www.cthomas-pathologie.de Churg-StraussSyndrome by C. Thomas Publisher and Author Prof. Dr. Carlos Thomas former director of the Medical Centre for Pathology at the Philipps-University Marburg. Institute address: Conradi Strasse, 35043 Marburg, Germany Private address: Hopfengarten 16, 35043 Marburg-Bauerbach Tel: +49 (0)6421 -27647 Fax: +49 (0)6421-27676 Email: cthomas1931@googlemail.com Homepage: www.cthomas-pathologie.de Special remark: Medicine is subject to a continuous development process, so that all information, especially on diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, can only ever be provided according to the knowledge available at the time of publication of the article. The greatest possible care has been exercised with regard to the recommendations given for therapy and the selection and dosage of medications. Nevertheless, users are requested to carry out checks using the package inserts and summaries of product characteristics of the manufacturers and to consult a specialist if in doubt. Questionable discrepancies should be communicated to the publisher in the interests of the general public. The user him/herself remains responsible for any diagnostic or therapeutic application, medication and dosage. In this article, registered trademarks (protected product © Prof. Dr. C. Thomas 2014 names) are not specifically marked as such. It cannot therefore be deduced from the absence of any corresponding indication that it is a freely available trademark name. This publication and all of its parts are protected by copyright. It is provided free of charge for private use. Any use outside of this provision of copyright law is not permitted without the written permission of the publisher. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the written consent of the publisher. This applies in particular to reproductions, translations and microfilming, as well as its storage, use and utilisation in electronic systems, on the intranet and internet. Churg-Strauss Syndrome (CSS) History – The pattern of inflammation is not always granulomatosis.The disease can also manifest histologically as necrotising or exclusively as eosinophilic cell infiltration. – Polyangiitis is only present in a (rather small) proportion of patients with Churg-Strauss syndrome, and only in the third stage of the disease. – It is incomprehensible why the names of the first describers should not be used. In 1951 the pathologists Jacob Churg and Lotte Strauss described a clinical picture which was characterised by the histomorphological findings of a thrombosing inflammation of the small blood vessels. Clinical pictures had been described even earlier which one would today assign to CSS, but which were then considered to be variants of polyarteritis nodosa. In the Chapel Hill proposal (2013) the authors explicitly point out that it is intended only for the nomenclature of the vasculitides and not for the systematics. Nevertheless, it is used by numerous authors as a subclassification of the vasculitides. However, this does not take into account the fact that several diseases (thromboangiitis obliterans, various cutaneous vasculitides) are not enumerated in the Chapel Hill proposal 27, 32. Definition of terms Churg-Strauss syndrome (ICD-10 M30.1) belongs to the spectrum disorderof immunologically-mediated diseases (autoimmune disease). It progresses in stages with very characteristic symptomatology. Only in the third and final stage do the typical changes to the small blood vessels occur – in the form of vasculitis – and justify the designation vasculopathy. It is typical that CSS is always accompanied by bronchial asthma which is known clinically several years or decades before the CSS. The International Coding of Diseases (ICD 10) is also problematic: Churg-Strauss syndrome is – under ICD-10 M 30.1 – counted as one of the systemic connective tissue disorders (including autoimmune diseases). However, the two disease designations are problematic: polyarteritis with lung involvement and allergic granulomatosis. Nomenclature - Synonyms - Coding Numerous designations have been proposed for ChurgStrauss syndrome, but these do not apply to all cases: allergic granulomatosis with vasculitis, granulomatous angiitis, allergic vasculitis, eosinophilia granulomatosis with polyangiitis (EGPA) and others. The disease is still best characterised by the name of the first people to describe it. Even in the case of other vasculitides, the Chapel Hill Consensus Conference did not adopt the names of the first describers for the nomenclature of the vasculitides (2013):27.32: Level of awareness of Churg-Strauss syndrome With the exception of pulmonologists, allergists and rheumatologists, the disease is not known in detail in the clinical field. This also applies to gastroenterologists, neurologists and dermatologists. Similarly, pathologists only rarely arrive at the correct diagnosis: In most cases this is "eosinophilic enteritis" or "atypical Crohn's disease". Disease progressions lasting years and decades – without diagnosis and with a corresponding loss of quality of life – are therefore the rule. This low level of awareness is explained – certainly without justification – by the rarity of the disease. Wegener's granulomatosis → Granulomatosis with polyangiitis (GPA) Churg-Strauss syndrome → eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (EGPA) Purpura Henoch-Schönlein → IgA vasculitis Goodpasture's syndrome → Anti-GBM disease. Clinicopathological literature references After the original publication by Churg and Strauss, the following details are repeatedly emphasised in textbooks and relevant publications: 1 The modern designation is "eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis" (EGPA)27, 32 2 Churg-Strauss syndrome is a vasculopathy (or vasculitis) 43, 44 3 Churg-Strauss syndrome is included in the spectrum disorder of the ANCA-associated vasculopathies44 4 With an incidence of 1 to 2 diseases per 1 million inhabitants per year, the disease is very rare22. 5 The diagnosis has to be made histologically by means of a biopsy. Here, confirmation of vasculitis is crucial. 