LOCAL NEWS December 2014 Nov Wed 26th Future of Shop & Post Office MEETING POSTPONED P 1, 12 Dec Fri 19th Christmas Nativity at The Crown; start Pitchens End at 5pm P 21 2015 Jan Thu,Fri,Sat 26,27,28 Pantomime Aladdin; BHADS; Village Hall; 7:30 pm (2pm Sat) Feb Wed Apr th 4 P4 Dr Manchip; Treatment of Dementia; Village Hall; 7:30 P6 Auction in Village Hall The copy date for January 2015 will be 20th December 2014 Please send copy to 152 Broad Hinton or email news@onefivetwo.co.uk or phone 739083 HAPPY BIRTHDAY ! A very Happy Birthday to the following children whose birthday is in December: Louis Rudler, Madeleine Roche, Nanami Ikoma, Holly Ward, Sarah Hafner, Tegan Ashford, Benjamin Philpott, Amber Hipkin-Fox Broad Hinton Village Hall 300 Club winners October 2014 Number 37 – James Gates £50 Number 257 – Chris and Fee Drewett £25 Number 177 – Romey Baker £20 Number 45 – Sue Hobbs £20 Number 79 – Paula Doyle £10 STEVE WINDEL PUBLIC MEETING POSTPONED The PUBLIC MEETING planned for 26th November to discuss the proposal to establish a Community Shop in Broad Hinton has been POSTPONED whilst other options for the future of our shop and Post Office are investigated. To all readers of the Upper Kennet News LANDSCAPING GROUNDS AND GARDENS has moved to: 1,The Close,Winterbourne Bassett,SN4 9QA Tel: 01793 814695 Mob:07812656431 Please be aware that the Upper Kennet News will not be published in January 2015. Normal publication will commence with February’s issue. Page 1 LOCAL NEWS he ey warmest wis nv co n yn F e av Jilly and D rs for a ds and neighbou n ie fr r ei th l al to y as and prosperit tm is hr C us o y most jo s Our love and good wis December 2014 hes to everyone for A Happy Christmas and New Year From Angela, Steve, Ellie, Nathan, William and Joseph XXXXXX ear. in the coming y Kate, Jerry & Rich Marshall Wish all friends and neighbours in Broad Hinton, Uffcott & Winterbourne Bassett A peaceful, joyful Christmas And a happy new year Wishing all our friends an d neighbours a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and healthy 2015. Brian and Lynne Butler Marg and Dave Baker Julie, Lewis and Hope iends and Neighbours Would like to wish all Fr A Merry Christmas New Year And a Happy and Healthy to ily would like m fa d an in w d Mervyn Go d neighbours a an s nd ie fr l al wish as Merry Christm and a eful New Year Happy and peac “Wishing you all a Merry Christmas Love & Best Wishes” Caroline, Ian, Laura, & James Flem ing A Happy Christmas to all our friends And a wonderful New Year from Tim & Pat Roy and Jenny Oakshott would like to thank all our friends in Broad Hinton and beyond A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and A HAPPY AND PEACEFUL NEW YEAR We wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year John and Jackie Austin A favourite time of year, for all who are dear, A time for love and peace, a time for all fighting to cease. Happy Christmas – Geoff and Marilyn Page 2 d Jenny would like to wish Des anNEWS LOCAL and beyond all their friends in the village ristmas and a a very Happy and Peaceful Ch Healthy New Year. Lesley Morgan wishes all her friends in Winterbourne Bassett and Broad Hin ton a very Happy Christmas and New Yea r Miri, Mark, Becky and Matt would like to wish all their friends a Very Happy Christmas and New Year. Gerald and Glynis Long December wish one and all2014 a blessed Christmas and good health, happiness, peace and contentment in 2015 To all our fantastic friends We wish you a very merry and magical Christmas and a prosperous and peaceful New Year John and Jane O'Neill Phil and Lesley Catling Wish all friends and neighbours A Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year. Jenni and Martin Moseling would like to wish all our friends and neighbours in the villages the happiest of Christmases and the most prosperous of New Yea rs at this special time. Jo and Andy wish all their friends a Happy and Holy Christmas and a Happy New Year. May the peace of the Christ Child and the joy of the Season be with you all. Brian and Juanita Poulton as and a Wish local friends a joyous Christm Happy and Healthy New Year Wishing you a very Happy Christm as and Health and Happiness for the New Year from Mark and Trish Wightman John and Jennifer Taylor wish all their friends in the village a very Happy Christmas and a peaceful New Year Page 3 LOCAL NEWS December 2014 Aladdin Page 4 LOCAL NEWS The Crown December 2014 At Broad Hinton FOOD ALL DAY EVERY DAY Have Your Christmas Party at The Crown 3 Courses Just £16.95 Menu on our Facebook Notes Page Free Local Pizza DELIVERY (min order £10) Broad Hinton, Uffcott, Broad Town & Winterbourne Bassett Feature Nights: Mondays – Pie Night Tuesdays – Pizza Night Thursdays – Menu SPECIALS Fridays – Menu Specials Saturdays – Menu Specials Sundays – Carvery (12-3pm) Upcoming Events Christmas Menu – 17th Nov – 24th Dec To book call – 01793731302 Email – enquiries@thecrownatbroadhinton.co.uk Page 5 LOCAL NEWS December 2014 RIDGEWAY LADIES OPEN MEETING BROAD HINTON VILLAGE HALL WEDNESDAY 4TH FEBRUARY 2015 “HOPES AND FEARS” – THE DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT OF DEMENTIA EXPLAINED A talk by Dr. Simon Manchip Consultant at the Memory Clinic in Swindon Dr Manchip is a Consultant in Old Age Psychiatry for the Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership Trust working in Swindon and Wiltshire. He is also the National Dementia Advisor for the Order of St John’s Care Home Trust – a non-profit organisation that runs 74 care homes in England. His special interest is the management of behavioural problems in dementia, especially in care homes. We invite you to come along to this open meeting and find out more about this important issue. The talk will commence at 7.30pm until 8.30pm followed by refreshments and questions Entrance is £3 to include tea/coffee If you have any questions, please contact Marilyn Martin (01793 731521) or just come along