Ontario Quarter Horse News, December 2014 3 A huge thank you to all of our customers for a great 2014! It’s been quite a ride! Sylvia Hoyt Yvonne Vanluitikuizen Lois Lewis The Nicholls Kerrie-Lynn Webb and Bonnie Nelson Nicole McComb Stacy Glowaky The Rivaits Linda Frederiksen The Glovers The Thompson Family Jenn Johnson Kim Schweyer The Martinis/ Dawn-Mar Stables Glen & Tracey Patterson 5030 Blackheath Rd Binbrook, ON L0R 1C0 905.692-3748 4 www.allinlights.com 2009 APHA Stallion Ad design by W.D. Keeling Printers Ltd. Ontario Quarter Horse News, December 2014 Ontario Quarter Horse News, December 2014 5 With all good wishes to you and your family for health and happiness this holiday season and throughout the coming year. From The horse, with beauty unsurpassed, strength immeasurable and grace unlike any other, still remains humble enough to carry a man upon his back. – Amber Senti Ontario Quarter Horse Association Inc. 2014 Board of Directors OQHA email: info@oqha.on.ca • www.oqha.on.ca Executive Committee Non Director Positions President Shawna Crawford 613-838-3234 crawfordqh@gmail.com Points & Membership Sue Nye 55 Latzer Cres., Brantford, ON N3V 1E1 519-758-0537 dnyeit@rogers.com OQHBF Treasurer Sharon Hammer 519-577-0111 OQHA Website Jodi Mallette 905-846-9309 jodi@jmquarterhorses.ca Reserve Back Numbers Val Love 905-263-8158 vlove@sympatico.ca Disciplinary Committee Dan Patterson 519-345-2861 Trophies & Awards Sharon Hammer 519-577-0111 Past President James Simpson 519-821-2425 richlandshowhorses@sympatico.ca 1st Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer Val Love 905-263-8158 vlove@sympatico.ca 2nd Vice President Pete Hammer phammer@rogers.com Janine Domingos 905-703-1694 tlex@hotmail.com Troy Legomski tlegomski@yahoo.ca Directors Area 1 Jim Thomson Youth Advisory Team 519-864-1462 thomsonqh@sympatico.ca Troy Legomski tlegomski@yahoo.ca Area 2 Kathy M. Patterson Youth Advisory Team 519-345-2861 tbrkathy@hsfx.ca Marianne Ramey Drug Testing/Commercial Vendors 519-443-8713 rqh@silomail.com Joy Cressman Youth Advisory Team 519-698-2077 3cquarterhorses@hotmail.ca Pete Hammer OQHBF/Teen Ranch Show 519-504-6969 phammer@rogers.com Area 3 Janine Domingos Queen Contest 905-703-1694 tlex@hotmail.com Jodi Mallette Promotion & Publicity/Website jodi@jmquarterhorses.ca Area 4 Rod Jeffries Sponsorships 613-849-2020 rodjeffries69@gmail.com Kathryn Stanton Youth Advisory Team/E-news 705-323-2776 K.Stanton_50@hotmail.com Andrew Dewar Trail Ride 705-934-2810 dewarperformancehorses@hotmail.com Val Love Hall of Fame 905-263-8158 vlove@sympatico.ca Area 5 Shawna Crawford Youth Advisory Team/Novice Show 613-913-7262 crawfordqh@gmail.com Amateur Board of Directors President Sheryl Chillson petiteheartstrings@gmail.com Vice President Mallory McKewen mallorymckewen@gmail.com Secretary Kerrie - Lynn Webb webb.kerriely@gmail.com Treasurer Jenn Pearce jmpearce@gmail.com James Heitzner 519-699-0140 jamesheitzner@rogers.com Amanda Martini 519-780-1736 horsegrl@hotmail.ca Heidi Nelson 519-638-7788 ride-n-slide_heidi@hotmail.com Area 3 Hannah Buijs 705-424-7049 hannahrider1@hotmail.com Taylor Longhouse 705-735-6721 t_longhouse@rogers.com Youth Advisor Marie Muir 519-442-7451 mclellanmarie@hotmail.com AQHA Standing Committee Youth Committee Kathy M. Patterson 4912 Rd 179 RR #1, Bornholm, ON N0K 1A0 Judges Committee Joe Carter 421 St George Road, St George, ON N0E 1N0 Racing and Marketing Bob Broadstock 18101 Cedar Dale Rd, Nestleton, ON L0B 1L0 Directors OQHA Hall of Fame Area 1 – Kristy Beck kbeck55@hotmail.com Area 2 – Suzanne Pestano 1997 George Coverdale* 1997 Don Nye 1997 Mick Pettypiece* 1998 Pat Carter 1998 Roy Ionson 1998 Harold Mather* 2003 Walter Hellyer 2003 Sue Nye 2004 Bob Tweed 2004 Aiden Finn 2004 Joan Mather 2004 Leon Paroian* 2004 Alex Picov* 2005 Joan McMann 2005 Ron McMann* 2005 Ralph Pearson suzee568@gmail.com April Souwand april.souwand@silomail.com Area 3 – J essica Mosley Cairncross mosleyjessica@hotmail.com Catherine Aloe catherinealoe@rogers.com Julianne Scrivo julianne.scrivo@gmail.com Area 6 – D ale Cunningham dalecunning@ontera.net Youth Board of Directors President Tiana Domingos 519-833-0210 tlex@hotmail.ca Vice President Becca Diebel 519-291-4754 tdiebel@sympatico.ca Secretary Taylor Martini 519-780-1736 tmartini@hotmail.ca Treasurer Summer Beckett 519-934-1640 s_beckett25@hotmail.com Directors Area 1 Nicole McComb 519-227-4689 ejmccomb@porchlight.ca Area 2 Jackie Heitzner 519-699-0140 jackieheitzner@rogers.com Ontario Quarter Horse News, December 2014 2006 Peter Cameron 2006 Fred Fisher* 2006 Jim Pratt 2007 Vince Amlin 2007 Al Patterson 2008 Joe Carter 2008 Valerie Love 2009 Ray Storey* 2009 KenMcLellan 2010 Joe Jarvis 2010 John Roney 2011 Joe Hoskins* 2011 George Egerton 2013 Kathy Patterson 2013 Paul Straus *deceased Horse Inductees 1997 King Clipper Joe 1997 Show Tip 1998 Leo Sand 1998 Style Bars 2003 Fly Away Mac 2004 Kemps Poco Star 2005 Shes A Mac 2006 Otoes Goldenrod 2007 Ima Kings Pistol 2008 Poco Ray Mount 2009 Bonanza Scorpion 2010 Mito Commander 2011 Red Mambo Jr 2012 Joe Rocket 2013 General Mito 7 Features Advertisers Past Presidents............................................................................... 9 Rod Jeffries Quarter Horses and President’s Message.................................................................... 10 Dewar Performance Horses......................................... Front Cover Amateur President’s Message.....................................................12 JM Quarter Horses............................................ Inside Front Cover Amateur Spotlight (Dale Cunningham).....................................14 JM Quarter Horses.........................................................................3 Youth President’s Message..........................................................16 Patterson Show Horses..................................................................4 Youth Spotlights (Jessica Hamlin, Rachel Hamlin).....................17 Rapley Show Horses.......................................................................5 Youth Horses from the Past................................................... 18-19 Article – Bugs in the Belly of the Beast......................................20 OQHA NYATT...............................................................................22 2014 OQHBF High Point Winners......................................... 24-25 2014 OQHBF Payouts...................................................................26 2014 OQHBF Slot Payback...........................................................27 2014 OQHA Breeder’s Futurity Recap.........................................28 2014 OQHBF Sponsors.................................................................28 Behind the Scenes........................................................................30 2014 OQHA Year-End All Around Winners................................31 2014 American Quarter Horse Congress....................................32 Misener Performance Horses........................................................6 Kathy’s Show Equipment.............................................................12 OQHA Queen...............................................................................13 OAQHA Winter Clinic..................................................................15 Kathryn Stanton...........................................................................21 The Figure Seven..........................................................................21 EOQHA..........................................................................................29 