Operator & Associates - Tennessee Motor Coach Association

Tennessee Motor Coach Association
P.O. Box 5191 Kingsport, TN 37663
(423) 288-8622 www.tnmca.net
Franklin Welcomes the TMCA
Dear Tennessee Motor Coach Association Members,
Franklin, Tennessee is very excited to host the 2015 Convention &
Marketplace. Garden & Gun named Franklin the Greatest Southern
Town, and we look forward to showing you why!
January is just around the corner and Visit Franklin is busy getting
ready for your arrival. Along with informative sessions and networking
with your colleagues, Franklin will entertain you with live music, great
shopping and fantastic dining.
From the Musicians Hall of Fame and Museum in Nashville, to
shopping on Franklin’s Great American Main Street and amazing live
entertainment at The Factory, you will get to experience all that
Middle Tennessee has to offer.
We look forward to your visit. See you in January!
Kind regards,
Ellie Westman Chin
President & CEO
Visit Franklin
Tennessee Motor Coach Association
Fall 2014
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Updated TMCA 2015 Convention & Marketplace
Sunday- January 25
1:00 pm to 5:00 pm Registration
2:00 pm to 4:00 pm Board Meeting
Break Sponsored by: Exceptional Hospitality
5:30 pm
Coaches Depart (Loading will begin at 5:15 pm)
6:00 pm- 10pm
Pre- Event- “Let’s Get This Party Started”
Our pre-event will be held at the Musicians Hall of Fame and Museum.
Monday- January 26
9:00 am - 4:30 pm 8:00 am - 9:30 am 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
10:00 am- 10:30 am Registration
Operators Breakfast and Industry Updates
Sponsored by: Clarke Power Services/ CH Bus Sales
Chris Levering Silent Auction room will be open
Operators Seminar- Understanding DEF in your engines
(Clarke Power Services)
10:45 am- 11:45 am
Operators Seminar- Electronic Logging
(GPS Insights, LLC & J.J. Keller)
11:50 am
Coach Departs (Loading will begin at 11:30 am) Operators Luncheon - Operators/ Employees/ Tour Planners
12:00am – 1:30 pm Sponsored by: Harrah’s Cherokee Casino & Hotel
Open Forum- Operators and Associates- All Attendees
1:45 pm – 3:00 pm Break Sponsored by: Bush Brothers
3: 15 pm - 4:30 pm
Tire Knowledge: Presented by Bridgestone Tires
Speaker: Greg Kidd
3:15 pm - 4:45 pm
Associate Seminar
5:15 pm
Shuttles will begin depart for tonight event location. Those
going down early can explore the many shops at The Factory
6:00 pm
Evening Event – All Attendees Sponsored by: Franklin CVB
Get ready for a night of great music and southern fare at The Factory At Franklin.
Tuesday- January 27
6:00 am -8:00 am 8:00 am
8:000 am - 1:45 pm
2:00 pm- 6:00 pm
2:15 pm – 4:00 pm
4:15 pm – 6:00 pm
Continental Breakfast Coupons for the Cafe
Sponsored by: Bridgestone
Coaches Depart (loading will begin at 7:45 am)
Historic Frankin Familization Tour Sponsored by: Franklin CVB
Silent auction room will be opened
Election/ Motorcoach Mania
Sponsored by: Myers Farms & General Morgan Inn
Auction will be closed at 11 pm
Coach Manufactures updates and coach viewing outside.
