THE LINK THE KNIGHTLEY PARISHES An on-line version of this magazine in colour is available on the web site Services for December 2014 The Magazine of The Knightley Parishes 7 December SATURDAY 13th DECEMBER in Badby NEWNHAM PARISH CHURCH 7.30 pm TOWCESTER STUDIO BAND BRASS AT CHRISTMAS I II III Advent 3 Advent 4 11:00 11:00 18:00 Contemporary Family Service Carol Service Communion service 09:30 Holy Communion CW Charwelton 18:00 Evensong (Chapel) An evening of Carols and popular Christmas music Fawsley Preston Capes Tickets £7.50 21 December Advent 2 Newnham presents 14 December 08:30 Morning Prayer 18:00 Carol Service 11:00 Holy Communion BCP 09:30 Holy Communion CW 24/25 December 28 December IV V 4 January I CHRISTMAS Holy Innocents 23:30 Midnight Communion CW 16:00 Christingle 11:00 Christmas Communion CW 18:00 Nine Lessons & Carols (Church) 23:30 Midnight Communion BCP (Church) 11:00 Holy Communion BCP 16:00 Carols & Christingle 11:00 Christmas Communion BCP 09:30 Christmas Communion CW United Benefice Service Epiphany 11:00 Holy Communion CW 10:00 09:30 Holy Communion CW Holy Communion 18:00 Evensong (Chapel) at Newnham 08:30 Morning Prayer available from any church member Under 11s free Refreshments and raffle December 2014 Badby Newnham Charwelton Fawsley Preston Capes OTHER SERVICES Tuesday 16 December Badby 6.30pm Evening Service of the Word Saturday 20th. December Charwelton Chapel 4.00pm Sunday 21st. December Newnham 4.00pm Christingle Sunday 21st. December Preston Capes 4.00pm Christingle & Carol Service Wednesday 24th. December Badby 4.00pm Christingle CHRISTINGLES 2 Christingle - followed by children's party SUNDAY READINGS THE RECTOR'S LETTER Principal Service CW Dear friends, - for other services see Lectionary Date 7 Dec 14 Dec Feast Advent 2 Advent 3 Page 7 14 * Year OT† NT Gospel B B Isaiah 40, 1-11 2 Pet 3, 8-15a Mark 1, 1-8 Isaiah 61, 1-4 & 1 Thess 5, 16-24 John 1, 6-8 & 8-end 19-28 21 Dec Advent 4 19 B 2 Sam 7, 1-11 & Rom 16, 25-end Luke 1, 26-38 16 24/25 Dec CHRISTMAS 30 B Isaiah 52, 7-10 Heb 1, 1-4 John 1, 1-14 28 Dec Holy Innocents B Jer 31, 15-17 1 Cor 1, 26-29 Matt 2, 13-18 4 Jan Epiphany 48 B Isaiah 60, 1-6 Eph 3, 1-12 Matt 2, 1-12 NOTES: 1. *These page numbers refer to “The Word of the Lord”, a copy of which will be available in your church. All the readings in that book are taken from the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible. 2. †The Old Testament readings during Trinity will be from Track 2 of Common Worship 3. At non-communion services the second reading should normally be the Gospel. No Register entries to record this month... ... but as we go to press we are marking the Sunday next before Advent, commonly known as "Stir up Sunday". Time to start making (and stirring up) your Christmas puddings if you have not done it already. Though really this relates of course to the Collect for that day: Stir up, we beseech thee, O Lord, the wills of thy faithful people; that they, plenteously bringing forth the fruit of good works, may of thee be plenteously rewarded; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 3 well. We have potentially eternity and creation to reconcile. As more specifically Christians we have to ponder an infinite God who lives a finite life. A creator God who is killed in human times. Wow, cannot believe it's Christmas again. How many of you are feeling like that at the moment? Soon it'll be the New Year; where does the time go!? In this magazine you'll find loads of events and services to fill your time over the coming month. Time flies by. It is just this miracle of eternal life becoming human life that Christmas is all about. It is in the person of the fragile baby born into poverty that all time is held, So many eternal life is sayings and offered. descriptions of So if you get the time. Yet time this Christmas what is it? We please reflect on have "why did a God constructed [Apologies for the American spelling! Ed] with all the time in various the world decide to be born with a methods of demarking time; seconds, human body restricted in human hours, minutes. We mess about with time?" I hope you will find that the it a bit putting the clocks forwards answer is, "because God loves you". and backwards and adding a day in a leap year. We all have a sense of time but we all know the