6 Blood eosinophilia is always present. Criticism. The names of diseases and syndromes are determined by the rules of general pathology. The disease designations should be – internationally known and recognised, – of pathological-anatomical, diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic relevance. – cover the entire course of the disease. – In the case of a disease (Morbus), a particular cause must be identifiable. If the pathogenesis is polyaetiological, one then speaks of a syndrome. These requirements are not fulfilled by the new proposal for Churg-Strauss syndrome. The objection relates to the following aspects of the designation eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis: 3 Churg-Strauss-Syndrome ment of existing bronchial asthma are also discussed. In most cases, however, these are individual observations which it has not been possible to convincingly confirm. 7 The typical changes to the skin include small reddish lesions that are considered to be palpable haemorrhaging47, 65. These statements should today be considered only partially correct or even wrong. At least they are debatable. Formal pathogenesis The various findings in CSS can be attributed with respect to their formal pathogenesis to two mechanisms: – the toxic effect of the eosinophils and – vasculitis. Evaluation of statistical data In the literature there are numerous examples of cumulative statistics on the topic of Churg-Strauss syndrome. These provide information on frequencies, e.g. incidence, age and sex distribution, the observed findings, prognosis and treatment outcomes. The problem with these lists is that no details are provided of the composition of the collective analysed. In the introduction to the publications, CSS is defined as vasculitis, but the stage of the disease and the ANCA determination are not highlighted. One therefore has to ask oneself if only stage 3 (only in this stage of the disease is vasculitis present) or whether all patients with Churg-Strauss syndrome were evaluated. For this reason it is only possible in most cases to compare the figures of the evaluated findings with one another. Details of absolute values are not possible, however. ■ The eosinophilic granulocytes migrate – after stimulation of the haematopoietic eosinophilic series by the cytokine IL-5 – into the surrounding tissue (tissue eosinophilia). Here they survive – until disintegration of the cells – for four weeks. Due to the breakdown of the cell, the specific eosinophilic granules are released. Their subsequent destruction forms various proteins (major basic protein, eosinophilic peroxidase, eosinophil-derived neurotoxin [EDN] and eosinophilic cationic protein)50. The most important component is the eosinophilic cationic protein, which is secreted particularly in inflammation. This compound has a local cytotoxic effect on certain bacteria (anti-bacterial) and on some parasites (anthelmintic), but also on the body's own cells (especially in the respiratory tract). The toxic effect on the body's own tissue manifests as a local inflammatory reaction (neutrophilic granulocytes and lymphocytes are also present), as cell and tissue necrosis, as well as fibrosis of the interstitial tissue (especially in the myocardium). Tissue eosinophilia is a typical manifestation in the second stage of CSS. The density of the eosinophilic cell infiltrates does not correlate with the severity of the organ damage. General information on frequencies CSS is quoted as being very rare, with an incidence of 1 to 2 cases among 1 million inhabitants per year. The stated values can only hold true for the third stage of the disease (approximately 3 to 5 years), the course of which is considerably shorter, and not for all forms of CSS. If one evaluates the obligatory concomitant disease bronchial asthma as a collective, a significantly higher incidence can be expected (according to literature references 64 CSS cases/1 million asthmatics/year) 41, 44, 53, 57, 67. ■ ´Vasculitis is a typical finding that only manifests itself in the third stage of CSS. It affects the small blood vessels (in particular the venules) throughout the organism. The main areas affected during this phase of the disease are the CNS and coronary arteries, as well as the pulmonary vessels. The thrombosising inflammation of the vessels leads to poor blood flow in the periphery: the consequences are heart attacks, which ultimately represent the cause of death of inadequately treated CSS. These changes can be detected histopathologically (e.g. by means of an endomyocardial biopsy), as well as with imaging techniques: computed tomography of the lungs shows the formation of foci. Age distribution The age of the patients afflicted by this disease fluctuates between 7 and 70 years, with a mean average age of 40. In these figures it should be taken into account that the prodromal disease stage 1 is largely asymptomatic. The beginning of CSS can therefore only be guessed in most cases. It is also striking that in some publications, the incidence collective is specified as 100,000 inhabitants4.18. Gender distribution Here too, the details available are not uniform. The sex ratio fluctuates in the relevant publications between 1 to 3 men to 1 woman. Pathology Causal pathogenesis (aetiology) In various organs, changes can occur which are the consequence of an allergic aetiology. These range from tissue eosinophilia to the severest form of damage, allergic vasculitis with its sequelae (circulatory disorders, infarct). In addition, other tissue damage occurs (e.g. in the skin, lungs or the peripheral nervous system), which is fairly characteristic of CSS. Churg-Strauss syndrome (CSS) is an immunological disease (autoimmune disease). The causal pathogenesis (aetiology) is largely unknown. As with many allergic diseases, a multifactorial aetiology can be assumed for this syndrome as well. In the relevant literature, various toxic, drug or inflammatory causes are described. Changes in the treat- 4 Pathology ■ Eosinophilia In medical routine, this designation refers to an increase in the eosinophilic granulocytes in the peripheral blood in veins or capillaries. Histomorphologically, two further typical findings occur in the second phase of the disease: – Tissue eosinophilia. In the interstitial tissue of various organs, focal accumulations of eosinophilic granulocytes are found. As a result of the decay of these cells, an inflammatory reaction may be reinforced: the consequence of this is that other blood or inflammatory cells (neutrophilic granulocytes, lymphocytes, plasma cells, histiocytes) are found in the infiltrate. Occasionally, a granulomatous reaction dominates the morphological picture. A typical feature of the change in the intestine ("eosinophilic enteritis") is tissue eosinophilia (cardinal findings of CSS). – Central blood eosinophilia. This finding is only rarely considered in histopathological routine histology. This is blood eosinophilia, which can be detected in the capillaries of organs and