•* ; rv s • tights on Falls p . m . • •. Colored Today-8Snute ALLS White Llght$^7:30 to 8:00 and 9:45 to 10 p.m. Page ••'.*/•.' Light*-8:00-9;45 Thursday* J a n u a r y 2 6 , 1 9 6 1 • « . . 13 Boyt will be boys, but they Jook pretty silly If lt'4 their second time, around. .. Begun; Set Up By VIRGINIA MILLER Gazette Staff Writer FUN COMING UP—Th^ pops concert and dance at Hotel Niagara Friday at which the Philharm o n i c Orchestra of Niagara F a l l s \v i 1 1 ^ p 1 a y lighter "classics" before the dance band t a k e s over. This is al-ways a gala „ , _ _ „ , , . a f f a i r f o r VIRGINIA teenagers and all the young musically. P a r t y dresses under the ballroom glittering lights add glamor. .Carol Kresses and Gypsy Smith and all the other orchestra members—devoted as they are to the best —dig in for those melodic selections played on the pops night while many feet beat out the time in the audience. Anyone who would call this wholesome entertainment would be an old meany, so to condemn it. Rather, it promises to be a lively, gay night for all. A wonderful time for music and dancing and for those who don't dance, for visiting. A night to renew one's loyalty to the. Philharmonic, and the opportunities it offers for musicians to play together. A little special financial, help would be particularly appr e c i a t e d * S Tlje Mayor's Committee on Thruway and State Parkway, The Gruen firm is to preUrban Renewal got rolling can "go a long way toward pare an application for fedWednesday night after being compensating for this geo- eral funds to draw up GNRP. location." told that its recommendations graphic **Mr. Collins said the plan 175-Acre Area will carry a "tremendous He said that the area cov- will be a "staged or phased weight" in any City Council ered by the GNRP, basically process going up to 10 years." decisions on urban renewal. the 175-acre area south and This will be done for fiMayor Calvin L. Keller west of the old hydraulic nancial reasons and because spoke to the 103-member com- canal, is about 1.6 per cent of of the relocation problems inmittee meeting at Hotel Niag- the city's total land area and volved by persons displaced ara. He assured the members has about 3.5 per cent of the through demolition and .new construction. that their recommendations population. oh urban renewal would "Less than half a million Meetings Scheduled "carry tremendous weight in dollars in taxes" is realized The first study of the city's making our (the City Coun- each year from the area, the needs, Mr. Collins said, tells cil's) decisions." what the city has, what it city manager added. Mayor.Keller said he thinks Mr. Potthoff told the com- hopes to have and how to go the city faces two major mittee that for every dollar about getting it. problems: urban renewal and taken out of the area intaxes, Mr. Loverde said that withgaining tax relief from the three dollars is put back for in the next- two weeks he will state for losses incurred from services. arrange meetings of the varithe Niagara power project. Budget Percentage Used ous subcommittees. Subcommittees Named The area includes Main He told the group that the On urban renewal the Street, Buffalo Avenue, Falls first application, now being mayor said: Street and land bounded by prepared by the Gruen firm, is the initial step. If the ap"Everyone agrees something the streets. must be done about our down- According to Mr.. Potthoff, plication is approved by the town area." 11.7 per cent of the total city federal government, making The committee, declared budget is spent in the area. the study grant available, the permanent by the mayor, was Over 70 per cent of the total GNRP study, taking from 12 divided into seven subcom- fire loss in the last three years to 18 months, can begin. mittees — legal affairs, conv occurred in the area, he con- O t h e r speakers included munity facilities, finance, zdiv tinued. Councilman Anthony Bax and ing and land use, relocation, Housing Rehabilitation Di- Samuel Mooradian. research, and public informa- rector Daniel W. Collins said May Be Criticized tion. urban renewal "is not a give- Councilman Bax said the study will be criticized by A chairman and vice chair- away program." man are to be elected at the "The city has to take stock some people "as a waste of next meeting. of itself before it can get monejj^and as a burden and City Planning Director'Ed- aid from the federal govern- expenfeyto our city." However, he added, the ward R. Loverde was named ment," he said. study can be the most worthsecretary for