Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 34 (2000) 73±84 Fatigue crack opening stress based on the strip-yield model J.H. Kim, S.B. Lee * Department of Mechanical Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology ± KAIST, 373-1 Kusong-Dong, Yusong-Gu, Taejon 305-701, South Korea Abstract The modi®ed strip-yield model based on the Dugdale model and two-dimensional approximate weight function method were utilized to evaluate the eect of in-plane constraint, transverse stress, on the fatigue crack closure. The plastic zone sizes and the crack opening stresses considering transverse stress were calculated for four specimens: single edge-notched tension (SENT) specimen, single edge-notched bend (SENB) specimen, center-cracked tension (CCT) specimen, double edge-notched tension (DENT) specimen under uniaxial loading. And the crack opening behavior of the center-cracked specimen under biaxial loading was also evaluated. Normalized crack opening stresses rop =rmax for four specimens were successfully described by the normalized plastic zone parameter Dx0rev =x0 considering transverse stress, where Dx0rev and x0 are the size of the reversed plastic zone at the moment of ®rst crack tip closure and the size of the forward plastic zone for maximum stress, respectively. The normalized plastic zone parameter with transverse stress also was satisfactorily correlated with the behavior of crack closure for CCT specimen under biaxial loading. Ó 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction The fatigue crack closure phenomenon is an intrinsic aspect of the mechanics of growing fatigue cracks, and, in many applications, closure provides a powerful ®rst-order correction to the crack driving force that facilitates more accurate prediction of crack growth rates. Although closure can be induced by several dierent physical mechanisms, including roughness or oxides on the crack surface, extensive experimental and computational studies have shown that crack wake plasticity is often the dominant contribution to crack closure, particularly at high stress intensi®- * Corresponding author. Tel.: +42-869-3029; fax: +42-8693210. E-mail address: (S.B. Lee). cation. Hence, it is important to determine the size and shape of the crack tip plastic zones as for characterizing crack tip plastic deformation. Transverse stress has been found [1,2] to have a signi®cant in¯uence on the plastic zone size and the behavior of the crack opening stress. Such an eect was evaluated using center-cracked tension (CCT) and single edge-notched bend (SENB) specimen [3]. The biaxial stress aects the crack growth rate signi®cantly [4±7]. In [8,9], the normalized stress intensity factor p parameter Kmax =K0 , where K0 r0 pa and r0 is the ¯ow stress, correlates well with the normalized crack opening stresses rop =rmax under small-scale yielding condition (SSY). However, it is dicult to correlate the normalized crack opening stress in terms of the stress intensity factor KI , where SSY condition does not apply. Normalized stress intensity factor is also not eective for biaxial 0167-8442/00/$ - see front matter Ó 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. PII: S 0 1 6 7 - 8 4 4 2 ( 0 0 ) 0 0 0 2 5 - 2 74 J.H. Kim, S.B. Lee / Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 34 (2000) 73±84 Fig. 1. Four dierent specimen geometries: (a) SENT specimen; (b) SENB specimen; (c) CCT specimen and (d) DENT specimen. loading because KI is not aected by the transverse stress. In this paper, the crack opening stresses for single edge-notched tension (SENT), SENB, CCT and double edge-notched tension (DENT) specimens in Figs. 1(a)±(d) are obtained by the modi®ed strip-yield model considering the eect of transverse stress. The relation between the normalized plastic zone size, Dx0rev =x0 , and the normalized crack opening stress, rop =rmax , was also obtained. Moreover, the opening stress for the CCT specimen subjected to biaxial loading is evaluated. 