Study on a four-channel frequency division multiplexing multi-longitudinal mode fiber-ring laser sensor array by beat frequency modulation technology Jintaozhang1, 2*, YunlongZhang2, KunLi2, XuefengChen2, XiujuanYu2, YoulongYu1, ShengchunLiu2* 1. School of Instrument Science and Optic-Electronics Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei, 230009, China 2. Institute of Fiber Optics, Heilongjiang University, 150080, Harbin, China *Corresponding author:, Abstract: Base on beat frequency modulation technology, a four-channel frequency division multiplexing multi-longitudinal mode fiber-ring laser sensor array is proposed and experimentally demonstrated by measuring the strains applied to one laser sensors. The fiber-ring laser sensor as a sensing element is formed by a fiber Bragg grating, a 3dB coupler and a section of Er3+ fiber. By analyzing the photonic generation of beat signals and the theory of strain measurement, a relationship describing the strain applied to the fiber-ring cavity and the beat frequency shift has been obtained. Combining the frequency division multiplexing technology with the beat frequency modulation, the system has the capability of multiplexing and addressing more sensors. The responses of different beat frequency shift to the strain are −0.584kHz/με@782.698MHz and −0.891kHz/με@1185.911MHz , respectively which are in good agreement with the theoretical expectations. The proposed system offers a cost-effective, high accuracy and high stability for multi-parameter measurement. Keywords: frequency division multiplexing, multi-longitudinal mode, fiber-ring laser sensor, beat frequency shift 0. Introduction In recent years, owing to the distinguished advantages such as high sensitivity, electro-magnetic immunity, low cost and compactness, the conventional fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensors belonging to passive fiber sensors have been extensively studied and applied in measurement of many physical parameters, such as strain, temperature, pressure, vibration and acceleration, etc.1-5 Thus it can be thought that the FBG sensor systems are successful enough in fiber sensors. However, for the distributed sensing system, the decrease of light source power for individual sensing unit with the increase of the multiplexing numbers of the sensors will cause the degradation of sensing performance inevitably6-8. Fortunately, the rapid development of fiber laser technology provides good candidates to solve this issue9-12. The multi-longitudinal mode fiber-ring laser (MMFRL) sensor based on beat frequency demodulation technology is one of the preferred methods13-14. In this paper, a four-channel frequency-division-multiplexing (FDM) multi-longitudinal mode fiber-ring laser sensor array by beat frequency modulation technology is formed. Four similar sensing units are connected by 1*4 coupler, and each unit contains one FBG and one fiber ring which is formed by a section of fiber, one 3-dB fiber coupler. When the pump power is greater than the threshold of any of the four laser sensors, multiple modes laser will be oscillated simultaneously in this fiber-ring cavity and many beat frequency signals are generated by any two laser modes, which is used as a sensing signal in the experiment. The beat frequency signal containing the strain applied to the fiber-ring cavity is detected by a photo detector (PD). And then the strain applied to the fiber-ring cavity can be monitored by measuring the beat frequency shift of the any two mode lasers and the sensing unit also can be addressed by beat frequency signal. 