NEWYORK-PRESBYTERIAN HOSPITAL ABBREVIATION LIST Revised: November 1999 INTRODUCTION The following is the revised Hospital Abbreviation List approved by the Executive Health Information Management Committee in November 1999. This revision is based on input from Joint Forms Sub-committee Members, various Hospital Departments, and practitioners reflecting standard nomenclature and practice at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital. An abbreviation (or symbol) may be used in the medical record only if on the approved Abbreviation List, or on a legend containing the abbreviation on the form intended for use. All forms used in the medical record must be approved by the Joint Forms Subcommittee. The Abbreviation List contains three sections for cross referencing: (1) Alphabetic Sorting by Definition; (2) Alphabetic Sorting by Abbreviation; (3) Computer System Abbreviations. The Abbreviation List may also be referenced through the NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital internet at Questions pertaining to the use of abbreviations (or symbols) in the medical record should be directed to the Secretary of the Joint Forms Subcommittee. ABBREVIATIONS BY NAME Abbreviation = # (AO) - HRR (AO)-HRR plates (neodymium) YAG / < > ? ? 1/2 1o Pos Definition Equals Number Hardy-Rand-Rittler plates (American Optical) (American Optical) Hardy-Rand-Rittler plates (neodymium) Yttrium-Alluminum-Garnet Per Less than Greater than Increasing; upgoing Decreasing; downgoing One-half Primary position 1x1 5xd 6xd a A A pulse A/B gap A/G ratio A/P AA aa AAA AAL AAO AB Ab abb abd ABG ABK ABLB abx AC ac AC/A One-to-one Five times daily Six times daily Ante, before Asian Apical pulse Air/borne gap Albumin-globulin (ratio) Assessment & Plan Alcoholics Annonymous Of each Abdominal aortic aneurysm Anterior axillary line Awate, alert & oriented Abortion Antibody Abduction Abdomen Arterial blood gas Aphakic bullous keratopathy Alternate binaural loudness balance test Antibiotics Anterior chamber Before meals Accommodative convergence to accommodation (ratio) ACD ACDTP ACG acid phos ACTH AD AD ad lib ADA add Antigon contraceptive device Adult continuing day treatment program Angle closure glaucoma Acid phosphatase Adrenocorticotrophic hormone Ear - right Right ear As desired American Diaabetes Association Adduction Page 2 of 56 ABBREVIATIONS BY NAME ADH Adj IBW ADL ADM, Adm ADP AEB AF AFB Afeb AFL Ag AGN AHG or Factor VIII AI AIDS AION AJ AKA aka AL alb ALC alk alk phos ALS ALT AMA AMI AML AMP(P)PE Antidiuretic hormone Adjusted ideal body weight Activities of daily living Admission Alcohol disorders program As evidenced by Atrial fibrillation Acid fast bacilli Afebrile Atrial flutter Antigen Acute glomerulonephritis Antihemophilic globulin Aortic insufficiency Acquired immune deficiency syndrome Anterior ischemic optic neuropathy Ankle jerk Above knee amputation Also known as Axial length Albumin Alternate level of care Alkaline Alkaline phosphatase Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Argon laser trabeculostoplasty Against medical advice Acute myocardial infarction Acute myelocytic leukemia Acute multifocal placoid (posterior) pigment epitheliopathy amt ANA ANC ant AODM AOM AP APC APD Approx or appt APPY ARC ARC ARDS ARF ARM ARMD AROM Amount Antinuclear antibody Absolute neutrophil count Anterior Adult onset diabetes mellitus Acute otitis media Anteroposterior Atrial/auricular premature contraction Afferent pupillary defect Approximate, approximately Appointment Appendectomy AIDS related complex Anomalous retinal correspondence Acute respiratory distress syndrome Acute renal failure Artificial rupture of membranes Age-related macular degeneration Active range of motion Page 3 of 56 ABBREVIATIONS BY NAME AS AS AS ASA ASAP ASCVD ASD ASO ASO4 Aortic stenosis Ear - left Left ear Aspirin As soon as possible Arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease Atrial septal defect Antistreptolysin-O Atropine (as the sulfate) AT ATN ATR AU AU AuBMT AV AV a-v AVB AVCD avg AVR AWMI ax AXR B B B&S glands B/C B4L BAER BBS BBT BBT BC BCC BDR BE BEE BG Bi, BO, BU, BD Art therapy Acute tubular necrosis Against-the-rule (astigmatism) Both ears (bilateral-binaural) Ears - both Autologous bone marrow transplant Aortic valve Atrioventricular Arteriovenous Atrioventricular block Atrioventricular conduction defect Average Aortic valve replacement Anterior wall myocardial infarction Axillary Abdominal x-ray Bacillus Black Bartholins' & Skene's glands Bed clothes Binkhorst 4-loop (intraocular lens) Brainstem auditory evoked response Bilateral breath sounds Basal body temperature Benign breast tumor Bone conduction Basal cell carcinoma Background diabetic retinopathy Barium enema Basal energy expenditure Blood glucose Base in, base out, base up, base down (position of a prism) BIBA bid; 2xd BIH bilat bilat S&O BJ BKA bleph Brought in by ambulance Twice daily Bilateral inguinal hernia Bilateral Bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy Biceps jerk Below knee amputation Blepharoplasty Page 4 of 56 ABBREVIATIONS BY NAME BM BMI BMR BMT BOT BP BPH BR BRAO bronch BRP BRVO BS BS BS BSS BT BT shunt BTL BUN BUT Bx Bx Cx C c C spine C&DB C&F C&S c.c. c/d ratio c/o c/w C1,C2 Bowel movement Body mass index Basal metabolic rate Bone marrow transplant Base of tongue Blood pressure Benign prostatic hypertrophy Bedrest Branch retinal artery occlusion Bbronchoscopy Bathroom privileges Branch retinal vein occlusion Blood sugar bowel sounds Breath sounds Balanced salt solution baker tube Blalock-taussig shunt Bilateral tubal ligation Blood urea nitrogen Break-up time (of tear film) Biopsy Biopsy of cervix Canine tooth With Cervical spine Cough & deep breathe Cells & flare (in anterior chamber) Culture & sensitivity With correction Cup-to-disc ration Complaint of Consistent with Cyclopentolate (Cycolgyl) 1 or 2% Ca CA CABG CAD CAE CAPD Cat Cat-Trab CBB CBC CBC c diff CBD CBI CC cc C-C fistula Carcinoma Corneal abrasion Coronary artery bypass graft Coronary artery disease Complete audiological evaluation Chronic abdominal peritoneal dialysis Cataract Combined Cataract-Trabeculectomy Ciliary Body Band Complete blood count Complete blood count with differential Common bile duct Continuous bladder irrigation Clean catch Cubic centimeter Carotid (artery)-cavernous sinus fistula Page 5 of 56 ABBREVIATIONS BY NAME CC: CCU CD CDE CDH CE CF CF Cgtts CHB chemo CHF CHL CHO Chol Chr CIE CL C-L CLL cm CM CME CML CN CNS CO co COAG COM Comp Conj COPD Co-pts Cor CP cp cp CP CPAP CPC CPC CPEO CPK CPR CR CRA CRAO CRF CRT Chief complaint Cardiac Care Unit Diagonal conjugate (conjugata diagnalis) Common duct exploration Children's Day Hospital Cataract extraction Christmas factor Counts fingers Cigarettes Complete heart block Chemotherapy Congestive heart failure Conductive hearing loss Carbohydrate Cholesterol Chronic Commission International d/Eclairage Contact lens Caldwell-Luc Chronic lymphocytic leukemia Centimeter Costal margin Cystoid macular edema Chronic myelogenous leukemia Cranial nerve Central nervous system Carbon monoxide Cardiac output Chronic open angle glaucoma Chronic otitis media Complement Conjuntiva, conjunctival Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Co-patients Heart Cerebral Palsy Chest pain Clinic patient Columbia Presbyterian Center Continuous positive airway pressure Central posterior curve Chronic passive congestion Chronic progressive external ophthalmoplegia Creatinine phosphokinase Cardiopulmonary resuscitation Community resident Central retinal artery Central retinal artery occlusion Chronic renal failure Cadaveric renal transplant Page 6 of 56 ABBREVIATIONS BY NAME CRVO Cryo CS CSF CSOM CSR CT ct CT scan CT spine CTA CTP CUMC CV CVA cva CVP CWP Cx CXR d D D teeth D&C D,V&M or DVM D.I. D.T. D/C D/W D5W D5W DA dB DBW DCR DD DDx def defl sept delta sign Dent Dep Derm DES detox dev DI diast DIC diff Central retinal vein occlusion Cryoprecipitate Conscious sedation Cerebrospinal fluid chronic serous otitis media Central serous (chorio) retinopathy Cardiothoracic Chest tube Computerized tomography Cervical thoracic spine Clear to auscultation Clear to palpation Cornell University Medical Center Cardiovascular Cerebrovascular accident Costovertebral angle Central venous pressure Cold wet pack Cervix Chest x-ray Day Diopter Deciduous teeth Dilation & Curettage (optic) Disk (retinal) vessels and macula Dietetic intern Dietetic technician Discontinue Dextrose in water 5% dextrose in water 5% Dextrose in water Dark adaptation Decibel Desirable body weight Dacryocystorhinostomy Disk diamters (optic) Differential diagnosis Deficiency Deflected septum Change Dental, Dentistry, Dentition Depressed Dermatology Diethylstilbestrol Detoxification Deviated Diabetes insipidus Diastolic Disseminated intravascular coagulation Differential Page 7 of 56 ABBREVIATIONS BY NAME DIP disch DIVA DKA DL DM DME DMI DNA DNR DNS DOA DOE dp DP D-P DPT DR DSD dsg DSM4 DSS DT DTR DT's DTx Distal interphalangeal Discharge Digital intravenous angiography Diabetic ketoacidosis Direct laryngoscopy Diabetes mellitus Durable medical equipment Diaphragmatic myocardial infarctin Deoxyribonucleic acid Do not resuscitate Deviated nasal septum Dead on arrival Dyspnea on exertion Directional preponderance Dorsalis pedis Deltopectoral Diphtheria, pertussis & tetanus Diabetic retinopathy Dry sterile dressing Dressing Diagnostic Statistical Manual - 4 Department of Social Services Diphtheria, tetanus vaccine Deep tendon reflexes Delirium tremens Dance Therapy dvd DVID DVT DWSCL Dx E E' E coli E(T) (also S(T)) E1 Dissociated vertical deviation Common variable immunodeficiency Deep vein thrombosis/thrombophlebitis