Acta Math. Hungar. DOI: 0 INTEGRAL REPRESENTATIONS AND SUMMATIONS OF THE MODIFIED STRUVE FUNCTION 2,∗ ´ ´ BARICZ1 and T. K. POGANY A. 1 Department of Economics, Babe¸s–Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca 400591, Romania e-mail: 2 Faculty of Maritime Studies, University of Rijeka, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia e-mail: (Received October 18, 2012; revised November 12, 2012; accepted November 12, 2012) Abstract. It is known that the Struve function Hν and the modified Struve function Lν are closely connected to the Bessel function of the first kind Jν and to the modified Bessel function of the first kind Iν and possess representations through higher transcendental functions like generalized hypergeometric 1 F2 and the Meijer G function. Also, the NIST project and Wolfram formula collection contain a set of Kapteyn type series expansions for Lν (x). In this paper firstly, we obtain various another type integral representation formulae for Lν (x) using the technique developed by D. Jankov and the authors. Secondly, we present some summation results for different kind of Neumann, Kapteyn and Schl¨ omilch series built by Iν (x) and Lν (x) which are connected by a Sonin–Gubler formula, and by the associated modified Struve differential equation. Finally, solving a Fredholm type convolutional integral equation of the first kind, Bromwich–Wagner line integral expressions are derived for the Bessel function of first kind Jν and for an associated generalized Schl¨ omilch series. 1. Introduction The Bessel and modified Bessel function of first kind, the Struve and modified Struve function possess power series representation of the form [61]: Jν (z) = ∑ (−1)n ( x2 )2n+ν , Γ(n + ν + 1)n! n =0 ∗ Corresponding Iν (z) = ∑ n=0 ( x2 ) 2n+ν Γ(n + ν + 1)n! author. Key words and phrases: modified Struve function, Bessel function and modified Bessel function of the first kind, Neumann, Kapteyn and Schl¨ omilch series of modified Bessel and Struve functions, Dirichlet series, Cahen formula, generalized hypergeometric function, Struve differential equation. Mathematics Subject Classification: primary 33C10, 33E20, 40H05, secondary 30B50, 40C10, 65B10. c 0 Akad´ 0236-5294/$ 20.00 ⃝ emiai Kiad´ o, Budapest 2 Hν (z) = ´ BARICZ and T. K. POGANY ´ A. ∑ n =0 2n+ν+1 (−1)n ( x2 ) Γ(n + 3 2 )Γ(n + ν + 23 ) , ∑ 2n+ν+1 ( x2 ) Lν (z) = , Γ(n + 23 )Γ(n + ν + 32 ) n=0 where ν ∈ R and z ∈ C. Struve [54] introduced the Hν function as the series solution of a nonhomogeneous second order Bessel type differential equation (which carries his name). However, the modified Struve function Lν appeared in the mathematical literature due to Nicholson [38, p. 218]. Applications of Struve functions are manyfold and include among others optical investigations [58, pp. 392–395]; general expression of the power carried by a transverse magnetic or electric beam, is given in terms of Ln+ 1 [2]; 2 triplet phase shifts of the scattering by the singular nucleon-nucleon potentials ∝ exp (−x)/xn [20]; leakage inductance in transformer windings [25]; boundary element solutions of the two-dimensional multi-energy-group neutron diffusion equation which governs the neutronic phenomena in nuclear reactors [26]; effective isotropic potential for a pair of dipoles [34]; perturbation approximations of lee-waves in a stratified flow [35]; quantum-statistical distribution functions of a hard-sphere system [40]; scattering of plane waves by circular cylinders for the general case of oblique incidence and for both real and complex values of particle refractive index [52]; aerodynamic sensitivities for subsonic, sonic, and supersonic unsteady, non-planar liftingsurface theory [14]; stress concentration around broken filaments [19] and lift and downwash distributions of oscillating wings in subsonic and supersonic flow [59,60]. Series of Bessel and/or Struve functions in which summation indices appear in the order of the considered function and/or twist arguments of the constituting functions, can be unified in a double lacunary form: ∑ αn Bℓ1 (n) (ℓ2 (n)z), Bℓ1 ,ℓ2 (z) := n =1 where x 7→ ℓj (x) = µj + aj x, j ∈ {1, 2}, x ∈ {0, 1, . . . }, z ∈ C and Bν is one of the functions Jν , Iν , Hν and Lν . The classical theory of the Fourier– Bessel series of the first type is based on the case when Bν = Jν , see the celebrated monograph by Watson [61]. However, varying the coefficients of ℓ1 and ℓ2 , we get three different cases which have not only deep roles in describing physical models and have physical interpretations in numerous topics of natural sciences and technology, but are also of deep mathematical interest, like e.g. zero function series [61]. Hence we differ: Neumann series (when a1 ̸= 0, a2 = 0), Kapteyn