on the night DOG FOULING Can all dog owners please pick up their dogs mess and not leave it for people to walk in. This is an offence and if the people responsible are seen, a fine can be imposed. Thank You. Page 6 LOCAL NEWS December 2014 WILTSHIRE AIR AMBULANCE I still have cards & diaries supporting our Heli . In shop , find me some coffee mornings, at Church & Xmas Fayre or give me a call 01793731476 Sales are going really well, thanks for your support in so many ways From Julie Watts RAISING MONEY FOR BROAD HINTON VILLAGE HALL There are no catches and it's completely free to use. It's really simple - just shop online via easyfundraising.org.uk with over 2,700 well known retailers like John Lewis, Amazon, Argos, M&S, eBay (and many more!) and whenever you buy something online, the retailer makes a donation to your chosen good cause. It doesn't cost you a single penny extra. You can sign up to raise for Broad Hinton Village Hall too, or choose from over 55,000 good causes across the UK. Over £5,000,000 has been raised so far, so it really does work! Get started now - http://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/invite/48Z4CY/ Please use this link to register and when you raise £10 – an extra £5 will be donated to your cause. A very big THANK YOU to all the Prospect Hospice box holders in our area. We have collected the grand total of £300.71 this autumn which will be much appreciated by the Hospice. Thank you also to all the new box holders who have very kindly agreed to take a box. The money donated through the collection box scheme enables the nursing team at Prospect Hospice to deliver more care for people at the Hospice in Wroughton, in people’s homes, in care homes, and at the Great Western Hospital, where they have a dedicated nursing team. Last year Prospect’s collection boxes raised nearly £90,000 towards the cost of running the Hospice. If you would like to support the Prospect Hospice by having a collection box in your home or have any questions please get in touch: Bridget Cooper 731106/ 07879 863019 or email me at bridgetcooper1@btinternet.com Page 7 LOCAL NEWS December 2014 WHITE HORSE GARDENING CLUB NOVEMBER MEETING “Preparing the garden for winter” was the theme of the evening’s talk given by Mr. Alan Christopher. Here was a gentleman of many years’ experience having started his horticultural career at the tender age of 15 and finally finding himself on local radio (Kent) and working with Alan Titchmarsh. He described how as the youngest and newest apprentice he had been expected to clean everyone’s tools after a day’s work. He did not realise this involved using the estate’s only water source, a large ice covered lake! It had obviously left an indelible impression. Alan stated that far from “putting the garden to bed “in November, it should really be regarded as the start of the gardening year. Tools should be cleaned, oiled and sharpened, and lawn mowers serviced. He also stated that now was a good time to buy expensive pieces of gardening equipment as retailers do not want the expense of over-winter storage. Contrary to popular belief DO NOT hang your tools in the shed by their handles, they should be hung HANDLES DOWN, blades up. This is to prevent water seeping down into the shaft/blade junction and rotting the wood. He also advocated taking weekly photographs of your garden as a visual record to allow you to remember for example where you placed last year’s Daffs and Tulips and so avoid accidentally digging them up when you are busy splitting and re-positioning your herbaceous perennials in the autumn. Another task was cutting away dead soggy leaves that are “leaning” on other plants and creating hiding places for the dreaded slugs, snails and other wee beasties. His motto being “good husbandry now saves you time next year”. His next tip concerned seed saving. Seeds should be saved in new envelopes as the chemicals in older envelopes which facilitate rotting (ie allow us to recycle them) could adversely affect the seeds. Once seed is ripe and shed by the plant it is ready for sowing into STERILIZED SOIL. Alan does this by microwaving for 3 mins small quantities of soil. Said microwave is in his shed not his kitchen (I daresay Mrs Christopher would have a view on that!) Many more subjects were covered including. “Let your compost rot for 3 years before you use it” “the easiest and safest manure to use is pelleted chicken manure” and (very controversial this one) “not all slugs are bad”!! Only the Grey, White or little black ones are bad, any other colour is ok they don’t eat your living plants just dead stuff. The evening finished with us discussing the sex-lives of male codling moths. Alan’s many years of experience and knowledge enabled him to answer any questions and I for one came away determined to rearrange my shed, sow seed straight away and not be colour blind when it comes to slugs. Local News Magazines I have a complete, collated collection of the Local News magazines from 1976-present day. If anyone is interested in them as a local history resource they are free to collect. Phone Thelma on 01793 731577 If no-one collects this time they will go to recycling. - Ed Page 8 LOCAL NEWS t e G December 2014 w FREE i t h I T ipad/tablet DROP IN SESSIONS Every Monday, 10am – 12pm Wootton Bassett Library Further information: Rita Patel (RWB Post Office) Tel: 01793 852205 Email: rita.withitrwb@gmail.com Magic Fingers Therapies would like to wish you and your families a joyous festive period and New Year. Thank you all for your continued support! Warmest Regards. Magic Fingers Sports Massage, Complementary Therapies and Foot Care -Sports and Remedial Massage, including posture analysis, muscle testing, stretching and strengthening -Deep Tissue Massage -Swedish/Relaxation Massage -Hot Stone Massage -Indian Head Massage -Reflexology -Foot Care: Corns, Callus, Fungal/Damaged Nails, Athlete’s Foot Based in Winterbourne