1. Principle and experiments 1480nm Laser FBG1 Stationary Translation stage Stage Er3+ 3dB 1 1*4 Coupler Ch1 Ch2 Ch3 Ch4 FBG2 FBG3 Er3+ Er3+ 3dB 3dB PD FBG4 RFSA Er3+ 3dB 2 3 Fig.1 Schematic configuration of the four-channel FDM-MMFRL array system The schematic configuration of the proposed four-channel FDM-MMFRL array by beat frequency modulation technology is shown in Fig.1. Each of the fiber-ring resonator cavities of the MMFRL used as sensing unit is formed by an active fiber ring, a section of Er3+ fiber and a FBG reflector. The fiber ring contains a 3dB fiber coupler and a section of fiber. The output port 2 and port 3 of the 3dB coupler are spliced as a fiber ring, and a section of Er3+ fiber is spliced before port 1 of the 3dB coupler and the FBG to offer enough gain. And the output port of the MMFRL is spliced to the output port of the 1*4 coupler successively. The 1480 nm pump laser (Pf=350mw) is launched into the MMFRLs through an isolator (ISO, Operating wavelength is 1480nm, Isolates degree ≥ 42dB ), a 1480/1550nm wavelength-division-multiplexer (WDM) and a 1*4 coupler. When the quartered pump power is higher than the threshold power, many laser modes can stably established in each MMFRL within the reflected band of the FBG. The light contains sensing information from the fiber-ring resonator cavity of each MMFRL output through the 1*4 coupler and the WDM to the PD (Newport Model 1544, 3dB bandwidth is 12GHz) to get the electrical beat signal, and the frequency of which can be measured by the frequency spectrum analyzer (FSA, R&S FSP30, Frequency range is 9KHz-30GHz). When the1480nm pump laser is enough robust, there are many longitudinal modes with the same frequency spacing 𝑣𝑖 established in the fiber-ring laser cavity. It can be expressed as: 𝑣𝑖 = 𝑖𝑐 2𝑛𝐿 = 𝑖𝑣 (1) Where L is the effective cavity length, n is the effective refractive index, c is the light velocity in vacuum and i is used to denote multiples of the beat frequency. All the modes produced in the same fiber-ring resonant cavity are coherent, therefore, the beat frequency between any two different longitudinal modes can be expressed as: 𝑓𝑁 = 𝑣𝑚 − 𝑣𝑘 = (𝑚−𝑘)𝑐 2𝑛𝐿 = 𝑁𝑐 2𝑛𝐿 = 𝑁𝑣 (2) Where 𝑣𝑚 , 𝑣𝑘 are two different longitudinal modes in the fiber-ring resonator cavity, N=m-k is used to denote the beat frequency. When micro-strain applied on the fiber-ring cavity, the effective length of the MMFRL cavity is changed, the beat frequency shift d𝑓𝑁 given by14: d𝑓𝑁 = −𝑁 𝑐 2𝑛𝐿 ( 𝛿𝑛 𝑛 + 𝛿𝐿 𝐿 𝛿𝑛 ) = −𝑓𝑁 ( 𝑛 + 𝛿𝐿 𝐿 ) = −𝑓𝑁 (1 − 𝑃𝑒 )𝜀 (3) Where 𝑃𝑒 is the photo-elastic constant whose value is about 0.22, 𝜀 is the micro-strain applied to the laser cavity. Equation (3) indicates that the applied strain determined by the beat frequency ship and the higher frequency has the higher sensing sensitivity of the sensor. The maximum number of multiplexing sensors in this proposed system K is related to the sensor measurement range 𝜀, the predetermined non-overlapping maximum observation frequency of the beat frequency signal f, the effective cavity length L, and the mechanical tensile region length of the laser cavity l. Provided the maximum laser cavity length is 𝐿𝑚𝑎𝑥 , according to Eq. (2), the minimum beat frequency of laser sensor and the maximum beat frequency series can be written respectively as: 𝑣𝑚𝑖𝑛 = N=[ 𝑐 (4) 2𝑛𝐿𝑚𝑎𝑥 𝑓 𝑣𝑚𝑖𝑛 ] (5) In order to avoid the overlap between two beat frequency signals in adjacent series and ensure the function of addressing sensors, the maximum beat frequency series N should satisfy the following equation: (𝑁 − 1)𝑣𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 𝑓 (6) Provided the sensor with the same measurement range, that the maximum number of multiplexing sensors of this sensing array: k=[ 𝑓 𝑣𝑚𝑖𝑛 ]× 𝑣𝑚𝑖𝑛 2 𝑓−𝑣𝑚𝑖𝑛 × 𝐿 𝑙𝑓𝑁 (1−𝑝𝑐 )𝜀 2. Experiment and results +1 (7) Fig.2 the optical spectrum of the MMFRL array The fiber Bragg gratings shown in Fig.1 have the same 3dB bandwidth and reflectivity which are about 0.29nm and 90% respectively, and the center wavelengths are about 1536nm, 1540nm, 1544nm and 1548nm respectively. The optical spectrum of the MMFRL array is shown in Fig.2. The MMFRL cavity with the lengths of 4.2880m, 4.2641m, 4.2538m and 4.2486m, corresponds to the resonant frequencies of 23.72MHz, 23.83MHz, 23.92MHz and 24.03MHz. The EDF lengths with absorption coefficient 10dB/m @ 1530 nm used in the four MMFRL sensors are 0.8340m, 0.8915m, 0.8775m and 0.7910m respectively. When the pump is 250mW, the four-channel MMFRL sensor array remains a stable laser output. The