. “The Fire Department was receiving a large number of calls directly from the public,” and forecasts predicted that the stiff winds would continue. It was “pines in the lines” time. Half of the responding CERT members that night were first-timers who had been trained Dec. 3. People interested in joining this active group of community volunteers can learn how to take care of themselves and their families and neighbors. To train, be ready and volunteer: Cambria Community Response Team quent rains on Dec. 15 added approximately another inch or so in those areas. Shirley and Bill Bianchi live five miles inland on San Simeon Creek Road. They get their water from a spring. She said Dec. 14 that “our spring has only come up slightly. The water storage in the watershed is still not anywhere near enough for the (Cambria Community Services) District to let up on its restrictions … this drought is not over.” classes are to begin at 6 p.m. Jan. 7, and continue at the same time on Jan. 9, 14, 16 and 21. Each class lasts about three hours. A $30 materials fee, due by Jan. 3, provides a student manual and first-aid supplies. Mail or bring the check, payable to CERT, to the Cambria Fire Department, 2850 Burton Drive, Cambria CA 93428. For details, call 927-6240 or email cambriacer t@ gmail.com. Similar classes are being held in January at the Morro Bay Fire Depar tment for the Estero Bay CERT group. For information about the classes, sponsored in part by the San Luis Obispo County Sheriff’s Advisory Foundation, call former fire chief Bob Neumann at 441-5469. Estero Bay CERT group members are active in Morro Bay (772-6242 for the fire depar tment), South Bay (528-1053) and Cayucos (995-3372). November election write-in results released San Luis Obispo County’s clerk-recorder has released the results of the write-in votes in the November election. Stephen Kniffen received 135 votes for Coast Unified School Board and 41 votes for Community Services District Board. Jeff Walters received nine write-in votes in the CSD election. Initially, the county released the total number of write-in votes without specifying which candidate had received them. — Cambrian staff COMMUNITY NEWS December 18-24 2014 THE CAMBRIAN 5 C u l i n a ry C o r n e r ————————— Pumpkin pie cake to enjoy (almost) as much as the rainy weather F eliz Navidad, Boas Festas, Buon Natali, and Joyeux Noel! Mele Kelikimaka, Hari Natal, Maligayang Pasco and Geseende Kersfees! Sung Tan Chuk Ha and Nollaig Shona Dhuit! Gud Jul, Froliche Weihnachten, Frohe Feiertage, Glaedelig Jul, Prettige Kerstdagen and Lystig Jul! Kalos Christou Yenna, Sreten bosich and Rozhdestvon Khristovym! Beannachtaí na Féile, Meilleurs Voeux, Felices Fiestas and Frohe Festagge! Peace, Love, Hope and Joy to you this Christmas from the Culinary Corner! Shalom to my Jewish brethren at Hanukkah, and enjoy the solstice, all people of the earth. At this writing, I think that we can safely say a heartfelt thank you for the gift that keeps on giving — abundant rainfall without too severe damage from our beloved pines or power outages. In between storms we hope for time to soak in and prepare for the next deluge, while recognizing that the conservation of our precious resource is a gift for ourselves and other generations. Closed From Page 3 Nunes’ Dec. 14 notice on the shop’s Facebook page explained that “at this time, The Wise Owl is closed, due to personal reasons. Thank you to the Cambria community for your loyal support, time, energy and good vibes.” The notice urged Wise Owl fans to “continue to suppor t live music and local food,” and Nunes noted that “I am grateful for the adventure, new friends New Year’s Resolution: no wasting water, even if things do improve. Because you Consuelo are still in the Macedo cooks, midst of holiday writes and meals and celebrastargazes on tions, Pat Moreno Happy Hill. is sharing her scrumptious prizewinning recipe from the Historical Society’s contest with us: MACEDOINE OF WINTER FRUITS MAGIC PUMPKIN PIE CAKE Filling: 1 pkg. yellow cake mix, with required ingredients 1 15-oz. can pumpkin puree (not pie mix) 1/2 cup evaporated milk (not condensed) 1/2 cup heavy cream 3 large eggs 1 cup light brown sugar 1-2 tsp. pumpkin pie sauce Frosting: 1 4-oz. pkg. instant vanilla pudding mix 1 tsp. pumpkin pie spice 1 cup whole milk and experiences — life changes in miraculous ways. Nothing but sincere warm gratitude to ever yone who’s stepped through our doors.” The same notice was visible outside the building Tuesday, which was vacant of everything except the attached bookshelves and fixtures. A solitary 2-foot-high owl statue sat near the base of the wooden signpost in the courtyard out front, but the sign itself was gone, as was vir tually ever ything else that had made the Wise Owl identifiable. A PHOTO BY CONSUELO MACEDO A macedoine of winter fruits. 8-oz. tub regular Cool Whip, thawed Prepare the cake mix according to the instructions; pour into a lightly greased or sprayed 9-by13 cake pan. Set aside, but do not bake. In another bowl, whisk the pie ingredients together until smooth. Slowly spoon the mixture all over the mixed cake. Place the pan on a baking sheet in case of spills, and onto the middle rack of a preheated, 350-degree oven. Bake 50 to couple of cars were parked beside the building, but no one seemed to be inside. The end came less than a year and a half after the business opened in a space previously occupied by a wine bar/dress shop, Cambria Bicycle Outfitters and, earlier, Cambria residents Wilfred and Hazel Lyons. An online want ad indicates that the Wise Owl’s restaurant and other equipment — from patio furniture to a $12,500 commercial espresso machine and $1,000 ice machine — is for sale. 60 minutes until the center is not jiggly; it may be a little darker than usual. Place on a rack to cool completely. Prepare the frosting by whisking the pudding mix and spice with the chilled milk until thickening, then fold in the Cool Whip until combined. Spread on top of the cooled cake. Chill well and serve with a spatula so your guests can appreciate the look of the layering. From Monday, Dec. 8, through Sunday, Dec. 14, there were 43 entries in the Sheriff’s log for the Cambria/San Simeon area. Reports were written on nine, including the following: Thursday, Dec. 11 Highway 1 and Main Street, 1:16 a.m.: After a traffic stop, a man was arrested on misdemeanor charges of driving under the influence and having a bloodalcohol level above the legal limit. About 90 minutes earlier, the California Highway Patrol arrested a man and woman at an unspecified Cambria location on similar charges, plus driving on a suspended license. 3 Fuyu persimmons 2 Clementine oranges 1 Asian pear Pomegranate perils from 1 fruit Vanilla Greek yogurt, optional Pecans, finely chopped, optional OK, so it’s a fancy word for a compote, and it’s pronounced mah/sa/DWON. This treat is easily adapted to your taste as well as amounts of each ingredient to prepare for yourself or any number of guests. Peel the mandarins and remove any extraneous white pith; slice thinly but don’t peel the persimmons (which are like small firm tomatoes and are different from the big Hachiyas, which must ripen to softness for baking). Toss with unpeeled, thinly sliced Asian pear, dress with yogurt and sprinkle with pecans. Serve in a pretty glass dish and enjoy in good health. Consuelo Macedo’s column is special to The Cambrian, and appears each third Thursday. Send recipes to Consuelo at The Cambrian, 2442 Main St., Cambria CA 93428; or email to cambrian@thetribunenews.com. Sheriff’sLog ———————————— 1000 block of Hartford Street, 2:40 a.m.: Burglary. Main Street and Santa Rosa Creek Road, 12:34 p.m.: Illegal trash dumping. 1200 block of Knollwood Drive, 2:20 p.m.: Forgery. Friday, Dec. 12 9400 block of Castillo Drive, San Simeon, 4:10 p.m.: After a check on someone’s welfare, a man was arrested on unspecified charges. 1900 block of Noel Way, 10:43 p.m.: Disturbing the peace. Saturday, Dec. 13 2100 block of Burton Drive, 5:30 p.m.: Someone violating a court order. D e at h N o t i c e ————————— WALL — Julia Pearl Wall, 92, of Cambria died Thursday, Dec. 4, 2014. Arrangements are under the direction of Kuehl-Nicolay Funeral Home of Paso Robles. 6 COMMUNITY NEWS THE CAMBRIAN A Gar de n e r’s Note book ————————— December 18-24 2014 Lee Oliphant There are plenty of good things going on in the moistened earth M y favorite view overlooks our backyard garden and open space beyond. After the recent rain, the view from our kitchen window shows pines and oaks that have been washed clean and refreshed. Steam from moisture rises from the damp earth when the sun casts its morning spell. Plum trees have shed their leaves, and I can see the quaint little vine covered chicken coop that houses our three mature hens. When they see us looking out the kitchen window or hear the click of the gate, they pace and cluck, calling us to join them or to release them to forage in the larger yard. The hens are excited about the dampened earth. They dig and scratch, finding bugs and worms that all but disappeared amid the drought. The moistened earth makes chickens giddy. Their favorite gourLee Oliphant met treat of Cambria, a can be found retired under a educator and compost pile Master or beneath Gardener, loose rocks writes a or wood monthly piles. The gardening Stenopelmacolumn. tus, called “Jerusalem cricket” or “potato bug” is one their dining favorites. If a hen is lucky enough to find this delicacy, she grabs it in her beak and runs. It’s too large to swallow all in one mouthful, so she has to stop periodically to dissect it, devouring one appendage at a time while the “sister hens” give chase. I cringe as I watch. Potato bugs bring to mind infants, arms and TIP OF THE MONTH Learn to love the common and effortless beauty of garden coreopsis (tickweed) and California poppies. I let these annual plants reseed themselves on the bare earth between my roses. Both of these produce plants with vibrant yellow and gold flowers from now into summer without supplemental watering. Coreopsis will attract the dreaded green striped cucumber beetle away from your prized roses, which is a good thing, and the vibrant color will brighten your spirits on dreary days. PHOTO BY LEE OLIPHANT Coreopsis reseeds itself each year and brings vibrant color to winter. legs waving and head dangling from side to side. I turn and look away. There are good things going on in the earth right now, and potato bugs are among them. They nibble on tender bulbs and roots but are mostly responsible for enriching the soil by eating decaying matter. Rebecca Simon On Nov. 24, 2014, our beloved Rebecca “Becky” Simon passed away at home after a courageous two-year battle with colon cancer. Becky was born in October 1950, in Riverside to Richard and Virginia Rhode. She attended Cal Poly in San Luis Obispo from 1968 to 1972, when she graduated with a degree in business. At Cal Poly, she met her future husband, Todd Simon, to whom (!+ )'# *$%$,'"&& 6%2''/*1. 4)++! 833 ")*3&5 $/,,2'! 6#2*- 0 73'!, 6%'33( #(! (%'!$'"& #!" !3('$ )/&* 1 %/## "55 06".0 245, -+ '/' *#$$# ,)+ ,%-(! "".&.''' Regardless of how you feel about marauding insects such as the potato bug, most of us are feeling elated with the recent gentle rains. The odor of dampened earth tells us that plants and trees are being nurtured. Unless the soil gets soaked, you can garden and plant even in winter along our beautiful coast. Yarrow, columbine, coreopsis, pinks, Gaillardia, Geum, daylily, and Rudbeckia are all winners here. If planted now, they should give you a show through summer. Most spring flowering bulbs can be planted through February. When the earth is wet and soggy, do not work it and avoid walking on it. The soil has a structure that does not like to be disturbed. When we walk on wet soil it compresses. Air cannot penetrate so the natural break- Obituary ———————————— she was married for 38 years. After graduation, she worked for the San Luis Obispo County Agricultural Extension Service until her marriage in 1976. Becky and Todd lived in San Jose and then, in 1979, moved to Walnut Creek, where their two children, Heather and Mitchell, were born. In 1992, the family moved to Oakhurst and lived there until 2011, when Becky and Todd moved to Cambria, a town that was always close to her heart. Throughout her life, Becky was a remarkably talented, caring, sharing and selfless wife, mother and friend. She had an incredible eye for detail, loved collecting antiques with her husband and loved spending time with her children. Her dream was always to open an antiques store, which she achieved when opening Primitive Perspec- down of matter is halted. Insects and earthworms that contribute to the composting process cannot move through compacted earth. When the heavy rain makes our garden soil soggy, be grateful for the time we are given to rest our bodies and let our “cup runneth over.” Lee Oliphant’s column is special to The Cambrian. Email her at cambria gardener@charter.net; read her blog at centralcoast gardening.com. tives in Cambria in 2011. A true animal lover, she was always very close to the family dogs she loved and cherished over the years. Everyone who ever met Becky is blessed to have known this kind, gentle and thoughtful lady. Although she is gone, as her family and loved ones pass through life, they will always be touched with the positive thoughts that she inspired in the people around her. She is survived by her husband, Todd; daughter, Heather (Edouard Paul-Cavallier); son, Mitchell; sister, Judy (Bob Fritzinger); Bluebelle (family dog) and many friends. She will be forever missed. Please make any donations to Woods Humane Society, San Luis Obispo. Sign her guestbook at san luisobispo.com/obituaries. December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Steve Provost ————————— Talk of ‘privilege’ can close doorway to communication C ommonality. It’s the essential element to all effective communication. Unless the speaker and the listener have a common understanding of the words and phrases being used, communication can’t happen. If one person is speaking Greek to someone who only understands English, it’s likely to elicit a shrug of the shoulders and the famous admission that “it’s all Greek to me.” Or gibberish. The Greeks, for their part, referred to less civilized peoples around them as barbarians from the word “barbaros,” meaning “babbler.” They apparently thought the foreigners’ language sounded like bar, bar, bar, bar, bar. It definitely was not Greek to them. People don’t have to speak different languages to miss out on commonality. Occasionally, a word or phrase will gain currency that means one thing to those who use it (the speakers) and something entirely dif- Steve Provost ferent to those with whom they’re trying is managing to communicate (their audience). When editor of this happens, a speaker has two choices: The Cambrian. 