OQHBF..........................................................................................34 Trailers Plus...................................................................................35 Bridle Path Tack Shop..................................................................37 Article – West Nile Virus..............................................................34 Laidlaw Stables.............................................................................47 Article – OEF - Forage Cubes.......................................................36 Rowantree Acres..........................................................................48 2014 OQHA Trail Ride..................................................................38 Randy Storey................................................................................49 Promotional Club News...............................................................40 Fletcher’s Horse World.................................................................50 2015 Advertising Rates................................................................41 Kelly Simpson Training Centre.......................... Inside Back Cover Business Advertising Section................................................. 42-46 Double RJ Quarter Horses ............................. Outside Back Cover O Q H A C O R P O R AT E PA R T N E R S Publisher: Carolyn McCallum – admin@weprint.on.ca Editor Lynn Riley – lriley3095@gmail.com Advertising Shawna Crawford – crawfordqh@gmail.com Carolyn McCallum – admin@weprint.on.ca Lynn Riley – lriley3095@gmail.com Invoicing Valerie Love 2494 Taunton Road, Hampton, ON L0B 1J0 (905) 263-8158 vlove@sympatico.ca Contributing Writers Sheryl Chillson, Lynn Riley, Shawna Crawford, Tiana Domingos, OEF, Dr. Ben Henderson, Jen Armstrong. Photo Contributors Thank you to Taylor Longhouse and Laurie Haughton (Epona Portraits & Public Relations). Your contribution to the OQHA News is greatly appreciated! Printed by W.D. Keeling Printers Ltd. – c/o Carolyn McCallum 240 9th Avenue E., Owen Sound, ON N4K 5R1 519-376-5843 It is the policy of the OQHA News not to accept for editorial purposes any photograph which depicts a horse not in compliance with the rules of the OQHA, as stated in the Official Handbook of OQHA. The OQHA News mission is to report on OQHA sponsored events for the memberhip, to communicate informative, educational and articles of interest to other members; and as an OQHA official voice, to promote the benefits of participating in the OQHA and to relay to readers the OQHA’s policies and standards for both breed and the industry. Canadian Publication Mail Product Sales Agreement #40024938 8 O.Q.H.A. Notice: Positive Drug Test AQHA/OQHA Show: Orangeville, ON May 18, 2014 Class: Rookie Amateur Horsemanship Horse: Shez Certified Exhibitor: Meagan Bender Owner & Responsible Party: Danny Bender Test Result: Reserpine Category: Class 2 Administrative Penalty: Fine and 90 day membership suspension. O.Q.H.A. Board offer of settlement regarding this matter has been met. Disqualification of said horse from class in which it was tested. O.Q.H.A. Board has ruled this matter is now closed for said test. Ontario Quarter Horse News, December 2014 Cover Story In 2014, Sleep It Off had a stellar year by earning the OQHA High Point Open Challenge Horse (halter & performance), the High Point Performance Horse and the High Point Senior Hunter Under Saddle Horse. This 2006 sorrel gelding sired by Too Sleepy To Zip and out of A Hot Woman by Hot Pretense is bred and owned by Rod Jeffries of Shannonville, Ontario. Andrew Dewar of Dewar Performance Horses, Millbrook, Ontario trained and showed ‘Turbo’ in Halter, Western Pleasure, Trail, Hunter Under Saddle and Western Riding. Rod qualified him for the AQHA Select World in Western Pleasure two years in a row and for both the Amateur & Select World Show in Halter. This talented gelding has earned 33 All Around and Reserve All Around awards at AQHA shows with over 110 AQHA points. This fine gelding is now offered for sale. Contact Andrew Dewar at (705) 934-2810 or dewarperformancehorses@hotmail.com or Rod Jeffries at (613) 849-2020 or rodjeffries69@gmail.com. Andrew congratulates all his clients for a great 2014 at the shows while earning many high point awards. In 2015 watch for more fine horses competing under the Dewar & Jeffries partnership. D P E E R F O W R M A N C A E H O R R S E S 705 934-2810 dewarperformancehorses@hotmail.com www.dewarperformancehorses.com 613 849-2020 rodjeffries69@gmail.com Past Presidents Past Presidents Photo by Lisa Desroches OQHA’S PAST PRESIDENTS Back left: Ken McLellan, Mark Grice, Walter Scott, Joan Mather, Roy Ionson, Vince Amlin. Front left: Don Nye, Will Western, Joe Jarvis, George Coverdale, and Dan Patterson. James Simpson............................................................................ 2010-2011 Lynn Scott.................................................................................... 2008-2009 Lisa Desroches............................................................................. 2006-2007 Joe Jarvis...................................................................................... 2003-2005 Will Western................................................................................ 2001-2002 Mark Grice................................................................................... 1999-2000 Ken McLellan............................................................................... 1997-1998 Dan Patterson.............................................................................. 1995-1996 Joan Mather................................................................................ 1993-1994 Mark Grice................................................................................... 1992 Greg Hart.................................................................................... 1991 Ed Cornish*................................................................................. 1989-1990 Orville Dowie*............................................................................. 1987-1988 Ralph Pearson.............................................................................. 1985-1986 John Roney.................................................................................. 1982-1984 Harold Mather*........................................................................... 1981-1982 Vince Amlin................................................................................. 1979-1980 John Harris*................................................................................. 1978 John Rose*.................................................................................. 1977 Dave Laidlaw*............................................................................. 1976 Jim Bieser*................................................................................... 1973-1975 Walter Scott................................................................................. 1972 Don Nye...................................................................................... 1969-1971 Jim Pratt...................................................................................... 1967-1968 George Coverdale*...................................................................... 1964-1966 Mick Pettypiece*.......................................................................... 1962-1963 Roy Ionson................................................................................... 