therefore represents a precursor stage of tissue eosinophilia. Tissue eosinophilia and central blood eosinophilia are of diagnostic relevance, as they are very common in Churg-Strauss syndrome and are not suppressed by the long-term treatment of bronchial asthma. In some organs (e.g. in the urinary bladder), chronic infections are very common and may mask tissue eosinophilia. The central blood eosinophilia is still identifiable in these cases and allows a reliable diagnosis to be made. 1 Nasal cavities and paranasal sinuses During an active phase of the disease, a serous or seromucous inflammation is the predominant feature. Granulomas are rare. The mucous membrane shows a proliferation of the goblet cells. The stroma displays oedematous loosening and is infiltrated with eosinophilic granulocytes. Typical of the allergic genesis is the band-shaped, homogeneous, eosin-red thickening of the basal membrane of the mucosa. After a protracted course of the disease, polyps develop, which largely change the position of the lumen of the nasal cavity. These changes (which are often combined in the literature as ENT findings) occur as the earliest signs of CSS. The findings already occur in the first phase of the disease (prodromal phase). Furthermore, they are an early sign of relapse in the remission phase. 2 Pulmonary changes Changes in the lungs are typical of CSS, although they differ in the second and third stage of the disease. They are accompanied by the typical histomorphological changes of bronchial asthma. In the second stage the eosinophilic cell infiltration of lung parenchyma and pulmonary alveoli are the predominant features. This finding corresponds radiologically to Löffler's syndrome. In the thoracic image one sees a discreet, diffuse cloudiness. Bronchioalveolar lavage shows a strong increase (up to 65%) in the eosinophilic granulocytes. Vasculitis can be detected in the third stage. The formation of foci occurs, which can be identified particularly impressively by unenhanced computed tomography. These may be infarcts or confluent granulomas. The latter consist of circumscribed collections of various inflammatory cells (neutrophilic granulocytes, lymphocytes, plasma cells, epithelioid cells), as well as central necroses31, 65. Eosinophilic granulocytes can also be part of an inflammatory (Crohn's disease) or neoplastic disease (Hodgkin's lymphoma) – combined with other cells (lymphocytes, plasma cells, macrophages, epithelioid cells and giant cells). In most cases these are only isolated eos. ■ Allergic vasculitis 3 Intestinal changes Histologically, diffuse infiltration of the intestinal wall with eosinophilic granulocytes is seen. Granulomas, such as those found in Crohn's disease, are absent. This morphological finding is the correlate to the cardinal symptom of CSS: treatment-resistant diarrhoea47, 63. The detection of allergic vasculitis in CSS occurs only in the third stage and forms part of the spectrum disorder of allergic microangiopathies (including Wegener's granulomatosis and polyarteritis nodosa). The changes occur in the small blood vessels (especially the venules). Accordingly, all organs can be affected. 4 Skin changes As with any allergic genesis, various changes occur in the skin. Typical of CSS is the detection of small red spots which are rich in blood on the cut surface. Histologically this is not – as described in the literature – palpable punctate haemorrhaging, but circumscribed sub-epidermal capillary proliferations. Eosinophilic granulocytes are absent or found to be very sparse. Furthermore, other cutaneous findings occur which indicate an allergic genesis, but which occur not only in CSS: granulomas, vascular changes of the type found in leucocytoclastic vasculitis, small itchy skin infiltrates, urticaria-type changes etc 46. The histopathological picture shows a transmural inflammatory infiltration with eosinophilic granulocytes, as well as isolated epithelioid cells, multinucleated giant cells and neutrophilic granulocytes. Fibrin exudates or fibrinoid wall necroses – as in polyarteritis nodosa – do not belong to the typical CSS changes. The inflammatory infiltrate spreads to the lumen and the immediately adjacent interstitial tissue. As a result of the relocation of the vessel lumen, organ necroses occur which can subsequently coalesce and centrally liquefy37, 60, 61. 5 Churg-Strauss-Syndrome present. Impressive black-and-white images can be found in the original work by Churg and Strauss. 5 Changes in the nervous system Peripheral nerves display mildly inflamed infiltration in the semi-thin section, as well as signs of demyelination. These changes represent the morphological correlate to clinical mono- or polyneuropathy. In 60% of cases, inflammation of the vasa nervorum is detected. In the third stage of the disease, inflammatory changes occur in the small blood vessels (angiitis) of the central nervous system, which are associated with relocation of the lumen. Minor infarcts occur as a consequence42, 54, 55. Clinical presentation and course Various organs display changes that indicate an allergic genesis. These range from tissue eosinophilia to allergic vasculitis. Furthermore, changes occur which are organospecific, for example in the skin and nervous system. 1. Disease stage (prodromal phase) During this stage, the CSS is masked by the long-term therapy of bronchial asthma with corticosteroids. It therefore remains clinically unrecognised. The onset and duration are usually unknown. The cardinal symptoms which are characteristic of the second stage of the disease are absent. In most cases there is only serous inflammation of the mucosa of the nasal cavities and paranasal sinuses ("wet nose"). 6 Heart changes In the third stage of the disease, the following cardiac changes occur: – coronaritis with the described histomorphological picture of allergic vasculitis. The changes can lead to the formation of a coronary aneurysm20. 45. – inflammatory infiltration of the myocardium. In the early phase there are large amounts of eosinophilic granulocytes in the interstitial tissue. Interstitial fibrosis occurs at a later stage30.48,62 The changes to the heart can be very pronounced and lead directly to death. 