sinon eux-autres vont s’en mêler Syndicat de l’enseignement de la région du Fer - CSQ December 2014 Rédaction : Andrée-Gurthy Dufour, Brigitte Allard, Janine Hould, Monica Chiasson, Sophie Moulin Imagine, here we are just a few days from the holidays and winter is slowly moving in. According to our information, storms are already happening at the parliament in Quebec City. The reshuffling wind is blowing on our public services and is causing much misunderstanding and worry among our members. The announced cuts in education as well as the proposed fusion of school boards makes us wonder about the importance that our government gives to this sector so essential to Quebec’s future. Managing the state as a business seems incomprehensible to us and does not reflect the choices we made as a society. We have to make ourselves heard loud and strong so that our message reaches our elected officials. The message is clear: We refuse austerity! Take advantage of the holidays to spend quality time with your loved ones and return rested and mobilized for the upcoming events. nine Ja In the framework of the 3rd <<Prof, ma fierté!>> Campaign, a delegation of 36 teachers and support staff members went, on October 26 to Jonquière to take part in the second stop of the 2014 FSE Relay Marathon. You can rest assured that the SERF-CSQ was well represented! Thank you to all of the participants! Here we are finally at the season to rest a little and spend some time with friends and family. I wish all of you a Happy Holiday. Monica Nego-Nego-Nego-Nego Last October 30, we deposited the various union demands (FSE, FPSS and CSQ). According to the Quebec Labor Code, the government has 60 days to answer our demands. We’re only a few weeks from the deadline. After the holidays, you will surely have news about the government’s demands so, be on the look-out! Syndicat de l'enseignement de la région du Fer 9 rue Napoléon Sept-Îles (Qc.) G4R 3K5 Tél.: 418-962-5375 1-800-463-1734 Téléc.: 418-968-4342 Site web : Adresse électronique QPIP and regional disparity premiums or retention premium (8%) Lots of news, information and photos are shared each day on the SERF-CSQ home page Since the fall of 2011, the Quebec Parental Insurance Plan (QPIP) considered premiums for regional disparities or retention premiums paid during a maternity, paternity or adoption leave as revenue to be deducted from payments paid out by the plan. The majority of cases concerned workers with the Commission scolaire du FER (teachers and support staff). We invited dozens of members to make requests for revision of their QPIP files to contest these reductions in payments. The CSQ also had multiple discussions with the QPIP officials in order to convince them to stop calculating these premiums as revenue to be deducted from payments. Victory! Since November 23, 2014, the QPIP no longer deducts regional disparity or retention premiums from payments. These premiums can now be received at the same time as payments from the QPIP without having the latter reduced. All requests for revision made about this will be treated within the next few weeks. Anyone concerned will see their claim from the QPIP cancelled or will receive a reimbursement for sums deducted by the QPIP, as the case may be. For anyone who had their payments reduced because of the regional disparity or retention premiums received and who have not made a request for review of their file, please contact Brigitte so that she can assist you with your demand to the QPIP. The Danielle Bergeron Youth Assistance Fund (FAJDB) The FAJDB at the SERF-CSQ is there to support projects of a pedagogical nature. This fund is available to all our members who want financial support for a project involving students. To find out about the various rules of this fund and to get an obligatory subsidy request form, you can visit our internet site at or contact the union delegate in your establishment. The deadline for presenting a request is January 15, 2015. Andrée-Gurthy, secretary-treasurer The November 29th 2014 Manifestation; The SERF was there! More than 125 000 people shouted loud and strong their refusal of the government’s austerity measures during a giant manifestation organized by social groups, student associations and unions. The population does not accept that the province of Quebec be dismanteled to be sacrificed on the altar of austerity. ***Breaking news *** You have surely heard that Minister Bolduc has leaked his projects of school board amalgamations. From what we have heard, there will be a fusion of the CS du FER and the CS de la Moyenne Côte Nord. The Minister plans to deposit his project to modify the Loi sur l’instruction publique (Public Instruction Bill) in February. When the time comes, we will have more precise instructions about the deadlines and the procedures to respect in order to complete this process. We will keep you informed.
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