1960-1961 *Deceased Ontario Quarter Horse News, December 2014 9 President’s Message It’s hard to believe that the temperatures are hovering around freezing and our trips to the barn warrant an extra layer of clothing. In the quarter horse world, we know winter is approaching because many of us have recently returned from a trip to The All American Quarter Horse Congress or the World Show in Oklahoma City. These 2 shows define the end of show season and the onset of a few cold, wintery months for most of us here in Ontario. For some of us, this means that we take a well-deserved break from showing or trail riding, but for others this means heading to Florida and the southern States to continue competing in the southern circuits. Whatever is in store for you and your four legged friends over the winter, be safe and enjoy! As the winter months approach, many of us look back on the past year and reminisce about time spent with our beloved American Quarter Horses and start setting goals for the next year. For many of us, these goals surround the American Quarter Horse. Whether it’s about trying a new discipline; choosing that perfect stud to cross on your mare; competing in an AQHA approved show for the first time; or setting higher goals of qualifying and competing at the World show - these goals are important to set and work towards. You may think that your goals and accomplishments are minimal, but to you, they are important and you never know where they will lead you. Set goals, no matter how small you think they are, and look back each year and be thankful for all you have accomplished with your equine. As an association, we also must set goals each year. The new OQHA executive is appointed at the beginning of each year, these volunteers need to work together and ensure our association continues to improve and work for our members. Each year one of our goals is to offer a Queen contest to young ladies wishing to represent our Association. I didn’t realize until recently, that Ontario is the only province to send a Queen to compete in the prestigious All American Quarter Horse Congress Queen Contest. We would like to congratulate Mallory McKewen on an amazing 1st Runner up finish at the 2014 Quarter Horse Congress Queen Contest. Mallory won the Interview portion, was reserve in Horsemanship and 6th in the written. I would like to send out a special thank you and congratulations to Mallory for representing our province so well in this contest. Another OQHA goal for 2014 was to reach out to more of the grass roots Quarter Horse owners in Ontario and introduce them to our association and the American quarter horse. We changed the venue of the OQHA All Novice Show in 2014, moving it away from an existing AQHA show and holding it in combination with a clinic/mock show. By doing this, we saw tremendous interest from new people who have never shown at an AQHA show in the past. It was so exciting to see a number of new faces who 10 by Shawna Crawford attended their first OQHA show. These new exhibitors are so important to our industry and we must continue to reach out and encourage them to participate in the Novice shows and other events within our province. I met many new exhibitors that weekend, and talked in great length with most of them. Having them come up at the end of the weekend stating it was their best show experience ever – was a testament to the success of this event. Their interest and sincerity motivated me even more and I look forward to working at making the Novice weekend even more successful going forward! An important goal for OQHA and OQHBF was to find a venue that was going to work for the Futurity and our exhibitors allowing the show to grow and prosper. For the past number of years, this show has been switching up venues and has not really been able to find a “home” so to speak. The 5 day/5 pointed show was moved to Ancaster this year, and saw tremendous interest and support. Combined with the 2 day/3 pointed OQHA show, making this a 5 pointed circuit has certainly made a difference. In speaking with the exhibitors and our members, it is apparent that this venue and format is a preferable choice. We are pleased to announce that Ancaster has been booked for the next 3 years, and will be called home for the OQHBF and Summer Finale Quarter Horse show for the foreseeable future. A 2015 goal for our association must be to increase OQHA interest and our membership. We need to reach out and ensure that we are listening and working for our members. We must get new faces involved in order for our association to prosper and grow. Our membership has declined over the past 10 years, and we realize that with the increased show fees, etc. that when it comes down to it - memberships usually slip off the radar. Exhibitors or horse enthusiasts don’t necessarily need to be an Affiliate or Area member. Unfortunately, OQHA and the promotional clubs main income are derived from memberships. Grant money has been increasingly difficult to secure, and with increasing show expenses, there isn’t much profit from shows with membership the main source of revenue needed in order to keep our association viable. In order to ensure we have AQHA approved events in our province and have a provincial voice and representation at AQHA, we need to ensure that OQHA remains prosperous. I would like to encourage everyone to purchase their promotional club and OQHA memberships for 2015. As a member, have your voice heard at the AGM and at the same time help ensure our association can remain active. I would also like to call out to anyone interested in becoming more involved with OQHA to really think about joining the board for 2015. We have all heard the statement that “it’s always the same people”. As with any non- profit/ volunteer positions, it always seems to be the same people doing the work and making the decisions. There are many I’m sure who would like to take a step back and hand over to new people, but there just isn’t the interest coming in on the boards. I see this at the provincial level, as well as the Ontario Quarter Horse News, December 2014 promotional clubs. The only way we can change this is to step up and throw your hat in and get involved. New faces and ideas are always needed and welcomed. I will be honest, being a director on the OQHA board or the promotional clubs isn’t a “glamorous” position by any means, but there is pride in getting involved and being part of the success and change. Don’t be a silent member, everyone can make a difference! As with any position, there are expectations, and if you decide to become involved, you will end up with a job. Please, we need you! We need your ideas! Please think about a director position on the OQHA Board. There are director positions in each area, so if you are thinking about getting more involved, contact one of the current board members and ask questions. Help us shape the future of our association. I would also like to encourage our Amateurs to get more involved. The past couple years it has been increasingly difficult to even get a quorum for the Amateur AGM. This is frustrating and unfortunate as our amateur numbers are larger than ever, but we struggle to get anyone to volunteer or come to a one hour AGM. A place on the amateur board used to be a privilege and votes were needed as there was so much interest. Unfortunately, the past 5 years has been a struggle and if it continues to be that way, the Amateur board unfortunately is in jeopardy. Don’t let this happen. Remember to mark your calendars for January 17th, 2015. The OQHA Annual General Meeting which includes