series (when a1 · a2 ̸= 0) and Schl¨omilch series (when a1 = 0, a2 ̸= 0). Here, all three series are of the first type (the series’ terms contain only one constituting function Bν ); the second type series contain product terms of two (or more) members – not necessarily different ones – from Jν , Iν , Hν and Lν . We also point out that the Neumann Acta Mathematica Hungarica 3 MODIFIED STRUVE FUNCTION series (of the first type) of Bessel function of the second kind Yν , modified Bessel function of the second kind Kν and Hankel functions (Bessel func(1) (2) tions of the third kind) Hν , Hν have been studied by Baricz, Jankov and Pog´ any [5], while Neumann series of the second type were considered by Baricz and Pog´ any in somewhat different purposes in [6,7]; see also [30]. An important role has throughout this paper the Sonin–Gubler formula which connects modified Bessel function of the first kind Iν , modified Struve function Lν and a definite integral of the Bessel function of the first kind Jν [22, p. 424] (actually a special case of a Sonin-formula [61, p. 434]): ∫ ∞ ) Jν (ax) dx π ( (1.1) = I (an) − L (an) , ν ν x2 + n2 xν 2nν+1 0 where ℜ(ν) > − 12 , a > 0 and ℜ(n) > 0; see [61, p. 426] for the historical background of (1.1). Thus, under extended Neumann series (of Bessel Jν see [61]) we mean the following ∑ NB (x) := βn Bµn+η (ax), µ,η n =1 where Bν is one of the functions Iν and Lν . Integral representation discussions began very recently with the introductory article by Pog´any and S¨ uli [45], which gives an exhaustive references list concerning physical applications too; see also [5]. In Section 2 we will concentrate on the Neumann series ∑ (1.2) Nµ,η (x) := βn Iµn+η (ax). n =1 Secondly, Kapteyn series of the first type [31,32,39] are of the form ∑ ( ) KB αn Bρ+µn (σ + νn)z ; (z) := ν,µ n=1 more details about Kapteyn and Kapteyn-type series for Bessel function can be found also in [4,6,15,55] and the references therein. Here we will consider specific Kapteyn-type series of the following form: ∑ αn ( ) (1.3) Kαν,µ (x) := I (xn) − L (xn) ; νn νn nµ n =1 this series appear as an auxiliary expression in the fourth section of the article. Thanks to Sonin–Gubler formula (1.1) we give an alternative proof Acta Mathematica Hungarica 4 ´ BARICZ and T. K. POGANY ´ A. for the integral representation of Kαν,µ (x), see Section 3. Thirdly, under Schl¨ omilch series [50, pp. 155–158] (Schl¨omilch considered only cases µ ∈ {0, 1}), we understand the functions series ∑ ( ) (1.4) SB αn Bµ (ν + n)z . µ,ν (z) := n =1 Integral representation are recently obtained for this series in [29], summations are given in [57]. Our attention is focused currently on ∑ αn ( ) SI,L (1.5) Iν (xn) − Lν (xn) . µ,ν (z) := µ n n =1 The next generalization is suggested by the theory of Fourier series, and the functions which naturally come under consideration instead of the classical sine and cosine, are the Bessel functions of the first kind and Struve’s functions. The next type series considered here we call generalized Schl¨omilch series [61, p. 622], [27, p. 1803] ( x )−ν ∑ a J (nx) + b H (nx) a0 n ν n ν + . 2Γ(ν + 1) 2 nν n=1 For further subsequent generalizations consult e.g. Bondarenko’s recent article [9] and the references therein and Miller’s multidimensional expansion [36]. A set of summation formulae of Schl¨omilch series for Bessel function of the first kind can be found in the literature, such as the Nielsen formula [61, p. 636]; further, we have [56, p. 65], also consult [21,43,48,57, 62,63]. Similar summations, for Schl¨ omilch series of Struve function, have been given by Miller [37], consult [57] too. Further, we are interested in a specific variant of generalized Schl¨omilch series in which Jν , Hν are exchanged by Iν and Lν respectively, when an , bn are of the form a0 = 0, an = 2−ν nν−µ xν = −bn , µ = ν > 0, which results in (1.6) TI,L ν,µ (x) := ∑ Iν (nx) − Lν (nx) n =1 nµ . n−1 e I,L Its alternating variant T an 7→ an , where ν,µ (x) we perform setting (−1) n ∈ {0, 1, . . . }: (1.7) e I,L (x) := T ν,µ ∑ (−1)n−1 ( n =1 Acta Mathematica Hungarica nµ ) Iν (nx) − Lν (nx) . 