feeling of time passing at different speeds. We talk about it as if it was something we can have a definite quantity of yet we cannot touch it, box it, or weigh it. If we are in any way religious or spiritual we have the infinite dimension of time to wrestle with as Blessings 4 indelible characters among the uniformly excellent cast. Swedish dialogue, with English subtitles. EVENING SERVICE OF THE WORD Services usually take place at St. Mary’s Badby, at 1830, on the Tuesday following the third Sunday of the month. This said service is lay led and lasts about 23 minutes. Special interest is provided by a short talk on ‘the saint of the month’. If you are interested in finding out more about the Society and its forthcoming programme, please get in touch with Karen Brown on 312158. The last ESOW in 2014 will be on Tuesday, December 16. Dates for the first quarter of 2015 are January 20, February 17 and March 17. JAZZ BAND CONCERT, BADBY VILLAGE HALL, FEBRUARY 21ST 2015 Bob Caldwell’s Hot Six will return to Badby’s village hall on Saturday 21st February. If you would like to come, or were too late for a ticket last time, make sure by contacting Bob on 01327 704694 or HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY Our AGM held on Friday 14th Nov. was lucky enough to have a talk by Sam’s Species Reptile Rescue. The room was pleasantly full and as the evening progressed there were very few people who didn’t hold or at least touch one of the array of reptiles that were brought. We also had two society members put themselves forward to join the Committee, which is much appreciated. Coupled with this event, Christine Warburton & friends are doing the Royal British Legion’s 20th London to Paris cycle ride in September. They will be organising the bar and a raffle. All profits and proceeds from the raffle, will contribute to this charity. Our last event for 2014 is the Christmas Crafts Evening at 7.30pm on Thursday, 4th Dec. in Badby Village Hall, with demonstrations by Chris Littlewood of Bliss Lane Nursery, Flore. Subscriptions for the coming year (Oct. 2014 – Sep. 2015), can be paid at this event. join us in the tower and to improve their physical, mental and social wellbeing by continuing throughout 2015! PARISH NOTICES BENEFICE PAGE BADBY CHURCH CLEANING IN DECEMBER Correspondent - Geoff Pullin ( Reader 7 Dec Sidesmen Server S. Rose M. Oldrey 14 Dec TBA 21 Dec TBA 24/25 E. Ramsbotham Dec A. Roddis 4 Jan E. Richardson P. Wakeford S. Brooks C. Nelson TBA TBA G. Nelson C. Nelson C. Richards F. Williams w/b 30 Nov. Joan Lee, Pat McAlister, Win Roddis w/b 7: Ann Cotton, Monique Shortt, Brigit Cree w/b 14: Gill Nelson, Madeleine Oldrey, Neville Snell. w/b 21: Jan Cooper, Moira Cooper, Kirsten Dollery w/b 30: Joan Lee, Pat McAlister, Win Roddis M. Rogers NR NR P. Wakeford CHURCH FLOWERS Any flower arrangers willing to help or donate greenery to decorate Badby Church on Sat 22nd December at 9.30am for Christmas? Please contact Jackie Peel at or ring 01327 871352 C. Nelson ADVENT SERVICES Dec. 7, 11am, contemporary communion "Explaining Advent" with the Rev. Sue. Dec. 14, 11am, all-age service, donations for the Women’s Refuge. Thank you to children from Badby School Year 5 who decorated the church with poppies for Remembrance. The well researched stories of Badby men who were killed in WW1 and their families continue to be on display in the church. It's our Christmas Dinner on Thursday, December 11. Santa is even now collecting his outfit from the cleaners and the elves are polishing up the sleigh ready for the great night. Don't forget to bring your own tipple and your Secret Santa present, maximum cost £4, to add to Santa's sack. Let's party! BADBY & FAWSLEY WI. CHRISTMAS See inside the special Badby front cover for details. Badby and Fawsley WI meet every second Thursday of the month in Badby Village Hall at 7.30pm. New members and visitors are very welcome. If you would like further information please contact Kate Earley on 01327 700544. TEA AND MEET If you would like to join the Society or would like further information on the Christmas Crafts Evening, please contact Zelda Shapter on 872118, On Friday, December 5, 2 - 3.30pm in the village hall - we'll try not to overdo the mince pies! Do come along and try some. With the first Friday in January being so close