EMC VNX-VSS100 Capacity Planning and Ordering Guide Performance and capacity considerations Using the ordering tables • VSS1 (24 TB) entry model – Consists of 6 drives that encompassed the vault disks into a 4+1 RAID group and are part of the total usable storage • VSS2 (120 TB) entry model – Consists of 4 independent vault drives and twenty-four 4 TB drives configured as a storage pool. The vault drives are not used for usable storage. • Both models are expandable using 9-drive and 15-drive expansion packs and up to 6 trays (DPE plus up to 5 DAEs) • We recommend the use of vault drives for storage applications of 96 TB raw capacity or less • Performance improves with more/smaller RAID groups underlying the Storage Pools • Capacity improves with larger/fewer RAID groups • For RAID 6 requirements we recommend the 6+2 RAID group configuration • For RAID 5 requirements we recommend the 4+1 or the 8+1 configurations • Maintain at least one hot spare per 30 drives in the array • Use the tables in this document to ensure the correct spare to disk ratio • Due to limited drive pack options, the final configuration may result in more than 1 hot spare per 30 drives 1. Pick the protection level required for the implementation (RAID 5 or RAID 6) 2. Within the protection level select the RAID group table (4+1, 8+1, 6+2, 14+2) 3. Find the row within the selected table that meets the storage capacity needs for total usable capacity. This is a preformatted value and you must factor in the operating system formatting overhead. 4. Verify the bandwidth for the capacity arrived at in the above steps meets the requirements. Please note that the numbers represented in the table are based on a single storage processor (SP). Using a VSS100 with the maximum number of drives and both storage processors, 500MB/s may be used. 5. Use the columns under VSS1 or VSS2 ordering information to help determine the bill of materials. Note: Orange highlighted cells indicate the configuration has 24 total disks or less. In this configuration the 4 vault drives combine with an additional drive to form a RAID 5, 4+1 RAID group. The sixth drive is considered a spare. All other disks are part of a Storage Pool. Note: The RAID group configuration that includes the vault disks is not eligible for Storage Pool inclusion. Note: Green highlighted cells indicate that the configuration is based on a 4-disk vault and all other disks are part of a single storage pool. Capacity Planning and Ordering Guide VNX-VSS100 1 Ordering tables RAID 5 Table 1. RAID 5 4+1 VSS1 or VSS2 ordering information RAID 5 4+1 Absolute totals Order Order Order Total Total usable VSS100 9156Total Total Total capacity subBase raw disk disk disk 915- Total raw (preformatted) model capacity packs packs vault disk disk disks TB 10.56 VSS1 24TB 0 0 1 0 0 6 24 24.88 VSS1 24TB 1 0 1 1 0 15 60 53.53 VSS1 24TB 2 0 1 2 0 24 96 71.61 VSS1 24TB 3 0 1 3 0 33 132 100.26 VSS1 24TB 4 0 1 4 0 42 168 114.58 VSS2 120TB 2 0 1 3 1 48 192 128.90 VSS1 24TB 5 0 1 5 0 51 204 143.23 VSS2 120TB 3 0 1 4 1 57 228 157.55 VSS2 120TB 2 1 1 3 2 63 252 186.19 VSS2 120TB 3 1 1 4 2 72 288 200.52 VSS2 120TB 2 2 1 3 3 78 312 Table 2. Spares Usable Bandwidth MB/s 1 5 4 4 3 4 2 3 4 3 4 40 67 93 75 187 208 228 247 265 298 313 RAID 5 8+1 VSS1 or VSS2 ordering information RAID 5 8+1 Absolute totals Order Order Order Total Total usable VSS100 9156capacity sub8+1 Base disk disk disk 9(preformatted) model Capacity packs packs vault disk 10.56 VSS1 24TB 0 0 1 0 39.21 VSS1 24TB 1 0 1 1 57.29 VSS2 120TB 0 0 1 1 67.85 VSS1 24TB 2 0 1 2 85.94 VSS1 24TB 3 0 1 3 114.58 VSS1 24TB 4 0 1 4 143.23 VSS2 120TB 1 1 1 2 171.87 VSS2 120TB 2 1 1 3 200.52 VSS2 120TB 3 1 1 4 229.16 VSS2 120TB 1 3 1 2 15disk 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 2 2 4 Total disks 6 15 30 24 33 42 54 63 72 84 Total raw TB 24 60 120 96 132 168 216 252 288 336 Spares Usable Bandwidth MB/s 1 1 8 1 2 2 5 5 5 8 40 110 115 115 170 210 245 275 300 320 Capacity Planning and Ordering Guide VNX-VSS100 2 RAID 6 Table 3. RAID 6 6+2 VSS1 or VSS2 ordering information RAID 6 6+2 Total usable capacity (preformatted) 10.56 32.04 53.53 64.45 85.94 107.42 128.90 150.39 171.87 Order VSS100 submodel VSS1 VSS1 VSS1 VSS2 VSS2 VSS2 VSS2 VSS2 VSS2 Table 4. Base raw capacity 24TB 24TB 24TB 120TB 120TB 120TB 120TB 120TB 120TB Order Total Order 1569-disk disk disk 9packs packs vault disk 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 2 0 1 2 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 2 2 0 1 3 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 3 3 1 1 4 Total usable capacity (preformatted) 50.13 100.26 100.26 150.39 150.39 200.52 15- Total disk disks 0 6 0 15 0 24 1 30 1 39 1 48 2 54 2 63 2 72 Total raw TB 24 60 96 120 156 192 216 252 288 Spares Usable Bandwidth MB/s 1 2 3 2 3 4 2 3 4 40 40 75 109 142 174 205 235 164 Spares Usable Bandwidth MB/s 4 3 6 2 5 4 170 210 210 275 275 320 RAID 6 14+2 VSS1 or VSS2 ordering information RAID 6 14+2 Order VSS100 submodel VSS1 VSS2 VSS1 VSS2 VSS2 VSS2 Absolute totals Base raw capacity 24TB 120TB 24TB 120TB 120TB 120TB Absolute totals Order Total Order 1569-disk disk disk 9packs packs vault disk 2 0 1 2 1 0 1 2 4 0 1 4 1 1 1 2 3 0 1 4 3 1 1 4 15- Total disk disks 0 24 1 39 0 42 2 54 1 57 2 72 Total raw TB 96 156 168 216 228 288 Capacity Planning and Ordering Guide VNX-VSS100 3
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