December 2014 AWANA December Happenings Dec. 3 Dec. 10 Dec. 17 AWANA AWANA store Nativity Night (Dress like a character/animal from the Nativity) Dec. 24 Dec. 31 Christmas Break, No AWANA Christmas Break, No AWANA Parent/Child Dedication December 14th Please place a written blessing in our children’s boxes located in the Fellowship Hall. You may sign up to participate in the Dedication service by contacting or by calling the church office at 479-3731. This is open to all age children. It’s About the Cross Beginning in January 2015 we will have practices for a children’s presentation on Resurrection morning. If you would like to be a part of this please be watching for more details. Boys and girls needed, Kindergarten through 6th grade. Children’s Church Children’s Church will be taking a short break for Christmas! We will return in January at 8:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. with SUPER SPORTS SPECTACULAR— ”Playing on God’s Team”. Christmas Cards for Shut-Ins Please visit our table in the Children’s Hall to fill out a card for our precious homebound members and don’t forget we will be visiting them for Christmas Caroling on Sunday, December 7th! Almost 50 of us enjoyed a trip to the Creation Museum and a weekend dedicated to knowing the truth about our faith and how faith is reasonable. What we took in from the museum and heard as Josh Brown spoke to us was mind blowing and timely for those who participated. It is one thing to hear truth from the Bible but that truth goes to the next level when you see it. So thanks to all who prayed for us over that weekend. This month we have an opportunity to minister to the nations here in our own city. The student ministry will be hosting its 2nd annual International Student Christmas Party. We have reached out to Lee University’s International Student Department and contacted the local high schools to invite foreign exchange students to understand American Christmas traditions, taste a traditional meal, and hear the real reason behind all of the celebration, Jesus Christ. Please pray for us on December 5th as we show hospitality and present the gospel to the nations here on our campus. Humbly Desiring to Serve, Jonathan Kyle International Christmas Party Return to Atlanta Friday, Dec. 5th 6:00-8:00pm Monday, Dec. 22nd 9:00am-5:00pm We will reconnect with relationships built. Life 122 Christmas Party Wed., Dec. 17th 6:15pm Wednesdays, Dec. 24 & 31 No Life 122 Winsors in Niger Our greatest request right now is for spiritual protection. Craig and I are really spent physically right now. We have such larger roles this year and greater responsibilities. Me, with coordinating the new middle school and Craig, with filling in many of the holes of losing our director. We are tired which leads to slacking off on time with God which leads to nothing good. We feel the spiritual attack frequently because Satan doesn’t play fair and ease off when you are down, he kicks harder. Pray for our family, also, as we will have three teenagers as of December. Many life choices and personal beliefs are being made and established right now and Craig and I desire to guide them well. We often feel like school, by reason of urgency, takes precedence over family and we so disagree with that philosophy but struggle to keep our boundaries in proper order. Pray that we will hear God’s gentle guidance in these areas over the clamor of life. We love you and so appreciate the faithful who bring us to the Father. It is humbling but also what sustains us when it really gets tough. "Not to us, O' Lord, not to us, but to your name goes all the glory" ...501 total shoeboxes and many more Gospel opportunities in Operation Christmas Child Shoebox By Baptism Darby Pirkle Skylar Pirkle Our Christian sympathy is extended to: The family of our former pastor, David Landrith 2015 Mission Opportunities WEEKLY OUTREACH January to May & August to December Meet with others to visit, witness, and minister in our own community at 6pm every Wednesday evening. CAMP CHEROKEE June 1-6 Always an unforgettable week of deep spiritual impact in the lives of student campers (rising 7th graders to High School grads) and adult workers. Participate as a camper or serve as an adult counselor/worker. VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL June 22-26 Children come from all over our community to participate in VBS. Join Mrs. Christy and the Children’s Ministry Team in one of our most important community outreaches of the year. “DEAR TO US” INITIATIVE March 23rd - 25th (Spring Break) Designed as a stay-at-home missions outreach for all ages to impact our own community. Participate in this outreach to the immigrant community in Cleveland. Backyard Bible Club, service-oriented ministry, and evangelism. WASHINGTON, DC March 20-30 Work with the BBA and other churches from Cleveland during Spring Break to assist church planters in DC with various projects of community outreach. Leader: Phil Taylor Estimated Cost: $225 INTERNATIONAL REFUGEES, Clarkston (Atlanta), Ga. July 14-19 KODIAK, ALASKA July 9-18 A mission trip perfect for families! The team will help lead Vacation Bible School at River of Life Christian Fellowship and help equip the leaders of that church to lead future Vacation Bible Schools. Leaders: Dennis & Annette Tweed; Estimated Cost: $1,900 to $2,000 VANCOUVER ISLAND July 4 -11 Help promote a church plant and reach out to the surrounding community with Paster Matthew Bond. Leader: Pastor Todd Estimated Cost: $1,850 NORTH AFRICA March 20 - 30 Visit with local believers and plug into the work being done ministering to the needs of their community. Leader: Jackie Leggett Stanley Estimated Cost: $1,800-$2,200 SRI LANKA April 18 - 23 Visit with the Y family and help host a family camp and VBS for local Pastors Families. Leader: David Disney Estimated Cost: $2,000-$2,200 MONGOLIA July 19 - 31 Visit with Nara and Unuru Choijinkhuu and family. Visit and encourage local believers. Assist in projects at community center. Leader: Pastor Jake and Jack Roach Estimated Cost: $2,500-$3,000 CHINA May 22 - 31 Led by our Student Ministry and Pastor Jonathan, this team will work among the international refugee community sharing Christ in word and deed. Leader: Pastor Jonathan Estimated Cost: $100 Visit the Brown family and the students they work with. See first hand how being a native English speaker opens many doors for ministry. Leaders: TBA Estimated Cost: $2,200-$2,500 CHICAGO, IL CENTRAL ASIA June 29-July 3 Work with YWAM Chicago to engage the immigrant community through friendship evangelism, prayer walking, and community service projects. Leader: Brad Stanley; Estimated Cost: $400-$600 STUDENT PROJECT Washington, DC (Fall Break) Pastor Jonathan and the Student Ministry will serve DC church planters in various projects and help in community outreach. Leader: Pastor Jonathan Estimated Cost: $225 May (TBA) Vision trip and prayer walking. Explore how we might reengage our adopted people group. Leader: Pastor Jake Estimated Cost: $2,500-$3,000 ROMANIA with BBA July 9-18 Work with IMB Missionaries to will share the Gospel with children through day camps, VBS. Participate in evangelism events, as well as minister to the Roma people through light construction/ repair. Leader: Phil Taylor, Whitney Stevison, and Pastor Jonathan Estimated Cost: $2,395 Candies Creek Academy Capital Campaign “ARISE AND TELL” February 2015 to February 2017 Church members and those interested in strengthening the ministry of our K-12 Academy will be given the opportunity to give a monthly gift of their choosing (beyond their normal tithes and offerings to the church) for a period of up to 24 months to one of three choices: Student Scholarships Classroom Equipment (science labs; computer labs; etc.) General School Fund (use where most needed) “A School for the Nations” “For He established a testimony in Jacob and appointed a law in Israel, which He commanded our fathers that they should teach them to their children, that the generation to come might know, even the children yet to be born, that they may ARISE AND TELL them to their children, that they should put their confidence in God and not forget the works of God…” (Psalm 78:5-8) Pray & Plan to be a part of this effort! CCCPTI The Candies Creek Church Planting & Theological Institute is our church’s effort to help prepare and equip those men and women whom God is calling to ministry, church leadership, church planting, or missions and who long for a deeper theological foundation and framework out of which to lead and minister. Start making plans to attend next semester (Jan. 2015); classes are on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. There have been more than 2,200 volunteer hours invested in the City Church renovation of the 17th street property since May 2014. God’s people at Candies Creek, as well as our ministry partners at Bradley Baptist Association, Tennessee Baptist Convention, and the North American Mission Board have graciously provided more than $138,000 toward to expense of the Initial Renovation Budget. The initial budget amount has increased from $136,600 to $165,600 because of code requirements encountered along the journey, as well as unexpected construction expenses in flooring, wiring, and furnishings as well as required architectural drawings. God has faithfully provided all along the journey. If you are interested in making a year-end gift to this project, just mark your check “City Church Renovation.” From the Pastor’s Desk... Words Cannot Express… all the thanks in my heart and particularly in the hearts of the David Landrith family and the members of Longhollow Baptist Church in Hendersonville. All of you joined together to show love, gratitude and compassion for the six years of ministry David, Jennifer, and their family invested in Candies Creek during the rebirth of our church from 1991 to 1997. Thank you for your generous outpouring of love, food, and ministry! You are an awesome church family! Our RESTORATION Series… began in October and