Abridged Curriculum Vitae for: ERIC HELLEINER Professor and Faculty of Arts Chair in International Political Economy Department of Political Science and Balsillie School of International Affairs University of Waterloo Mailing address: Hagey Hall, 3rd Floor University of Waterloo 200 University Ave. W., Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1 Email: ehellein@uwaterloo.ca, Tel: 519-888-4567 x33955 DEGREES Ph.D. (1991) London School of Economics, Department of International Relations. M.Sc. (1987) London School of Economics, Politics of the World Economy. Awarded with “Distinction” B.A. (1986) University of Toronto, Economics and Political Science. Awarded with “High Distinction” RECENT AWARDS AND GRANTS 2013 2011-14 2010 2007-10 2007 2006 2005-09 2004 2003 2001-05 2001-05 1998 1997-2001 1996 1993-97 1991 Outstanding Performance Award, University of Waterloo Standard Research Grant , Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Outstanding Performance Award, University of Waterloo Trudeau Foundation Fellows Prize, Trudeau Foundation Outstanding Performance Award, University of Waterloo Donner Book Prize (“the best book on Canadian public policy”), Donner Canadian Foundation Standard Research Grant, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Symons Award for Excellence in Teaching, Trent University Academic Merit Award, Trent University Canada Research Chair, Trent University Standard Research Grant, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Academic Merit Award, Trent University Standard Research Grant, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada President’s Prize for Promising Scholars, York University Standard Research Grant, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Marvin Gelber Essay Prize in International Relations, Canadian Institute for International Affairs PUBLICATIONS Books Eric Helleiner, Forgotten Foundations of Bretton Woods: International Development and the Making of the Postwar Order (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2014) Eric Helleiner, The Status Quo Crisis: Global Financial Governance After the 2008 Meltdown (New York: Oxford University Press, 2014). 1 Eric Helleiner and Jonathan Kirshner, eds., The Great Wall of Money: Politics and Power in China’s International Monetary Relations (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2014). Eric Helleiner, Stefano Pagliari and Hubert Zimmermann, eds.. 2010. Global Finance in Crisis: The Politics of International Regulatory Change. London: Routledge, Eric Helleiner and Jonathan Kirshner, eds., 2009. The Future of the Dollar. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. Translation into Chinese and publication by Dongbei University of Finance and Economics Press, 2012. Eric Helleiner. 2006. Towards North American Monetary Union? A Political History of Canada’s Exchange Rate Regime Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press. Winner of 2006 Donner Book Prize. Eric Helleiner and Andreas Pickel, eds., 2005. Economic Nationalism in a Globalizing World. Ithaca: Cornell Series in Political Economy, Cornell University Press. Eric Helleiner, 2003. The Making of National Money: Territorial Currencies in Historical Perspective. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. Emily Gilbert and Eric Helleiner, eds., 1999. Nation-States and Money: The Past, Present and Future of National Currencies London: Routledge. Eric Helleiner, 1994. States and the Reemergence of Global Finance: From Bretton Woods to the 1990s. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. Edited Journal Issues/Special Sections of Journals Principles from the Periphery: The Neglected Southern Sources of Global Norms, Special section of Global Governance 20(3)(2014): 359-418. Editor. The Greening of Global Financial Markets, Special section of Global Environmental Politics 11(2)(2011): 51119. Editor Crisis and the Future of Global Financial Governance, Special Forum section of Global Governance 16(1)(JanMarch 2009): 1-28. Editor. The Geopolitics of Sovereign Wealth Funds. Special section of Geopolitics 14(2)(2009):300-375. Co-edited with J.Kirshner. At Home Abroad? The Dollar’s Destiny as a World Currency. Special issue of Review of International Political Economy 15(3)(2008). Co-editor with Jonathan Kirshner. The Geopolitics of North-South Monetary Relations, special section of Geopolitics 7(1) (2002). Editor. The World of Money: The Political Economy of International Capital Mobility special issue of Policy Sciences 27(1994):295-469. Editor. Journal Articles “Back to the Future? The Social Protection Floor of Bretton Woods." Global Social Policy 14(3)(2014): 298318 “Southern Pioneers of International Development.” Global Governance 20(3)(2014): 375-88 “Did the Financial Crisis Generate a Fourth Pillar of Global Economic Architecture?” Swiss Political Science Review 19(4)(2013): 558-63. “Subprime Catalyst: Financial Regulatory Reform and the Strengthening of US Carbon Market Governance.” Regulation and Governance 7(4)(2013): 496-511. Co-authored with Jason Thistlethwaite. 