2015 PESA Austin Legislative Summit

2015 PESA Austin Legislative Summit
Sponsored by the PESA Emerging Leaders Committee
February 2 – 4, 2015
Enhancing our advocacy programs at the state level, the PESA Emerging Leaders Committee will conduct a
Legislative Summit in Austin on Feb. 2-4, 2015. We will engage with policy makers and influencers in the Texas
Legislature on issues that affect the oil and gas industry. Also incorporated in the Summit is an interactive
training session designed to give participants a greater understanding of how elected officials make decisions,
and defines the need for the oil and natural gas industry to speak up and promote sound energy policies. Join us
in Austin as we promote the service and supply sector’s capacity to grow jobs and provide the innovation that
drives the energy industry.
When: February 2 – 4, 2015
Where: The Driskill | 604 Brazos Street | Austin, TX 78701
Cost: $600 per person for PESA Members (does not include hotel or transportation costs)
Registration: If you would like to attend, please complete the attached reservation form and return by fax
(713-932-0497), email meetings@pesa.org or mail to the PESA office. If you have questions
concerning the Fly-In, please give us a call at the PESA office 713-932-0168.
Hotel Reservations
We will meet and stay in the heart of downtown Austin at The Driskill. The historic hotel is within walking
distance of the Texas State Capitol. The reservation deadline is January 12. The PESA group rate is $329 for a
Cityscape room or $429 for a Senate room. Check in time is 3 p.m. and check out is Noon.
Reservations can be made online at https://resweb.passkey.com/go/PESA2015.
For your planning purposes, the Austin Legislative Summit will follow the draft agenda below.
Monday, February 2:
Evening Welcome Reception, The Driskill (Attendees only)
Tuesday, February 3:
Inside Congress Exercise
Inside Congress is an interactive training that provides advocates with a firsthand experience of
the competing pressures elected officials face every day on many issues.
Luncheon with Guest Speakers
Afternoon Briefings and Legislative Visits – Texas State Capitol
Evening Reception & Dinner
Wednesday, February 4:
Morning Briefings and Legislative Visits – Texas State Capitol
Luncheon, Adjourn
2015 PESA Austin Legislative Summit
February 2 - 4, 2015
The Driskill | 604 Brazos Street | Austin, TX 78701
Cost $600 for member company personnel
Cost does not include hotel or transportation costs
Please return by January 12, 2015: Petroleum Equipment & Services Association
1240 Blalock Rd., Suite 110, Houston, Texas 77055
Phone: 713-932-0168; Fax: 713-932-0497; Email: meetings@pesa.org
1. Name
Cell Phone
2. Name
Cell Phone
3. Name
Cell Phone
Payment Information:
Member Company Personnel Cost: $600
# Attendees
Total Amount Due: $
Select One:  Check (Payable to PESA)
Credit Card
If paying by credit card, the following information is required for processing:
Billing Address:
Credit Card #:
Exp. Date:
Cardholder Name:
Cardholder Signature:
We will email a confirmation of your reservation upon receipt.
Cancellations for refund must be received 48 hours prior to the event.
There will be a $50 processing fee for credit card cancellations.