2. Modi®ed strip-yield model The strip model is expedient for ®nding the plastic zone size and crack surface displacement using the superposition of two elastic problems. They correspond to a crack subjected to remote applied load and a crack subjected to a uniform stress applied over a segment of the crack surface. Figs. 2(a) and (b) show the crack con®guration at maximum and minimum applied stress. The model consists of three regions: (1) a linear-elastic region containing an imaginary crack of half-length a x, (2) a plastic region of length x ahead of the physical crack length a, and (3) a residual plastic deformation region along the crack surface. The body is treated as an elastic continuum. The shaded regions in Fig. 2(a) indicate material that is in a plastic state. The compressive plastic zone in Fig. 2(b) is Dxrev . The plastic zone and residual plastic deformation regions are composed of rigid perfectly plastic (constant stress) bar elements. At any applied stress level, the bar elements are either J.H. Kim, S.B. Lee / Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 34 (2000) 73±84 75 Fig. 2. Schematic of the modi®ed strip-yield model. intact or broken. The broken elements carry only compressive loads, and then only if they are in contact. To approximate the eects of strain hardening, the ¯ow stress r0 is taken to be the average of the yield stress and ultimate tensile strength. The elements are in contact yield in compression when the contact stress reaches ÿb0 r0 (b0 is the constraint factor to represent Bauschinger's eect). Those elements that are not in contact do not aect the calculation of crack surface displacements. In this model, the eects of the state of stress on the plastic zone size and displacements are approximately accounted for by using a constraint factor a0 . The constraint factor was used to elevate the ¯ow stress for the intact elements in the plastic zone to account for three-dimensional stress states. The plastic zone x ahead of the physical crack tip under the maximum applied loading is modeled by using 10 elements 1±10 as shown in Fig. 2(a). The plastic zone size is computed by assuming ®nite stresses at the imaginary crack tip [10]. Let d a x, under the maximum applied loading, the crack surfaces may be assumed fully open and the extent of the plastic zone x may be computed from Z d Z d rmax xm x; ddx ÿ a0 r0 m x; ddx 0; 1 0 a where rmax x is the remote maximum cyclic stress distribution along the crack line direction. rmax x rmax for SENT, CCT, and DENT specimen, and rmax x 2rmax 0:5 ÿ x=W for SENB specimen. Here, rmax is de®ned as the maximum outer ®ber cyclic stress for SENB specimen, and it represents the constant maximum cyclic stress for three specimen geometries. m x; d is the weight function for cracked geometries. The aspect ratios of the element width to forward plastic zone size 2wj =x; j 1; 2; . . . ; 10 are 0.01, 0.01, 0.02, 0.04, 0.06, 0.09, 0.12, 0.15, 0.20 and 0.30, respectively [11]. Near the crack tip, elements with smaller widths are used. Under the maximum applied loading, with the crack surface fully open, the element lengths are equal to the crack surface displacement calculated as follows. 76 J.H. Kim, S.B. Lee / Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 34 (2000) 73±84 If the crack surface displacement solution rS f x due to remote stress rS and the crack surface displacement solution rd g x0 ; x due to a uniform stress rd acting on a segment of the crack surface located at x0 are obtained, the displacement of crack surface V x at any point x can be determined by superposition as V x rS f x ÿ rd g x0 ; x: 2 When all the constant stress elements with the constraint factor a0 along the crack surface are considered, the displacement Vi at element i can be written as Vi rS f xi ÿ n X ÿ a0 rj g xj ; xi for i 1; . . . ; n; j1 3 where n is the total number of elements, rj is the stress on element j; f x is the crack surface displacement due to unit remote applied stress, and g xj ; xj is the displacement at element i due to unit stress acting on element j. The element length for remote maximum applied stress can be written as Li rmax f xi ÿ 10 X ÿ a 0 r0 g x i ; x j : 4 j1 The closure model provides no information about the amount of crack growth per cycle. The crack increment Da considering the plastic zone size can be estimated [12] as 2 Da 0:2 x=4 1 ÿ R ; 5 where R is the stress ratio. For stress ratios less than zero, R is set to be zero. Each cycle, a new plastic zone x is computed at maximum stress. A new element k is thus created with 2wk Da and Lk L10 . When the applied load is reduced to a minimum, the element length