2 “The Limits of Incrementalism: The G20, FSB and the International Regulatory Agenda.” Journal of Globalization and Development 2(2)(2012): 1-19. “International Political Economy and the Environment: Back to Basics?” International Affairs 88(3)(2012): 485501. Co-authored with Jennifer Clapp. “Sectoral Interests and Global Money: Renminbi, Dollars and the Domestic Foundations of International Currency Policy.” Open Economies Review 23(1)(2012): 33-55. Co-authored with Anton Malkin. “Troubled Futures? The Global Food Crisis and the Politics of Agricultural Derivatives Regulation.” Review of International Political Economy 19(2)(2012): 181-207. Co-authored with Jennifer Clapp. “The End of an Era in International Financial Regulation? A Post-Crisis Research Agenda.” International Organization 65(2011): 169-200. Co-authored with Stefano Pagliari. “Understanding the 2007-08 Global Financial Crisis: Lessons for Scholars of International Political Economy?” Annual Review of Political Science. 14(2011): 67-87. “International Financial Reform After the Crisis: The Costs of Failure.” Socio-Economic Review 9(3)(2011): 26873. “The New Politics of Global Reserve Reform.” Journal of Globalization and Development 1(2)(2010):1-12. “Making Transnational Networks More Accountable.” Economics, Management, and Financial Markets 5(2)(2010): 158-73. Co-authored with Tony Porter. “What Role for the New Financial Stability Board? The Politics of International Standards After the Crisis.” Global Policy 1(3)(2010): 282-90. “A Bretton Woods Moment? The 2007-08 Crisis and the Future of Global Finance.” International Affairs 86(3)(2010): 619-36. “Division and Dialogue in Anglo-American IPE: A Reluctant Canadian View.” New Political Economy 14(3)(2009): 377-83. “The Development Mandate of International Institutions: Where Did It Come From?” Studies in Comparative International Development 44(3)(2009): 189-211. “Crisis and Response, The Story So Far: Five Regulatory Agendas in Search of an Outcome.” Internationale Politik und Gesellschaft /International Politics and Society (2009). Also translated into German and published in International Policy Analysis (Friedrich Ebert Stiftung) (2009). “Reregulation and Fragmentation in International Financial Governance.” Global Governance 16(1)(Jan-March 2009): 16-22. “Towards a New Bretton Woods? The First G20 Leaders Summit and the Regulation of Global Finance.” New Political Economy 14(2)(June 2009): 275-87. Co-authored with Stefano Pagliari. “Central Bankers as Good Neighbors: US Money Doctors in Latin America During the 1940s.” Financial History Review 16(1)(2009): 1-21. “States, Markets and Sovereign Wealth Funds.” German Policy Studies 4(3)(2008): 59-82. Co-authored with Troy Lundblad. “China as a Creditor: A Rising Financial Power?” Journal of International Affairs 61(2)(2008): 87-102. Coauthored with Greg Chin. “The Mystery of the Missing Sovereign Debt Restructuring Mechanism.” Contributions to Political Economy 27(1)(2008): 91-113. 3 “Political Determinants of International Currencies: What Future for the US Dollar?” Review of International Political Economy 15(3)(2008): 352-76. “Reinterpreting Bretton Woods: International Development and the Neglected Origins of Embedded Liberalism.” Development and Change 37(5)(2006): 943-67. “Another World Order? The Bush Administration and HIPC Debt Cancellation.” New Political Economy 11(1) (2006): 125-40. Co-authored with Geoffrey Cameron. “To Join or not to Join: Canada, Britain and Politics of Monetary Union.” Current Politics and Economics of Europe 17(2(2006)): 171-91 [reprinted in Amy Verdun, ed., Britain and Canada and their Large Neighboring Monetary Unions, Nova publishing: 133-148]. “The Strange Story of Bush and the Argentine Debt Crisis.” Third World Quarterly 26(6)(2005): 951-69. “A Fixation with Floating: The Politics of Canada’s Exchange Rate Regime.” Canadian Journal of Political Science 38(1)(2005): 1-22. “Canada as a 13th Reserve District? Federalism and the Governance of North American Monetary Union.” Canadian Foreign Policy 11(2) (2004): 91-109. “The Strange Politics of Canada’s NAMU Debate.” Studies in Political Economy 71/2 (Autumn 2003/Winter 2004): 67-99. “Economic Liberalism and Its Critics: The Past as Prologue?” Review of International Political Economy 10(4) (2003): 685-96. “Dollarization Diplomacy: US Policy Towards Latin America Coming Full Circle?” Review of International Political Economy 10(3) (2003): 406-29. “Economic Nationalism as a Challenge to Neoliberalism? Lessons from the 19th Century.” International Studies Quarterly 46(3) (2002): 307-329. “The Monetary Dimensions of Colonialism: Why Did Imperial Powers Create Currency Blocs?” Geopolitics 7(1) (2002), pp.87-112. “Regulating Capital Flight.” Challenge 44(1)(2001): 19-34. “Think Globally, Transact Locally: Green Political Economy and the Local Currency Movement.” Global Society 14(1) (2000):35-52. “Historicizing National Currencies: Monetary Space and the Nation-State in North America.” Political Geography 18(1999): 309-39. “National Currencies and National Identities.” American Behavioral Scientist 41(August 1998): 1409-36. “Electronic Money: A Challenge to the Sovereign State?” Journal of International Affairs 51(2)(1998): 387-409 “International Political Economy and the Greens.” New Political Economy 1(1996): 59-78. “Great Transformations.” Studies in Political Economy (1995) 48:149-64. “Handling `Hot Money': US Policy Towards Latin American Capital Flight in Historical Perspective.” Alternatives (1995) 20: 81-110. “Explaining the Globalization of Financial Markets: Bringing the State Back In.” Review of International Political Economy (1995) 2:315-41. “Freeing Money, Restricting Trade: Why Have States Been More Willing to Liberalize Capital Controls Than Trade Barriers?” Policy Sciences (1994) 27:299-318. “States and the Future of Global Finance.” Review of International Studies (1992) 18:31-49. 