Unit R041 Reducing the risk of sports injuries

Oxford Cambridge and RSA
Sport Science Level 1/2
Sport Science Level 1/2
Resources Link
Resources Link
Safety code of conduct
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A clear, concise example of a safety code of conduct created specifically for sport.
OCR Cambridge Nationals in Sport Science Level 1/2
Unit R041, Reducing the risk of sports injuries
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Sport Science Level 1/2
Sport Science Level 1/2
Resources Link
Resources Link
Risk assessment video
Injuries associated with sports participation
A short video of an official carrying out duties to ensure the safety of players.
Slideshare has several presentations that will be useful when teaching sports injury topics.
This one is accessible to all and covers the main area of this topic.
OCR Cambridge Nationals in Sport Science Level 1/2
Unit R041, Reducing the risk of sports injuries
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would also like to hear from you with your feedback about your use of any of the resources
listed here. Please contact us at
OCR Cambridge Nationals in Sport Science Level 1/2
Unit R041, Reducing the risk of sports injuries
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would also like to hear from you with your feedback about your use of any of the resources
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Sport Science Level 1/2
Sport Science Level 1/2
Resources Link
Resources Link
Progress Health
Sports Injury Clinic
This is the website of a sports injuries clinic but it has good explanations and descriptions of
common sports injuries, as well as information sheets to download.
This is a virtual sports injury clinic that lets you click on any part of the body, then narrow
down to specific sports injury. It has clear, detailed explanations and diagrams of every
different type of sports injury.
OCR Cambridge Nationals in Sport Science Level 1/2
Unit R041, Reducing the risk of sports injuries
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would also like to hear from you with your feedback about your use of any of the resources
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OCR Cambridge Nationals in Sport Science Level 1/2
Unit R041, Reducing the risk of sports injuries
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Sport Science Level 1/2
Sport Science Level 1/2
Resources Link
Resources Link
Brianmac – warm up and cool down
Teaching Ideas – warm up and cool down ideas
This website gives clear explanations for the need and benefits of a warm up and cool
down, along with suggested formats and links and references to other relevant materials.
This fantastic website has lots of fun, easy to play warm up and cool down ideas.
OCR Cambridge Nationals in Sport Science Level 1/2
Unit R041, Reducing the risk of sports injuries
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would also like to hear from you with your feedback about your use of any of the resources
listed here. Please contact us at
OCR Cambridge Nationals in Sport Science Level 1/2
Unit R041, Reducing the risk of sports injuries
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would also like to hear from you with your feedback about your use of any of the resources
listed here. Please contact us at
Sport Science Level 1/2
Sport Science Level 1/2
Resources Link
Resources Link
101 fun warm up and cool down games
Poor posture
This book contains 101 warm up and cool down games, including variations to make them
adaptable for different types of groups. The book also highlights the theory of warming up
and cooling down.
This website explains the reasons behind poor posture, shows photos of poor posture and
suggests activities and exercises that can be done to correct poor posture.
OCR Cambridge Nationals in Sport Science Level 1/2
Unit R041, Reducing the risk of sports injuries
Approximately £10
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would also like to hear from you with your feedback about your use of any of the resources
listed here. Please contact us at
OCR Cambridge Nationals in Sport Science Level 1/2
Unit R041, Reducing the risk of sports injuries
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would also like to hear from you with your feedback about your use of any of the resources
listed here. Please contact us at
Sport Science Level 1/2
Sport Science Level 1/2
Resources Link
Resources Link
Common medical conditions
A to Z list of medical conditions
This website lists every common medical condition, along with causes, symptoms and
treatments. There are also some useful quizzes and information sheets.
This easily accessible website includes an A to Z list of medical conditions along with
symptoms, causes and treatments.
OCR Cambridge Nationals in Sport Science Level 1/2
Unit R041, Reducing the risk of sports injuries
If you know of any resources that you think should appear here, or if you identify broken links please let us know. We
would also like to hear from you with your feedback about your use of any of the resources
listed here. Please contact us at
OCR Cambridge Nationals in Sport Science Level 1/2
Unit R041, Reducing the risk of sports injuries
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would also like to hear from you with your feedback about your use of any of the resources
listed here. Please contact us at
Sport Science Level 1/2
Sport Science Level 1/2
Resources Link
Resources Link
Charity finder
BHF – resources for schools
This website lists national and local charities by sector, making it easier to find charities in
the local area that may be able to offer resources and additional information about relevant
medical conditions.
The British Heart Foundation has specific resources for schools to teach students about
heart disease and how to prevent it.
OCR Cambridge Nationals in Sport Science Level 1/2
Unit R041, Reducing the risk of sports injuries
If you know of any resources that you think should appear here, or if you identify broken links please let us know. We
would also like to hear from you with your feedback about your use of any of the resources
listed here. Please contact us at
OCR Cambridge Nationals in Sport Science Level 1/2
Unit R041, Reducing the risk of sports injuries
If you know of any resources that you think should appear here, or if you identify broken links please let us know. We
would also like to hear from you with your feedback about your use of any of the resources
listed here. Please contact us at
Sport Science Level 1/2
Sport Science Level 1/2
Resources Link
Resources Link
Resources Index
click on a resource to go to the appropriate page.
Unit R041 - Reducing the risk of sports
-- Safety code of conduct
-- Risk assessment video
-- Injuries associated with sports
-- Progress Health
-- Sports Injury Clinic
-- Brianmac - warm up and cool down
-- Teaching Ideas - warm up and cool down
-- 101 fun warm up and cool down games
-- Poor posture
-- Common medical conditions
-- A-Z list of medical conditions
-- Charity finder
-- BHF - resources for schools
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