remains the same as those computed from Eq. (5) because element yielding does not occur. Any yielding requires the computation of a new element length. In this manner, residual deformations L11 ; L12 ; L13 ; etc: are left in the wake of the growing crack to preserve a history of prior loading. To keep the number of elements to a reasonable size (45±50), an element-lumping procedure was also implemented [11]. The lumping procedure combined adjacent elements i±i 1 to form a single element if 2 wi wi1 6 a ÿ xi1 Da: 6 Therefore, the width of the newly created element is taken to be the sum of the widths of the two adjacent elements, and the new element length is taken as the following weighted average, L wi Li wi1 Li1 : wi wi1 7 When the applied loading is reduced to its minimum value, some elements in the plastic zone may yield in compression. In addition, some elements along the crack surface may come into contact and carry compressive stress. Some of these elements may also yield in compression. For all elements that yield, new element lengths must be computed. According to the compatibility equation Vi Li , which is expressed as n X ÿ rj g xi ; xj rmin f xi ÿ Li for i 1; . . . ; n; j1 8 the contact stresses along the crack surfaces and the stresses in the plastic zone rj can be obtained numerically using the Gauss±Siedel iteration method under the following constraints. For elements in the plastic zone xj > a ÿb0 r0 6 rj 6 a0 r0 ; 9 and, for elements along the crack surface xj 6 a ÿb0 r0 6 rj 6 0: 10 For those elements that yielded, the compatibility requirement Li Vi must be satis®ed with rj from above. The new element lengths are found again using the following equation: Li rmin f xi ÿ n X ÿ rj g xi ; xj : 11 j1 For the unyielded elements, their element lengths remain unchanged. On the other hand, the applied stress level at which the crack surfaces are fully open is denoted J.H. Kim, S.B. Lee / Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 34 (2000) 73±84 as the crack opening stress rop . This stress can be calculated by using the crack surface displacements [12]. To ®nd the applied stress level needed to open the crack surface at any point, the displacement due to an applied stress increment rop ÿ rmin is set to be equal to the displacement at that point due to the contact stresses at rmin . Thus, ÿ rop i rmin ÿ n X ÿ r j g x i ; x j = f xi : 12 The maximum value of rop i gives the crack opening stress rop . 3. Crack surface opening displacements using weight function The modi®ed strip model is applied to predict fatigue crack closure. This depends on whether or not the basic relations in Eq. (3) can be found for the corresponding geometries. This corresponds to the crack surface displacement f x under remote applied load and the crack surface displacement rd g x0 ; x due to a uniform stress over a segment of the crack surface. However, very limited information about the crack surface displacement is available in the literature. This problem can be alleviated by the development of the weight function method [13]. The weight function m x; a is de®ned as m x; a E0 ou ; K oa 1 E0 x 0 a 77 rS xm x; adx m x; a da: 14 The stress intensity factor Kr x0 ; a for the uniform stress r acting on a segment of the crack surface with the center at x0 can be solved by integration Z x0 w rm x; a dx; 15 Kr x 0 ; a x0 ÿw j11 for i 11; . . . ; n: VS x; a a Z Z 13 where u is the crack surface displacement, K the known stress intensity factor and a is the crack length, E0 E for plane stress and E0 E= 1 ÿ m2 for plane strain (E is Young's modulus and m is Possion's ratio). The weight function is related only to the geometry, independent of loading. For the mode I problem, once the weight function and the crack surface distribution load rS x are obtained, the corresponding crack surface displacement can be derived from Eq. (13) as where 2w is the width of the crack surface on which a uniform stress r is applied. The corresponding crack surface displacement can also be solved from Eq. (13) by the integration Z a Z x0 w 1 rm x; adx m x; a da: 16 Vr 0 E x x0 ÿw Thus, the displacement functions f x and g x0 ; x in Eq. (4) are obtained as f x VS x; a=rS ; 17 g x0 ; x Vr x; x0 ; a=r: For the cracked specimens considered in this paper, the approximate weight function m x; a