1. Learn the audience’s language, or 2. Attempt to teach the audience the speaker’s tongue. The first option is far more effective, because a single speaker may want to communicate with many different listeners. Teaching each and every one of them to speak his language will be a lot harder than teaching a single person — himself — to speak theirs. Not only is it easier, it also shows a measure of respect for the listeners that is likely to earn their trust. Politicians understand this. That’s why they take out ads on Spanish-language TV stations touting their candidacy in, yes, Spanish. They won’t win any votes speaking English to a Spanishspeaking audience. This brings me to a phrase that entered public discourse more than a half-century ago and has been used Please see NOTES, Page 10 Let te r s to th e Editor ————————— Restrooms restored n behalf of many of O the business owners in Cambria, I want to thank Cambria Community Services District General Manager Jerry Gruber for taking the initiative to open the public restrooms in both the west end and east end of Cambria. Thanks also to Mike Thompson and the rest of the CCSD board for their support of Manager Gruber’s decision. The closing of the restrooms was necessary during the unprecedented water shortage in Cambria and amid the influx of visitors this summer. However, the use of portable restrooms was not very satisfactory to some of our tourist guests. Therefore, many of the tourists used our businesses’ restrooms, which was a heavy financial burden on the businesses and not at a substantial water savings to the community. Again, thank you Jerry and CCSD board members for opening the public restrooms. Mel McColloch President, Cambria Chamber of Commerce Cambria Christmas That feeling of Christmas: the music, the laughter. Once again, Cambria turned into the village we all know and love. Were you at the Joslyn Center when the beautiful sounds of Christmas were sung by a choir? Did you catch the flash dancers as they frolicked on Main? Wasn’t the clam chowder served by Carl at Old Stone Station delicious? The brass group Bone Appetite rendering the songs of Christmas on trombone, filling the air with a joyful noise … the Fitzgerald women singing sacred songs around town. … Did you happen to go onto a side street and talk to Tom Beal at his store, Antiques on Arlington, or visit Christmas in the past at Primitive Perspectives, where Bob and his wife served cookies? The soft sounds of Christmas were served up at Artistry, where Shay served wine and showed us some jade carvings by Dillon Carr. … The cozy fire at the Cambria Outdoors store was warm and delightful. What about the Bronze, Silver and Gold store with its beautiful art pieces and the store across the street from Oliver’s Twist with art from around the world? Moonstones, where local artists are featured or the beautiful pieces from Cambria Glassworks? It seems we walked forever but did not see it all. It was well worth it. Thank you, Cambrians, for once again showing the world that love, giving and the sharing of one’s talent are what Christmas is all about. Stephen Scott Cambria ‘GMO-OMG’ Regarding the article titled “GMO corn vs. hepatitis B,” John A. Howard mentioned, “To the point December 18-24, 2014 Vi ew From Th e Beac h ————————— BY ART VAN RHYN In which the condors react to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife nest surveillance program. people have safety and environmental concerns about what we are doing, we would like to hear about them.” And so I am writing this letter. In order to understand GMO crops, I have sought out varying opinions to get a larger picture on this very important subject. A documentary titled “GMO-OMG” assisted in enlightening my understanding. It is currently available to rent on Netflix. I implore John A. Howard, Jeff Wong (horticulture, crop science Professor at Cal Poly) and LETTERPOLICY Email letters to cambrian@thetribune news.com (if attaching a document, Microsoft Word is preferred); mailed to The Cambrian, 2442 Main Street, Cambria, CA 93428; or fax to 927-4708. anyone interested in getting a broader understanding of this highly charged subject to take the time to view this documentary. Glynda Hoskins Cambria Letters: Email letters to cambrian@thetribunenews.com OPINION December 18-24, 2014 Pac i ng th roug h th e Pi n e s ————————— THE CAMBRIAN 9 John FitzRandolph Christmas wishes for creek cleanup, condor compassion I t seems like this tons, a ladder, a printer, Christmas — a week bottles and cans — and from today — came trash degraded to the point rushing in like a that it is hard to discern NASCAR driver with what it once was. his foot to the floorboard. Up the road 50 yards is But it’s here, and as in another dump site. It, too, years past, we see wider is a scandal, albeit there is smiles and detect more not as much rubbish to mellowness in voices and clear. Near the second attitudes as we approach curve south of the new Dec. 25. Main Street bridge is anFor years it’s been my other mess. pattern not to ask Santa for What would make my anything. OK, I might reChristmas even brighter is quest an assortment of if the individuals who decidsalty snacks in my stocked to dump their unwanted ing, and maybe a Green materials into the Santa Bay Packers protecRosa Creek bed tive cover for my were to somehow iPhone, but nothing stumble onto this under the tree. I’m column and clean up pretty well set. the clutter they deAnd yet there are posited. John gifts to our natural That’s about as world I would like FitzRandolph likely as Santa’s to see this Christof Cambria is a elves showing up at mas. I would love to freelance Shamel Park on see a beefy pickup Harley Davidson writer who truck and several motorcycles wearing covers sports strong arms arrive for The clown costumes. Or to clean up the apshowing up at all. Cambrian. palling ad hoc But hope springs waste disposal site created eternal, so a wonderful down a steep embankment Christmas for me would inon Santa Rosa Creek Road, clude respect for our envi100 yards or so from the ronment. Main Street intersection. There’s one other thing Alternatively, I’d be that would make Christmas thrilled this Yule season if — and the New Year — the property owner would healthier on our natural restore that habitat. More world, including the meaning than a mistletoe wildlife we share this planmoment would result from a et with. That would be for cleansing of that creek bed. hunters to cooperate with Anyone who cares to wit- the California condor reness how a guilty party (or covery program by using parties) has turned paradise copper ammunition instead into a putrid dump site, of lead. right in our backyard, here’s Condors — there are how: Stop at the first pullout about 200 in the wild and on the right side of Santa 200 in captivity — feed on Rosa Creek Road after turn- carrion (dead animals) exclusively. There is a wealth ing east off of Main Street. of empirical science showPeer down into the abyss. You will find lampshades, ing that when condors ingest lead — most commona television, a mattress, a barricade, piles of beer car- ly by feasting on the gut piles hunters leave after shooting deer — they get sick. Many have died from lead poisoning. For this reason, Gov. Jerry Brown signed legislation in 2013 (much to the chagrin of the National Rifle Association) that bans the use of lead ammunition in California, beginning July 1, 2019. Currently, lead ammo is only prohibited in the range of the condor, roughly from Ventura County to Santa Clara. Since the recovery program was launched, about 98 birds have died, and of those, biologists were able to determine what caused the bird to die in 76 of those 98 deaths. Of those 76, “two-thirds of the adults and 26 percent of the juveniles were determined to have died from lead poisoning,” said Kelly Sorenson, PHOTO BY JOHN HUFFMAN See PACING, Next Page A California condor in flight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otes From Page 8 more frequently in the aftermath of the tragic shooting in Ferguson, Mo.: “white privilege.” The term is meant to call attention to racial inequities, situations in which white people are treated better than nonwhite people. There’s no denying that such inequities — some of them tragic and grossly unjust — exist, and that they must be addressed. There’s also no doubt that some of the inequities are still deeply ingrained in our culture, and I’m all for exposing them. But the term “white privilege” isn’t doing anything to help the situation. In fact, it’s doing just the opposite. Whenever I see it come up in conversation, it doesn’t facilitate dialogue, it shuts it down. The first problem is that the term, by its very nature, makes “whiteness” an issue, as though it were a condition to be ashamed of. If you criticize a person’s behavior, it’s one thing. If done constructively, with tact and respect, you can gain a willing audience. But if you appear to be attacking a person’s identity, you’re likely to OPINION put that person on the defensive, and when people become defensive, they stop listening. Instead, they start thinking of ways to rebut you — or tune you out. The second problem is with the word “privilege.” Are we really talking about privilege here? Or are we talking about rights: civil rights and human rights. It’s not a “privilege” to be able to walk freely through a public place without being stopped and questioned, or without being harassed. That’s a fundamental right. It’s a right that, at times, has been trampled on, and the vic- tims are often, disproportionately, people of color. Should we minimize this right by reducing it to the status of a “privilege” and making white people feel guilty for “enjoying” it? Or shouldn’t we rather seek to protect this right (and others) by emphasizing that it’s far more basic than any privilege — a fundamental right that should be enjoyed by all human beings? Almost every time I see the phrase “white privilege” used, the speaker demurs that it’s not intended to make anyone feel guilty or ashamed. That it doesn’t mean all white Pacing From Previous Page executive director of the Ventana Wildlife Society, a support group for the condor program in the Big Sur and Pinnacles areas. Meanwhile, the NRA, which, not surprisingly, opposes the switch to copper bullets, asserts on its website that “condors in California are accessing lead from other sources, not ammunition.” But Sorenson cites empirical studies of isotopes that show “70 percent of lead found in condor blood can be attributed to ammunition.” “The science is absolutely solid,” Sorenson added. As to the NRA’s absurd assertion that the ban on lead in California is somehow a conspiracy to take away hunter’s guns; that is so ludicrous it transcends paranoia. But for those who accept science, the next time you visit Big Sur or Pinnacles and witness these enormous birds with nearly 10-foot wingspans riding the thermals, know that condors are in the sky thanks to the thousands of PHOTO BY JOHN FITZRANDOLPH The Santa Rosa Creek bed near the intersection with Main Street has become an illegal dump site for a variety of garbage. Those doing the dumping haven’t been identified, but it fouls the environment and creates a hazard. hours invested by competent professionals and dedicated volunteers. Meanwhile, may we persist in our passionate stewardship of the land and the wildlife, this and every Christmas. John FitzRandolph’s column appears bimonthly and is special to The Cambrian. December 18-24, 2014 people are racist and it isn’t designed to put people on the defensive. Qualifying statements such as these only indicate that the phrase itself is not effectively communicating the speaker’s intent. Imagine if, every time I mentioned a shoe, I had to add, “You know, that thing you wear on your foot.” The phrase “white privilege” has been around for decades, yet those who use it still feel the need to explain, on a regular basis, that they don’t intend it to mean what their listeners think it does. Still, some speakers insist upon using it. This, frankly, baffles me. The point of communication is to convey meaning and elicit understanding. If the words you choose don’t accomplish this, you’re not communicating. There’s no commonality, but rather, division. And division is the last thing we need if we want to build a meaningful dialogue on race in America: a dialogue this country sorely needs. Steve Provost’s column runs every other week in The Cambrian. Email him at sprovost@thetribune news.com, or reach him by phone at 927-8896. DATES & DATA December 18-24, 2014 THE CAMBRIAN 11 Cambria+Events ———————————— THISWEEK FRIDAY Cambria Farmers Market. 2:30 to 5:30 p.m. Fridays. Sponsored by Cambria Lions Club. Veterans Memorial Building parking lot, 1000 Main St. Cambria. 924-1260. SATURDAY Sierra Club Plant Walk in Montaña de Oro State Park. 8:30 a.m. Park botanist-led, 9-mile walk to see riparian, oak and coastal sage plant communities and identify native species. Meet at visitor’s center, Montaña de Oro State Park. 459-2103. Small Wilderness Area Preservation (SWAP) Walk. 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. Jean Wheeler will lead an imaginary circuit around the sun while circling the Elfin Forest on the boardwalk, learning about winter solstice. Meet at the north end of 15th Street off of Santa Ysabel Avenue, Los Osos. 528-0392. Adventures With Nature. Bad weather cancels outdoor activities. 772-2694 or www.ccspa.info. • Black Hill Trail. 2 p.m. Walk the most accessible of the volcanic sisters, learn their history and enjoy a panoramic view of the surrounding geography from atop the hill. Meet at the overlook parking lot above Morro Bay Golf Course. 0.5 mile, 1-1.5 hours. • Holidays at the Museum — Kelp Holdfast Dissection. 2 p.m. Pull apart freshly collected kelp holdfasts to see what lives inside of them and then look at all the critters under the microscope. Museum of Natural History auditorium. 1-2 hours. Christmas Concert. 3 p.m. The St. Benedict’s Singers perform a variety of Christmas music. St. Benedict’s Church, 2220 Snowy Egret Lane, Los Osos. Free. 528-0654. SUNDAY Cambria Christmas Market. Through Dec. 21. Not open on Mondays and Tuesdays. Featuring light display, artisan shopping, food and live holiday music. Cambria Pines Lodge, 2905 Burton Drive. $5 admission. 927-6109. Adventures With Nature. Bad weather cancels outdoor activities. 772-2694 or www.ccspa.info. • Holidays at the Museum — Puppets: Bucket Monster. 2 p.m. Learn who the Bucket Monster is and learn more about the critters that live in the tidepools. Museum of Natural History auditorium. 1 hour. • Windy Cove Mud and Tide Pools. 3 p.m. Walk to Windy Cove below the museum learning about the plants, the mud and the organisms that inhabit the mud and the rocks around the cove. Meet at the Nature Walk sign in front of the Morro Bay Museum of Natural History. 1-2 hours. Cambria Chorale Concert. 3 p.m. Holiday concert with the Cambria Chorale. Presbyterian Church, 2250 Yorkshire Drive, Cambria. $16. 924-0606. MONDAY Adventures With Nature. Bad weather cancels outdoor activities. 772-2694 or www.ccspa.info. • Holidays at the Museum — Monarch Butterflies. 2 p.m. Hear about the monarch butterflies and their return to the Pismo Butterfly Grove each year. Demonstrations and butterfly activities included. Museum of Natural History auditorium. 