2. Disease stage (eosinophilic cell phase) During this phase, patients with bronchial asthma display the typical findings (cardinal symptoms) which indicate CSS. As an expression of an immunological disease, eosinophilic cell infiltrates dominate the morphological picture. While tissue eosinophilia is very characteristic, blood eosinophilia – as the consequence of the long-term therapy of the bronchial asthma with corticosteroids – may be absent. The tissue eosinophilia remains unaffected by the generally low-dose cortisone therapy. The duration of this stage of the disease may be years or even decades. Tissue eosinophilia can occur in virtually every organ during this phase; however, some are affected more than others and induce the classical cardinal symptoms of CSS 43. 7 Urinary system The kidneys are only rarely affected. They occur in 47% of patients with ANCA-positive CSS. Morphologically, this is progressive intracapillary glomerulonephritis (ANCAassociated glomerulonephritis). Antibodies are present which are directed against neutrophilic granulocytes. Furthermore, pANCA (against myeloperoxidase) occur, which can be depicted in the immunofluorescence. The kidney changes may be associated with pulmonary haemorrhaging (Goodpasture's syndrome). ■ Pulmonary findings. The involvement of the lungs is one of the most common findings of CSS. Initially this is usually a volatile infiltrate of the lungs during the second stage of the disease which is detected with imaging techniques. It is often referred to by the term Löffler infiltrate (ICD-10 J82). Histologically, eosinophilic cell infiltration of the interstitial lung tissue is present. In the x-ray or noncontrasted computed tomography, a rapidly changing image with diffuse clouding is seen 5, 9, 69. One little-known aspect is that the urinary bladder can also be affected in the form of irritable bladder. The typical changes (pronounced focal infiltration of eosinophilic granulocytes) occur predominantly in the tunica muscularis propria. This section of the urinary bladder wall is, however, only rarely biopsied. In the mucous membrane the eosinophilic granulocytes are mostly masked by the presence of chronic, non-specific inflammation with lymphocytes and plasma cells. In these cases, the detection of central eosinophilia is diagnostically relevant. ■ Intestinal findings. Focal eosinophilic cell infiltrates are found in the various wall layers of the small and large intestine. A granulomatous structure is rare ("atypical Crohn's disease"). Among the clinical findings, chronic refractory diarrhoea predominates. This results in severe impairment of the quality of life 47. 8 Further organ changes In various organs, eosinophilic cell infiltrates and symptoms of vasculitis can occur. It is not well known that the teeth can also be affected. In these cases there is an increased susceptibility to caries, as well as radiographically detectable homogenisation of the dentin layer. Severe toothache and tooth loss can be the consequence. In addition to the histomorphological changes of allergic vasculitis, vessel-independent granulomas with necroses can also be ■ Nervous system. The peripheral nervous system is particularly affected in the form of symmetrical polyneuropathy (mononeuritis is less common). In most cases the nerve changes manifest in the lower extremities. Patients complain of numbness which is initially plantar and propagates in the direction of the knees. Shooting pains are less com- 6 Disease Stage mon. In addition, these findings may occur in the fingertips and oral cavity. are also found in other systemic diseases and are especially typical of Wegener's granulomatosis in an advanced stage of the disease. The clinical findings include a severe chronic cough with small quantities of mucoid sputum31, 34, 64. A further clinical manifestation (which is rarely assigned to CSS, however) is muscle cramps. These are often confused with the classic nocturnal leg cramps, but display certain peculiarities. They occur not only at night and are not restricted to the calf region. As a rule, the cramps are triggered by strains on the muscles. It is also very characteristic that they are not affected by the administration of magnesium. Very typical are the cramps of the thumb muscles, which are associated with characteristic contraction ("obstetrician's hand") – as in hypocalcaemia tetany. Other locations, such as cramps of the abdominal wall muscles, are not unusual. ■ Central nervous system. Each CNS region can be affected by vasculitis. Accordingly, the clinical findings are varied and uncharacteristic3, 7. ■ Cardiac changes. During this phase of the disease, two particularly typical changes are found in the heart: coronaritis and interstitial myocarditis. As a sign of heart muscle disease that has existed for some time, interstitial fibrosis with heart failure is a clinical correlate. Due to the relocation of the lumen of the coronary arteries caused by inflammation, it is possible that a myocardial infarction may occur. Evidence of cardiac involvement should be seen as an unfavourable prognostic sign which – especially in the case of insufficient therapy – results in death after a relatively short period of just a few months16, 23, 24, 29, 30, 48. ■ Skin changes. These also belong to the classic cardinal symptoms in the second stage of the disease. In addition to a wide range of uncharacteristic skin efflorescences (e.g. urticaria-like images), typical findings occur, although these usually remain pathogenetically undetected. Relatively sharply demarcated reddish changes occur, which are approximately 2 cm in size and are found mainly on the extremities. Histologically, these are not – as often described in the literature – haemorrhages, but subepidermal capillary proliferations. The spots remain unchanged over a prolonged period or become slightly brighter or take on a brownish-red colour8, 47, 65. ■ Kidney changes. Changes to this organ only occur in ANCA-positive CSS patients. This is glomerulonephritis. All age groups can be affected, usually the fifth decade of life. The renal changes are usually considered to be clinically mild: slight haematuria and albuminaemia are common. A percutaneous renal biopsy shows focal-segmental or diffuse, necrotising glomerulonephritis. In the interstitial tissue an oedema is found with cellular infiltration. These are – in addition to isolated lymphocytes, neutrophilic granulocytes and plasma cells – eosinophilic granulocytes. Tubule changes are minor and not specific36. ■ Changes to the urinary tract. Glomerulonephritis is known, although it occurs only in pANCA-positive patients. One aspect which is not described is irritable bladder caused by Churg-Strauss syndrome (overactive urinary bladder/OAB syndrome: urge incontinence, frequent micturition [pollakisuria]). This is characterised by a strong urge to urinate which cannot be treated with the usual methods (parasympatholytics [darifenacin], Botox, Gepan). ■ Rarer organ findings often remain unconsidered in the relevant literature. Indications are usually only found among the details of the patients in the self-help groups. To quote just a few examples: 3. Disease stage (vasculitic phase) Only in this phase do the classic changes to the small blood vessels (usually venules) occur in the form of vasculopathy. Each organ can be affected, although the vascular changes are found particularly frequently in the lungs, central nervous system and heart. The disease leads to death after a few years if the therapy is insufficient or no therapy is carried out. Lethal causes are changes to the heart (coronaritis, myocarditis) or necroses in the central nervous system 43. ■ Urinary system. The rare urological and nephrological findings include an irritable bladder. An infected urinary bladder leads to pronounced urgency with very frequent micturition. These findings cannot be treated by the usual therapeutic measures (Emselex, Gepan, Botox) and lead to a significant impairment of the patient's quality of life 69. ■ Dental changes. Increased susceptibility to caries and pulp necroses may result in severe toothache. Radiographically, homogenisation of the dentin layer is observed 69. ■ Ocular changes. All parts of the eyes – albeit very rarely – can be affected. There are descriptions of occlusion of the retinal artery and an orbital pseudotumour 1. ■ Pulmonary changes. In the third stage of the disease, the clinical and computed tomography detection of pulmonary infiltrates predominates. Opacities – some of which are isolated, others of which are confluent – with central necroses develop. These are the consequence of vasculitides with peripheral circulatory disorders (infarcts). Laboratory findings. These include haematological and immunoserological investigations, as well as the detection of general inflammation parameters (erythrocyte sedimentation rate and C-reactive protein are increased). Haematological analyses show mild anaemia and leucocytosis. The number of eosinophilic granulocytes is often greatly increased (1,500 to 29,000 eosinophilic If kidney changes occur at the same time, one speaks of pulmorenal syndrome. Goodpasture's syndrome also belongs to this spectrum disorder. Pulmonary vasculitides 7 Churg-Strauss-Syndrome granulocytes/µl). Among the immunoserological findings, the detection of neutrophilic antibodies (pANCA) is of particular relevance. These represent a sub-classification criterion of the vasculitides (ANCA-asociated vasculitis), but are only detectable in 40% of CSS cases 34, 20, 49, 56. (morphological correlate of diarrhoea). In the case of polyneuropathy, the examination of nerves (peroneal nerve) shows an inflammatory infiltration of the vasa nervorum, as well as demyelination and axonal degeneration. Other typical features are the skin changes (subepidermal proliferated capillaries) 37, 42, 61, 63. Of diagnostic relevance is the determination of the ribonuclease eosinophilic cationic protein (ECP), which is released as the result of the degranulation of the disintegrating eosinophilic granulocytes. Further findings. In the second and third stages of the disease, findings may be present which are not CSS-specific: fatigue, general weakness, tiredness, sub-febrile temperatures, muscle pain (myalgia), joint pain (arthralgia) and others 36. A further granular product of the eosinophilic granulocytes is glycosilated eosinophilic protein x (EPX). This indicates the degree of activation and degranulation of eosinophilic granulocytes in the gastrointestinal tract. The determination is carried out on a stool sample. Values above 15 µg/l are considered to be pathological. EPX is cytotoxic and results in local necroses and inflammation. The most important clinical indication of the determination is the classification of food allergies and intolerances. Diagnosis – Differential Diagnosis The diagnosis is based on the detection of the cardinal symptoms of Churg-Strauss syndrome, which are determined in a patient with a long history of bronchial asthma in his or her anamnesis. In this process, clinical (cardinal symptoms), laboratory-chemical (haematological analyses, ANCA determination), imaging (non-contrasted computed tomography of the lungs) and histopathological methods (evidence of tissue eosinophilia and vasculitis) should be evaluated by an investigator. It is important to note that the findings in the case of ANCA-positive and ANCA-negative patients can be different. Imaging techniques. For the detection of pulmonary changes, the use of non-contrasted computed tomography is the analytical method of choice. It is able to detect pulmonary changes in the second stage of the disease (diffuse eosinophilic cell infiltration) and in the third stage of the disease (vasculitis with the formation of foci) 5, 9. In the differential diagnosis, the cardinal findings of the CSS should be considered in particular: 1. Eosinophilia (blood and tissue eosinophilia). Blood eosinophilia is typical of allergic diseases, parasitic diseases (ascariasis, ancylostomiasis) and – in rare cases – neoplastic disorders (eosinophilic leukaemia). Histopathological examination. With this method, the two main findings of CSS are determined: tissue eosinophilia and vasculitis. Through the fine-tissue examination of an intestinal biopsy it is possible to detect a diffuse infiltration of the intestinal wall with eosinophilic granulocytes Clinical Findings ANCA-positive Airways Sinusitis 75.0% Rhinitis 46.9% Nasal polyposis 34.4% Bronchial asthma >90.0% Pulmonary infiltrates, nodes 65.5% Pulmonary haemorrhaging 25.0% Cardiovascular Peri- and myocarditis 3.1% Cardiomyopathy 0.0% Vaskulitis 56.3% Peripheral nervous system Mono/polyneuritis 34.4% Central nervous system Foci 15.6% Gastrointestinal tract Diarrhoea, tissue eosinophilia 21.9% Skin Efflorescences 56.3% Blood eosinophilia 96.9% Tissue eosinophilia (general) 87.5% Kidney (glomerulonephritis) 47.0% ANCA-negative 80.0% 51.7% 53.3% >93.0% 70.0% 8.3% 21.7% 13.3% 80.0% 30.0% 11.7% 30.0% 53.3% 93.3% 88.3% 0% 8 Table: 1. Clinical findings in Churg-Strauss syndrome depending on ANCA. Modified 52 Diffrential Diagnosis – Prognosis – Therapy – Clonal eosinophilia: acute leukaemia, myeloproliferative syndromes as classic MPD (polycythaemia) or atypical MPD (eosinophilic cell leukaemia), mastocytosis, chronic myelomonocytic leukaemia) should be discussed. 