“Nature and Community in Harmony” VOLUME 41, NO.12 THE BURKE CENTRE CONSERVANCY DECEMBER 2014 PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID BURKE, VA PERMIT NO. 853 Senator Marsden to Attend December Board Meeting BURKE CENTRE BUSINESS December 11, 2014, 7:30 PM Woods Community Center (10100 Wards Grove Circle) S enator Marsden will attend the December Board of Trustees meeting to discuss current issues with constituents. All Burke Centre Conservancy residents are welcome to attend. Please contact the office at 703-978-2928 if you have any questions. Conservancy Holiday Closings C hristmas & New Year’s Day - the Conservancy office will be closed on Thursday & Friday, December 25-26, 2014, and January 1, 2015. To report an emergency with a Conservancy facility while the office is closed, please call the toll-free After-Hours # 1-866-8782430. Emergency Closing Policy P lease note, the Conservancy follows the Fairfax County Government schedule for closing in the event of inclement weather or other unexpected emergencies. If the Fairfax County Government closes, the Conservancy office will also close. Should you need to contact the Conservancy for assistance with a facility during an emergency closing, or to report damage to Conservancy property, please call the after-hours toll-free line at 1-866-878-2430. Your message will be forwarded to the appropriate staff member on-call. For non-emergency matters while the office is closed, please leave a message at the main office line, (703) 978-2928, and your call will be returned promptly once the office reopens. Emergency updates will also be posted on the Burke Centre web site: www.burkecentreweb.com as necessary or unless power, phone or Internet services are interrupted. PAGE 2 January Meetings Rescheduled T he Board of Trustees meetings for January 2015 have been scheduled as follows: Board Work Session – Tuesday, January 6th, 7:30 PM, Woods CC Neighborhood Councils – Monday/Tuesday, January 12, @ respective community centers Board of Trustees Meeting – Thursday, January 15, Woods CC Please contact the office at 703-978-2928; or send email to administration@burkecentre.org if you have any questions. PHOTO SUBMITTED BY CAROL LETZKUS Conservancy Holiday Drive T he Burke Centre Conservancy will host its annual holiday drive from now through December 12, 2014. During this timeframe, new, unwrapped toys will be collected at the Conservancy office and at community meetings and events. All donations will be distributed to children in need through Fairfax County Public Schools. The county has requested that all items donated be new and unused. If you have any questions, please call (703) 978-2928. Thank you for your continued support! ADS Holiday Trash Schedule H oliday Trash Service: Please note there will be no trash or recycling service on Thanksgiving. Trash & recycling service normally scheduled on this holiday will be provided the following day. Due to the increased volume of pick-ups on Friday, November 28th, please place your trash and recyclables curbside the evening before. To report a missed pick-up when the Conservancy office is closed, please contact ADS directly, (703) 368-0500. Be sure to tell the operator you are calling from Burke Centre to ensure proper service. Next-day pickup following a holiday is a unique feature of the Conservancy’s contract with ADS. Christmas Trees will be collected on Mondays, THE BURKE CENTRE CONSERVATOR starting January 5th. Please be sure to remove all tinsel and decorations and please, DO NOT place trees in plastic bags. Inclement Weather: American Disposal Service will cancel all collection in areas when roads are deemed unsafe due to snow or ice. There will be no adjustments or makeup runs scheduled for missed services due to inclement weather. Trash, recycling and yard debris collections will resume on the next regularly scheduled service day. To report problems or concerns with the trash and recycling service, or if you have any questions regarding the holiday schedules, please call the Conservancy office at (703) 978-2928. DECEMBER 2014 CONSERVANCY BUSINESS FY 2015 Budget Approved A t the November 13, 2014 meeting, the Board of Trustees approved the Conservancy budget for Fiscal Year 2015, which begins on January 1, 2015 and ends on December 31, 2015. The General Assessment will remain at $127 per quarter for Fiscal Year 2015. Statements will be sent to homeowners the first week of January 2015, April 2015, July 2015 and October 2015. To avoid a late fee, payments must be received by no later than January 31, 2015, April 30, 2015, July 31, 2015 and October 31, 