1-2 hours. • Explore the Tide Pools at Corallina Cove. 2:30 p.m. Learn some local history while walking the bluffs looking for sea birds, whales, seals and otters. Explore the tide pools of Corallina Cove at low tide. Meet at Bluff trailhead, about 100 yards south of Spooner Ranch House in Montaña de Oro. 2 miles, 2 hours. TUESDAY Adventures With Nature. Bad weather cancels outdoor activities. 772-2694 or www.ccspa.info. • Intertidal Life at Hazard Reef. 2 p.m. Dec. 23. Walk through coastal scrub and sand dunes to the beach to see seaweeds and marine animals and learn a little about the geology of the area. Meet in the Hazard Canyon parking lot on the right side of the road, 1.6 miles south of the Montaña de Oro State Park entrance sign. 1 mile, 3 hours. • Holidays at the Museum — The Teeth Make the Skull. 2 p.m. Join the museum’s skull expert to learn about the various skulls and teeth in the collection. See the large whale jaw and all the teeth that fit it as well as the tiniest skulls with their teeth and learn how the teeth differ depending on what the animal eats. Museum of Natural History auditorium. 1-2 hours. WEDNESDAY Holidays in the Pines. Through Dec. 24. Village of Cambria decked out in lights, festive events, decorations and holiday shopping. Throughout Cambria. 927-3624. ONGOING Christmas at Hearst Castle. Through December. See the castle decked out in Christmas decorations on the Grand Room Tour and the Evening Tour. Tours offered daily. Reservations are encouraged. Hearst Castle, Highway 1, San Simeon. $12 to $24. 800-444-4445 or www.hearstcastle.com. STAGE NOW PLAYING “Duke’s Place.” Dec. 19, through Jan. 18. Preview night 7:30 p.m. Dec. 19; gala opening 7:30 p.m. Dec. 20. 7:30 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays; 3 p.m. Sundays. Pewter Plough Playhouse, 824 Main St., Cambria. Gala opening, $30. $25. 927-3877, www.pewterploughplayhouse.org. ART ONGOING “Coastal Light No. 1.” Group exhibit. Through Dec. 29. Gallery at Marina Square, 601 Embarcadero, Suite 10, Morro Bay. 772-1068. “Coastal Light No. 2.” Group exhibit. Through Dec. 29. Gallery at Marina Square, 601 Embarcadero, Suite 10, Morro Bay. 772-1068. “Winter Faire.” Group exhibit by the Morro Bay Art Association Creativity Group. Through Dec. 29. Art Center Morro Bay, 835 Main St. 772-2504. Joen Kommer. Calligraphed art, watercolor paintings and Ukrainian decorated eggs. Through December. Cambria Public Library, 900 Main St. 927-4336. Margaret Ambrosavage. “Horizons.” Pastel. Through Feb. 4. Cayucos Art Gallery, foot of the pier. 995-2049. PLANAHEAD Concert. 3 p.m. Dec. 28. Four Shillings Short performs Celtic, folk and world music. Unitarian Universalist Church of Cambria, 786 Arlington St., Cambria. Donations. 395-4055. road to Morro Strand State Beach. Meet at the entrance kiosk. 2 hours, 0.5 mile. • Saturday Scientists: Plankton. 2 p.m. Dec. 27. Learn about plankton through a powerpoint show. See how it is collected, look at organisms displayed live on the large screen using the videomicroscopes and learn to use the compound microscopes to see them. Museum of Natural History auditorium, Family activity, best from age 6 and up. 1-2 hours. • Holidays at the Museum — Snakes, Lizards and Bugs, Oh My. 2 p.m. Dec. 28. Live specimens and information about them from a family who loves sharing and showing them off. Specimens can be handled and passed around. Museum of Natural History auditorium. 1-2 hours. • Montaña de Oro Bluff Nature Walk. 10 a.m. Dec. 29. Hike along WANT YOUR EVENT LISTED HERE? Email dated events to calendar @thetribunenews .com (with a copy to cambrian@thetribune news.com) at least two weeks before the event date. the Bluff Trail for magnificent views and see a variety of birds, plants and sea life. Meet at Bluff Trailhead, some 100 yards south of the Montaña de Oro Ranger/ Information/Ranch House, on Pecho Road. 2 miles, 3 hours. • Holidays at the Museum — Protecting Estuaries and Watersheds. 1 p.m. Dec. 29. Walk up to the top of White’s Point to view the estuary and learn about the watershed that feeds it and Please see EVENTS, Page 17 +#,! *('&&'%)$ *(#!" '#F@S'$ !CFQ$ + >CBF% E?AS' 'CD'#B@ Jazz Concert Series. 3 and 7 p.m. Dec. 28. Saxophonist Gary Foster joined by bassist Luther Hughes and drummer Darrell Voss. Cambria Center for the Arts Gallery, 1350 Main St., Cambria. $20 to $30. 927-8190. Adventures With Nature. Bad weather cancels outdoor activities. 772-2694 or www.ccspa.info. • Holidays at the Museum — Puppets: It’s a Big Ocean. 2 p.m. Dec. 26. Come see a baby whale get lost in the ocean, meet a helpful otter and find his way back to mom. A discussion of marine mammals follows. Museum of Natural History auditorium. 1 hour. • Exploring Shifting Sands. 10 a.m. Dec. 27. Walk along the beach and discover how a wide variety of organisms, both between the sand grains and on the surface of the sand, have adapted to this challenging environment. Heading north on Highway 1, turn left at the Yerba Buena stoplight and follow the 2!" 564!. ###(,)$'&1/--/*3&&1)'%(0)+ *:06 &1/))/<34 &1:62 8)%, % 5%<2%42/" ":))7"2/:< :5 .:6)9 /<4260=7<24! (<9/%< &/2%6; 90)"/=76; =%<9:)/<4; '7<%/44%<"7 .::9./<94; #:0>:0+/ ; 67":69764; 2/<.1/42)74; #%<-:; 876"044/:< $ 84%)276,! A?D%,=& %#'#E*#B 2V 3.&..-7 A"L09(" I G&..P7 '46("LH ?? 'U?B'U 4T ',E*BS, KVJ ,L896;H46 AHL""H$ '-7)L9-$ ', OV.RN G5R:<.RR ///M11(-7)L9-M4L; %46-H946 T4L (46("LH 12 THE CAMBRIAN COMMUNITY NEWS A W o rt h w h i l e L i f e ————————— December 18-24, 2014 L a dy T i e D i Saying, ‘Bah, humbug’ to bad holiday health habits I couldn’t wait a stuffed pig?” to clean the He chuckled, Joslyn Center “Don’t use this morning, processed foods!” as I was hopAll the nutrients are ing Chef Eric from Dianne Brooke gone, there are inCentrally Grown of Cambria has gredients you don’t would be concocting served on the really want to be something in the consuming in Coast Unified kitchen. This was them, that you not so much as hop- School District have no control board. Her ing for a sample over. Don’t go (well, that’s always a column there! Make it appears weekly yourself! Like this bonus) but to ask his expert advice on in The cranberry sauce eating well this sea- Cambrian. sweetened with son. dates and oranges. “Hey, you are always Look at all these antioxiaround food, inventing and dants, and it tastes great!” preparing it for others. Hooray for samples. What advice would you Yum! “Forgo ham with all its give to folks trying to break tradition and not nitrates and nitrites, etc. and get a nice, free-range make themselves feel like turkey! (Yes, there is an exclamation point after all Eric’s sentences because he is so passionate and excited about what he does!) You know, fed on chestnuts and what-not! Always look for free-range, and if you can get organic, do so! (Soto’s, by the way, has what you need) “Skip potatoes and have organic brown rice. Throw a little sesame oil on there, maybe some Sushi Ginger sauce — delicious and good for you! Different! And, instead of pumpkin pie, try sweet potato pie! Even more nutritious! And, and, and, you can even grind up some nuts to mix into the crust or into the flour, to give it a deeper fla- Broadhurst captures state award Conservation group chooses him as its director of the year By Kathe Tanner The Cambrian Michael Broadhurst of Cambria recently received the Director of the Year award from the California Association of Resource Conservation Districts. Broadhurst is president of the Upper Salinas-Las Tablas Resource Conservation District, which most recently has been helping to sculpt a county plan to maintain a healthy water basin for the Paso Robles area. The district “provides ser vices and education to landowners, suppor ting their management and stewardship of soil, water and natural resources,” accord- development for almost ing to the website at 30 years, rising to lead rehttp://us-ltrcd.org. searcher and developer staBroadhurst received the tus for Zeneca Ag Products. award at a Dec. 4 RCD After the Broadhursts meeting according moved to Cambria to his wife, Carol in 2001, they develBroadhurst. oped a directShe said in an marketing business email that the Las in produce from Tablas District does their 32-acre Dragon work “to conser ve Springs Ranch on creeks, water tables Santa Rosa Creek and much more. It is Michael Road. They grow recognized by the Broadhurst heirloom varieties of county and facilitomatoes and cutates projects for cumbers, plus fruit landowners for grading, from existing stands of orponds, erosion control and anges, grapefruit and Fuji fixes after the fact.” apples. They also grow avoCarol Broadhurst signed cados, blueberries, pluots the message as “proud and pears. spouse.” The Broadhursts also Her husband grew up on have co-managed the Cama Kansas farm and worked bria Farmers Market since in agricultural research and January 2009. vor and again, up the nutrient levels!” OK, so now I’m starving after talking to him. A cup of green tea is what I need at the moment. Another approach I’ve tried to better discipline myself — and that has worked for me — is “intermittent fasting.” I have never partaken in any particular fad diet and don’t like eliminating food groups (except anything processed). So, I thought I would give this a go. It’s not for everybody and in fact has very mixed reports. (www.drweil.com/ drw/u/QAA401300/DoesIntermittent-Fasting-Promote-Weight-Loss.html) For me, eating only within an eight-hour peri- od limits my snacking tendency. But, when really driven, healthy fats (coconut, nuts) and lean proteins help make you feel more full as well as stimulate your metabolism. It is all about quality, not quantity. Obviously, move more. I know it’s cold out and dark longer and you’re full, but get up and walk after your meal — before dessert! This, too, will help stimulate metabolism and lower insulin (fat-storing) levels. Stand up and interact with gravity as often as you can throughout the day. Stretch in as many safe ways as you can find. Although we should build these habits all year long, now is a really good time to remember to eat only when you are hungry. Take a deep breath, drink some water, explore what your feelings are or activity is, and then decide whether you really need to consume some calories. It’s what we do, I know, break bread with family and friends, right? But does it always need to be so? Breathe, think, move, eat and be merry…. In good health! You’ll have nothing to resolve regarding your body in the New Year! Dianne Brooke’s column is special to The Cambrian. Email her at ltd@ladytiedi .com, or visit her website at www.ladytiedi.com. HART offers certificates to help ailing kitties Rescue team asks Cambria residents to help defray the cost of expensive procedures The Homeless Animal Rescue Team (HART) is offering Guardian Angel Certificates for the holidays to help pay the medical expenses for the most urgent care needs at the cat shelter. The program helps defray costs for cats that require expensive medical treatment, in many cases necessar y for their survival. Each person who purchases a Guardian Angel Certificate receives a printed certificate in his or her name. Certificates are available COURTESY PHOTO Guardian Angel Certificates are available for $5 and up from the Homeless Animal Rescue Team at 2638 Main St. Certificates also may be purchased online or by telephone. in any amount $5 and over. Contributions to the Guardian Angel Fund are restricted and go specifically to relieve an animal’s suffering, providing the opportunity for the recipient of care to live a full and pain-free life. Certificates are available on the HAR T website at www.slohart.org, by calling 927-7377 or at the HART office, 2638 Main St. DATES & DATA December 18-24, 2014 PLACES TO GO BulletinBoard SENIORS Cambria Historical Museum. Local and regional history in the former Guthrie-Bianchini House, a home dated from 1870. Rotating exhibits and displays. Bookstore with gifts and mementos, nursery with heirloom plants. Corner of Burton Drive and Center Street. 1 to 4 p.m. Friday through Sunday, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday. Free admission, but donations welcome. Museum and gardens available for small parties, meetings and other events. 927-2891, www.cambriahistoricalsociety.com. Adult day care. Care and enrichment for clients and respite for families and caregivers. 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays, Cambria Adult Resources, Education and Support (CARES), at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 2700 Eton Road, Cambria. 927-4290. Hearst Castle. Daytime tours, daily, $25 adults, $12 children (5-12 years old). Evening tours, Fridays and Saturdays through Dec. 30, $36 adults, $18 children (5-12 years old). 800-444-4445, www.hearstcastle.com. Free transportation around Cambria for seniors and disabled individuals on the Cambria Community Bus on weekdays. Weekly trips to Morro Bay and San Luis Obispo; monthly trips to Paso Robles, Templeton and Atascadero. Call 927-4173 from 9 to 11 a.m. two days before the day a ride is needed. Cambria Coalition for Youth, a resource, advocacy and support network for youth, families and the community, meets at 2 p.m. the second Tuesday of each month at the Palmer Building, 870 Main St. Everyone is invited. Free health screening is offered monthly by the Community Action Partnership to anyone 18 years old and older, including monitoring blood pressure, pulse and weight and a finger-prick blood test for anemia, diabetes and high cholesterol. No appointment is necessary for the screening. 9:30 a.m. to noon the second Monday of each month at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 2700 Eton Road, Cambria. The Cambria Computer & Technology Club problem-solving group meets at 2 p.m. on the second Thursday; a general meeting begins at 2 p.m. on the third Thursday; and another meeting begins at 7:30 p.m. on the fourth Monday, all at the Joslyn Recreation Center, 950 Main St. Annual dues are $10; the admission to the first two meetings is free. For more information, go online to www.cambria computerclub.org. Piedras Blancas Light Station Tours. Sept. 1 to June 14: Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. June 15 to Aug. 31: Mondays through Saturdays. Meet at 9:45 a.m. at the former Piedras Blancas Motel, 1.5 miles north of the lighthouse. $10 for adults, $5 for ages 6 to 17, no fee for 5 and younger. Call 927-7361 to make arrangements for groups of 10 or more; no tours on federal holidays. 927-7361. Artist paintout days. Second Wednesdays. $10. To make arrangements, call 927-8574. Senior Nutrition Program lunch, 11:45 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Monday through Friday at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 2700 Eton Road. $2.75. 927-1268. ———————————— CLUBS Cambria American Legion Post No. 432 begins its general meeting at 7 p.m. the first Wednesday of every month at the Veterans Memorial Building, 1000 Main St. All veterans welcome. 927-5010. The Cambria Chorale meets for rehearsals from 9 to 11:15 a.m. Tuesdays and periodically from 1:30 to 3 p.m. Fridays at the Joslyn Recreation Center, 950 Main St. All singers welcome. 927-2989. 