Schedule continued on page
Tennessee Motor Coach Association
Fall 2014
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7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
8:00 pm - 9:30 pm
8:00 pm- 11:00 pm
Dinner at the Marriott
Co-Sponsored by: Memphis CVB, Graceland,The Tenney Group,
ABC Companies & Detroit Diesel
Williamson County Mini-Trade Show with dessert
Bar sponsored by: staySky Hotels & Resorts
Silent auction room will be opened
Wednesday- January 28
7:30 am- 9:30 am
Continental Breakfast Co-Sponsored by: Pilot/Fly J and Prevost
8:00 am - 10:00 am
Marketplace 1 (Orange Ribbons)
9:00 am - 12:30 pm
Pay for Silent Auction Items
10:00am- 10:30 am
Morning Break
Sponsored by: Greater Birmingham CVB
Marketplace 2 (Green Ribbons)
10:30 am -12:30 pm 12:45 pm - 2:30 pm
Marketplace Lunch
Sponsored by: Amaya/Aston, Bush Brothers, Clarion Pigeon
Forge, The Inn on the River, Ward Electronics & West TN Delta Heritage Center
2:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Pay for Silent Auction Items
2:45pm - 3:45 pm
Marketplace 3 (All Ribbons)
Afternoon Break
3:45 pm - 4:00 pm
4:00 pm- 5:00 pm
Marketplace 4 (All Ribbons)
Wrap up Board Meeting
5:30 pm - 6:00 pm
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Cocktail Reception
Sponsored by: Motor Coach Industries
8:15 pm - 10:00 pm
Closing Dinner
Sponsored by the 2016 Convention & Marketplace Location
Kingsport CVB and Meadowview Marriott
Deadline to register at lower rate: December 12, 2014
Registrations will not be accepted after: January 12, 2015
Deadline to make hotel reservation: January 5, 2015
Sponsored Items for the Convention
Pads & Pens: Continental Inns of America
Name Badges: Prevost Car
Mini Schedules: Heartwood & Southwest Virginia
Portfolio Bags: Lancer Insurance & Service Insurance Agency
Convention Directory: Protective Insurance
Notebooks: Grand Majestic Theatre
Tennessee Motor Coach Association
Fall 2014
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Convention Sponsors Announced
electron cs
“your audio & video installation professionals”
E. Seaton
E. Seaton
& Husk,
& Husk,
Rd. Rd. Vienna, VA 22182
Vienna, VA 22182
Specializing In Transportation Law
Hank !
Henry E.meet
Seaton with
is a graduate
of Duke University
(A.B. ’70)
and Vanderbilt
of Law (J.D.to
I recently
on School
Remove Publication of SMS Scoring and Data
He has practiced law for over 30 years in the Washington D.C. area representing motor carriers
and brokers. He is a member of the Vienna, Virginia based law firm of Seaton & Husk, L.P. The
firm specializes in freight claims, freight charge collection, contracting issues, carrier
before the FMCSA
and both
Now representation
that Republicans
House and the Senate, there is a real chance that legislation can be passed
from public
of Magazine;
SMS methodology
Mr. Seaton
on the Editorial
Board forview
the Editorial Board and
for thedata.
Airforwarders Association Quarterly Magazine; and is a Contributing Columnist for Internet
Truckstop Magazine. He is the author of Protecting Motor Carrier Interests in Contracts (Randall
Publishing 2002).
From 1995
to 2011,
Mr. Seaton
a Contributing
for the
All constituent
that was
data and
is inaccurate and misleading. In this past session,
Commercial Carrier Journal. He serves as Counsel for the National Association of Small Trucking
(NASTC), the Air
ExpediteThe Bill sponsored by the TIA was intended to offer
Bills were
in &the
– Carriers
H.R. Association
4727 and
Alliance of North America (TEANA) and the Auto Haulers Association of America (AHAA).
protection to shippers, brokers and forwarders, but did not address the bus industry offering protection against suit to those
Mr. Seaton is a member of the Conference of Freight Counsel and is Vice President of Delta Nu
who charter
Alpha. Mr. Seaton
also serves as Co-Chair of the Transportation Lawyers Association Federal
Regulatory Practice Committee and is a frequent speaker and lecturer regarding cargo claims,
freight charges, contracting and risk/insurance issues affecting carriers and brokers.