2015. Statements will also include cluster assessments where applicable. The cluster assessment will vary based on the services provided to your cluster and the level of funding for your various cluster reserve funds. The cost of trash collection is a direct passthrough and is split again for 2015 between attached and detached homes 2015 Election Updates T he Election Committee (EC) continues to work on the 2015 Annual Elections. In the coming weeks, the on-line voting links will be posted on the Burke Centre web site, ballots will be prepared and mailed, and final results will be tabulated immediately after the polls close at noon on March 7, 2015. December - Open season continues for candidates. Complete election materials and preparation of candidate packets for Trustee and Cluster Committees. Packets are available at Conservancy office and online at www.burkecentreweb.com, click on the HOME tab and scroll down to Elections. Candidate packets will be opened upon receipt with verification by the Conservancy staff and EC representatives. Names of candidates to be posted and highlighted in Conservancy media. January 21, 2015 – Deadline to appear on the official ballot. Trustee and Cluster candidates must be in good standing and submit their petitions to Conservancy office by 5:00 PM. February 12 – Meet the Candidates at the February Board of Trustees Meeting, 7:30 PM, Woods Community Center. If you have any questions about your individual assessment, please do not hesitate to contact the Finance Department at 703-978-2928. The EC Chairman will work with the Conservancy staff to verify all Trustee and cluster petitions received by the deadline. Once verified, the EC Chairman will authorize the staff to publish eligible candidates’ candidacy statements in the February and March Conservators. See more on Election - continued on page 13... Request online access at www.burkecentreweb.com using eForms under the HOME tab. Burke Centre Conservancy Board of Trustees October 20, 2014 SUBJECT: Executive Summary, Burke Centre Conservancy Architectural Standards 2014 Revision 1. BACKGROUND. During the period Jan.-Sept. 2014, the Architectural Review Board (ARB) conducted a comprehensive review of the Burke Centre Architectural Standards, previously updated and revised in 2011, and as a result of this review are proposing a number of administrative and substantive revisions. Our review, and resulting proposed revisions, focused in four general areas; clarification of standards to eliminate ambiguity and inconsistencies, modification of standards to account for the availability of new types of materials, addition of standards to address common modifications for which no standards previously existed, and eliminating, where appropriate, the requirement to submit applications for routine/typical modifications if the modification is compliant with all relevant standards. Our proposed revisions to the architectural standards are included in the Burke Centre Architectural Standards, Revised 2014, which are summarized below. A copy of this document is available online at www.burkecentreweb.com under the ARB tab. 2. ADMINISTRATIVE REVISIONS. Our proposed revisions include the following administrative revisions. a. A reorganized document with five distinct sections: Section I, Overview Section II, Architectural Standards Section III, Terms and Illustrations rds - continued Section IV, ARB Process See ARB Standage on pa 11... Section V, Property Maintenance and Enforcement Procedures DECEMBER 2014 6060 Burke Centre Parkway Burke, VA 22015-3702 Office Phone: (703) 978-2928 Office Fax: (703) 978-1073 Web Site: www.burkecentreweb.com Conservancy Office Hours Monday-Friday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Saturday: 9 am - Noon (RecepƟon services only) Assessment Mailing Address Payment Processing Center P.O. BOX 105007 Atlanta, GA 30348 CONSERVANCY VOLUNTEERS All Board and committee/organization members are volunteers; not paid employees of the Conservancy. When you contact these fellow residents, please remember that they are volunteering their own time to serve the Burke Centre community. Thank you! BOARD OF TRUSTEES COMMONS: MARC FLASTER, Treasurer commonstrustee@burkecentre.org LANDINGS: BRIAN ENGLER THE BURKE CENTRE CONSERVATOR OAKS: SCOTT HOEFKE oakstrustee@burkecentre.org PONDS: LEE SCHMIDT, Secretary pondstrustee@burkecentre.org WOODS: BRENDA TRASK woodstrustee@burkecentre.org AT-LARGE: SUSAN LUKAS, President atlargetrustee1@burkecentre.org AT-LARGE: ANITA MUSSER, Vice Pres. atlargetrustee2@burkecentre.org BCC Web Access: Draft Architectural Standards Revisions MEMORANDUM FOR: “Nature & Community in Harmony” landingstrustee@burkecentre.org March 7 – Election Day - Voting closes at noon. The Burke Centre Conservancy has been granted Federal income tax exemption under Section 501(a) by the Internal Revenue Service. However, assessments paid to the Conservancy are not tax deductible as donations under Section 170 (c) (2) of the Internal Revenue Code. Please consult your tax advisor for details. BURKE CENTRE CONSERVANCY APPEALS BOARD DENIS GULAKOWSKI, Chairman COLEEN CHESTERMAN KEN MUSSER MERRILL PHELAN GREG SMITH ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD BLAKE MYERS, CHAIR (Ponds) arb-chair1@burkecentreweb.com TOM WADE (At-Large) NANCY WADE (Oaks) CINDY OGREN (Woods) SCOTT SILVERS (Woods) BO NORTON, VICE CHAIR (Ponds) ARB Applica on Deadline: 5 PM on 12/3 for DEC mee ngs 5 PM on 1/6 for JAN mee ngs Conservancy Management Team PATRICK GLOYD, ExecuƟve Director (patrick@burkecentre.org) Jeannie Winslow, Director of AdministraƟon (jeannie@burkecentre.org) Karen Frank, Finance Administrator (karen@burkecentre.org) Jack Liszka, FaciliƟes & Resources Administrator (jack@burkecentre.org) PAGE 3 BOARD OF TRUSTEES The following summarizes the November 13, 2014 Board of Trustees meeting. Please note the official meeting minutes will not be approved until the next Board meeting on December 11, 2014. Please contact the Conservancy office at 703-978-2928, administration@burkecentre.org, if you have any questions. A GENDA APPROVAL: President Lukas called the meeting to order at 7:33 PM. Following review, the agenda was approved by unanimous consent. President Lukas made a motion, seconded by Secretary Schmidt, to excuse Trustee Engler from the meeting. The motion passed unanimously, 6 yes votes. MINUTES APPROVAL: Following review, President Lukas asked if there were any objections to approving the minutes of the Board of Trustees meeting of October 9, 2014, the minutes of the Board of Trustees Work Session of November 4, 2014 as amended, or to the acceptance of the minutes from the Open Space Committee meeting of September 29, 2014 as submitted. Without any objections expressed, the minutes were accepted by unanimous consent. PRESIDENT’S REPORT & ANNOUNCEMENTS: President Lukas announced the annual Burke Centre Volunteer Recognition to be held on December 5, 2014, noting that Burke Centre could not run without volunteers. Jeannie Winslow, Director of Administration, announced that Senator Dave Marsden would be attending the December 11, 2014 Board of Trustees meeting. RESIDENT INPUT: Brad Mynatt (Ponds) discussed easement and encroachment issues with a community path located on the rear of his property. Mr. Gloyd offered some historical information regarding the placement of the path and conservation easements granted during the development of the property. Dave Courter announced that there would be a Business Liaison Committee meeting on Monday, December 1, 2014, 7:30 PM at the Oaks Community Center. NEW BUSINESS: PAGE 4 Appointments: Vice President Musser made a motion, seconded by Secretary Schmidt, to appoint Jonathan Mendoza and Joseph Christadore, both from the Landings, to the Business Liaison Committee. The motion passed unanimously, 6 yes votes. Non-residential ARB Applications: Lincolnwood Cluster, Memorial Bench: Trustee Trask made a motion, seconded by Treasurer Flaster, to approve a request from Lincolnwood Cluster to install a memorial bench and concrete pad near Bryce Pond as detailed in the application submitted to, and approved by, the Architectural Review Board on October 16, 2014. Following discussion and resident input, the motion passed unanimously 6, yes votes. Bunker Woods Cluster, No Dumping Signs: Trustee Trask made a motion, seconded by Treasurer Flaster, to approve a request from Bunker Woods Cluster to install five (5) ‘No Dumping’ signs along the cluster’s common area as detailed in the application submitted to, and approved by, the Architectural Review Board on October 16, 2014. Following discussion, the motion passed unanimously, 6 yes votes. seconded by Vice President Musser, to set the 2015 resident and non-resident pool membership fees in accordance with the recommendations submitted to the Board by the Budget and Finance Committee. Under this rate structure, resident family and resident single memberships will each be increased $10. Non-resident family memberships will be increased by $50, and non-resident single memberships will be increased $20. Following discussion and resident input, the motion passed unanimously, 6 yes votes. FY2015 Budget: Following a presentation by Karen Frank, Finance Administrator, Treasurer