Bassett. To book your appointment call Rachel on: 07818 402474/01793 731132 Go to: www.magicfingerstherapy.co.uk For offers and more info, Like us on Facebook: magicfingerstherapies And Twitter @MFTherapies Page 9 LOCAL NEWS December 2014 WHITE HORSE GARDENING CLUB Our first evening talk of the autumn/winter season began with a visit from a local nurseryman Marcel Floyd who specialises in Clematis. His nursery at Lackham has been established for 22years and this wealth of knowledge was evident not only in the depth of information imparted but the ease with which it was given. No question was too difficult or obscure and there, were a lot of practical tips within the presentation. Included in these tips were “use seed from your own plants as a propagation method” Apparently the hunt is on for a red double flowered Clematis. If anyone can produce one, name your price! Also, we learned that cuttings taken in June will strike but then many are reluctant to produce shoots and this is why for example, Clematis armandii is so expensive to buy. Marcel’s nursery is a working nursery and therefore not open to the public. However, on two weekends of the year in March and September the nursery holds open days. Several members expressed a wish to attend so once we know the exact dates, a trip will be arranged. Please feel free to come along and buy your plants from a knowledgeable local grower. If you have a mystery Clematis, bring along a sample or a photo and Marcel will endeavour to identify it. Lastly, that vexing question “how do you pronounce it, Cleeemaytis or ClemAtis ? The answer is “who cares as long as you just have a go at growing them!” Hot off the press The OPEN DAYS are April Friday 10th Saturday 11th and Sunday 21th 2015 from 10am until 4pm. Tea/coffee and cake will be available. Anyone wishing to go contact me (731083) and I will arrange a trip. ROYAL BRITISH LEGION POPPY APPEAL 2014. Once again THANK YOU so much for giving so generously to this years Appeal, between us we raised a fantastic £ 1132.11, up on 2013 - £1008.86 and District total of £17.000 plus. A personal THANK YOU to our amazing team that knocked on doors or had static boxes. Special mention must go to Mrs. Daphne Embling who knitted LOTS of beautiful lapel poppies. Well done ,thanks for your extra support. And Broad Hinton C of E School who did especially well too, their tin was full . To complement Poppy appeal & book week (10-14Nov) WWI Commemoration & Remembrance ended with Open afternoon,everyone was dressed of the age & in the Hall was a brilliantly put together display, each class contributed in some way e.g Poppy decorated cupcakes, pottery poppies (made me think of the Tower Poppies) & in more depth, written & illustrated by the older class . WELL DONE EVERYONE . WE DID REMEMBER THEM - WITH MUCH PRIDE From Julie Watts There are a few 2014-18 lapel pins available, call 01793731476. Page 10 LOCAL NEWS December 2014 THE RIDGEWAY LADIES On Wednesday November 5th Elaine Scott gave a talk and demonstration to the Ridgeway Ladies entitled “Know your skin and how to look after it”. Elaine spoke about the ageing of the skin and the importance of looking after it. Elaine demonstrated exactly how to execute a daily facial routine and Marilyn Martin was her willing volunteer.. Marilyn looked positively radiant when Elaine had completed the demonstration prompting many of the ladies to rethink their own daily facial routine. Elaine also stressed the importance of looking after our hands and we sampled some hand products. An interesting, informative and relevant talk which was enjoyed by all.....and possibly led to some beauty product additions on the Christmas list!!!! In December the Ridgeway Ladies will be enjoying their annual Christmas meal at the Barbury. The AGM followed by a quiz will take place in the Village Hall on Wednesday 7 th January at 7.45pm – all ladies welcome. Then on February 4th we are fortunate to have Dr Manchip from the Great Western Hospital speaking on Dementia – this will be an open meeting and everyone is welcome. CHRISTMAS COFFEE MORNING Yes, Christmas is all over the place, in the shops and on the television, so we are preparing for Christmas Coffee Morning on December 23rd. A warm welcome is extended to everyone and we hope you will come along and enjoy the coffee, tea or chocolate (maybe even some mulled wine) along with a yummy mince pie, cake or even a sausage roll, have a chat, pull a cracker and wear a silly hat before setting out to do the final bits of Christmas shopping. Coffee morning starts at 10.00 and finishes at 12.00 so come along and have a bit of a break before the major festivities begin. Jenni and the Coffee Morning Teams BRAND NEW FITNESS CLASS STARTING THURSDAY 13TH NOVEMBER Broad Hinton Village Hall 9:30-10:30am every Thursday £7 pay as you train Contact me for further details and to book your space. Or train in the comfort of your own home at a time to suit you. I am a level 3 certified personal trainer and provide Personal Training sessions on a 1-2-1 basis tailored to your specific goals. If this is something you would like to find out about please contact me for more details Call Kaylee Herbert on: 07962804069 Email:Khpersonaltraining@hotmail.co.uk Facebook: kayleeherbertpersonaltraining Page 11 LOCAL NEWS December 2014 BROAD HINTON VILLAGE SHOP We would like to say a massive thankyou to everyone that came along to our Macmillan coffee morning at the end of September. We raised £469.93p !! We would also like to thank everyone for their love, support and kind wishes on the passing of our dad last month. December is approaching thick & fast and we would like to invite you all to join us on Christmas Eve from 9am – 12pm for mince pies and Bucks Fizz. We will be taking orders for milk, bread & anything else you might need over the Christmas period, ready for collection on Christmas Eve. We will also be able to offer meat hampers to order. Please