4 “Japan and the Changing Global Financial Order.” International Journal (1992) 47:420-444. “Fernand Braudel and International Political Economy.” International Studies Notes 15(1990): 73-8. “Money and Influence: Japanese Power in the International Monetary and Financial System.” Millennium 18((1989/1990): 343-58. Book Chapters “The International Development of Bretton Woods” in A.Calcagno, S.Dullien, and J. Priewe, eds., Development Strategies After the Financial Crisis (Geneva: UNCTAD, forthcoming). “The Eurocrisis in Global Monetary Context” in M.Blyth and Matthias Matthijs, eds., The Future of the Euro (Oxford University Press, forthcoming). “Regulating the Regulators: The Emergence and Limits of the Transnational Financial Legal Order” in Gregory Shafer and Terrence Halliday, eds., Transnational Legal Orders (Cambridge University Press, forthcoming). “History and Ideological Change in the Global Political Economy” in Greg Anderson and Christopher Kukucha, eds., Global Political Economy (Oxford: Oxford University Press, forthcoming). “Ambiguous Transformations: The First World Debt Crisis and Changing Economic Roles of the State” in Stephan Leibfried, Frank Nullmeier, Evelyne Huber, Matthew Lange, Jonah Levy, John Stephens, eds., The Oxford Handbook of Transformations of the State (Oxford: Oxford University Press, forthcoming). “Incremental Origins of Bretton Woods” in O.Fioretos, Tulia Falleit, and Adam Sheingate, eds., The Oxford Handbook of Historical Institutionalism (Oxford: Oxford University Press, forthcoming). “Out from the Shadows: Governing OTC Derivatives After the 2007-08 Financial Crisis” in Jacquie Best and Alexandra Gheciu, eds., Public as Practice (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014). “Towards Cooperative Decentralization: The Post-Crisis Governance of Global OTC Derivatives” in T.Porter Transnational Financial Regulation After the Crisis (Routledge, 2014). “The Evolution of the International Monetary and Financial System” in J.Ravenhill, ed., Global Political Economy, 4th edition (Oxford University Press, 2014) [revised version of the chapter with the same title below]. “Inclusiveness and Creativity at the Creation: Canada and the Bretton Woods Negotiations” in R.Medhora and D.Rowlands, eds., Crisis, What Crisis? Canada and the International Financial System (Waterloo: Centre for International Governance Innovation, 2014). “Politics and Power in China’s International Monetary Relations” in E. Helleiner and J.Kirshner, eds., The Great Wall of Money: Politics and Power in China’s International Monetary Relations (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2014). Co-authored with Jonathan Kirshner. “The Hidden History of China and the IMF” in E. Helleiner and J.Kirshner, eds., The Great Wall of Money: Politics and Power in China’s International Monetary Relations (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2014). Coauthored with Bessma Momani. “Financial officials as diplomats: Evolving issues, actors and techniques since the 1920s” in A.Cooper, J.Heine, and R.Thakur, eds., The Oxford Handbook of Modern Diplomacy (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013). “Multilateralism Reborn? International Cooperation and the Global Financial Crisis” in J.Pontasson and N.Bermeo, eds., Coping with Crisis: Government Reactions to the Great Recession (New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 2012). “Reining in the Market: Global Governance and the Regulation of Derivatives” in Dag Harald Claes and Carl Henrik Knutsen, eds., Governing the Global Economy (London: Routledge, 2011). 5 “The Evolution of the International Monetary and Financial System” in J.Ravenhill, ed., Global Political Economy, 3rd edition (Oxford University Press, 2011) [revised version of the chapter with the same title below]. “Contemporary Reform of Global Financial Governance: Implications of and Lessons from the Past” in Jomo Kwame Sundaram, ed., Reforming the International Financial System for Development (New York: Columbia University Press, 2011). “The G-20: A ‘Global Economic Government’ in the making?” in Christoph Pohlmann, Stephan Reichert, and Hubert Rene Schillinger, eds., The G-20: A ‘Global Economic Government’ in the Making? (Berlin: Freidrich Ebert Stiftung, 2010). Co-authored with Andrew Cooper. “Global Regulatory Reform in Finance: What’s Been Done and What’s Still Missing?” in Domenico Lombardi and Paolo Guerrieri, eds., L’Architettura del Mondo Nuovo: Governance economica e sistema multipolare (Bologna: Il Mulino, 2010). “Between the Storms: Patterns in Global Financial Governance, 2001-07” in Geoffrey Underhill, Jasper Blom, and Daniel Mügge, eds., Global Financial Integration Thirty Years On (Cambridge University Press, 2010). Coauthored with S.Pagliari. “Global Governance Meets Development: A Brief History of an Innovation in World Politics” in Jennifer Clapp and Rorden Wilkinson, eds., Global Governance, Poverty and Inequality (Routledge, 2010). “Canada at the Bretton Woods Institutions” in Fen Hampson and Paul Heinbecker, eds., As Others See Us: Canada Among Nations 2009-2010 (Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2010). Co-authored with Bessma Momani. “The End of Self-Regulation? Hedge Funds and Derivatives in Global Financial Governance” in