5 MODIFIED STRUVE FUNCTION Summations of these series are one of tools in obtaining explicit expressions for integrals containing Butzer–Flocke–Hauss complete Omega-function e [33,47]. Ω(x) [10–12] and Mathieu series S(x), S(x) Rayleigh [49] has showed that series SB 0,ν (z) play important roles in physics, because they are useful in investigation of a periodic transverse vibrations uniformly distributed in direction through the two dimensions of the membrane. Also, Schl¨ omilch series present various features of purely mathematical interest and it is remarkable that a null-function can be represented by such series in which the coefficients are not all zero [61, p. 622]. Summation results in form of a double definite integral representation for SJµ,ν (z), achieved via Kapteyn-series, have been recently derived in [28]. Finally, we mention that except the Sonin–Gubler formula (1.1) another main tool we refer to is the Cahen formula on the Laplace integral representation of Dirichlet series. Namely, the Dirichlet series ∑ Da (r) = an e−rλn , n =1 where ℜ(r) > 0, having positive monotone increasing divergent to infinity sequence (λn )n=1 , possesses Cahen’s integral representation formula [13, p. 97] ∫ (1.8) ∞ Da (r) = r −rt e 0 ∑ ∫ ∞ ∫ [λ−1 (t)] du a(u) dt du, an dt = r 0 n: λn 5t 0 d where dx := 1 + {x} dx . Here, [x] and {x} = x − [x] denote the integer and fractional part of x ∈ R, respectively. Indeed, the so-called counting sum ∑ Aa (t) = an n: λn 5t we find by the Euler–Maclaurin summation formula, following the procedure developed by the second author [44], see also [47]. Namely Aa (t) = −1 (t)] [λ∑ n=1 ∫ [λ−1 (t)] du a(u) du, an = 0 since λ : R+ 7→ R+ is monotone, there exists unique inverse λ−1 for the function λ : R+ 7→ R+ , λ|N = (λn ). Acta Mathematica Hungarica 6 ´ BARICZ and T. K. POGANY ´ A. 2. Lν as a Neumann series of modified Bessel I functions Let us observe the well-known formulae [42, Eqs. 11.4.18–19–20] ∑ (2n + ν + 1)Γ(n + ν + 1) 4 J2n+ν+1 (z) √ 1 n!(2n + 1)(2n + 2ν + 1) π Γ(ν + 2 ) n =0 √ z n z ∑ (2) Jn+ν+ 1 (z) Hν (z) = 2 2π n!(n + 21 ) n = 0 1 n z ν+ ( z2 ) (2) 2 ∑ Jn+ 1 (z), 2 Γ ν + 1 n! n + ν + 1 ( 2 ) n =0 ( 2 ) where the first formula is valid for −ν ̸∈ N. So, having in mind that Lν (z) = −i1−ν Hν (iz) and Jν (iz) = iν Iν (z), we immediately conclude that (2.1) ∑ (−1)n (2n + ν + 1)Γ(n + ν + 1) 4 I2n+ν+1 (z) √ n!(2n + 1)(2n + 2ν + 1) π Γ(ν + 12 ) n =0 √ z n z ∑ (− 2 ) In+ν+ 1 (z) Lν (z) = 2 2π n!(n + 21 ) n = 0 1 n ( z2 )ν+ 2 ∑ ( − z2 ) In+ 1 (z). 2 Γ(ν + 1 ) n!(n + ν + 1 ) 2 n =0 2 However, all three series expansions we recognize as Neumann series built by modified Bessel functions of the first kind. This kind of series have been intensively studied very recently by the authors and D. Jankov in [5]. Exploiting the appropriate findings of that article, we give new integral expressions for the modified Struve function Lν . First let us modestly generalize [5, Theorem 2.1] which concerns N1,ν (x), to integral expression for Nµ,η defined by (1.2), following the same procedure as in [5]. Theorem 1. Let β ∈ C1 (R+ ), β|N = {βn }n∈N , µ > 0 and assume that 1 (2.2) Acta Mathematica Hungarica |βn | µn µ lim < . n→∞ n e 7 MODIFIED STRUVE FUNCTION Then, for µ, η such that min {η + 23 , µ + η + 1} > 0 and ( ( ( )−1 )) µ 1/n −µ x ∈ 0, 2 min 1, (e/µ) lim sup n |βn | := Iβ , n→∞ we have the integral representation ( ( ) ) ∫ ∞ ∫ [u] ∂ 1 (2.3) Nµ,η (x) = − Γ µu + η + Iµu+η (x) ∂u 2 1 0 ( ) β(s) × ds du ds. Γ(µs + η + 12 ) Proof. The proof is a copy of the proving procedure delivered for [5, Theorem 2.1]. The only exception is to refine the convergence condition upon Nµ,η (x). By the bound [3, p. 583] Iν (x) < ( x2 ) ν Γ(ν + 1) x2 e 4(ν+1) , where x > 0 and ν + 1 > 0, we have ∑ ( )µ+η x2 |βn | Nµ,η (x) < x e 4(µ+η+1) , 2 Γ(µn + η + 1) n =1 so, the absolute convergence of the right hand side series suffices for the finiteness of Nµ,η (x) on Iβ . However, condition (2.2) ensures the absolute convergence by the Cauchy convergence criterion. The remaining part of the proof mimicks the one performed for [5, Theorem 2.1], having in mind that µ = 1 reduces Theorem 2 to the ancestor result [5, Theorem 2.1]. Theorem 2. If ν > 0 and x ∈ (0, 2), then we have the integral representation (2.4) ∫ ∞ ∫ [u] = 1 0 2Γ(ν + 2) Lν (x) − √ Iν+1 (x) π Γ(ν + 32 ) ( ( ) ) ( 3 β(s) ∂ Γ 2u + ν + I2u+ν+1 (x) ds ∂u 2 Γ(2s + ν + ) 3 2 ) du ds, where eiπs (2s + ν + 1)Γ(s + ν + 1) β(s) = − √ π Γ(ν + 12 )Γ(s + 1)(s + 12 )(s + ν + 1 2 ) . Acta Mathematica Hungarica 8 ´ BARICZ and T. K. POGANY ´ A. Proof. Consider the first Neumann sum expansion of Lν (x) in (2.1), that is Lν (x) = √ 4 π Γ(ν + ∑ (−1)n (2n + ν + 1)Γ(n + ν + 1) 1 2 ) n=0 n!(2n + 1)(2n + 2ν + 1) I2n+ν+1 (x) 2Γ(ν + 2) =√ Iν+1 (x) π Γ(ν + 32 ) 4 −√ π Γ(ν + ∑ (−1)n−1 (2n + ν + 1)Γ(n + ν + 1) 1 2 ) n =1 n!(2n + 1)(2n + 2ν + 1) I2n+ν+1 (x). Observe that 2Γ(ν + 2) Lν (x) = √ Iν+1 (x) − N2,ν+1 (x) π Γ(ν + 32 ) in which we specify βn = √ (−1)n−1 (2n + ν + 1)Γ(n + ν + 1) π Γ(ν + 12 )Γ(n + 1)(n + 12 )(n + ν + 1 2 ) . Since ν−2 β(s) ∼ √ 2s π Γ(ν + 1 2 ) , s → ∞, we deduce (by means of Theorem 1) that (2.4) is valid for x ∈ Iβ = (0, 2). Theorem 3. For ν + 2 > 0 and x ∈ (0, 2) we have the integral representation √ 2x (2.5) Lν (x) − I 1 (x) π ν+ 2 ∫ (2.6) ∞ ∫ [u] = 1 0 ) ) ( ∂ ( β(s) du ds, Γ(u + ν + 1)Iu+ν+ 1 (x) ds 2 ∂u Γ(s + ν + 1) where √ β(s) = − Acta Mathematica Hungarica x s eiπs ( 2 ) x 2π Γ(s + 1)(s + 1 2 ) . 