1 Hi1 65 63 66 68 59 59 60 Lo1 Rain1 47 0.0 49 0.03 52 2.88 41 0.25 42 0.0 45 0.0 49 0.97 Hi2 Lo2 Rain2 68 47 0.01 64 49 0.01 64 51 1.58 56 45 1.52 60 42 0.01 58 45 0.0 59 47 0.83 ————————— Observations Beautiful sunny day; few PM clouds; radiant sunset. Sky’s ablaze at dawn; patchy fog by nightfall. Big storm, winds by sunse; stiff winds, downpours by 9. Storm squalls, some downpours. Semi-clear afternoon. Sun’s out, air’s chilly; some streaky clouds in a blue sky. Fluffy mackerel clouds in otherwise blue sky. Cooler. Off-and-on rain, at times briefly heavy. Windy in spurts. CCSD Water Quality Control Plant, 5500 Heath Lane, northeast side of Park Hill. 2 Whispering Pines, London Lane, east of Top of the World, Lodge Hill December rainfall: 7.31”1, 6.17”2. 2013-14 rain season to date: 8.99”1, 8.08”2. Weather Service forecast (as of Tuesday): Thursday: Partly cloudy. Highs in mid-50s to mid-60s. Lows in upper 30s to mid-40s. Friday: Mostly cloudy; 20 percent chance of showers. Highs in the mid-50s to mid60s. Lows in upper 30s and 40s. Saturday and Saturday night: Mostly cloudy during the day, partly cloudy at night. Highs in mid- to upper 50s at beaches; low to mid-60s inland. Lows in the low to mid-40s. Sunday: Mostly clear. Highs from mid- to upper 50s at beaches; mid-60s inland. Lows in the low to mid-40s. Monday: Sunny. Highs from around 60 at the beaches to the upper 60s inland. Updated forecast: www.thecambrian.com. CCSD’s San Simeon Creek wells averaged 20.95’ on Dec. 8, up 2.42’ from 18.53’ on Dec. 8. CCSD’s Santa Rosa Creek SR4 well measured 43.60’ on Dec. 8, up 20.10’ from 23.50’ on Dec. 8. CCSD’s WBE monitoring well measured 8.62’ on Dec. 15, up 4.31’ from 4.31’ on Dec. 8. The Cambria Couples’ Dance Club meets from 6 to 9 p.m. the second and fourth Wednesday of the month at the Joslyn Recreation Center, 950 Main St., Cambria. Live band, potluck dinner, dancing and fellowship. 927-0655, 927-0527. The Cambria Drum Corps rehearses at 6:30 p.m. Mondays at Coast Union High School band room. The group welcomes interested percussionists, middleschool age and older. 927-4742. The Cambria 4-H Club meets at 7 p.m. the first Monday of the month (September through June) at 2250 Yorkshire Drive (Community Presbyterian Church). Youngsters and teens ages 5 to 19 can learn citizenship, leadership, personal responsibility, social and life skills. 909-0797, www.cambria4h.com. Cambria Lawn Bowls Club meets at 9 a.m. Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays at the Joslyn Recreation Center, 950 Main St., Cambria. Free lessons for all ages. 924-1696, or email stefanoni @aol.com. The Cambria Lions Club meets for dinner at the Joslyn Recreation Center at 7 p.m. on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month. Following dinner, guest speakers make presentations on subjects of local interest. 927-5842. Cambria Newcomers meet for lunch on the third Thursday of the month. All welcome. 924-0678. Cambria’s Rough Writers. Creative writing group meetings from 1 to 4 p.m. Mondays in the Joslyn Recreation Center board room at 950 Main St. Guests with a serious interest in writing are welcome. Go to www.RoughWriters.org, then email RoughWriters@ sbcglobal.net to set a date. The Cambria Tennis Club hosts drop-in tennis for members, Cambria residents and visitors from 9 to 11 a.m. Saturdays and Sundays at the high school, 2950 Santa Rosa Creek Road. 927-0799. Cambria Toastmasters meets from 5 to 6 p.m. the second and fourth Monday of the month at Rabobank, 1070 Main St. Public is welcome. Develop communication and leadership skills. 203-5072. The Cambria Walking Bunch meets at 9:30 a.m. Wednesdays at Shamel Park. darlenencambria @gmail.com. Cambria Writers’ Workshop meets from 9:30 a.m. to noon Wednesdays at the Joslyn Tides W e at h e r — W e l l s Date Dec. 9 Dec. 10 Dec. 11 Dec. 12 Dec. 13 Dec. 14 Dec. 15 THE CAMBRIAN Dec. 19 Dec. 20 Dec. 21 Dec. 22 Dec. 23 Dec. 24 Dec. 25 Low tide Height High tide Height 12:13 a.m. 2.0 6:47 a.m. 5.6 2:02 p.m. 0.1 8:22 p.m. 3.5 12:56 a.m. 2.1 7:23 a.m. 5.9 2:39 p.m. -0.4 9:08 p.m. 3.7 1:39 a.m. 2.2 8:00 a.m. 6.2 3:18 p.m. -0.8 9:51 p.m. 3.9 2:23 a.m. 2.2 8:40 a.m. 6.3 3:57 p.m. -0.1 10:34 p.m. 4.0 3:03 a.m. 2.2 9:21 a.m. 6.4 4:38 p.m. -1.3 11:18 p.m. 4.1 3:57 a.m. 2.2 10:06 a.m. 6.3 5:21 p.m. -1.2 ------------------4:52 a.m. 2.3 12:04 a.m. 4.3 6:05 p.m. -1.0 10:54 a.m. 6.0 5:53 a.m. 2.3 12:52 a.m. 4.4 6:52 p.m. -0.6 11:46 a.m. 5.5 Sunrise: 7:10/7:12 a.m. Sunset: 4:54/4:58 p.m. New moon: 5:36 p.m. Dec. 21 Recreation Center, 950 Main St. Anyone serious about writing and publishing can come and bring their original unpublished work. No charge. Guests welcome. Call Daphne at 924-1324 for details. The Central Coast Woodcarvers Club meets from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Wednesdays at the Cayucos Veterans Memorial Lions Hall, 201 Ocean Front, Cayucos. 927-5240. Course in Miracles. Meets at 5:30 p.m. the first and third Sundays of the month at the Cambria Connection, 870 Main St. For anyone interested in exploring spiritual issues. Alexis, 395-1272; or Lisa, 441-2965. Friends of the Cambria Library meet at 8:30 a.m. the first Wednesday of each month at the library. Membership ($10) is open to all library card holders. www.cambriafol.org. Girl Scouts. 2:40 p.m. every Tuesday at the Cambria Grammar School, Room 11, 3223 Main St. Laura Dubnow, 924-1856, dubnow partyof5@aol.com. The University Women of Cambria, an organization of university and college graduates dedicated to promoting community endeavors (with emphasis on education), meets the third Monday of the month. 927-8193, 927-8073. Haiku ————————— Date Dec. 18 13 ————————— Moonrise/set 3:33 a.m. 2:33 p.m. 4:34 a.m. 3:17 p.m. 7:10 a.m. 4:55 p.m. 6:34 a.m. 5:05 p.m. 7:31 a.m. 6:07 p.m. 8:24 a.m. 7:13 p.m. 9:13 a.m. 8:21 p.m. 9:57 a.m. 9:29 p.m. Offshore breezes spawn. Clear skies, warm air and spindrift, Foamy feathers flow — Ann Glaser Send haikus to sprovost@thetribunenews.com Gas Prices ————————— Gallon of regular gas (Dec. 16): Cambria Chevron $3.39 Diesel $3.79 Cambria General Store $3.37 Cambria Shell $3.39 Diesel $3.79 Steve’s Gas, Paso Robles $2.75 MORE LISTINGS AT WWW.SANLUIS OBISPO.COM/GASPRICES 14 AGENDA THE CAMBRIAN Unless indicated, all meetings are open to the public. Some are available for later viewing on Charter Cable channel 21. Check www.slo-span.org THURSDAY, DEC. 18 Cambria Community Services District Board of Directors. 12:30 p.m. Veterans Memorial Building, 1000 Main St. 927-6223. www.cambriacsd.org. Public hearing on revising waterconservation restrictions, especially the use of district water for gardens, landscaping and other outdoor uses; short update on status of emergency water supply project; presentation on mandated project to evaluate and update wastewater-treatment plant; elect officers; set monthly salary range of $7,977 to $9,696 for recently combined administrative officer/district clerk position; discuss directors’ bylaws; proclamation celebrating 20th anniversary of North Coast Ocean Rescue Team; consider actions necessary to apply for grant from Public PublicMeetings sion will be 9 a.m. Tuesday, Jan. 6. www.slocounty.ca.gov/bos. ———————————— Water System Drought Emergency Response Program. On TV: Charter Cable Channel 21, 6 p.m. Friday, 9 a.m. Saturday, 6 p.m. Monday and 9 a.m. Thursday. On the Web: http://bit.ly/slospanccsd. THURSDAY, DEC. 19 County Planning Department hearing officer. 9 a.m. Board of Supervisors Chambers, County Government Center, 1055 Monterey St., San Luis Obispo. 781-5600. www.slocounty.ca.gov/ planning.htm. As of Monday, Dec. 15, no Cambria, San Simeon or Harmony issues were on the agenda. TUESDAY, DEC. 18 County Supervisors won’t hold a meeting today. The next ses- *%'#)$')% *%'!($")&'"# "-**%1,'$ !" "!*4(,! ##114.3(24)*(+ '*$(#&* FRIDAY, JAN. 2 County Planning Department hearing officer. 9 a.m. Board of Supervisors Chambers, County Government Center, 1055 Monterey St., San Luis Obispo. 781-5600. www.slocounty.ca.gov/ planning.htm. MONDAY, JAN. 5 North Coast Advisory Council Traffic and Land Use commit- "/# !0)$*1. 3/% #*', & 4/)(,*!0)$*20(+ tees meet concurrently. 3 p.m. Rabobank, 1070 Main St. 927-1442, traffic. 927-1580, land use. www.northcoastadvisorycoun cil.org. TUESDAY, JAN. 6 County Board of Supervisors. 9 a.m. County Government Center, 1055 Monterey St., San Luis Obispo. 781-5450. www.slocounty.ca.gov/bos. On TV: Live on Charter Channel 21. Replayed at 6 p.m. Tuesday, 5:30 p.m. Sunday. On the Web: http://bit.ly/UFW1Z3. 8)+5 )3 %/5 7209'-*%/ 6#-5% "2'.5* 2. 1'. ,-0(%&,$.) !+/. *+,- %&) "(( 1'. #.(0+/.) 5#'4, !4,/4# )&$+'! *"%#+&(' &-% "(02,+$*, 5$) December 18-24, 2014 +3#2) &/2.0#22 "@:2!< $5/:):, "0/>)80- 33699 !A A+0 %5-?<: '0:A0/4 7.9 $!): "A14 '!=;/)! %%%,&0+'$3")!*+",3.) 2#1-/(2-1(/1 (+#)"$+ (%-"(% (+#)"$+ ,$!&*+"' ,$!&*+"' (%-"(% 45'!-*1 $/'-&% 09 ,)!-*1 )%/5'&( (!#!/$!9 .)72 9%/%"' 305(;8 @&;%85%0" B($$!-8&%A A %6@>#0 ':,@)@/ =AGG#B #@> 7GA<G#B 7C7E '#)@ %?. :"<< &/ % )<"0< &/ ',#6&9372 6052;*0+ FE77 A# *:, )@5:,B#?):@ !#DD &#F?:, (#,0 $-)?; 48G21 =9E+222G *69372/&7 '?! *(#+'#$%"&!) !#B",)#3)@;0#,>.:,/ 62"*0+ 47E77 0# ,.4, >;%*'( 65;((5) @0#H;%0 =?7G: <1DCG.,F G.,F *(!! )'$%&#"% ++4! (&51 '0:$ *&3%85& =#>"< /.47!#+2 ,,,:6&10&8-6&)&8569:-8; +&!%$"#($ )-' ! )3 (&66 2 )3 ')&1569 (&66 +&!%$"#($ *(, +> &3 (&66 #"#!$#% +!%%!-() *, +(%%!-"'&$ .&#( 5"<< =/ ',#6&9372 &"(( $*/1 '/-). %-!+,#- 0 -.540.0- >>>;72=&,17#&/$93&;+98 December 18-24, 2014 ARTS&EVENTS THE CAMBRIAN YuleTidings ARTS AROUND CAMBRIA Duo back together for 1 night only ———————————— Bobby Benjamin and Sheri Odenwald performed together for many years COURTESY PHOTO Melanie Gruber, Karen Johnson, Jan Callner and Mary Schwalbe — Three Sopranos and a Piano — perform Friday and Saturday at the Cambria Center for the Arts. Cambria Chorale’s 2nd Yule show set he 60-voice Cambria T Chorale will present its 24th annual Christmas concert, “Sing Gloria,” for the second and final time at 3 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 21, at Cambria Presbyterian Church. Tickets, priced at $16 each, are available at the Cambria Chamber of Commerce, Joslyn Center and at the door, 2250 Yorkshire Drive. The chorus, under the direction of Barbara Weber, will sing a selection of holiday music. The program features soloists Melanie Gruber, Jan Callner, Barbara MacDonough and Linda Hughes. Mark Kramer narrates. Also featured are chorale accompanist Karen Johnson, guest instrumentalists Ron Perry (keyboard) Penny Beavers (harp) and Jim 15 Chalifoux (bass). Money raised goes to the Cambria Youth Music Fund, which provides lessons for students who show talent in vocal or instrumental music and who need assistance to continue their training. The group is supporting 23 students this year. For information, contact Marilyn Fiebelkorn at 801-7599 or 924-0606. 3 Sopranos and a Piano to perform Three Sopranos and a Piano will bring the sounds of the holiday season to the Cambria Center for the Arts Theater in two performances: 7:30 p.m. Friday, Dec. 19, and 3 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 20. The group consists of Karen Johnson on piano and sopranos Jan Callner, See TIDINGS, Page 17 Two voices and guitars from Cambria’s past — Bobby Benjamin of Traveling Light Music — and past/present — countr yfolk vocalist Sheri Odenwald — will reunite in song for one night only from 6 to 9 p.m. Monday, Dec. 22, at El Chorlito Mexican Restaurant, 9155 Hearst Drive in San Simeon. Benjamin lived in Cambria for many years, performing all over the Central Coast, and Odenwald still does. And now, they’ll be together again, briefly, providing equal doses of music and memories for their North Coast friends and fans. Odenwald, known in the past in some venues as “Sheri O” or “Sheri Geiger,” moved from Santa Barbara to Cambria in 1979. She’s been here ever since, raising her four children and her voice in songs, many of which she has written herself. The two songwriter/ entertainers performed together frequently in the 1980s and 90s, until Benjamin began his widespread travels, entertaining crowds across the countr y and around the world. According to his website, www.bobbenjamintraveling light.com, he relocated in 1999 to his mother’s native land, Costa Rica, but moved to Columbia, S.C., in 2011. — Kathe Tanner Ragas; folk ballads; Renaissance instrumentals and a capella numbers. They play more than 30 instruments, including hammered dulcimer, mandonlin, mandola, bouzouki, banjo, guitar, sitar and percussion instruments. O’Tuama received a degree in music from Univerity College Cork and a fellowship from Stanford University in Medieval and Renaissance Performance. Martin studied Nor th Indian Sitar for 10 years with a student of Ravi Shankar. She sings in Irish, English, Spanish and Sanskrit. A donation will be taken at the concert. — Cambrian staff Lawrence’s work on display at library COURTESY PHOTOS Bobby Benjamin, top, and Sheri Odenwald will reunite for a single night Monday, Dec. 22, in San Simeon. Duo to perform in Cambria on Dec. 28 Four Shillings Short, the husband-and-wife duo of Aodh Og O’Tuama and Christy Martin will bring their Celtic/folk/world music to Cambria on Sunday, Dec. 28. The pair will be performing twice at the Unitarian Univesalist Community of Cambria, 786 Arlington St.: during 10 a.m. services and in a 3 p.m. concert. O’Tuama hails from Cork, Ireland, and Martin is from California. The independent folk artists have been performing together for 19 years. They have produced 11 recordings and perform 150 concerts a year. Their repertoir includes traditional music from Ireland and Scotland; Indian Cambria calligrapher and artist Annie Lawrence is exhibiting a broad collection of two- and three-dimensional calligraphed art, watercolor paintings and Ukrainian decorated eggs at the Cambria Library during December. Lawrence’s work has appeared in several journals and has been featured in numerous exhibits. She teaches calligraphy, block carving, bookbinding, marbling, watercolor and origami. In 1998, Lawrence served on the faculty of the 19th annual Calligraphy/Lettering Ar ts Conference in San Diego, and for three consecutive years, from 201012, she taught a weeklong block car ving class at Yosemite Art Center. — Cambrian staff 16 SPORTS THE CAMBRIAN Bas k etball Rou n du p ————————— Broncos’ rally falls just short Coast Union barrage of late 3-pointers not quite enough; Ochoa, Mora lead girls to win Trieu leads Coast postseason honors Broncos’ varsity football MVP is also on the all-league first team on offense By John FitzRandolph All-Coast Valley League on offense, along with teamCoast Union’s leading mates Tommy Moreno, a rusher in 2014, senior Binh senior, and junior Alexis Trieu, was named varsity Mireles. Villalvazo and junfootball MVP by head ior Asher Armstrong made the second team on coach Bill Clough. offense. Despite suffering The All-CVL first an injury to his anteam on defense inkle early in the seacluded Sutherland, son, Trieu picked Welch and senior up 756 yards on Jake McAvoy. Mak133 carries, and ing the All-CVL secran kickoffs back ond team on defor 364 yards. Binh Trieu fense were senior Junior Lane Sutherland — who rushed Gehrig Kniffen, and sophfor 644 yards and made omore Brayan Pena. Meanwhile senior setter 29 solo tackles — was named Outstanding Back. Sage Radecki has been Junior Octavio Villalvazo named to the CIF Division was