1.1 Loeffler's syndrome (ICD-10: I42.3). This is a diffuse eosinophilic cell reaction of the lungs. It occurs in the interstitial tissue and in the alveolar lumens. The x-ray image shows slight diffuse opacification. This change was initially described as a consequence of a pulmonary passage of parasitic larvae (Ascaris lumbricoides, Ankylostoma duodenale). Today, Loeffler's syndrome is interpreted as being a local immunological reaction and is attributed to several causes. 1.2 Hypereosinophilic syndrome (HES). This clinical picture displays a certain degree of similarity with CSS in clinical and morphological terms, but can nevertheless be distinguished from CSS. Clinically, the patient has no history of asthma. Histopathologically, tissue eosinophilia is present without vasculitis. The nasal cavities, lungs and intestine are particularly affected. Other organ locations are only rarely diagnosed due to the difficulty of obtaining biopsy material. Here, mention should be made of the cardiac changes in particular. The bone marrow displays a distinct increase in the cells of the eosinophilic series. The diagnosis of HES is made taking into account the findings listed by Chusid et al 12: – eosinophilia with more than 1,500 cells/µl that lasts longer than 6 months – fleeting pulmonary infiltrates – changes in the intestinal tract – cardiac changes – polyneuropathy – there are no parasitic diseases or allergy. The differential diagnostic delineation between HES and CSS can be difficult. It is important to remember that bronchial asthma does not necessarily accompany HES. A further difference is the frequency of PNS damage (polyneuropathy) of the skin and kidneys. Confirmed vasculopathy excludes the diagnosis of HES 58, 70. Course. Approximately 4 to 5 months after appropriate therapy, remission occurs. During the subsequent course, however, there may be relapses, albeit much less often than in CSS. 1.3 Tissue eosinophilia. This is responsible for further cardinal symptoms: – Diarrhoea with eosinophilic cell infiltration of the intestinal walls. A distinction is to be made between various infectious forms of diarrhoea, as well as ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. – Pulmonary findings: in these cases, various chronic lung diseases (e.g. chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) must be considered. – Polyneuropathy: consideration should be given to various neurological and metabolic diseases (diabetes). – The skin changes in CSS should be distinguished from one another in terms of their primary and secondary efflorescences. The expected incidence is approximately 10 cases/1 million inhabitants/year. The male sex is affected nine times more often than the female. The age fluctuates between 20 and 50. From the formal pathogenetic aspect, the increased production of eosinophils by interleukin 5 and a prolonged survival time of these cells is debated. In the early phase, the clinical picture is uncharacteristic (fatigue, cough, fever, myalgia and skin exanthemas). During the subsequent course, more or fewer characteristic signs of organ damage in the lungs (eosinophilic cell alveolitis), intestine (diarrhoea with local tissue eosinophilia) and polyneuropathies as a consequence of the release of the eosinophil-derived neurotoxins occur. Skin changes also occur. In the case of cardiac involvement, parietal thromboses (cause of thromboembolic scattering, which is the most common cause of death) may form. Other cardiac complications are interstitial myocardial infiltrates, which can result in restrictive cardiomyopathy 34. 1.4 Vasculitis. The differential diagnosis should exclude other vasculitides of the medium-sized and small vessels10, 66: ▪ Polyarteritis nodosa 10,40 – ANCA-negative vasculitis – Incidence 7 to 18 cases/million inhabitants/year. Men affected three times more often. – Fibrinoid necrosis of medium-sized and small arteries. Arterioles, capillaries and venules are not affected. – Focal (segmental) involvement of the arterial wall (nodous), which at this point occupies the entire arterial wall (panarteritis). – Multiorgan involvement (rheumatoid arthritis), in particular the kidneys, skin, liver, gastrointestinal tract and other organs. – The clinical symptoms depend on the organ affected. During the course of the disease, further findings and clinical pictures can occur, for example sinusitis, rhinitis, bronchial asthma, myalgias, arthralgias and various forms of allergies. HES is an exclusion diagnosis: – Conditions to be excluded are secondary eosinophilia in parasitic infections or allergies. CSS, polyarteritis nodosa, aspergillosis, dermatitis herpetiformis should also be considered in the differential diagnosis. ▪ Microscopic form of polyarteritis nodosa – Necrotising inflammation of the small blood vessels (arterioles, capillaries and venules). No granulomatous reaction. – pANCA-positive vasculitis – Predominant involvement of the kidneys (glomerulonephritis) and lungs. 9 Grundlagen der klinischen Medizin The daily cortisone dose can be reduced by concomitant immunosuppressive therapy. The minimum dosage for azathioprine is 2 mg/kg/day; this is approximately 150 mg/day. A remission is often achieved with a daily dose of 100 mg/day. If the classical forms of treatment are not sufficiently effective or tolerated, interferon therapy is suggested. ▪ Wegener's granulomatosis 6, 61, 62 – Incidence 9 cases/million inhabitants/year – cANCA-asociated vasculitis (up to 90% positive) – Predominant involvement of the upper respiratory tract (granulomatous rhinitis/sinusitis) and kidneys (glomerulonephritis). Also involvement of the lungs in the advanced stage of the disease. The typical complications of chemotherapy include changes to the blood count (leukopenia, agranulocytosis, thrombocytopenia). If chemotherapy is administered over a period of 6 years, the risk of lymphoma is increased. Long-term treatment with cyclophosphamide can lead to the development of urinary bladder cancer. Prognosis The prognosis of CSS depends on early appropriate therapy (corticosteroids, immunosuppressants) 21, 23. The prognosis is described as good if the CSS is diagnosed in the first and second stage of the disease and is adequately treated. In the third stage of the disease, more aggressive treatment has to be initiated: a higher dosage of the immunosuppressive therapy. In this way it is possible to achieve permanent remission at this stage of the disease as well. CSS progression during the course of the therapy Appropriate and effective treatment should – particularly in the second stage of the disease – result in remission. However, in most cases this does not mean that the typical CSS findings can