the Amateur AGM and Youth AGM and Awards Banquet is being held at a NEW LOCATION this year. We have changed to the Holiday Inn on Holiday Inn Avenue in Cambridge Ontario. We are pleased to announce that the Canadian Quarter Horse Association is also holding their AGM in conjunction with ours at 4:00 p.m. on Saturday, January 17th. We hope to see you out to show your support, voice your concerns and enjoy an evening of celebration and fun at the awards banquet. In closing, I would like to thank all the members who have given me the opportunity to serve another year as the Ontario Quarter Horse Association President. I was extremely fortunate to have a terrific Board of Directors again this year. They shared my desire to make 2014 an exciting year filled with opportunities to promote the American Quarter Horse here in Ontario. I would also like to thank the many volunteers and the membership who contributed to the success of OQHA. Looking forward to a great 2015! I would like to wish everyone a very safe and healthy winter. Wishing you all a joyous Holiday Season, spending special times with your families and your four-legged equine friends! Shawna There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man. ~Winston Churchill OQHA Annual General Meeting & Annual Awards Banquet Saturday, January 17, 2015 NEW LOCATION – Holiday Inn Cambridge-Hespeler Galt 200 Holiday Inn Drive, Cambridge (519) 658-4601 Banquet Ticket Prices: • Adult – $45.00 • Youth 13-16 – $35.00 • Youth 12 & Under – $25.00 Payment: Visa/Mastercard, cheque or etransfer For Tickets contact: Val Love OQHA, 2494 Taunton Road Hampton, Ontario L0B 1J0 vlove@sympatico.ca Room Rates: • Double Room: $117.00 • King: $129.00 Booking Code – OQH Call the hotel to book your room… be sure to book your tickets and room early! Ontario Quarter Horse News, December 2014 Schedule of Events: Saturday, January 17 Annual General Meeting – 10:00 a.m. Youth Annual General Meeting – 12:00 noon Queen Contest CQHA Annual General Meeting – 4:00 p.m. Annual Awards Banquet Cocktails – 5:00 p.m. / Dinner – 6:00 p.m. Followed by awards and dance Sunday, January 18 Amateur Annual General Meeting – 10:00 a.m. 11 Amateur President’s Message What an exciting fall Ontario exhibitors have had. Many of our friends participated in prestigious events: the AQHA Novice Championships East and the All American Quarter Horse Congress. It was so exciting to watch them celebrate national titles, top tens and finalists in huge classes offering the best competition AQHA has to offer. Congratulations to all exhibitors who took up the challenge! I’d like to congratulate our own OAQHA Vice President, Mallory McKewen for her outstanding successes at the Congress representing Ontario in the Queen competition. Mallory came home a Congress Champion, Reserve Champion and a top ten winner to earn her the title of first runner up in the overall Queen competition. In addition to her Queen successes, she was also a top ten earner with her own mare, Blazing Hot Lover. She has so much to celebrate and so do all her supporters who enjoyed watching her road to the Congress. OAQHA has some very exciting news for 2015. We will be offering a clinic with 20 time World/Congress Champion Bruce Vickery. Do you aspire to show at National level shows or want to go into show season with an edge? Let 12 by Sheryl Chillson this be your opportunity for World Class training right here in Ontario. The clinic will be held at the Ancaster Fairgrounds on March 7th & 8th, 2015 and will feature sessions in all around events. Stay tuned to the OAQHA webpage of the OQHA website and our Facebook page for more details, spots will be limited so book early. I’d like to invite all Amateurs to the Amateur AGM to be held on Sunday, January 18th, 2015 at 10:00 a.m., the weekend of the OQHA AGM and Awards banquet held at the Holiday Inn in Cambridge. We will be looking for Directors from each promotional club and always welcome new members with fresh ideas. If you feel like you have something to contribute, please plan to attend the AGM. I’d like to thank all the OAQHA Executive for their hard work and those who supported our fundraising events over 2014. Every year we look for new fundraising suggestions so we can support all sponsorship requests year after year. As I continue my term into 2015, I look forward to supporting our Ontario Amateur exhibitors. Happy Holidays! Sincerely, Sheryl Chillson OAQHA President Ontario Quarter Horse News, December 2014 Ontario Quarter Horse News, August 2014 13 Amateur Spotlight – Dale Cunningham Like many families, Dale Cunningham became involved with horses as a horse show parent. He and wife Susan bought their daughter Amanda her first Quarter Horse when she was 11 years old and she began showing at local club shows. Amanda progressed to AQHA shows which lead to years of involvement and support for the industry. Dale’s show career started years ago almost on a whim in the 90’s. He enjoyed horses and convinced by his daughter, decided to begin his show career at Quarterama in Showmanship with her gelding, Risty Too. Dale’s skills came quite naturally as he finished 3rd in the class his first time competing in an AQHA show. It was a total surprise to Dale, but the interest was ignited. In 2008, Dale would buy “Zips Miracle Version”, known as “Vern” who would become Dale’s Showmanship and Western Pleasure partner for several years. Dale quickly became a force in the Novice Amateur and Select Amateur divisions as he enjoyed competing with Vern. He was consistently in the top placing’s when he decided it was time to test his skills at the All American Quarter Horse Congress, the event many AQHA enthusiasts strive to in their career. Dale and Vern travelled to Ohio in 2013 to compete in the Select Amateur Showmanship. Dale was coming off a successful show season and was prepared for the challenge. He would be successful in his journey finishing as a finalist in the class, his favourite memory to date in his horse show career. Vern went onto a new family, Scott & Janet Duncan where he will introduce and navigate them into the AQHA show scene. Dale, a self-employed Contractor from North Bay, is winding down his career and focusing on enjoying retirement. Part of this plan involves a 4 year old mare called “RR Im For Certain”, affectionately known as Miss 14 by Sheryl Chillson Becky. Dale was introduced to Becky through his trainer Randy Storey who had found this horse from Jason Ducharme. Becky was a slow legged, sweet mare who was born to be a Western Pleasure horse. Dale loved riding her and the decision was quickly made to buy Becky at the end of 2013. Little did Dale know that Becky was such a willing mare that she would quickly pick up Showmanship. Dale, a well accredited Showmanship exhibitor, had another great partner for the event that he had enjoyed so much with Vern. Their first season together in 2014 was so rewarding as they won the Reserve High Point Select Western Pleasure in Ontario and top 10 in Select Amateur Showmanship. She would also take the Reserve High Point Junior Western Pleasure with Randy Storey. As Dale looks ahead to the 2015 show season, he plans to take Becky to the Congress to compete in Select Western Pleasure. Dale has hauled to several shows over the years, but by far, the ones he enjoys most are the Eastern Ontario Quarter Horse shows. They offer competitive circuits with a fun, family-styled atmosphere and a great time with family and friends. Dale is a true family man. He has two grandchildren Ethan and Emily, that he so enjoys