to New Year, Tea and Meet will take place on 9th. Same place, same time but a week later. Hope that suits everyone and we can gather to talk about all those New Year Resolutions we've made but are bound to break! New year, so we will be trying new recipes! BADBY AND DISTRICT FILM SOCIETY In the busy month of December we have just one film: UNITED REFORMED CHURCH Our preachers on December Sundays at 10am are: 7th Rev Jay Phelps 14th Carol Service 21st Mrs Pat Paine 28th Jane, Jac and Sharon We wish everyone a Happy Christmas RING OUT 2014 Friday 12th December FANNY AND ALEXANDER (1982) An award-winning late masterpiece by the great Swedish director Ingmar Bergman, it is ideal Christmas fare: an opulent family saga, by turns bawdy, stark and strange. Few films boast as many "... which carol would you like us to text you?" 5 The bellringers will be gathering at 11.30pm on Old Year’s Night to ring a farewell to 2014. After a short break to drink a toast, the bells will be fired (rung together simultaneously) 12 times at midnight to greet 2015 and rung for a bit with more firing. Visitors, ringers or non-ringers, are very welcome to SCHOOL NEWS All classes celebrated European languages by doing a mini-project on a country and cooking popular dishes. Several children in Year 5 helped to decorate Badby Church for Remembrance Sunday and 6 everyone made poppies for a big display in the hall. We also had a special assembly in school. On Children in Need day we wore spotty clothes and made a donation to the charity. Children in Key Stage One are busy learning words and songs for their Christmas play - The Sleepy Stargazer. The Year 6 handbell ringers are also working hard to prepare for Christmas services and concerts. BRASS AT CHRISTMAS A reminder that tickets for our evening of Carols and other popular Christmas music performed by the Towcester Studio Band are still available from any church member. Priced at £7.50 per adult (children under 11 are FREE) the event takes place on SATURDAY 13th DECEMBER at 7.30pm. Refreshments and Raffle. 7 Dec 14 Dec 21 Dec 25 Dec 28 Dec 4 Jan Janet Rees TBA TBA Brian Price TBA Janet Rees Les Pierpoint Les Pierpoint Les Pierpoint Jeff Lawrence Jim Wood Stephen Rees The next Parish Meeting will be held on Monday 1st. December at 7.30pm in the Village Hall. This is an important meeting as it is the one at which the precept for next year is set. That will have an effect on YOUR council tax, so if you want to have a say in that please come along to the meeting. If you would like to volunteer to read one of the lessons in this service please contact Graham Cory on 700550. Hot (well, warm!) sausage rolls, mince pies, hot mulled wine and soft drinks will be served afterwards. Everyone will be most welcome. VILLAGE HALL EVENTS MEDIEVAL CHRISTMAS EVENING on 5th. December with Michael Brown who will bring old fashioned musical instruments and will talk about past customs etc.. Tickets will be £7 for adults and £3 for children to include a glass of mulled wine or soft drink and seasonal refreshments. There will also be a raffle. Tickets are available from Christine Gibbs on 260700. Michael's sundry flower talk in May was much enjoyed. Correspondent - David Pound Reader / Sidesman Correspondent - Ellen Henning ( Sidesman PARISH MEETING Monday 1st. December CHARWELTON NEWNHAM Reader your presents the age and sex of the child for whom it will be suitable, or mark it "Adult" as appropriate. There will be a collection in aid of the Children's Society. 7 Dec 21 Dec 24 Dec 4 Jan Norman Blenkhorn Fiona Spencer/ Readers TBA David Pound Sharon Maplethorpe Flowers 25 Dec CHILDREN'S CHRISTMAS PARTY on Saturday 20th December following the Christingle at 4.00pm. All primary school age children and below welcome including grandchildren etc.. Same format as last year plus an entertainer. Fiona Spencer Chapel cleaning December January NEWNHAM PROGRESSIVE SUPPER Change of date for your diaries - the village progressive has been changed to 28th. February due to the planned refurbishment of the Romer Arms. Early ticket bookings and offers to host a course/provide a pudding will be gratefully received! Contact Virginia on 07732 698959. Fiona Spencer Norman Blenkhorn CHRISTMAS SERVICES Our services for Christmas will start with the CHRISTINGLE at 4.00pm on Saturday 