9 MODIFIED STRUVE FUNCTION Proof. Let us observe now the second Neumann sum expansion of Lν (x) in (2.1): √ x n x ∑ (− 2 ) Lν (x) = In+ν+ 1 (x) 2 2π n!(n + 12 ) n =0 √ = 2x I 1 (x) − π ν+ 2 In other words, √ √ Lν (x) = n−1 x n (2) x ∑ (−1) In+ν+ 1 (x). 2 2π n!(n + 21 ) n=1 2x I 1 (x) − N1,ν+ 1 (x) 2 π ν+ 2 in which we specify √ s eiπs ( x2 ) x β(s) = − 2π Γ(s + 1)(s + 1 2 ) . The convergence condition (2.2) reduces to the behavior of the auxiliary series √ ) ( 1 ∑ |x| |βn | 2x 2 , ∼ F 1 2 3 1 π Γ(n + ν + 12 ) 2, ν + 2 2 n =0 which is convergent for all bounded x ∈ C, unconditionally upon ν. Here 1 F2 denotes the hypergeometric function defined by series [1, p. 62] ) ( ∑ (a)n zn a z = F . 1 2 b1 , b2 (b1 )n (b2 )n n! n=0 However, for ν > −2 we have the integral expression [61, p. 79] ∫ 1 ( ) ν− 1 21−ν z ν 2 (2.7) cosh (zt) dt, Iν (z) = √ 1 − t2 1 π Γ(ν + 2 ) 0 where z ∈ C and ℜ(ν) > − 12 . This was used in the proof of the ancestor result (2.3), see [5, Theorem 2.1]. Now, we apply Theorem 1 and conclude that (2.5) is valid for x ∈ Iβ = (0, 2). The third formula in (2.1) reduces to the case N1, 1 (x). However, we 2 shall omit the proof, since the slightly repeating derivation procedure used for (2.5) directly gets the desired integral expression. Acta Mathematica Hungarica 10 ´ BARICZ and T. K. POGANY ´ A. Theorem 4. If ν + 2 > 0 and x ∈ (0, 2), then we have the integral representation Lν (x) − ∫ ∞ ∫ [u] = 1 0 xν sinh x √ 2ν π Γ(ν + ∂ (Γ(u + 1)Iu+ 12 (x))ds ∂u 3 2 ( ) β(s) Γ(s + 1) ) du ds, where ν+ 12 s eiπs ( x2 ) (x) β(s) = − 2 . Γ(ν + 21 ) Γ(s + 1)(s + ν + 12 ) Now, applying (2.7) we derive another integral expression for Lν (x) in terms of hypergeometric functions in the integrand. Theorem 5. Let ν > − 12 . Then for x > 0 we have xν+1 Γ(ν + 2) Lν (x) = √ 2ν− 1 3 ν 3 ν 2 Γ(ν + π2 2 )Γ( 2 + 4 )Γ( 2 + 5 4 ( × 4 F5 ∫ 3 2, 1 ν+3 1 2, 2 , ν + 2, ν + 1 ν+1 ν 3 ν 5 3 2 , 2 + 4, 2 + 4, ν + 4 ) 1( 1 − t2 ) ν+ 1 2 cosh (xt) 0 )2 x2 ( − 1 − t2 16 ) dt, where ( 4 F5 4 ∏ (a ) ) ∑ j=1 j n z n a1 , a2 , a3 , a4 z = 5 b1 , b2 , b3 , b4 , b5 ∏ n! n=0 (bj )n j=1 stands for the generalized hypergeometric function with four upper and five lower parameters. Proof. Consider the first Bessel function series expansion for Lν (x) given in (2.1). Applying mutatis mutandis the integral representation formula (2.7), the Pochhammer symbol technique, the familiar formula (A)n (n + A) = A(A + 1)n , n ∈ {0, 1, . . . }, and the duplication formula ( ) 22z−1 1 √ Γ(2z) = Γ(z)Γ z + 2 π Acta Mathematica Hungarica 11 MODIFIED STRUVE FUNCTION to the summands, we get the chain of equivalent legitimate transformations: 8 Lν (x) = √ π Γ(ν + 2( x2 ) ∑ (−1)n (2n + ν + 1)Γ(n + ν + 1) 1 2 ) n =0 2n+ν+1 ∫ ×√ π Γ(2n + ν + = × 4( x2 ) (n n =0 ν+1 =√ 4( x2 ) π (ν + × 1 2 1 2 ) ) 1( 1 − t2 1( 1 − t2 2 cosh (xt) dt ) ν+ 1 cosh (xt) 2 0 2 ( )2 )Γ(n + ν + 1)[ − x4 1 − t2 ] )(n + ν + 12 )Γ(2n + ν + 23 )n! ν+1 2 + 12 ∫ (ν + 1)Γ(ν + 1) 1 2 )Γ(ν + )Γ( ν 2 + 3 4 )Γ( ν 2 ∑ ( 21 ) n=0 ) 2n+ν+ 1 0 ∫ ν+1 πΓ(ν + ∑ (n + 3 2 n!(2n + 1)(2n + 2ν + 1) + 5 4 ) 1( dt ) ν+ 1 2 cosh (xt) 0 ( 2 ν+3 ν + 21 n (ν + 1)n − x16 2 n n 3 ν+1 ν + 43 n ν2 + 54 n ν 2 n 2 n 2 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( 1 − t2 n [ ) ( 1 − t2 + )2 3 4 n n! ) n ] dt, which proves the assertion. By virtue of similar manipulations presented above, we conclude the following results. Theorem 6. Let ν > − 12 and x > 0. Then there holds Lν (x) ( ) ∫ 1 x2 ( 1 ν+1 ( )ν ) x 2 2 1−t cosh (xt)1 F2 3 2 1−t dt − 2ν−1 πΓ(ν + 1) 0 4 2, ν + 1 = ( ) ∫ 1 1 ν+1 2( ) x x ν + 2 − cosh (xt)1 F2 1 − t2 dt. 3 √π 2ν+ 12 Γ ν + 1 4 1, ν + ( 2) 0 2 The proof of Theorem 6 follows from the same proving procedure as the previous theorem but now considering the second and third series expansion results in (2.1), so we shall omit the proofs of these integral representations. Acta Mathematica Hungarica 12 ´ BARICZ and T. K. POGANY ´ A. 3. Integrals containing Ω(x)-function and Mathieu series via L summation of TI, ν (x) By virtue of the Sonin–Gubler formula (1.1) we establish the convergence e I,L conditions for the generalized Schl¨ omilch series TI,L ν,µ (x) and Tν,µ (x). As for n enough large we have ∫ ( ν−1 ) 2nν−1 ∞ J (ax) dx ( ν ) (3.1) Iν (an) − Lν (an) = = O n , π 1 + n−2 x2 xν 0 we immediately conclude that the following equiconvergences hold true e I,L (x) ∼ η(µ − ν + 1), T ν,µ TI,L ν,µ (x) ∼ ζ(µ − ν + 1), e I,L that is, TI,L ν,µ (x) converges for µ > ν > 0, while Tν,µ (x) converges for µ + 1 > e I,L ν > 0. On the other hand, we connect T ν,ν (x) and the Butzer–Flocke–Hauss (BFL) complete Omega function [10, Definition 7.1] ∫ 1 2 sinh (wu) cot (πu) du, Ω(w) = 2 w ∈ C. 0+ By the Hilbert transform terminology, Ω(w) is