spending time with in particular fishing with Ethan who is quite a fisherman. When asked where Dale would like to see the future of the Quarter Horse industry go, he’d like to see more youth start showing AQHA. He saw his daughter enjoy her youth years showing AQHA and how her children are enjoying the same experience. Dale has been very fortunate to own 2 great Quarter Horses over his show career. He would like to thank his trainer, Randy Storey, for his coaching and support. Dale has made several friendships throughout his years of horse showing and he and Susan look forward to many more. Ontario Quarter Horse News, December 2014 Ontario Quarter Horse News, December 2014 15 Youth President’s Message I hope that everyone is having a great fall and have settled into being back at school. Winter is fast approaching and everyone is busy setting goals for next show season. Congress, Novice World Championship, World Show and The Ontario Breeders Futurity time has come and gone and I want to congratulate all Ontario exhibitors on their successes. Our Congress NYATT teams made us proud and Ontario youth had some great rides and patterns. Special thanks to the youth advisor and the advisory committee who made all of this possible. We are so very proud of Sharese Rivait and Cassidy Cressman for their impressive placings at Congress! Sharese was Congress Champion in the Youth Trail 12-14 and NSBA with her horse Ross, and Cassidy was Reserve Congress Champion in the Youth Trail 11 and under and Novice Youth Western Horsemanship 13 & Under with her horse Dakota. Huge congrats to Mallory McKewen for placing first runner up in the All American Quarter Horse Congress Queen Contest. You made Ontario proud all year long and represented us so well at Congress. Congress Champion in the Queen Interview, second in the Horsemanship and sixth in the Written Test...What accomplishments! I was fortunate enough to see your amazing Horsemanship pattern with Rupert, as well as your debut in the Queen fashion show. Special thanks to everyone who supports the queen contest all year long and helps make it possible for Ontario to send a Queen to Congress. We are the only Canadian province who sends a queen to compete for the crown. This has been an amazing season and I would also like to congratulate all exhibitors on their successes and accomplishments all year long. I would like to remind all of the Ontario Youth to come out to the Youth Annual General Meeting being held on Sat- 16 by Tiana Domingos urday, January 17th, 2015 at the Holiday Inn in Cambridge. If any youth are interested in running for positions on the youth board, be sure to make your interests known and come out and be part of shaping the future of our youth association. This has been my second term as Youth President and it has been a very rewarding experience. 2015 draws my youth career to an end and as I look forward to becoming an amateur, I look back with fond memories of our youth activities over the years and am so fortunate that I got involved in our association. I strongly encourage all youth to get involved and shape the future of OQHYA. The positions available are: President Vice President Reporter Secretary Treasurer Directors for each area Special thank you goes out to Shawna Crawford for being such a great mentor during my tenure as youth president and to Marie Muir for all her guidance as youth advisor. I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank the show staff, show managers, trainers, judges, volunteers, sponsors and everyone who comes out, shows and helps support our association. Special thanks also goes out to all the show parents who bring all of us to the shows and support all season long. We are so fortunate to be able to show these amazing and talented horses. Safe rides to all and thank you for allowing me to be the Youth President in 2014. It has been an experience I will always cherish. Happy Holidays to you and your family Tiana Domingos Ontario Quarter Horse News, December 2014 Youth Spotlight – Jessica Hamlin by Tiana Domingos Age 10 Hometown Frankford, ON What horse(s) are you showing this year? I will be showing Jackson, Step Up and Lope. What is your favourite class? I have more than one favourite class. I really like Showmanship. I like Halter, Western Pleasure and Hunter Under Saddle. Who is your role model? For horses, my role model is my coach, Melanie. She is really good and I like her. She encourages and pushes me in good ways. What is your biggest accomplishment as a rider? I think as a rider, the Walk Jog class and being really good at it. I also showed at Congress this year in Small Fry Showmanship. That was super exciting. How long have you been riding? I started riding with my mom and sister in Bancroft. Since last year, my coach and I have been practicing more on Jackson about twice a week. What do you want to be when you grow up? I would like to be an artist. Youth Spotlight – Rachel Hamlin by Tiana Domingos Age 7 Hometown Frankford, ON What horse(s) are you showing this year? I will be showing Jackson, Step Up and Lope. What is your favourite class? My favourite class is Lead Line because that’s all I have done so far. This summer, I want to try Showmanship. I like watching my mom with her horse. I want to ride too. Who is your role model? For horses, my role model is my big sister. She teaches me lots and I love her. This year I am going to work with Melanie. What is your biggest accomplishment as a rider? I like Lead Line because I get to show with Ethan and we win prizes together. He and I have lots of fun together when we ride. How long have you been riding? I have done two years of Lead Line. What do you want to be when you grow up? I’m not sure. Ontario Quarter Horse News, December 2014 17 Youth Horse from the Past Im Being Coy Next Owned & Shown by Amanda Pereira Amanda says her 1995 liver chestnut mare (with the perfect diamond on her nose), Im Being Coy Next (Masey) gave her a great start to her AQHA show career. Masey was the sweetest horse who gave you hugs when you brushed her and would share any snack – Pringles, granola bars, carrots, apples or whatever you were eating. The pair learned so much together over the years. Masey, was sired by The Next Star and out of Coys Playgirl both owned by Barb and Jim Lockyer. Over the years, Amanda enjoyed spending time with Masey’s sire, dam and many of her siblings. The Lockyers always had open doors and Amanda feels very lucky to have made life-long friends due to her wonderful youth horse. Masey and her young owner showed in everything and anything – if they could make it around the pen – they would give the class a try. The pair quickly pointed out of novice events and moved from 13 & Under to 14 to 18. They showed regularly in Hunter Under Saddle, Hunt Seat Equitation, Western Pleasure, Western Horsemanship, Showmanship, Halter and Trail. They even tried their hand at Hunter Hack and Reining a few times. The pair won multiple circuit awards and OQHA year-end Champion and Reserve Champion awards in both Novice and the 13 & Under and 14 to 18 divisions. They earned a Superior in Showmanship and an AQHA Championship. Amanda says, “Showing Masey was so much fun!!!!!” There were many people Amanda wanted to thank for helping her with her successful start onto the AQHA show scene. She claims she was like a sponge when she was just starting out and took advice from many kind souls including: her first trainer and coach - Kim Allen, Kim, Brandi and Mike Goulding, Rick O’Donnell, Barb and Jim Lockyer, her mom Debbie and anyone else