E.Helleiner, S.Pagliari and H.Zimmermann, Global Finance in Crisis (London: Routledge, 2010). Co-authored with Stefano Pagliari. “Crisis and the Reform of International Financial Regulation” in E.Helleiner, S.Pagliari and H.Zimmermann, Global Finance in Crisis (London: Routledge, 2010). Co-authored with Stefano Pagliari. “The Politics of Global Finance: Does Money Make the World Go ‘Round?” in The Trudeau Foundation, The Trudeau Foundation Papers, vol.1 (Montreal: The Trudeau Foundation, 2009), pp.51-76. “Relatively Strong Top Currency, More Fragile Negotiated Currency” in E.Helleiner and J.Kirshner, eds., The Future of the Dollar (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2009). “The Future of the Dollar – Whither the Key Currency?” in E. Helleiner and J. Kirshner, eds., The Future of the Dollar (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2009) Co-authored with Jonathan Kirshner. “Summing Up and Looking Ahead: The Future of the Future of the Dollar” in E.Helleiner and J.Kirshner, eds., The Future of the Dollar (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2009) Co-authored with Jonathan Kirshner. “Filling a Hole in Global Financial Governance? The Politics of Regulating Sovereign Bond Restructuring” in W.Mattli and N.Woods, eds., The Politics of Global Regulation (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2009). “The Culture of Money Doctoring” in J.Best and M.Patterson, eds., Cultural Political Economy (London: Routledge, 2009). “Slipping into Obscurity? Crisis and Reform at the IMF” in A.Alexandroff, ed., Can the World Be Governed? Possibilities for Effective Multilateralism (Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2008). Co-authored with Bessma Momani. “Ambiguous Aspects of Bretton Woods: Canadian Exchange Rate Policy in the Marshall System, 1950-62” in D.Andrews, ed., Orderly Change: International Monetary Relations Since Bretton Woods (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2008). 6 “Towards the G20 Summit: From Crisis to International Regulatory Reform” in J.Kirton, ed., The G20 Leaders Summit on Financial Markets and the World Economy (Toronto: G20 Information Centre, Munk Centre for International Studies, U. of Toronto, 2008). Co-authored with Stefano Pagliari. “The Evolution of the International Monetary and Financial System” in J.Ravenhill, ed., Global Political Economy (Oxford University Press, 2007) [revised version of the chapter with the same title below]. “A Rhetorical Weapon: A Perspective from North America?” in Paul Bowles, Henry Veltmeyer, Scarlett Cornelissen, Noela Invernizzi and Kwong-leung Tang, eds., Regional Perspectives on Globalization (Palgrave MacMillan, 2007). “Currency Blocs and the Future of Embedded Liberalism” in S.Bernstein and L.Pauly, eds., Global Liberalism and Political Order: Towards a New Grand Compromise (State University of New York Press, 2007). “Below the State: Micro-Level Power” in D.Andrews, ed., International Monetary Power (Cornell University Press, 2006). “Alternatives to Neoliberalism? Towards a More Heterogeneous Global Political Economy” in R.Stubbs and G.Underhill, eds., Political Economy and the Changing Global Order (Oxford University Press, 2005), pp.77-87. “Why Would Nationalists Not Want a National Currency? The Case of Quebec” in E.Helleiner and A.Pickel, eds., Economic Nationalism in a Globalizing World (Cornell University Press, 2005). “Conclusion: The Meaning and Contemporary Significance of Economic Nationalism” E.Helleiner and A.Pickel, eds., Economic Nationalism in a Globalizing World (Cornell University Press, 2005). “The Evolution of the International Monetary and Financial System” in J.Ravenhill, ed., Global Political Economy (Oxford University Press, 2004. “The Southern Side of Embedded Liberalism : America’s Unorthodox Money Doctoring During the Early Post 1945 years” in M.Flandreau, ed., Money Doctoring: The Experience of International Financial Advising 18502000 (Routledge, 2003) [this is a revised version of the article below with a similar title]. “Some Limitations of the Chartalist Perspective” in S.Bell and E.Nell, eds., The State, the Market and the Euro: Chartalism versus Metallism in the Theory of Money (Elgar, 2003). “Towards North American Common Currency?” in W.Clement and L.Vosko, eds., Changing Canada (McGillQueen's University Press, 2003). “Denationalizing Money? Economic Liberalism and the ‘National Question' in Currency Affairs.” In H.James, M.Flandreau, and C.L.Holtfrerich, eds., International Financial History in the Twentieth Century, (Cambridge University Press, 2003) [this is an extended and revised version of the article below with a similar title]. “The Southern Side of Embedded Liberalism: The Politics of Postwar Monetary Policy in the Third World” in J.Kirshner, ed., Monetary Orders: The Political Foundations of 21st Century Money (Cornell University Press, 2003). “One Market, One People? The Euro and Political Identities” in P.Crowley, ed., Political Economy of the Euro (Routledge, 2002). “Why Are Territorial Currencies Becoming Unpopular?” in D.Andrews, L.Pauly, and C.R.Henning, eds., Organizing the World's Economy (Cornell University Press, 2002). “The Politics of Global Financial Regulation: Lessons from the Fight Against Money Laundering” in L.Taylor and J.Eatwell, eds., International Capital Markets (Oxford University Press, 2002). “Financial Globalization and Social Response?” K.Thomas and T.Sinclair, eds., Structure and Agency in International Capital Mobility (Palgrave, 2001) [note: this is a revised version of the article below “Globalization and Haute Finance”]. 