is given in Appendix A. 4. Eect of transverse stress The transverse stress is the second non-singular term in Williams' expansion of the elastic stress ®eld at the crack tip [17]. For a crack in an isotropic elastic material subjected to plane stress mode I loading, the stress ®eld near the crack tip is given by KI rij p fij h rxx0 dxi dxj 2pr i; j x; y; 18 where KI is the mode I stress intensity factor, fij h the non-dimensional angular function, and dij is the Kronecker delta. The transverse stress rxx0 that is independent of r acts in a direction parallel to the plane of crack and approximately constant over the crack tip region. The crack tip singularity is not aected by the transverse stress. However, since the transverse stress can alter the plastic zone of crack tip, the ¯ow stress r0 in the modi®ed 78 J.H. Kim, S.B. Lee / Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 34 (2000) 73±84 Fig. 4. Stress biaxiality ratio b for four cracked specimens as a function of a=W [19]. Fig. 3. Change of the forward plastic zone size x and the reversed plastic zone size Dxrev for modifying ¯ow yield stress r00 : (a) stress distribution under rmax ; (b) stress distribution under compressive load ÿDr and (c) stress distribution after unloading from rmax ÿ Dr by adding (b) to (a). strip-yield model was modi®ed to account for transverse stress. For a cracked geometry subjected to uniaxial stress, the modi®ed ¯ow stress r00 can be expressed by the application of the von-Mises yield criterion for plane stress condition [5] as q 1 rxx0 4r20 ÿ 3r2xx0 : 19 r00 2 In case of the CCT specimen subjected to biaxial loading, the modi®ed ¯ow stress also can be obtained by above equation with transverse stress rxx . The superposition procedure for the present modi®ed model is shown in from Figs. 3(a)±(c). They explain schematically the change of forward plastic zone size x to x0 and reversed plastic zone size Dxrev to Dx0rev in crack tip ®elds. The forward plastic zone size refers to the region of material experiencing plastic deformation when the cracked geometry is subjected to the maximum stress of the cycle. The reversed plastic zone size is de®ned as the smaller region of material within the forward plastic zone that undergoes reversed plasticity as unloading corresponds to the minimum stress. In a cracked specimen subjected to mode I loading, the transverse stress can be obtained by scaling with the applied load. The biaxiality ratio b relates transverse stress to stress intensity factor as [18] p rxx0 pa : 20 b KI Fig. 4 shows the values of b for four specimen geometries [19] with H =W 6, while KI remains the same for all specimens. Transverse stresses are dierent from each other. As a result, those different values result in the dierence of plastic zone size for each specimen. 5. Results and discussion All cracked specimens were assumed to be made of 2024-T351 aluminum alloy. The mechanical properties of the material are ultimate tensile stress J.H. Kim, S.B. Lee / Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 34 (2000) 73±84 ru 480 MPa, yield stress ry 379 MPa, and Young's modulus E 70 GPa. The strain hardening eect was simply considered by means of the constant ¯ow stress r0 , which is taken to be the average of the yield and ultimate tensile stress. For simplicity, the plane stress condition is assumed for four specimens, and both b0 and a0 are set to equal to unity. Therefore, the material was assumed to be elastic perfectly plastic. All analyses discussed at present are carried out under the plane stress condition. The ratio of initial crack to specimen width a0 =W 0:15 was used. The crack closure behavior for four specimens subjected to uniaxial stress and CCT specimen subjected to biaxial loading was evaluated at two stress ratios R ÿ1; 0, and the eect of transverse stress was considered. Calculated crack opening stresses showed that the present model requires some ®nite amount of crack growth to develop a plastic wake, but once a sucient deformation history has been established, the crack opening behavior is characterized by a stable opening level which does not change according to the crack growth. Therefore, in the following discussion, the stable crack opening stresses were de®ned as crack opening stresses rop . The normalized crack opening stresses