the Hilbert transform H (e−wx )1 (0) at 0 of the 1-periodic function (e−wx )1 defined by the periodic continuation of the following exponential function [10, p. 67]: e−xw , x ∈ [ − 12 , 12 ), w ∈ C, that is, −xw H (e ∫ )1 (0) := P.V. 1 2 − 1 2 ewu cot (πu) du ≡ Ω(w) where the integral is to be understood in the sense of Cauchy’s Principal Value at zero, see e.g. [12,46]. On the other hand by differentiating once (1.1) with respect to n we get ´ a tool to obtain Mathieu series S(x) (introduced by Emile Leonard Mathe ieu [33]) and its alternating variant S(x) (introduced by Pog´any, Srivastava and Tomovski [47]), which are defined as follows S(x) = ∑ n =1 ( 2n x 2 + n2 )2 , e S(x) = ∑ 2(−1)n−1 n ( )2 . x2 + n2 n =1 Closed integral expression for S(r) was considered by Emersleben [18] and subsequently by Elbert [17], while for Seµ (x) integral representation has been Acta Mathematica Hungarica 13 MODIFIED STRUVE FUNCTION given by Pog´ any, Srivastava and Tomovski [47]: ∫ 1 ∞ t sin (xt) (3.2) S(x) = dt, x 0 et − 1 ∫ 1 ∞ t sin (xt) e (3.3) S(x) = dt. x 0 et + 1 Another kind of integral expressions for the underlying Mathieu series can be found in [47]. Theorem 7. Assume that ℜ(ν) > 0 and a > 0. Then we have ∫ [et ] ∫ ∞ ∫ ∞ Jν (ax)Ω(2πx) −νt du (eiπu (Lν (au) − Iν (au))) dt du. dx = ν e xν sinh (πx) 0 0 0 Proof. When we multiply (1.1) by (−1)n−1 n and sum up all three series with respect to n ∈ N, the following partial-fraction representation of the Omega function [10, Theorem 1.3] ∞ ∑ 2(−1)n−1 n πΩ(2πw) = . sinh (πw) n=1 n2 + w2 immediately give ∫ ∞ ∑ ( ) Jν (ax)Ω(2πx) e I,L (a). dx = (−1)n−1 n−ν Iν (an) − Lν (an) = T ν,ν ν x sinh (πx) 0 n =1 We recognize the right hand side sums as Dirichlet series of Iν and Lν , respectively. Being ∑ ∑ eiπ(n−1) Iν (an)e−ν ln n , ℜ(ν) > 0, (−1)n−1 n−ν Iν (an) = n =1 n =1 we get ∑ n=1 n−1 −ν (−1) n ∫ ∞ Iν (an) = ν e−νt 0 ∑ eiπ(n−1) Iν (an) dt. n: ln n5t So, making use of the Euler–Maclaurin summation (1.8) to the Cahen’s formula we deduce ∫ ∞ ∫ [et ] ∑ ( ) n−1 −ν (−1) n Iν (an) = −ν e−νt du eiπu Iν (au) dt du; n =1 0 0 Acta Mathematica Hungarica 14 ´ BARICZ and T. K. POGANY ´ A. and repeating the procedure to the second Dirichlet series containing Lν (an), the proof is complete. The next result concerns a hypergeometric integral, which we integrate by means of Schl¨ omilch series of modified Bessel and modified Struve functions. Theorem 8. Let ℜ(ν) > 0 and a > 0. Then we have (1 √ ν+n2 ∫ 1 ∫ ∞ t2 dx πa 2, Jν (ax)S(x) ν = ν+1 F 1 at − 1 2 1 x e 2 Γ(ν + ) 0 0 2 1 2 − 3 2 ) ν 2 dt t [ ] πaν Li2 (e−a ) + aLi1 (e−a ) , + 2ν+1 Γ(ν + 1) where Liα (z) stands for the dilogarithm function. Proof. Differentiating (1.1) with respect to n, we get ∫ ∞ 2nJν (ax) dx ( )2 ν 0 x2 + n2 x = ) ) aπ ( π(ν + 1) ( Iν (an) − Lν (an) − ν+1 Iν′ (an) − L′ν (an) . ν+2 2n 2n Summing up this relation with respect to positive integers n ∈ N, we get ∫ ∞ ) π(ν + 1) ∑ −ν−2 ( dx n Iν (an) − Lν (an) κν (a) := Jν (ax)S(x) ν = x 2 0 n =1 − ) aπ ∑ −ν−1 ( ′ aπ d I,L π(ν + 1) I,L n Iν (an) − L′ν (an) = Tν,ν+2 (a) − T (a). 2 2 2 da ν,ν+2 n =1 Now, by the Emersleben–Elbert formula (3.2) we conclude that ) (∫ ∞ ∫ ∞ ∫ ∞ dx t Jν (ax) sin (xt) κν (a) = Jν (ax)S(x) ν = dx dt. x et − 1 xν+1 0 0 0 Expressing the sine via J 1 , we get that the innermost integral equals 2 ∫ ∞ (3.4) 0 Jν (ax) sin (xt) dx = xν+1 Acta Mathematica Hungarica √ πt 2 ∫ ∞ Jν (ax)J 1 (tx) 2 0 x ν+ 12 dx. 15 MODIFIED STRUVE FUNCTION Now, we shall apply the Weber–Sonin–Schafheitlin formula [61, §13.41] for λ = ν + 21 , which reduces to ∫ ∞ 1 Jν (ax)J 1 (tx)x−ν− 2 dx 0 √ aν π , 1√ 2ν+ 2 t Γ(ν + 1) ( = √ 1 ν−1 t a 2, F 2 1 ν+ 12 2 Γ(ν + 12 ) 2 if 0 < a 5 t 1 2 − 3 2 ) ν t2 2 , if 0 < t < a. a Accordingly, (3.4) becomes 2) (1 1 √ ν−1 ∫ a t πa t2 , − ν 2 2 κν (a) = ν+1 2 F1 3 a2 dt 1 t 2 Γ(ν + 2 ) 0 e − 1 2 ∫ ∞ πaν t + ν+1 dt t 2 Γ(ν + 1) a e − 1 ) (1 1 √ ν+2 ∫ 1 πa t2 , 2 − ν 2 2 dt = ν+1 2 F1 3 t 2 Γ(ν + 12 ) 0 eat − 1 2 ∫ ∞ πaν t+a + ν+1 dt 2 Γ(ν + 1) 0 et+a − 1 ) (1 1 √ ν+2 ∫ 1 πa t2 , 2 − ν 2 2 dt = ν+1 2 F1 3 t 2 Γ(ν + 12 ) 0 eat − 1 2 [ ] πaν Li2 (e−a ) + aLi1 (e−a ) , ν+1 2 Γ(ν + 1) ∑ where the dilogarithm Liα (z) = n=1 z n n−α , |z| 5 1, has the integral representation ∫ ∞ α−1 z t Liα (z) = dt, ℜ(α) > 0. Γ(α) 0 et − z + 4. Differential equations for Kapteyn and Schl¨ omilch series of modified Bessel and modified Struve functions Kapteyn series of Bessel functions were introduced by Willem Kapteyn [31,32], and were considered and discussed in details by Nielsen [39] and Watson [61], who devoted a whole section of his celebrated monograph to this Acta Mathematica Hungarica 16 ´ BARICZ and T. K. POGANY ´ A. theme. Recently, the present authors and Jankov obtained integral representation and ordinary differential