ask in store for more info! ● Also we are supplying logs, kindling and coal ● Christmas Cards & wrapping paper ● Boxes of chocolates ● Spirits & much more Christmas opening times Christmas Eve 6:30 – 1pm Christmas Day CLOSED Boxing Day CLOSED Saturday 27th 7am – 6pm Sunday 28th 7am – 1pm Monday as normal Tuesday as normal Wednesday 31st 7am – 1pm New Years Day CLOSED 2nd as normal We would like to wish all our customers a very merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Sasha, Dave and the girls PUBLIC MEETING - POSTPONED The PUBLIC MEETING planned for 26 November to discuss the proposal to establish a Community Shop in Broad Hinton has been POSTPONED whilst other options for the future of our shop and Post Office are investigated. Page 12 LOCAL NEWS December 2014 MINUTES OF THE BROAD HINTON AND WINTERBOURNE BASSETT PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON Monday 8th September 2014 IN BROAD HINTON VILLAGE HALL Present: Councillors George Horton (Chair) ; Robert Horton: Candace Gaisford; Jim Gunter Alex Laroche: Adrian Smith: Elaine Scott (Clerk) Apologies: Clare Fitzpatrick : David Tippetts: Jemima Milton: Geoff Martin (Vice-Chair): Des Clarke Item 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Description Action Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday 14 July 2014 were agreed and signed by the Chair Matters Arising The previous meetings minutes were reviewed for actions, all of which were to be covered later in the meeting. Planning application Miss Pullen Attended the meeting to discuss her planning application, plans are currently being circulated. Wiltshire Council Rebecca Busby from Wiltshire council attended the meeting she is our contact for getting works completed. GM, JG & AS are her contacts from the Parish Council all requests for work should be sent to these councillors. RB will send out works schedules to the above We still have a steward for the Marlborough area all works must be co-ordinated by RB. Church Grants Councillors agreed to support both Winterbourne Bassett & Broad Hinton Churches with a donation of £100.00 each Correspondence All councillors will receive Rural Services and Community Matters correspondence all ES other communications will be sent to the appointed councillor A drop box is to be investigated by AS for correspondence AS Housing Needs Survey & Community Land Trust Councillors agreed to put this on hold at the present time. It will be discussed at least twice a year or as required. 8 Wiltshire Core Strategy – Housing Development We have no further details of this at the moment, but Elaine Scott will send out details to the Parish Councillors in due course, which will be followed by a PC meeting. 9 ES Septic Tanks in Winterbourne Bassett The drainage works have all been completed and grant received. The residents have sent their thanks to the PC for their help with getting these works completed. 10 11 Emergency Planning This item will be placed on the agenda twice a year Traffic Plan The 50mph speed limit is in place along with improved road signage at Elm Cross. There is a Tee junction sign on the A4361 denoting Post Office Lane. The white lines are to be refreshed RB is raising a works order for this It was also discussed about putting Planters in front of the signs when they arrive. GM had looked at costs, but obviously until we have the signs this cannot be progressed. Unfortunately JG and GM have not yet got together re siting of planters. We will do so soon and liaise with Highways over their location. ES GM GM GM/ JG Page 13 LOCAL NEWS Item 12 12a Councillors Additional Reports Area Board –No update 12b Highways and Footpaths – December 2014 Description Winterbourne Bassett wish to thank Gordy for general maintenance duties around the village. 12c Maintenance Work is progressing from both Wiltshire Council and local contractors. 12d 12e 13 Community Liaison No report Planning The following applications have been received 27 Pitchens End:- No objections Approved by Wiltshire 169 Post Office Lane:- No Objections Approved by Wiltshire House at the Cricket Pitch at Winterbourne Bassett:- No objections Declined by Wiltshire Uffcott Farm:- No Objections, although concerns of large vehicles going through the village 2x Trees in conservation area:- No objections Approved by Wiltshire Finance: Account Balances Business Account - £877.96 Business Access Account - £13506.77 Cheques for authorisation: Village Hall £16.00: Bay Tree £210.00 (Village Maintenance) : HMRC £120.00 Tax Next Meeting: Parish Council Meetings to be held on Monday 10th November 2014 Monday 12 January 2015 Monday 9 March 2015 Monday 11 May 2015 at 7.30 pm in Broad Hinton Village Hall Signed ……………………………………………………….. Page 14 Date …………………. Action LOCAL NEWS December 2014 MINUTES OF THE BROAD HINTON AND WINTERBOURNE BASSETT PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON Monday 8th September 2014 IN BROAD HINTON VILLAGE HALL Present: Councillors George Horton (Chair) Geoff Martin (Vice-Chair): Robert Horton: Candace Gaisford; Jim Gunter Alex Laroche: Adrian Smith: Clare Fitzpatrick: Elaine Scott (Clerk) Apologies:: David Tippetts: Jemima Milton: Des Clarke Item Description Action 1 Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday 8 September 2014 were agreed and signed by the Chair 2 Matters Arising The previous meetings minutes were reviewed for actions, all of which were to be covered later in the meeting. 3 Wiltshire Core Strategy – Housing Development Councillors discussed the Wiltshire Core Strategy – Housing Development and agreed that contact would be made with Wiltshire Council to seek further clarity on how the strategy is to be implemented in the coming years. It was agreed that the Chairman will make contact with the Chairs of the three additional Parish Councils where additional housing requirements have been identified, to ensure that any approach to future housing requirements as part of the core strategy is aligned. Councillors have been made aware of interest from local landowners to build new homes in Broad Hinton in response to the Wiltshire Core Strategy Any application to build new homes in the Parish would need to follow the planning process set down by Wiltshire Council and the Parish Council would routinely review any application as part of this process. 