Daily wear soft contact lens Diagnosis Esophoria Esophoria at near Escherichia coli Esotropia, intermittent Epinephrine 1% eyedrops EA eAB EAC EACA EBF EBL ECCE ECE ECG ECHO virus Epidural analgesia Elective abortion External auditory canal Epsilon aminocaproic acid Erythroblastosis fetalis Estimated blood loss Extracapsular cataract extraction Extracataract extraction Electrocardiogram Enteric cytopathogenic human virus Enterocytophatogenic human orphan virus ECOM ECT Extra-ocular muscle (function) Electroconvulsive therapy Page 8 of 56 ABBREVIATIONS BY NAME ED EDC Educ EEG EF EGA EGD EH EKC Elix EMA EMD EMG EMS EN ENA ENG ENT EO EOG EOM EOMI EP EPS ER ERCP Emergency Department Expected date of confinement Educational Electroencephalogram Ejection fraction Estimated gestational age Endoscopy Enlarged heart Epidemic keratoconjunctivitis Elixir Early morning awakening Electromechanical dissociation Electromyogram Emergency Medical Services Enteral nutrition Extractable nuclein acid Electronlystagmography Ear, nose & throat External otitis Electro-oculogram Extraocular movements Extra ocular muscle intact Elopement precautions Extra pyramidal signs/symptoms Emergency Room Endoscopic retrograde cholangio/ pancreatography ERG ESR ESRD ESWL ET ET' (also ST') ETOH ETT EUA EWSCL exam Exp lap ext Extr F or ? F to N F(R) f/u FA Fam FB fb FBS Electroretinogram Erythrocyte sedimentation rate End stage renal disease Extracorporeal shock-wave lithotripsy Eustachian tube Esotropia at near Ethanol Endotracheal tube Examination under anesthesia Extended wear soft contact lenses Examination Exploratory laparotomy External Extract Female Finger to nose Retinoscopic findings (flash) Follow-up Fluorescein angiography Family Fingerbreadth Foreign body Fasting blood sugar Page 9 of 56 ABBREVIATIONS BY NAME FDDL FDP FDS Fem FESS FFP FH FHR FIGLU FiO2 Flexible (fiberoptic) direct laryngoscopy Flexor digitorum profundus Flexor digitorum superificialis Femoral Functional endoscopic sinus surgery Fresh frozen plasma Family history Fetal heart rate Formiminoglutamic acid Fraction of oxygen concentration Fld FNA FOB FOI FOS FPR FRC FS FSH FTSG FTT FUO FWB fx Fx g g, gm G6PD GB GBS GC GCS Gen GETA GFR GG GI Gm GMA GN GOE GPC gr GSI GSW gtt GU Gyn H h Fluid Fine needle aspiration Foot of bed Flight of ideas Force of stream Keplar-Power-Robinson (water test) Function residual capacity Frozen section Follicle stimulating hormone Full thickness skin graft Failure to thrive Fever of unknown origin Full weight bearing Fracture Function Gallop Gram(s) Glucose-6 phosphate dehydrogenase Gallbladder Gallbladder series Gonococcus; gonorrhea Glascow coma scale General General endotracheal anesthesia Glomerular filtration rate gamma Globulin Gastrointestinal Grand mal General mask anesthesia Glomerular nephritis Gas, oxygen, ether Giant papillary conjunctivitis Grain Genuine stress incontinence Gun shot wound Drops Genitourinary Gynecology Hispanic Hour Page 10 of 56 ABBREVIATIONS BY NAME H (also HT) H to K H&N H&P H/A H/L H/O H2 Hyperphoria Heel to knee Head & neck History & physical Headache High/low History of Histamine2 HA5 HAE HAI HASCVD Homatropine 5% eyedrops Hearing aid evaluation Heagglutination inhibition Hypertensive arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease HBCL HBIG HBP HCG HCL HCL Hct HCTZ HCVD HDL HEG HepA, HepB HepBsAg HFHL Hgb HHC HIAA HIF HIV HJR HLP HM HMD HME HMO HNP HOB HOH Hosp hpf Hpx HR HRF HRT hs HSS ht hypertrophy of basal cell layer Heapatitis B immune globulin High blood pressure Human chorionic gonadotropin Hard contact lens Hydrochloric acid Hematocrit Hydrochlorothiazide Hypertensive cardiovascular disease High density lipoprotein Hyperemesis gravidurium Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B Hepatitis B surface antigen High frequency hearing loss Hemoglobin Home health care Hydroxyindoleacetic acid Higher integrative function Human immunodeficiency virus Hepatojugular reflux Hyperlipoproteinemia Hand movements Hyaline membrane disease Heat moisture exchanger Health Maintenance Organization Herniated nucleus pulposus Head of bed Hard of hearing Hospital High powered field Hypopharynx Heart rate Health related facility Hormonal replacement therapy Hour of sleep Hospital for Special Surgery Height Page 11 of 56 ABBREVIATIONS BY NAME HWH Hx hypo Hz I I I&D I&O I:E IBW IC ICA ICCE ICM ICU IDC IDDM IF IgA IgB IgD IgE IgM IHSS IK ILM IM IMA Imp IMV Inadeq inf inf Inh INO INR int IO IOC IOL ION IOP IPPA IPPB IPRT IQ IR IRMA IS is Halfway house History Hypodermic Hertz (cps) Incisor (deciduous) Incisor (permanent) Incision & drainage Intake & output Inspiration to expiration ratio Ideal body weight Intercostal Internal carotid artery Intracapsular cataract extraction Intercostal margin Intensive care unit Involuntary detrusor contraction Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus Inspiratory force Immunoglobulin A Immunoglobulin B Immunoglobulin D Immunoglobulin E Immunoglobulin M Idiopathic hypertrophic subaortic stenosis Interstitial keratitis Internal limiting membrane Intramuscular Internal mammary artery Impression Intermittent mechanical ventilations Inadequate Infant Inferior Inhaler Internuclear ophthalmoplegia International normalized ration Internal Internal oblique Intraoperative cholangiogram Intraocular lens Ischemic optic neuropathy Intraocular pressure Inspection, palpation, percussion auscultation Intermittent postive pressure breathing Intensive psychiatric rehabilitation program Intelligence quotient Inferior rectus Intraretinal microvascular abnormalities Incentive spirometry Intercostal space Page 12 of 56 ABBREVIATIONS BY NAME IT ITP ITP ITT IUD IUT IV IVC IVCD IVDA IVF IVP JAR JP JPC JVD JXG K+/V Kcal KCS Kg KJ KP KS K's KUB KVO L L or lt L spine L&A L&W LA Lab LAD LAD LAE LAH LAO lap lat LB lb LBBB LBCD LBO LDL LE LFA LFP Immunotherapy Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura Insertion of transvenous pacemaker Insulin tolerance test Intrauterine device Intrauterine transfusion Intravenous Inferior vena cava Intravenous conduction defect Intravenous drug abuse In vitro fertilization Intravenous pyelogram Junior assistant resident Jackson Pratt tube Junctional premature contraction Jugular vein distension Juvenile Xanthogranuloma Dose of dialysis Kilocalorie Keratoconjunctivitis sicca Kilogram(s) Knee jerk Keratitic precipitates Kaposi sarcoma Keratotometry readings Kidney, ureter, bladder Keep vein open Liter Left Lumbar Light and accommodation Living & well Light adaptation Laboratory Left anterior descending Left axis deviation Left atrial enlargement Left atrial hypertrophy Left anterior oblique Laparotomy Lateral Low back Pound Left bundle branch block Left border of cardiac dullness large bowel obstruction Low density lipoprotein Lupus erythematosus Left frontoanterior Left frontoposterior Page 13 of 56 ABBREVIATIONS BY NAME LFT LFT LGV LH LIB lig LIH LIJ LIMA LKP LLE LLL LLQ LMA LMP LMT LN LNRD LOA LOA LOC LOP LOT LP LP w/p LPP LR LR LRD LRM LS LSA LSB LSK LSP LUE LUL LUQ LVEDP LVH Lx lymph M m M m M or ? M1 MAL MAOI Left frontotransverse Liver function test Lymphogranuloma venereum Luteinizing hormone Left in bottle Ligament Left inguinal hernia Left internal jugular vein Left internal mamary artery Lamellar keratoplasty Left lower extremity Left lower lobe Left lower quadrant Left mentoanterior Last menstrual period Left mentotransverse Lymph node Living, non-related donor Left occipitoanterior Lysis of adhesions Level/loss of consciousness Left occipitoposterior Left occipitotransverse Lumbar puncture Light perception with projection Leak point pressure lateral rectus Light reflex Living, related donor Left radical mastectomy Lumbosacral Left ascroanterior Left sternal border Liver, spleen, kidney Left sacroposterior Left upper extremity Left upper lobe Left upper quadrant Left ventricular end-diastolic pressure Left ventricular hypertrophy Larynx Lymphocyte(s) Manifest refraction Meter(s) Molar Murmur Male Tropicamide (Mydriacyl) 1% eyedrops Midaxillary line Mono amine oxidose inhibitor Page 14 of 56 ABBREVIATIONS BY NAME MAP MAR mcg MCL MD MDD MDI MDTP Med Meds mEq mg MG pupil MGW MHL MHW MI MI MICA mict.d-4 mict.n-2 MICU min ml MLB MLF mm MM MMTP MO mo MOM mono MPA MPP MR MR MR MRI MRM MRSA MS MSE MSKCC MSL MSW MT MVA MVI MVP Mean arterial pressure Medication administration record Microgram Midclavicular line Muscular dystrophy Maximum daily dose Metered dose inhaler Multi-disciplinary treatment plan Medical Medications Millequivalent Milligram(s) Marcus-Gunn pupil Magnesium sulfate, glycerine & water enema Mixed hearing loss Mental health worker Mitral insufficiency Myocardial infarction Mentally ill chemical abuser Micturition four times during day Micturition twice during night Medical intensive care unit Minute(s) Milliliter(s) Monaural loudness balance test Medial longitudinal fasciculus Millimeter(s) Mucous membrane Methadone maintenance treatment program Maximum observation Month(s) Milk of magnesia Monocyte Main pulmonary artery Massive preretinal performation Medial rectus Medical Records Mitral regurgitation Magnetic resonance imaging Modified radical mastectomy Methicillin resistent staphylococcus aureus Multiple sclerosis Mental status examination Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center Midsternal line Social worker Music therapy Motor vehicle accident Multivitamin infusion Mitral valve prolapse Page 15 of 56 ABBREVIATIONS BY NAME MVR n N&V N/A n/v/d N10 Mitral valve repair Night Nausea & vomiting Not applicable; not appropriate Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea phenylephrine HCI (Neosynephrine) 10% eyedrops N2O NA window NABS