no longer be detected. – Neurological findings. Symmetrical polyneuritis, which is a typical symptom of CSS, represents irreversible damage to the peripheral nervous system (numbness in the plantar region and the fingertips). However, during treatment the changes to the nerves do not continue to spread. – Intestinal findings. There is partial regression of the severe cases of diarrhoea. Defecation is usually reduced to 3 stools/day. The stool is mostly mushy and is accompanied by a slight urge to defecate. – Skin findings. The skin efflorescences that occur do not disappear even after several years: they only fade and take on a slightly brownish colour. No new efflorescences occur during therapy. – Pulmonary findings. Extensive pulmonary infiltrates regress after appropriate therapy. Often a slight cough with mucoid sputum remains. With the Five-Factor Score, 5 prognostically unfavourable findings are listed: – Serum creatinine above 140 µg/L – Proteinuria of more than 1 g/day – Cardiomyopathy – Gastrointestinal involvement – CNS involvement. Further studies have shown that the age of the patient (over 65) is also a prognostically unfavourable finding. On the other hand, the so-called ENT findings (sinusitis, rhinitis) are considered to be prognostically favourable. Therapy There are several proposals for the treatment of ChurgStrauss syndrome. The selection depends on the stage of the disease, the severity of the disease and the organ concerned. The medications of first choice include corticosteroids. The treatment is usually carried out as part of the long-term therapy of bronchial asthma. However, in many cases it is too low for the treatment of the CSS. In the case of significant organ damage (lungs, intestines), a daily dose of 20 mg of prednisolone/day and up brings about remission. Initial treatment can also be initiated with corticosteroid pulse therapy: on 3 consecutive days an intravenous dose of 1 g of prednisone is administered 14, 15, 17, 19, 38, 39. Comments on the literature references to ChurgStrauss syndrome referred to in the introduction 1. The designation "eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis" refers only to the third stage of the disease. 2. During the first two stages of the disease, Churg-Strauss syndrome is not vasculopathy/vasculitis, but an immunologically induced autoimmune disease. The vasculopathy occurs only in the third stage of the disease. If this finding is absent, then only stage 2 of the disease is present. Disease stages 2 and 3 differ significantly from one another in terms of their clinical picture, prognosis and therapy. In the evaluation of a CSS collective, the two stages of the disease should therefore be precisely defined. Complications of corticosteroid therapy. The most important complication of long-term corticosteroid therapy with prednisolone is atrophy of the adrenal cortex. The consequences – if hormonal substitution is not sufficient – are acute or chronic adrenal gland insufficiency (Addison's disease). The threshold dose of iatrogenic Cushing is approximately 7.5 mg of prednisolone/day. A further complication of long-term corticosteroid treatment is aseptic bone necroses, which in their most extreme form can result in necrosis of the entire femoral head. The knee and hip joints are predominantly affected. 3. CSS is only ANCA-positive in 40% of cases.. 10 Churg-Strauss-Syndrome 4. It is very likely that CSS is not such a rare disease (in the literature, 2 to 3 cases/million inhabitants/year are stated). These values probably apply to the third stage of the disease, but not to its second stage. If the frequency of the bronchial asthma which is always associated with it is taken into account, it can be assumed that CSS occurs significantly more often in the second stage of the disease. Conclusions The disease designation eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (EGPA) proposed by the Chapel Hill Consensus Conference for the nomenclature of vasculitides (2013) only applies to a small proportion of CSS patients! Only the designation Churg-Strauss syndrome covers all of the clinical manifestations (stages of the disease). 5. CSS is not primarily diagnosed histopathologically. Only in the third stage of the disease is the detection of vasculopathy/vasculitis diagnostically conclusive. In the second stage of the disease, bronchial asthma, cardinal symptoms and a test therapy form the basis of the diagnosis. CSS should be classified as immunopathy and only designated as vasculitis in the third stage of the disease. In every patient with chronic bronchial asthma, a search should be undertaken for the cardinal symptoms of ChurgStrauss syndrome: diarrhoea, eosinophilia, pulmonary changes in the computed tomography, characteristic skin efflorescences and mononeuritis/polyneuropathy. 6. Peripheral blood eosinophilia is not an obligatory finding in CSS. The long-term therapy of bronchial asthma with cortisone can suppress the blood eosinophilia: the Eos values are then normal or even low. Important: all of the findings of the various medical disciplines should be collated by one examiner. 7. The typical skin changes are not palpable skin haemorrhages, but corial capillary proliferation. In a statistical evaluation of CSS, the stage of the disease and the ANCA findings should always be stated. The diagnosis of Churg-Strauss syndrome and its appropriate treatment during the second stage of the disease can greatly improve the quality of life, whereas in the third stage of the disease it can save the life of the patient! 11 Churg-Strauss-Syndrome Classification of the vasculitides 32, 66 1 Vasculitis of the large vessels (LVV) 1.1 Takayasu's arteritis (TAK) 1.2 Giant cell arteritis (GCA) 1.3 Aortitis 1.4 Endangiitis obliterans (thromboangiitis obliterans) 2 Vasculitis of the medium-sized vessels (MVV) 2.1 Polyarteritis nodosa (PAN) 2.2 Cutaneous polyarteritis 2.2 Kawasaki disease (KD) 3 Vasculitis of the small vessels (SVV) ANCA-asociated vasculitis (AAV) 3.1 Microscopic polyangiitis (MPA) 3.2 Wegener's granulomatosis (GPA: granulomatosis with polyangiitis) 3.3 Churg-Strauss syndrome (EGP: eosinophilic cell granulomatosis with polyangiitis) Immune complex small-vessel vasculitis 3.4 Goodpasture's syndrome (anti-GBR: anti-basal glomerular disease) 3.5 Cryoglobulinaemic vasculitis (CV) 3.6 Henoch-Schönlein vasculitis (IGAV: IgA vasculitis) in children and adults 3.7 Hypocomplementaemic urticaria vasculitis (HUV) 3.8 Erythema elevatum et diutinum 3.9 Granuloma faciale 3.10 Lupus erythematosus vasculitis 3.11 Rheumatoid vasculitis 