7 Still an Extraordinary Power, But For How Much Longer? The US in World Finance” in T.Lawton, A.Verdun, J.Rosenau, eds.,Strange Power (Ashgate, 2000). “Globalization and Haute Finance: Déjà vu?” in K.Polanyi-Levitt and K.McRobbie, eds., Karl Polanyi in Vienna: The Contemporary Significance of the Great Transformation (Black Rose: 2000). “Nation-States and Money: Historical Contexts, Interdisciplinary Perspectives” in E.Gilbert and E.Helleiner, eds.,Nation-States and Money (Routledge, 1999), pp.1-23. Co-authored with Emily Gilbert. “The Future of National Currencies?” in E.Gilbert and E.Helleiner,eds., Nation-States and Money (Routledge, 1999), pp.215-30. “Denationalizing Money? Economic Liberalism and the “National Question” in Currency Affairs” in E.Gilbert and E.Helleiner, eds., Nation-States and Money (Routledge, 1999) pp.139-58. “New Voices in the Globalization Debate: Green Perspectives on the World Economy” in R.Stubbs and G.Underhill, eds.,Political Economy and the Changing Global Order, 2nd Edition (Oxford University Press, 1999). “Sovereignty, Territoriality and the Globalization of Finance” in D.Smith, D.Solinger, and S.Topic, eds., States and Sovereignty in the Global Economy (Routledge, 1999). “State Power and the Regulation of Illicit Activity in Global Finance” in R.Friman and P.Andreas, eds., The Illicit Global Economy and State Power (Rowman and Littlefield, 1999). “The Myth of the All-Powerful Financial Markets” in I.Grunberg, eds.,Perspectives on International Financial Liberalization (UN Development Programme, Office of Development Studies, Discussion Paper Series no.15, 1998). “Braudelian Reflections on Economic Globalization: The Historian as Pioneer” in S.Gill and J.Mittelman, eds., Innovation and Transformation in International Relations Theory (Cambridge University Press, 1997). “Post-Globalization: Is the Financial Liberalization Trend Likely to Be Reversed?” in R.Boyer and D.Drache, eds., States Against Markets: The Limits of Globalisation (Routledge, 1996). “Democratic Governance in an Era of Global Finance” in M.Cameron and M.Molot, eds., Canada Among Nations, 1994-95: Democracy and Foreign Policy (Carleton University Press, 1995), pp.279-98. “From Bretton Woods to Global Finance: A World Turned Upside Down” in G.Underhill and R.Stubbs, eds., Political Economy and the Changing Global Order (St.Martin's, 1994), pp.163-75. “When Finance Was the Servant: International Capital Movements in the Bretton Woods Order” in P.Cerny, ed., Finance and World Politics: Markets, Regimes and States in the Post-Hegemonic Era (Elgar, 1993), pp.20-48. Other Publications “Why understanding the history of Bretton Woods matters today” in M.Uzan, Bretton Woods at 70. (New York: Reinventing Bretton Woods Committee, forthcoming) “Money doctors” in Louis-Philippe Rochon and Sergio Rossi, eds., Elgar Encyclopedia of Central Banking (Cheltanham: Edward Elgar, forthcoming) E.Helleiner, E.Rauchway, and K.Schuler, What Have We Learned About Bretton Woods from Recent Research? (New York: Center for Financial Stability, 2014). 9 pages. “Introduction” to Special Section on Principles from the Periphery: The Neglected Southern Sources of Global Norms, Global Governance 20(3)(2014): 359-60. “Financial Stability Board” Global Financial Governance and Impact Report, 2013 (Washington: New Rules for 8 Global Finance, 2013), pp.9-12. “Banking Regulations” Global Financial Governance and Impact Report, 2013 (Washington: New Rules for Global Finance, 2013), p.14. Co-authored with Lesley Wentworth. Reluctant Monetary Leaders: The New Politics of International Currencies. The BRICS and Asia, Currency Internationalization and International Monetary Reform, Paper No.6 (Waterloo: CIGI, July 2013). 19 pages. “The Financial Stability Board: An Arduous Road to Mission Accomplished” in Perspectives on the G20: The Los Cabos Summit (Waterloo: Centre for International Governance Innovation, May 18, 2012). Co-authored with Bessma Momani. Review of Michael Schiltz, The Money Doctors from Japan: Finance, Imperialism and the Building of the Yen Bloc, 1895-1937 (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2012) for Business History Review (forthcoming). Contributor to “CIGI experts lay out global governance challenges for 2012.” December 21, 2011. www.cigionline.org. High Level Panel on the Governance of the Financial Stability Board Recommendations, (Washington: Brookings Institution, September 2011). As a member of this High Level Panel, I contributed to the drafting of this report. “Should We Be Feeling More Secure?” The Toronto Star (thestar.com), September 24, 2011. “Unfinished Business: Priorities for the International Financial Regulatory Agenda” in M.Brem, ed., Prescriptions for the G20: The Cannes Summit and Beyond (Waterloo: CIGI, 2011), pp.8-9. “Advances in Global Economic Governance amid the Obstacles at the Seoul G20 Summit” Social Europe Journal 5(2)(2011). Co-authored with Andrew Cooper. “Forward” to Andrew Cooper, Internet Gambling Offshore (Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan, 2011), pp.xi-xii. “Introduction: The Greening of Global Financial Markets?” Global Environmental Politics 11(2)(2011): 51-53. “Lasting Legacy on Financial Regulatory Reform” Seoul G20 Commentaries (Waterloo: CIGI, 2010). 