equation descriptions and related results for real variable Kapteyn series [4,29]. Now, we will consider the Kapteyn series built by modified Bessel functions of the first kind, and modified Struve functions Kαν,µ (x) = ∑ αn ( n =1 nµ ) Iνn (xn) − Lνn (xn) , where the parameter space includes positive a > 0, while the sequence (αn )n=1 ensures the convergence of Kαν,µ (x). Our first goal is to establish a double definite integral representation formula for Kαν,µ (x). For this goal we recall the definition of the confluent Fox–Wright generalized hypergeometric function 1 Ψ∗1 (for the general case p Ψ∗q consult [53, p. 493]): ∗ 1 Ψ1 (4.1) ] [ ∞ ∑ (a)ρn z n (a, ρ) z = , (b, σ) (b)σn n! n=0 where a, b ∈ C, ρ, σ > 0 and where, as usual, (λ)µ denotes the Pochhammer symbol defined, in terms of Euler’s Gamma function, by { 1, if µ = 0; λ ∈ C \ {0} Γ(λ + µ) = (λ)µ := Γ(λ) λ(λ + 1) · · · (λ + n − 1), if µ = n ∈ N; λ ∈ C. The defining series in (4.1) converges in the whole complex z-plane when ∆ = σ − ρ + 1 > 0; if ∆ = 0, then the series converges for |z| < ∇, where ∇ := ρ−ρ σ σ . Theorem 9. Let µ > ν > 0 and let α ∈ C2 (R+ ), such that α|N = (αn ). Then for }) ( { ν := Iα , x ∈ 0, 2 min 1, e lim sup |αn |1/νn n→∞ we have Kαν,µ (x) (4.2) ∫ ∞ ∫ [t] =− 1 0 [( ] ) α(s)sνs−µ ∂ Γ(νt + 21 ) ( x )νt ⋆ 12 , 12 − xt · d dt ds. 1 Ψ1 s (νt, 1) ∂t Γ(νt) 2 Γ(νs + 21 ) Acta Mathematica Hungarica 17 MODIFIED STRUVE FUNCTION Proof. The Sonin–Gubler formula enables us to transform the summands of the Kapteyn series Kαν,µ (x) into Kαν,µ+1 (x) 2 = π ∫ ∞ 0 ∑ n =1 αn µ−νn n ( Jνn (xy) ) dy. + n2 y νn y2 Making use of the Gegenbauer’s integral expression for Jα [1, p. 204, Eq. (4.7.5)], after some algebra we get Kαν,µ+1 (x) 1 =√ π ∫ 2 =√ π 1 0 ∫ 1 √ 1 − t2 1 0 { 1 √ 1 − t2 2 =√ π ( ) ∑ αn ( x2 1 − t2 )νn ∫ n =1 { nµ−νn Γ(νn + 1 2 ) ∞ 0 cos(xty) dy y 2 + n2 } ( ) ∑ αn ( x2 1 − t2 )νn e−xtn n=1 ∫ 0 1 nµ−νn+1 Γ(νn + 1 2 ) } dt dt 1 √ Dα (t) dt, 1 − t2 where the inner sum is evidently the following Dirichlet series { ( )} 2 ) ( α exp − n xt + ν ln ∑ n x 1−t2 Dα (t) = , µ−νn+1 n Γ(νn + 12 ) n =1 2 and p(t) = xt + ν ln x(1−t 2 ) > 0 for x ∈ (0, 2), since p is increasing on (0, 1). By the Cauchy convergence test applied to Dα (t) we deduce that ( ex )ν ( ex ( ) )ν −xt 1 − t2 e lim sup |αn |1/n 5 lim sup |αn |1/n < 1, 2ν 2ν n→∞ n→∞ that is, for all x ∈ Iα the series converges absolutely and uniformly. By the Cahen formula (1.8) we have ( )ν ∫ ∫ ∞ [z] (( ( ) )ν −xt )z 2 x xt 2 ( ) Dα (t) = ln e 1−t e 2 x 1 − t2 0 0 · ds α(s)sνs−µ−1 dz ds. Γ(νs + 12 ) Acta Mathematica Hungarica 18 ´ BARICZ and T. K. POGANY ´ A. Thus Kαν,µ+1 (x) 1 = −√ π ∫ ∞ ∫ [z] ds 0 0 α(s)sνs−µ−1 Φν (z) dz ds, Γ(νs + 12 ) where the t-integral ∫ 1 Φν (z) = 0 ( ) ν ) )ν −xt )z ln e−xt ( x2 1 − t2 ) (( x ( √ 1 − t2 e dt 2 1 − t2 has to be evaluated. After indefinite integration, under definite integral, expanding the exponential term into Maclaurin series, termwise integration leads to ∫ ( x )νz ∫ 1 ( ) νz− 1 −xzt 2 Φν (z) dz = 1 − t2 e dt 2 0 √ π Γ(νz + = 2Γ(νz) √ π Γ(νz + = 2Γ(νz) 1 2 ∞ ( ) 2 ) ( x )νz ∑ 1 2 1 2 ) ( x )νz 2 j=0 [ ⋆ 1 Ψ1 (−xz)j (νz)j j! 1 2 j ( 12 , 12 ) − xz ] (νz, 1) . Consequently ] [ √ 1 π ∂ Γ(νz + 2 ) ( x )νz ⋆ ( 12 , 12 ) − xz , Φν (z) = 1 Ψ1 (νz, 1) 2 ∂z Γ(νz) 2 and thus ∞ ∫ [t] ∫ Kαν,µ+1 (x) =− 1 [ × 1 Ψ⋆1 0 ∂ Γ(νt + 12 ) ( x )νt ∂t Γ(νt) 2 ] ( 21 , 21 ) − xt · d α(s)sνs−µ−1 dt ds. s (νt, 1) Γ(νs + 12 ) Now, our goal is to establish a second order nonhomogeneous ordinary differential equation which particular solution is the above introduced special kind Kapteyn series (1.3). Firstly, we introduce the modified Bessel type differential operator ( ) 1 ′ ν2 ′′ M [y] ≡ y + y − 1 + 2 y; x x Acta Mathematica Hungarica 19 MODIFIED STRUVE FUNCTION this operator is associated with the modified Struve differential equation, reads as follows ( ) ν−1 ( x2 ) 1 ′ ν2 ′′ (4.3) M [y] ≡ y + y − 1 + 2 y = √ . x x π Γ(ν + 12 ) Theorem 10. Let min (ν, µ) > 0. Then for x ∈ Iα the Kapteyn series K = Kαν,µ (x) is a particular solution of the nonhomogeneous linear second order ordinary differential equation ( ) ν2 1 ′ α ′′ (4.4) Mµ [K] ≡ K + K − 1 + 2 K x x νn αn ( x2 ) 1 α 2 ∑ = Ξν,µ (x) + √ , x x π Γ(νn + 12 )nµ−νn+1 n =1 where ∫ ∞ ∫ [t] 1 d ∂ Γ(νt + 2 ) ( x )νt = dx 1 Γ(νt) 2 1 ∂t ] [ 1 1 α(s)sνs−µ−1 (s − 1) ⋆ ( 2 , 2 ) × 1 Ψ1 dt ds. − xt · ds (νt, 1) Γ(νs + 12 ) Ξαν,µ (x) Proof. Consider the modified Struve differential equation (4.3) ) ( ν−1 ( x2 ) 1 ′ ν2 M [y] ≡ y (x) + y (x) − 1 + 2 y(x) = √ x x π Γ(ν + 21 ) ′′ which possesses the solution y(x) = c1 Iν (x) + c2 Lν (x) + c3 Kν (x), where Kν stands for the modified Bessel function of the second kind of order ν. Being Iν and Kν independent particular solutions (the Wronskian W [Iν , Kν ] = −x−1 ) of