will soon come to completion as we celebrate the Advent of Christ in December. Lives have literally been transformed through this wonderful series of messages on God’s eternal theme of redemption and restoration. Don’t miss the final weeks of this fantastic series revealing God’s greatest work of mending that which is broken! He’s still doing it today! Restoration Series THANKSGIVING… is perhaps my favorite holiday of the year. It does not get lost in the trappings of commercial- ism… in fact commercially speaking it gets lost between the outlandish costumes of Halloween and the extravagance of gifts at Christmas. Fortunately the merchants of the world have not figured out a way to make a lot of money off of Thanksgiving (except with food), and so they largely ignore it. However, God does not ignore our prayers of genuine gratefulness shared among family and friends during the Thanksgiving season. Please be sure to take time to offer appropriate praise to our Great God this week! “Christmas Music”… will be in ample supply at main campus in December. Please check out the schedule for Christmas inspiration and bring a friend or two to enjoy it with you! Or if you want to enjoy some Southern, homespun charm, order your tickets to the Cumberland County Playhouse’s Cleveland presentation of “The Sanders Family Christmas” for one night only at North Cleveland Church of God on Thursday, December 4th. You can find more information at or by calling 423-476-1933. All proceeds will benefit the Youth Counseling Service of Cleveland. 2015: A Year for Disciple-Making… is the focus for the upcoming year. Be watching for specific ways the Lord calls you to be a part of the Disciple-Making effort! It’s going to be a fantastic year! I love each one of you! Pastor Jamie 1 2 HomeSchool CoOp 8-4pm 3 Hopewell Rewards in StuB 10:45am 4 5 Atlanta Shoebox Packing Day AWANA CCCPTI 7 8 9 10 CCCPTI 11 6 International Student Christmas Party 6-8pm in StuB 12 13 G.E.M. Tm. Mtg., 4:30pm Christmas Caroling, 6pm Choir Christmas Musical 6:00pm AWANA CCCPTI 14 Parent/Child 15 16 Dedication Deacons Mtg. 4:30pm Choir Christmas Musical, 6pm 21 17 23 Student Trip to Atlanta, 9am Grace Asylum Presentation 7:00pm 28 30 Small Group Fellowships 19 24 Office closes @ noon CCA Half Day 20 Grace Asylum Presentation 7:00pm 25 Lord’s Supper Candlelight Service, 2:00pm CCA out until Jan. 5 29 18 AWANA “Nativity Night” Life 122 Christmas Party Abandon 7:30pm 22 CCCPTI 26 27 Office Closed 31 No Wednesday activities SUNDAY WEDNESDAY Early Worship (Traditional) ............................................ 8:00am Small Group Bible Study................................................. 9:15am Late Worship (Blended Contemporary) ....................... 10:30am Worship at the City Church Campus ............................ 11:00am AWANA ......................................................................... 6:00pm “Life 122” for students .................................................. 6:15pm Outreach........................................................................ 6:00pm Choir Rehearsal ............................................................. 7:15pm TUES., WEDS., THURS. DAILY City Church Community Groups in Homes Men’s Prayer Meeting @ Church .................................. 6:30am CANDIES CREEK BAPTIST CHURCH 294 OLD EUREKA RD. CHARLESTON, TN 37310 Jamison L. Work, Lead Pastor Jonathan Kyle, Associate & Student Pastor Todd Colbert, Worship Pastor Jake Beard, Missions Pastor Christy Johns, Preschool & Children’s Director DECEMBER BIRTHDAYS Dec. 1 Dec. 2 DECEMBER BIRTHDAYS (CONT.) Wade McClanahan Terry Graham, Christy Johns, Cesar Zaidman Eddie Rollins Rebecca Seiber, Sherrod Munday, Chad Higgins H.L. Hamilton, Marissa Adolph, Rebecca Beavers, Lauren Hall Frizzell Coleman, Johnny Brewer, Dana Trew, Kendall Barkley Makayla Brewer, McKenzie Brewer, Rader Brose Eric Moore, Jonathan Moseley Kevin Jones, Riley Jackson, Ben Flach Dec. 3 Dec. 4 Dec. 5 Dec. 6 Dec. 8 Dec. 9 Dec. 10 Average 2014 Sunday School Attendance Average 2014 Worship Attendance Given through 11/24 Expenses through 11/24 Dec. 15 Dec. 17 Dec. 18 Dec. 19 Dec. 20 Dec. 21 PRAISE THE LORD! 2014 Baptisms Dec. 11 Dec. 13 Dec. 14 16 303 550 $774,720.69 $825,572.66 Dec. 22 Dec. 23 Dec. 24 Dec. 25 Dec. 26 Dec. 27 Dec. 28 Dec. 29 Dec. 30 Dec. 31 Jean Clark, Anna Ruth Crumbley Tommy Scroggins Al Noel, Bill Moore, Carla Hodge, Zackery Gates, Meranda Pointer Julie Adolph Carol Young, Chad Evett, Sara Munday, Bo Dunkle, Ethan Cavanaugh Connie Baumgardner, Sandra Ledford, Amanda Matson, Matthew Simmons Dan Smalley, JoAnna Simko Rebekah Boler Gayle Pierce, Dennis Tweed Leslie Barkley, Brian Beavers, Hannah Leggett, Madi Oran Marissa Morris, Brooklyn Barkley Martha Moses, Shawn Williams Tommy Medley Linda Bell, Nicole Floyd Ken Clemons, Garrett Winsor Rory Warren, DeWayne Gibson Barbara Partlow, Carson Barkley Kim Burnette Josh Gann, Anita Calfee, Tyler Ledford Chris Long, Trent Johns, Shiloh Parker
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