4 Traffic Plan The rumble strips are causing noise problems for some residents it was agreed that Highways will be asked for them to be removed. A request for a 50 to be placed on the road will be made to Highways. It was agreed that the planters will be placed on Summers Road and Road from Broad Town. Highways and the PC have agreed that there is no suitable place for gates or planters on the A4361. GM has sourced planters for £75 another quote is being sought. Gardening club will be asked if they could maintain the planters . 50 signs have been erected in Uffcott this reduces the speed from 60. The Bus stop next to the Barbury Inn does not have wheelchair access this work should have been carried out by the bus company a number of years ago, the bus company and Wiltshire Council currently have no funds to carry out this work. 5 5a Councillors Additional Reports Area Board –No update 6b Highways and Footpaths – The trees along the High Street to be pollarded by Wiltshire Council. There is damage to the road surface in both Yew tree lane and Summers Lane, they are both on the Highways list to be repaired there is currently no date for this repair. Aster Homes have agreed to repair the wall by Horton way before Christmas. 6c GM GM GM/ JG GM GM GM ES Maintenance Work is progressing from both Wiltshire Council and local contractors. Once again there is a problem with dog fouling can all dog owners please bag it and take it home and dispose it. Please can all residents ask offenders to bag it when they see it happening. GM will ask the school if the children can also get involved. Winterbourne Bassett there has been flooding on the road by the pub the owner of the gulley will be asked to clear it. GM AS Page 15 LOCAL NEWS Item 6d 7 December 2014 Description Community Liaison The public meeting for the shop has been cancelled. The gates on the Bridle way will be left open a request will also be made to add a longer handle. Planning The following application have been received Elmlea to extend the current plot. Currently with councillors Action House at the Cricket Pitch at Winterbourne Bassett:- No objections Declined by Wiltshire this property was discussed, PC still have no objections. It is the understanding of the PC that changes will be made to the plans and resubmitted to Wiltshire. 8 Finance: Account Balances Business Account - £1240.46 Business Access Account - £12507.89 Cheques for authorisation: Village Hall £18.00: Bay Tree £107.50(Village Maintenance) : HMRC £120.00 (Tax) Elaine Scott £320 (Salary) WB Church £100.00 (Church Maintenance)BH Church £100.00(Church Maintanance) Next Meeting: Parish Council Meetings to be held on Monday 12 January 2015 Monday 9 March 2015 Monday 11 May 2015 at 7.30 pm in Broad Hinton Village Hall Signed ……………………………………………………….. Date …………………. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED AT AVEBURY Do you have some spare time on your hands? If so why not volunteer at your local world heritage site. We have a variety of opportunities to choose from. These include the manor house, museum, garden, shop, café, garden reception (summer only) car park meet and greet(summer only) and more. For more details please contact Chris Penny on 01672538017 or email chris.penny@nationaltrust.org.uk Page 16 LOCAL NEWS December 2014 Upper Kennet Churches Winter Crisis Appeal There are people living within our Benefice who will go hungry this winter and others who will suffer from fuel poverty. CAN YOU HELP? We would welcome financial donations to purchase fuel and food supplies for families in crisis. Could you spare some of your winter fuel allowance to help someone in real need? Could you sponsor a box of food? For example, £35 buys enough food for a single person for 7 days. If so, please give your donation to a Churchwarden or send to : The Benefice Office, The Garden Room, 62 Lockeridge, SN8 4EL. Cheques payable to: The Upper Kennet Churches Council, or by BACS using Sort Code 30-92-63 Acc No 01498496 Any donations surplus to immediate needs will be kept to support the next appeal or directed to the Trussell Trust Food Bank Page 17 LOCAL NEWS December 2014 Winter Crisis Appeal Do you live in the Upper Kennet Parishes? Are you worried about where your next meal is coming from? Do you have to choose between heating and eating? Are you facing a sudden financial emergency? We may be able to help if you need A week’s food supply Fuel support/contribution For help and also for advice on where to turn for longer term assistance contact our Staff Team in total confidence: Rev’d Maria Shepherdson 01672 539643 or the Church Office on 01672 861786 who will put you in touch with a staff member. *** This is NOT a substitute for Benefits or the Food Bank. It is a gesture of support from people who understand what you are experiencing and is open to ANY resident of our parishes. Complete confidentiality is assured. Page 18 LOCAL NEWS December 2014 Christmas Events and Services 2014 For St Peter ad Vincula, Broad Hinton December 17th – 6.30pm – Carol Singing meeting at the home of Jane and John O’Neill – Wettles End. Please contact Jane on 731365 if you wish to host the carol singers. December 21st – 6.00pm – Festival of 9 Lessons and Carols followed by mulled wine and mince pies for all. If you would like to volunteer to read a lesson please contact Jenni on 731629. December 24th – 11.30pm – Christmas Eve Midnight Mass December 25th – 10.00am – Christmas Morning Crib Service – bring you favourite present with you if you wish. If you would like to volunteer