the committee To Advise City while investment ever underand the subcommittees. The job of the Mayors' City Manager Edward H. Committee will be to advise taken in the city. Potthoff Jr., discussing the the City council on downtown Councilman Mooradian comGeneral Neighborhood Re- urban renewal and aii Victor mended the committee a n d newal Plan (GNRP),- said the Gruen and Associates, a New said, "It is up to the commitdowntown business district is York City consulting firm re- tee to help the Council in in a corner but highways", es- tained by the city, in plan- some way to decide on our urban renewal program." pecially new ones such as the ning renewal. PINE PLAZA MERCHANTS — Frank 5. Ccrtanese, right, past president of the Pine Plaza Merchants Association, chats with some of the group's new officers, from left, George A. Tirabassi, vice presi- dent; Joseph F. Mariej, -treasurer, and Carl C. Chitholm, president. They took office at a meeting Wednesday.—Gazette Photo. Steps Taken on School Building Plans The Niagara Falls Board of submitted to- the board by Under 10-year bond financ-. high school In the LaSalle Education Wednesday night Frank J. Lang, deputy super- ing, construction of the 60th area. took a step closer toward intendent for business affairs. Street School alone would A report showing individual initiating a part of a- multiMr. Lang's report com- hike taxes 84 cents per $1,000; building capacities, school en- • million dollar school building pared costs of financing the construction of the h i g h rollments and 1961-62 projecprogram outlined last March proposed construction through school addition, alone, 42 tions as well as the adminisby the school administration 30-year bonds, 20-year bonds cents per $1,000, and construc- tration's formula for determiand subsequently supported and 10-year bonds. tion of V\n Ferry Avenue nation of room capacities was by the Blackmore C i t i z e n s Under 30-year bond financ- School a ion, alone, 18 presented to board members Committee. cents per $1,000. ing, according to the report, by Mr. Abate. Specifically t h e - b o a r d t h e proposed construction, Mr. Lang's report also Peter R. Gugino, LaSalle Wednesday agreed: carrying a combined estimated noted that an assessment loss High School principal, told 1. That a need exists for a cost of $2,050,000, would cost a of $30 million would increase the board that his school new. elementary school at 60th total of $3,241,570, including estimated rates by approxi- could not accommodate an Street and Kies Avenue.' interest payments of $1,191,- mately 15.3 per cent. influx of students from the 2. To secure professional, 570. downtown area next year as Board members expressed architectural advice, to "de- Cost $1.2 Million proposed by. Mrs. Pifer. no preference for a specific \ termine the practicability" of Cost of the 60th Street method of financing but pre- Temporary Relief a 20-to-24 room addition to School was estimated at $1.2 will study Mr. Lang's Dr. Joyce maintained that Niagara Falls High School. . million. The high school addi- sumably by following Mrs, Pifer's sug3. To empower School Su- tion was estimated at $600,000 report." gestion of building a new perintendent Weldon R. Oli- and the Ferry Avenue School The school administration's junior high school in the La case for the proposed building Salle area and redisricting ver to investignte possible addition at $250,000. program was presented by downtown junior high schools, school sites in District No. 4 Under 20-year bond financHarry F. Abate, deputy super- the board, "at the end of a in the Town of Niagara and ing, the total cost was estisjust now. i n t e n d e n t lor instruction. few years, would be forced to to report to the board. mated at $2,857,180, including * * * Principals of all Niagara Falls bring students back downtown 4. To proceed with board $807,180 in interest. FLORENCE BROWNSON policy announced last year for Under 10-year bond financ- high schools and junior high and to put in facilities we feel HAYS has a delightful letgymnasium-auditorium addi- ing, the total cost was esti- schools were on hand to an- should be constructed in the ter written to her" father's ^ tions to 24th Street, Ferry mated at,$2,472,820,* including swer questions for board mem- first instance." youngest brother, Lewis The research and guidance Avenue and 22nd. Street $422,820 in interest. bers. "The City of Niagara Falls should not be unnecesBrownson, by his sister director stressed that "no schools over a. three-year peNeed Outlined First