About IPE A Three-day Hands-On Training Programme on The Institute of Public Enterprise (IPE) was established in 1964, as an autonomous, non-profit society with the objective of research, training, consultancy and policy studies on public enterprise & public systems. Over the last five decades, IPE has transformed itself into an institution that is engaged in a multi-faceted activity comprising research in management and social sciences, management education and training & consultancy. IPE is partly funded by Indian Council of Science Research (ICSSR), Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India, and the Government of Andhra Pradesh. IPE’s endeavors in research have enabled it to get recognized by Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR) as a Center of Excellence. Cyber Attacks & Information Security 18th , 19th & 20th December, 2014. IPE is a premier B-school in India, with MBA (PE) for executives and Post Graduate Diploma in Business Management (Generic & Specialist programmes in (i) Retail & Marketing, (ii) Banking, Insurance & Financial Services (iii) International Business and (iv) Human Resource Management). The Institute has been rated 7th in India & 1st in Andhra Pradesh by CSR-GHRDC B-School survey, 2013. Dr P Rama Rao, a distinguished scientist, is the President of the Institute. He was formerly Secretary, Department of Science and Technology, Government of India; Chairman, Atomic Energy Regulatory Board and former Vice Chancellor, University of Hyderabad. He has recently been appointed a Member of the Atomic Energy Commission, GOI. Dr. R K Mishra, Senior Professor and Director, IPE, is a Ph.D from the University of Rajasthan and visiting fellow at London Business School, International Teachers program (Management) SDA Bocconi, Milan, Italy and taught at the University of Broad ford. He is a member of several International study teams. He is a Non-Executive Director on some Public and Private Enterprise Boards in India. His areas of interest include Corporate Governance, International Management, International Finance, Public rivate Partnership, Restructuring and Environmental Administration. For Details Contact Training Division P. Chandra Shekhar Institute of Public Enterprise Osmania University Campus- Hyderabad Tel: +91 - 40 - 2709 8938/ 7445 / 8145 Fax: +91 - 40 - 2709 5482 Toll Free No: 1800-3000-4473 Programme Directors A. S. Kalyana Kumar A. Rakesh Phanindra City Campus Shamirpet Campus IOsmania NSTITUTE OF PUBLIC ENTERPRISE University Campus ISurvey NSTITUTE OF PUBLIC ENTERPRISE No. 1266, Shamirpet (V & M), Hyderabad Telanaga, India. Tel: +91 - 40 - 2709 8938 / 7445 / 8145 Fax: +91 - 40 - 2709 5478Osmania University Hyderabad, Rangareddy Dist. - 500 101. Telangana, India Tel: +91 - 40 - 2349 0900 Extn: 1342,1343 Fax: +91 - 40 - 2349 0999. Hyderabad Campus Organized by IOsmania NSTITUTE OF PUBLIC ENTERPRISE University Campus Hyderabad 1 www.ipeindia.org Introduction The Internet is part of everyone’s life, every day. We use the Internet at work, home, for enjoyment, and to connect with those close to us. The aim of this program is not merely to educate employees on potential security threats but what they can do to prevent them and get buy-in from end users to serve as an added layer of defense against security threats. No country, industry, community, or individual is immune to cyber risks. As a nation, we face constant cyber threats against our critical infrastructure and economy. As individuals, cyber security risks can threaten our finances, identity, and privacy. Since our way of life depends on critical infrastructure and the digital technology that operates it, cyber security is one of our country’s most important national security priorities, and we each have a role to play—cyber security is a shared responsibility. This program covers the fundamental aspects besides the current trends. The hands-on practice will enrich the participants and helps them to protect the digital information by preventing the data breach in various forms. OBJECTIVES • Creating awareness on Information Security and Cyber Security • Providing the best knowledge transfer with hands-on practice PROGRAMME OUTLINE • Overview of Networking & Cyber Security • Port Scanning & its Type • Malwares – Detection & Removal • Steganography , Cryptography & Encryption • Digital Signatures Vs Certificates • Dictionary Based/Brute Force/Rainbow Table Attacks • Dos and DDoS Attacks & MITM Attacks • Firewalls, IDS/IPS & Hash Functions • Hacking - Windows & Linux Hacking • Password Hacking Techniques • Overview and working of Sniffers, HTTP & Https Sniffing and Session Hijacking • Wi-Fi Security – WEP & WPA Cracking, Metaspoit • Evil Twin – Fake Access Points • IT Risk TARGET GROUP This course is designed for IT Managers. IT Risk managers, Member of the information security team, IT consultants, Persons responsible for information security or conformity within an organization, All Vigilance team members and EDP Departments and those who are looking for technological awareness on Cyber Attacks and Information Security of all sector organizations. RESOURCE PERSONS Along with our core faculties, Experts and experienced practicing professionals from the industry also will be participating. DATES & VENUE 18th , 19th & 20th December, 2014, Institute of Public Enterprise, Osmania University Campus, Hyderabad is 25 km from Shamshabad airport and 6km from Secunderabad railway station. FEE : NON-RESIDENTIAL FEE Rs. 16,000 /- + Ser.Tax (Sixteen Thousand plus Service Tax 12.36%) per participant. Fee includes courseware, Lunch and refreshments in connection with the program. For accommodation assistance Mr. P Chandra Sekhar, our training department officer can be contacted on 09391932101, sekhar88@gmail.com. HOW TO REGISTER Please send your nominations preferably by email: kalyan.ipe@gmail.com or by fax: 040-27095482. All payments are to be made in favour of “Institute of Public Enterprise, Hyderabad” by Demand Draft. All correspondence can be addressed to the Programme Director. CERTIFICATE OF PARTICIPATION IPE issues a certificate of participation along with a group photo of participants on the conclusion of the programme.
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