Summary of Results External Quality Assessment of Food Microbiology Shellfish Scheme Distribution Number: SF049 Sample Numbers: SF0106 and SF0107 Distribution Date: November 2014 Results Due: 05 December 2014 Report Date: 18 December 2014 Samples prepared and QC tested by: Morolake Adedeji Stephanie Foster Thamayanthy Ramesh Aneta Stranc Anitha Tallam Data Analysed by: Manchari Rajkumar Nita Patel Report Compiled by: Manchari Rajkumar Nita Patel Authorised by: Nita Patel This report must not be reproduced without permission of the organisers. Public Health England Food and Environmental Proficiency Testing Unit (FEPTU) 61 Colindale Avenue London NW9 5EQ Tel: +44 (0)20 8327 7119 Fax: +44 (0)20 8200 8264 Email: The data in FEPTU reports is confidential Page 1 of 11 Printed at 7:23 on Friday, 19 December, 2014 This Scheme provides external quality assessment samples for laboratories that examine raw bivalve molluscs from harvesting sites in accordance with Regulation (EC) No. 854/2004 and from the production chain between harvest and consumption, in accordance with Regulation (EC) 2073/2005 and subsequent amendments. The Scheme is organised in collaboration with the Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (Cefas), Weymouth, United Kingdom (UK). Articles 32 and 33 of Commission Regulation (EC) No. 882/2004 defines the roles of the European Union Reference Laboratories (EURL) and National Reference Laboratories (NRL). These roles include responsibility for organising comparative testing of methods. The EU reference method for enumeration of E. coli in raw bivalve molluscs is ISO 16649-3, Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs - Horizontal method for the enumeration of β-glucuronidase-positive Escherichia coli Part 3: Most probable number technique using 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl-β-D-glucuronide. In 2011 the Standing Committee on Food Chain and Animal Health (SCoFCAH) approved the use of two alternative methods for the enumeration of E. coli. These are Enumeration of Escherichia coli in live bivalve molluscan shellfish by the direct impedance technique using the BacTrac 4300 series analyser and Enumeration of Escherichia coli in bivalve molluscan shellfish by the colony-count technique. Protocols for the application of these methods are available for download at If you require further information on the scheme please refer to: Scheme Guide: For more specific information about results assessments, scoring systems, statistics, and guidance on analysing your results for the proficiency testing samples please refer to: Guide to Scoring system and statistics: FEPTU Quality Control: To demonstrate stability of the sample, a minimum of ten LENTICULE® discs, selected randomly from a batch, are examined throughout the distribution period for E. coli enumeration and for Salmonella detection. FEPTU results are determined using methods based on ISO methods and are included in the 'intended results' letters which provide guidance for participants regarding the assigned values. Intended results letters are posted on the website immediately after every distribution; electronic notification of their availability is sent to all participants. If you experience difficulties with any of the examinations please refer to section 17.0 of the Scheme Guide All participants are reminded that reporting an incorrect or incomplete result or identification of pathogens from food samples could have serious public health implications. Similarly, the levels of micro-organisms reported in the sample may affect the subsequent outcome for the product. Reporting an incorrect result for the Escherichia coli most probable number (MPN) may affect the classification of the harvesting area and the subsequent treatment of the live bivalve molluscs. Incorrect reporting of results for Salmonella may affect the subsequent outcome for the product and could have serious public health implications