year costs for the new Mary while she was visiting sarily sacrificed hy the state on its altar of progress," A former Niagara Falls congreat span of time" exists beriod with a gym-aud addition, elementary school a\one under The need for the 60th Street from Madison County in tween the four phases of Councilman John B. Daly told the League for Good as well £.s clinic and storage 30-year bond financing would School was outlined by Dr. tractor, David H. Walker, 84, Gasport in October 1863. priority as established by the space, this year for Ferry Mary visited N i a g a r a Government Wednesday night at the North End YMCA. of 2262 Niagara Ave., died Avenue School. A 24th Street hike school taxes 43 cents for John V. Joyce, director of re- Blackmore Committee.-He in$1,000 of assessed valua- search and guidance. Mr. OliFalls, going upon the mornSpeaking on the city's fight*' Wednesday (Jan. 25, 1961) in School addition was approved each dicated that construction of a tion and 74 cents per $1,000 ver stressed that construction ing train and returning-on for in-lieu-of-taxes payments new junior high school in the last year. Authority without the antici-'a Buffalo hospital after a two for the school and two addi- of the proposed school would the evening. In beautiful from die state as result of tax LaSalle area, contained in Discussion on a 22nd Street tions. writing Mary relates, "We losses from the Niagara power pated development is placing month illness. eliminate Evershed School. Phase 3 of the Blackmore School addition, proposed in First year costs for the new had a fine time. We went project, the Republican coun- an extremely heavy burden on Mr. Walker founded the the board's agenda for Wed- elementary school a l o n e The board's decision to seek Committee report, w o u l d on the islands all around cilman challenged a recent them alone," he said. construction company of Wal- nesday's c o m m it t e e-of-the- under 20-year bond financing professional advice to deter- probably come b e f o r e the Terrapin tower where we s t a t e m e n t by State Power ker and Mack in 1925 and was board net year. had an excellent view of Authority Chairman Robert Mr. Daly said this burden active in it until he retired whole meeting, was waived would hike school taxes 53 mine the practicability of a after discussion of other items cents per $1,000 and 91 cents 20-to-24 room addition to the Wednesday's meeting was the. Canadian Falls. Then Moses, in reply to statements should be shared by all the in the early 1940s. took nearly four hours. The per $1,000 for the new school high s c h o o l drew protests conducted by Peter J. Longpeople who will be benefiting we went<* down Biddle's made *by the city about the A native of England, Mr. board vice president, in from the power project. "The Walker came to Niagara Falls board agreed, however, to and the . two proposed addi- f r o m Mrs. Laura M. Pifer, nine, Stairs to the gorge of the tax situation. the absence of board Presiwho, during previous m e e t take up the matter "in the tions combined. river where we could look "The crux of the controver- state itself in creating the about 1910. He had come to near future." dent George' A. Kauber. Mr. ings; sought a. solution by reFirst year costs for the one side and above us and sy," according to Mr. DaW. is: State Power Authority stated this country from England Kauber, however, joined the districting downtown junior A report on various methp r o j e c t s combined see the water tumbling, "Mr. Moses feels that trapre that this was to benefit New with a traveling musical com- ods of financing the proposed three meeting late to bring the high schools to send a portion under 10-year bond financing wildly thundering to the will be great industrial expan- York State, not just Niagara board attendance up to its pany. He was on his way to of downtown students to La60th Street School, the high would hike school taxes $1.44 awful depth below. We sion within the City of magfull complement of nine memSalle High School and the Falls," he said. "All who share work in a. shipbuilding con; school addition and the Ferry per $1,000 of assessed valuacrossed the river just be- ara Fails as a result of the bers. construction of a new junior cern in Canada when he stopin its benefits should share in Avenue School addition was tion. low the falls in a little power project. This expansion row boat and it was just will more than offset the loss its burdens. To .do otherwise ped in this city to see a friend MAIN STREET MIL-PINE PLAZA