2 pages. The Financial Stability Board and International Standards. CIGI G20 Papers, no.1 9Waterloo: CIGI, 2010). 25 pages. Review of James Laxer, Beyond the Bubble: Imagining the New Canadian Economy (Toronto: Between the Lines, 2009) for The Literary Review of Canada (April 2010). E.Helleiner, S.Griffth-Jones and N.Woods, eds., The Financial Stability Board: An Effective Fourth Pillar of Global Economic Governance? (Waterloo: CIGI, 2010). 63 pages (with 12 contributors). “Governance Issues Relating to the FSB and International Standards” in E. Helleiner, S. Griffth-Jones and N. Woods, eds., The Financial Stability Board: An Effective Fourth Pillar of Global Economic Governance? (Waterloo: CIGI, 2010), pp.28-31. “Introduction and Overview” in E.Helleiner, S.Griffth-Jones and N.Woods, eds., The Financial Stability Board (Waterloo: CIGI, 2010), pp.6-12. Co-authored with S.Griffith-Jones and N.Woods. “G20 Faces Its Most Difficult Task Yet on Financial Reform” CIGI on-line op-ed, April 27, 2010. www.cigionline-.org. “Making Transnational Networks More Accountable” in Sara Burke, eds. Re-Defining the Global Economy (New York: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Occasional paper #42, 2009), pp.14-24. Co-authored with Tony Porter. The Warwick Commission on International Financial Reform: In Praise of Unlevel Playing Fields (Coventry: University of Warwick, 2009). As a member of the Commission, I contributed to this report. 9 “Make or Break Time for International Financial Regulatory Reform”, D.Schwanen and A.Cooper, eds., CIGI Special G20 Report: Flashpoints for the Pittsburgh Summit. September (Waterloo: CIGI, 2009), pp.30-35. “The Greening of International Financial Regulation” in J.Clapp and L.Swanston, eds., Environmental Sustainability and the Financial Crisis: Linkages and Policy Recommendations (Waterloo: CIGI, 2009), pp.1012. Co-authored with Jason Thistlethwaite. “The IMF and the SDR: What to Make of China’s Proposals?” in Bessma Momani and Eric Santor, eds., The Future of IMF Reform: A Canadian Perspective (Waterloo: CIGI, 2009), pp.18-22. From London to L’Aquila: Building a Bridge between the G20 and the G8. Chatham House/CIGI Working Paper (London: Royal Institute of International Affairs, 2009). Co-authored with Paola Subacchi. “A New ‘Bretton Woods’: Economic Crisis Stirs Hope for a New Version of Historic Financial Accord” Waterloo Region Record, April 24, 2009. The Contemporary Reform of Global Financial Governance: Implications of and Lessons from the Past. G24 Discussion Paper No.55 (Geneva: UNCTAD, 2009). “Calling China’s Bluff” Foreign Policy (Web exclusive, on-line edition), January 2009 Co-authored with Gregory Chin. “The Geopolitics of Sovereign Wealth Funds” Geopolitics 14(2)(2009): 300-04. “The G20 Summit and the regulation of global finance: What was accomplished?” CIGI In-Depth Commentary, December 2008. www.cigionline.org. Co-authored with Stefano Pagliari. “International Payments Imbalances and Global Governance” CIGI Policy Brief #8 (Waterloo: CIGI, 2008). “The Washington G20 Meeting: A New Bretton Woods?” CIGI Web Op-ed, November 16, 2008. www.cigionline.org “Style and Substance for the G20 Summit” op-ed for The Current Column, German Development Institute, Nov 10, 2008. Co-authored with Andrew Cooper. “It Happened Once. Could It Happen Again?” Globe and Mail, Sept. 27, 2008. “The Return of Regulation and What a Difference a Decade Makes” Globe and Mail, Sept. 19, 2008. “Has Parity Killed Monetary Union?” Op-ed, The Globe and Mail, Sept. 25, 2007. Review of Francis Gavin, Gold, Dollars and Power: The Politics of International Monetary Relations, 1958-1971 (Chapel Hill: U. of North Carolina Press, 2004) for Journal of Cold War Studies 9(2)(2007): 170-71. “The Decline of US Dollar Hegemony?” Op-ed, The Globe and Mail, April 26, 2007. Slipping into Obscurity? Crisis and Reform at the IMF, CIGI Working Paper No.16 (Waterloo: CIGI, 2007). Coauthored with Bessma Momani. “Preface” in R.Roy and T.Willett, eds., Neoliberalism and Shared Mental Models (London: Routledge, 2007). “North American Monetary Union? A Mid-19th Century Prelude”, Common-Place 6(3) (2006). “International Monetary Fund is at a Turning Point” Waterloo Region Record (Kitchener-Waterloo), June 3, 2006 Review of Jennifer Sterling-Folker, Theories of International Cooperation and the Primacy of Anarchy: Explaining US International Monetary Policy-Making After Bretton Woods for Perspectives on Politics 1(2)(2003): 469. Review of “The Normative Promise and Empirical Reality of Transnational Social Movements in Global Governance” International Studies Review 3(3)(2001). Review of R. Falk. Predatory Globalization and R. O'Brien et al, Contesting Global Governance . 10 “Sterling Area” and “Money” in R.B.J.Jones,ed., The Routledge Encyclopedia of IPE (Routledge, 2001). “Global Finance: From Obscurity to Center Stage” Horizons: Emerging Development and Knowledge in Public Policy Research (Policy Research Secretariat, Government of Canada) 1(5) (1998): 6-7 One Nation, One Money: Territorial Currencies and the Nation-State (Advanced Research on the Europeanisation of the Nation-State Working Paper no.17, University of Oslo, 1997). 