Participants are reminded that the purpose of scoring is to draw attention to incorrect or outlying results. Participants who report outlying results for enumerations on single occasions only should not be alarmed, although they should still assess the reason(s) for the outlying result. The results, as summarised in the performance assessment sheet included in this report, provide a more effective indication of on-going problems with food microbiology examinations. Please contact FEPTU or Cefas staff for advice and information: Repeat samples Carmen Gomes or Kermin Daruwalla Data Analysis Manchari Rajkumar or Nita Patel Microbiological advice Nita Patel or Morolake Adedeji General comments and complaints Nita Patel or Morolake Adedeji Scheme consultants Dr. Rachel Hartnell Scheme Co-ordinator Nita Patel Tel: Fax: Email: +44 (0)20 8327 7119 +44 (0)20 8200 8264 Tel: +44 (0)1305 206 707 Email: Accreditation: PHE Shellfish EQA Scheme is accredited by the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) to ISO/IEC Guide 17043:2010 0006 The data in FEPTU reports is confidential Page 2 of 11 Printed at 7:23 on Friday, 19 December, 2014 Sample: SF0106 Description: Raw shellfish from a new shellfish bed Contents: Escherichia coli (10³-10⁴) (wild type strain), Salmonella Liverpool 1,3,19:d:e,n,z₁₅ (10²) (wild type strain), Klebsiella oxytoca (10⁴) (wild type strain), Micrococcus sp. (10³) (wild type strain) All levels are presented as colony forming units (cfu) per ml reconstituted sample unless otherwise stated * MPN per 100ml reconstituted sample Expected Results: Examination Expected Result Your Result Replicate 1 Replicate 2 PHE Score Not Examined E.coli (MPN) 2.1x10³ - 5.0x10⁴ per 100g Salmonella Detected in 25g spp. Comments: Comments: E.coli MPN values reported are summarised in Fig.1 E. coli Total participants reporting duplicate results for E.coli MPN 85 Participants reporting a single MPN result only 0 Participants reporting MPN results within the expected range for both replicates 79 Participants reporting MPN results outside expected range for both replicates 2 Participants reporting MPN result outside expected range for one replicate only 4 Participants reporting tube combination inconsistent with MPN reported 9 Participants reporting censored values for one replicate 2 Participants reporting censored values for both replicates 1 Assigned value (participants' median MPN result ) 1.0x10⁴ per 100 g Participants' mean MPN result 1.2x10⁴ per 100 g Standard deviation (SD) of participants' results 0.32 log₁₀ unit per 100g FEPTU QC median MPN result 8.6x10³ per 100 g Salmonella spp. Total participants reporting for Salmonella spp. 77 Total participants reporting the presence of Salmonella spp. 76 (99%) Total sent sample 90 Non-returns 2 Not examined 2 The data in FEPTU reports is confidential Page 3 of 11 Printed at 7:23 on Friday, 19 December, 2014 Sample: SF0107 Description: Raw shellfish from a new shellfish bed Contents: Salmonella Wentworth 11:z₁₀:1,2 (40) (wild type strain), Aeromonas hydrophila (<10) (wild type strain), Hafnia alvei (10³) (wild type strain) All levels are presented as colony forming units (cfu) per ml reconstituted sample unless otherwise stated * MPN per 100ml reconstituted sample Expected Results: Examination Expected Result Your Result Replicate 1 Replicate 2 PHE Score Not Examined E.coli (MPN) <18 per 100g Salmonella Detected in 25g spp. Comments: Comments: E.coli MPN values reported are summarised in Fig.2 E. coli Total participants reporting duplicate results for E.coli MPN 83 Participants reporting a single MPN result only 0 Total participants reporting correctly the absence of E.coli 82 Total participants reporting incorrectly the presence of E.coli 1 Salmonella spp. Total participants reporting for Salmonella spp. 77 Total participants reporting the presence of Salmonella spp. 77 (100%) Total sent sample 90 Non-returns 2 Not examined 2 The data in FEPTU reports is