Flaster made a motion, seconded by Vice President Musser, to adopt Administrative and Policy Resolution number 3-MM, the FY2015 Annual Budget, as presented with a quarterly General Assessment of $127, and quarterly Cluster Charges in accordance with attachment “B” to the resolution. Following discussion and resident input, the motion passed unanimously, 6 yes votes. ARB Standards Revision: There was a brief discussion regarding the proposed revisions and timeline for approving the draft document, scheduling a Town Hall Meeting for the community, and publishing the changes on the BC web site and in the Conservator. Web Site Outline: The Board approved a conceptual design submitted by the staff for updating the community’s web site. BOARD BRIEFS - continued on page 20... 2015 Pool Rates: Treasurer Flaster made a motion, THE BURKE CENTRE CONSERVATOR DECEMBER 2014 BURKE CENTRE AT-LARGE BY SUSAN LUKAS President & Trustee At-Large O ne of the nice things about living in Burke Centre is how it seems more like living in the country rather than actually being part of one of the largest metropolitan areas in the country. To realize how big Burke Centre is it helps to look at the numbers: 3,207 square miles, population 17,837 people, which is about 5,561 people per square mile (to give a comparison, Burke has 3,571 people per square mile), http://www.city-data.com/neighborhood/ Burke-Centre-Burke-VA.html#ixzz3JNvMoRQJ. I was at the Washington DC homeowner’s conference this past March when I was told that we are one of the largest homeowner associations in Northern Virginia. Honestly, at that moment I didn’t know whether I should laugh or cry. Setting aside the size we are as an association, compare this to the fact that Tysons Corner has just over 19,000 residents and it is amazing to realize we only have 19 people on staff to take care of it all! After I got past that little moment of hysteria, I realized we are very fortunate to have professional and hardworking staff that makes sure our homeowners association runs as a successful community. With that being said, I would like to take the time to DECEMBER 2014 BOARD OF TRUSTEES acknowledge all of their hard work and mention a few things that takes a good part of each year to accomplish. Festival - Our festival is so successful it is hard to remember the amount of work it takes to pull it off. Vendors are lined up to offer a diverse amount of merchandise, equipment is reserved for the many activities, the grounds are prepared in advance to withstand all of the foot traffic, sponsors are arranged to reduce the operating costs to you and I, volunteers and schedules arranged and set-up and tear down occur before and after the festival. It is because our staff does such a good job each year, that despite the record heat we had on Saturday, we still managed to have a well-attended event! Trees - The tree project ended up being much bigger than any of us imagined and the board had to turn it into a multi-year effort. This took establishing contracts, conducting surveys, identifying trees that needed immediate work, and resurveying after weather events so adjustments could be made. This project has also entailed cleaning up wooded areas along our infrastructure. I want to give a special acknowledgement to the Boy Scout troops who have helped us with clean-up. Budget - One would think this is an area of association management that stays pretty much the same year-toyear but it is actually one of the most dynamic parts of THE BURKE CENTRE CONSERVATOR what makes Burke Centre run. Each month often finds a new challenge that must be factored into the budget. To establish the budget each year the staff works with the Budget and Finance Committee starting about six months prior to approval in order to run through all of the factors that must be considered. For example, this year they looked at new ways to generate income in order to keep assessment charges level with last year’s rate. ARB - This is one area most everyone is familiar with for being a year-long requirement of the staff. What is not known is how often they work on a particular problem in order to get to resolution. Just for the times I have been on the board I can recall several disagreements with ARB issues that took over a year to resolve. Not only do we have to consider our ARB standards but we also must consider county and state requirements and now new legislation for association management. I mention this because it was the staff’s hard work and perseverance that kept the issues out of the courts. This saved us all thousands of dollars! Projects - I can tell you