50 pages Review of L. Pauly, Who Elected the Bankers? Surveillance and Control in the World Economy in Canadian Journal of Political Science 30(1997): 774-6. Review of H-H. Holm and G. Sorenson, eds., Whose World Order? Uneven Globalization and the End of the Cold War (Boulder Westview, 1995) in International Journal (1996) 51:367-9. Review of S. Corbridge, R. Martin and N. Thrift, eds., Money, Power andd Space (Oxford: Blackwell, 1994) in Growth and Change: A Journal of Urban and Regional Policy (1995) 26: 480-3. Review of J. Teunissen, ed., Fragile Finance: Rethinking the International Monetary System (The Hague: FONDAD, 1992) in Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies (1995) v.38. “Editorial: The World of Money - The Political Economy of International Capital Mobility” Policy Sciences (1994) 27:295-98. “Regionalization in the International Political Economy: A Comparative Perspective” in P.Evans, ed., Eastern Asia Policy Papers No.3 (Toronto: U.of Toronto-York University Joint Centre for Asia Pacific Studies, 1994), pp.1-21. Review of B. Barry and R. Goodin, eds., Free Movement: Ethical Issues in the Transnational Migration of People and of Money (Hemel Hempstad: Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1992) in Millennium: Journal of International Studies (1993) 22:335-336. “Reevaluating the Prospects for a Tripolar World Financial Order” Behind the Headlines (1993) 51(1):21-26 Review of D. Okimoto and T. Inoguchi, eds., Political Economy of Japan: Vol.2 The Changing International Context (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1988) in Millennium: Journal of International Studies (1989) 18:490-92. Review of R. Barry Jones (ed) The Worlds of Political Economy in Millennium: Journal of International Studies (1989) 18:98-9. Republished Work “International Political Economy and the Greens” in Abla Amawi and Darel Paul, eds., The Theoretical Evolution of International Political Economy (Oxford University Press, 2013). The Future of the Dollar. Translation into Chinese and publication by Dongbei University of Finance and Economics Press, 2012. “The Meaning and Contemporary Significance of Economic Nationalism” in B.Cohen, ed., International Political Economy (Routledge, 2011). States and the Reemergence of Global Finance. Translation into Korean by Humanitas Publishing Company (2010). “Die Finanzkrise und hire Reacktionen – was bisher geschah: Fünf Ansätze auf der Suche nach einem Ergebnis” Internationale Politikanalyse (Berlin: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, January 2009) [translation of article above “Crisis and Response, The Story So Far: Five Regulatory Agendas in Search of an Outcome”]. “The Evolution of the International Monetary and Financial System” in A.Maddison, R.Palan, and 11 A.Nesvetailova, eds., International Political Economy, Vol.4, (Sage, 2007). “To Join or not to Join: Canada, Britain and Politics of Monetary Union” Amy Verdun, ed., Britain and Canada and their Large Neighboring Monetary Unions, (New York: Nova Publishing, 2006), pp. 133-148. “Regulating Capital Flight” in J.Epstein, ed., Capital Flight and Capital Controls in Developing Countries (Elgar, 2005). “Explaining the Globalization of Financial Markets: Bringing the State Back In” in B.J.Cohen, ed., International Monetary Relations in the New Global Economy (Cheltenham: Elgar, 2004). “Explaining the Globalization of Financial Markets: Bringing the State Back In” in Roy Allen, ed., The Political Economy of Financial Crises (Cheltenham: Elgar, 2004). “Think Globally, Transact Locally: Green Political Economy and the Local Currency Movement” in T.Princen, M.Maniates and K.Conca, eds., Confronting Consumption (MIT Press, 2002). “Reflexiones Braudelianas Sobre Globalizacion Economica: El Historiador Como Pionero” Análisis Político 39(2000): 3-17 [reprinted and translated version of book chapter above titled ‘Braudelian Reflections on Economic Globalization”]. “Explaining the Globalization of Financial Markets: Bringing the State Back In” in R.Higgott and A.Payne, eds., The New Political Economy of Globalisation (Cheltenham: Elgar, 2000). “Fernand Braudel and International Political Economy” Ritsumeikan Journal of International Relations and Area Studies 10 (March 1997), translation into Japanese by Masaharu Takashima. “Money and Influence: Japanese Power in the International Monetary and Financial System” in K.Newland, ed., International Relations of Japan (London: MacMillan, 1990. EDITORIAL AND OTHER PROFESSIONAL ROLES Current Roles Co-Editor of book series Cornell Studies in Money (Cornell University Press) Member, Editorial Board, Global Governance Member, International Advisory Board, Review of International Political Economy Member, Editorial Board, Contemporary Politics Member, International Advisory Board, Journal of International Relations and Development Member, International Advisory Council of book series Routledge Series in IPE Member, New Rules for Global Finance Member, International Advisory Board, The Sheffield Political Economy Research Institute Co-coordinator, Waterloo Political Economy Group Selected Past Roles Member, High Level Panel on the Governance of the Financial Stability Board (convened by the Brookings Institution), 2011. Member, The Warwick Commission on International Financial Reform, 2009. Judge, IPE Group Book Prize Panel, British International Studies Association, 2007-08 Co-Editor, Review of International Political Economy, 2004-07 Associate Editor, Policy Sciences journal, 1992-95 Governor of the Board for the IPE Section of the International Studies Association, 1992-94 12 OTHER SCHOLARLY AND ADMINISTRATIVE ACTIVITIES Various papers