NAD NAD NCAT NCS ND NED neg or NES NETA ng NGT NHL NI NIA NIBP NICU NIDDM NKA NKDA NLP NMR NNP norm np NP NPA NPC NPC NPDR NPK NPO NRC NS NS NSAID NSC NSFTD Nsg NSR NSS Nitrous oxide Nasal antral window Normal active bowel sounds No acute distress No apparent distress Normal cephalic atraumatic No concentrated sugar Not distended No evidence of disease Negative Neurosurgery Nasal endotracheal anesthesia Naso-gastric Nasogastric tube Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma Noise induced (adjective) Nutrient intake analysis Non-invasive blood pressure Neonatal intensive care unit Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus No known allergies No known drug allergy No light perception Nuclear magnetic resonance Neonatal nurse practitioner Normal Nasopharynx Nurse practitioner Near point of accommodation Nearpoint of convergence Nodal premature contraction Non-proliferataive diabetic retinopathy Non protein kilocalorie Nothing by mouth Normal retinal correspondence Normal saline Nuclear sclerosis Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug No significant change Normal spontaneous full term delivery Nursing Normal sinus rhythm Nutritional Support Service Page 16 of 56 ABBREVIATIONS BY NAME NSVD NT NTG NV NVW NWB NWV NYH NYPH NYWC O&T OB obs OBS o C Normal spontaneous vaginal delivery Naso-tracheal Nitroglycerin Near vision Glasses worn by patient for near vision Non-weight bearing Not well visualized New York Hosptial NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital New York Weill Cornell Center Opinion & treatment Obstetrical Observation Organic brain syndrome Centrigrade oc occas OD OD ODN OE o F Oral cavity Occasional Eye, right Right eye Ophthalmodynamometry Otitis externa Fahrenheit OF OHT OKN OM OM OMSA OMSC OOB OOW op OPD Ophth OR ORIF Ortho, or + OS OS os OT OU OU oz p P P&A P1 Occipitofrontal Ocular hypertension Optokinetic nystagmus Occipitomental Otitis media Otitis media, suppurative, acute Otitis media, suppurative, chronic Out of bed Out of wedlock Oral pharynx Out-patient Department Ophthalmology, ophthalmic Operating Room Open reduction with internal fixation Orthophoria Eye, left Left eye Opening snap Occupational therapy Both eyes Eye, both Ounce After Pulse Percussion & auscultation Pilocarpine 1% eyedrops PA Pulmonary artery Page 17 of 56 ABBREVIATIONS BY NAME Pabd PACU PADP PAF Pap test PAS PASP PAT PAT Path pb Pressure, abdominal Pot anesthesia care unit Pulmonary artery diastolic pressure Paroxysmal atrial fibrillation Papanicolau test Peripheral anterior synechiae Pulmonary artery systolic pressure Paroxysmal atrial tachycardia Prism adaptation test Pathology Discrimination, speech (phonetically balanced words) PBI PBK PC PCA PCN PCR PCT PCWP PD PDA Pdet PDR PE PE PE PE tube Ped PEEP PEG PERRLA Protein-bound iodine Pseudophakic bullous keratopathy Posterior chamber Patient controlled analgesia Penicillin Protein catabolic rate Patient care technician Pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (inter)Pupillary Distance Patent ductus arteriosus Detrusor pressure Proliferative diabetic retinopathy Physical examination Pigment epithelium Pulmonary embolus Pneumo-equalization tube Peiatraics Positive end expiratory pressure Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy Pupils equal, round, regular, react to light & accommodation PFT PFT c BD PGY PH PHPV PI PI PI 1/8 Pulmonary function test Pulmonary function test with bronchodilator Pot graduate year Past history Persistent hyperplasia of the primary vitreous Peripheral iridectomy Present illness Ecothiophate iodide (Phospholine 2/8% Idodid) eyedrops PICC PID PIP PIPJ PK pk/d PKU Pm Peripheral insertion central catheter Pelvic inflammatory disease Peak inspiratory pressure Proximal interphalangeal joint Penetrating keratoplasty Pack per day Phenylketonuria Palmomental Page 18 of 56 ABBREVIATIONS BY NAME PM PMB PMD PMH PMI PMMA PMN or polys PMN or polys PMP PMS PN PNBx PND PND pneumoc po POA POC POD POHS Pop pos or + post ax line post op Post T POZ PP PP PPD PPLO PPN PPRF PPV pr PRBC Pre-op prep PRM prn prn Pro Pro time PROM PRP PS PSC PSH PSI PSP PSP Premolar Post-menopausal bleeding Private medical doctor Past medical history Point of maximum impulse Polymethylmethracrylate Neutrophilic white blood cell(s) Polymorphonuclear leukocytes Previous menstrual period Premenstrual syndrome Parenteral nutrition Prostate needle biopsy Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea Post nasal drip (discharge) Pneumococcus By mouth Power of attorney Products of conception Postoperative day Presumed ocular histoplasmosis syndrome Popliteal Positive Posterior axillary line Postoperative Posterior tibial Posterior optical zone Post partum Private patient Purified protein derivative Pleuropneumonia-like organism Peripheral parenteral nutrition Paramedian pontine reticular formation Pars plana vitrectomy Per rectum Packed red blood cells Preoperative Preparation Premature rupture of membranes As often as necessary; whenever necessary Whenever necessary Protein Prothrombin time Passive range of motion Panretinal photocoagulation Pulmonic stenosis Posterior subcapsular cataract Past surgical history Passive suicidal ideation Phenolsufonphthalein test Progressive supranuclear palsy Page 19 of 56 ABBREVIATIONS BY NAME PSS psych testing pt PT PTA PTA of Factor XI PTOL PTS PTT PTX PUD Pura PVC PVD Pves PVR PVR PWB PWC PXE q q2d q2h q3h q4h QA qAM qd qd, 1xd qh qid, 4xd qn qns qod QR qs R R&B R&R R.D. R.T. R.V. R/O R/S R/T RA RA RAD Rah RAM Progressive systemic sclerosis Psychological testing Patient Physical therapy Prior to admission Plasma thromboplastin antecedent Prior to onset of labor Permanent threshold shift (noise induced) Partial thromboplastin time Pneumothorax Peptic ulcer disease Urethral pressure Premature ventricular contractions Peripheral vascular disease Vesical pressure Progressive vitreous retraction Proliferative vitreoretinopathy Partial weight bearing Payne Whitney Clinic Pseudoxanthoma elasticum Every Every 2 days Every 2 hours Every 3 hours Every 4 hours Quality Assurance Every morning Every day Once daily Every hours Four times daily Every night Quantity not sufficient Every other day Quiet room Quantity sufficient Respiration (rate) Rhytidectomy & blepharoplasty Recess-rest Registered Dietician Recreational therapy Revisit Rule out Rhino-septoplasty Related to Rheumatic/rheumatoid arthritis Right atrium Right axis deviation Right atrial hypertrophy Rapid alternating movements Page 20 of 56 ABBREVIATIONS BY NAME RB RBBB rbc RBC RCA RD RDA RDS re re ref Rehab RET retic RFA RFP RFT RhRh+ RHCF RHD rhino RIH RIJ Rk RL RLE RLF RLL RLQ RMA RML RML epis. RMP RMT RNA RNCA RND RO ROA ROM ROP ROP ROS ROT RP RPA RPE RPS RR Retinoblastoma Right bundle branch block Red blood cell(s) Red blood count Right coronary artery Retinal detachment Recommended daily allowance(s) Respiratory distress syndrome Concerning In reference to Referred (to) Rehabilitation Right esotropia Reticulocyte(s) Right frontoanterior Right frontoposterior Right frontotransverse Rh negative Rh positive Residential health care facility Rheumatic heart disease Rhinoplasty Right inguinal hernia Right internal jugular vein Radial keratotomy Ringer's lactate Right lower extremity Retrolental fibroplasia Right lower lobe Right lower quadrant Right mentoanterior Right middle lobe Right mediolateral episiotomy Right mentoposterior Right mentotransverse Ribonucleic acid Radionuclide coronary angiography Radical neck dissection Routine observation Right occipitoanterior Range of motion Retinopathy of prematurity Right occipitoposterior Review of systems Right occipitotransverse Retinitis pigmentosa Retinitis punctata albescens Retinal pigment epithelium Resistance of passive stretch Recovery Room Page 21 of 56 ABBREVIATIONS BY NAME RR RRR RSA RSR RST RT rt or R RTC RTF RUE RUL RUQ RV RVE RVH RVO rvr Rx S s S spine S&A S&O s.c. s.o. S.T. S/P S1 S2 S3 S4 saa sAB SAH SAR SB SB SBE SBO SBP sc SCH SCL SCM SCU SD sec sed rate SEM SEMI Respiratory rate Regular rate & rhythm Right sacroanterior Regular sinus rhythm Right sacrotransverse Radiation therapy Right Residential treatment center Residential treatment facility Right upper extremity Right upper lobe Right upper quadrant Rectovaginal Right ventricular enlargement Right ventricular hypertrophy Relaxed vaginal outlet Reduced vestibular response Prescription Single Without Sacral Sugar & acetone Salpingectomy & oophorectomy Without correction Significant other Self transport Status post Sounds, heart: first Sounds, heart: second Sounds, heart: third Sounds, heart: fourth Same as above Spontaneous abortion Subarachnoid hemorrhage Senior assistant resident Sinus bradycardia Sternal border Subacute bacterial endocarditis Small bowel obstruction Systolic blood pressure Subcutaneous Subconjunctival hemorrhage Soft contact lens Sternocleidomastoid muscle Special care unit Straight drainage Seconds Sedimentation rate Systolic ejection murmur Subendocardial myocardial infarction Page 22 of 56 ABBREVIATIONS BY NAME SEP SFA SGOT SGPT SH SIADH Serum electrophoresis Superficial femoral artery Serum glutamic-oxaloacetic trasnsaminase Serum glutamic-pyruvic transaminase Social history Syndrome of inappropriate secretion antidiuretic hormone sibs SICU SIDS SIMV SLE SLE SLR SMA SmAg SMD SMR SND SNHL SO SOB Sol SOM SOS sp gr spec SPK SPMI SPO2 Siblings Surgical intensive care unit Sudden infant death syndrome Synchronized intermittent mechanical ventilations Slit lamp examination Systemic lupus erythematosus Straight leg raising Superior mesenteric artery Smith antigen Senile macular degeneration Submucous resection (of nasal septum) Normal