20th. December in the Chapel. Christingles will be distributed to all the children during the service, and all children and adults will be very welcome. There will be a collection in aid of the Children's Society. If your child would like to volunteer to read one of the short lessons please contact Graham Cory on 700550 The Christingle service will be followed by the annual Children's Christmas Party in the Village Hall (see below). SERVICES A very special thank you to Heather Wilson for leading our traditional Act of Remembrance at the War Memorial on Sunday 9th November. The names of those who had lost their lives in the Great War were remembered and wreaths laid. There then followed a brief service in church. CAROL SERVICE The service of Nine Lessons and Carols will be on Sunday 21st. December at 6.00pm in the Church, and will tell the Christmas Story in readings and carols. Once again we shall be joined by staff and families from the Daventry Women's Aid Refuge. You are invited to bring with you a wrapped present to place under the Christmas tree during the service, and these presents will then be given to the Women's Refuge. Please indicate on Our Christingle Service this year will be on Sunday 21st December at 4.00pm. Children, parents, family and friends are all most welcome. Full details of the many Christmas services in Newnham and at the other Knightley Parish Churches are detailed on the cover of this edition of the Link magazine. 7 POPPY COLLECTION The MIDNIGHT COMMUNION service will be on Christmas Eve in the church starting at 11.30pm. The collection on this occasion will be for the Katharine House Hospice. Graham White would like to thank all those who, by buying poppies, contributed to the Poppy Appeal in the village which raised £170.54 CHRISTMAS WREATHS ARMISTICE DAY A final reminder to place your orders for Christmas wreaths. Closing date for orders is 6th. December. Please contact David Pound (260006) who can also supply extra order forms. And on a similar theme, thank you to all those who attended the wreath laying ceremony at the War Memorial on Tuesday 11th. November. There was an excellent turn out of 25 people (much more than usual) and the experiment of playing the Last Post, Reveille and the National Anthem seemed to be well received. The Wreaths will be made on Saturday 13th. December in the Village Hall under the eye of experienced hands, but we are always pleased to welcome new members to the team. No experience is needed, and lunch (home made soup, home made bread, and cheese) is provided gratis. If you would like to help on the Saturday (all or part day) please contact June Pound on 260006. Help would also be welcomed in gathering holly on Thursday 11th. December for a couple of hours. Please contact David Pound (tel. as above) if you are willing to help. 8 FAWSLEY PRESTON CAPES Correspondent - Debbie Walker Correspondent - Gerard Hoare Readers Flowers 14 Dec 21 Dec Vivienne Baker Stephanie Newth None 25 Dec Judy Ward 7 Dec 14 Dec 21 Dec CHRISTMAS FLOWERS 25 Dec Our merry band of flower arrangers will be dressing the church for Christmas on Monday 22nd December from 10:00am onwards. If you'd like to try your hand at flower arranging and enjoy a mince pie and coffee while you do it, please come along and join us. 4 Jan Reader Sidesman Cleaning Luke Bridgeman Graham White TBA Gerard Hoare V Brassey Heather Wilson Gerard Hoare Amanda Clarke & Anabel Lewis-Bowen Steve Cook Claire Hoare Gerard Hoare Claire Hoare FLOWER ROTA FLOWER ROTA ADVENT – no flowers until the 22nd December see below. The Fawsley Flower rota is currently being organised for 2015. If you would like to join the rota please call Debbie Walker on 361724. CHRISTMAS FLOWERS AND FLOWER ROTA 2015 Claire Hoare writes…’please can Christmas flowers be done on Saturday 20th December for the Carol Service, and could the existing flower arrangers please do their usual places, and then any extra offers can be fitted in?..... I shall be shortly doing the flower Rota for 2015; are there any willing flower arrangers out there who would like to join the team for next year? All it requires, is a designated three Sunday stint, and an arrangement for Festivals; Christmas, Easter and Harvest. New helpers are always welcome. Tel. Claire Hoare 361263.’ BOXING DAY SERVICE Another gentle reminder that there will be no Candlelight Carol service around the crib on Boxing Day at Fawsley this year. CHRISTMAS CARDS There are still a few Fawsley Christmas cards left. If you would like to purchase a pack of these beautiful cards, please call Robin Baker on 361585. CHANGE TO SERVICE PATTERN CHRISTMAS DAY SERVICE Service pattern will change for December. There will be Holy Communion services on the 2nd and 3rd Sundays (the 14th and 21st December) with our Christmas Day Holy Communion at 11.00am. In the New year we will go back to our usual Service pattern of the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month. The service time rotates every year, to be fair to all our sister churches in the Benefice. This year our service here will be a Christmas morning Holy Communion at 0930 am. Everyone, including children of all ages, will be very welcome. Come and join us for the best Christmas hymns. CHRISTMAS WREATHS The workshop will take place on Saturday the 6th December from 0930am in the Village Hall. We have a strong team of volunteers again and always want to involve some new hands. If you would like to learn from skilled wreath makers like Iris King and Graham 9 White, this is the perfect opportunity. Our sales make an important contribution to church funds. All enquiries about purchases, please, to Claire Hoare on 361263 or Visit the village website for more details. Orders close imminently. charities. Contact Ruth above or Debs Jones, Bank House, 361035. DIARY CAROLS IN THE SQUARE This diary records the proposed dates of any benefice, parish or village events. We hope that this will help those planning such events to know what else is going on and therefore be able to avoid any unhelpful clashes of dates. If you know, or become aware, of events which ought to be recorded please let David Pound, or your village Link correspondent, know. This will take place on Thursday 18th December at 1900 in the Square. Reserve this date and time now for the usual jolly occasion with singing. Please watch notice boards for further details and help with food and drink. CAROLS, LESSONS AND CHRISTINGLE SERVICE Sunday 21st December at 1600 Events known about so far are: PLEASE NOTE THIS COMBINED FORMAT is being repeated! The Carol Service will incorporate the Christingle one, candlelight processions will be held, followed by mince pies and warm drinks. Notice for children; Following last year’s gifts, there will again be a small present for all resident children under 16 years to collect at this service, so do come and bring your parents. We hope that family groups will attend and all ages will be most welcome. The Christingles will be made on Saturday 20th at Preston Fields Farm, the home of Heather Wilson. Children are needed (and very welcome!) to help; please contact Heather 361667 in the first instance. December 1 Charwelton Parish Meeting 3 Newnham Coffee and Cake 4 Hort. Soc. Christmas decorations 5 Charwelton Medieval Christmas talk 6 Preston Capes wreath making 7 Preston Capes JuditSingers 7 Preston Capes Sunday bar 13 Charwelton wreath making 13 Newnham Brass Band Concert 14 Preston Capes children's party 20 Charwelton Children's Christmas Party 24 Preston Capes Christmas Eve bar 2015 SINGING FOR CHRISTMAS Saturday 7th Dec. at 1830 January 1 Preston Capes New Year's Day bar 4 Preston Capes Sunday bar 8 Charwelton PCC 13 Newnham PCC This is event is being repeated this year. The PCC are delighted to welcome again The JuditSingers who are to give a short concert in church titled ‘Singing for Christmas’, followed by Carol singing for all. Then a short walk to the Village Hall for seasonal refreshments. The PCC urges everyone to give strong support to the concert. Tickets are only £7 for adults, children free, and surplus funds will be donated to Médecins sans Frontières and Church funds. Please apply for tickets (this also tells us how many are coming for catering purposes!) to Ruth Quilter The Conifers, High Street, or 361386 or or buy at the door. Donations of food, mulled wine etc.. will be most welcome to increase our profit / support for the two February 15 Newnham Snowdrop Sunda y 21 Badby Jazz 28 Newnham School Progressive Supper March 5 Charwelton APCM & PCC 10 Newnham PCC 17 Newnham APCM April 11 District bell ringers Newnham 3pm 10 May 7 Charwelton PCC 12 Newnham PCC June 7 Preston Capes Open Gardens (+ lunches & teas) 13 Newnham School Fete. July 2 Charwelton PCC 7 Newnham PCC September 3 Charwelton PCC 8 Newnham PCC October 10 District bell ringers Badby 3pm November 5 Charwelton PCC 10 Newnham PCC 11 12 CITIZENS ADVICE DAVENTRY & DISTRICT Free, confidential, impartial and independent advice and information on a wide range of subjects including: DEBT, BENEFITS, EMPLOYMENT, HOUSING, FAMILY ISSUES, DISABILITY, CONSUMER, etc. Whoever you are; whatever the problem……….. 