to read one of the six readings please contact Jenni on 731629. Merry Christmas Everyone Page 19 LOCAL NEWS December 2014 Christmas Eve & Christmas Day Services Fyfield Christmas Day 8am - Christmas Communion West Overton Christmas Eve Christmas Day 6pm - Crib Service 11.30pm - Midnight Mass 9.30am - Christmas Morning Family Service East Kennett Christmas Day 10am - Christmas Morning Family Service Avebury Christmas Eve Christmas Day 4pm - Crib Service 10pm - First Mass of Christmas 10am - Christmas Morning Family Service Winterbourne Monkton Christmas Eve Christmas Day 4pm - Carols around the Crib 10.30am - Christmas Communion Service Winterbourne Bassett Christmas Eve Christmas Day 3pm - Crib Service 11.15am - Christmas Communion Service Broad Hinton Christmas Eve 11.30pm - Midnight Mass Christmas Day 10am - Crib Service Elegance by Elaine Qualified Beauty Therapist Enjoy professional beauty treatments in a relaxed comfortable environment in Broad Hinton Massages, Facials, Manicures, Pedicures and Waxing treatments available. Gel nails by Jessica now available Gel nails will last on average for 3 weeks 10% off your first Treatment Treat your loved ones to a Gift Voucher for that special time Booking is recommended, so please call Elaine On 01793 731148 or 07853 931179 Email: elegancebyelaines@yahoo.co.uk Neal’s Yard Organic Beauty Products Independent Consultant Member of and insured with the Beauty Guild.com Page 20 LOCAL NEWS December 2014 Nativity @ The Crown Inn Broad Hinton Friday 19th December 2014 6pm sharp at the Crown OR Join the procession walk from Church 5.30pm Sing Carols, Visit the Inn and find the Baby asleep in the manger ALL WELCOME Page 21 LOCAL NEWS December 2014 VIEW FROM THE RECTORY Dear Friends, Writing the usual Rector’s Ramblings for the ‘Bumper’ edition of the Upper Kennet News I found myself imagining what Joseph might have written to his mother explaining why he and Mary had been behaving so very oddly since their betrothal party. I was wondering how many of us are approaching this Christmas with anxiety of one form or another hidden behind ‘put a brave face on it’ facades. I do know that even if life is trundling along peacefully many feel swamped by secular consumerism and long for a simple moment of pure wonder. I think Joseph must have known something of this - so for all those who may be struggling here is Joseph’s Letter Home. I hope and pray each of us catches at least one glimpse of wonder and purity this Christmas. Maria Dear Mum, Finding a scribe in the midst of the Census chaos here in Bethlehem was difficult – however, I did promise to write. Truthfully, I need to be honest with you about me and Mary. There have been too many secrets between you and me but now perhaps you will understand why I found it so hard to tell you earlier. First of all, the real news Grandma – oh yes you are! - 9lb 2 ozs – fingers and toes and limbs intact – and his name is Jesus. His has a fine pair of lungs on him and he has Mary’s nose and eyes. The trouble is he really does not take after me. Remember Mary’s trip to see Cousin Elizabeth? You wondered then if we’d had a falling out over something and I was like a bear with a sore head, pounding round Dad’s workshop. You were right to ask - and I was wrong to lie – Mary and I had the father-and-mother of all rows and she left in tears minutes before you arrived. I always wondered why you came by just then? Nosy neighbour, was it? Told you about the yelling? I wonder what you would have made of it if I’d told you? That Mary was ‘overshadowed by the Lord God’ as her heavenly visitor put it, and that your fine grandson is ‘the Promised One, the Messiah’? Mary gave birth, tonight, to God’s own Son. It sounds mad even as I say it out loud. I can see from the scribe’s face he’ll need a few denarii more to compensate for the shock. I don't know when I finally fell asleep that night she told me she was pregnant with a child that couldn’t possibly be mine. Supper sat heavily in my stomach and gave me heartburn. The agony in her eyes as she saw my disgust, my doubts and my anger turned your good cooking sour in my mouth and my belly. I tried going for a walk - sat in the silence of the synagogue for a bit and asked God ‘why? why me?’. Who wants to be the foster father of God’s son when all I yearned for was a child of my own? What if Mary was mad, or a liar, covering up a mad moment with some shepherd boy in the hills? Was my view of her broken so completely it could never be repaired? Should I continue to love her? And what of the family name? But what if … what if she told the truth? I felt deep fear within me - what lies ahead of him, this innocent, this God-child? In that moment I stopped thinking of myself I suppose. I got back home just as the sun kissed the hilltops and slept heavily. The dream was vivid and terrifying. Angels are supposed to be reassuring messengers but really – what brainless idiot thinks any appearance of the supernatural is easy to accept? Never mind one telling you it is perfectly fine to accept a pregnant girl as your wife because God is the father of her child. Yet when the angel touched my face and smiled at me I felt quietened, strengthened, and so very happy. Isn’t it strange? When you suddenly find hidden strength to cope with an unexpected change? When it comes from somewhere other than yourself? When it comes from somewhere other than yourself? Not that it is always easy – even now those insidious doubts creep into my mind and my heart grows crusty around the edges and I feel cold. And that is when I hear Dad’s voice – ‘Joseph, at some time in your life you will have to get off the fence and decide to trust God even as you suffer.’ Page 22 LOCAL NEWS December 2014 VIEW FROM (cont) I am so sorry I couldn’t find the words to tell you the whole truth when we came to face you later - when I said I was moving Mary into the house before the wedding and that look went across your face. You thought we’d put the cart before the horse. I am sorry I hurt you. I am sorry your look of horror hurt Mary. I am sorry for my curt response to your words of outraged surprise. Dad would have been ashamed of me. Thank you for being kind to her and for being her champion in the face of the village curiosity and for working with Anna and Joachim to give their daughter the best wedding possible in the short time we had. I can still see the looks of wonder at how happy we appeared to be in the midst of the village gossip and speculation. ‘Is she or isn’t she? And if she is HOW can they celebrate ‘ As if even the most dreadful of times completely destroys memories of happiness, or love, or the bonds of trust and friendship. Dad’s death didn’t lessen our love, our memories, even if the grief almost broke us apart. We carried on loving him and our memories make us whole again and he is with us. And now, you are a grandmother and Mary and I have a child that needs love - whatever the truth of his parentage. Before you ask - no, she didn’t have to give birth in a room full of family! They gave us the animal quarters – full of quiet, and the smell of summery hay, and the innocent curiousness of the animals. And we were well prepared – the basket Mary made me carry all the way from Nazareth contained everything we could possibly need. I could see your hands packing it, Mum, even as mine scrabbled for one thing then another. Everything we could need provided by loving foresight. Mary was tired and dozing in the half-light of early morning, I couldn’t take my eyes off her and the baby. It was a wonder, Mum, being here, seeing this new life come from inside her into the world. Oh give over Mum - the outrage is a bit overdone - in years to come fathers will be at the birth as a matter of routine, I promise you. Midwives are not exactly growing on trees here in Bethlehem! Everyone should witness something being born at least once in their lives. The wonder of the thing, that first deep breath, then the cry – a child, a horse, a calf - it is all wondrous. His tiny hand, nails so perfect, wrapped itself round one of my scarred fingers, and held on. It reminded me of a vine tendril, tenacious, hardy, ready to produce sweet ripe grapes when fully grown, needing tending, pruning, shaping and the sun and rain in perfect measure. Oh but the wine a good vine produces. And this vine? This son of mine, and he is mine, at least for a while, has a vintage name already: Jesus, – God saves - and the other name, the one the Angel gave him – Emanuel – God with us. And the wonder of all this in the frail helplessness of a vulnerable, new born child. I am wonderful – full of wonder. And I want the whole world to know this wonder too. Outside the stable, the last of the stars were fading. But one burnt bright and still. It seemed to rest over where Mary and the baby slept, pulsing, calling, beckoning someone or something, guarding, and at last I yawned and felt I could sleep. I thought of when you first held me and I wanted you to know I understand, now, what being a parent feels like. If God feels like this too, then we are all loved and it is truly Emanuel. We shall be home soon. Your loving son Joseph, Abu Jesus Organ Marathon at Avebury Church Thank you to everyone who supported this event on 1st November. Over £800 was raised by David Grove in aid of the Red Cross Ebola Appeal. Page 23 LOCAL NEWS December 2014 Reflections on the 1914 Commemorations Cruising in the Pacific this Autumn, Sally and I were constantly reminded that the 1914-18 war really was a World War. Near the cemetery on Hiva Oa where Paul Gauguin is buried, we found a memorial to islanders killed fighting for France. There are similar memorials all over French Polynesia and also memorials on islands with a British connection, like the Cook Islands and Fiji, to their men killed fighting for Britain. Moored off Vava’u, Tonga on 11 November Sally and two other British churchwardens led a service on our ship to mark the Armistice. It followed Revd Maria’s service order, concentrating on remembering the dead and wounded of all nations. That approach was particularly welcomed by the Germans on board. Over 90% of the passengers attended - some had brought poppies from the UK in the hope of just such a service – and there were many appreciative comments afterwards. Some of the music for that service was sent by Steve Cutler and came from the recordings he used for the “Voices from the Great War” commemoration performed by BHADS in four of our churches in early October. Before it fades from our memories, Sally and I would like to thank all those who took part: Revd Maria herself (memorably re-creating that scene in the film “Oh What A Lovely War” where a French singer first imitates Charlie Chaplin and then switches moods completely to sing “Adieu La Vie”); the other singers and readers who performed equally memorably – Christine Lawrence, Jo McCombe, Mark Miller, Nick Moakes, Jenni Moseling, Jane O’Neill, Rod Palfrey, Phil Shepherdson and Paul Thomas; the supporting chorus – Gill Gibson-Pigott, Marilyn Martin, Peter Dodds, Geoffrey Gibson-Pigott, Martin Moseling and John O’Neill; Steve Cutler for the music which he gathered and performed so well; Mark Cooper for his subtle lighting effects ; and Liz Moakes for her programme and publicity design. It’s nearly four months since Avebury church was packed to overflowing on 4 August for Revd Maria’s service marking the National Day of Commemoration of our entry into the First World War. We felt that these performances by BHADS fully matched the high standard set that day and would like to thank all those who welcomed us and our audiences into their churches. Especially high marks to Winterbourne Monkton for their hospitality! I would also like to thank Geoff Gibson-Pigott for all his efforts in creating the printed list of Upper Kennet Benefice men who died in