named Outstanding 5AA list for girls volleyball. Lineman, and Junior Jim- Radecki led the Lady Bronmy Welch was given the cos into the CIF quarterfinals and was MVP on the Ironman Award. Trieu also made first-team Coast Union team. Special to The Cambrian By John FitzRandolph Special to The Cambrian The Coast Union boys varsity basketball team came roaring from behind in a game against a tough Cate School on Saturday, Dec. 13, but came up short, losing 69-66 in Santa Barbara. The loss, combined with a win and a loss Friday, gave the Broncos fourth place in the Villanova Prep Tournament. “We were down by eight points with less than two minutes against Cate School” coach Bobby Youngs said. “Augie Johnson brought us back with three 3-pointers in a row. Gehrig Kniffen played really big, getting us eight rebounds.” Johnson led all scoring with 17, and Jez Lawson had 16. On Friday, the Broncos beat Rio Hondo Prep, 53-36. Kniffen had 19 points, and the Broncos led the entire game. In its second game Friday, Coast Union was pounded by Orcutt Academy 71-49. Orcutt scored 18 points in each of the first three quarters and 17 in the fourth. Youngs says his team is “playing some really good basketball. We’re working on ball handling and looking for open shots. Against Cate, we could have won if we’d made a couple routine December 18-24, 2014 PHOTO BY MERLE BASSETT Gehrig Kniffen's all-around performance helped the Broncos place fourth in the Villanova Prep Tournament in Santa Barbara on Saturday, Dec. 13. Here he drives for a shot against Maricopa earlier this season. shots.” The Broncos (4-3) defeated Cuyama Valley Tuesday night at home, 62-31. Jez Lawson scored 27 points and grabbed seven rebounds. Their next home game is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. Friday, Jan. 9, against Maricopa High School. GIRLS TUESDAY’S RESULTS BOYS BASKETBALL Coast Union 62 Cuyama Valley 31 GIRLS BASKETBALL Coast Union 49 Cuyama Valley 14 feated the Dunn School Earwigs, 40-26 on Tuesday, Dec. 9, at Coast Union. Reagan Kniffen pitched in with nine points to help the Lady Broncos’ cause. Coast Union (3-2) defeated Cuyama Valley Tuesday night, 49-14. Mora had 10 points. The Lady Broncos’ next 12 points and Ahtziri Mora’s Led by Karina Ochoa’s 10, the Lady Broncos de- See HOOPS, Next Page Cambria Tennis Club plans tournament and junior clinic By John FitzRandolph Special to The Cambrian The Cambria Tennis Club is sponsoring a fundraising tennis tournament and junior clinic Saturday, Jan. 17, at the Coast Union High School tennis courts. The junior clinic from 10 to 11:30 a.m. is free, and is offered to elementar y and middle school students. The club provides tennis balls, racquets and lunch for the junior clinic participants. The tournament is open to recreational and advanced players. It runs from 11:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. It features mixed doubles, See TENNIS, Next Page ETC. December 18-24, 2014 Events Coast Union tops Orcutt From Page 11 how human activities can cause problems. Museum of Natural History auditorium. 1-2 hours. • Holidays at the Museum — Animal Scat Activity. 2 p.m. Dec. 30. Wildlife as well as domestic animals pay attention to the scat of other animals. You will see what can be learned from scat and how to tell what animals have left it behind. Museum of Natural History auditorium 1-2 hours. • Holidays at the Museum — Elephant Seals and Sharks. 11 a.m. Jan. 2. Thousands of 5,000-pound elephant seals are wrestling, mating, giving birth, dealing with sharks, putting on a great show on beaches near San Simeon all year long. Learn about these creatures and their relationship with sharks. Museum of Natural History auditorium. 1 hour. Tennis From Previous Page pool play and a round-robin format. Each team plays three matches in an eightgame pro set. Scoring is on a “no-ad” format. The cost is $40 per team, and teams must be registered by Wednesday, Jan. 14. The proceeds from the tournament go to support the tennis club’s nonprofit activities. The club built the tennis courts and has been maintaining the tennis facilities at Coast Union High School since 1991. The club also operates summer clinics for high school tennis players. “Players are encouraged to play in the tournament, and others may donate toward the cause,” said Raymond Campos, club president. Campos said the club welcomes tennis players of “all ages and skill levels” for “drop-in tennis” each Saturday and Sunday from 9 to 11 a.m. THE CAMBRIAN Hoops Tidings day’s performance. The theater is at 1350 Main St. home game is scheduled for 5 p.m. Friday, Jan. 9, against Maricopa. Melanie Gruber and Mary Schwalbe. Their repertoire spans a variety of musical genres, including classical, opera, musical theater and pop. Tickets, priced at $20 for adults and $15 apiece for groups of 10, are available at brown papertickets.com, 800-838-3006; or at the CCA Gallery, 927-8190. Admission for students with an ID is $5 and is available at the box office only. A holiday reception will be held after Satur- Vineyard Church’s candlelight night From Previous Page MIDDLE SCHOOL PHOTO BY MERLE BASSETT Jesus Quintero (17) fights for control of the ball, while Fidel Figueroa (3) looks for an opportunity Tuesday, Dec. 9. The Broncos nipped Orcutt Academy 3-2. The next home match for Coast Union is scheduled for Tuesday, Jan. 6, against Tranquillity, a 6 p.m. start. Girls stay perfect with soccer win over Orcutt By John FitzRandolph Special to The Cambrian The Coast Union girls varsity soccer squad remained unbeaten Tuesday, Dec. 9, defeating Orcutt Academy 4-1. Martha Gomez had two goals, while Cammie Tathum and Fabby Gonzalez each knocked in a goal. Remy Corbet had two assists, and sister Ani Corbet added one. Cynthia Cadena nabbed seven saves in goal, and Gonzalez made three saves. Head coach Tamara Corbet said her players “are working hard and starting to find a rhythm together. The defense is really coming together to help keep the ball up into scoring position.” The next home match for the Lady Broncos is Tuesday, Jan. 6, against Tranquillity, a 4 p.m. start. We’ll deliver the most current news and information directly to you! A s l o w as $ 1 7 . 9 4 a m o n t h NOW is the perfect time to start home delivery of The Tribune! 1 -8 0 0 - 2 8 8 - 4 1 2 8 o r S a n L u i s O b i s p o . c o m (click on Customer Service) 17 The Santa Lucia Middle School boys “A” team had an early lead against Lewis Middle School but couldn’t hold on. The Warriors were defeated 47-30 on Tuesday, Dec. 9. Coach Ayen Johnson cited “the tremendous defensive ef for t” put in by Cameron Castle, David May, Beau Burgess, Ethan Walters, Forrest Johnson, David Amodei and Nate Markham. From Page 15 Cambria Vineyard Church will host “A Candlelight Christmas Program” on Saturday, Dec. 20, with two productions, at 5 and 7 p.m. The program includes music, drama and carol singing, concluding with “Silent Night” to candlelight. Homemade refreshments will be served following the first performance. All are welcome. Information: 927-5550. — Cambrian staff Your Journal of Local Record since1931. 18 December 18 - 24, 2014 THE CAMBRIAN != :--74H ('# "!,&+) $ *% &#$) * # "+&) '%/)%/# !$(*), . !+&/20 "541 !&&$0((( ! 9D ;46G5 ?< #?-4I =: 1 (4/IG #J50C65 ! '4JIB %8J)5 <?8 "?8CJC6 2 *3G8C??C 2 &HGCJC6 ! &45B2L?2K5G (4/IG (?CHG85J?C (,48L ! *27 "?HJG %KJ)G ! A;?8L5 7?CG+ $?8?5-?;G+ !K>>IG5 ! !8GHJGE5+ =: =8JH4 *C) "?8G@ $#*(# %$:) G3 &""@(" '$# /,D>B) 6/&3+,& %1'*$,1 -*45&0'#/40 )'*#/20'&. . A4C AJFG?C . 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ACCOUNTING Hidden Gate Antiques Brett White Gallery Senior Living Consultants AUTO REPAIR/SERVICES Mozzi’s Saloon Cherish Care Debra Jones, CPA 2261 Center Street, CMB 975-5140 Cell: 975-5140 4044 Burton Drive, Suite #2, CMB 909-1420 BrettWhiteGallery.com 805 Aerovista Place #103, SLO 545-5901 www.SeniorLivingConsultants.com Gerber’s Auto Services Bronze, Silver & Gold Gallery Lic #0730143 CMB 927-1051 www.cherishcarecambria.com ASTROLOGERS 2421-E Village Lane, CMB 927-8444 www.gerbersautoservices.com 2262 Main St, CMB 927-4767 www.mozzissaloon.com Glen Potter BEADS CARPENTRY/FINISH WORK Farmer, Harry Cambria Beads K. Smith Construction CMB 927-1982 George G Ross CPA PFS CFP 2350 Main Street, 772-2808 www.georgerosscpa.com Singer, Lynne F. CPA 4070 Burton Dr, Suite 5, CMB 927-2507 Kinsale Trading Company 842 Main St., CMB 927-5677 Rich Man Poor Man Antiques Mall 4044 Burton Dr. #1, CMB 927-5421 www.bsgcambria.com Cambria Center for the Arts ACUPUNCTURE 2110 Main St., CMB 203-5350 www.richmanpoormanantiques.com CORE Care APPAREL Allied Arts Association P.O. Box 184; 1350 Main St., CMB 927-8190 www.artistsofcambria.com 4070 West St., CMB 927-1055 Exotic Nature Chambers Gallery ADVERTISING Cambria4insiders.com 805-776-3111 ads@4insiders.biz www.4insiders.biz Dining Review P.O. Box 1605, CMB 927-1382 www.DiningReviewOnline.com The Tribune 3825 S. Higuera St, SLO 781-7800 Toll-Free: Circulation 1-800-288-4128 www.sanluisobispo.com Welcome Map 783 Main St., CMB 927-8423 www.exoticnature.com Gallery of Wearable Art at The Porte House 4015 West St., East Village, CMB 927-1005 GOWACambria.com GOWA Creative Arts 4015 West St., East Village, CMB 927-1005 GOWACambria.com The Place 2336A Main St., CMB 927-1195 www.theplacecambria.com Wildwood P.O. Box 1605, CMB 927-1382 www.WelcomeMap.biz 4210 Bridge St., CMB 924-0901 www.wildwoodcambria.com ALARM SYSTEMS APPLIANCES San Luis Security Systems Coastech 2415 #E Village Lane, CMB 927-8688 772-7779 Cell: 801-8881 ALTERATIONS Morro Bay Appliance Original Stitching By Mari Ella 1570 Berwick Dr., CMB 924-1498 ALZHEIMER’S CARE Cambria’s Senior Solutions 2150 Main St., Suite 8, CMB 927-1051 www.cherishcarecambria.com Cherish House Assisted Living (Two Homes) Lic #405801566, Lic #405801741 1155 Warren Road & 1405 Berwick Drive, 927-1051 www.cambriaassistedliving.com ANTIQUES Antiques . . . a primitive perspective 784 Main Street, CMB 203-5247 www.CambriaAntiques.com Antiques on Arlington Main St. & Arlington Unit C, CMB 927-1121 Antiques on Main 2338 Main Street, CMB 927-4292 935 Main St., MB 772-2755 Fax: 772-2756 755-B Main St., CMB 927-9445 www.chambersgallerycambria.com Deer Run Art & Artifacts 2024 Main St., CMB 927-0427 www.deerruncambria.com Gallerie Lulu 2450 Main Street, Suite B, CMB 927-5800 www.gallerielulu.com Melanee Sylvester Gallery 724 Main St, CMB 927-5450 www.MelaneeSylvester.com Moonstones American Craft Gallery 4070 Burton Dr, CMB 927-3447 www.moonstones.com The Painted Lily 2026 Main St., CMB 927-5747 www.thepaintedlily.net Visions of Nature Gallery 784-D Main St., CMB 927-0740 www.visionsofnaturegallery.com ARCHITECTS A.D.S Corporation Richard D. Low, Jr. 788 Arlington St., CMB 927-8138 Brent Berry-Architect 656 Weymouth St., CMB 927-4962 www.brentberryarchitect.com David M. Brown Architect P.O. Box 123, CMB 927-3376 Jeffrey B. Lentz Architect 610 Warren Rd., CMB 927-4877 Marshall Lewis Architecture 2281 Benson, CMB 927-0297 marshalllewisaia.com ART GALLERIES Amphora Gallery 4070 Burton Dr., Suite 1, CMB 927-8273 artists@amphoragallery.com www.amphoragallery.com 1-800-288-4128 P.O. Box 534, CMB 927-2548 www.hfastrologer.com ATTORNEYS Basile Law Firm 1334 Chorro St, SLO 781-8600 www.basilelaw.com Broadhurst, Joan M. 816 Main St., Suite G, CMB 927-1015 www.jmbattorney.com Cooper-Gordon LLP 800-561-6322 www.cooper-gordon.com Foerster, Charles E. Frank E. Kocs 927-4649 Law Office of Clay A. Schroeder 755 Santa Rosa Street, Suite 310, SLO 805-395-0689 clayschroederlaw.com Read, Russell Attorney at Law CMB 927-2344 ASSISTED LIVING AUTO BODY/PAINT & REPAIR Cambria’s Senior Solutions 2150 Main St., Suite 8, CMB 927-1051 www.cherishcarecambria.com Cherish House Assisted Living (Two Homes) Lic #405801566, Lic #405801741 1155 Warren Road & 1405 Berwick Drive, CMB 927-1051 www.cambriaassistedliving.com Cambria Auto Body & Restoration 2485 Village Lane, CMB 927-1237 The Bodyman 2531 F Village Lane, CMB 927-5436 AUTO DETAILING Castillo’s Detail Shop 2509 Building M Village Lane, CMB 927-4884 A-1 Randy’s Carpet Cleaning CMB 927-5097 Cell: 909-0579 CASH REGISTERS Cherish Care Rent-A-Nanny CMB 927-1051 BAIL BONDING ABC Bonding Allocco’s Food Products Italian Bakery 1602 Main St., CMB 927-1501 alloccos.com French Corner Bakery 2214 Main St, CMB 927-8227 Linn’s Restaurant 2277 Main St., CMB 927-0371 BALLOONS - HELIUM Among Friends 2254 Main St., East Village, CMB 927-7156 www.ShopAmongFriends.com BANKS 1070 Main St., CMB 927-8633 2421-E Village Lane, CMB 927-8444 www.gerbersautoservices.com Cambria Beer Company The Communications Group Bonded Electric Systems Gerber’s Auto Services CARPET CLEANING BOARD & CARE Rabobank P.O. Box 682, CMB 927-1863 Cell: 909-1063 BEER TASTING BABYSITTING AUDIO/VIDEO AUTO/SMOG 1639 Pineridge Dr., CMB 909-7508 ksmithcontractors@gmail.com 821 Cornwall, CMB 203-5265 www.CambriaBeer.com BAKERIES 1716 Cardiff Drive, P.O. Box 1207, CMB 203-5222 Cell: 630-965-8858 www.bussonelaw.com 746 Main Street Suite B, CMB 927-9907 www.cambriabeadstore.com 375 Quintana Rd., MB 772-6060 or 772-2055 www.morrobaytireandauto.com Joseph D. Bussone, Attorney at Law ASPHALT SERVICES Cambria Asphalt Pete’s Morro Bay Tire & Auto 394 Plymouth, P.O. Box 1483, CMB 927-2385 www.cfoerlaw.com P.O. Box 900, CMB 927-5255 Art Workshops Of The Central Coast Nelson’s Garage 50 S. Ocean Avenue, CAY 995-3658 948 Santa Rosa St., SLO 544-1000 www.bailbondsabc.com MB 772-3302 Cell: 435-640-1895 www.bondedsystems.com ART LESSONS CMB 927-5296 Cell: 471-1043 BANQUET ROOMS Cambria Pines Lodge 2905 Burton Dr., CMB 927-4200 Toll-Free: 800-966-6490 www.cambriapineslodge.com Joslyn Adult Recreation Center 950 Main St., CMB 927-3364 www.joslynrec.org Cambria Pines Lodge 2905 Burton Dr., CMB 927-4200 Toll-Free: 800-966-6490 www.cambriapineslodge.com Cambria’s Senior Solutions 2150 Main St., Suite 8, CMB 927-1051 www.cherishcarecambria.com Cherish House Assisted Living (Two Homes) Lic #405801566, Lic #405801741 1155 Warren Road & 1405 Berwick Drive, CMB 927-1051 www.cambriaassistedliving.com Senior Living Consultants 805 Aerovista Place #103, SLO 545-5901 www.SeniorLivingConsultants.com George G Ross CPA PFS CFP 2350 Main Street, MB 772-2808 www.georgerosscpa.com Singer, Lynne F. CPA 4070 Burton Dr, Suite 5, CMB 927-2507 BOOKS Padre Pio’s Book Shelf 2096 Main Street, CMB 927-7209 CAB SERVICE Cambria Cab 4363 Bridge St., CMB 927-HELP (4357) CABLE TV San Simeon Community Cable SS 927-5555 CANDY Caren’s Corner 755 Main St., Unit A, CMB 927-1161 CAR WASH Morro Bay Car Wash Corner of Morro & Pacific, MB 772-7775 CAREGIVING SERVICES 2150 Main Street, Suite 7, CMB 927-9412 www.thecomgroup.com CATERING Linn’s Admin Office / Catering / Cakes 2415 Village Ln, Suite A, CMB 927-1499 linnsfruitbin.com CELL PHONES Coast Electronics 510 Quintana Road, MB 772-1265 CEMETERIES Cambria Cemetery 6005 Bridge St., CMB 927-5158 www.cambriacemetery.com CHEESE SHOPS Indigo Moon Cafe 1980 Main St., CMB 927-2911 CHIMNEY SWEEP A. M. Williams Services Licensed #725143, CMB 423-6949 CHIROPRACTIC DOCTORS Azevedo Chiropractic / Core Care Kirk Azevedo, D.C., QME 4070 West St., CMB 927-1055 Cambria Chiropractic David P. Van Dyke, D.C. 1241 Knollwood Circle, Suite 201B, CMB 927-8631 CHURCHES