spontaneous delivery Sensorineural hearing loss Superior oblique Shortness of breath Solution Serous otitis media Once if necessary Specific gravity Specimen Superficial punctate keratitis Severely & persistently mentally ill Peripheral oxygen saturation SPO2 Peripheral saturation oxygen sq Sq Ca SR SRF SRNV SRO SRT SS SS SSCP SSCU/TC SSD SSE SSI SSKI SSW ST staph Square Squamous cell carcinoma Superior rectus Subretinal fluid Subretinal neovascularization Single room occupancy Speech reception threshold Scleral spur Social Services Substernal chest pain Surgical special care unit/trauma center Silver sulfadiazine Soapsuds enema Sliding scale insulin Saturated soution of potassium iodide Student social worker Sinus tachycardia Staphylococcus Page 23 of 56 ABBREVIATIONS BY NAME stat STD STH strep STS STSG SUI Sup surg SVC Svcs SVG SVP's SVR SVT syst T T spine T&A T1/2 Immediately Sexually transmitted disease Somatrophic hormone Streptococcus Serological test for syphilis Split thickness skin graft Stress urinary incontinence Superior Surgical Superior vena cava Services Saphenous vein graft Spontaneous venous pulsations Systemic vascular resistence Supraventricular tachycardia Systolic Temperature Thoracic Tonsils and adenoids Timolol maleate (Timoptic) 0.5% eyedrops TA Ta tab TAH TAL TAPPL TB TBSA TC&DB TE Tf TF TG TGPH THR TIA tid, 3xd TJ TKR TL TLC TM TM TMJ TNF TNM TNT Tob TOF TOP Temporal arteritis Tension by applanation Tablet Total abdominal hysterectomy Tendo-achilles lenthening Tonometry, applanation Tuberculosis: tuberculous Total body surface area Turn cough & deep breath Tangential excision Tension by finger palpation Tube feeding Triglyceride Total gross painless hematuria Total hip replacement Transient ischemia attack Three times daily Triceps jerk Total knee replacement Thoracic lumbar Total lymphocyte count Trabecular meshwork Tympanic membrane Temporomandibular joint Tension normal by finger (palpation) Tumor nodes metastasis Transnephrectomy tube Tobacco Tetraology of Fallot Termination of pregnancy Page 24 of 56 ABBREVIATIONS BY NAME TPN TPR TPT tr Trab trans TRIC trich. Ts TS TSH TTN TTS TTWB TURB TURP TV TWE Tx Tx c tymp U/O UA UBW UGH UGI series ung UP junction Upper case Greek letter delta UR URI Urol URR US USOGH USPNF USRDA UTI UV UVA/UVB V V/Q scan VA vag exam vag hyst vc VCG VCU VD VDC Total parenteral nutrition Temperature, pulse and respiration Total pump time Tincture Trabeculectomy Transverse Trachoma or inclusion conjunctivitis (agent) Trichomonas Tension by Schiotz tonometry Tricuspid stenosis Thyroid stimulating hormone Transitory tachypnea of the newborn Temporary threshold shift (noice induced) Toe touch weight bearing Transurethral resection of the bladder Transurethral resection of the prostate Tidal volume Tap water enema Treatment Treated with Tympanometry Urine output Urinalysis Usual body weight Uveitis glaucoma hemorrhage Upper gastrointestinal series Ointment Ureteropelvic junction Prism diopter Utilization Review Upper respiratory infection Urology Urea reduction rate Ultrasound Usual state of good health United States Pharmacopeia National Formulary United States recommended daily allowance(s) Urinary tract infection Ultraviolet Ultraviolet A, B Vision Ventilation/perfusion scan Visual acuity Vaginal examination Vaginal hysterectomy Vocal cords Vectorcardiogram Voiding cystourethrogram Veneral disease Voluntary detrusor contraction Page 25 of 56 ABBREVIATIONS BY NAME VDM VDRL VEM Vent VEP, VER VF Vfib Vit VLDL VMA test VNS VO Voc Rehab vol VPC VREF Vasodepressor mechanism Veneral Disease Research Laborabory Vasoexcitor mechanism Ventilation Visual evokes potential (response) Visual field Ventricular fibrillation Vitamin Very low density lipoprotein Vandelamine test; vanillylmandelic test Visititng nurse service Verbal order Vocational rehabilitation Volume Ventricular premature contraction Vancomycin resistant enterococcus faecum/ faculis VS VSD VSS VT Vx W W W W ----> D w/c W/U W4D WAP Wass WB WBAT wbc WBC WD WDWN wk WNL wt WTR X XCT XT (also XT', X(T),X(T)')) yo yr Z f Vital signs Ventricular septal defect Vital signs stable Ventricular tachycardia Vitrectomy Glasses worn by patient (wear) White Widow(er) Wet to dry Wheelchair Work-up Worth 4-dot (test) Wondering atrial pacemaker Wassermann Whole blood Weight bearing as tolerated White blood cell(s) White blood count Westchester Division Well-developed, well nourished Week(s) Within normal limits Weight With-the-rule (astigmatism) Exophoria Cross clamp time Exotropia Year(s) old Year(s) Acoustic impedance No; none Page 26 of 56 ABBREVIATIONS BY NAME Page 27 of 56 ABBREVIATIONS BY MEANING Meaning Tablet (American Optical) Hardy-Rand-Rittler plates (inter)Pupillary Distance (neodymium) Yttrium-Alluminum-Garnet (optic) Disk (retinal) vessels and macula 5% dextrose in water 5% Dextrose in water Abdomen Abdominal aortic aneurysm Abdominal x-ray Abduction Abortion Above knee amputation Absolute neutrophil count Accommodative convergence to accommodation (ratio) Abbreviation tab (AO)-HRR plates PD (neodymium) YAG D,V&M or DVM D5W D5W abd AAA AXR abb AB AKA ANC AC/A Acid fast bacilli Acid phosphatase Acoustic impedance Acquired immune deficiency syndrome Active range of motion Activities of daily living Acute glomerulonephritis Acute multifocal placoid (posterior) pigment epitheliopathy AFB acid phos Z AIDS AROM ADL AGN AMP(P)PE Acute myelocytic leukemia Acute myocardial infarction Acute otitis media Acute renal failure Acute respiratory distress syndrome Acute tubular necrosis Adduction Adjusted ideal body weight Admission Adrenocorticotrophic hormone Adult continuing day treatment program Adult onset diabetes mellitus Afebrile Afferent pupillary defect After Against medical advice Against-the-rule (astigmatism) Age-related macular degeneration AIDS related complex Air/bone gap Albumin Albumin-globulin (ratio) Alcohol disorders program Alcoholics Annonymous AML AMI AOM ARF ARDS ATN add Adj IBW ADM, Adm ACTH ACDTP AODM Afeb APD p AMA ATR ARMD ARC A/B gap alb A/G ratio ADP AA Page 28 of 56 ABBREVIATIONS BY MEANING Alkaline Alkaline phosphatase Also known as Alternate binaural loudness balance test Alternate level of care American Diaabetes Association Amount Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Angle closure glaucoma Ankle jerk Anomalous retinal correspondence Ante, before Anterior Anterior axillary line Anterior chamber Anterior ischemic optic neuropathy Anterior wall myocardial infarction Anteroposterior Antibiotics Antibody Antidiuretic hormone Antigen Antigon contraceptive device Antihemophilic globulin Antinuclear antibody Antistreptolysin-O Aortic insufficiency Aortic stenosis Aortic valve Aortic valve replacement Aphakic bullous keratopathy Apical pulse Appendectomy Appointment Approximate, approximately Argon laser trabeculostoplasty Art therapy Arterial blood gas Arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease Arteriovenous Artificial rupture of membranes As desired As evidenced by As often as necessary; whenever necessary As soon as possible Asian Aspirin Assessment & Plan Atrial fibrillation Atrial flutter alk alk phos aka ABLB ALC ADA amt ALS ACG AJ ARC a ant AAL AC AION AWMI AP abx Ab ADH Ag ACD AHG or Factor VIII ANA ASO AI AS AV AVR ABK A pulse APPY appt Approx or ALT AT ABG ASCVD a-v ARM ad lib AEB prn ASAP A ASA A/P AF AFL Page 29 of 56 ABBREVIATIONS BY MEANING Atrial septal defect Atrial/auricular premature contraction Atrioventricular Atrioventricular block Atrioventricular conduction defect Atropine (as the sulfate) ASD APC AV AVB AVCD ASO4 Autologous bone marrow transplant Average Awate, alert & oriented Axial length Axillary Bacillus Background diabetic retinopathy baker tube Balanced salt solution Barium enema Bartholins' & Skene's glands Basal body temperature Basal cell carcinoma Basal energy expenditure Basal metabolic rate Base in, base out, base up, base down (position of a prism) AuBMT avg AAO AL ax B BDR BT BSS BE B&S glands BBT BCC BEE BMR Bi, BO, BU, BD Base of tongue Bathroom privileges Bbronchoscopy Bed clothes Bedrest Before meals Below knee amputation Benign breast tumor Benign prostatic hypertrophy Biceps jerk Bilateral Bilateral breath sounds Bilateral inguinal hernia Bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy Bilateral tubal ligation Binkhorst 4-loop (intraocular lens) Biopsy Biopsy of cervix Black Blalock-taussig shunt Blepharoplasty Blood glucose Blood pressure Blood sugar Blood urea nitrogen Body mass index Bone conduction BOT BRP bronch B/C BR ac BKA BBT BPH BJ bilat BBS BIH bilat S&O BTL B4L Bx Bx Cx B BT shunt bleph BG BP BS BUN BMI BC Page 30 of 56 ABBREVIATIONS BY MEANING Bone marrow transplant Both ears (bilateral-binaural) Both eyes Bowel movement Bowel sounds Brainstem auditory evoked response Branch retinal artery occlusion Branch retinal vein occlusion Break-up time (of tear film) Breath sounds Brought in by ambulance By mouth Cadaveric renal transplant Caldwell-Luc Canine tooth Carbohydrate Carbon monoxide Carcinoma Cardiac Care Unit Cardiac output Cardiopulmonary resuscitation Cardiothoracic Cardiovascular Carotid (artery)-cavernous sinus fistula Cataract Cataract extraction Cells & flare (in anterior chamber) Centimeter Central nervous system Central posterior curve Central retinal artery Central retinal artery occlusion Central retinal vein occlusion Central serous (chorio) retinopathy Central venous pressure Centrigrade BMT AU OU BM BS BAER BRAO BRVO BUT BS BIBA po CRT C-L C CHO CO Ca CCU co CPR CT CV C-C fistula Cat CE C&F cm CNS CPC CRA CRAO CRVO CSR CVP o C Cerebral Palsy Cerebrospinal fluid Cerebrovascular accident Cervical spine Cervical thoracic spine Cervix Change Chemotherapy