service during the First World War. He almost doubled my original list of names, identifying men with local connections who aren’t on any of our memorials and tracing where they were born, where they lived (sometimes to the actual house), where they served and where they met their death. The list was handed out at the BHADS performances - if anyone would like a copy, please let me know. John Hutchings Page 24 LOCAL NEWS December 2014 WHO’S WHO in the Upper Kennet Churches RECTOR - REV’D MARIA SHEPHERDSON 01672 539643 The Rectory, 27 High Street, Avebury, SN8 1RF email mariashepherdson@rocketmail.com If you require a priest in an emergency and are unable to contact Rev’d Maria please telephone one of the churchwardens. LAY PASTORAL ASSISTANTS Mrs Claire Stiles 01793 731620 c.j.stiles@hotmail. co.uk Mr Graham Kitchen 01672 861349 graham@grahamkitchen.com> BENEFICE OFFICE: Ray Manley, Anne Robinson (Mon-Thurs, 10am-1pm) Tel: 01672 861786 e-mail: office@upkennet.eclipse.co.uk Address: The Garden Room, 62 Lockeridge, SN8 4EL CHURCHWARDENS AVEBURY EAST KENNETT WEST OVERTON FYFIELD WINTERBOURNE MONKTON WINTERBOURNE BASSETT BROAD HINTON Mr David Davidge Mrs Maureen Dixon Mr Graham Kitchen Mrs Jo Snape Mrs Susan Rogers Ms Vicky Evans Ms Penny Gold Mr Martin Knight Mr Peter Barry Mrs Jenni Moseling Miss Sally Cartwright Benefice Council Lay Chairman Mr Mark Wightman 01672 513819 01672 539690 01672 861349 01672 861267 01672 861374 01672 861622 01672 539158 01793 731764 01793 731589 01793 731629 01793 731050 mail@dwdmar.plus.com modixbirds@yahoo.co.uk graham@grahamkitchen.com Josiesnape@aol.com sjrogers44@gmail.com vickyevans1@btinternet.com goldpennygold@aol.com martin@vintry.co.uk peter17.barry@gmail.com jenni.moseling@btinternet.com sally.cartwright@broadhinton.org.uk 01793 731452 wightman1944@btinternet.com PAROCHIAL CHURCH COUNCIL SECRETARIES AVEBURY Mr David Davidge 01672 513819 EAST KENNETT, FYFIELD & WEST OVERTON VACANT WINTERBOURNE MONKTON Mr Bill Buxton 01672 539199 WINTERBOURNE BASSETT Mrs Clare Knight 01793 731764 BROAD HINTON Mr Adrian Overson 01793 731064 mail@dwdmar.plus.com bill.buxton@btinternet.com clare@vintry.co.uk a.c.overson@btinternet.com MAGAZINES UPPER KENNET NEWS in Fyfield, West Overton, East & West Kennett, Beckhampton, Avebury Trusloe, Avebury, Winterbourne Monkton & Berwick Bassett: Editor David Throup, Longmynd, Lockeridge SN8 4ED 01672 861279 davidthroup@aol.com Please send all copy including advertising and payment to David Throup. Final copy date 3rd Friday each month unless otherwise notified. LOCAL NEWS in Uffcott, Broad Hinton & Winterbourne Bassett: Editor Tim Powell 01793 739083 Final copy date 20th of each month news@onefivetwo.co.uk Page 25 LOCAL NEWS December 2014 Upper Kennet Churches Notice Board – December 2014 & January 2015 Baptisms Josephine Wells Amy Williams 23 November 23 November East Kennett East Kennett Wedding In February Stephanie Ladd and Matthew McCombe will be getting married at Broad Hinton and we remember them in our prayers: Burial of Ashes Bernard O’Malley Jean Robinson 7 November 7 November West Overton East Kennett Funeral Peter Latimer Kerr 5 November Avebury Broad Hinton Church Flower Rota December 20th(Prov.)Everyone is asked to help decorate the church for Christmas from 9.30 am. Please bring greenery if you can. Broad Hinton Church December 1 December 15 December 29 Cleaning Rota Mrs. O’Neill and Mrs. Sykes Mrs. Fleming and Miss Foster Mrs. Watts and Mrs. Tulissio Broad Hinton Cleaning Rota Even if there is no scheduled service during the period that you have volunteered for, it would be greatly appreciated if you will ensure that the church is clean for our many visitors. Winterbourne Bassett Church December 15 December 20 December 27 Christmas Decorations Clare Knight Elizabeth Taverner Winterbourne Bassett Church December 6 December 20 Flower Rota Cleaning Rota Cole Family Lesley Catling If you cannot take your turn on either of these rotas, please let Clare Knight know (flowers ) on 731764 or swap with someone else on the rota, and similarly, let Elizabeth Tavener know (731908) or swap places, for the church cleaning. Page 26 Upper Kennet Churches – Services for December 2014 St Nicholas FYFIELD 7 December Advent 2 St Michael & All Angels WEST OVERTON Christ Church EAST KENNETT 8am Prayer Book Communion 6pm Advent Carol Service December Advent 3 8am Prayer Book Communion 7.30 pm Ave Concert 6pm Nine Lessons & Carols Env week 50 Tuesday 16 December Thursday St Mary Magdalene Winterbourne MONKTON 10am Informal Service Env week 49 14 St James AVEBURY 10.30am Holy Communion Berwick Bassett 3pm Carol Service 6.30pm Carols by Candlelight 7.30pm Carols by Candlelight 18 December 21 December Advent 4 Env week 51 St Katherine & St St Peter ad Peter Vincula Winterbourne BROAD HINTON BASSETT 11.15am 9.45am Holy Communion Holy Communion 10.30 am Benefice Communion 4pm Carols & Crib Service 6pm Nativity at the Crown Inn, Broad Hinton 6pm Nine Lessons & Carols December 2014 (cont) St Nicholas FYFIELD 24 December Christmas Eve (Wednesday) St Michael & All Angels WEST OVERTON 6pm Crib Service Christ Church EAST KENNETT 4pm Crib Service 11.30pm Midnight Mass Christmas Day (Thursday) Saturday 27 December 28 December Christmas 1 8am Christmas Communion St James AVEBURY 9.30am Christmas Morning Family Service St Mary Magdalene Winterbourne MONKTON 4pm Carols around the Crib St Katherine & St Peter Winterbourne BASSETT 3pm Crib Service 10pm First Mass of Christmas 10am Christmas Morning Family Service 10am Christmas Morning Family Service 11.30pm Midnight Mass 10.30am Christmas Communion Service Berwick Bassett 3pm Russell Baptism 10.30 AM – BENEFICE SERVICE – COMMUNION – FYFIELD Env Week 52 4 January 2015 Epiphany Env week 1 St Peter ad Vincula BROAD HINTON 10.30 AM – BENEFICE SERVICE – COMMUNION – BROAD HINTON 11.15am Christmas Communion Service 10am Crib Service
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