right now I will not be able to do this section justice because there are so many projects that are done each year. For this purpose I am only going to mention the cell tower request the community considered this past year. I think everyone on staff worked on this project at some point to make AT-LARGE - continued on page 6... PAGE 5 BOARD OF TRUSTEES she was at the loss of all of her gifts. All I could think of was that I hoped her insurance would cover her loss, but even so, that would not make up for all of the time and effort she had taken to shop for the gifts. continued from page 5 Unfortunately, loss of property from vehicles is a crime that occurs all year. I have included a list of larcenies over a 2-week period from vehicles in the West Springfield Police District, which includes Burke Centre. If this is the level of activity we experience each week, you can imagine how loss of property from vehicles can increase during the holidays. THE LANDINGS BY BRIAN ENGLER Landings Trustee E lection packets are now available at the Conservancy office, so anyone interested in running for any position will have plenty of time to complete his or her paperwork by the due date—January 21, 2015. I’ve been honored to serve as Landings Trustee for the past six years and I’ve tried to represent you well. The opinion I expressed last year—that a periodic turnover in community leaders serves residents best—remains mine. I am very encouraged that I’ve heard from neighbors who may be interested in serving our neighborhood and who, I hope, will consider running for Landings Trustee. Right now, though, I, too, am working on the paperwork to ensure that at least one candidate will run formally in the next election. There’s still plenty of time for the final slate to take shape, and I certainly don’t need to run again--so if any of you are considering entering the race (so to speak), please don’t delay picking up an election packet. Write-ins are, of course, still allowed—but formal declaration of candidacy by one or more of us will preclude the uncertainty of last year’s 100% write-in slate. Feel free to contact me by e-mail at landingstrustee@burkecentre.org or in person at any of our regularly scheduled meetings if you’d like to talk about what being a Trustee entails. I’ll be happy to discuss it and your ideas. The Landings neighborhood needs strong representation and fresh ideas, so please give some thought to taking those reins. In addition there are, as always, several clusters within the Landings that have no or incomplete Cluster Committees. So, if you want a bigger voice in issues that affect Burke Centre, please consider running for Trustee or Cluster Representative in our next election! Contact the Conservancy office if you have any questions, and please get your paperwork completed and turned in on time to ensure you are included on the ballots. AT-LARGE sure meetings were held, information was shared, research was completed, and individual homeowner requests were met. As great as our staff is we still need volunteers. With 2015 right around the corner, please consider volunteering to ensure Burke Centre Conservancy has another successful year! Holiday Safety BY SUSAN LUKAS President & Trustee At-Large W hat would you do if every Christmas present you bought were stolen? I know you are thinking this is not going to happen to you because you have a security system in your home, or you have a neighborhood watch program, or the outside of your home is well lit so no one can sneak up to your home, but guess what, I am not talking about your home. Soon after moving to Washington DC I got a second job for the holidays at a retail store. One night a woman ran up to me begging me to call security. She frantically explained that all of her Christmas gifts had been stolen out of her vehicle. It was heartbreaking to see how stricken Please consider not keeping personal items in your car. Sometimes though that is unavoidable so consider covering up purchases or property that is in your vehicle until you get home and can take it out. One thing I do is carry green garbage bags in my car for my purchases. Think about it, who would want to steal garbage? Larcenies, September 2-12, 2014 8400 block of Briar Creek Drive, property from vehicle. 4400 block of Jayson Lane, property from vehicle. 