Similarly, H.R. 4727 barred the introduction of SMS methodology in lawsuits but did not extend that protection to motor
carriers of property. A Bill entitled the “Uniform Truck Safety Fitness Standard Act of 2015” has been drafted to eliminate the
gaps in H.R. 4727 and H.R. 5532 and to effectively ban use of SMS methodology and data as a selection criteria for use in
both the transportation of freight and passengers. This bill contains language which should be acceptable to the American
Bus Association (ABA) and the United Motorcoach Association (UMA) who are on record as requesting Secretary Foxx to
remove SMS data from publication.
I met on Monday December 8 in Knoxville with Congressman Duncan to seek his support for this Bill, pointing out that it
would extend protection against frivolous suits up the supply chain to all users of interstate carriers of passengers as well
as property.
Congressman Duncan has been a friend of the motor carrier industry and TMCA in particular. I hope our members,
particularly his constituents, will urge him to support this compromise legislation.
Tennessee Motor Coach Association
Fall 2014
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Operator & Associates’ of the Year
Each year at the closing dinner of our convention, we recognize a motorcoach operator from our organization
and honor them with the title of “Operator of the Year”. The Board of Directors nominates three companies that have met the qualifications to receive this award and then the Operator members are sent ballots
and they vote. It is a true honor to get nominated by your peers and everyone will have to wait until January
30th to find out who will win. Until then, we would like to recognize the nominees and say good luck to each
This years nominees are:
Abbott Trailways- Roanoke, VA
First Class Charter- Lawrenceburg, TN
Corinth Charters- Corinth, MS
Premier Transportation- Knoxville, TN
We also recognize our associate members that have shown interest in improving our association and have
been active in attending meetings and represent the travel industry as a whole. One is selected from each
category to be honored as “Associates’ of the Year”. This years nominees are:
Tour & Travel
Max Fultz- Bush Brothers
Kerry Embry- Holiday Inn PF
Vera Ann Myers- Myers Farm
Joy McNealy- Pigeon Forge DOT
Gary Davis- Clarke Powers Services
Dwight Barnett- Coach Transit Componets
Tim Guldin- CH Bus Sales
Jay Snead- Prevost Car
The TMCA Gives Back to Local Charities for Christmas
Each year the Tennessee Motor Coach Association distributes
$10,000 to local charities across the State of TN and beyond. We hope
our donations will make a child’s or family’s holiday season a little brighter.
This year the money was donated to the following charities:
Abigail’s Plan
Al Menah Clowns
Angel Tree, Inc.
Bethel World Outreach
Cap the Gap
Children Exceeding Expectations
Habitat for Humanity
Mission of Hope
The Boys & Girls Club
Toys for Tots
Tennessee Motor Coach Association
Fall 2014
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Location chosen for 2016 Convention & Marketplace
The Board of Directors has chosen Kingsport TN to be the site for the 2016
Tennessee Motor Coach Association Convention & Marketplace. This will be our Second
visit to the Tri-Cities and we are very excited about all the great venues in this area. Our host
hotel will be the Meadowview Marriott. Meeting dates will be January 25th- 28th, 2016,
so be sure to mark your calendar!
Advertising in the 2015 TMCA Directory
Are you looking for a low cost way to get noticed by the Motorcoach Operators & Tour Planners? Then
you might want to consider placing an ad in the upcoming TMCA Directory. The operators will see your
ad each time they use the directory all year long. Plus your ad will be placed on our web site with your
membership listing for the world to see. This is 12 months of exposure for less than $.56 a day for a full
page colored ad.
Tabs or Cover pages - $450
Cost for Full Color
Reduced price -$225
Full Page 4.5” by 7” - $400 Reduced price- $200
1/2 Page 4.5” by 3.5 - $250 Reduced price- $125
1/2 Page 2.25” by 7” - $250 Reduced price- $125
Full Color artwork must be
designed in CMYK at 600 DPL.
Use highest quality setting when
saving JPEG or PDF.
Reserve your space today!