JENSS TWIN TON, M A I N ST., TONAWANDA delightful. Then after gazing in taxes incurred by the proj- is unfair and unwarranted." from England, John Obenhack, who was with his father around for several hours ect. Deserves Protection ir the Obenhack Construction. - and viewing the falls from "The city officials are afraid The councilman said he feels Mr. Obenhack talked Mr. many* different places we Jtfi&t this expansion will notthe city wants and deserves went down to the Suspen- take p l a c e and that, there- "simply protection' in case the Walker into staying here and sion Bridge and paid 2 fore, the loss in assessable industrial development fore- working with him. pence for the privilege of property will result in a heavy cast by the state does not take Mr. Walker was a noted walking back into the burden teing placed on the place." five-string banjo player as a Union." shoulders^ of our present tax- He said that if the city does young man. Later in her chatty letter payers." SHOP TONITE 'TIL 9 P.M. not receive some protection, After 15 years associated % , filled with family matters No Expansion Seen with his friend, he formed his not only will industry and she says she cannot visit Mr. Daly' said that '«. . . citizens take on "an extremely own construction company. another relative as she with the power project practi- heavy tax burden," but new After he "more or less" retircannoL afford it, adding in cally completed, the industrial business considering the city ed in the 40s, he joined the explanation that "I did not ^development anticipated by "would be scared away by the Haeberle Lumber Co. to do expect to go the falls." their lay-out work and continMr. Moses has.not taken place high taxes." • * * and there is no indication that This, he added, could end ued with them until 1952. A C C O R D I N G to Mrs. it will take place." in the state possibly defeating Mr. Walker was a member Hays, Mary began teaching He added that any industrial its own purpose of increasing of Niagara Falls Lodge No. at 18 and received ten shillings, $1.25, a week and e x p a n s i o n would probably industrial activity by develop- 81, IOOF and Niagara River "board around." Later she have to come from-industries ing Niagara power. • Lodge No. 785, F&AM.taught for "good" wages, already in the city since the . Replying directly to Mr. His wife. Mrs. Mary Walker, $4 a week and also "board city lacks land on which new Moses' statement of last week, died in 1959. around." The family re- large i n d u s t r i a l , concerns Mr. Daly said, "Mr, Moses ' Surviving are a daughter, ports she "saved money." could build. states that if Niagara Mohawk "In the last two years, we had been given a license to Mrs. J. Benjamin Woodward, She was 26 when she visitthis city: two sons, Allan P. ed here. She died two years have seen our local industry re-develop the Niagara, the Walker, Lewiston, and John L. decline rather than expand," new plant would be outside . later. said. L.ocal concerns, in- the city of Niagara Falls in Walker, H i a l e ah, Fla.; 5 Mrs. Hays, the mother of he of preparing for expan- Lewiston and the old obsolete grandchildren and. 5 greats Dr. Norman Hays, resides stead appear .to be/curtailing plants would be eliminated." grandchildren. with her son and his wife sion, moving many of This, Mr. Daly said, is true Friends may call from 7 to Harriet at 717 Main St. She operations, their production facilities to "but it is also true that the 9 p.m. today at Cornell and is a delightful gentlewoman other cities, he said. conduits for the new plant Daggett Chapel. A private and accomplished musician, service will be held there at Councilman Daly cited as She often plays for gfdup "staggering" an industrial em- would still have " been laid 11 a.m. Friday with Rev. John singing, whirh she loves ployment decrease of about through our city, and assum- E. "Wickenden o f f i c i a t i n g . ing that they would have cost to do. V 20 per cent since early 1957. Niagara Mohawk an equal Burial will be in Riverside Sale The Biddle's Stairs, of Cites Aid Given ' Reg. Sale R«fl« SHASTA DAISY Cemetery. amount, they would be .assesswhich she cannot remem23c* 1.20 6 0 1 Vegetable Dishes 45c Referring to the $3 million ed . . . at approximately $38 ber hearing, was the old emergency R K V NUE 23£ relief given to the million . . . almost equivalent 90c 45fi F r u i t Saucer* 55c - wooden stairway on Goat city and county C governments 1.50 W H E A T PATTERN B r e a d a n d B a t t e r 45c 23** P l a t t e r s 3.00 Island which