Cambria Calvary Chapel 1067 Main St., CMB 927-9999 www.cambriacalvary.org Community Presbyterian Church 2250 Yorkshire Dr, CMB 927-4356 Fax: 927-5502 First Baptist Church 2120 Green St, CMB. 927-4789 www.FbcCambria.org Gold Coast CMB 927-2607 www.ComeToYourCenter.org Santa Rosa Catholic Church 1174 Main St., CMB 927-4816 St. Paul’s Episcopal Church 2700 Eton Road, CMB 927-3239 www.stpaulscambria.org Unitarian Universalist Community of Cambria 786 Arlington Street, CMB 395-4055 Unity Church of Cambria 950 Main P.O. Box 1565, CMB 468-5645 www.unitycambria.com CLEANERS Mary & Jose Reveles House Cleaning Lic#0705566 P.O. Box 1665, CMB 927-5473 Cell: 909-7187 CLOCK REPAIR California Clockworks CMB 924-1364 Cell: 310-467-6678 Once Upon a Tyme 555 Main St., CMB 927-5554 COFFEE HOUSES Cambria Coffee Roasting Company 761 Main St., CMB 927-0670 www.cambriacoffee.com Lily’s Coffee House 2028 Main St, CMB 927-7259 COMPUTER SERVICES & REPAIR Greg’s Computer Services Lic #0697748 CMB 927-2572 Cambria Vineyard Church CONCRETE SUPPLIES & SERVICES 1617 Main Street, CMB 927-5550 www.cambriavineyard.org 2000 San Simeon Creek Rd, CMB 927-1685 Cambria Rock Cambria Pub & Steakhouse Cambria’s Senior Solutions Christian Science Church K. Smith Construction 4090 Burton Dr, CMB 927-0782 www.TheCambriaPub.com 2150 Main St., Suite 8, CMB 927-1051 www.cherishcarecambria.com 1475 Main St., CMB 927-3414 www.spirituality.com 1639 Pineridge Dr., CMB 909-7508 ksmithcontractors@gmail.com 20 December 18 - 24, 2014 THE CAMBRIAN The Original CAMBRIAN PHONE BOOK LISTINGS at your fingertips. CONFERENCE FACILITIES Jost Custom Builders CPA DESIGN - RESIDENTIAL ELECTROLYSIS FIREWOOD GIFT BASKETS Cambria Pines Lodge 661-871- 5538 Debra Jones, CPA A.D.S Corporation Richard D. Low, Jr. Electrolysis by Hetty Clint Winsor & Hounds CMB 927-7268 927-8138 ELECTRONICS Cambria Community Fitness Gym 2306 Main St., East Village, CMB 927-7141 Toll-Free: 800-446-7505 www.fermentations.com 2425-A Village Lane, 788 Arlington St., CMB CMB 927-6809 Cell: 540-1325 FERMENTATIONS GIFTS & GIFT SHOPS Art Ink Signs & Graphics 2905 Burton Dr., CMB 927-4200 Toll-Free: 800-966-6490 www.cambriapineslodge.com San Simeon Pines Seaside Resort 7200 Moonstone Beach Drive, CMB 927-4648 Toll-Free: 866-927-4648 sspines.com K. Smith Construction CMB 927-1982 1639 Pineridge Dr., CMB George G Ross CPA PFS CFP 909-7508 ksmithcontractors@gmail.com Kelly Cannon Construction CMB 927-0232 Kelly Design & Construction CMB 927-5830 kellydesign@charter.net CONTRACTORS/GENERAL Matt Humphrey Construction BUILDING Lic # 744896 A.D.S Corporation Richard D. Low, Jr. www.matthumphreyconstruction.com 788 Arlington St., CMB 927-8138 Bickell Construction Lic# 775097 CMB 805-801-3993 Built-Rite Construction & Home Inspections CMB 440-5970 CMB 909-0323 McKinney Construction, INC. Lic #865783 P.O.Box 1266, CMB 927-3652 Cell: 235-0441 www.CambriaCustomBuilder.com Moss Construction & Design Burgener Design Lic. #558870 CMB 927-5248 1196 Pineridge Dr., CMB Carl Brandt & Co. Lic. #502804 CMB 927-8348 Cartwright Construction 2119 Wilton Drive, CMB 927-8868 cartwrightconst@gmail.com Colgan Construction Cell: 235-1418 www.colganbuild.com Corbet Construction Lic. # 674071 CMB 927-3818 corbetconstruction.com David Morris Construction Lic. 540233 CMB 927-8246 dmorrisbuilder@msn.com Della-Bitta Construction Lic #468664 P.O. Box 1295, CMB 927-3819 Cell: 459-3491 www.dellabittaconstruction.com Home Repair, Etc. Alan Desmond Lic #814242 P.O. Box 409, CMB 924-1718 Cell: 610-4066 927-1178 Cell: 235-3284 O’Mannin’s Construction License# 562437 Blue Sky Cremation Service FD1966 ATAS 461-0835 www.blueskycremation.com Blue Sky Cremation Service FD1768 PASO ROBLES 226-9478 blueskycremation.com Reis Family Mortuary & Crematory 544-7400 www.ReisFamilyMortuary.net 2471 Banbury Rd, CMB 927-4030 Wayne Gracey Construction, INC Lic. #384680 984 Manor Way, CMB 927-8382 Wesley Torell Construction, Inc. 2001 Chester Lane, CMB 927-8857 Wesner Construction, Lic.#720283 - David Wesner 325 Conover Rd, 434-3124 Bob Wright Construction CSL 334871 805-927-5249 Barbier-Clark, Roz MA, MFT 800 Hillcrest Dr. #3, CMB 927-3706 Bates, Diane G. M.F.T. 1106 Pinewood Dr., CMB 924-1066 788 Arlington St., CMB 927-8138 Burgener Design CMB 927-5248 John Wordeman Design & Construction Pewter Plough Playhouse Kelly Design & Construction 824 Main St., CMB 927-3877 www.pewterploughplayhouse.org CMB 927-5830 ESCROW/TITLE SERVICES kellydesign@charter.net Fidelity National Title DOG & CAT GROOMING Animal Expressions Pet Grooming 2509B Village Lane, www.polyprowindow.com FACIALS CMB 927-POLY (7659) DRAIN CLEANING Phil’s Pro Plumb CMB 927-3048 All American Dry Cleaning, Alterations & Laundry Service 1306 Tamson Dr., CMB 927-5162 aavideocambria.com DUCT SEALING/CLEANING Aeroseal California 2244 Main Street, CMB 927-3410 www.sotosmarketplace.com www.aerosealcalifornia.com DELIVERY SERVICES ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS 1241 Knollwood Drive, PMB #88, CMB 927-5205 Cell: 805-550-8782 Dovesdelivery.com DENTIST Frank Fratto, DDS, Inc. First American Title Poly Pro Window & Door 816 Main St. Suite F, CMB 927-2956 www.therapybythesea.com Dove’s Delivery 780 Monterey Avenue, Suite A, MB 771-1920 Toll-Free: 800-266-1440 www.fidelityslo.com 601 Morro Bay Blvd, Suite A, MB 772-2773 www.firstam.com/slo DRY CLEANING The New Soto’s Marketplace ENTERTAINMENT Theatre at the Cambria Center for the Arts Cell: 235-7036 Therapy By The Sea 755 Main St., Unit A, CMB 927-1161 1306 Tamson Dr., CMB 927-5162 aavideocambria.com P.O. Box 1077, CMB 927-4126 Lic. # 467338 DOORS Caren’s Corner All American Video & Electronics Allied Arts Association P.O. Box 184; 1350 Main St., CMB 927-8190 www.artistsofcambria.com Diva Day Spa 9135 Hearst Drive, SS 927-7752 Cell: 909-7665 moonstonedayspa.com Lic. #626793 A.D.S Corporation Richard D. Low, Jr. CMB 927-0227 Cell: 909-1358 O’Sullivan Construction DESIGN CONSTRUCTION DAY SPAS CMB 927-2977 Cell: 805-235-6230 Lic. # 658857 James H. Walker CMB 927-3117 CREMATION SERVICES Moonstone Day Spa P.O. Box 1773, CMB 927-8462 JHW Construction - 4070 Burton Dr, Suite 5, CMB 927-2507 2500 Burton Drive, P.O. Box 104, CMB Lic. 932512 909-1013 jeffdrewconstruction@yahoo.com Singer, Lynne F. CPA 250 San Simeon Ave., SS 927-4252 James D. Glitch Construction, Inc. Jeff Drew Construction 2350 Main Street, MB 772-2808 www.georgerosscpa.com CMB 903-2266 Bonded Electric Systems MB 772-3302 Cell: 435-640-1895 www.bondedsystems.com Cambria Electric 2415 #E Village Lane, CMB 927-8114 McCain Electric Nolan Jangaard, DDS 2150 Main St., Suite 4, CMB 927-4811 Residential & Commercial Poulos, Jill E., DDS Cell: 559-905-4860 4235 Bridge St., CMB 927-5797 www.jillpoulosdds.com Karl Zumwalt Electric Lic#349402 CMB 927-2939 CMB 927-8545 Cell: 235-2361 A Sojourn Healing Arts Center CMB 927-8007 www.SojournSpa.com Diva Day Spa 250 San Simeon Ave., SS 927-4252 www.divadayspaonline.com True Skin 2150 Main Street, Suite C, CMB 395-4474 trueskincambria.skincaretherapy.net FENCING Chris Anderson Lic# 512473 CMB 805-203-5513 FINANCIAL PLANNING George G Ross CPA PFS CFP 2350 Main Street, MB 772-2808 www.georgerosscpa.com Andrew Zinn - Mutual Securities Inc. Financial Advisor 1244 Pine Street, Suite 201, PR 226-8033 or 927-0672 andrew.zinn@mutualsecurities.com FITNESS 1235 Knollwood Dr., CMB 927-2767 Cell: 801-5272 Fitness for Life Colleen Juarez CMB 909-0240 Gym One 1266 Tamson Drive, Suite 101, CMB 927-4961 www.gymonecambria.com FRAMING Picture It Framed-Custom Picture Framing 2435-H Village Lane, CMB 927-4742 FUNERAL DIRECTORS Benedict-Rettey Mortuary & Crematory A Matter of Taste 4120 Burton Drive, CMB 927-0286 www.amatteroftastecambria.com Among Friends 2254 Main St., East Village, CMB 927-7156 Toll-Free: 888-927-7156 www.ShopAmongFriends.com Cambria Music Box Shoppe 778-A Main St., CMB 927-3227 www.cambriamusicbox.com Caren’s Corner 755 Main St., Unit A, CMB 927-1161 Chances San Simeon Glass & Mirror CMB 927-1588 Cell: 471-3486 GRAPHIC DESIGN Jen Mathieson (Cannella) CMB 927-5907 ArtWorksByTerio CMB 924-1792 AzureFire Web & Graphic Design 805 706 2812 www.azurefire.com GROCERS Cookie Crock Market 1240 Knollwood Dr., CMB 927-4490 The New Soto’s Marketplace 2244 Main Street, CMB 927-3410 www.sotosmarketplace.com 733 Main St, CMB 927-3542 Cambria Window Cleaning Home Arts CMB 805-927-8876 Cell: 805-927-0880 Reis Family Mortuary & Crematory 727 Main St., CMB 927-ART1 (2781) Linn’s Farmstore 544-7400 www.ReisFamilyMortuary.net 6275 Santa Rosa Creek Rd,, CMB 927-8134 Cambria Community Fitness Gym FURNACES/HEATING Linn’s Gourmet Goods SALES & SERVICE 4241 Bridge St, CMB 924-1064 FD891 1401 Quintanta Rd., MB 772-7382 www.benedictrettey.com Coastech 772-7779 Cell: 801-8881 D. Lafferty Heating Linn’s HomeStyle 4249 Bridge St, CMB 927-5717 2515-H Village Lane, CMB 927-4487 Moonstones American Craft Gallery SLOCO Heating and Cooling, Inc. 4070 Burton Dr, CMB 927-3447 Toll-Free: 800-424-3827 www.moonstones.com 927-4226 Toll-Free: (888) SERV-SLO www.slocoheatingandcooling.com FURNITURE Home Arts 727 Main St., CMB 927-ART1 (2781) GARDENING MAINTENANCE & SERVICES Chris Anderson Lic# 512473 CMB 203-5513 Enriques Gardening Service FIREPLACES P.O. Box 462, CMB 927-1878 Forden’s Complete Fireplace Shop Jose Reveles Repair & Service 857 Monterey St., SLO 543-1090 Toll-Free: 800-535-1090 www.fordens.com Lic #0705566 P.O. Box 1665, CMB 927-5473 Cell: 909-7187 Oliver’s Twist 1900 Saint James Road, GYM 1235 Knollwood Dr., CMB 927-2767 Gym One 1266 Tamson Drive, Suite 101, CMB 927-4961 www.gymonecambria.com HAIR SALONS Bridal Artistry 2150 Main Street, Suite A, CMB 707-771-9238 Diane’s Hairport 2380 Main St., 4039 Burton Dr., CMB 927-8196 CMB 927-8831 The Garden Shed 250 San Simeon Ave., SS 2024 Main St., CMB 927-7654 www.cambriagardenshed.com www.divadayspaonline.com Teresabelle Gallery 2380 - D Main St, 766 Main St., West Village, CMB 927-4556 teresabellegallery.com Fringe Hair Studio Diva Day Spa 927-4252 Foxy Locks CMB 927-8255 2150 Main Street, CMB GLASS 927-2900 Estero Glass New Beginnings Hair Salon 1560 Main St., MB 772-2288 www.EsteroGlass.com 800 Hillcrest Dr., Ste 8, CMB 927-5655 Poly Pro Window & Door Pacific Hair www.polyprowindow.com CMB 927-POLY (7659) 780 Arlington, CMB 927-3301 pacifichaircambria.com December 18 - 24, 2014 THE CAMBRIAN The Original CAMBRIAN PHONE BOOK LISTINGS at your fingertips. 21 HANDYMAN HEALTHCARE HOTELS/MOTELS HYPNOSIS KENNELS ECOTONES Cholet, Suzanne MORTGAGE A. M. Williams Services Community Health Centers of the Central Coast, Inc. 9 Iron Inn Dianne Brooke, CHT & Ed Kraycik, CHT Estrella Kennels Landscape Design, Installation & Maintenance P.O. Box 1179, CMB 927-0374 www.ecotoneslandscapes.com MS, MFT, CtHA 800 Hillcrest Drive, Suite #5, CMB 927-3337 Central Coast Lending 601 Morro Bay Blvd., Suite #B, Wellington, Barbara M.F.T. www.CentralCoastLending.com License #725143 CMB Cell: 805-423-6949 B & B Handyman CMB 975-3020 or 927-1735 Cell: 975-3020 Grandstaff Home Repair and Service P.O. Box 1232, CMB Cell: 235-0737 Home Repair, Etc. Alan Desmond Lic #814242 P.O. Box 409, CMB 924-1718 homerepairetc.@yahoo.com Jerry Milan Z 1241 Knollwood PMB 129, CMB 927-4908 Jose Reveles Repair & Service Lic#0705566 P.O. Box 1665, CMB 927-5473. K. Smith Construction 1639 Pineridge Dr., CMB 909-7508 Problem Solved Renovations & repairs, home and yard 927-4805 www.ladytiedi.com HARDWARE Cambria Hardware & Lumber 2345 Village Lane, East Village, CMB 927-4650 HAULING Big Tree Buddy Campo, License #967479 2075 Main Street, CMB 927-2277 Cell: 550-2525 Clint Winsor & Hounds Construction — Lic# 863869 CMB 927-7268 Tim Carr’s Handys CMB 927-5111 Cell: 909-0440 Western Hauling Calif. Contractors Lic. # 761591 CMB 927-0946 HEALTH & WELLNESS Tahitian Noni Juice - Teri O’Rourke CMB 924-1792 www.tni.com/teri HEALTH HEALTH FOOD STORES/CAFES 2515 Main St., CMB 927-5292 communityhealthcenters.org HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING All Systems Heating & Air Conditioning ATAS 703-3464 Coastech Heating Same Day Service 772-7779 Cell: 801-8881 D. Lafferty Heating 2515-H Village Lane, CMB 927-4487 SLOCO Heating and Cooling, Inc. 927-4226 Toll-Free: (888) SERV-SLO www.slocoheatingandcooling.com HOME AND GARDEN St. Mary Mead 1940 Main St., CMB 927-1194 HOME HEALTH SERVICES Cherish Care Lic #0730143 CMB 927-1051 www.cherishcarecambria.com Cherish Home Health 2150 Main St., Suite 8, CMB 927-1212 HOME INSPECTIONS Key Termite and Pest Control 927-8611 www.keytermite.com Pacific Coast Home Inspections Steve Spisak - Owner/Inspector P.O. Box 1511, CMB Cell: 909-7300 REPAIR/MAINTENANCE K. Smith Construction 1639 Pineridge Dr., CMB 909-7508 Kelly Cannon Construction CMB 927-0232 HOSPICE Cherish House Assisted Living (Two Homes) Lic #405801566, Lic #405801741 1155 Warren Road & 1405 Berwick Drive, CMB 927-1051 www.cambriaassistedliving.com HOT TUB/SPAS & RENTALS Sunshine Health FoodsShine Cafe Riptide Pool & Spa Enterprises 415 Morro Bay Blvd., MB 772-7873 CMB 927-3357 www.riptidealchemy.com 6736 Moonstone Beach Drive, CMB 927-4647 www.9IronInn.com Bluebird Inn 1880 Main St., CMB 927-4634 Toll-Free: 800-552-5434 www.bluebirdmotel.com Cambria Pines Lodge 2905 Burton Dr., CMB 927-4200 Toll-Free: 800-966-6490 www.cambriapineslodge.com Cambria Shores Inn 6276 Moonstone Beach Dr., CMB 927-8644 Toll-Free: 800-433-9179 www.cambriashores.com Captain’s Cove Inn 6454 Moonstone Beach Dr., CMB 927-8581 Toll-Free: 800-781-2683 captainscoveinn.com Creekside Inn 2618 Main St., CMB 927-4021 www.creeksidecambria.com Her Castle Homestay Bed & Breakfast Inn CMB 805-924-1719 HerCastle.cc Little Sur Inn 6190 Moonstone Beach Drive, CMB 927-1329 www.littlesurinn.com Moonstone Landing 6240 Moonstone Beach Drive, CMB 927-0012 Toll-Free: 800-830-4540 www.moonstonelanding.com San Simeon Pines Seaside Resort 7200 Moonstone Beach Drive, CMB 927-4648 sspines.com The Pickford House 2555 MacLeod Way, CMB 1-877-300-4449 www.thepickfordhouse.com Treebones Resort 71895 Highway 1, S. Big Sur 927-2390 Toll-Free: 877-424-4787 www.treebonesresort.com White Water Inn 6790 Moonstone Beach Drive, CMB 805-927-1066 Toll-Free: 800-995-1715 www.whitewaterinn.com HOUSE CLEANING K & K Cleaning P.O. Box 22, CMB 927-8809 HOUSEWARES A Matter of Taste 4120 Burton Drive, CMB 927-0286 www.amatteroftastecambria.com CMB 927-4805 www.ladytiedi.com Cholet, Suzanne MS, MFT, CtHA 800 Hillcrest Drive, Suite #5, CMB 927-3337 Cell: 235-3352 ICE CREAM/YOGURT Caren’s Corner 755 Main St., Unit A, CMB 927-1161 INTERNET/INTERNET CAFÉ Cambria Coffee Roasting Company 761 Main St., CMB 927-0670 www.cambriacoffee.com INVESTMENTS Edward Jones Investments Shari Long Financial Advisor 1073 Main St, CMB 927-1343 www.edwardjones.com George G Ross CPA PFS CFP 2350 Main Street, MB 772-2808 www.georgerosscpa.com Andrew Zinn - Mutual Securities Inc. 1244 Pine Street, Suite 201, PR 226-8033 or 927-0672 IRON WORK Iron Willow License # 395632 P.O.Box 673, CMB 805-395- 7015 ironwillow.com JEWELRY/JEWELRY DESIGN & REPAIR Alexander-Denny Jewelry Studio 4090 Burton Drive, Suite 12, CMB 927-0467 www.Alexander-Denny.com Bronze, Silver & Gold Gallery 4044 Burton Dr. #1, CMB 927-5421 www.bsgcambria.com Casa De Oro Jewelry Studio 4909 Burton Dr., Suite 5, CMB 927-5444 Hauser Brothers Goldsmiths 2060 Main St., CMB 927-8315 www.hausergold.com Moonstones American Craft Gallery 4070 Burton Dr, CMB 927-3447 Toll-Free: 800-424-3827 www.moonstones.com 4250 Harmony Valley Rd, HMY 927-7827 Vineyard Kennels 330 Ambush Trail, PR 805-238-1330 www.vineyardkennel.com KITCHEN SHOPS A Matter of Taste Mike Rice- Since 1984 Lic#859364 P.O. Box 204, CMB 927-3310 LANDSCAPE SUPPLIES Cambria Rock 4120 Burton Drive, CMB 927-0286 www.amatteroftastecambria.com 2000 San Simeon Creek Rd, CMB 927-1685 Forden’s Gifts for HOME and KITCHEN Wildwood 857 Monterey St., SLO 543-1090 Toll-Free: 800-535-1090 www.fordens.com LANDSCAPE DESIGN Clint Winsor & Hounds Construction — Lic.