she may have forgotten 18 by Lynn Riley - thank you. As time went on, she trained with Dave Aitchison, Rick Fleetwood and Robin Storey and Tammy Feldman in Michigan. In her later years with Masey, Amanda became very close with her coach Diana Hellyer and her daughter Tausha. Sharing many show experiences, Tausha not only became her best friend - she became her “sister”. Who knew getting a Quarter Horse in 1999 would be the beginning of extending her family! Amanda will never forget the day she found out Masey was “hers”. It began when her dad saw the gelding his daughter was leasing, rear up in Showmanship and almost land on the girl behind them. It was at that point, that her dad told her mom they needed to get Amanda something safe (thanks Rick!). Amanda knew Masey was for sale and had a secret relationship starting with her. Amanda would skip all the way to Masey’s stall with a huge smile on her face. Amanda finally had a few trial rides on the pretty mare, but they had to wait to see if Masey was still available as her mom told her daughter that Masey was already sold to someone in Pennsylvania, pending a vet check. Her mom explained to her that if it was meant to be, Masey would come back and the Pereiras would buy her. The young horse crazy girl was so sad, but hoped that things would work out in her favour. One day on the way home from the cottage, the family stopped at the barn to see Foxy, Deb’s old mare – the horse Amanda learned to ride on. Amanda ran into the barn right by a stall all decorated with ribbons and balloons. She continued to run to the back paddocks where she was going to get Foxy. Everyone stared at Amanda and told her to look into the decorated stall – there was the best present ever - Masey!!! When Masey was retired, she was sold to Dave Hickey as a broodmare. She is currently owned by the Stanton family and enjoys her days as a lesson horse. Ontario Quarter Horse News, December 2014 Youth Horse from the Past Generally A Melody Owned and Shown by Tammy Love There is nothing more rewarding for a horse crazy young lady then finding that special horse that fulfills your horse showing dreams! Generally A Melody (Abbey) was that horse for youth owner and competitor Tammy Love. Abbey was a perfect example of a versatile all around horse earning points in 11 youth events, as well as being an amazing Showmanship partner – Tammy’s favourite event. Tammy said she started competing at the age of 3, and by the age of 5, she had fallen in love with Showmanship! Not only did she love every detail, but she seemed to have a natural talent for the event. Abbey also possessed a flair for Showmanship, so Tammy decided to work with the best - to become the best. She began training with Robyn Storey. Although Abbey and Tammy had developed into a strong Showmanship partnership, with Robyn’s help, they became an unbeatable Showmanship TEAM. The pair won multiple OQHA Championships, were Congress finalist and Tammy earned a spot on the Youth World Team. Although Showmanship was Tammy’s passion, she also loved every other event that she competed in. Tammy owned and showed Abbey for 6 years and in addition to Youth Showmanship, they earned AQHA points in Youth: Halter, Hunter Under Saddle, Hunt Seat Equitation, Western Pleasure, Horsemanship, Western Riding, Trail, Reining, Barrel Racing and Pole Bending. The two games classes were added to Abbey’s repertoire quite by chance. One show weekend, Tammy and her mare were tied for the Youth All Around award and decided, along with her fellow competitors, that they would use the two games classes as the tie breaker. While the other girls took their time, calmly completing each course, Tammy had a different idea, and she just went for it! She took Abbey in the ring and let her go full tilt! and they ended up winning the Youth All Around award that weekend! Abbey is a 1989 bay mare by the late, great Ontario stallion, General Mito (2013 OQHA Hall of Fame Inductee) and her grandsire Mito Commander was the 2010 OQHA Hall of Fame Inductee. The mare was purchased in 1993 from David and Lisa Howe. Abbey had been the Ontario Quarter Horse Breeder’s Futurity 3 Year Old Western Pleasure Champion with David. She had also earned an Amateur Performance Register of Merit with Lisa. With Tammy the pair amassed an impressive show record: AQHA Champion AQHA Superior Youth Showmanship AQHA Register of Merit - Showmanship AQHA Register of Merit - Halter AQHA Register of Merit - Performance Ontario Quarter Horse News, December 2014 by Lynn Riley 3 AQHA All Around Championships 3 AQHA Reserve All Around Championships 1993-1998 Youth World Show Qualifier - Youth Showmanship 1996-1998 NYATT Congress Youth Team Qualifier Youth Showmanship 1995 OQHA Reserve Champion Senior Youth Mare 1995 OQHA Champion Youth Showmanship 13&under 1995 EOQHA (Eastern Ontario) Champion Youth Showmanship 13&under 1996 OQHA Reserve Champion Youth Senior Mare 1996 OQHA Champion Open Senior Mare 1996 OQHA Champion Youth Showmanship 14-18 1996 EOQHA (Eastern Ontario) Reserve Champion Youth Senior Mare 1996 EOQHA (Eastern Ontario) Reserve Champion Youth Showmanship 14-18 1997 OQHA Reserve Champion Youth Senior Mare 1997 OQHA Reserve Champion Youth Showmanship 14-18 1998 OQHA Reserve Champion Youth Senior Mare 1998 OQHA Champion Youth Showmanship 14-18 1998 Quebec Circuit Du President All Ages Showmanship Challenge Champion (undefeated over 5 days & 5 judges) Tammy recalls showing at the Orono Fair Grounds across from a large field of cows, BUT separated by a fourlane highway! The pair were preparing for their Equitation class when suddenly, the cows began to move across the field that was separated from the fairgrounds by a 4 lane highway! No amount of distance mattered to Abbey, she saw those cows move and her entire world ended right there! She froze, head up staring at the cows, shaking and breathing heavily. Suddenly she began this high pitch whinny and pranced her way almost over top of the poor judge at the other end of the ring!! After competing in their final Showmanship class together at the 1998 All American Quarter Horse Congress, Abbey was sold by Drenda Chappell to a family in Texas where she became a pleasure horse and a broodmare. She still continues to roam in their paddock daily with the most unlikely bedfellows.....a herd of cows, that according to her owner Linda, Abbey actually plays with over the fence! Tammy added, “There were many horses that came before Abbey, and after, as I continued to compete in my final two years of Youth and into my first years as an Amateur, but the experiences that I had with Abbey, both good and bad, shaped me as a competitor, a student, an employee and a person.” 