the homogeneous modified Bessel ordinary differential equation, which appears on the left side in (4.3), the choice c3 = 0 is legitimate. Thus y(x) = Iνn (x) − Lνn (x) is also a particular solution of (4.3). Setting ν 7→ νn, we get ( ( ) ′′ 1 ( )′ Iνn (x) − Lνn (x) + Iνn (x) − Lνn (x) x ν 2 n2 − 1+ 2 x ) ( ) Iνn (x) − Lνn (x) = νn−1 (x) . √ 2 π Γ(νn + 12 ) Acta Mathematica Hungarica 20 ´ BARICZ and T. K. POGANY ´ A. Finally, putting x 7→ xn multiplying the above display with n−µ αn and summing up in n ∈ N, we obtain νn [ ] )′ αn ( xn 1( α 2 ∑ 2 ) M Kαν,µ = Mµα [K] = Kν,µ (x) − Kαν,µ+1 (x) + √ , x x π Γ(νn + 12 )nµ+1 n =1 where all three right hand side series converge uniformly inside Iα . Applying the result (4.2) of the previous theorem to the series Kαν,µ (x) − Kαν,µ+1 (x) = ∑ αn (n − 1) ( n =2 nµ+1 ) Iνn (xn) − Lνn (xn) , the summation begins with 2. So, the current lower integration limit in the Euler–Maclaurin summation formula related to (4.2) becomes 1. By this we clearify the stated relation (4.4). In the following we concentrate on the summation of Schl¨omilch series (1.6)–(1.7). To unify these procedures, we consider the generalized e I,L Schl¨ omilch series (1.5). Obviously TI,L ν,µ (x), Tν,µ (x) are special cases of SI,L ν,µ (x). However, bearing in mind the asymptotics in Sonin–Gubler forI,L mula (3.1), we see that the necessary condition ( µ−ν+1 ) for the convergence of Sν,µ (x) for a fixed x > 0 becomes αn = o n as n → ∞. Theorem 11. Let min (ν, µ, x) > 0 ∑ and α ∈ C1 (R+ ) be monotone in−µ+ν−1 α converges. Then creasing such that α|N = (αn )n=1 , and n n =1 n S = SI,L ν,µ (x) is a particular solution of the nonhomogeneous linear second order ordinary differential equation ∑ x ν−1 Mµα [S] = M[ SI,L ν,µ 2 (2) 1 ′ ν Υα,2 (x) − ) ] = x (Υα,1 µ+2 (x) + √ µ+1 2 x π Γ(ν + 1 2 ) n =1 αn , µ−ν+1 n where ∫ Υα,β µ (x) ∞ =µ −µt ∫ e 0 [et ] ( )( ) du (α(u) uβ − 1 Iν (xu) − Lν (xu) ) dt du. 1 Proof. Consider again the modified Struve differential equation (4.3), which possesses the solution y(x) = c1 Iν (x) + c2 Lν (x) + c3 Kν (x), and choose the particular solution associated with c1 = −c2 = 1 and c3 = 0. TransformActa Mathematica Hungarica 21 MODIFIED STRUVE FUNCTION ing (4.3) putting x 7→ xn, multiplying it by αn n−µ and summing up the equation with respect n ∈ N, we arrive at )′′ )′ ∑ (∑ ( 1 ∑ αn αn αn y(xn) + y(xn) − y(xn) µ µ+1 n x n nµ n =1 n=1 n =1 ν−1 ( x2 ) ν 2 ∑ αn − 2 y(xn) = √ x nµ+2 π Γ(ν + n =1 Thus M[ SI,L ν,µ 1 ]= x (∑ n =2 ∑ 1 2 ) n=1 αn . µ−ν+1 n )′ αn (n − 1) y(xn) nµ+1 ν−1 ( x2 ) ν 2 ∑ αn (n2 − 1) − 2 y(xn) + √ x nµ+2 π Γ( ν + n =2 ∑ 1 2 ) n =1 αn . µ−ν+1 n Denote Υα,β µ (x) = (4.5) ∑ αn (nβ − 1) y(xn), nµ 0 < ν 5 µ, x > 0. n=2 Following the same lines of the proof of Theorem 7, by Cahen’s formula and the Euler–Maclaurin summation we immediately yield the double definite integral representation ∫ ∞ ∫ [et ] ( ) α,β −µt Υµ (x) = µ e du (α(u) uβ − 1 y(xu)) dt du; 0 1 which immediatelly lead to the stated result. Corollary 1. Let µ − 1 > ν > 0 and x > 0. Then T = TI,L ν,µ (x) is a particular solution of the nonhomogeneous linear second order ordinary differential equation M [T] = (4.6) 1 1,1 ζ(µ − ν + 1) ( x )ν−1 ν 2 1,2 ′ (x) + √ Υµ+1 (x)) − 2 Υµ+2 , ( x x π Γ(ν + 21 ) 2 where ∫ ∞ Υ1,β µ (x) = µ 0 e−µt ∫ [et ] ( )( ) du ( uβ − 1 Iν (xu) − Lν (xu) ) dt du. 1 Acta Mathematica Hungarica 22 ´ BARICZ and T. K. POGANY ´ A. e=T e I,L Corollary 2. Let µ > ν > 0 and x > 0. Then T ν,µ (x) is a particular solution of the nonhomogeneous linear second order ordinary differential equation [ ] ν2 e 2 η(µ − ν + 1) ( x )ν−1 ′ 1 e = M [T e I,L ] = 1 (Υ e Mµα T (x) Υ (x) + , − √ ) ν,µ x µ+1 x2 µ+2 π Γ(ν + 21 ) 2 where e β (x) = µ Υ µ ∫ ∞ −µt ∫ [et ] e 0 ( )( ) du (eiπu uβ − 1 Lν (xu) − Iν (xu) ) dt du. 1 Now, a completely different type integral representation formula will be derived for TI,L ν,ν+1 (x) which simplifies the nonhomogeneous part of related differential equation (4.6). Theorem 12. If ν > 0 and x > 0, then we have ( ) ∫ ∞ 1 dt I,L Tν,ν+1 (x) = Jν (xt) coth (πt) − . ν+1 πt t 0 Proof. Consider the well-known summation formula [23] ∑ a2 n =1 π 1 1 = coth (πa) − 2 , 2 +n 2a 2a a ̸= in. In conjunction with the Sonin–Gubler formula (1.8) we conclude that (∑ ) ∫ 2 ∞ 1 dt I,L Jν (xt) Tν,ν+1 (x) = 2 2 π 0 t + n tν n =1 ∫ ( ∞ Jν (xt) = 0 1 1 coth (πt) − 2 t πt ) Remark 1. Actually, the formula ∑ π 1 1 = coth (πa) − 2 , a2 + n2 2a 2a dt . tν a ̸= 0 n =1 has been considered by Hamburger [23, p. 130, (C)] in the slightly different form (C) 1+2 ∞ ∑ −2πna e n=1 Acta Mathematica Hungarica ∞ 1 2a ∑ 1 = i cot πia = + , 2 πa π n=1 a + n2 a ̸= in; 23 MODIFIED STRUVE FUNCTION Hamburger proved that the functional equation for the Riemann-zeta function is equivalent to (C), see also [11] for connections of the above formulae to Eisenstein series. Also, it is worth mentioning that further, complex analytical generalizations of the above formula can be found in [8]. 