maximum of the threshold power for single sensor is about 4.7mW. Consequently a large number of non-overlapping beat signals can be observed from 23.72MHz to 1.8GHz, and the output beat signals of the sensor array system around 800MHz and 1.2GHz are shown in Fig.3 (a) and (b). According to the Eq. (7), when the maximal strain of the MMFRL sensor reaches 5000με, 𝑣𝑚𝑖𝑛 is 23.72MHz and the observation frequency 𝑓𝑁 is about 1.2 GHz, then the corresponding maximum multiplexing sensor number of this sensing array system is 20. (a) 800MHz (b) 1.2GHz Fig.3 Beat frequency spectrums of this system around different frequency As shown in Fig.1, the ring laser cavity of Ch1 is attached to the micro-displacement platform to induce the micro-strain to the ring laser cavity. The mechanical tensile region length of the laser cavity is 1.200m and the cavity length of the laser is 4.2880m. The beat frequency spectrums of sensor array system around 1.2GHz on different strains are shown in Fig.4. When the applied strain is zero, the output beat frequencies of sensor array are 1185.91MHz, 1191.73MHz, 1196.15MHz and 1201.27MHz successively. And the output frequencies of the Ch1 are 1185.82MHz, 1185.73MHz, 1186.64MHz and 1185.55MHz when the strains are 100με, 200με, 300με and 400με, respectively. From Fig.4, there have some small polarization noise. It mainly from two aspects: One, practical fibers are not perfectly circularly symmetric. As a result, the two orthogonal polarization modes of the laser cavity can be laser simultaneously. Two, the refractive index change of FBG is different at every direction, so the cavity of laser have fast and slow axis. As FBG laser, when the laser cavity is very short, the effect of the low and fast axis of FBG is obvious. It needs to be well controlled to generate single-polarization laser15. But, in MMFRL sensor, the cavity length of the MMFRL is relativity long, the fiber birefringence and the refractive index change of FBG can be mixed into polarization effect and the polarization noise of each direction can be mean. The beat signal amplitude of two polarizations is smaller than the beat signal of two longitudinal. So we can distinguish two different signals. Fig.4 Beat frequency spectrums of this system around 1200 MHz on different strains. PN: polarization noise;BF:beat frequency signal As shown in Fig.5, The experimental responses of beat frequency to the applied strains around different frequency are −0.584kHz/με@782.698MHz and −0.891kHz/με@1185.911MHz, respectively. They are in good agreement with the theoretical values, which are −0.610kHz/με@782.698MHz and −0.926khz/ με@1185.911MHz, respectively. It is worth to mention that the stability of the beat frequency signals depends on the temperature and the pump power. But, in this paper the temperature change of the environment can be neglected and the fluctuation of the pump power used in the system is less than 50μw, so the effect can also be ignored. Fig.5 Responses of the different frequency to the strains 3. Discussion and conclusion In this paper, a four-channel frequency division multiplexing multi-longitudinal mode fiber-ring laser sensor array by beat frequency modulation technology has been proposed. The fiber-ring laser array has ultrahigh stability and low threshold. When a strain is applied to any one sensor of this fiber laser array, the value of the strain can be achieved and the sensor can be addressed simultaneously by directly measuring the beat frequency. The experimental results are in good agreement with the theoretical values. The number of multiplexed sensors in this proposed system is more than 20, and, it means that the system has the ability to address and measure more than twenty sensors at the same time. Therefore, the proposed MMFRL sensing system can provide a structure simple, ultrahigh stability, high sensitivity, all electrical and low-cost multiplexing and demodulation method for strain, temperature, stress and displacement etc. measuring simultaneously. 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