# 863869 CMB 927-7268 LANDSCAPE CONTRACTORS ECOTONES Landscape Design, Installation & Maintenance P.O. Box 1179, CMB 927-0374 www.ecotoneslandscapes.com Great Gardens CMB See my ad on pg 49 927-1749 Landscape Concepts Kent Cookingham Lic #358822 CMB 927-9422 Cell: 909-0236 www.cambrialandscape.com Mike Rice- Since 1984 Lic# 859364 P.O. Box 204, CMB 927-3310 Scenic Coast Landscape & Maintenance, LIC #854212 CMB 927-0908 Cell: 909-1360 ECOTONES Landscape Design, Installation & Maintenance P.O. Box 1179, CMB 927-0374 www.ecotoneslandscapes.com LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE Chris Anderson Lic# 512473 CMB 805-203-5513 Buddy Campo, License #967479 2075 Main Street, CMB 927-2277 Cell: 550-2525 Cambria Irrigation Doctor CMB 927-8047 LEATHER 4210 Bridge St., CMB 924-0901 www.wildwoodcambria.com LEGAL SERVICES HK FRAUD EXAMINER 794 Arlington, CMB Cell: 748-7952 www.hkfraudexaminer.com LIQUOR STORES Bob & Jan’s Bottle Shop 2292 Main St., CMB 927-4909 LOCKSMITHS Mel’s Lock & Key CMB 927-4250 LUMBER Cambria Hardware & Lumber 2345 Village Lane, East Village, CMB 927-4650 MARKETING 12 Toes Promotions P.O. Box 952, CMB 559-683-1200 Cell: 559-760-1258 www.12toes.com The Cambrian 2442 Main St, CMB 927-8652 Toll-Free: Classified 1-800-477-8799 Fax: 927-4708 cambrianads@thetribunenews.com www.thecambrian.com The Tribune 3825 S. Higuera St, SLO 781-7800 Toll-Free: Circulation 1-800-288-4128 www.sanluisobispo.com MARRIAGE, FAMILY & CHILD THERAPISTS Barbier-Clark, Roz MA, MFT 800 HillCrest Dr. #3, CMB 927-3706 Bates, Diane G. M.F.T. 1106 Pinewood Dr., CMB 924-1066 Brody, Cathy M.S. 800 Hillcrest, #7, CMB 927-5020 798 Arlington St, CMB 927-1887 MASONRY MB 543-5626 Central Coast Mortgage Consultants Rocky Butte Masonry 2226 Burton Drive, CMB 927-7729 www.rockybuttemasonry.com 755 Santa Rosa Street, Suite 310, Gonzalez Multi-Masonry 1131 Monterey Street, SLO Lic # 742151 CMB 924-1020 STONESMITH MASONRY Leon D. Smith 2013 Hanging Tree Lane, TMPLTN 237-2413 Cell: 235-6456 MASSAGE THERAPY SLO See my ad on pg 54 783-4000 The Mortgage House 782-6999 Toll-Free: 800-644-4030 www.themortgagehouse.com MUSIC BOXES Cambria Music Box Shoppe 778-A Main St., CMB 927-3227 A Agidius (Ageless) Healing Arts www.cambriamusicbox.com 800 Hillcrest Dr. #2, CMB 927-0967 www.agidiushealingarts.com Nails by Christine 2150 Main St., Unit A, CMB A Sojourn Healing Arts Center 395-0979 or 927-2686 CMB 927-8007 www.SojournSpa.com Amethyst Healing Center 704 Main St, CMB 927-1700 www.AmethystHealingCenter.com NAIL CARE NEEDLEWORK Flying Fuzzies 719 Main St., CMB 927-2649 www.flyingfuzzies.com NEWSPAPERS Cambria Massage The Cambrian SS 927-5159 Cell: 909-7665 www.cambriamassage.com 2442 Main St, CMB 927-8652 Cambria Wellness 545 Croyden Ln, CMB Cell: 927-0699 www.cambriawellness.com Diva Day Spa 250 San Simeon Ave., SS 927-4252 www.divadayspaonline.com Healing Hands of Happy Hill Massage & Hypnotherapy Toll-Free: Circulation 1-800-288-4128 Fax: 927-4708 www.thecambrian.com The Tribune 3825 S. Higuera St, SLO 781-7800 Toll-Free: Circulation 1-800-288-4128 www.sanluisobispo.com NOTARY PUBLIC CMB 927-4805 www.ladytiedi.com Davega’s Mobile Notary Service Massage by Rameeko 755 Ardath Drive, CMB CMB 927-2607 www.rameeko.org Moonstone Day Spa 927-1755 Judith A. Peterson Mobile Notary 9135 Hearst Drive, SS 927-7752 moonstonedayspa.com Singer, Lynne F. CPA Moss, Nancy Therapeutic Massage CMB 927-2507 1196 Pineridge Dr., CMB 927-1178 Therapy By The Sea Therapeutic Massage & Spa Service 816 Main St. Suite F, CMB 927-2956 www.therapybythesea.com 927-3488 4070 Burton Dr, Suite 5, NURSERIES GROW 2024 Main St., CMB 924-1340 www.grownursery.com Scenic Coast Landscape Nursery 2345 Village Lane CMB 927-0908 22 December 18 - 24, 2014 THE CAMBRIAN The Original CAMBRIAN PHONE BOOK LISTINGS at your fingertips. OPTOMETRISTS PERSONAL TRAINING Cayucos Eyeworks Optometry Gym One Glenn S. Parnes, O.D. 98 S. Ocean Ave., CAY 995-2777 www.cayucoseyeworks.com Dr. Tiffamy Smart, O.D. 590 Harbor St, MB 772-1269 www.morrobayoptometry.com OUTDOOR RETAILER Cambria Outdoors 734 Main Street Ste A, CMB 805-927-5979 cambriaoutdoors.com PAINT SUPPLIES Cambria Hardware & Lumber 2345 Village Lane, East Village, CMB 927-4650 1266 Tamson Drive, Suite 101, CMB 927-4961 www.gymonecambria.com PEST CONTROL Brezden Pest Control 3261 S. Higuera St., Suite 100, SLO 927-5100 Toll-Free: 800-464-9446 www.BrezdenPest.com Key Termite and Pest Control 927-8611 Toll-Free: 800-548-5599 www.keytermite.com Nordella’s Horticultural Service CMB 927-1607 PET CREMATORY Black Mountain Pet Crematory 1401 Quintana Road, MB 772-0137 PAINTERS PET SITTING “Paul The Painter” Chalifoux Painting Aunties Paws N The Pines CMB 927-2375 www.auntiespawsnthepines.com CA Lic. #691754 1034 Hillcrest Drive, CMB 927-3107 Acosta’s Painting Lic#946864 1241 Knollwood Dr. #89, CMB 927-1402 www.CambriaPainting.com Bayside Painting Michael Goodwin Lic#709877 1154 13th Street, LOS OSOS 528-1572 Cell: 748-5585 www.baysidepainting.com Brennan, Don Painting Since 1980 P.O. Box 103, CMB 927-0213 www.DonBrennanPainting.com Bruce Owens Painting CMB 927-0153 Corby Lloyd Painting License #716958 CMB 927-4333 Cell: 909-8243 Grandstaff Paint & Pressure Wash P.O. Box 1232, Cell: 235-0737 Rogall Painting CMB 927-2684 Taylor, Steve - Painting & General Contracting Lic #281886 CMB 927-0812 Whitfield, Gregg CMB 927-1604 www.whitfieldpainting.com Cherish Care - Rent-a-Pet-Nanny CMB 927-1051 Pet Nanny of Cambria Community Health Centers of the Central Coast, Inc. 2515 Main St., CMB 927-5292 Toll-Free: 866-614-4636 communityhealthcenters.org PIANO TUNING Tom Fritz Piano Tuning & Repair Cell: 559-246-6389 PICTURE FRAMING Picture It Framed-Custom Picture Framing 2435-H Village Lane, CMB 927-4742 PIZZA JJ’s Pizza 2380 Main St, CMB 927-3084 PLUMBERS/PLUMBING All Systems Heating & Air Conditioning ATAS 703-3464 Ben’s 24 Hr. Plumbing Lic#549300 P.O. Box 569, CMB 927-1911 Cell: 909-0840 Jeff Smith Plumbing P.O. Box 668, CMB 927-2646 CMB 927-7586 Cell: 909-1004 PET SUPPLIES Phil’s Pro Plumbing Maddie Mae’s Pet Pantry Holistic Pet Nutrition 815 Main Street, CMB 924-1139 www.CambriaPet.com CMB 927-3048 Potter Plumbing, Inc. PHARMACY 2809 Burton Circle, CMB 927-4069 Cell: 909-0169 potterplumbing@gmail.com Cambria Drug & Gift Toby’s Plumbing Burton & Main, CMB 927-7283 PHOTOGRAPHY Debbie Markham Photography CMB 235-7151 www.debbiemarkhamphotography.com Ron Bianchetto Photography CMB 927-0669 or 927-1020 Toll-Free: 800-922-9779 www.ronbianchetto.com Greene’s Visions 4247 Wall Street, CMB 909-8451 PHYSICAL THERAPY Cambria Physical Therapy 1266 Tamson Drive, Suite 101, CMB 924-1605 www.cambriapt.com Central Coast Physical Therapy / CORE Care 4070 West St., CMB 927-1055 PHYSICIANS Alan Brovar, M.D. 798 Arlington St, CMB 927-1887 P.O. Box 832, CMB 927-7555 Cell: 235-3396 PLUMBING & DRAIN CLEANING Ben’s 24 Hr. Plumbing Lic#549300 P.O. Box 569, CMB 927-1911 Cell: 909-0840 Cambria Rooter Service Ben Heaston CMB 927-1911 PRESSURE WASH Grandstaff Paint & Pressure Wash P.O. Box 1232, CMB Cell: 235-0737 Whitfield, Gregg CMB 927-1604 Cell: 235-7412 www.whitfieldpainting.com PRINTERS P&D Printing Double sided, full color flyers. 2442 Main St., CMB 927-8652 Fax: 927-4708 cambrianads@thetribunenews.com PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Chalet Realty, James and Carol Chalifoux, Broker-Realtor 728 Main St., CMB 927-3887 Cell: 441-2256 www.ChaletRealty.com Gold Coast Realty 723 Main St, CMB 927-3883 Cell: 909-0120 goldcoastrealtyonline.com O’Sullivan Property Management Broker DRE# 01916761 2471 Banbury Road, CMB 748-0308 osullivanpm.com Quality Management Services 816 Main St., Suite G-1, CMB 927-2953 Cell: 835-2570 Scenic Coast Property Management www.sceniccoastrentals.com 712 Main St, CMB 927-6163 www.cambriacoastrentals.com Sea & Pines Realty LIC #01324340 1912 Pierce Ave, CMB 927-0306 Toll-Free: 800-240-2277 www.seaandpinesrealty com Brody, Steve Ph.D. 800 Hillcrest, #7, CMB 927-5020 REAL ESTATE Jeff Smith Plumbing Adams, Becky CMB 927-7586 Cell: 909-1004 Coldwell Banker Kellie & Associates Real Estate 702 Main St, CMB 927-6144 Cell: 235-2258 www.BeckyAdams.com O’Malley’s Plumbing Lic. # 717290 CMB 927-2690 Phil’s Pro Plumbing CMB 927-3048 POOL/SPA REPAIR Riptide Pool & Spa Enterprises CMB 927-3357 www.riptidealchemy.com Azevedo, Lynn DRE#01888458 RE/MAX Pines By The Sea, 770 Main St., Suite A, CMB 927-2474 Cell: 703-3953 www.LynnAzevedo.com Barnes & Associates Sotheby’s International Realty Jeannette Johnson 743 Main St., CMB 927-1200 Cell: 441-7746 www.BASothebysRealty.com Barnes & Associates Sotheby’s International Realty 743 Main St, CMB 927-1200 www.BASothebysRealty.com Barnes, Michael Barnes & Associates Sotheby’s International Realty 743 Main St, CMB 927-1200 www.BASothebysRealty.com Barry & Linda Humphrey, Realtors Century 21 Hometown Realty 2137 Pitt Place, CMB 203-5236 Cell: 234-4442 Beasley, Sunny Coldwell Banker Kellie & Associates Real Estate 702 Main Street, CMB 927-3834 or 927-6146 Cell: . 909-2231 www.CambriaRealEstate.com Berk, Deborah - Broker/ Owner Sea & Pines Realty — LIC #01324340 1912 Pierce Ave, CMB 927-0306 Toll-Free: 800-240-2277 www.seaandpinesrealty.com Bob Kasper, Owner/Broker The Real Estate Company of Cambria 2080 Main St., CMB 927-3200 Toll-Free: 855-927-3200 Cell: 909-9707 www.TheRECC.com Breen Realty Richard & Kara Breen Owner/Broker 768 Main St, CMB 927-4966 or 927-4426 Toll-Free: 800-927-4967 Cell: 235-3684 www.BreenRealty.com Brett, Jim Coldwell Banker Kellie & Associates Real Estate 702 Main St, CMB . 927-6147 Cell: 235-3843 www.CambriaRealEstate.com Brett, Manya Coldwell Banker Kellie & Associates 702 Main St, CMB 927-5000 Cell: 235-2749 www.cambria-realestate.com Cambria Pines Realty, Inc. Gold Coast Realty 746-A Main St, CMB 927-8616 www.CambriaPinesRealty.com 723 Main St, CMB 927-3883 www.goldcoastrealtyonline.com Robbin Hinson, Licensed Agent 746 -A Main Street, CMB Cell: 305-9778 www.robbinhinsonrealty.com Coldwell Banker Kellie & Associates 702 Main St, CMB 927-6133 Cell: 909-0830 www.cambriarealestate.com Cambria Pines Realty Carnahan, Gerald Sand Shell Realty, Realtor Associate 555 Main St, CMB 927-1511 Cell: 400-9839 www.sandshellrealty.com Carson, Will Gold Coast Realty - Broker/Owner 723 Main St, CMB 927-3883 www.goldcoastrealtyonline.com Casey Hosman, Broker Associate The Real Estate Company of Cambria 2080 Main St., CMB 203-3131 www.CaseyHosman.com CENTURY 21 Associates West 712 Main St, CMB. 927-6160 www.C21AssociatesWest.com Chalet Realty, James and Carol Chalifoux, Broker-Realtor 728 Main St., CMB 927-3887 Cell: 441-2256 www.ChaletRealty.com Coldwell Banker Kellie & Associates Real Estate “Where Home Begins” 702 Main Street, CMB 927-3834 www.CambriaRealEstate.com Cookingham, Menta Cambria Pines Realty 746-A Main St, CMB 927-8616 Cell: 909-0235 Fax: 926-3102 www.mentayourrealtor.com Craig, David Coldwell Banker Kellie & Associates 702 Main St, CMB 927-8368 www.DavidCraigRealtor.com Doroski, Pat Coldwell Banker Kellie & Associates Real Estate 702 Main Street, CMB 927-6134 or 927-3834 Cell: 235-6457 www.CambriaRealEstatecom Doyle, Don RE/MAX Pines By The Sea 770 Main Street, Ste A, CMB Cell: 801-0810 www.dondoylecentralcoast.com Edwards, Jana RE/MAX Pines By The Sea 770 Main St., Suite A, CMB 927-2474 Cell: 909-9058 Gonyer, John Howard, Bruce Coldwell Banker Kellie & Associates Real Estate 702 Main St, CMB 927-3834 Cell: 909-0780 www.brucehowardrealtor.com Jack Posemsky Real Estate CMB 927-4777 www.jackposemsky.com Jacobs, Jutta Barnes & Associates Sotheby’s International Realty 743 Main St, CMB 909-0520 Cell: 909-0520 www.juttajacobs.com Karin Kraemer, CNE Coldwell Banker Kellie & Associates Real Estate 702 Main St., CMB Direct: 924-4006 www.cambriacoastrealestate.com Koontz, Bruce The Real Estate Company of Cambria 2080 Main St., CMB Home Office: 927-4957 Cell: 610-3371 www.brucekoontz.com Lamb, Joyce Sea & Pines Realty 1912 Pierce Ave., CMB. 909-7177 www.seaandpinesrealty.com Lloyd, Jan, CRB, CRS, GRI, SRES, e-PRO, Broker Associate Lic. # 01142335 Patterson Realty, MB 203-5136 Cell: 909-8263 www.CambriaCoastalProperties.com Maston, Kimberly - Broker Associate, Lic. 01788920 CMB 909-8163 Cell: 909-8163 www.cambrialiving.com Matthes, Bill - Realtor Associate Barnes & Associates Sotheby’s International Realty 743 Main St, CMB 805-610-1564 McCall, Teri Coldwell Banker Kellie & Associates Real Estate 702 Main Street, CMB. 909-1201 Cell: 909-1201 www.realestateincambria.com McKinney, Laura Barnes & Associates Sotheby’s International Realty 743 Main St, CMB 927-1200 Cell: 235-0457 www.realestateslocounty.com Mikesell, Priscilla Sea & Pines Realty 1912 Pierce Ave, CMB 927-0306 Cell: 909-8206 Fax: 980-5506 www.seaandpinesrealty.com Morales, Lance Cambria Pines Realty, Inc. 746-A Main St, CMB 927-8616 Cell: 235-2794 www.CambriaPinesRealty.com Morton, Janet Coldwell Banker Kellie & Associates Real Estate 702 Main St, CMB 927-6129 Cell: 550-5444 www.JanetMortonRealtor.com Mullins, Trudy Coldwell Banker Kellie & Associates Real Estate 702 Main Street, CMB. 927-6128 RE/MAX Pines By The Sea MacTavish, Lachlan Ian 770 Main Street, Ste A, CMB 927-2474 rmpinesbythesea.com Malone, Betty Monica King, Broker —- Real Estate Coastal Connection Cell: 550-0603 www.monicaking.com Coldwell Banker Kellie & Associates 702 Main St, CMB 909-9745 www.cambrialostcoast.com Barnes & Associates Sotheby’s International Realty 743 Main St, CMB 927-1200 Cell: 909-0124 www.BASothebysRealty.com Martin, Jeanne Barnes & Associates Sotheby’s International Realty 743 Main St, CMB. 927-1200 Cell: 235-3578 www.ronjeanne.com San Luis Obispo Realty Sand Shell Realty 555 Main St, CMB 927-1511 Toll-Free: 800-767-0095 www.sandshellrealty.com Shalhoub, Ray, CDPE The Real Estate Office 297 Santa Rosa Street, SLO 878-1924 Cell: 878-1924 www.rayshalhoub.com December 18 - 24, 2014 Silvers, Jim The Original CAMBRIAN PHONE BOOK LISTINGS at your fingertips. RENTAL SERVICES 2415 Village Lane, Unit E, CMB 927-5511 540 Atascadero Rd., MB 772-3335 604 Main St, CMB 927-3000 Oasis Equipment Rentals CMB 927-0323 barbarasnydercambria.com Aron Hill Vineyards The Real Estate Company of Cambria 2080 Main St., CMB 927-3200 www.TheRECC.com Vandenheuvel, Kelly — Broker Associate, GRI Patterson Realty 471-1046 Cell: 471-1046 www.centralcoastsales.com VanDuzer, Mac Sand Shell Realty, Associate Broker 555 Main St, CMB. 927-1511 Cell: 909-7630 www.REcentralCoast.com Warren, Rick Cambria Pines Realty 746-A Main St., CMB 927-8616 Cell: 395-0668 Warren, Sue Cambria Pines Realty 746-A Main St., CMB 927-5270 or 927-8616 Cell: 769-6339 Whitfield, Gregg The Real Estate Office 555 Main St, CMB Home Office: 927-1604 Cell: 235-7412 www.RealtorCentralCoast.com Williams, Kellie - Owner/ Broker Coldwell Banker Kellie & Associates Real Estate 702 Main St., CMB 927-2269 www.CambriaRealEstate.com Williams, Sheron Gold Coast Realty 723 Main St., CMB 927-3883 Cell: 674-3160 www.goldcoastrealtyonline.com Wilson & Co. Sotheby’s International Realty 3590 Broad Street, Suite 130, SLO 543-7727 WilsonandCoSIR.com REMODELING A.D.S Corporation Richard D. Low, Jr. Architect/General Contractor 788 Arlington St., CMB 927-8138 Built-Rite Construction CMB 440-5970 Kelly Cannon Construction Serving Cambria Since 1985 CMB 927-0232 Robin’s Restaurant 4095 Burton Dr, CMB . 