10am-3pm, Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri. No appointment needed. The Abbey, Market Square, Daventry, NN11 4XG Adviceline: 03444 88 9629 Benefits & Disability advice: 01327 701646 (mornings) Email advice via website: A full range of information is also available at: 13 14 CHURCH OFFICERS & INFORMATION JOHN WHITE [Telephone codes 01327 unless stated otherwise] Rector: Rev. Sue Faulkner, Benefice Office: Old Forge at Green Cottage, Newnham, NN11 3HB ; 858018; Mob. 07786 265 422 (Home - The Vicarage, High Street, Silverstone NN12 8US); Her day off is MONDAY - please try to respect this Benefice Secretary: Sharon Foster, Benefice Office (above) Tues 12-3 & Fri. 9-12 07526 248501 Benefice Treasurer: Bill Dearns, Appletree Cottage, Little Preston. NN11 3TF 361277 Lay Band: Gerard Hoare, Bernard Rapson, Maureen Sinclair, Graham White, Heather Wilson Lay Pastoral Minister: Graham White Benefice Children's Officer Susan Rose (879053) Parish Visiting: Requests for visiting should be made to the co-ordinators who will pass them on. Link Editor: David Pound, Forge End, Church Street, Charwelton. NN11 3YT 260006 Fax: 07092 104279 Copy deadlines - Editorial, 20th of the month; Advertising 18th. of the month please . Advertising: Sharon Foster, Benefice Secretary as above. BADBY Incorporating R.T. Bodily FUNERAL DIRECTORS 188/190 Watling Street East Towcester NN12 6DB Tel: (01327) 359266 or 01327 361619 Personal 24hr service from a privately owned family business Private Chapels of Rest at Towcester and Everdon Pre-payment plan available This space is available for advertising at £6 per month. Please contact Sharon Foster at or 07526 248501 NEWNHAM Churchwardens: Susan Rose, The Mill, Preston Road, Newnham, NN11 3EZ 879053 Eleanor Ramsbotham, 4 , Park Close, Badby, NN11 3AH 876531 Churchwardens: Jeff Lawrence, The Conifers, West Brook, Newnham. NN11 3HL 705085 Mary Wood, Hillside, School Hill, Newnham. NN11 3HG 872670 Secretary: Sarah Hartland-Swann, Shakespeares Cottage , Church Hill, Badby, NN11 3AR 872193 Secretary: Janet Rees, 33, Bradbury Road, Newnham. NN11 3HD 705394 Treasurer: Frances Williams, 25 Westhorpe Lane, Byfield, Daventry NN11 6XB 437066 (home). 886560 (work) GARDEN SERVICES Garden Clearance Fencing Tree Work Patios Turfing Acting Treasurer: Andrew Banks, The Nuttery, Manor Lane, Newnham. NN11 3EU 311402 For a FREE no obligation estimate call: Visiting co-ordinator: Vacant Visiting co-ordinator: Win Roddis (871973) CHARWELTON James Maplethorpe 01327 263857 or 07817 762188 FAWSLEY Churchwarden: Graham White, 8, Council Houses, Charwelton. NN11 3YT 264393 Churchwardens: Vivienne Baker, Lakes Rise, Fawsley NN11 3BA. 361585 Vacant Secretary: Graham Cory, 3, Lindrick Close, Daventry NN11 4SN 700550 Secretary: Judy Ward, 4, Manor Walk, Nether Heyford. NN7 3LJ 340619 Treasurer: Norman Blenkhorn, 3 Manor Close, Charwelton. NN11 3YU 260650 Treasurer: Robin Baker, Lakes Rise, Fawsley NN11 3BA. 361585 Visiting co-ordinator: Graham White (264393) Visiting co-ordinator: Vacant Re:Cover Upholstery By Will Maddison, Little Preston. Antique & modern furniture refurbished to a high standard. Also headboards, ottomans and footstools made to order. PRESTON CAPES Churchwardens: Gerard Hoare, Old West Farm, Little Preston. NN11 3TF 361263 V Brassey, Preston House, Canons Ashby Road, Preston Capes NN11 3TB 360 941 Secretary : Anabel Lewis-Bowen, Evenlode, Preston Capes. NN11 3TE 361298 Treasurer: Elizabeth Dearns, Appletree Cottage, Little Preston. NN11 3TF 361277 Free collection service 07760 559604/01327 361545 Don’t replace, Re:Cover! Commercial work also undertaken. Visiting co-ordinator: Gerard Hoare (361263) The Link is printed by Image 15 IT, Baird Close, Daventry 16
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