NOTIFICATION FOR COLLEGE oF PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS PAKISTAN F CP S - I EX A M I N ATI O N JUNE 2014 2015 FEBRUARY No. F.1-16/Exam-2015/CPS/107 F.1-16/Exam-2013/CPS/104 7th Central Street, Phase II, D.H.A. Karachi-75500 Tel: 99207100-10 Fax: 99207120 UAN: 111-606-606 E-mail: Dated: November 17, 2014 H SCHEDULE OF EXAMINATION 11 It is notified that F C P S -I February 4, 2015 examination will be held as under: DATE OF EXAM EXAMINATION FCPS - I (ALL SUBJECTS) 2 PAPER TIMING WEDNESDAY Paper I 9.00 am To 12.00 noon FEBRUARY 4, 2015 Paper II 2.00 pm To 5.00 pm SUBMISSION OF APPLICATION FOR FRESH & REPEATERS FRESH/ REPEATER ● Application with prescribed fee. upto DECEMBER 9, 2014 ● Application with Late Fee of Rs. 2000/= upto DECEMBER 16, 2014 ● (Non refundable) Application can also be received with additional Late Fee of Rs. 1000/= (Non refundable) upto DECEMBER 23, 2014 ● Last date for withdrawal of application from examination upto DECEMBER 23, 2014 ● upto Last date for change of Centre / Subject with fee of Rs. 1500/= (Non refundable) upto Last date for change of Exam Mode (Conventional to Computer based / Computer based to Conventional) DECEMBER 23, 2014 ● DECEMBER 23, 2014 ● All applications must be received at CPSP Head office, Karachi or its Regional Offices on or before the dates mentioned above. Delays in postal deliveries shall not be considered a valid reason for the late receipt of application. ● For further correspondence please mention your name, subject and where you are appearing in the examination. 3 EXAMINATION FEE Examination centre from Examination fee: Rs.15050/ - Examination fee, as mentioned above, is to be deposited along with the application challan form on enclosed form in: ➊ United Bank Ltd., CPSP ❷ Designated branches of Booth, Karachi. UBL in the country (list enclosed) or Bank draft/pay order payable in the name of CPSP. Postal orders, money orders or Personal Cheques are not acceptable. 3 Fee structure of Saudia Arabia is different from Pakistan. 4. REFUND OF FEE The fee paid for a particular examination shall neither be refunded nor carried over to next examination. However Seventy five percent of the examination fee may be refunded to the candidate under the following conditions: ● Application for withdrawal from the examination if received on or before the specified date. ● Rejection of the application by CPSP on account of ineligibility. While applying for REFUND, candidate should write his / her NAME, CENTRE, SUBJECT and BANK RECEIPT NUMBER. Contd. on Page 2 -2- 5. FORMAT OF EXAMINATION ALL SUBJECTS. Paper-I Paper-II 6. 7. } 100 MCQs of SINGLE BEST TYPE IN EACH PAPER SUBJECT EXAMINATION ● ANAESTHESIOLOGY ● OBSTETRICS AND GYNAECOLOGY ● COMMUNITY MEDICINE ● OPHTHALMOLOGY ● DENTISTRY ● DIAGNOSTIC RADIOLOGY ● OTO-RHINO-LARYNGOLOGY (ENT) ● MEDICINE AND ALLIED ● PATHOLOGY ● PSYCHIATRY ● SURGERY AND ALLIED ELIGILIBILITY 1) M.B.B.S. (B.D.S. only for FCPS-I in Dentistry) or equivalent qualification registered with Pakistan Medical & Dental Council. 2) 3) One year House Job in an institution recongised by PMDC House Job must have been completed Two months before 8. the date of examination. APPLICATION FORM Candidates are required to fill up on-line application form and also submit hard copy of completed application form along with the required documents plus bank drafts/bank voucher, voucher in, CPSP Head office Karachi or regional offices. Lahore Next to INMOL Hospital, Block-D, New Muslim Town, Lahore. Islamabad Ravi Road, P.I.M.S, Sector G-8/3, P.I.M.S. Islamabad. Rawalpindi Military Hospital, Rawalpindi. Peshawar Hayatabad Medical Complex, Phase IV, Hayatabad, Peshawar. Abbottabad 1 Floor, Admin Office, Ayub Medical Complex, Abbottabad. Multan District Jail Road opp. Circuit House, Multan 061-4570993 Faisalabad Punjab Medical College, Faisalabad. 041-9210095 Quetta CPSP Regional office, Near Cenar Hospital, off: Brewery Road Quetta 051-9261196, 9262590-1 561-9271002 091-9217140 0992-381907-14 081-9213434-35, 9202424 Hyderabad CPSP Regional office, Sir Cowasji Institute of Psychiatry, Giddu Chowk 022-3860056 Larkana Chandka Medical College, Larkana. 0749-410726 Nawabshah Peoples Medical College, Nawabshah 0241-9370249 Muzaffar Abad H.H SKBZH/CMH, MuzaffarAbad 05822-920998 Bahawalpur ● 042-5728759-60 062-9250411 062-9250411 CPSP Regional Office.Quaid-e-Azam Medical College Bahawalpur Application forms issued for r e c e n t examination only will be accepted. 9. VENUE OF EXAMINATION THEORY: Theory examination is conducted at Karachi, Hyderabad, Quetta, Bahawalpur, Multan, Lahore, Faisalabad, Rawalpindi, Islamabad, Peshawar, Larkana, Abbottabad, Nawabshah. The choice of the city should be clearly written in the appropriate box in the application form. The CPSP reserves the right to delete a particular centre, or shift the candidates from one Centre to another on account of logistic reasons. 10. REFUND & OTHER CHANGES ● Application for refund, Change of Subject, Change of Center & Change of Address must be submitted on prescribed website form No email application will be acceptable. (Dr.Muhammad Sharif ) Chief Controller of Examinations
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