927-5007 www.robinsrestaurant.com Sand Shell Realty 555 Main St, CMB 927-1511 Home Office: 927-1735 www.sandshellrealty.com Snyder, Barbara, Real Estate Broker THE CAMBRIAN Oasis Equipment Rentals RESTAURANTS 3745 Highway 46 West, TMPLTN 805-434-3066 Cell: 805-610-5751 www.aronhillvineyards.com Black Cat Bistro 1602 Main St, CMB 927-1600 www.blackcatbistro.com Black Hand Cellars 766 Main St., Suite B, CMB Cell: 712-WINE www.blackhandcellars.com Cambria Beer Company Micro-Brewery & Tap Room 821 Cornwall, CMB 203-5265 www.CambriaBeer.com Cambria Cafe 2282 Main St., CMB 927-8519 Cambria Pines Lodge 2905 Burton Dr., CMB 927-4200 www.cambriapineslodge.com Cambria Pub & Steakhouse 4090 Burton Dr., CMB. 927-0782 www.TheCambriaPub.com Dragon Bistro Chinese Restaurant 2150 Center St., CMB 927-1622 Indigo Moon Cafe 1980 Main St., CMB 927-2911 JBJ’S Roundup Pizza & Grub 815 Main St, CMB 927-4115 JJ’s Pizza 2380 Main St, CMB. 927-3084 Las Cambritas 2336 Main Street, CMB 927-0175 Linn’s Easy as Pie Café 4251 Bridge St,, CMB . 924-3050 Linn’s Restaurant 2277 Main St,, CMB 927-0371 Lombardi’s Pasta & Pizza 4158 Bridge Street, CMB 927-0777 Madeline’s Restaurant 788 Main St., CMB 927-4175 www.madelinescambria.com Manta Rey Restaurant 9240 Castillo Dr, SS 924-1032 www.mantareyrestaurant.com Moonstone Beach Bar & Grill 6550 Moonstone Beach Dr, CMB 927-3859 www.moonstonebeach.com Sandy’s Deli & Bakery Tea Cozy 4286 Bridge Street, CMB 927-8765 Treebones Wild Coast Restaurant and Sushi Bar 927-2390 www.treebonesresort.com Wild Ginger 2380 Main St., CMB 927-1001 www.wildgingercambria.com RETIREMENT LIVING Cambria’s Senior Solutions 2150 Main St., Suite 8, CMB 927-1051 www.cherishcarecambria.com Cherish House Assisted Living (Two Homes) Lic #405801566, Lic #405801741 1155 Warren Road & 1405 Berwick Drive, CMB. 927-1051 www.cambriaassistedliving.com ROOFING CenCal Roofing Lic# 369343 2030 Main St., MB . 772-6808 www.cencalinc.com RUBBER STAMPS Paws On Main 816 Main St., Suite C, CMB 927-PAWS (7297)SCHOOLS Cambria Grammar School 3223 Main St, CMB 927-4400 www.coastusd.org/cusd/cusd_012.htm Cambria Montessori Learning Center FPCS - A California Public Charter School CMB 927-2337 info@cambria-montessori.org www.cambria-montessori.org Coast Unified School District Office 1350 Main St, CMB 927-3891 www.coastusd.org Coast Union High School 2950 Santa Rosa Crk. Rd., CMB 927-3889 www.coastusd.org/cusd/cusd_010.htm Leffingwell Continuation School 2820 Santa Rosa Creek Rd., CMB 927-7148 www.coastusd.org/cusd/cusd_009.htm Santa Lucia Middle School 2850 Schoolhouse Lane, CMB 927-3693 www.coastusd.org/cusd/cusd_011.htm SCREENS Poly Pro Window & Door www.polyprowindow.com CMB 927-POLY (7659) SEAMSTRESS TOWING Bernadene Morgan Cambria Towing CMB 927-0237 SENIOR LIVING Cambria’s Senior Solutions 4363 Bridge St., CMB 927-HELP (4357) TRACTOR SERVICES 2150 Main St., Suite 8, CMB 927-1051 www.cherishcarecambria.com Big Tree- Buddy Campo Big Tree Lic #967479 Lic #405801566, Lic #40580741 1155 Warren Road & 1405 Berwick Drive, CMB 927-1051 www.cambriaassistedliving.com Clint Winsor & Hounds Construction — Cherish House Assisted Living (Two Homes) Senior Living Consultants 805 Aerovista Place #103, SLO 545-5901 www.SeniorLivingConsultants.com SHARPENING Spartan Precision John Poulos CMB 927-5307 SHEET METAL D. Lafferty Heating 2515-H Village Lane, CMB . 927-4487 SIGNS Art Ink Signs & Graphics Jen Mathieson (Cannella) CMB 927-5907 SPAS/SWIMMING POOLS Spa Guy CMB 927-5611 service@spaguy.biz STEREO Coast Electronics 510 Quintana Road, MB 772-1265 STONE Cambria Rock 2000 San Simeon Creek Rd, CMB 927-1685 TAX PREPARATION/SERVICES Debra Jones, CPA CMB 927-1982 George G Ross CPA PFS CFP 2350 Main Street, MB 772-2808 www.georgerosscpa.com Preferred Tax Service 792 Arlington, CMB. Cell: 748-7952 Singer, Lynne F. CPA 4070 Burton Dr, Suite 5, CMB 927-2507 Tamara L. Corbet, EA 909-1210 TELEVISION - AUDIO/VIDEO Coast Electronics 510 Quintana Road, MB . 772-1265 TILE CONTRACTORS Cannon Custom Tile Serving Cambria Since 1985 Lic. # 589903 CMB 927-0232 Marathon Tile P.O. Box 668, CMB 927-4746 2075 Main Street, CMB 927-2277 Cell: 550-2525 License# 863869 CMB 927-7268 TRANSPORTATION/TAXI SERVICES Cambria Community Council Bus P.O. Box 486, CMB . 927-4173 TRAVEL AGENCY Gulliver’s Travel 81 Higuera St., Suite 150, SLO. 541-4141 www.slogull.com San Simeon Travel 1253 Knollwood Cir, Suite 102, CMB 927-4696 TREE SERVICES Big Tree Buddy Campo, License #967479 2075 Main Street, CMB 927-2277 Cell: 550-2525 Cambria Pines Tree Service Dennis White 927-4414 Cell: 434-8287 McCormick’s Tree CMB 927-1749 North Coast Tree Service Lic #736407 Tim Radecki P.O. Box 2, CMB 927-8525 Cell: 235-1889 www.northcoasttree.com Sigurdson’s Tree & Landscape Maisons de Cambria Vacation Rentals Deborah Berk, Owner 1912 Pierce Ave, CMB 927-0306 www.maisonsdecambria.com Scenic Coast Property Management www.sceniccoastrentals.com 712 Main St, CMB 927-6163 www.cambriacoastrentals.com The Pickford House 2555 MacLeod Way, CMB 1-877-300-4449 www.thepickfordhouse.com Cambria Animal Medical Center Ennis J. Ogorsolka, DVM 2501-A Village Lane, CMB 927-7000 www.CambriaAnimalMedicalCenter.com Cambria Veterinary Clinic 1500 Main St., CMB 927-9700 www.cambriavet.com VIDEO All American Video & Electronics 1306 Tamson Dr., CMB 927-5162 aavideocambria.com WATCH REPAIRS Once Upon a Tyme Watches & Watch Repairs 555 Main St., CMB 927-5554 WATER Culligan 355 Quintana Place, MB 927-8165 www.kitzmanwater.com Riptide Alchemy CMB 927-3357 www.riptidealchemy.com WEBSITE DESIGN AzureFire Web & Graphic Design CMB 223-5430 805 706 2812 www.azurefire.com UPHOLSTERY WEDDING SERVICES Harry’s Fine Quality Upholstery 1312 Main St., MB 772-6156 Bridal Artistry T-Line Upholstery Shay Jacobsen 2150 Main Street, Suite A, CMB 707-771-9238 Auto and Furniture CMB 909-8350 Cell: 909-8350 Center for Spiritual Living 2535-C Village Ln, CMB. 927-4065 Linn’s Admin Office / Catering / Cakes Village Upholstery VACATION HOMES/RENTALS Big Red House 370 Chelsea Lane, CMB 927-1390 www.thebigredhouse.com Breen Vacation Station 768 Main St, CMB 927-1303 Toll-Free: 800-927-1303 www.BreenVacationStation.com Cambria Vacation Rentals 784 Main St., Suite A, CMB 927-8200 www.cambriavacationrentals.com Debbie Markham Photography CMB 235-7151 www.debbiemarkhamphotography.com Harmony Wedding Chapel Town of Harmony HMY 927-1028 www.HarmonyChapel.net Old Santa Rosa Chapel 2353 Main St.; P.O. Box 316, CMB 927-5212 www.santarosachapel.com Robin’s Restaurant 4095 Burton Dr, CMB 927-5007 www.robinsrestaurant.com WEED ABATEMENT Buddy Campo, License #967479 2075 Main Street, CMB 927-2277 Cell: 550-2525 Clint Winsor & Hounds Construction — Lic# 863869 CMB 95 927-7268 Mike Rice- Since 1984 Lic#859364 P.O. Box 204, CMB 927-3310 WELDING The Bodyman 2531 F Village Lane, CMB 927-5436 WINDOW CLEANING Cambria Window Cleaning Andy Loveless 1900 Saint James Road, CMB 927-8876 Cell: 927-0880 Jose Reveles Repair & Service Lic#0705566 P.O. Box 1665, CMB 927-5473 Cell: 909-7187 Paradise Professional Window Washers Bob & Jonathan Herzog CMB 927-5251 Cell: 748-5315 paradisewindowwashers@gmail.com WINDOW COVERINGS Bonded Electric Systems CMB 927-2607 www.ComeToYourCenter.org MB 772-3302 Cell: 435-640-1895 www.bondedsystems.com 2415 Village Lane, Suite A, CMB 927-1499 linnsfruitbin.com 2535-C Village Ln, CMB 927-4065 927-3488 P.O. Box 171, CMB 927-8040 WEDDINGS WINDOWS A Central Coast Wedding Central Coast Glass Reverend Judith Peterson CMB 927-2222 ACentralCoastWedding.com Cambria Bride & Finery CMB 927-0237 Cambria Pines Lodge 2905 Burton Dr., CMB 927-4200 www.cambriapineslodge.com Village Upholstery WINDOW WASHING Jon Boon-Jones 440 Quintana, MB 772-5080 Estero Glass 1560 Main St., MB 772-2288 www.EsteroGlass.com Poly Pro Window & Door 23 www.polyprowindow.com CMB 927-POLY (7659) WINE SHOPS Indigo Moon Cafe 1980 Main St., CMB . 927-2911 Fermentations 2306 Main St., East Village, CMB 927-7141 www.fermentations.com WINE TASTING Aron Hill Vineyards 3745 Highway 46 West, TMPLTN 434-3066 Cell: 805-610-5751 www.aronhillvineyards.com Black Hand Cellars 766 Main St., Suite B, CMB 927-9463 Cell: 712-WINE www.blackhandcellars.com Fermentations 2306 Main St., East Village, CMB 927-7141 www.fermentations.com Harmony Cellars 3255 Harmony Valley Rd., HMY . 927-1625 Fax: 927-0256 www.harmonycellars.com Hearst Ranch Winery A Legacy of Quality 442 SLO San Simeon Rd., SS 927-1400 www.HearstRanchWinery.com Madeline’s Wine Shop 788 Main St., CMB 927-0990 www.centralcoastwineshop.com Moonstone Cellars 801 Main St., CMB 927-9466 Stolo Family Vineyards & Winery 3776 Santa Rosa Creek Rd., CMB 924-3131 www.stolofamilywinery.com Twin Coyotes WineryCome howl with us! 2020 Main St., CMB 927-9800 www.twincoyotes.com YARN Ball & Skein & More 4210 Bridge Street, CMB 927-3280 www.cambriayarn.com YOGA Gym One 1266 Tamson Drive, Suite 101, CMB 927-4961 www.gymonecambria.com Raw Curry Yoga Vivian Curry 4251 Bridge Street, CMB . 610-2548 24 December 18 - 24, 2014 THE CAMBRIAN ;#A 4 %H( "H<?$H1 -#( ?C ABH A?'H A# 4$A?<4AH &#>F :4% />?C E2?C!# 8F?2>%H "?D?A47 4$$#>%A* &58!7!,'( (!$!,28 2**'.. !. !5*8+('( %!,# "4+1 )25 6+!. 0/!.34 31!5, .+/.*1!3,!45- 2<*> A1>& <# >A< 9! 	@ ":?:<14 1$$#9%<+ /9>< 7:>:< C4%7>?C#2?C!#*$#')!7>C 3, -4:$5 #% ;(:><:%? 69.>$@:.A@> 1$<:71<A 	@ 'A'.A@>=:! 0, 8#44#) <=A :%><@9$<:#%> <# >9.':< .,863.8@ -E0 4A C4%7>?C#2?C!#*$#')!7>C ,7?$9 #% =@.+ E5= 858E=6./ G#F '#FH ?%G#F'4A?#% ?G %HH"H"* THE CAMBRIAN 0#// "1!("1!! =' !(1&&(%""(1"** !0,++ 4"0##+*+$21$""#!.-$.'+3%/$,$5#(&)6 3. 9$( /H O &"!C&;1& -3.8 .8/ 3#?='6;.3=# %/:=- ;#@ -/ -3:: 2/. %;9> .= +=( %/?='/ @/;@:3#/! !2 5<'8I <DD.8,,I MG:=8 =?'78. @2 B:M%I 0*<,,A4A0<KA:= # D<K8, K: .?= F2 B:=K<0K =<'8 # MG:=8 =?'78. 4:. )8.A4A0<KA:= -,#-/$),. 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Text CONNECT to 30364 or call 1-855-EVRY1ON. powered by © 2013 EveryoneOn December 18 - 24, 2014 THE CAMBRIAN !)'&+* &% ,$ #"( 9!(/ -#"1* *'& 4(-)01 203)+# 3 #3/,-$# (. -$)'5 (/'& )0' .!"" &3)'% #4$''4&$$4*#&$ )' 8736!2(,%2(0+).+: 04;:8,2'&/:8,# +#(( 8125#(( %1 .);:8,# +#(( 8125#(( %1 -6/79 4; ".)3$7&/3*! SALMONELLA PLATTER, ANYONE? KILL HARMFUL BACTERIA: WASH KITCHEN SURFACES, UTENSILS AND HANDS WITH SOAPY WATER WHILE PREPARING FOOD. CLEAN KEEP YOUR FAMILY SAFER FROM FOOD POISONING Check your steps at FoodSafety.gov %( 0!,)20,-+0""* +/0'$( *)!' +'(1-, +0'1 )' +/(+#-.$ 0++)!.,& 27 28 December 18 - 24 , 2014 THE CAMBRIAN 6 5 7 8 11 10 9 12 13 54 55 53 21 22 19 18 23 52 17 16 24 14 20 15 39 28 27 49 26 25 38 29 30 41 42 37 36 31 32 33 51 40 34 35 48 47 46 43 50 45 44 4 3 2 1 62 61 60 59 56 57 58 December 18 - 24, 2014 THE CAMBRIAN 29 30 December 18 - 24 , 2014 THE CAMBRIAN "&'$%#& "!$' )$& *'!! ("!,&. #- +!!% '$%!&#"& " !%/&(*20)$(10 ",0-1# .+) 20-(+)' ACROSS 1 Daddy 6 Mother-of-pearl 11 Rock or Farley 16 Snug 21 Of an eastern region 22 Benefit 23 Rule the — 24 Goldbrick 25 Meager 26 For good 28 Orono’s state 29 Light brown 30 Little devil 32 Son of Seth 33 Something soothing 35 Kind of evidence 36 Love god 38 Start for space 41 Numerical information 43 Born (Fr.) 44 Droplet 45 Dilapidated (Hyph.) 48 Notorious king 50 To a — 52 Word with drag or horse 55 Criticize harshly 57 Call 58 Persona non — 62 Lennon’s widow 63 Radius partner 65 Evergreen tree 67 Unruly crowd 69 Pen for cattle 70 Cash dispenser (Abbr.) 71 Part of AMA (Abbr.) 72 Drink 74 Juicy fruit 76 Touch on 77 Kind of palm 79 “A — at the Races” 81 — operandi 83 Ointment 85 Unclose, to poets 86 Chide 88 Bacon or Costner 90 “— kingdom come...” 92 More lucid 94 Raise 96 Transgression 97 Big clumsy guy 99 Eye 100 Exclusive group 103 Young canine 105 Club entertainer 107 Usher’s beat 110 Branch 111 Form of “John” 113 Commence 115 Bird of legend 117 Sour substance 118 Rests 120 Saharan 122 Mil. address part 123 Youngster 125 Whitney or Wallach 126 Edible seed 128 Panhandle 130 Print measures 132 Grandma 133 134 135 137 139 141 143 145 147 150 152 154 155 159 160 162 164 166 167 169 173 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 — King Cole Communion table Edgar Allan — Mind-body discipline Jerk Crimson Gem Strong disagreement Playing card That’s disgusting! Pennant Overdue Free from danger Kimono sash Day or Roberts Land measure Reply (Abbr.) Kipling novel — Dame Waiting room Artless “Let’s Make — —” Pester in fun Strainer Aquatic mammal Fund type Went wrong Equine Bushed DOWN 1 Glue 2 Entertainment award 3 Spinet 4 Kitchen item 5 Opposing one 6 Snoozed 7 — Maria 8 Sedan 9 Hoarfrost 10 African antelope 11 Reached a high point 12 Term of endearment 13 Decays 14 Ait 15 Fashion 16 Use a stopwatch 17 Crete peak 18 Move smoothly 19 Dye for hair 20 Tire surface 27 Beery or Webster 31 Maimed 34 Animal doc 37 — Lanka 39 Sub — (secretly) 40 Predatory bird 42 Genus of 100-down 44 Yogi of baseball 46 E pluribus — 47 Certain vote 49 Greek coin 51 The “I” 52 Some horses 53 Caper 54 Conduct 56 Hard-rind fruit 59 Tree-like 60 Grayish brown 61 Modify 64 A state (Abbr.) 66 Soft mass 68 69 73 75 78 80 81 82 84 87 89 91 93 95 98 100 101 102 104 105 106 108 109 — and tucker Stringed instrument Place Name for a stranger Toward shelter Indeed! Word in arithmetic Fire Large (Prefix) Be bold enough Big shot (Abbr.) Root vegetable Inter — Competitor Evergreen tree Kind of lily Bay window Cup handle School org. Friend Drink in a can Pale purple Wharton or Sedgwick 112 114 116 119 121 124 127 129 131 132 136 138 140 142 143 144 146 147 148 149 151 153 156 Pen point Simian Flask for water Austere Part of DOD (Abbr.) Daybreak Wrath Boo-boo Turf Cape Canaveral grp. Intertwined Hodges of baseball “— a boy!” Twosome Black eye For one Looked a long time OT book Dwelling Mentioned Scrape harshly Lawn cover Breed of Japanese dog 157 158 160 161 163 165 168 170 171 172 174 Ten-spot cousin Abrasive material Remove Nova Give off Word in a forecast Cleaning cloth Dir. letters Insect “All About —” Dined PUZZLE ANSWERS PAGE 27 December 18 - 24, 2014 THE CAMBRIAN 31 32 CAMBRIA PHOTO ALBUM THE CAMBRIAN December 18-24, 2014 Over the edge: Postal Service truck gets a little too close on delivery PHOTOS BY CHARLIE CASALE A U.S. Postal Service courier was delivering mail to a home Friday when the truck rolled away from him and across the street and down an embankment next to a house at Ivar Street and Marlborough Lane on Marine Terrace. The courier was not in the truck at the time, and the house was not hit. ,%&02 /#&* $&2$... 9. 41,(. 7& '288 +/ $5)3(&/7( "#. 7-0 !311 6. "%$#&! 711 07: $5)3(&/7( (, ,%) ./+1,:..( /7: 4.1.6)7&. &5. 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