presented and/or guest lectures at the following institutions: American University, Boston University, Brookings Institution, Cambridge University, Carleton University, Centre d'Etudes et de Reserches Internationales (Sciences Po, Paris), Claremont Graduate University, Columbia University, Copenhagen Business School, Cornell University, Council on Foreign Relations, European University Institute, Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg (Delmenhorst, Germany), Harvard University, Hong Kong Monetary Authority, Institute for Social Studies (Netherlands), Kyung Hee University, London School of Economics, Manchester University, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, McGill University, McMaster University, New School for Social Research, Northwestern University, Oxford University, Princeton University, Queen's University, Reinventing Bretton Woods Committee, Royal Institute of International Affairs (UK), Rockefellor Foundation Bellagio Center, Roosevelt Study Centre (Netherlands), Russell Sage Foundation, Shanghai Institutes for International Affairs, Shanghai Development Research Foundation, Simon Fraser University, St. Thomas University, Temple University, U. of Amsterdam, U. of British Columbia, U. of California-Santa Barbara, U. of California-Irvine, U. of Chicago, U.of Lethbridge, U. of Manchester, U. of Massachusetts (Boston),U. of Minnesota, U. de Montréal, U. of Oslo, U. of Ottawa, U. of Oxford, U.of Southern California, U. of Tokyo, U. of Toronto, U. of Tromsoe, U. of Victoria, U. of Virginia, U. of Warwick, U. of Western Ontario, U. of Waterloo, U. of Wisconsin-Madison, Yale University, York University. Journal Manuscript Reviewing for the Following Journals: American Review of Canadian Studies, Asian Politics and Policy, Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Canadian Foreign Policy, Canadian Journal of Political Science, Contemporary Politics, Comparative European Politics, Comparative Political Studies, Comparative Politics, Comparative Studies in Society and History, Competition and Change, Development and Change, Economic History Review, European Journal of International Relations, European Societies, Geopolitics, Global Environmental Politics, Global Governance, Global Policy, Globalizations, Governance, International Journal, International Journal of Politics, Culture and Society, International Organization, International Politics, International Relations, International Studies Perspectives, International Studies Quarterly, International Studies Review, Journal of European Public Policy, Journal of Globalization and Development, Journal of International Relations and Development, Millennium: Journal of International Studies, Nationalities Papers, Nations and Nationalism, New Political Economy, Open Economies Review, Pacific Review, Paterson Review of International Affairs, Political Geography, Regulation and Governance, Review of International Studies, Review of International Political Economy, Studies in Political Economy, Swiss Political Science Review, Third World Quarterly, Transactions: An International Journal of Geographical Research, The World Economy, World Politics Book Manuscript Reviewing for: Aid to Scholarly Publication Program/McGill-Queen’s, Ashgate, Broadview Press, Cambridge University Press, Cornell University Press, Oxford University Press, Palgrave, Pickering & Chatto Publishers, Polity Press, Princeton University Press, Routledge Press, Sage Publications, State University of New York University Press, Stanford University Press, University of Toronto Press. Other Referee Activity for: Abe Foundation, Centre for International Governance Innovation, Grawemeyer Award for Ideas Improving World Order, Hong Kong Institute of Education, ISA Compendium Project, Killam Fellowship Programme, Marsden Fund (Royal Society of New Zealand), New Rules for Global Finance, Ontario Council on Graduate Studies, Ontario Graduate Scholarship Programme, Royal Institute of International Affairs (UK), Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Swiss National Science Foundation, UN Development Programme, U.of Toronto-York Joint Centre for Asia Pacific Studies 13 Major Academic Administrative Roles (University of Waterloo) Acting Chair, Department of Political Science, University of Waterlo, 2013-14) Interim Chair, Department of Political Science, University of Waterloo, Feb-Dec. 2011 Founding Director, MA Program in Global Governance, University of Waterloo, 2007-08 Founding Director, Joint Ph.D. Program in Global Governance, University of Waterloo and Wilfrid Laurier University, 2007-08 TEACHING Courses Taught at the Undergraduate Level Introduction to Global Politics Global Politics of Who Gets What Politics of Global Finance The State and Economic Life Global Institutions and Development International Political Economy Selected Topics in International Political Economy Political Economy and Comparative Politics Political Economy of the Asia-Pacific Politics of North American Economic Integration International Politics Multilateralism Globalization Introduction to Global Politics Courses Taught at the Graduate Level Globalization and Global Governance Governance of the Global Economy Political Economy of Global Finance Politics of International Money International Political Economy Research Applications in Political Science (Updated to December 2014) 14
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