Chest pain Chest tube Chest x-ray Chief complaint Children's Day Hospital CP CSF CVA C spine CT spine Cx delta sign chemo cp ct CXR CC: CDH Page 31 of 56 ABBREVIATIONS BY MEANING Cholesterol Christmas factor Chronic Chronic abdominal peritoneal dialysis Chronic lymphocytic leukemia Chronic myelogenous leukemia Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Chronic open angle glaucoma Chronic otitis media Chronic passive congestion Chronic progressive external ophthalmoplegia Chronic renal failure chronic serous otitis media Cigarettes Ciliary Body Band Clean catch Clear to auscultation Clear to palpation Clinic patient Cold wet pack Columbia Presbyterian Center Combined Cataract-Trabeculectomy Commission International d/Eclairage Common bile duct Common duct exploration Common variable immunodeficiency Community resident Complaint of Complement Complete audiological evaluation Complete blood count Complete blood count with differential Complete heart block Computerized tomography Concerning Conductive hearing loss Congestive heart failure Conjuntiva, conjunctival Conscious sedation Consistent with Contact lens Continuous bladder irrigation Continuous positive airway pressure Co-patients Corneal abrasion Cornell University Medical Center Coronary artery bypass graft Coronary artery disease Costal margin Costovertebral angle Chol CF Chr CAPD CLL CML COPD COAG COM CPC CPEO CRF CSOM Cgtts CBB CC CTA CTP cp CWP CP Cat-Trab CIE CBD CDE DVID CR c/o Comp CAE CBC CBC c diff CHB CT scan re CHL CHF Conj CS c/w CL CBI CPAP Co-pts CA CUMC CABG CAD CM cva Page 32 of 56 ABBREVIATIONS BY MEANING Cough & deep breathe Counts fingers Cranial nerve Creatinine phosphokinase Cross clamp time Cryoprecipitate Cubic centimeter Culture & sensitivity Cup-to-disc ration Cyclopentolate (Cycolgyl) 1 or 2% C&DB CF CN CPK XCT Cryo cc C&S c/d ratio C1,C2 Cystoid macular edema Dacryocystorhinostomy Daily wear soft contact lens Dance Therapy CME DCR DWSCL DTx Dark adaptation Day Dead on arrival Decibel Deciduous teeth Decreased, downgoing Deep tendon reflexes Deep vein thrombosis/thrombophlebitis Deficiency Deflected septum Delirium tremens Deltopectoral Dental, Dentistry, Dentition Deoxyribonucleic acid Department of Social Services Depressed Dermatology Desirable body weight Detoxification Detrusor pressure Deviated Deviated nasal septum Dextrose in water Diabetes insipidus Diabetes mellitus Diabetic ketoacidosis Diabetic retinopathy Diagnosis Diagnostic Statistical Manual - 4 Diagonal conjugate (conjugata diagnalis) Diaphragmatic myocardial infarctin Diastolic Dietetic intern Dietetic technician Diethylstilbestrol DA d DOA dB D teeth ? DTR DVT def defl sept DT's D-P Dent DNA DSS Dep Derm DBW detox Pdet dev DNS D/W DI DM DKA DR Dx DSM4 CD DMI diast D.I. D.T. DES Page 33 of 56 ABBREVIATIONS BY MEANING Differential Differential diagnosis Digital intravenous angiography Dilation & Curettage Diopter Diphtheria, pertussis & tetanus Diphtheria, tetanus vaccine Direct laryngoscopy Directional preponderance Discharge Discontinue Discrimination, speech (phonetically balanced words) diff DDx DIVA D&C D DPT DT DL dp disch D/C pb Disk diamters (optic) Disseminated intravascular coagulation Dissociated vertical deviation Distal interphalangeal Do not resuscitate Dorsalis pedis Dose of dialysis Dressing Drops Dry sterile dressing Durable medical equipment Dyspnea on exertion Ear - left Ear - right Ear, nose & throat Early morning awakening Ears - both Ecothiophate iodide (Phospholine 2/8% Idodid) eyedrops DD DIC dvd DIP DNR DP K+/V dsg gtt DSD DME DOE AS AD ENT EMA AU PI 1/8 Educational Ejection fraction Elective abortion Electrocardiogram Electroconvulsive therapy Electroencephalogram Electromechanical dissociation Electromyogram Electronlystagmography Electro-oculogram Electroretinogram Elixir Elopement precautions Emergency Department Emergency Medical Services Emergency Room End stage renal disease Educ EF eAB ECG ECT EEG EMD EMG ENG EOG ERG Elix EP ED EMS ER ESRD Page 34 of 56 ABBREVIATIONS BY MEANING Endoscopic retrograde cholangio/ pancreatography ERCP Endoscopy Endotracheal tube Enlarged heart Enteral nutrition Enteric cytopathogenic human virus Enterocytophatogenic human orphan virus EGD ETT EH EN ECHO virus Epidemic keratoconjunctivitis Epidural analgesia Epinephrine 1% eyedrops EKC EA E1 Epsilon aminocaproic acid Equals Erythroblastosis fetalis Erythrocyte sedimentation rate Escherichia coli Esophoria Esophoria at near Esotropia at near Esotropia, intermittent Estimated blood loss Estimated gestational age Ethanol Eustachian tube Every Every 2 days Every 2 hours Every 3 hours Every 4 hours Every day Every hours Every morning Every night Every other day Examination Examination under anesthesia Exophoria Exotropia Expected date of confinement Exploratory laparotomy Extended wear soft contact lenses External External auditory canal External otitis Extra ocular muscle intact Extra pyramidal signs/symptoms Extracapsular cataract extraction Extracataract extraction Extracorporeal shock-wave lithotripsy Extract EACA = EBF ESR E coli E E' ET' (also ST') E(T) (also S(T)) EBL EGA ETOH ET q q2d q2h q3h q4h qd qh qAM qn qod exam EUA X XT (also XT', X(T),X(T)')) EDC Exp lap EWSCL ext EAC EO EOMI EPS ECCE ECE ESWL Extr Page 35 of 56 ABBREVIATIONS BY MEANING Extractable nuclein acid Extraocular movements Extra-ocular muscle (function) Eye, both Eye, left Eye, right Fahrenheit ENA EOM ECOM OU OS OD o F Failure to thrive Family Family history Fasting blood sugar Female Femoral Fetal heart rate Fever of unknown origin Fine needle aspiration Finger to nose Fingerbreadth Five times daily Flexible (fiberoptic) direct laryngoscopy Flexor digitorum profundus Flexor digitorum superificialis Flight of ideas Fluid Fluorescein angiography Follicle stimulating hormone Follow-up Foot of bed Force of stream Foreign body Formiminoglutamic acid Four times daily Fraction of oxygen concentration FTT Fam FH FBS F or ? Fem FHR FUO FNA F to N FB 5xd FDDL FDP FDS FOI Fld FA FSH f/u FOB FOS fb FIGLU qid, 4xd FiO2 Fracture Fresh frozen plasma Frozen section Full thickness skin graft Full weight bearing Function Function residual capacity Functional endoscopic sinus surgery Gallbladder Gallbladder series Gallop gamma Globulin Gas, oxygen, ether Gastrointestinal General General endotracheal anesthesia fx FFP FS FTSG FWB Fx FRC FESS GB GBS g GG GOE GI Gen GETA Page 36 of 56 ABBREVIATIONS BY MEANING General mask anesthesia Genitourinary Genuine stress incontinence Giant papillary conjunctivitis Glascow coma scale Glasses worn by patient (wear) Glasses worn by patient for near vision Glomerular filtration rate Glomerular nephritis Glucose-6 phosphate dehydrogenase Gonococcus; gonorrhea Grain Gram(s) Grand mal Greater than Gun shot wound Gynecology Halfway house Hand movements Hard contact lens Hard of hearing Hardy-Rand-Rittler plates (American Optical) Head & neck Head of bed Headache Heagglutination inhibition Health Maintenance Organization Health related facility Heapatitis B immune globulin Hearing aid evaluation Heart Heart rate Heat moisture exchanger Heel to knee Height Hematocrit Hemoglobin Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B Hepatitis B surface antigen Hepatojugular reflux Herniated nucleus pulposus Hertz (cps) High blood pressure High density lipoprotein High frequency hearing loss High powered field High/low Higher integrative function Hispanic Histamine2 GMA GU GSI GPC GCS W NVW GFR GN G6PD GC gr g, gm Gm > GSW Gyn HWH HM HCL HOH (AO) - HRR H&N HOB H/A HAI HMO HRF HBIG HAE Cor HR HME H to K ht Hct Hgb HepA, HepB HepBsAg HJR HNP Hz HBP HDL HFHL hpf H/L HIF H H2 Page 37 of 56 ABBREVIATIONS BY MEANING History History & physical History of Homatropine 5% eyedrops Home health care Hormonal replacement therapy Hospital Hospital for Special Surgery Hour Hour of sleep Human chorionic gonadotropin Human immunodeficiency virus Hyaline membrane disease Hydrochloric acid Hydrochlorothiazide Hydroxyindoleacetic acid Hyperemesis gravidurium Hyperlipoproteinemia Hyperphoria Hypertensive arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease Hx H&P H/O HA5 HHC HRT Hosp HSS h hs HCG HIV HMD HCL HCTZ HIAA HEG HLP H (also HT) HASCVD Hypertensive cardiovascular disease hypertrophy of basal cell layer Hypodermic Hypopharynx Ideal body weight Idiopathic hypertrophic subaortic stenosis Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura Immediately Immunoglobulin A Immunoglobulin B Immunoglobulin D Immunoglobulin E Immunoglobulin M Immunotherapy Impression In reference to In vitro fertilization Inadequate Incentive spirometry Incision & drainage Incisor (deciduous) Incisor (permanent) Increased; enlarged; upgoing Infant Inferior Inferior rectus Inferior vena cava Inhaler Insertion of transvenous pacemaker HCVD HBCL hypo Hpx IBW IHSS ITP stat IgA IgB IgD IgE IgM IT Imp re IVF Inadeq IS I&D I I ? inf inf IR IVC Inh ITP Page 38 of 56 ABBREVIATIONS BY MEANING Inspection, palpation, percussion auscultation Inspiration to expiration ratio Inspiratory force Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus Insulin tolerance test Intake & output Intelligence quotient Intensive care unit Intensive psychiatric rehabilitation program Intercostal Intercostal margin Intercostal space Intermittent mechanical ventilations Intermittent postive pressure breathing Internal Internal carotid artery Internal limiting membrane Internal mamary artery Internal oblique International normalized ration Internuclear ophthalmoplegia Interstitial keratitis Intracapsular cataract extraction Intramuscular Intraocular lens Intraocular pressure Intraoperative cholangiogram Intraretinal microvascular abnormalities Intrauterine device Intrauterine