rop =rmax at R 0 and R ÿ1 for all specimen geometries are given as a function of the normalized maximum applied stress in Figs. 5(a) and (b). These ®gures, like other researcher's results [7,8], also showed that it is dicult to describe the behavior of the crack closure between dierent specimen geometries with rmax =r0 parameter. To consider the eect of specimen geometry, another parameter is expressed [8] as p Kmax F rmax pa F rmax p ; 21 K0 r0 r0 pa where Kmax is the stress intensity factor including the geometry correction factor F, and K0 is the stress intensity factor for ¯ow stress. The crack opening results for both stress ratios are shown in Fig. 6 in terms of the correlating parameter Kmax =K0 . The opening stresses for the four specimen geometries converge very closely to a common value. This is especially true for small 79 Fig. 5. Normalized crack opening stresses as a function of normalized maximum stress: (a) R 0 and (b) R ÿ1. values of Kmax =K0 . For large Kmax =K0 values, the data tend to spread, especially at R ÿ1. This suggests that Kmax =K0 applies only to SSY conditions. Better correlation can be obtained by 0 =K00 , where replacing large Kmax =K0 values by Kmax 0 a is the modi®ed crack length. 1 a a 2p 0 Kmax r00 2 : 22 A new value of F 0 was also computed based on a0 =W . This parameter gave slightly improved correlation of crack opening stresses at R 0 but no improvement at R ÿ1. On the other hand, the calculated crack opening stresses at both stress ratios for CCT specimen subjected to biaxial loading were obtained from 80 J.H. Kim, S.B. Lee / Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 34 (2000) 73±84 Fig. 6. Normalized crack opening stresses as a function of normalized maximum stress intensity factor: (a) R 0 and (b) R ÿ1. Fig. 7. Normalized crack opening stresses as a function of normalized maximum stress for biaxial loading: (a) R 0 and (b) R ÿ1. the modi®ed ¯ow stress. Fig. 7 shows that the crack opening levels are the smallest for outof-phase stress ®eld (k ÿ1, where k rxx =ryy ) The largest occurs for in-phase stress ®eld with k 1. It is also found that the crack opening stresses for R ÿ1 are smaller than that for R 0, but the scatter of normalized opening stress rop =rmax for R ÿ1 is larger than that of R 0. These results are consistent with the tendency, their faster crack growth prevails when the out-of-phase stress ®eld k ÿ1 was applied and slower crack growth for in-phase stress ®eld with k 1 [4,6]. The crack opening results for both stress ratios were replotted in Fig. 8 in terms of the Kmax =K0 parameter. Since this parameter is not related to the transverse stress, the crack opening behavior under biaxial Fig. 8. Normalized crack opening stresses as a function of normalized maximum stress intensity factor for biaxial loading of R ÿ1 and 0. J.H. Kim, S.B. Lee / Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 34 (2000) 73±84 loading could not be successfully described by the stress intensity factor parameter. Generally speaking, fatigue crack growth and crack closure are related to plastic strains at the crack tip. The present investigation attempts to ®nd a new parameter related to plastic zone for correlating the crack opening behavior for specimen geometries subjected to arbitrary remote stress ®eld. A simple model for estimating the reversed plastic zone size for any stress ratio was proposed [20]. The model can be modi®ed with the ¯ow stress r00 of Eq. (19) to consider the eect of the transverse stress as Dx0rev x0 ( 81 )2 ÿ 1 ÿ rop =rmax ÿÿ : 2 ÿ rop =rmax ÿ R rmax =r00 23 For four specimen geometries subjected to uniaxial stress and CCT specimen subjected to biaxial loading, Figs. 9(a) and (b) show the crack opening behavior rop =rmax for Dx0rev =x0 parameter at stress ratios R 0 and R ÿ1, respectively. It is also found that the normalized plastic zone size parameter describes successfully the behavior of crack opening for four cracked specimen geometries at each stress ratio. At R ÿ1 and R 0, the normalized crack opening stresses for CCT specimen subjected to biaxial loading could also be correlated satisfactorily by the parameter Dx0rev =x0 regardless of biaxial loading ratios k ÿ1; 0; 1. On the other hand, the equation of the crack opening stress for CCT specimen subjected to uniaxial constant amplitude loading is written [21] as rop A0 A1 R A2 R2 A3 R3 ; R P 0; rmax 24 rop A0 A1 R; ÿ1 6 R < 0; rmax where R is a function of stress ratio, rmax maximum stress, and r0 three-dimensional constraint Fig. 9. Normalized crack opening stresses as a function of normalized reversed plastic zone size for four specimens, and CCT specimen subjected to biaxial loading: (a) R 0 and (b) R ÿ1. Fig. 10. The comparison of normalized crack opening stresses for four specimens, and CCT specimen subjected to biaxial loading with Eq. (24) in [21] for CCT specimen at R ÿ1; 0. 