3.12 Sjögren's Syndrome vasculitis 4 Variable vessel vasculitis (VVV) (This affects small and medium-sized vessels) 4.1 Behçet's disease (BV) 4.2 Cogan's syndrome (CS) 4.3 Nodular vasculitis (erythema induratum Bazin) 4.4 Erythema nodosum leprosum 5 Single-organ vasculitis (SOV) 5.1 Cutaneous leucocytoclastic vasculitis 5.2 Cutaneous arteritis 5.3 Primary vasculitis of the CNS 5.4 Isolated aortitis 6 Vasculitis associated with systemic diseases (collagenosis) 6.1 Secondary acral vasculitis in systemic lupus erythematosus 6.2 Vasculitis in rheumatoid arthritis 6.3 Sarcoid vasculitis 7 Secondary vasculitis with a (probably) confirmed aetiology 7.1 Hepatitis C infections 7.2 Hepatitis B infections 7.3 Syphilis (Mesaortitis luica) 7.4 Other infections that predominantly involve the vessels (mycosis) 7.5 Drug-associated immune complex vasculitis 7.6 Drug-associated ANCA vasculitis 7.7 Prescription drug-induced vasculitis 7.8 Vasculitis in malignant tumours (paraneoplastic vasculitis) 7.9 Vasculitis in the rejection of transplanted organs 12 Appendix 8 8.1 8.2 9 9.1 9.2 9.3 10 Capillaritis Capillaritis in small vessel vasculitis Isolated capillaritis (e.g. in glomerulonephritis, septicopyaemia) Phlebitis Primary and secondary phlebitis Phlebitis in small vessel vasculitis Special forms (e.g. organ-related phlebitis) Lymphangiitis (in infectious diseases) 13 Atlas of Churg-Strauss-Syndrome Atlas of Churg-Strauss-Syndrome capillary small arteries venules large and mediumsized arteries veins cutaneous leucocytoclastic angiitis Henoch-Schönlein syndrome cryoglobulinaemic angiitis microscopic polyangiitis giant cell arteritis Takayasu's disease Wegener's granulomatosis – Churg-Strauss syndrome Polyarteritis nodosa Kawasaki disease Fig. 1. Vasculitis diseases depending on the size of the vessel affected. Modified according to 32. Fig. 2: Example of tissue eosinophilia. Between the smooth muscle fibres of tunica muscularis propria of the large intestine there are dense accumulations of eosinophilic granulocytes. These cells are easy to identify in the HE stain. The cytoplasm includes coarse orange-red granules. A typical feature is also the nucleus, which consists of two segments connected by a soft bridge. 14 Atlas of Churg-Strauss-Syndrome Fig. 3 and 4. Vasculitis. The images show a diffuse inflammatory infiltration of all layers of the vessel wall.The inflammation is also spreading to the surrounding tissue. The lumen is displaced due to the exudate. A typical feature of Churg-Strauss vasculitis is the detection of numerous eosinophilic granulocytes in the inflammatory infiltrate. HE-stain 15 Churg-Strauss-Syndrome Fig. 5. Churg-Strauss syndrome in the lungs. Small pulmonary vessels show a dense inflammatory infiltration of all layers of the wall with displacement of the lumen. The arrow indicates an accumulation of eosinophilic granulocytes in the surroundings of the vessel. The change is typical of the third stage of the disease. HE-stain Fig. 6. Churg-Strauss syndrome in the lungs. In the Elastica van Gieson stain the original structure of the pulmonary vein is still clearly visible. The lumen is displaced. All layers of the vascular wall display inflammatory infiltrations. The Tunica adventitia is affected. 16 Atlas of Churg-Strauss-Syndrome Fig. 7. Churg-Strauss syndrome in the lungs. The lumen of the vein is displaced by a large cell granulomatous infiltrate. The arrow shows remnants of the Tunica elastica interna. Elastica van Gieson stain Fig. 8. Churg-Strauss syndrome in the small intestine. The micro-villi show – in addition to lymphocytes and plasma cells – small focal infiltrates of eosinophilic granulocytes. These can be selectively detected in the Giemsa stain by their eosin-red granules in the cytoplasm. 17 Churg-Strauss-Syndrome a b Fig. 9a-c. Churg-Strauss syndrome in the intestinal wall. a: In the muscular wall of the small intestine (terminal ileum) there are eosinophilic granulocytes, lymphocytes and plasma cells. b: at a higher magnification, the eosinophilic granulocytes are particularly easy to identify. c: eosinophilic granulocytes can also be selectively detected in the Goldner stain. Here the cellular infiltration is located in the area of the tunica adventitia. c 18 Atlas of Churg-Strauss-Syndrome b a d Fig. 10a-d. Skin efflorescences in Churg-Strauss syndrome. Figures a and b show the typical efflorescences of ChurgStrauss syndrome. These mainly occur on the extremities. In the early stage they are red in colour, but turn brown after months and years. In the biopsy the cut surface c 19 Churg-Strauss-Syndrome Fig. 11 Cardiac changes in Churg-Strauss syndrome. These mainly occur during the third stage of the disease. Initially, an inflammatory infiltration with eosinophilic granulocytes is seen. This is located in the interstitial tissue of the myocardium. During the subsequent course of the disease, myocardiocytes are destroyed (vacuolisation of the cytoplasm) and replaced by fibrosis. HE stain of an endomyocardial biopsy. Fig. 12. Urinary bladder changes in Churg-Strauss syndrome (irritable bladder). In the biopsy of the urinary bladder mucosa, a dense inflammatory infiltrate of round cells with scattered, interspersed eosinophilic granulocytes is found. These are mostly masked by the non-specific inflammatory infiltrate, so that they are often overlooked. HE-stain 20 Atlas of Churg-Strauss-Syndrome Fig. 13. Urinary bladder changes in Churg-Strauss syndrome. A typical feature is the detection of central blood eosinophilia in the affected organ. In the lumen of the capillaries, increased numbers of eosinophilic granulocytes are found (see arrow). This local blood eosinophilia does not correlate with the number of eosinophilic granulocytes in the peripheral blood. HE-stain Abb. 14. Harnblasenveränderungen beim Churg-StraussSyndrom. Diagnostisch relevant ist dagegen der Nachweis von herdförmigen Ansammlungen von eosinophilen Granulozyten zwischen den Muskelfasern der Tunica muscularis propria. Oft sieht man sie in der unmittelbaren Nachbarschaft von Gefäßen. Diese für ein Churg-Strauss-Syndrom typische feingewebliche Veränderung lässt sich nur nachweisen, wenn die Biopsie auch die tiefer gelegene Wand aus glatten Muskelfasern erfasst (hier ein OP-Präparat). HE-Fbg. 21 Churg-Strauss-Syndrome Fig. 15. Pulmonary changes in Churg-Strauss syndrome. In the second stage of the disease the lungs display a fleeting diffuse infiltrate in the radiograph. No foci are detected. The radiographic findings correspond to Loeffler's syndrome. 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