transfusion Intravenous Intravenous conduction defect Intravenous drug abuse Intravenous pyelogram Involuntary detrusor contraction Ischemic optic neuropathy Jackson Pratt tube Jugular vein distension Junctional premature contraction Junior assistant resident Juvenile Xanthogranuloma Kaposi sarcoma Keep vein open Keplar-Power-Robinson (water test) Keratitic precipitates Keratoconjunctivitis sicca Keratotometry readings Kidney, ureter, bladder Kilocalorie Kilogram(s) IPPA I:E IF IDDM ITT I&O IQ ICU IPRT IC ICM is IMV IPPB int ICA ILM IMA IO INR INO IK ICCE IM IOL IOP IOC IRMA IUD IUT IV IVCD IVDA IVP IDC ION JP JVD JPC JAR JXG KS KVO FPR KP KCS K's KUB Kcal Kg Page 39 of 56 ABBREVIATIONS BY MEANING Knee jerk Laboratory Lamellar keratoplasty Laparotomy large bowel obstruction Larynx Last menstrual period Lateral lateral rectus Leak point pressure Left Left anterior descending Left anterior oblique Left ascroanterior Left atrial enlargement Left atrial hypertrophy Left axis deviation Left border of cardiac dullness Left bundle branch block Left ear Left eye Left frontoanterior Left frontoposterior Left frontotransverse Left in bottle Left inguinal hernia Left internal jugular vein Left internal mamary artery Left lower extremity Left lower lobe Left lower quadrant Left mentoanterior Left mentotransverse Left occipitoanterior Left occipitoposterior Left occipitotransverse Left radical mastectomy Left sacroposterior Left sternal border Left upper extremity Left upper lobe Left upper quadrant Left ventricular end-diastolic pressure Left ventricular hypertrophy Less than Level/loss of consciousness Ligament Light adaptation Light and accommodation Light perception with projection KJ Lab LKP lap LBO Lx LMP lat LR LPP L or lt LAD LAO LSA LAE LAH LAD LBCD LBBB AS OS LFA LFP LFT LIB LIH LIJ LIMA LLE LLL LLQ LMA LMT LOA LOP LOT LRM LSP LSB LUE LUL LUQ LVEDP LVH < LOC lig LA L&A LP w/p Page 40 of 56 ABBREVIATIONS BY MEANING Light reflex Liter Liver function test Liver, spleen, kidney Living & well Living, non-related donor Living, related donor Low back Low density lipoprotein Lumbar Lumbar puncture Lumbosacral Lupus erythematosus Luteinizing hormone Lymph node Lymphocyte(s) Lymphogranuloma venereum Lysis of adhesions Magnesium sulfate, glycerine & water enema Magnetic resonance imaging Main pulmonary artery Male Manifest refraction Marcus-Gunn pupil Massive preretinal performation Maximum daily dose Maximum observation Mean arterial pressure Medial longitudinal fasciculus Medial rectus Medical Medical intensive care unit Medical Records Medication administration record Medications Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center Mental health worker Mental status examination Mentally ill chemical abuser Meter(s) Metered dose inhaler Methadone maintenance treatment program Methicillin resistent staphylococcus aureus Microgram Micturition four times during day Micturition twice during night Midaxillary line Midclavicular line Midsternal line Milk of magnesia LR L LFT LSK L&W LNRD LRD LB LDL L spine LP LS LE LH LN lymph LGV LOA MGW MRI MPA M or ? M MG pupil MPP MDD MO MAP MLF MR Med MICU MR MAR Meds MSKCC MHW MSE MICA m MDI MMTP MRSA mcg mict.d-4 mict.n-2 MAL MCL MSL MOM Page 41 of 56 ABBREVIATIONS BY MEANING Millequivalent Milligram(s) Milliliter(s) Millimeter(s) Minute(s) Mitral insufficiency Mitral regurgitation Mitral valve prolapse Mitral valve repair Mixed hearing loss Modified radical mastectomy Molar Monaural loudness balance test Mono amine oxidose inhibitor Monocyte Month(s) Motor vehicle accident Mucous membrane Multi-disciplinary treatment plan Multiple sclerosis Multivitamin infusion Murmur Muscular dystrophy Music therapy Myocardial infarction Nasal antral window Nasal endotracheal anesthesia Naso-gastric Nasogastric tube Nasopharynx Naso-tracheal Nausea & vomiting Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea Near point of accommodation Near vision Nearpoint of convergence Negative Neonatal intensive care unit Neonatal nurse practitioner Neurosurgery Neutrophilic white blood cell(s) New York Hospital New York Weill Cornell Center NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital Night Nitroglycerin Nitrous oxide No acute distress No apparent distress No concentrated sugar mEq mg ml mm min MI MR MVP MVR MHL MRM M MLB MAOI mono mo MVA MM MDTP MS MVI m MD MT MI NA window NETA ng NGT np NT N&V n/v/d NPA NV NPC neg or NICU NNP NES PMN or polys NYH NYWC NYPH n NTG N2O NAD NAD NCS Page 42 of 56 ABBREVIATIONS BY MEANING No evidence of disease No known allergies No known drug allergy No light perception No significant change No; none Nodal premature contraction Noise induced (adjective) Non protein kilocalorie Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus Non-invasive blood pressure Non-proliferataive diabetic retinopathy Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug Non-weight bearing Normal Normal active bowel sounds Normal cephalic atraumatic Normal retinal correspondence Normal saline Normal sinus rhythm Normal spontaneous delivery Normal spontaneous full term delivery Normal spontaneous vaginal delivery Not applicable; not appropriate Not distended Not well visualized Nothing by mouth Nuclear magnetic resonance Nuclear sclerosis Number Nurse practitioner Nursing Nutrient intake analysis Nutritional Support Service Observation Obstetrical Occasional Occipitofrontal Occipitomental Occupational therapy Ocular hypertension Of each Ointment Once daily Once if necessary One-half One-to-one Open reduction with internal fixation Opening snap NED NKA NKDA NLP NSC f NPC NI NPK NHL NIDDM NIBP NPDR NSAID NWB norm NABS NCAT NRC NS NSR SND NSFTD NSVD N/A ND NWV NPO NMR NS # NP Nsg NIA NSS obs OB occas OF OM OT OHT aa ung qd, 1xd SOS 1/2 1x1 ORIF os Page 43 of 56 ABBREVIATIONS BY MEANING Operating Room Ophthalmodynamometry Ophthalmology, ophthalmic Opinion & treatment Optokinetic nystagmus Oral cavity Oral pharynx Organic brain syndrome Orthophoria Otitis externa Otitis media Otitis media, suppurative, acute Otitis media, suppurative, chronic Ounce Out of bed Out of wedlock Out-patient Department Pack per day Packed red blood cells Palmomental Panretinal photocoagulation Papanicolau test Paramedian pontine reticular formation Parenteral nutrition Paroxysmal atrial fibrillation Paroxysmal atrial tachycardia Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea Pars plana vitrectomy Partial thromboplastin time Partial weight bearing Passive range of motion Passive suicidal ideation Past history Past medical history Past surgical history Patent ductus arteriosus Pathology Patient Patient care technician Patient controlled analgesia Payne Whitney Clinic Peak inspiratory pressure Peiatraics Pelvic inflammatory disease Penetrating keratoplasty Penicillin Peptic ulcer disease Per Per rectum Percussion & auscultation OR ODN Ophth O&T OKN oc op OBS Ortho, or + OE OM OMSA OMSC oz OOB OOW OPD pk/d PRBC Pm PRP Pap test PPRF PN PAF PAT PND PPV PTT PWB PROM PSI PH PMH PSH PDA Path pt PCT PCA PWC PIP Ped PID PK PCN PUD / pr P&A Page 44 of 56 ABBREVIATIONS BY MEANING Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy Peripheral anterior synechiae Peripheral insertion central catheter Peripheral iridectomy Peripheral oxygen saturation PEG PAS PICC PI SPO2 Peripheral parenteral nutrition Peripheral saturation oxygen PPN SPO2 Peripheral vascular disease Permanent threshold shift (noise induced) Persistent hyperplasia of the primary vitreous Phenolsufonphthalein test phenylephrine HCI (Neosynephrine) 10% eyedrops PVD PTS PHPV PSP N10 Phenylketonuria Physical examination Physical therapy Pigment epithelium Pilocarpine 1% eyedrops PKU PE PT PE P1 Plasma thromboplastin antecedent Pleuropneumonia-like organism Pneumococcus Pneumo-equalization tube Pneumothorax Point of maximum impulse Polymethylmethracrylate Polymorphonuclear leukocytes Popliteal Positive Positive end expiratory pressure Post nasal drip (discharge) Post partum Posterior axillary line Posterior chamber Posterior optical zone Posterior subcapsular cataract Posterior tibial Post-menopausal bleeding Postoperative Postoperative day Pot anesthesia care unit Pot graduate year Pound Power of attorney Premature rupture of membranes Premature ventricular contractions Premenstrual syndrome Premolar Preoperative Preparation PTA of Factor XI PPLO pneumoc PE tube PTX PMI PMMA PMN or polys Pop pos or + PEEP PND PP post ax line PC POZ PSC Post T PMB post op POD PACU PGY lb POA PRM PVC PMS PM Pre-op prep Page 45 of 56 ABBREVIATIONS BY MEANING Prescription Present illness Pressure, abdominal Presumed ocular histoplasmosis syndrome Previous menstrual period Primary position Rx PI Pabd POHS PMP 1o Pos Prior to admission Prior to onset of labor Prism adaptation test Prism diopter Private medical doctor Private patient Products of conception Progressive supranuclear palsy Progressive systemic sclerosis Progressive vitreous retraction Proliferative diabetic retinopathy Proliferative vitreoretinopathy Prostate needle biopsy Protein Protein catabolic rate Protein-bound iodine Prothrombin time Proximal interphalangeal joint Pseudophakic bullous keratopathy Pseudoxanthoma elasticum Psychological testing Pulmonary artery Pulmonary artery diastolic pressure Pulmonary artery systolic pressure Pulmonary capillary wedge pressure Pulmonary embolus Pulmonary function test Pulmonary function test with bronchodilator Pulmonic stenosis Pulse Pupils equal, round, regular, react to light & accommodation PTA PTOL PAT Upper case Greek letter delta PMD PP POC PSP PSS PVR PDR PVR PNBx Pro PCR PBI Pro time PIPJ PBK PXE psych testing PA PADP PASP PCWP PE PFT PFT c BD PS P PERRLA Purified protein derivative Quality Assurance Quantity