has'been re- and the school board by the to the. amount of assessed placed by the. Cave of the state under the law establish- valuation that the city is DESERT FLOWER Cereal Dishes—Reg. 45c — Sale 23c losing." , Winds elevator. ing the SPA, Mr. Daly said Few S t a r t e r Seta, 16 pc. — Vz off. ".' . . it indicates that the state felt than an emergency Reg. 3.09 —• NOW $1.99 Reg. 5.95 — NOW 82.05 situation e x i s t e d ..which it should help' to alleviate by Today financial grants." He added that the state said Schoolmasters — Niagara that this emergency situation F a l . l s Schoolmasters, 6:30 John A. Lindsay, 43, of 314 "will continue to exist until Three thefts of cash were p.m., Como Restaurant. Accountants — N i a g a r a 12th St., died Wednesday (Jan. industrial activities ' in the reported to Niagara Falls poFalls Chapter, National Ac25, 1961) at Mt. St. Mary's area' are expanded and in- lice today and Wednesday. creased." * JHoward Gunzclman, 4218 sociation of Accountants, Hospital of pneumonia. Hyde Park Boulevard, told po- Boot and Saddle Restaurant. The councilman* asked, "Is A native of Anita, Pa., he lice $45 was taken from under it not logical to assume.then AFS — LaSalle. Chapter. had lived here for 14 years. a lamp Where he had secreted American Field Service, 6:30 that this emergency situation He was employed by Merrittthe money. He said the'theft p.m., St. Stephen's Episcowill continue to exist, in fact Chapman & Scott, power projwas committed while he was pal Church. become worse with the removect contractors. He was a Sweet Adeline — ChorAl member of the International al in 1983 of more than $25 absent from his home. Sale Reg. Sale Reg. million from the tax roils, if meeting, 8 p.m., LiederPatrolman Raymond WashHod Carriers, Building and krantz. industrial activity in the *rea ington reported he was told 14.95 C o m m o n Laborers' Unioii, Is no^, expanded as the state a skeleton key was used to Local fll. 15.95 gain entry. Totnorrnto 8.50 Surviving are his wife, Mrs. expected? Mary Rossman Lindsay; a son, "Is it; not only proper that At the D'Amuro Service Bookmobile — Lindbergh 6.99 John A. LJndsay Jr., this city; this emergency relief be con- Station, 3300 Highland Ave., Avenue and 77th'Street, 1:15 7.95 his mother, Mrs. Ida Lindsay, tinued at least until Industrial thieves broke- a window in JI to 4:15 p.m.; Pine Plaza, Punxutawney,*Pa.; two broth- expansion occurs which :wiU door to gain entry and escaped 4:30 to 8 p.m. ers,. Ronald Lindsay, this city, cover these losses incurred by with $26.25i. r - Dinner Meeting — North i in.! *t» ' and James Lindsay, Reynolds- the city?'* Kenneth Shuey. U p p e t End Business Association, ville, Pa. and a sister, Mrs. t>6n'tJVi«tH»Hd6ofl Mountain Road, Town of Lew- 6:30 p.m.| Boot and Saddle . Jessie Gearhart Koi^foljki Va. /Mr, i>aly said the people of iston,- reported. his^ trousers Restaurant. »• •' Rey. Ray K Hallln, Of Bacon Niagara Fails do not want and a Wallet, containing be- /Ml Niagara Grotto—Moose JtNSi ~ CHINA - Oim Memorial United Presbyterian "handout* f t6m the state Just tween $25 and $f0f Were stolen Club, 8 p,m» m$mm Church, will eonducjt the fu- for the sake of easing their while :he-#as sleeping 1 at S'tf '•>ftaaketball— Lackawanna SEE INSIDE PAGES FOR MORE JENSS JANUARY SAVINGS * ;-•";"«• neral service at \l a.m. Satur- ttoflmal taxburden. motel in Buffalo Avenue, the VK, Trotfc Vocational at Niii I" in i ^ i i i n n . m ' i n [i i i i n i n i i w ii', ti | lln i in i f •••••Nit.i • •>•?• A H I . I i i ••••in i l l liiiiiii l.iWViii Yf licit i h i d f t i j Hum i T.iii.i ifi i.ifti •iirttinrVu' M^iirii Viif day at the Tublnis 'Funeral "However; the p e 6 p 1 e do theft, he" said, occurred taoh< agara Falls High School *al Home. Burial will be in Osk- feel that thejjevelopmeritof day night. He reported it gym, Junior varsity game, 7 Daly Refutes Moses On Tax Loss Stand D.H.Walker Dies; Retired Contractor Factory Close-out! Universal P a t t e r n famous Diiiiierware Now 50% off! If your pattern is here fill in now and get big savings! wu What Thefts Here Under Probe SPA Project Worker t)ies ^' ^S^£*~ Companion Special! 50% Off on Famous George Brlard Glftware Finest Triple Coated Porcelain on Steel Ambrosia Pattern Coffee Pots 1 -I 7.50 Doable Boilers 7.95 4.25 Fry Pans Sauce Pans 3.50 3.95 Food Warmers reg. $9.50 now $4.75 - reg. $14.98 now $6.49 Untitled Document I Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 ta -H». www.fultonhistory.com
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