19 Bugs in the Belly of the Beast Just like people horses stress. Let’s face it, if we are asking them to do much more than stand in the pasture and look pretty, each of them have the potential to stress about something. Stress to a horse can range from their buddy leaving for the weekend or being stuck in the barn for two days in a snow storm, to a six hour trailer ride or a week at a horse show. Every horse, depending on their disposition, stresses at different levels with different triggers. Although it takes a long time to learn what the triggers and repercussions of each horse are, what we do know is that stress and often the environmental effects of the stress have a significant impact on the digestive system. This is especially prevalent if you’ve had any experience with a performance horse. You know just how delicate the digestive balance can be. Top notch one month and off kilter the next. Keeping it in check can be tedious, but well worth it in the end to have a happy, healthy horse that enjoys their work. So what is it that you need to keep in check? While maintaining a healthy level of consistent fibre in the system is key, it is not always possible. Studies show that many digestive issues can be prevented by maintaining both the gut pH, and the system microflora. Gut microflora are the bacterial and emzymatic components of the digestive system that make things happen. Digestive efficiency can be directly related to a healthy gut microflora are the bacteria enzymes and micro organisms that help a horse to digest their food. Making sure they are plentiful, and have the nutrients they need to thrive, can help ensure that your horse is digesting at maximum efficiency. Providing a supplement that is a pre or probiotic is a great 20 by Jen Armstrong, The Figure Seven way to keep this balance. The prebiotic component feeds the bacteria and the probiotic replenishes. Supplements containing MOS, yeasts, and other cultures are geared towards aiding in replenishing and feeding the gut so it can flourish. Secondly, the microflora of both the fore and hindgut require a pH of 6-7 to thrive. If the stomach becomes too acidic due to high levels of stomach acid with no buffer, or high levels of starch reaching the hindgut, the bacteria are quickly killed off. The system becomes acidotic, and the outward signs of unwillingness to co-operate during work, girthiness, loose or wet manure, decreased weight and cribbing or windsucking (amongst other indications) can become apparent. Quite often these symptoms can be similar to a horse experiencing ulcers. To buffer the acid in the stomach – which is especially important if your horse is shipping or without fibre for periods of time, you can supplement with a buffering product. There are several on the market that address foregut acidosis, but very few that actually survive being broken down in the stomach and become active in the hindgut. Unless a supplement is encapsulated to reach the hindgut, there is no guarantee that it will get there. Supplements containing aluminum, magnesium, and calcium derivatives have been shown to increase the pH in the digestive system to a level where it is more able to sustain a healthy digestive environment. Using supplements to aid in prevention of digestive issues can be confusing in determining what each supplement is specifically for and understanding what area each supplement works to maintain. If you have questions or are interested in a free consultation, please do not hesitate to contact me at The Figure Seven. Jen Armstrong – jen@thefigureseven.ca Ontario Quarter Horse News, December 2014 Amateur President’s Message by Sheryl Thank You to everyone at Chillson Dewar HorsesthroughThe Hobby Horse SaddlePerformance Rack raffle will continue out the season and be drawn at theduring Area 1 Summer Cirforwill their support my cuit (Aug 16-19). We would like to thank Laura McArthur 2014ofshow season. for the generous donation this saddle rack. I HOPE EVERYONE is enjoying much fun and success with their horses this show season. The Amateur Association has had some great initiatives and fundraisers in 2013. We introduced a new fundraiser this year - OAQHA T-shirt sale. We offered a classic men’s and ladies T-shirt and a selection of bling T-shirts. Due to the immense popularity of the bling T-shirts which sold out in two circuits, we will be offering them again later in the season. Thank you to those who are wearing some fun fashions while supporting the Amateurs at the same time. So many great horses and We are pleased to offer, once again, the Amateur Showmangreat people have beenBreeders’ Fuship Challenge at the Ontario Quarter Horse turity. The Amateurs have sponsored $500 in prize money i ntroduced into my life and which will be jackpotted with the entry fees. If your horse is a Showmanship Machine, suretotobe attend and get i am so make grateful entered! apart of the journey. We all enjoy showing our Quarter in Ontario; the Best of luck Horses in 2015! class sizes, prize incentives and competition add to the exKathryn citement. Above all, we are_spending time with family and friends and fostering relationships that will last a lifetime. Thank You We had another successful silent auction at the Area 3 Summerama circuit. We offered many products and services again this year and received amazing support from service providers in Ontario. We would like to thank all those individuals who donated products and services for us to auction and to those who made purchases. Take care and happy horse showing for the balance of 2013! Sincerely, Sheryl Chillson OAQHA President Awesome Payback owned by Carrie Ann Runtz, was champion 2yr old halter geldings with Andrew Dewar & was reserve with Kathryn Stanton in the 2 yr old hunter under saddle at OQHA breeders furturity. Photo & Design by Epona Poraits & Media Relations | eponapr.com Let us put your supplement Headaches to rest Individual daily doses to your door at a price you can’t beat! thefigureseven.ca Use the Code OQHA10 and receive 10% off your first order The Figure Seven | 1035 Industrial Cres. St Clements, ON | 1-855-699-0303 www.thefigureseven.ca | jen@thefigureseven.ca Ontario Quarter Horse News, December 2014 14 21 Ontario Quarter Horse News, August 2013 National Youth Activity Team Tournament Congress 2014 OQHA NYAT T L to R: Marie Muir Youth Advisor, Hannah Buijs, Amanda Craven, Nicole McComb, Jenny Charest, Jasmyn Rivait, Sharese Rivait, Rebekah Clark, Amanda Martini and Erin Cross-Nicolls. We are very proud of all the hard work these ladies put into preparing and competing. Amanda Craven was 4th in the NYATT Barrels and the other young ladies were great ambassadors representing OQHA and OQHYA. The OQHA Congress NYATT Team would like to say a special thanks to Pleasant Ridge Saddley, Brantford ON for helping us with our boots and jeans, they have been there for us many times this year. EOQHA NYAT T L to R: Cassidy Cressman, Tristyn LeClerc, Melanie Trolley, CJ Westfall, Halle Berry, Sarah Simard Team Adviser Laurie Haughton (not shown) 22 Ontario Quarter Horse News, December 2014 OQ QHA Mem mbership p Applica ation □ New □ Reneewal Plea ase check alll that apply: □ Inndividual – 1 year @ $56.550 □ Inndividual – 3 year @ $1522.55 □ Inndividual Life @ $500.00 □ FFamily – 1 yeaar @ $67.80 □ FFamily – 3 yeaar @ $186.455 □ FFamily Life @ $575.00 □ AAmateur – 1 year y @ $16.95 5 □ AAmateur – 3 year y @ $42.94 4 □ YYouth – 1 yeaar @ $11.30 □ YYouth – 3 yeaar @ $28.25 □ LLate Fee – aftter June 15 @ $10.00 □ OOQHA Horsebback Riding Program P @$2 25.00 A few bene efits of being g an OQHA member: OQ magazine QHA News m Ovver 40 AQHA A shows Onntario Quarteer Horse Bre eeders Futurrity Quueen Contesst Yo uth Congresss Team Am mazing Year--End Awardss and Banqu uet Yo uth Scholarsships Traail Ride e informatio on: Visiit our websiite for more www w.oqha.on.ca Do you wan nt your inform mation forwa arded CQHA A for a free membe ership? th □Yess □No Do you wan nt your name e & addresss listed in the e spring etter? issue of OQ QHA Newsle Total $:___________ ______ □Yess □No □ □ Are you an OEF Memb ber? Ye es No NOT TE: Do you show in youth or amateu ur events? Don’t forget you need a Y Youth or Amateur membeership in addittion to a Fam mily, Life or In ndividual mem mbership to be b eligible fo or year-end a awards. **All Memb berships are e NON-REFU UNDABLE*** __________ _Email:_____ ___________ _________ Nam me_________ ___________ __________ ___________ __________ Addrress_______ __________ __________ ___________ __________ __ CITY:___ ___________ __________ _________ __ PHONE:(( Provvince______ ___________ __________ ___Postal Co ode_______ )____ __________ _________ Youtth(s)_______ ___________ __________ _________D DOB___/___/ _/____AQHA A#_________ __________ _________ Ama ateur (s):___ ___________ __________ ___________ ___________ _____AQHA A#________ ___________ _________ and Paymentt to: Mail Application a Sue Nye 55 Latzer Cresce ent Bran ntford, ON N3V N 1E1 Ema ail: dnyeit@ro ogers.com Questions? Call (519) 758--0537 Payment P Metthod: ______Chequ _ ue (payable to o OQHA) ___ ____ Visa ___ ____ MasterC Card Name N on card d: _________ ____________ ____________ ______ ___________ ___________ ____Expiry___ _____ Card C Number: __________ ws and all ruless of the OQHA, if my applicatiion is I agree to abide e by the By-law accepted. a Signa ature: _____ ___________ __________ __________ ____ OQH HA Official Use U Only: Memb mbership Type Ind./Family: I __ _____Rec’d:__ _____________ _Expires________________A Amateur:_Y/N___Youth_ Y/N N___ Ontario Quarter Horse News, December 2014 23 2014 OQHBF High Point Winners 3 Year Old Saddle Winner Catcha Blazin Star Owned by Cheri Woodrow Cheri says that it has been great watching Catcha Blazin Star (Chilli) mature into a really cool horse. She bred and has raised the 3 year old, bay gelding. Chilli is by the Ontario-owned stallion, Freckles In My Blaze and out of a full sister to Cheri’s show horse, Kuz That’s Why sired by the late Ontario stallion, The Next Star. The 2011 gelding was born in January on a frightfully cold day and hence his barn name – Chilli. Cheri has worked with trainers Andrew Dewar and Brent and Amanda Specht (Fridens, Pennsylvania) in preparing Chilli for the show ring. When Chilli was born, she set only one goal and that was to enter him in the OQHBF and show him through to a 3 year old, as he represented such great Ontario stallions. Cheri showed Chilli as a weanling, Andrew showed him as a yearling and Amanda took over the reins as a two year old, showing him in Halter, Western Pleasure and Hunter Under Saddle and added Reining in 2014. During 2014, Chilli was also shown in Pennsylvania in Halter (winning a Halter circuit award) and Showmanship. Chilli does nothing at great speed – Cheri says he reminds her of a slow motion movie. According to Amanda, he is the easiest horse to take to a show - he likes lots of naps and rest between his classes. He is such a great horse! 3 Year Old Reserve Champion Got A Good Secret Owned by Pete and Sharon Hammer According to Sharon, Got A Good Secret (Spencer) is very loveable and likes lots of attention. The brown, 2011 gelding is by the Hammer’s stallion, Designed By Secret and out of Minings Best. Designed By Secret has produced Congress Top Ten winners, AQHA World Show qualifiers, as well as numerous Futurity winners. Spencer is in good company, as his full brother, One Heluva Secret, was the winner of the OQHBF High Point 3 Year Old Saddle in 2010. Raised by the Hammers, Spencer was started by their daughter Jessica Lange. Since Jess was pregnant the sum- 24 by Lynn Riley What does the future hold for Chilli? During 2015, Chilli will be home in Orillia with Cheri. Her granddaughter Maddison will continue to show Kuz Thats Why, so Cheri hopes to form a strong partnership with Chilli as they begin their show career together. The pair will work under the guidance of Pat Chamberland at home and Amanda in the U.S. Cheri adds that all her future goals and dreams will be one day at a time. She prays that her days will carry on with her love of horses including friends and family and the brother she never had “right Blair”. Cheri would like to thank her husband, Dave for supporting her in her dreams! mer of his 2 year old year, he was in training with Patterson Show Horses and then went to be finished by Katy Jo Zuidema. He was shown at the OQHBF in Halter and Hunter Under Saddle. He won his OQHBF Weanling Colt Halter class. Sharon is currently showing Spencer’s full brother, Wanna Know My Secret, in the all around events, leaving no time for Spencer’s continued show career. Spencer is being offered for sale so that someone can take him to the winner’s circles. He would be a top contender for any Amateur looking for a Hunter Under Saddle horse. Designed By Secret is known for producing horses with great minds and movement and Spencer exemplifies these qualities. He always gives his best effort! Ontario Quarter Horse News, December 2014 High Point 3 Year Old Halter Award Loves Ellusions Owned by Vaughn Gibbons The High Point 3 Year Old OQHBF Halter award winner, Loves Ellusions (Sean), loves cameras and showing. Vaughn says he can practice set ups for halter over and over, but outside of the show environment and without a judge, Sean finds it to be quite tedious. Also, Sean would much rather stand and look pretty in a halter class for an hour than have to perform a 3-minute showmanship pattern. However, he can put on quite a show when it is feed time, one would think the poor horse hadn’t eaten in days. And he is quite the contortionist when he tries to get that one blade of grass through the fence that his lips can just barely reach. Always the ham!!!! Sean is a 2011 chestnut gelding by FG Fancy Fella (by the late Mr Yella Fella) and is the third foal out of Vaughn’s cow bred mare Chiggers Valentine – also the dam of the 2013 Reserve High Point OQHBF horse. Sean has won a number of OQHBF awards: Reserve Weanling Stallion, Champion 2 Year Old Gelding, Co-Reserve 2 Year Old Western Pleasure, Co-Champion 3 Year Old Gelding, Reserve 3 Year Old Western Pleasure, Reserve 3 Year Old Reining, and the High Point Halter award. At Vaughn’s local saddle clubs, Sean has been shown in Halter as a weanling; Halter, Showmanship, Lead Line, Trail, Horsemanship and Novice Western Pleasure as a 2 Year Old; and Halter, Showmanship, Lead Line, Trail, Western Pleasure, Horsemanship and Reining as a 3 Year Old. He was the High Point Halter Horse and Reserve Novice Plea- sure horse as a 2 year old at one of the saddle clubs. As a 2 year old, Sean participated in the 2013 Ontario Saddle Club Youth Team Tournament, in the Lead Line class, and placed 9th out of over 25 competitors. Vaughn has done all of Sean’s training and showing. Sean is full of character and he has to be the life of the party. Whether his 2 year old temper tantrums, aerial 360os, stripping apples from tree limbs, or peeking out the 8 foot high window in his stall to see what is going on outside, there is always a story about Sean’s antics at the farm. Wishing Vaughn and Sean many great rides in the future, including the rides they enjoy to the beach wading in the lake! Watch for the exciting new Ontario Futurity Series in 2015! NSBA Futurity Classes will be offered in a series at Summerama, Summer Sizzler and the Ontario Futurity. $500 added at the first 2 shows, $1000 added at the last show. Best 5 of 6 judges will be tabulated to complete the series and crown the champion in each class. Be sure to plan to attend and show your young stock! Contact Dave Aitchison for more info or if you’d be willing to sponsor: 519-942-6111 or Aitchisonshowhorses@gmail.com Classes include: · Yearling Longe Line (Western and English combined) · 2 yr old Western Pleasure Snaffle Bit · 3 & 4 yr old Western Pleasure · 2 & 3 yr old Hunter Under Saddle · All Age Trail Ontario Quarter Horse News, December 2014 25
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