not sufficient Quantity sufficient Quiet room Radial keratotomy Radiation therapy Radical neck dissection Radionuclide coronary angiography Range of motion Rapid alternating movements PPD QA qns qs QR Rk RT RND RNCA ROM RAM Page 46 of 56 ABBREVIATIONS BY MEANING Recess-rest Recommended daily allowance(s) Recovery Room Recreational therapy Rectovaginal Red blood cell(s) Red blood count Reduced vestibular response Referred (to) Registered Dietician Regular rate & rhythm Regular sinus rhythm Rehabilitation Related to Relaxed vaginal outlet Residential health care facility Residential treatment center Residential treatment facility Resistance of passive stretch Respiration (rate) Respiratory distress syndrome Respiratory rate Reticulocyte(s) Retinal detachment Retinal pigment epithelium Retinitis pigmentosa Retinitis punctata albescens Retinoblastoma Retinopathy of prematurity Retinoscopic findings (flash) Retrolental fibroplasia Review of systems Revisit Rh negative Rh positive Rheumatic heart disease Rheumatic/rheumatoid arthritis Rhinoplasty Rhino-septoplasty Rhytidectomy & blepharoplasty Ribonucleic acid Right Right atrial hypertrophy Right atrium Right axis deviation Right bundle branch block Right coronary artery Right ear Right esotropia Right eye R&R RDA RR R.T. RV rbc RBC rvr ref R.D. RRR RSR Rehab R/T RVO RHCF RTC RTF RPS R RDS RR retic RD RPE RP RPA RB ROP F(R) RLF ROS R.V. RhRh+ RHD RA rhino R/S R&B RNA rt or R Rah RA RAD RBBB RCA AD RET OD Page 47 of 56 ABBREVIATIONS BY MEANING Right frontoanterior Right frontoposterior Right frontotransverse Right inguinal hernia Right internal jugular vein Right lower extremity Right lower lobe Right lower quadrant Right mediolateral episiotomy Right mentoanterior Right mentoposterior Right mentotransverse Right middle lobe Right occipitoanterior Right occipitoposterior Right occipitotransverse Right sacroanterior Right sacrotransverse Right upper extremity Right upper lobe Right upper quadrant Right ventricular enlargement Right ventricular hypertrophy Ringer's lactate Routine observation Rule out Sacral Salpingectomy & oophorectomy Same as above Saphenous vein graft Saturated soution of potassium iodide Scleral spur Seconds Sedimentation rate Self transport Senile macular degeneration Senior assistant resident Sensorineural hearing loss Serological test for syphilis Serous otitis media Serum electrophoresis Serum glutamic-oxaloacetic trasnsaminase Serum glutamic-pyruvic transaminase Services Severely & persistently mentally ill Sexually transmitted disease Shortness of breath Siblings Significant other Silver sulfadiazine RFA RFP RFT RIH RIJ RLE RLL RLQ RML epis. RMA RMP RMT RML ROA ROP ROT RSA RST RUE RUL RUQ RVE RVH RL RO R/O S spine S&O saa SVG SSKI SS sec sed rate S.T. SMD SAR SNHL STS SOM SEP SGOT SGPT Svcs SPMI STD SOB sibs s.o. SSD Page 48 of 56 ABBREVIATIONS BY MEANING Single Single room occupancy Sinus bradycardia Sinus tachycardia Six times daily Sliding scale insulin Slit lamp examination Small bowel obstruction Smith antigen Soapsuds enema Social history Social Services Social worker Soft contact lens Solution Somatrophic hormone Sounds, heart: first Sounds, heart: fourth Sounds, heart: second Sounds, heart: third Special care unit Specific gravity Specimen Speech reception threshold Split thickness skin graft Spontaneous abortion Spontaneous venous pulsations Squamous cell carcinoma Square Staphylococcus Status post Sternal border Sternocleidomastoid muscle Straight drainage Straight leg raising Streptococcus Stress urinary incontinence Student social worker Subacute bacterial endocarditis Subarachnoid hemorrhage Subconjunctival hemorrhage Subcutaneous Subendocardial myocardial infarction Submucous resection (of nasal septum) Subretinal fluid Subretinal neovascularization Substernal chest pain Sudden infant death syndrome Sugar & acetone Superficial femoral artery S SRO SB ST 6xd SSI SLE SBO SmAg SSE SH SS MSW SCL Sol STH S1 S4 S2 S3 SCU sp gr spec SRT STSG sAB SVP's Sq Ca sq staph S/P SB SCM SD SLR strep SUI SSW SBE SAH SCH sc SEMI SMR SRF SRNV SSCP SIDS S&A SFA Page 49 of 56 ABBREVIATIONS BY MEANING Superficial punctate keratitis Superior Superior mesenteric artery Superior oblique Superior rectus Superior vena cava Supraventricular tachycardia Surgical Surgical intensive care unit Surgical special care unit/trauma center Synchronized intermittent mechanical ventilations Syndrome of inappropriate secretion antidiuretic hormone SPK Sup SMA SO SR SVC SVT surg SICU SSCU/TC SIMV SIADH Systemic lupus erythematosus Systemic vascular resistence Systolic Systolic blood pressure Systolic ejection murmur Tangential excision Tap water enema Temperature Temperature, pulse and respiration Temporal arteritis Temporary threshold shift (noice induced) Temporomandibular joint Tendo-achilles lenthening Tension by applanation Tension by finger palpation Tension by Schiotz tonometry Tension normal by finger (palpation) Termination of pregnancy Tetraology of Fallot Thoracic Thoracic lumbar Three times daily Thyroid stimulating hormone Tidal volume Timolol maleate (Timoptic) 0.5% eyedrops SLE SVR syst SBP SEM TE TWE T TPR TA TTS TMJ TAL Ta Tf Ts TNF TOP TOF T spine TL tid, 3xd TSH TV T1/2 Tincture Tobacco Toe touch weight bearing Tonometry, applanation Tonsils and adenoids Total abdominal hysterectomy Total body surface area Total gross painless hematuria Total hip replacement Total knee replacement Total lymphocyte count Total parenteral nutrition tr Tob TTWB TAPPL T&A TAH TBSA TGPH THR TKR TLC TPN Page 50 of 56 ABBREVIATIONS BY MEANING Total pump time Trabecular meshwork Trabeculectomy Trachoma or inclusion conjunctivitis (agent) Transient ischemia attack Transitory tachypnea of the newborn Transnephrectomy tube Transurethral resection of the bladder Transurethral resection of the prostate Transverse Treated with Treatment Triceps jerk Trichomonas Tricuspid stenosis Triglyceride Tropicamide (Mydriacyl) 1% eyedrops Tube feeding Tuberculosis: tuberculous Tumor nodes metastasis Turn cough & deep breath Twice daily Tympanic membrane Tympanometry Ultrasound Ultraviolet Ultraviolet A, B United States Pharmacopeia National Formulary United States recommended daily allowance(s) Upper gastrointestinal series Upper respiratory infection Urea reduction rate Ureteropelvic junction Urethral pressure Urinalysis Urinary tract infection Urine output Urology Usual body weight Usual state of good health Utilization Review Uveitis glaucoma hemorrhage Vaginal examination Vaginal hysterectomy Vancomycin resistant enterococcus faecum/ faculis TPT TM Trab TRIC TIA TTN TNT TURB TURP trans Tx c Tx TJ trich. TS TG M1 TF TB TNM TC&DB bid; 2xd TM tymp US UV UVA/UVB USPNF USRDA UGI series URI URR UP junction Pura UA UTI U/O Urol UBW USOGH UR UGH vag exam vag hyst VREF Vandelamine test; vanillylmandelic test Vasodepressor mechanism Vasoexcitor mechanism Vectorcardiogram VMA test VDM VEM VCG Page 51 of 56 ABBREVIATIONS BY MEANING Veneral disease Veneral Disease Research Laborabory Ventilation Ventilation/perfusion scan Ventricular fibrillation Ventricular premature contraction Ventricular septal defect Ventricular tachycardia Verbal order Very low density lipoprotein Vesical pressure Vision Visititng nurse service Visual acuity Visual evokes potential (response) Visual field Vital signs Vital signs stable Vitamin Vitrectomy Vocal cords Vocational rehabilitation Voiding cystourethrogram Volume Voluntary detrusor contraction Wassermann Week(s) Weight Weight bearing as tolerated Well-developed, well nourished Westchester Division Wet to dry Wheelchair Whenever necessary White White blood cell(s) White blood count Whole blood Widow(er) With With correction Within normal limits Without Without correction With-the-rule (astigmatism) Wondering atrial pacemaker Work-up Worth 4-dot (test) Year(s) Year(s) old VD VDRL Vent V/Q scan Vfib VPC VSD VT VO VLDL Pves V VNS VA VEP, VER VF VS VSS Vit Vx vc Voc Rehab VCU vol VDC Wass wk wt WBAT WDWN WD W ----> D w/c prn W wbc WBC WB W c c.c. WNL s s.c. WTR WAP W/U W4D yr yo Page 52 of 56 ECLIPSYS TERMINOLOGY Parameter Pain Pain Pain Pain Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes PA Lines PA Lines PA Lines PA Lines PA Lines PA Lines Drips Drips Drips Drips Drips Drips Drips Drips Drips Drips Drips Drips IV Sites IV Sites Vital Signs Choice List Yes No PA Line Infusion NG Tube Insertion R Radial Artery L Radial Artery R DP Artery CVP-Subcl R L Int Jug PA-Prox Saph Cutdown L Right External Jugular Left External Jugular IABP light meconium moderate decreased blood tinged pulmonary Right acromionposterior Left acromionposterior Right acromionanterior Left acromionanterior Ruptured, spontaneous Ruptured, artificial Variable Bradycardia Alert and Oriented x3 (A&0 x3) Ba Swallow Right Internal Jugular Left Internal Jugular Right Subclavian Left Femoral Right Femoral Left Subclavian CVP CVP-Triple Lumen PA-proximal PA auxillary Peripheral IV Ext Jugular Int Jugular CVP-Triple Lumen distal CVP-Triple Lumen proximal CVP-Triple Lumen medial Wide Open (WO) KVO Antecubital L Ext Jug Cuff LA Printed Appreviation Definition Pt. has pain Pt. denies any pain PA Line Infusion NG Tube Insertion R Radial Artery L Radial Artery R DP Artery CVP-Subcl R L Int Jug PA-Prox Saph Cutdown L REJ LEJ IABP light mec Mod dec Bld. tinge pulm RAP LAP RAA LAA SROM AROM Var Brady A&O X3 Ba swallow RIJ LIJ RSC LF RF LSC CVP TLCVP PA-prox PA aux PIV EJ IJ CVP-dist CVP-prox CVP-med WO Patient Patient Pulmonary Artery Nasogastric tube Right Left Dorsli Pedis Subclavian Internal Jugular Proximal Saphenous Right External Jugular Left External Jugular Intra-aortic ballon pump meconium moderate decreased blood tinged pulmonary Right acromionposterior Left