82 J.H. Kim, S.B. Lee / Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 34 (2000) 73±84 factor. The coecients Ai are given in Appendix A. The equation is also modi®ed by the replacement ¯ow stress r0 with the new ¯ow stress, Eq. (19). Fig. 10 shows the behavior of crack opening stress for four specimens, and CCT specimen subjected to biaxial loading at two stress ratios R ÿ1, 0 using Eqs. (23) and (24). This shows that Eq. (24) for CCT specimen can be applied to predict the normalized crack opening stress in terms of the normalized plastic zone size parameter Dx0rev =x0 . This is an especially useful result, because the behavior of crack opening stresses can be expressed as the function of variable Dx0rev =x0 for a wide range of stress ratios, rmax =r0 values, remote stress ®elds regardless of biaxial loading ratio k, and specimen types. 6. Conclusions · For the SENT, SENB, CCT, and DENT specimens and CCT specimen (biaxiality R), the stress ratio R aects the crack opening behavior. The eect is more pronounced for lower ratio of R, especially at R ÿ1. · The normalized stress intensity parameter Kmax =K0 correlates well with the normalized crack opening stresses for only four specimens at R 0. However, the normalized plastic zone size parameter Dx0rev =x0 provides good description for the crack opening stresses at two stress ratios for four cracked specimens and CCT specimen (biaxial loading). · The Dx0rev =x0 can be used to predict crack opening stresses in dierent crack geometries and loads. Appendix A. Weight function and coecients Ai A.1. Weight function The approximate weight function m x; a is expressed as [14] m x; a r 4 iÿ3=2 8 X ÿ bi a ÿ x0 ; paL i1 A:1 where 1 b1 a1=2 ; 2 1 a dfr 3 C1 aÿ1=2 ; b2 2 fr da 2 1 a dfr dC1 5 C2 aÿ3=2 ; a b3 C1 ÿ da 2 2 fr da 3 a dfr dC2 ÿ5=2 a a ; b4 C2 ÿ da 2 fr da A:2 where a and x0 are dimensionless parameters for the crack length and the x coordinate, a a=L and x0 x=L, where L is a scale factor. The stress intensity factor fr a for the reference crack surface load rr x with the characteristic load rS is expressed as p A:3 Kr rS fr a pa; where the dimensionless stress intensity factor are given polynomially as fr a n X Ai a i : A:4 i0 The coecients C1 and C2 are given as 5 Q ÿ I 0 I 2 ; 5I1 ÿ 3I2 3 Q ÿ I 0 I 1 C2 ÿ 5I1 ÿ 3I2 C1 A:5 for the center crack and 15 Q ÿ I0 ÿ I2 ; 15I1 ÿ 3I2 3 Q ÿ I 0 ÿ I 1 C2 ÿ 15I1 ÿ 3I2 C1 A:6 for the edge crack. The Q in Eqs. (A.5) and (A.6) is given as n X p aij ; Ai Aj Q a p ij2 8fr a i;j0 A:7 where Ai are the polynomial coecients of the dimensionless stress intensity factor in Eq. (A.4), and Ii is expressed as J.H. Kim, S.B. Lee / Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 34 (2000) 73±84 Ii n X Sj 2j1 j!aj j Y k0 j0 1 : 2 i j 3 A:8 Sj in Eq. (A.8) are the polynomial coecients for the reference crack surface load rr x with the characteristic load rS , which is expressed as n x i rr x X Si : A:9 rS L i0 For derivatives in Eq. (A.2), a simple relation can be written for dQ=da as dQ pfr a 2 1 ofr a p ÿ Q : A:10 da a fr a oa 8a For SENT and SENB specimen, the dimensionless reference stress intensity factor can be written as [15] fr a 1:12 ÿ 0:231a 10:55a2 ÿ 21:72a3 30:39a4 ; A:11 and the corresponding reference crack surface load is rr x 1: rS A:12 For CCT specimen, the dimensionless reference stress intensity factor is written as [16] fr a 1 0:128a ÿ 0:288a2 1:525a3 ; A:13 and is related to uniform crack surface load as given by Eq. (A.12). For DENT specimen, the dimensionless reference stress intensity factor is written as [16] fr a 1:12 ÿ 0:0251a 1:849a2 ÿ 13:318a3 40:97a4 ÿ 53:42a5 26:12a6 ; A:14 and is related to uniform crack surface load as given by Eq. (A.12). A.2. 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