(423) 288 - 8622 or Admin@tnmca.net
It is always great to be able to put a face with a name and that’s exactly what we
would like to do! You can have your photo placed beside your company’s listing in
the 2015 Membership Directory for $20. You must supply the photo by email no
later than Feb. 7th, 2015. Below is examples of how it would look. Call today for
more details
Pigeon Forge Department of Tourism
P.O. Box 1390
2450 Parkway
Pigeon Forge, TN 37868
(800) 285-7557 (865) 453-8574
Fax (865) 429-0474
Email: jmcnealy@mypigeonforge.com
Joy McNealy, CTIS, Senior Sales Mgr.
Kay Poole, CTIS, Sales Manager
Tennessee Motor Coach Association
Fall 2014
Joy McNealy
Page 6
OCGA § 40-6-51 prohibits commercial motor vehicles, including motorcoaches and buses, from traveling through the I285 Perimeter of Atlanta unless there is a legitimate business need to do so. This law, first enacted in 1978, is designed to
more effectively reduce traffic congestion and increase public safety on the interstate systems located inside the I-285
perimeter of Atlanta.
Commercial vehicle traffic, including motorcoaches and buses, ARE NOT allowed to travel on I-75, I-85, I-20, and GA 400
inside the perimeter of Atlanta, EXCEPT in the following circumstances:
When engaging in a pick-up or delivery inside the perimeter;
When traveling to or from a motor vehicle terminal located inside the perimeter;
When traveling to a repair facility inside the perimeter;
When drivers traveling to or from their residence inside the perimeter.
Violations of OCGA §40-6-51 are considered misdemeanor violations of law. Not including court costs, fines can range
from $150 - $1,000 per violation.
A Safety Message from the
Georgia Department of Public Safety
Fact Sheet #07B
P.O. Box 1456, Atlanta, GA 30371-1456
(404) 624-7211
Tennessee Motor Coach Association
Fall 2014
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New Members
Birthplace of Country Music
416 State of Street
Bristol, TN 37620
(423) 573-1927
Carey Kidd, Sales & Business Devl Mngr.
Best Western Plus Lousiville West
411 West Spring St.
New Albany, IN 47150
(812) 945-2771
Sarah Roberts, Sales Coord.
Discovery Parks of America
830 Everett Blvd
Union City, TN 38261
(731) 885-5455
www.discoveryparkof america.com
Mary Nita Bondurant, Marketing Director
Doubletree by Hilton Atlanta Marietta
2055 South Park Place
Atlanta, GA 30339
(770) 272-9441
Rodrick Hawthrone, Sales Manager
The Legendary Sun Studio
706 Union Ave
Memphis, TN 38104
(901) 521-0664
Jayne Brooks, Operations Manager
Hotel Tybee
1401 Stand Ave
Tybee Island, GA 31328
(912) 786-7777
David Thomas, Dir. of Sales
Paula Deen’s Family Kitchen
131 The Island Drive, Ste 8101
Pigeon Forge, TN 37863
Mandy Livingston, Sales & Marketing Mgr.
Towne Place Suites Franklin/ Cool Springs
7153 S. Springs Drive
Franklin, TN 37067
(615) 361-1111
Deci Arce, General Manager
CVBs & DMO’s
Dubois County Visitors Center
2704 Newton Street
Jasper, IN. 47546
(812) 482-9115
Kevin Manley, Executive Director
Tupelo CVB
P.O. Drawer 47
Tupelo, MS 38802
(662) 841-6521
Linda Elliff, Sales Manager
250 W. Main Street
Lexington, KY 40507
(859) 233-1221
Becca Rogers, Sales & Service Coord.
Tennessee Motor Coach Association
The Tenney Group
320 Main Street, Ste 200
Franklin, TN 37064
(877) 642-8033
C & S Transit, Inc.
401 Tilthammer Drive
Kingsport, TN 37660
(423) 245-7571 Fax (423) 245-8794
President: Michael Cox
Business Established: 1975
Type of Equippment: School Buses
Number of Equipment: 48
Fall 2014
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