confidential Page 4 of 11 Printed at 7:23 on Friday, 19 December, 2014 Performance Assessment Sheet Participants are reminded that to take advantage of the performance assessment overtime tool provided in the reports they need to take part in more than one distribution a year. Performance assessments are designed to identify laboratories with on -going problems with their examinations and are undertaken after every distribution. Scores are allocated to results reported for every sample to help assess participants' performance. Cumulative scores are calculated for every participant, for all examination types, for the current and previous two distributions. Participants' cumulative scores for each of the examination types are compared with the maximum possible scores after every distribution. Your laboratory performed 6 examinations for the last 3 distributions. Distribution Sample E.coli score Your % per distribution Salmonella sp. score Your % per distribution SF0106 SF049 SF0107 SF0104 SF048 SF0105 SF0102 SF047 SF0103 Total maximum possible score Ecoli Performance Assessment for Distributions SF049,SF048,SF047 Salmonella Performance Assessment for Distributions SF049,SF048,SF047 80 60 70 50 Number of participants 30 20 50 40 30 20 10 Percentage achieved of max possible score for stipulated distributions 100 90-99 80-89 70-79 60-69 50-59 40-49 30-39 20-29 10-19 0 0 100 90-99 80-89 70-79 60-69 50-59 40-49 30-39 20-29 10-19 1-9 10 0 0 1-9 Number of participants 60 40 Percentage achieved of max possible score for stipulated distributions Performance Assessment Comment: Laboratories that achieve less than 70% of the maximum possible score are likely to be experiencing significant problems with their examinations and are advised to a) refer to the relevant sample reports for specific comments b) refer to the website guidance documents: nvironmental-microbiology c) contact the organisers for advice. The data in FEPTU reports is confidential Page 5 of 11 Printed at 7:23 on Friday, 19 December, 2014 MPN per 100g 121 124 145 166 175 Fig. 1: SF0106 MPN Results 352 395 403 413 421 443 463 532 551 578 583 Key: 651 Î SF0106 Replicate 1 653 655 657 666 668 684 698 ¢ 703 SF0106 Replicate 2 710 718 719 726 744 Printed at 7:23 on Friday, 19 December, 2014 Page 6 of 11 1,000,000 336 Laboratory Identification Number 329 Participants' Median MPN + 4 SD 112,200 115 100,000 226 Participants' Median MPN + 2.68 SD 49,980 97 The data in FEPTU reports is confidential Participants' Median MPN 10,200 67 10,000 183 Participants' Median MPN - 2.68 SD 2,082 9 Participants' Median MPN - 4 SD 927 14 1,000 100 0 7 243 252 270 271 596 605 644 649 652 701 MPN per 100g 757 758 759 1118 Fig. 1 (cont'd): SF0106 MPN Results 1563 1564 1571 1593 1719 1769 1798 1817 Laboratory Identification Number 1527 1819 1886 1891 1892 Key: 2150 2152 Î 2154 SF0106 Replicate 1 2155 2156 x1 x2 x3 x4 ¢ SF0106 Replicate 2 x6 x7 x8 x10 x9 Printed at 7:23 on Friday, 19 December, 2014 Page 7 of 11 1,000,000 1502 Participants' Median MPN + 4 SD 112,200 756 100,000 1501 Participants' Median MPN + 2.68 SD 49,980 754 The data in FEPTU reports is confidential Participants' Median MPN 10,200 753 10,000 1160 Participants' Median MPN - 2.68 SD 2,082 752 Participants' Median MPN - 4 SD 927 751 1,000 100 749 750 1237 1487 1498 1936 2118 x5 Fig. 2: SF0107 MPN Results No Data For Graph Key: Î SF0107 Replicate 1 ¢ SF0107 Replicate 2 The data in FEPTU reports is confidential Page 8 of 11 Printed at 7:23 on Friday, 19 December, 2014 Fig. 2 (cont'd): SF0107 MPN Results No Data For Graph Key: Î SF0107 Replicate 1 ¢ SF0107 Replicate 2 The data in FEPTU reports is confidential Page 9 of 11 Printed at 7:23 on Friday, 19 December, 2014 The data in FEPTU reports is confidential Page 10 of 11 Printed at 7:23 on Friday, 19 December, 2014 The data in FEPTU reports is confidential Page 11 of 11 Printed at 7:23 on Friday, 19 December, 2014
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