acromionposterior Right acromionanterior Left acromionanterior Ruptured, spontaneous Ruptured, artificial variable Bradycardia Alert and Oriented x3 Barium swallow Right Internal Jugular Left Internal Jugular Right Subclavian Left Femoral Right Femoral Left Subclavian Central Venous Pressure Triple Lumen CVP proximal auxillary peripherial External Jugular Internal Jugular distal proximal medial wide open Antecub L Ext Jug Cuff LA antecubital External Jugular Left Arm Page 53 of 56 ECLIPSYS TERMINOLOGY Blood Pressures Blood Pressures Blood Pressures Blood Pressures Blood Pressures Level of Consciousness Level of Consciousness Ectopic Rhythms Ectopic Rhythms Ectopic Rhythms Ectopic Rhythms Ectopic Rhythms Ectopic Rhythms Ectopic Rhythms Ectopic Rhythms Vital Signs Frequency Vital Signs Frequency Paced Rhythms Paced Rhythms Paced Rhythms Paced Rhythms Paced Rhythms Paced Rhythms Paced Rhythms Paced Rhythms Paced Rhythms Sinus Rhythms Sinus Rhythms Sinus Rhythms Sinus Rhythms Sinus Rhythms Sinus Rhythms Atrial Rhythms Atrial Rhythms Atrial Rhythms Atrial Rhythms Atrial Rhythms Atrial Rhythms Atrial Rhythms Junctional Rhythms Junctional Rhythms Junctional Rhythms Junctional Rhythms Junctional Rhythms Ventricular Rhythms Ventricular Rhythms Conduction Defects Conduction Defects Conduction Defects Conduction Defects Conduction Defects Conduction Defects Conduction Defects Cuff RA Cuff LL Cuff RL LA NIBP Level Of Consciousness Alert and Oriented x 3 Junctional Escape Beats Multifocal PVCs Paired PVCs Premature Atrial Contractions Premature Junctional Contractions Premature Ventricular Contractions Unifocal PVCs Ventricular Escape Beats Frequent Occasional A-V Sequential (DVI) Atrial Asynchronous (AOO) Atrial Demand (AAI) Atrial Triggered (AAT) A-V Sequential-Dual Chamber (DDD) Ventricular Asysnchronous (VOO) Ventricular Demand (VVD) A-V Sequential- Dual Chamber Async (DOO) Ventricular Triggered Normal Sinus Rhythm Sick Sinus Sydrome Sinus Arrest Sinus Arrhythmia Sinus Bradycardia Sinus Tachycardia Atrial Fibrillation Atrial Flutter Atrial Tachycardia Multifocal Atrial Tachycardia Paraoxysmal Atrial Tachycardia Supraventricular Tachycardia Wandering Atrial Pacemaker Junctional Tachycardia Junctional Accelerated Idiojunctional Accelerated Junctional Paraoxysmal Junctional Tachycardia Accelerated Idioventricular Idioventricular Ventricular Tachycardia Accelerated Idioventricular Idioventricular Ventricular Standstill Ventricular Fibrillation Variable Block 4:1 A-V Block Cuff RA Cuff LL Cuff RL Palp LA NIBP LOC A&O x 3 Junct Esc MltfocPVC Pair PVCs PACs PJCs PVCs Unifocal Vent Esc Freq Occ DVI AOO AAI AAT DDD VOO VVD DOO VVT NSR SickSinus S.Arrest S.Arrhym S. Brady S. Tach A.Fib A.Flutter A.Tach MAT PAT SVT WAP JunctTach Junct Acc IdioJ Acc Junct PJT AccIdioV IdioVent V.Tach AccIdioV IdioVent V.Stand V.Fib VariBlk 4:1 Block Right Arm Left Leg Right Leg palpable Non-invasive Blood Pressure Level Of Consciousness Alert and Oriented x 3 Junctional Escape Multifocal Paired Premature Atrial Contractions Premature Junctional Contrac Premature Ventricular Contra Unifocal PVC Ventricular Escape Frequency Occasional A-V Sequential Atrial Asynchronous Atrial Demand Atrial Triggered A-V Sequential-Dual Chambe Ventricular Asysnchronous Ventricular Demand Dual Chamber Async Ventricular Triggered Normal Sinus Rhythm Sick Sinus Syndrome Sinus Arrest Sinus Arrhythmia Sinus Bradycardia Sinus Tachycardia Atrial Fibrillation Atrial Flutter Atrial Tachycardia Multifocal Atrial Tachycardia Paraoxysmal Atrial Tachycard Supraventricular Tachycardia Wandering Atrial Pacemaker Tachycardia Junctional Accelerated Idiojunctional Accelerated Junctional Paraoxysmal Junctional Tach Accelerated Idioventricular Idioventricular Ventricular Tachycardia Accelerated Idioventricular Idioventricular Ventricular Standstill Ventricular Fibrillation Variable Block 4:1 A-V Block Page 54 of 56 ECLIPSYS TERMINOLOGY Conduction Defects Conduction Defects Conduction Defects Conduction Defects Conduction Defects Conduction Defects Conduction Defects Conduction Defects Conduction Defects Conduction Defects Conduction Defects Conduction Defects Conduction Defects Conduction Defects Rhythm Strip Analysis Rhythm Strip Analysis Rhythm Strip Analysis Rhythm Strip Analysis Rhythm Strip Analysis Rhythm Strip Analysis Temperature Temperature Temperature Temperature Temperature Diagnosis Treatments Treatments Treatments Treatments Treatments Treatments Treatments Extraocular Movement Extraocular Movement Extraocular Movement Extraocular Movement Indwelling Catheter Central Lines Central Lines Central Lines Temperature Devices Temperature Devices Temperature Devices Temperature Devices Temperature Devices Mental Status Mental Status Mental Status Mental Status CV Pace CV Pace CV Pace 3:1 A-V Block 2:1 A-V Block 3rd Degree:Complete Heart Block 2nd Degree A-V Block: Mobitz2 2nd Degree A-V Block: Mobitz1 1st Degree A-V Block S-T Segment Depression R on T Phenomenon Prolonged S-T Segment Prolonged Q-T Segment Peaked T-Wave Inverted T-Waves Nonspecific S-T Changes Absent S-T Segment PAT with Block IntraVentricular Conduction Defect S-T Elevation Widened QRS Shortened S-T Segment Sinus Block Axillary Oral Rectal Tympanic Core Temp S/P Respiratory Arrest Standard of Care Infusion Pump Circulation Checked Equipment Checked Defibrillator at Bedside Medications at Bedside Oral gastric tube in place Dysconjugate (Dysconj) Deviated R (Dev R) Deviated R and Down (Dev R,Dn) Unable to Test PICC Right Atrial Catheter - Single Lumen Right Atrial Catheter - Double Lumen Hemodialysis Access Device Air Mattress Circo-Electric Bair Hugger hyperthermia blanket hypothermia blanket Memory Loss - Short Term (MemLs-ST) Memory Loss - Long Term (MemLs-LT) Flat Affect Unable to Assess Epicardial External Pads Pacing Swan Ganz 3:1 Block 2:1 Block Comp Blk 2-AVBlk2 2-AVBlk1 1-AVBlk ST Depres R on T Long S-T Long Q-T Peaked T InvertedT NonSp S-T Absent ST PAT/Blk IVCD ST Elev Wide QRS Short S-T S.Block Ax Oral R TYM Core S/P Respiratory Arrest SOC Inf Pump CircChckd EquipChck Defib Med Check OGT in place Dysconj Dev R Dev R,Dn Unable PICC RAC SgLum RAC DbLum HemAccDev Air Mattr CircoElec Hugger hyper hypo MemLs-ST MemLs-LT Fl Affect Unable EPI EXT PD PACE SG 3:1 A-V Block 2:1 A-V Block 3rd Degree:Complete Heart B 2nd Degree A-V Block: Mobit 2nd Degree A-V Block: Mobit 1st Degree A-V Block S-T Segment Depression R on T Phenomenon Prolonged S-T Segment Prolonged Q-T Segment Peaked T-Wave Inverted T-Waves Nonspecific S-T Changes Absent S-T Segment PAT with Block IntraVentricular Conduction D S-T Elevation Widened QRS Shortened Sinus Block Axillary Oral Rectal Tympanic Core Temp Status Post Standard of Care Infusion Pump Circulation Checked Equipment Checked Defibrillator at Bedside Medications at Bedside oral gastric tube Dysconjugate Deviated Down Unable to test Peripherally inserted central Right Atrial Catheter - Single Right Atrial Catheter - Double Hemodialysis Access Device Mattress Circo-Electric Bair Hugger hyperthermia blanket hypothermia blanket Memory Loss - Short Term Memory Loss - Long Term Flat Unable to Assess Epicardial External Pads Pacing Swan Ganz Page 55 of 56 ECLIPSYS TERMINOLOGY CV Pace CV Pace CV Pace CV Pace CV Pace CV Pace Neuro-muscular Gait Respiratory Respiratory Respiratory Respiratory Respiratory Respiratory Respiratory Respiratory Respiratory Respiratory Respiratory Respiratory Respiratory Respiratory Respiratory Respiratory Respiratory Respiratory Respiratory Obstetrics Obstetrics Obstetrics Obstetrics Obstetrics Orders Orders Orders Orders Orders Orders Priority Orders Priority Transvenous Permanent Internal Ventricular Inhibit (VVI) Dual Chamber (DDD) Atrial Triggered (VDD) Atrial Inhibit (AAI) U.E. Movement Assist Control (A/C) Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) CPAP with Pressure Support (CPAP/PS) High Frequency Jet Ventilation (Jet) High Frequency Oscillation (HFO) Mandatory Minute Ventilation (MMV) Negative Pressure Ventilation (NPV) Pressure Control (PresContl) Pressured Cycle (PresCycle) Pressure Support (PresSuppt) Synchronous IMV (SIMV) SIMV with Pressure Support (SIMV/PS) T-Piece Trial (T-Piece) Volume Control (Vol Contl) Controlled Mechanical Ventilation(CMV) Non-rebreather mask Trach Collar Mist Face Mask, Humidified Nasal Cannula (NC) Intrauterine Pressure Catheter Infusion Pump Heparin Flush External tocodynameter LDR Thoracic Outlet Syndrome Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Cervical Herniated Nucleus Pulposus Dystropy, Reflex Sympathetic Guillain-Barre Syndrome RTN EMER TVP INTERNAL VVI DDD VDD AAI U.E. Movement A/C CPAP CPAP/PS Jet HFO MMV NPV PresContl PresCycle PresSuppt SIMV SIMV/PS T-Piece Vol Contl CMV NRBM TCM Face Mask Hum NC IUPC Inf Pump Hep Flush Ext Toco LDR TOS CTS CHNP RSD GBS RTN EMER Transvenous Permanent Internal Ventricular Inhibit (VVI) Dual Chamber (DDD) Atrial Triggered (VDD) Atrial Inhibit (AAI) Upper Extremity Movement Assist Control Continuous Positive Airway P CPAP with Pressure Support High Frequency Jet Ventilatio High Frequency Oscillation Mandatory Minute Ventilation Negative Pressure Ventilation Pressure Control Pressured Cycle Pressure Support Synchronous IMV SIMV with Pressure Support T-Piece Trial Volume Control Controlled Mechanical Ventila Non-rebreather mask Trach Collar Mist Humidified Nasal Cannula Intrauterine Pressure Cathete Infusion Pump Heparin Flush External tocodynameter Labor & Delivery Room Thoracic Outlet Syndrome Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Cervical Herniated Nucleus Dystropy, Reflex Sympathetic Guillain-Barre Syndrome routine Emergency (STAT) Page 56 of 56
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