5. Novel Bromwich–Wagner line integral representation for Jν (x) As a by-product of Theorem 12, we arrive at the integral relation ( ) ∑ Iν (xn) − Lν (xn) I,L Tν,ν+1 (x) = , ν > 0, x > 0 nν+1 n =1 which, in the expanded form reads ( ) ∫ ∞ 1 dt Jν (xt) coth (πt) − ν+1 πt t 0 ∫ ∞ ∫ [es ] = (ν + 1) 0 ( ) e−(ν+1)s du Iν (xu) − Lν (xu) ds du. 0 This arises in a Fredholm type convolutional integral equation of the first kind with degenerate kernel ( ) ∫ ∞ 1 dt (5.1) f (xt) coth (πt) − = Fν (x), ν+1 πt t 0 having nonhomogeneous part ∫ ∞∫ (5.2) Fν (x) = (ν + 1) 0 [es ] ( ) e−(ν+1)s du Iν (xu) − Lν (xu) ds du. 0 Obviously, Jν is a particular solution of this equation. Before we state our result, we say that the functions f and g are orthogonal a.e. ∫with respect to ∞ the ordinary Lebesgue measure on the positive half-line when 0 f (x)g(x) dx vanishes, writing this as f ⊥ g. Theorem 13. Let ν > 0 and x > 0. The first kind Fredholm type convolutional integral equation with degenerate kernel (5.1) possesses particular solution f = Jν + h, where h ∈ L1 (R+ ) and ( ) 1 −ν−1 h(x) ⊥ x coth (πx) − , x>0 πx if and only if the nonhomogeneous part of the integral equation equals Fν (x) given by (5.2). Acta Mathematica Hungarica 24 ´ BARICZ and T. K. POGANY ´ A. We mention that h as in the above theorem has been constructed in [16, Example]. To solve the integral equation (5.2) we use the Mellin integral transform technique, following some lines of a similar procedure used by Draˇsˇci´c–Pog´ any in [16]. The Mellin transform pair of a suitable f we define as [51] ∫ ∞ ∫ c+i∞ 1 p−1 −1 Mp (f ) := x f (x) dx, Mx (g) := x−p Mp (f ) dp, 2πi 0 c−i∞ where the inverse Mellin transform is given in the form of a line integral with Bromwich–Wagner type integration path which begins at c − i∞ and terminates at c + i∞. Here the real c belongs to the fundamental strip of the inverse Mellin transform M −1 . Theorem 14. Let ν > 0, x > 0. Then the following Bromwich–Wagner type line integral representation holds true (5.3) Jν (x) = (∫ ∫ × c+i∞ ∞ ∫ [es ] Mp −(ν+1)s e 0 c−i∞ du ν+1 2i ( ) ) Iν (xu) − Lν (xu) ds du 0 ν−p Γ( p−ν 2 )Γ( 2 + 1)ζ(ν − p + 2) xp−1 dp, where c ∈ (ν, ν + 1). Proof. Applying M −1 to the equation (5.1), we get (∫ ∞ ) ) ( 1 dt = Mp (Fν ). Mp Jν (xt) coth (πt) − πt tν+1 0 By the Mellin convolution property (∫ ∞ ) Mp (f ⋆ g) = Mp f (rt) · g(t) dt = Mp (f ) · M1−p (g), 0 it follows that (5.4) ( ) Mp (x−ν−1 coth πx − (πx)−1 ) · M1−p (Jν ) = Mp (Fν ). The fundamental analytic strip contains (ν, 1 + ν), because 1 z + + O(z 3 ), if z → 0 coth z = z 3 ( ) 1 + 2e−2z [1 + O e−2z ] if z → ∞; Acta Mathematica Hungarica 25 ( ) in both cases ℜ(z) > 0. Now, rewriting x−ν−1 coth πx − (πx)−1 by (C) and using termwise the Beta function description, we conclude that ( ) ( 1 p−ν ν−p −1 ) −ν−1 Mp ( x coth πx − (πx) ) = B , + 1 ζ(ν − p + 2), π 2 2 MODIFIED STRUVE FUNCTION for all p ∈ (ν, ν + 1). Therefore M1−p (Jν ) = B( π Mp (Fν ) , + 1)ζ(ν − p + 2) p−ν ν−p 2 , 2 which finally results in Jν (x) = ∫ × c+i∞ Mp ( ∫ ∞ ∫ [es ] 0 0 ν+1 2i ( ) e−(ν+1)s du Iν (xu) − Lν (xu) ds du) ν−p B( p−ν 2 , 2 + 1)ζ(ν − p + 2) c−i∞ xp−1 dp, where the fundamental strip contains c = ν + 12 . So, the desired integral representation formula is established. We note that the formula collection in [24] does not contain (5.3). Theorem 15. Let 0 < ν < 32 , x > 0. Then (5.5) TI,L ν,ν+1 (x) = ∫ 1 2p+1 πi Γ( ν−p 2 + c+i∞ c−i∞ sin [ π 2 (p )ζ(ν − p + 2) −p x dp. 1 − ν)] · Γ( ν+p 2 + 2) 1 2 Here also c ∈ (ν, ν + 1). Proof. Consider relation (5.4). Expressing M1−p (Jν ) via formula [41, p. 93, Eq. 10.1] ν+p ( ) 2p−1 Γ( 2 ) Mp Jν (ax) = p , a Γ( ν−p 2 + 1) 3 a > 0, −ν < p < , 2 equality (5.4), by virtue of the Euler’s reflection formula becomes Mp (Fν ) = ν−p Γ( ν−p 2 + 1)Γ( 2 + 2p πΓ = Γ( ν−p 2 + 2p sin π2 (p [ ( p−ν 1 2 Γ 2 ν+p 1 + 2 2 ) ( )ζ(ν − p + 2) ) )ζ(ν − p + 2) . 1 − ν)] · Γ( ν+p 2 + 2) 1 2 Acta Mathematica Hungarica 26 ´ BARICZ and T. K. POGANY ´ A. Having in mind that Fν (x) is the integral representation of the Schl¨omilch −1 we arrive at the asserted series TI,L ν,ν+1 (x), inverting the last display by Mp result. Acknowledgements. The authors cordially thank anonymous referee ´ Baricz was for constructive comments and suggestions. The research of A. supported by the Romanian National Council, project number PN-II-RUTE 190/2013. References [1] G. E. Andrews, R. Askey and R. Roy, Special Functions, Encyclopedia of Mathematics and it Applications 71, Cambridge University Press (Cambridge, 1999). [2] A. 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