5300 block of Black Oak Drive, tools from AT-LARGE - continued on page 8... Cluster News T he following OAKS Cluster Committees will meet at 6:30 PM at the Oaks CC (before Councils): Lakeside Oak / Split Oak/ Spring Oak ~ Bear Oak & Burr Oak Clusters meet @7 PM. Georgian Oak Cluster meets on a quarterly basis. Watch for dates. The Bunker Woods Cluster will meet monthly at 7 PM at the Woods CC. I hope all of you are enjoying the increasingly chilly weather and the beautiful colors that it rapidly has brought. Don’t forget the downside, though, and be sure to gather fallen leaves and other yard refuse for appropriate disposal in accordance with your advertised yard waste collection schedule. Finally, thank you to those of you who shopped at the Friends of the Burke Centre Library winter holiday and gift book sale that recently took place on Friday & Saturday, November 21st and 22nd. If you got there, you were the lucky ones. Our selection of gently used books was fabulous and, in many cases, perfect for gift-giving. Watch for news of our Winter Sale after the New Year. I hope all of you had a very happy Thanksgiving and are eagerly awaiting all the rest of the winter holiday season. Before long it’ll be 2015 and that will bring with it another chance for you to serve your community. Be safe. PAGE 6 THE BURKE CENTRE CONSERVATOR DECEMBER 2014 THE PONDS BY LEE SCHMIDT Secretary & Ponds Trustee What a glorious fall we have had as we transition towards snow and holidays. It has also been the end of the budget process, while work continues on draft ARB Standards revisions and drainage erosion. Well, we did it! Trustees approved a 2015 budget with the general assessment remaining at the same level ($127 per quarter). This was based on a lot of hard work by the Burke Centre Conservancy (BCC) finance staff and volunteer Budget & Finance Committee (BFC) to pare selected expenses and adjust revenues. While pool use rates were slightly increased, this was offset by the expenses of a one-week-longer pool season. Risks considered were of two kinds: some of the expenses pared were not fully under our control and weather conditions may be different than expected—more snow or adverse weather during pool season. As the general assessment was raised for 2014 and is not being raised for 2015, I predict it probably will need to be raised for 2016. A capital reserve fund study is required to be done every five years—2015 is the year. Trustees also decided that starting in 2016, one-fifth of this 2020 expense will be budgeted each year. Other issues still in the works are: ARB Standards update; Streetscape; Drainage Erosion Study; DECEMBER 2014 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Strategic Plan; Safe Driving Initiative. Quiet Pond’s request for three speed humps has been approved by the ARB and the Board of Trustees, and will be implemented with cluster funds. Spring Pond has requests in for a speed hump on Windward and for stop signs at Rand and Windward. While these projects are supported by the BCC and the Braddock District Supervisor, these are VDOT streets so they will have to be studied and approved for implementation by VDOT. If you are aware of examples of erosion, please tell Open Space Committee or tell me at pondstrustee@ burkecentre.org (see item on page __). So far the Streetscape study has concentrated on the design of five levels of signs (shown on page 11 of November Conservator), but if approved, will be implemented in phases. However, I will encourage all clusters to implement landscaping improvements similar to those done by several Landings clusters along Burke Centre Parkway, west of Roberts Road (and probably by other clusters). The ARB and staff every-five-year-review of the ARB Standards has resulted in the Chair’s “executive THE BURKE CENTRE CONSERVATOR summary report to the Board of Trustees (elsewhere in this Conservator). As it is proposed to reorganize the document and several items added or modified, Trustees will carefully review the revised document before acting on it early next year. If you have any concerns with this proposed document, please contact me. Among projects mentioned in the Strategic Plan are Pool Pass Barcoding and Web Page Redesign, both being worked by BCC staff; updates to the web page navigation blueprint being reported to Trustees monthly. Placing trees and erosion ahead of streetscape and signs, I will seek another term as Ponds Trustee so I can continue oversight of the tree survey and drainage erosion study as well as those issues dear to you. Meanwhile have a great holiday season leading into a happy new year. Sign up for the BC BUZZ! K eep up with community updates via e-mail. Provide your e-mail address to administration@burkecentre.org, and include SUBSCRIBE” in the subject line. The BC BUZZ is delivered on an as-needed basis, approximately twice per month. PAGE 7
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